►Nantivirus_clamav | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for antivirus_clamav implementing null_provider |
Cscanner | Class implementing ClamAV antivirus |
►Nassignfeedback_comments | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nassignfeedback_editpdf | |
►Nevent | |
Cobserver | An event observer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ntask | |
Cbump_submission_for_stale_conversions | Adhoc task to bump the submission timemodified associated with a stale conversion |
Cconvert_submission | |
Cremove_orphaned_editpdf_files | Cleans up orphaned feedback pdf files and table entries |
Cannotation | This class adds and removes annotations from a page of a response |
Ccombined_document | The combined_document class for the assignfeedback_editpdf plugin |
Ccomment | This class represents a comment box on a page of feedback |
Ccomments_quick_list | This class performs crud operations on a users quicklist comments |
Cdocument_services | Functions for generating the annotated pdf |
Cpage_editor | This class performs crud operations on comments and annotations from a page of a response |
Cpdf | Library code for manipulating PDFs |
►Nassignfeedback_file | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nassignfeedback_offline | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nassignsubmission_comments | |
►Nevent | |
Ccomment_created | The assignsubmission_comments comment created event class |
Ccomment_deleted | The assignsubmission_comments comment deleted event |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nassignsubmission_file | |
►Nevent | |
Cassessable_uploaded | The assignsubmission_file assessable uploaded event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nassignsubmission_onlinetext | |
►Nevent | |
Cassessable_uploaded | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Natto_accessibilitychecker | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_accessibilitychecker implementing null_provider |
►Natto_accessibilityhelper | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_accessibilityhelper implementing null_provider |
►Natto_align | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_align implementing null_provider |
►Natto_backcolor | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_backcolor implementing null_provider |
►Natto_bold | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_bold implementing null_provider |
►Natto_charmap | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_charmap implementing null_provider |
►Natto_clear | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_clear implementing null_provider |
►Natto_collapse | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_collapse implementing null_provider |
►Natto_emojipicker | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_emojipicker implementing null_provider |
►Natto_emoticon | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_emoticon implementing null_provider |
►Natto_equation | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_equation implementing null_provider |
►Natto_fontcolor | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_fontcolor implementing null_provider |
►Natto_h5p | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_h5p implementing null_provider |
►Natto_html | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_html implementing null_provider |
►Natto_image | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_image implementing null_provider |
►Natto_indent | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_indent implementing null_provider |
►Natto_italic | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_italic implementing null_provider |
►Natto_link | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_link implementing null_provider |
►Natto_managefiles | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_managefiles implementing null_provider |
►Natto_media | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_media implementing null_provider |
►Natto_noautolink | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_noautolink implementing null_provider |
►Natto_orderedlist | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_orderedlist implementing null_provider |
►Natto_recordrtc | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_recordrtc implementing null_provider |
►Natto_rtl | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_rtl implementing null_provider |
►Natto_strike | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_strike implementing null_provider |
►Natto_subscript | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_subscript implementing null_provider |
►Natto_superscript | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_superscript implementing null_provider |
►Natto_table | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_table implementing null_provider |
►Natto_title | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_title implementing null_provider |
►Natto_underline | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_underline implementing null_provider |
►Natto_undo | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_undo implementing null_provider |
►Natto_unorderedlist | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for atto_unorderedlist implementing null_provider |
►Nauth_cas | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_cas implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Csync_task | A scheduled task class for CAS user sync |
►Nauth_db | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_db implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Csync_users | Sync users task class |
►Nauth_email | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_email implementing null_provider |
►Nauth_ldap | |
►Nadminpresets | |
Cadminpresets_auth_ldap_admin_setting_special_contexts_configtext | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_ldap implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Csync_roles | A scheduled task class for LDAP roles sync |
Csync_task | A scheduled task class for LDAP user sync |
►Nauth_lti | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nltiadvantage | |
►Nentity | |
Cuser_migration_claim | |
►Nevent | |
Cevent_handler | |
►Nutility | |
Ccookie_helper | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Nauth_manual | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider for the authentication manual |
►Nauth_mnet | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider for the mnet authentication |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | |
►Nauth_nologin | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_nologin implementing null_provider |
►Nauth_none | |
►Ncheck | |
Cnoauth | Verifies unsupported noauth setting |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_none implementing null_provider |
►Nauth_oauth2 | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Implements the plugin renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider for auth_oauth2 |
Capi | Static list of api methods for auth oauth2 configuration |
Cauth | Plugin for oauth2 authentication |
Clinked_login | Class for loading/storing issuer from the DB |
►Nauth_shibboleth | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_shibboleth implementing null_provider |
Chelper | The helper class for the Shibboleth authentication plugin |
►Nauth_webservice | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for auth_webservice implementing null_provider |
►Navailability_completion | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_completion implementing null_provider |
Ccondition | Activity completion condition |
Cfrontend | Front-end class |
►Navailability_date | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_date implementing null_provider |
Ccondition | Date condition |
Cfrontend | Front-end class |
►Navailability_grade | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_grade implementing null_provider |
Ccallbacks | Callbacks handling grade changes (to clear cache) |
Ccondition | Condition on grades of current user |
Cfrontend | Front-end class |
►Navailability_group | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_group implementing null_provider |
Ccondition | Condition main class |
Cfrontend | Front-end class |
►Navailability_grouping | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_grouping implementing null_provider |
Ccondition | Condition main class |
Cfrontend | Front-end class |
►Navailability_profile | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for availability_profile implementing null_provider |
Ccondition | User profile field condition |
Cfrontend | Front-end class |
►Nblock_accessreview | |
►Nexternal | |
Cget_module_data | |
Cget_section_data | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The accessreview block stores a user preference data |
►Nblock_activity_modules | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_activity_modules implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_activity_results | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_activity_results implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_admin_bookmarks | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_admin_bookmarks implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_badges | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_badges implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_blog_menu | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_blog_menu implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_blog_recent | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_blog_recent implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_blog_tags | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_blog_tags implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_calendar_month | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_calendar_month implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_calendar_upcoming | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_calendar_upcoming implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_comments | |
►Nevent | |
Ccomment_created | Block_comments comment created event |
Ccomment_deleted | Block_comments comment deleted event |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for block_comments |
►Nblock_completionstatus | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_completionstatus implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_course_list | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_course_list implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_course_summary | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_course_summary implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_feedback | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_feedback implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_globalsearch | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_globalsearch implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_glossary_random | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_glossary_random implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_html | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for block_html |
►Nsearch | |
Ccontent | Search area for block_html blocks |
►Nblock_login | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_login implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_lp | |
►Noutput | |
Ccompetencies_to_review_page | Competencies to review renderable class |
Cplans_to_review_page | Plans to review renderable class |
Crenderer | Block LP renderer class |
Csummary | Summary renderable class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_lp implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_mentees | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_mentees implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_mnet_hosts | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_mnet_hosts implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_myoverview | |
►Noutput | |
Cmain | Class containing data for my overview block |
Crenderer | Myoverview block renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_myoverview |
►Nblock_myprofile | |
►Noutput | |
Cmyprofile | Class containing data for myprofile block |
Crenderer | Myprofile block renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_myprofile implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_navigation | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_navigation implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_news_items | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_news_items implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_online_users | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_online_users |
Cfetcher | Class used to list and count online users |
►Nblock_private_files | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_private_files implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_recent_activity | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The block_recent_activity does not keep any data for more than COURSE_MAX_RECENT_PERIOD |
►Ntask | |
Ccleanup | Task for updating RSS feeds for rss client block |
►Nblock_recentlyaccessedcourses | |
►Noutput | |
Cmain | Class containing data for Recently accessed courses block |
Crenderer | Recently accessed courses block renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for Recently accessed courses block |
►Nblock_recentlyaccesseditems | |
►Nexternal | |
Crecentlyaccesseditems_item_exporter | Class for exporting the data needed to render a recent accessed item |
►Noutput | |
Cmain | Class containing data for Recently accessed items block |
Crenderer | Recently accessed items block renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_recentlyaccesseditems |
Cexternal | |
Chelper | Recently accessed items helper |
Cobserver | Events observer |
►Nblock_rss_client | |
►Noutput | |
Cblock | Class to help display an RSS Feeds block |
Cchannel_image | Class to display RSS channel images |
Cfeed | Class to help display an RSS Feed |
Cfooter | Class to help display an RSS Block footer |
Citem | Class to help display an RSS Item |
Crenderer | Renderer for RSS Client block |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ntask | |
Crefreshfeeds | Task for updating RSS feeds for rss client block |
►Nblock_search_forums | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Block search forums renderer |
Csearch_form | Search form renderable class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_search_forums implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_section_links | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_section_links implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_selfcompletion | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_selfcompletion implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_settings | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_settings implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_site_main_menu | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_site_main_menu implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_social_activities | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_social_activities implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_starredcourses | |
►Noutput | |
Cmain | Class containing data for starred courses block |
Crenderer | Starred courses block renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_starredcourses |
►Nblock_tag_flickr | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_tag_flickr implementing metadata and plugin provider |
►Nblock_tag_youtube | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_tag_youtube implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_tags | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_tags implementing null_provider |
►Nblock_timeline | |
►Noutput | |
Cmain | Class containing data for timeline block |
Crenderer | Timeline block renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for block_timeline |
►Nbooktool_exportimscp | |
►Nevent | |
Cbook_exported | Booktool_exportimscp book exported event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for booktool_exportimscp |
►Nbooktool_importhtml | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for booktool_importhtml |
►Nbooktool_print | |
►Nevent | |
Cbook_printed | Booktool_print book printed event class |
Cchapter_printed | Booktool_print chapter printed event class |
►Noutput | |
Cprint_book_chapter_page | Class containing data for the print book page |
Cprint_book_page | Class containing data for the print book page |
Crenderer | The renderer for the book print tool |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for booktool_print |
►Ncachelock_file | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for cachelock_file implementing null_provider |
►Ncachestore_apcu | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_apcu implementing null_provider |
►Ncachestore_file | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_file implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Casyncpurge | |
►Ncachestore_redis | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_redis |
►Ntask | |
Cttl | |
►Ncachestore_session | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_session |
►Ncachestore_static | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for cachestore_static implementing null_provider |
►Ncalendartype_gregorian | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for calendartype_gregorian implementing null_provider |
Cstructure | |
►Ncalendartype_test_example | |
Cstructure | |
►Ncontenttype_h5p | |
►Nform | |
Ceditor | Defines the form for editing an H5P content |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for contenttype_h5p |
Ccontent | H5P Content manager class |
Ccontenttype | H5P content bank manager class |
►Ncore | |
►Naccess | |
Cget_user_capability_course_helper | Helper functions to implement the complex get_user_capability_course function |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nanalyser | |
Ccourses | Courses analyser working at course level (insights for the course teachers) |
Csite_courses | Site courses analyser working at system level (insights for the site admin) |
Cstudent_enrolments | Student enrolments analyser |
Cusers | Users analyser (insights for users) |
►Nindicator | |
Cany_access_after_end | Any access after the official end of the course |
Cany_access_before_start | Any access before the official start of the course |
Cany_course_access | Any access indicator |
Cany_write_action | Write actions indicator |
Cany_write_action_in_course | Write actions in a course indicator |
Cread_actions | Read actions indicator |
►Ntime_splitting | |
Cdeciles | 10 parts time splitting method |
Cdeciles_accum | Range processor splitting the course in ten parts and accumulating data |
Cno_splitting | No time splitting method |
Cone_month_after_start | Time splitting method that generates predictions one month after the analysable start |
Cone_week_after_start | Time splitting method that generates predictions one week after the analysable start |
Cpast_3_days | Time splitting method that generates predictions every 3 days |
Cpast_month | Time splitting method that generates monthly predictions |
Cpast_week | Time splitting method that generates weekly predictions |
Cquarters | Quarters time splitting method |
Cquarters_accum | Range processor splitting the course in quarters and accumulating data |
Csingle_range | Single time splitting method |
Cten_percent_after_start | Time splitting method that generates predictions 3 days after the analysable start |
Cupcoming_3_days | Time splitting method that generates insights every three days and calculates indicators using upcoming dates |
Cupcoming_fortnight | Time splitting method that generates insights every fortnight and calculates indicators using upcoming dates |
Cupcoming_week | Time splitting method that generates weekly predictions |
►Nantivirus | |
Cmanager | Class used for various antivirus related stuff |
Cquarantine | Quarantine file |
Cscanner | Base abstract antivirus scanner class |
Cscanner_exception | An antivirus scanner exception class |
►Ncheck | |
►Naccess | |
Cdefaultuserrole | |
Cfrontpagerole | Verifies sanity of frontpage role |
Cguestrole | Verifies sanity of guest role |
Criskadmin | Lists all admins |
Criskbackup | Lists all roles that have the ability to backup user data, as well as users |
Criskbackup_result | Lists all roles that have the ability to backup user data, as well as users |
Criskxss | Lists all users with XSS risk |
Criskxss_result | Lists all users with XSS risk |
►Nenvironment | |
Cantivirus | |
Cconfigrw | Verifies config.php is not writable anymore after installation |
Cdisplayerrors | Verifies displaying of errors |
Cenvironment | Environment check |
Cpreventexecpath | Verifies the status of preventexecpath |
Cpublicpaths | Check the public access of various paths |
Cunsecuredataroot | Verifies fatal misconfiguration of dataroot |
Cupgradecheck | Upgrade check |
►Nhttp | |
Ccookiesecure | Verifies if https enabled only secure cookies allowed |
►Nperformance | |
Cbackups | Backups check |
Ccachejs | CacheJS check |
Cdbschema | DB schema performance check |
Cdebugging | Debugging check |
Cdesignermode | Designer mode |
Cstats | |
►Nsecurity | |
Ccrawlers | Verifies web crawler (search engine) access |
Cemailchangeconfirmation | Verifies email confirmation - spammers were changing mails very often |
Cembed | Verifies sloppy embedding - this should have been removed long ago!! |
Copenprofiles | Verifies open profiles - originally open by default, not anymore because spammer abused it a lot |
Cpasswordpolicy | Verifies if password policy set |
Cwebcron | Verifies the status of web cron |
Ccheck | Base class for checks |
Cmanager | Check API manager |
Cresult | A check object returns a result object |
Ctable | A table of check results |
►Ncontent | |
►Nexport | |
►Nexportable_items | |
Cexportable_filearea | The definition of a set of files in a filearea to be exported |
Cexportable_stored_file | An object used to represent content which can be served |
Cexportable_textarea | The definition of a text area which can be exported |
►Nexporters | |
Cabstract_mod_exporter | Activity module exporter for the content API |
Ccomponent_exporter | A class to help define, describe, and export content in a specific context |
Ccourse_exporter | The course exporter |
Cexportable_item | An object used to represent content which can be served |
Cexported_item | This class describes the files which were exported, and any text content that those files were contained in |
Czipwriter | Zip writer wrapper |
►Ncontext | |
Cblock | |
Ccourse | |
Ccoursecat | |
Cmodule | |
Csystem | |
Cuser | |
►Ndataformat | |
Cbase | Base class for dataformat |
Cspout_base | Common Spout class for dataformat |
►Ndml | |
Crecordset_walk | Iterator that walks through a moodle_recordset applying the provided function |
Csql_join | An object that contains sql join fragments |
Ctable | Helpers and methods relating to DML tables |
►Nevent | |
Cantivirus_scan_data_error | |
Cantivirus_scan_file_error | |
Cassessable_submitted | Abstract assessable submitted event class |
Cassessable_uploaded | |
Cbadge_awarded | Event triggered after a badge is awarded to a user |
Cbadge_criteria_created | |
Cbadge_criteria_deleted | |
Cbadge_criteria_updated | |
Cbadge_deleted | Event triggered after a badge is deleted |
Cbadge_listing_viewed | |
Cbadge_revoked | Event triggered after a badge is revoked from a user |
Cbase | |
Cblog_association_deleted | |
Cblog_comment_created | The blog comment created event class |
Cblog_comment_deleted | The blog comment deleted event class |
Cblog_entries_viewed | |
Cblog_external_removed | Class for event to be triggered when an external blog is removed from moodle |
Cblog_external_viewed | |
Ccalendar_subscription_created | |
Ccalendar_subscription_deleted | |
Ccalendar_subscription_updated | |
Ccapability_assigned | Capability assigned event class |
Ccapability_unassigned | Capability unassigned event class |
Ccohort_created | Cohort created event class |
Ccohort_deleted | Cohort deleted event class |
Ccohort_updated | Cohort updated event class |
Ccomments_viewed | Abstract comments viewed event class |
Ccompetency_comment_created | Comment created event class for core_competency areas |
Ccompetency_comment_deleted | Comment deleted event class for core_competency areas |
Ccompetency_created | Competency created event class |
Ccompetency_deleted | Competency deleted event class |
Ccompetency_framework_created | |
Ccompetency_framework_deleted | |
Ccompetency_framework_updated | |
Ccompetency_framework_viewed | Competency framework viewed event class |
Ccompetency_plan_approved | |
Ccompetency_plan_completed | |
Ccompetency_plan_created | |
Ccompetency_plan_deleted | |
Ccompetency_plan_reopened | |
Ccompetency_plan_review_request_cancelled | |
Ccompetency_plan_review_requested | |
Ccompetency_plan_review_started | |
Ccompetency_plan_review_stopped | |
Ccompetency_plan_unapproved | |
Ccompetency_plan_unlinked | Plan unlinked event class |
Ccompetency_plan_updated | |
Ccompetency_plan_viewed | |
Ccompetency_template_created | |
Ccompetency_template_deleted | |
Ccompetency_template_updated | |
Ccompetency_template_viewed | |
Ccompetency_updated | Competency updated event class |
Ccompetency_user_competency_plan_viewed | |
Ccompetency_user_competency_rated | |
Ccompetency_user_competency_rated_in_course | |
Ccompetency_user_competency_rated_in_plan | |
Ccompetency_user_competency_viewed_in_course | |
Ccompetency_user_competency_viewed_in_plan | |
Ccompetency_user_evidence_created | |
Ccompetency_user_evidence_deleted | |
Ccompetency_user_evidence_updated | |
Ccompetency_viewed | Competency viewed event class |
Cconfig_log_created | |
Ccontentbank_content_created | |
Ccontentbank_content_deleted | |
Ccontentbank_content_updated | |
Ccontentbank_content_uploaded | |
Ccontentbank_content_viewed | |
Ccontext_locked | Event triggered after a context has been frozen |
Ccontext_unlocked | Event triggered after a context has been unfrozen |
Ccourse_backup_created | |
Ccourse_category_created | Course category created event class |
Ccourse_category_updated | Course category updated event class |
Ccourse_category_viewed | Course category viewed event class |
Ccourse_completed | |
Ccourse_completion_updated | Course module completion updated event class |
Ccourse_information_viewed | Course information viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_deleted | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | Course module instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_instances_list_viewed | This class has been deprecated, please use core\event\course_module_instance_list_viewed |
Ccourse_module_viewed | Abstract Course module viewed event class |
Ccourse_resources_list_viewed | Event for viewing the list of course resources |
Ccourse_section_deleted | |
Ccourse_updated | |
Ccourse_user_report_viewed | |
Ccourse_viewed | |
Cdashboard_reset | |
Cdashboard_viewed | Dashboard viewed event class |
Cdashboards_reset | |
Cdatabase_text_field_content_replaced | |
Cgrade_exported | |
Cgrade_item_deleted | Grade item deleted event class |
Cgrade_item_updated | Grade item updated event class |
Cgrade_letter_created | Grade letter created event class |
Cgrade_letter_deleted | Grade letter deleted event class |
Cgrade_letter_updated | Grade letter updated event class |
Cgrade_report_viewed | Grade report viewed event class |
Cgroup_created | Group created event class |
Cgroup_deleted | Group deleted event class |
Cgroup_message_sent | |
Cgroup_updated | Group updated event class |
Cgrouping_created | Grouping created event class |
Cgrouping_deleted | Grouping deleted event class |
Cgrouping_group_assigned | Group assigned to grouping event class |
Cgrouping_group_unassigned | Group unassigned from grouping event class |
Cgrouping_updated | Grouping updated event class |
Cinsights_viewed | Event triggered after a user views the insights page |
Cmanager | Class used for event dispatching |
Cmessage_deleted | |
Cmessage_sent | |
Cmessage_viewed | |
Cmoodlenet_resource_exported | |
Cmycourses_viewed | |
Cnotes_viewed | Class note_viewed |
Cnotification_sent | |
Cquestion_base | Base class for question events |
Cquestion_category_base | Base class for question category events |
Cquestion_category_created | Question category created event class |
Cquestion_category_deleted | Question category deleted event class |
Cquestion_category_moved | Question category moved event class |
Cquestion_category_updated | Question category updated event class |
Cquestion_category_viewed | Question category viewed event class |
Cquestion_created | |
Cquestion_deleted | |
Cquestion_moved | |
Cquestion_updated | |
Cquestion_viewed | |
Cquestions_exported | |
Cquestions_imported | |
Crecent_activity_viewed | Event for recent activity page |
Crole_allow_assign_updated | Role assignments updated event class |
Crole_allow_override_updated | Role allow override updated event class |
Crole_allow_switch_updated | Role allow switch updated event class |
Crole_allow_view_updated | Role allow view updated event class |
Crole_capabilities_updated | Role updated event class |
Cscale_created | Scale created event class |
Cscale_deleted | Scale deleted event class |
Cscale_updated | Scale updated event class |
Csearch_indexed | Event when new data has been indexed |
Csearch_results_viewed | |
Ctag_collection_created | Tag collection created event class |
Ctag_collection_deleted | Tag collection deleted event class |
Ctag_collection_updated | Tag collection updated event class |
Ctag_created | |
Ctag_deleted | |
Ctag_flagged | |
Ctag_unflagged | |
Ctag_updated | |
Cunknown_logged | Unknown event class |
Cuser_deleted | |
Cuser_enrolment_created | |
Cuser_enrolment_updated | |
Cuser_graded | |
Cuser_list_viewed | |
Cuser_loggedout | |
Cuser_login_failed | |
Cuser_password_policy_failed | Event when user's current password fails the password policy |
Cuser_password_updated | |
Cuserfeedback_give | Class userfeedback_give |
Cuserfeedback_remind | Class userfeedback_remind |
Cvirus_infected_data_detected | Data infected event |
Cvirus_infected_file_detected | Fle infected event |
Cwebservice_service_created | |
Cwebservice_service_deleted | Web service service deleted event class |
Cwebservice_service_updated | Web service service updated event class |
Cwebservice_token_created | |
Cwebservice_token_sent | Webservice token sent event class |
►Nexternal | |
►Noutput | |
►Nicon_system | |
Cload_fontawesome_map | |
Ccoursecat_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a course summary from an stdClass |
Cdynamic_tabs_get_content | |
Ceditmode | |
Cmoodlenet_auth_check | |
Cmoodlenet_get_share_info_activity | |
Cmoodlenet_send_activity | |
Cpaged_content_exporter | Paged Content exporter |
Cpersistent_exporter | Abstract exporter based on the persistent model |
Crecord_userfeedback_action | |
►Nfiles | |
Ccurl_security_helper | Host and port checking for curl |
Ccurl_security_helper_base | Security helper for the curl class |
►Nform | |
Cerror_feedback | Moodle 404 Error page feedback form |
►Nhub | |
Capi | Provides methods to communicate with the hub (sites directory) web services |
Cregistration | Methods to use when registering the site at the moodle sites directory |
Csite_registration_form | The site registration form |
►Nlocal | |
►Ncli | |
Cshutdown | CLI script shutdown helper class |
►Nguzzle | |
Ccache_handler | |
Ccache_item | |
Ccache_storage | |
Ccheck_request | |
Credirect_middleware | |
►Nlock | |
Cdb_record_lock_factory | This is a db record locking factory |
Cfile_lock_factory | Flock based file locking factory |
Cinstallation_lock_factory | Lock factory for use during installation |
Clock | Class representing a lock |
Clock_config | Lock configuration class, used to get an instance of the currently configured lock factory |
Clock_factory | Defines abstract factory class for generating locks |
Clock_utils | |
Cmysql_lock_factory | MySQL / MariaDB locking factory |
Cpostgres_lock_factory | Postgres advisory locking factory |
Ctiming_wrapper_lock_factory | |
►Nlog | |
Cdummy_manager | |
Cmanager | Interface describing log readers |
Creader | |
Csql_internal_table_reader | Sql internal table reader |
Csql_reader | Log iterator reader interface |
►Nmessage | |
►Ninbound | |
Caddress_manager | Incoming Message address manager |
Chandler | |
Cmanager | Variable Envelope Return Path manager class |
Cprivate_files_handler | A Handler to store attachments sent in e-mails as private files |
Cprocessing_failed_exception | Variable Envelope Return Path message processing failure exception |
Cmessage | New messaging class |
►Nmoodlenet | |
Cactivity_packager | |
Cactivity_sender | |
Chelpers | |
Cmoodlenet_client | |
Cutilities | |
►Nnavigation | |
►Noutput | |
Cmore_menu | |
Cprimary | |
►Nviews | |
Cprimary | |
Csecondary | |
Cview | |
►Noauth2 | |
►Nclient | |
Cclever | |
Clinkedin | |
►Ndiscovery | |
Cauth_server_config_reader | |
Cbase_definition | |
Cimsbadgeconnect | |
Copenidconnect | |
►Nservice | |
Cclever | |
Ccustom | |
Cfacebook | |
Cgoogle | |
Cimsobv2p1 | |
Cissuer_interface | |
Clinkedin | |
Cmicrosoft | |
Cmoodlenet | |
Cnextcloud | |
Caccess_token | Loads/stores oauth2 access tokens in DB for system accounts in order to use a single token across multiple sessions |
Capi | Static list of api methods for system oauth2 configuration |
Cclient | Configurable oauth2 client class |
Cendpoint | Class for loading/storing oauth2 endpoints from the DB |
Cissuer | Class for loading/storing issuer from the DB |
Crefresh_system_tokens_task | Task to refresh system tokens regularly |
Crest | Rest API base class mapping rest api methods to endpoints with http methods, args and post body |
Crest_exception | Rest Exception class containing error code and message |
Csystem_account | Class for loading/storing oauth2 refresh tokens from the DB |
Cuser_field_mapping | Class for loading/storing oauth2 user field mappings from the DB |
►Noutput | |
►Ndynamic_tabs | |
Cbase | |
Cactivity_header | |
Ccheckbox_toggleall | The checkbox-toggleall renderable class |
Cchooser | The chooser renderable class |
Cchooser_item | The chooser_item renderable class |
Cchooser_section | The chooser_section renderable class |
Cdatafilter | |
Cdynamic_tabs | |
Cexternal | |
Cicon_system | Class allowing different systems for mapping and rendering icons |
Cicon_system_font | Class allowing different systems for mapping and rendering icons |
Cicon_system_fontawesome | Class allowing different systems for mapping and rendering icons |
Cicon_system_standard | Standard icon rendering |
Cinplace_editable | Class allowing to quick edit a title inline |
Clanguage_menu | Class for creating the language menu |
Cmustache_clean_string_helper | This class will load language strings in a template |
Cmustache_engine | Custom Moodle engine for mustache |
Cmustache_filesystem_loader | Perform some custom name mapping for template file names |
Cmustache_helper_collection | Custom Moodle helper collection for mustache |
Cmustache_javascript_helper | |
Cmustache_pix_helper | This class will call pix_icon with the section content |
Cmustache_quote_helper | Wrap content in quotes, and escape all special JSON characters used |
Cmustache_shorten_text_helper | This class will call shorten_text with the section content |
Cmustache_string_helper | This class will load language strings in a template |
Cmustache_template_finder | Get information about valid locations for mustache templates |
Cmustache_template_source_loader | Load template source strings |
Cmustache_uniqid_helper | Lazy create a uniqid per instance of the class |
Cmustache_user_date_helper | Mustache helper that will convert a timestamp to a date string |
Cnamed_templatable | |
Cnotification | Data structure representing a notification |
Cparticipants_action_bar | |
Cselect_menu | |
Csticky_footer | |
Curl_rewriter | URL rewriter interface |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cantivirus | Class for Antiviruses |
Cauth | Class for authentication plugins |
Cavailability | Class for availability plugins |
Cbase | |
Cblock | Class for page side blocks |
Ccachelock | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ccachestore | Class for cache store plugins |
Ccalendartype | Class for calendar type plugins |
Ccontenttype | Class for contentbank plugins |
Ccoursereport | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ccustomfield | Class for admin tool plugins |
Cdataformat | Class for dataformats |
Ceditor | Class for HTML editors |
Cenrol | Class for enrolment plugins |
Cfileconverter | Class for document converter plugins |
Cfilter | Class for text filters |
Cformat | Class for course formats |
Cgeneral | General class for all plugin types that do not have their own class |
Cgradeexport | Class for admin tool plugins |
Cgradeimport | Class for admin tool plugins |
Cgradereport | Class for admin tool plugins |
Cgradingform | Class for admin tool plugins |
Ch5plib | Class for H5P libraries |
Clocal | Class for local plugins |
Cmedia | Class for media plugins |
Cmessage | Class for messaging processors |
Cmlbackend | Class for analytics machine learning backend plugins |
Cmnetservice | Class representing an MNet service |
Cmod | Class for activity modules |
Corphaned | Orphaned subplugins class |
Cpaygw | Payment gateway subplugin info class |
Cplagiarism | Class for plagiarism plugins |
Cportfolio | Class for portfolios |
Cprofilefield | Class for admin tool plugins |
Cqbank | Base class for qbank plugins |
Cqbehaviour | Class for question behaviours |
Cqformat | Class for question types |
Cqtype | Class for question types |
Creport | Class for admin tool plugins |
Crepository | Class for repositories |
Csearch | Class for search plugins |
Ctheme | Class for themes |
Ctool | Class for admin tool plugins |
Cwebservice | Class for webservice protocols |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nprogress | |
Cbase | |
Cdb_updater | Progress handler that updates a database table with the progress |
Cdisplay | |
Cdisplay_if_slow | |
Cnone | Progress handler that ignores progress entirely |
►Nsession | |
►Nutility | |
Ccookie_helper | |
Cdatabase | Database based session handler |
Cexception | Session related exception class |
Cexternal | This class contains a list of webservice functions related to session |
Cfile | File based session handler |
Chandler | Session handler base |
Cmanager | Session manager, this is the public Moodle API for sessions |
Cmemcached | Memcached based session handler |
Credis | Redis based session handler |
►Ntask | |
Cadhoc_task | Abstract class defining an adhoc task |
Canalytics_cleanup_task | Delete stale records from analytics tables |
Cantivirus_cleanup_task | Clean up task for core antivirus |
Casynchronous_backup_task | Adhoc task that performs asynchronous backups |
Casynchronous_copy_task | Adhoc task that performs asynchronous course copies |
Casynchronous_restore_task | Adhoc task that performs asynchronous restores |
Cautomated_backup_report_task | |
Cautomated_backup_task | Simple task to run the backup cron |
Cbadges_adhoc_task | |
Cbadges_cron_task | Simple task to run the badges cron |
Cbadges_message_task | Simple task to run the badges cron |
Cblog_cron_task | Simple task to run the blog cron |
Cbuild_installed_themes_task | Class that builds and caches all of the site's installed themes |
Ccache_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete old cache records |
Ccache_cron_task | Simple task to run the cache cron |
Ccalendar_cron_task | Simple task to run the calendar cron |
Ccalendar_fix_orphaned_events | Class handling fixing of events that have had their userid lost |
Ccheck_for_updates_task | Simple task to run the registration cron |
Cclean_up_deleted_search_area_task | Class that cleans up data related to deleted search area |
Ccomplete_plans_task | Complete plans task class |
Ccompletion_daily_task | Simple task to run the daily completion cron |
Ccompletion_regular_task | Simple task to run the regular completion cron |
Ccontext_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete old context records |
Ccourse_backup_task | Adhoc task that performs single automated course backup |
Ccreate_contexts_task | Simple task to create missing contexts at all levels |
Cdatabase_logger | Database logger for task logging |
Cdelete_incomplete_users_task | Simple task to delete user accounts for users who have not completed their profile in time |
Cdelete_unconfirmed_users_task | Simple task to delete user accounts for users who have not confirmed in time |
Cfile_temp_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete temp files older than 1 week |
Cfile_trash_cleanup_task | Simple task to run the file trash cleanup cron |
Cfix_file_timestamps_task | |
Cgrade_cron_task | Simple task to run the grade cron |
Cgrade_history_cleanup_task | Simple task to clean grade history tables |
Ch5p_clean_orphaned_records_task | |
Ch5p_get_content_types_task | |
Clegacy_plugin_cron_task | Simple task to run cron for all plugins |
Clogmanager | Task log manager |
Cmanager | Collection of task related methods |
Cmessaging_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete old messaging records |
Cpassword_reset_cleanup_task | Simple task to delete old password reset records |
Cplagiarism_cron_task | Simple task to run the plagiarism cron |
Cportfolio_cron_task | Simple task to run the portfolio cron |
Cquestion_preview_cleanup_task | A task to cleanup old question previews |
Cquestion_stats_cleanup_task | A task to cleanup old question statistics cache |
Crefresh_mod_calendar_events_task | Class that updates all of the existing calendar events for modules that implement the *_refresh_events() hook |
Cregistration_cron_task | Simple task to run the registration cron |
Cscheduled_task | Abstract class defining a scheduled task |
Csearch_index_task | Runs global search indexing |
Csearch_optimize_task | Runs search index optimization |
Csend_failed_login_notifications_task | Simple task to send notifications about failed login attempts |
Csend_login_notifications | |
Csend_new_user_passwords_task | Simple task to create accounts and send password emails for new users |
Csession_cleanup_task | Simple task to cleanup user sessions from a scheduled task |
Cstats_cron_task | Simple task to run the stats cron |
Csync_plans_from_template_cohorts_task | Synchronise plans from template cohorts |
Ctag_cron_task | Simple task to run the tag cron |
Ctask_base | Abstract class for common properties of scheduled_task and adhoc_task |
Ctask_lock_cleanup_task | Adhoc task metadata cleanup task |
Ctask_log_cleanup_task | A task to cleanup log entries for tasks |
Ctask_logger | Interface for task logging |
►Nupdate | |
Capi | General purpose client for https://download.moodle.org/api/ |
Cchecker | Singleton class that handles checking for available updates |
Cchecker_exception | General exception thrown by the core::update::checker class |
Ccode_manager | General purpose class managing the plugins source code files deployment |
Cinfo | Defines the structure of objects returned by core::update::checker::get_update_info() |
Cremote_info | Thin wrapper for data structures returned by api::get_plugin_info() |
Cvalidator | Validates the contents of extracted plugin ZIP file |
►Nupgrade | |
Cutil | Core upgrade utility class |
Cactivity_dates | Class for fetching the important dates of an activity module for a given module instance and a user |
Cchart_axis | Chart axis class |
Cchart_bar | Chart bar class |
Cchart_base | Chart base class |
Cchart_line | Chart line class |
Cchart_pie | Chart pie class |
Cchart_series | Chart series class |
Ccontent | The Content API allows all parts of Moodle to determine details about content within a component, or plugintype |
Ccontext | |
Ccontext_helper | |
Ccron | |
Cdataformat | Dataformat utility class |
Cencryption | Class used to encrypt or decrypt data |
Chttp_client | |
Cinvalid_persistent_exception | Invalid persistent exception class |
Cip_utils | Static helper class providing some useful internet-protocol-related functions |
Cnotification | |
Cpersistent | |
Creport_helper | A helper class with static methods to help report plugins |
Cuuid | V4 UUID generator class |
►Ncore_admin | |
►Nadmin | |
Cadmin_setting_plugin_manager | |
►Nexternal | |
Cset_block_protection | |
Cset_plugin_order | |
Cset_plugin_state | |
►Nform | |
Cpurge_caches | Form for selecting which caches to purge on admin/purgecaches.php |
Ctestoutgoingmailconf_form | Test mail form |
►Nlocal | |
►Nexternalpage | |
Caccesscallback | Admin externalpage class |
►Nsettings | |
Cautocomplete | Auto complete setting class |
Cfilesize | An admin setting to support entering and displaying of file sizes in Bytes, KB, MB or GB |
Clinkable_settings_page | |
Cmanage_payment_gateway_plugins | Generic class for managing plugins in a table that allows re-ordering and enable/disable of each plugin |
Csetting_scheduled_task_status | This admin setting tells whether a given scheduled task is enabled, providing a link to its configuration page |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_admin implementing null_provider |
►Nreportbuilder | |
►Ndatasource | |
Ctask_logs | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentities | |
Ctask_log | |
►Nsystemreports | |
Ctask_logs | |
►Ntable | |
Cactivity_management_table | |
Cblock_management_table | |
Ceditor_management_table | |
Cmedia_management_table | |
Cplugin_management_table | |
Cplugin_management_table_filterset | |
Ctool_plugin_management_table | |
►Ncore_adminpresets | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nsetting | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_bloglevel | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_configcheckbox | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_configcheckbox_with_advanced | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lock | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_configiplist | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_configmulticheckbox | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_configmultiselect | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_configmultiselect_with_loader | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_configselect | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_configselect_with_advanced | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_configtext | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_configtext_with_advanced | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_configtime | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_devicedetectregex | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_gradecat_combo | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_sitesettext | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_special_backupdays | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_special_calendar_weekend | |
Cadminpresets_admin_setting_users_with_capability | |
Cadminpresets_setting | |
Cdelegation | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Chelper | |
Cmanager | |
►Ncore_analytics | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nanalyser | |
Cbase | Analysers base class |
Cby_course | Abstract analyser in course basis |
Csitewide | Site-level contents abstract analysable |
►Nanalysis | |
Cresult | Keeps track of the analysis results |
Cresult_array | Keeps track of the analysis results by storing the results in an array |
Cresult_file | Keeps track of the analysis results by storing the results in files |
►Nindicator | |
Cbase | Abstract base indicator |
Cbinary | Abstract binary indicator |
Ccommunity_of_inquiry_activity | Community of inquire abstract indicator |
Cdiscrete | Abstract discrete indicator |
Clinear | Abstract linear indicator |
►Ntarget | |
Cbase | Abstract base target |
Cbinary | Binary classifier target |
Cdiscrete | Discrete values target |
Clinear | Linear values target |
►Ntime_splitting | |
Caccumulative_parts | Range processor splitting the course in parts and accumulating data from the start |
Cafter_now | Interface for time-splitting methods whose ranges' times are after time() |
Cafter_start | Time splitting method that generates predictions X days/weeks/months after the analysable start |
Cbase | Base time splitting method |
Cbefore_now | Interface for time-splitting methods whose ranges' times are before time() |
Cequal_parts | X parts time splitting method |
Cpast_periodic | Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically |
Cperiodic | Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically |
Cupcoming_periodic | Time splitting method that generates predictions periodically |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_analytics implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Caction | Representation of a suggested action |
Cadmin_setting_predictor | Extension to show an error message if the selected predictor is not available |
Canalysable | Any element analysers can analyse |
Canalysis | Runs an analysis of the site |
Cbulk_action | Representation of a suggested bulk action |
Ccalculable | Calculable dataset items abstract class |
Ccalculation_info | Extra information generated during the analysis by calculable elements |
Cclassifier | Classifier interface |
Ccourse | Moodle course analysable |
Cdataset_manager | Datasets manager |
Cdefault_bulk_actions | Default list of bulk actions to reuse across different targets as presets |
Cinsights_generator | Insights generator |
Cmanager | Analytics basic actions manager |
Cmodel_config | Model configuration manager |
Cpackable | Exportable machine learning backend interface |
Cprediction | Representation of a prediction |
Cprediction_action | Representation of a suggested action associated with a prediction |
Cpredictor | Predictors interface |
Cregressor | Regressors interface |
Crequirements_exception | Dummy class to identify model requirements exceptions |
Csite | Moodle site analysable |
Cstats | Provides stats and meta information about the analytics usage on this site |
Cuser | Moodle user analysable |
►Ncore_antivirus | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_antivirus implementing null_provider |
►Ncore_auth | |
►Nform | |
Cverify_age_location_form | Age and location verification mform class |
►Noutput | |
Cdigital_minor_page | Digital minor renderable class |
Clogin | Login renderable class |
Cverify_age_location_page | Age and location verification renderable class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
Cdigital_consent | Helper class for digital consent |
►Ncore_availability | |
►Noutput | |
Cavailability_info | Base class to render availability info |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_availability implementing null_provider |
Ccapability_checker | Used while evaluating conditions in bulk |
Ccondition | Base class for a single availability condition |
Cfrontend | Class with front-end (editing form) functionality |
Cinfo | Base class for conditional availability information (for module or section) |
Cinfo_module | Class handles conditional availability information for an activity |
Cinfo_section | Class handles conditional availability information for a section |
Cresult | Class represents the result of an availability check for the user |
Ctree | Class that holds a tree of availability conditions |
Ctree_node | Node (base class) used to construct a tree of availability conditions |
►Ncore_backup | |
►Ncopy | |
Ccopy | Course copy class |
►Noutput | |
Ccopy_form | Course copy form class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_backup |
►Ncore_badges | |
►Nexternal | |
Calignment_exporter | Class for displaying a badge alignment |
Cassertion_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Cbackpack_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Cbadgeclass_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Ccollection_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Cendorsement_exporter | Class for displaying a badge endorsement |
Cissuer_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Crecipient_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
Crelated_info_exporter | Class for displaying information of a related badge |
Cuser_badge_exporter | Class for displaying a badge issued to a user |
Cverification_exporter | Class for displaying a badge competency |
►Nform | |
Cbackpack | Form to edit backpack initial details |
Cbadge | Form to edit badge details |
Ccollections | Form to select backpack collections |
Cexternal_backpack | Backpack form class |
Cmessage | Form to edit badge message |
►Noauth2 | |
Cauth | Proccess Oauth2 connects to backpack site |
Cbadge_backpack_oauth2 | Class badge_backpack_oauth2 for backpack is connected |
Cclient | Configurable OAuth2 client to request authorization and store token |
►Noutput | |
Cbadge_alignments | Link to external resources this badge is aligned with |
Cbadge_collection | Collection of all badges for view.php page |
Cbadge_management | Collection of badges used at the index.php page |
Cbadge_recipients | Badge recipients rendering class |
Cbadge_related | Collection of all related badges |
Cbadge_user_collection | Collection of user badges used at the mybadges.php page |
Cbadgeclass | |
Cbase_action_bar | |
Cexternal_backpacks_page | Manage enabled backpacks renderable |
Cexternal_backpacks_table | Backpacks table class |
Cexternal_badge | An external badges for external.php page |
Cissued_badge | An issued badges for badge.php page |
Cmanage_badge_action_bar | |
Crecipients_action_bar | |
Cstandard_action_bar | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Nreportbuilder | |
►Ndatasource | |
Cbadges | |
Cusers | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentities | |
Cbadge | |
Cbadge_issued | |
Cbackpack_api | Class for communicating with backpacks |
Cbackpack_api2p1 | To process badges with backpack and control api request and this class using for Open Badge API v2.1 methods |
Cbackpack_api2p1_mapping | Represent a single method for the remote api and this class using for Open Badge API v2.1 methods |
Cbackpack_api_mapping | Represent a single method for the remote api |
Cbadge | Class that represents badge |
Chelper | Badge helper library |
►Ncore_behat | |
Csettable_editor | |
►Ncore_block | |
►Nexternal | |
Cfetch_addable_blocks | |
►Nnavigation | |
►Nviews | |
Csecondary | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Ncore_blog | |
►Nexternal | |
Cpost_exporter | Class for exporting a blog post (entry) |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Nreportbuilder | |
►Ndatasource | |
Cblogs | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentities | |
Cblog | |
Cexternal | This is the external API for blogs |
►Ncore_cache | |
►Nlocal | |
Cadministration_display_helper | A cache helper for administration tasks |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
Cusage_samples_form | Form for usage page to select number of samples |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_cache |
Cadministration_helper | Administration helper base class |
Callow_temporary_caches | |
Cversion_wrapper | |
►Ncore_calendar | |
►Nexternal | |
►Nexport | |
Ctoken | This is the external method for exporting a calendar token |
►Nsubscription | |
Cdelete | Calendar external API for deleting the subscription |
Ccalendar_day_exporter | |
Ccalendar_event_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event |
Ccalendar_upcoming_exporter | Class for displaying the day view |
Cdate_exporter | Class for normalising the date data |
Cday_exporter | |
Cday_name_exporter | Class for displaying the day view |
Cevent_action_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event's action |
Cevent_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event |
Cevent_exporter_base | Class for displaying a calendar event |
Cevent_icon_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event's icon |
Cevent_subscription_exporter | Class for displaying a calendar event's subscription |
Cevents_exporter | Class for displaying a list of calendar events |
Cevents_grouped_by_course_exporter | Class for displaying a list of calendar events grouped by course id |
Cevents_related_objects_cache | Class to providing the related objects when exporting a list of calendar events |
Cevents_same_course_exporter | Class for displaying a list of calendar events for a single course |
Cfooter_options_exporter | Class for exporting calendar footer view options data |
Cmonth_exporter | Class for displaying the month view |
Cweek_day_exporter | Class for displaying the day on month view |
Cweek_exporter | Class for displaying the week view |
►Nlocal | |
►Nevent | |
►Ndata_access | |
Cevent_vault | Event vault class |
Cevent_vault_interface | Interface for an event vault class |
►Nentities | |
Caction_event | Class representing an actionable event |
Caction_event_interface | Interface for an action event class |
Caction_interface | Interface for a action class |
Cevent | Class representing a calendar event |
Cevent_collection_interface | Interface for an event collection class |
Cevent_interface | Interface for an event class |
Crepeat_event_collection | Class representing a collection of repeat events |
►Nexceptions | |
Cinvalid_callback_exception | Invalid callback exception |
Cinvalid_parameter_exception | General invalid parameter exception |
Climit_invalid_parameter_exception | Invalid limit parameter exception |
Cmember_does_not_exist_exception | Member does not exist exception |
Ctimesort_invalid_parameter_exception | Invalid timesort parameter exception |
►Nfactories | |
Caction_factory_interface | |
Cevent_abstract_factory | Abstract factory for creating calendar events |
Cevent_factory | Event factory class |
Cevent_factory_interface | Interface for an event factory class |
►Nforms | |
Ccreate | The mform class for creating a calendar event |
Cmanagesubscriptions | Form for adding a subscription to a Moodle course calendar |
Cupdate | The mform class for updating a calendar event |
►Nmappers | |
Ccreate_update_form_mapper | Event create form and update form mapper class |
Ccreate_update_form_mapper_interface | Interface for a create_update_form_mapper class |
Cevent_mapper | Event mapper class |
Cevent_mapper_interface | Interface for an event mapper class |
►Nproxies | |
Ccm_info_proxy | Course module stdClass proxy |
Ccoursecat_proxy | Course category proxy |
Cproxy_interface | Interface for a proxy class |
Cstd_proxy | StdClass proxy |
►Nstrategies | |
Craw_event_retrieval_strategy | Raw event retrieval strategy |
Craw_event_retrieval_strategy_interface | Interface for an raw event retrival strategy class |
►Nvalue_objects | |
Caction | Class representing an action a user should take |
Cdescription_interface | Interface for a description value object |
Cevent_description | Class representing a description value object |
Cevent_times | Class representing event times |
Ctimes_interface | Interface for various times |
Ccontainer | Core container |
Capi | Class containing the local calendar API |
►Noutput | |
Crefreshintervalcollection | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_calendar implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
Caction_factory | Action factory class |
Crrule_manager | Defines calendar class to manage recurrence rule (rrule) during ical imports |
Ctype_base | |
Ctype_factory | |
►Ncore_cohort | |
►Ncustomfield | |
Ccohort_handler | |
►Nexternal | |
Ccohort_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a cohort summary from an stdClass |
►Noutput | |
Ccohortidnumber | Class to prepare a cohort idnumber for display |
Ccohortname | Class to prepare a cohort name for display |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nreportbuilder | |
►Naudience | |
Ccohortmember | |
►Ndatasource | |
Ccohorts | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentities | |
Ccohort | |
Ccohort_member | |
►Nsystemreports | |
Ccohorts | |
►Ncore_comment | |
►Nexternal | |
Ccomment_area_exporter | Class for exporting a comment area |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nreportbuilder | |
►Ndatasource | |
Ccomments | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentities | |
Ccomment | |
►Nsystemreports | |
Ccomments | |
►Ncore_competency | |
►Nexternal | |
Ccompetency_exporter | Class for exporting competency data |
Ccompetency_framework_exporter | Class for exporting competency_framework data |
Ccourse_competency_exporter | Class for exporting course competency data |
Ccourse_competency_settings_exporter | Class for exporting course_competency_settings data |
Ccourse_module_competency_exporter | Class for exporting course module competency data |
Cevidence_exporter | Class for exporting evidence data |
Cperformance_helper | Performance helper class |
Cplan_competency_exporter | Class for exporting plan competency data |
Cplan_exporter | Class for exporting plan data |
Crelated_competency_exporter | Class for exporting related competency data |
Ctemplate_competency_exporter | Class for exporting template competency data |
Ctemplate_exporter | Class for exporting template data |
Cuser_competency_course_exporter | Class for exporting user competency course data |
Cuser_competency_exporter | Class for exporting user competency data |
Cuser_competency_plan_exporter | Class for exporting plan competency data |
Cuser_evidence_competency_exporter | User evidence competency exporter class |
Cuser_evidence_exporter | Class for exporting user_evidence data |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Ccompetency | Class for loading/storing competencies from the DB |
Ccompetency_framework | Class for loading/storing competency frameworks from the DB |
Ccompetency_rule | Competency rule base abstract class |
Ccompetency_rule_all | Competency rule all class |
Ccompetency_rule_points | Competency rule points based class |
Ccourse_competency | Class for loading/storing course_competencies from the DB |
Ccourse_competency_settings | Class for course_competency_settings persistence |
Ccourse_module_competency | Class for loading/storing course_module_competencies from the DB |
Cevidence | Evidence persistent class |
Cexternal | External API class |
Cinvalid_persistent_exception | Invalid persistent exception class |
Cpersistent | Abstract class for core_competency objects saved to the DB |
Cplan | Class for loading/storing plans from the DB |
Cplan_competency | Class for managing competencies in the plan (add/remove competencies for given plan) |
Crelated_competency | Class for loading/storing related_competencies from the DB |
Ctemplate | Class for loading/storing learning plan templates from the DB |
Ctemplate_cohort | Template cohort persistent |
Ctemplate_competency | Class for loading/storing template_competencies from the DB |
Curl | URL manager class |
Cuser_competency | Class for loading/storing user_competency from the DB |
Cuser_competency_course | Class for loading/storing user_competency_course from the DB |
Cuser_competency_plan | Class for loading/storing user_competency_plan from the DB |
Cuser_evidence | User evidence persistent class |
Cuser_evidence_competency | User evidence competency persistent class |
►Ncore_completion | |
►Nexternal | |
Ccompletion_info_exporter | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cactivity_custom_completion | |
Capi | Class containing completion API |
Ccm_completion_details | Class for building the user's activity completion details |
Cmanager | Bulk activity completion manager class |
Cprogress | Class used to return completion progress information |
►Ncore_contentbank | |
►Nexternal | |
Cdelete_content | |
Crename_content | |
Cset_content_visibility | |
►Nform | |
Cedit_content | Defines the form for editing a content |
Cupload_files | |
►Noutput | |
Cbankcontent | |
Cviewcontent | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for core_contentbank |
Ccontent | Content manager class |
Ccontentbank | Content bank class |
Ccontenttype | Content type manager class |
Chelper | Helper class for the content bank |
►Ncore_course | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivities_due | Activities due indicator |
Ccompletion_enabled | Completion enabled set indicator |
Cno_student | No student indicator |
Cno_teacher | No teacher indicator |
Cpotential_cognitive_depth | Potential cognitive depth indicator |
Cpotential_social_breadth | Potential social breadth indicator |
►Ntarget | |
Ccourse_competencies | Course competencies achievement target |
Ccourse_completion | Course completion target |
Ccourse_dropout | Drop out course target |
Ccourse_enrolments | Base class for targets whose analysable is a course using user enrolments as samples |
Ccourse_gradetopass | Getting the minimum grade to pass target |
Cno_access_since_course_start | No accesses since the start of the course |
Cno_recent_accesses | No recent accesses |
Cno_teaching | No teaching target |
►Ncache | |
Ccourse_image | |
►Ncustomfield | |
Ccourse_handler | Course handler for custom fields |
►Nexternal | |
Ccourse_module_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a course module summary from a cm_info class |
Ccourse_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a course summary from an stdClass |
Cget_enrolled_courses_with_action_events_by_timeline_classification | |
Chelper_for_get_mods_by_courses | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentity | |
Cactivity_chooser_footer | A class to represent the Activity Chooser footer data |
Ccontent_item | The content_item class |
Clang_string_title | The lang_string_title class of value object, providing access to the value of a lang string |
Cstring_title | The string_title class of value object, which provides access to a simple string |
Ctitle | |
►Nexporters | |
Ccourse_content_item_exporter | The course_content_item_exporter class |
Ccourse_content_items_exporter | The course_content_items_exporter class |
►Nfactory | |
Ccontent_item_service_factory | Class service_factory, providing functions for location of service objects for course content items |
►Nrepository | |
Ccaching_content_item_readonly_repository | The class caching_content_item_repository, for fetching content_items, with additional caching |
Ccontent_item_readonly_repository | The class content_item_repository, for reading content_items |
Ccontent_item_readonly_repository_interface | |
►Nmanagement | |
Chelper | Course and category management interface helper class |
►Noutput | |
►Nrecommendations | |
Cactivity_list | Activity list renderable |
Crenderer | Main renderer for the recommendations page |
Cactivity_information | The activity information renderable class |
Cactivity_navigation | The class activity navigation renderable |
Ccategory_action_bar | |
Ccompletion_action_bar | |
Ccontent_export_link | Prepares content for buttons/links to course content export/download |
Ccourse_module_name | Class to prepare a course module name for display and in-place editing |
Cmanage_categories_action_bar | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nreportbuilder | |
►Ndatasource | |
Ccourses | |
Cparticipants | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentities | |
Caccess | |
Ccompletion | |
Ccourse_category | |
Cenrolment | |
►Nformatters | |
Ccompletion | |
Cenrolment | |
►Nsearch | |
Ccourse | Search area for Moodle courses |
Ccustomfield | Search area for course custom fields |
Csection | Search area for course sections (title and summary) |
►Ntask | |
Ccontent_notification_task | |
Ccourse_delete_modules | Class handling course module deletion |
►Ncore_courseformat | |
►Nexternal | |
Cfile_handlers | |
Cget_state | |
Cupdate_course | |
►Noutput | |
►Nlocal | |
►Ncontent | |
►Ncm | |
Cavailability | Base class to render a course module availability inside a course format |
Ccmname | Base class to render a course module inplace editable header |
Ccontrolmenu | Base class to render a course module menu inside a course format |
Ctitle | Base class to render a course module title inside a course format |
►Nsection | |
Cavailability | Base class to render section availability |
Ccmitem | Base class to render a section activity in the activities list |
Ccmlist | Base class to render a section activity list |
Ccmsummary | Base class to render a course section summary |
Ccontrolmenu | Base class to render section controls |
Cheader | Base class to render a section header |
Csummary | Base class to render a course section summary |
Caddsection | Base class to render a course add section buttons |
Cbulkedittoggler | |
Cbulkedittools | |
Ccm | Base class to render a course module inside a course format |
Cfrontpagesection | Represents the frontpage section 1 |
Csection | Base class to render a course section |
Csectionnavigation | Base class to render a course add section navigation |
Csectionselector | Represents the section selector |
►Nstate | |
Ccm | |
Ccourse | |
Csection | |
Ccontent | Base class to render a course format |
Clegacy_renderer | |
Csection_renderer | Base class to render a course add section buttons |
Csite_renderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Cbase | Base class for course formats |
Cstateactions | |
Cstateupdates | |
►Ncore_customfield | |
►Nevent | |
Ccategory_created | Custom field category created event class |
Ccategory_deleted | Custom field category created event class |
Ccategory_updated | Custom field category updated event class |
Cfield_created | Custom field created event class |
Cfield_deleted | Custom field updated event class |
Cfield_updated | Custom field updated event class |
►Noutput | |
Cfield_data | Core_customfield field value renderable class |
Cmanagement | Class management |
Crenderer | Renderer class |
►Nprivacy | |
Ccustomfield_provider | Interface customfield_provider, all customfield plugins need to implement it |
Cprovider | Class provider |
Capi | Class api |
Ccategory | Class category |
Ccategory_controller | Class category |
Cdata | Class data |
Cdata_controller | Base class for custom fields data controllers |
Cfield | Class field |
Cfield_config_form | Class field_config_form |
Cfield_controller | Base class for custom fields controllers |
Chandler | Base class for custom fields handlers |
►Ncore_editor | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Provider for the editor API |
►Ncore_enrol | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_enrol implementing metadata and plugin providers |
►Ncore_external | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Cexternal_description | |
Cexternal_files | |
Cexternal_format_value | |
Cexternal_function_parameters | |
Cexternal_multiple_structure | |
Cexternal_settings | |
Cexternal_single_structure | |
Cexternal_value | |
Cexternal_warnings | |
Crestricted_context_exception | |
Cutil | |
►Ncore_favourites | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentity | |
Cfavourite | Contains the favourite class, each instance being a representation of a DB row for the 'favourite' table |
►Nrepository | |
Cfavourite_repository | Class favourite_repository |
Cfavourite_repository_interface | The favourite_repository interface, defining the basic CRUD operations for favourite type items within core_favourites |
►Nservice | |
Ccomponent_favourite_service | Class service, providing an single API for interacting with the favourites subsystem, for all favourites of a specific component |
Cuser_favourite_service | Class service, providing an single API for interacting with the favourites subsystem for a SINGLE USER |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cservice_factory | Class service_factory, providing functions for location of service objects for the favourites subsystem |
►Ncore_fileconverter | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Ncore_files | |
►Nexternal | |
►Ndelete | |
Cdraft | This is the external method for deleting draft files |
►Nget | |
Cunused_draft | Generate a new draft itemid for the current user |
Cstored_file_exporter | |
►Nlocal | |
►Narchive_writer | |
Cfile_writer_interface | Interface used by archives that write to files |
Cstream_writer_interface | Interface used by archives that write to streams |
Czip_writer | Class used for creating ZIP archives |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Nreportbuilder | |
►Ndatasource | |
Cfiles | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentities | |
Cfile | |
►Ntask | |
Cconversion_cleanup_task | A scheduled task to clear up old conversion records |
Carchive_writer | Each file archive type must extend this class |
Cconversion | Class representing a conversion currently in progress |
Cconverter | Class for converting files between different formats using unoconv |
Cconverter_interface | Class for converting files between different file formats |
►Ncore_filters | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_filters implementing null_provider |
Cexternal | This is the external API for the filter component |
►Ncore_form | |
►Nexternal | |
Cdynamic_form | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Implements the privacy API for the core_form subsystem |
Cdynamic_form | |
Cexternal | Implements the external functions provided by the core_form subsystem |
Cfiletypes_util | Utility class for handling with file types in the forms |
Cutil | General utility class for form-related methods |
►Ncore_grades | |
►Nexternal | |
Ccreate_gradecategories | |
Cget_enrolled_users_for_search_widget | |
Cget_enrolled_users_for_selector | |
Cget_feedback | |
Cget_gradable_users | |
Cget_gradeitems | |
Cget_groups_for_search_widget | |
Cget_groups_for_selector | |
►Ngrades | |
►Ngrader | |
►Ngradingpanel | |
►Npoint | |
►Nexternal | |
Cfetch | External grading panel point API |
Cstore | External grading panel point API |
►Nscale | |
►Nexternal | |
Cfetch | External grading panel scale API |
Cstore | External grading panel scale API |
►Nlocal | |
►Ngradeitem | |
Cadvancedgrading_mapping | Grade item, itemnumber mapping |
Cfieldname_mapping | Grade item, fieldname mapping |
Citemnumber_mapping | Grade item, itemnumber mapping |
►Noutput | |
Caction_bar | |
Ccourse_outcomes_action_bar | |
Cexport_action_bar | |
Cexport_key_manager_action_bar | |
Cexport_publish_action_bar | |
Cgeneral_action_bar | |
Cgrade_letters_action_bar | |
Cgradebook_dropdown | |
Cgradebook_setup_action_bar | |
Cimport_action_bar | |
Cimport_key_manager_action_bar | |
Cmanage_outcomes_action_bar | |
Cscales_action_bar | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cgrade_grade_with_history | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
Ccomponent_gradeitem | Compontent definition of a gradeitem |
Ccomponent_gradeitems | Helper class to fetch information about component grade items |
►Ncore_grading | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cgradingform_provider_v2 | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ncore_group | |
►Noutput | |
Cgroup_details | Group details page class |
Cindex_page | Group index page class |
Crenderer | Renderer class |
Cuser_groups_editable | Class to display list of user groups |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_group |
►Nreportbuilder | |
►Ndatasource | |
Cgroups | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentities | |
Cgroup | |
Cgroup_member | |
Cgrouping | |
Cvisibility | Group visibility methods |
►Ncore_h5p | |
►Nform | |
Ceditcontent_form | |
Cuploadlibraries_form | Upload a zip or h5p content to update the content libraries |
►Nlocal | |
►Nlibrary | |
Cautoloader | H5P autoloader management class |
Chandler | Base class for library handlers |
►Noutput | |
Ch5peditor | Displays the H5P Editor |
Clibraries | Class to help display H5P library management table |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for h5p core subsystem |
Capi | Contains API class for the H5P area |
Ccore | |
Ceditor | H5P editor class, for editing local H5P content |
Ceditor_ajax | Moodle's implementation of the H5P Editor Ajax interface |
Ceditor_framework | Moodle's implementation of the H5P Editor storage interface |
Cexternal | |
Cfactory | H5P factory class |
Cfile_storage | Class to handle storage and export of H5P Content |
Cframework | |
Cplayer | H5P player class, for displaying any local H5P content |
►Ncore_media | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for core_media |
►Ncore_message | |
►Nexternal | |
Cget_unread_notification_count | |
►Noutput | |
►Npreferences | |
Cmessage_notification_list | Class to create context for the list of notifications on the message preferences page |
Cmessage_notification_list_component | Class to create context for a notification component on the message preferences page |
Cnotification_list | Class to create context for the list of notifications on the message preferences page |
Cnotification_list_component | Class to create context for a notification component on the message preferences page |
Cnotification_list_processor | Class to create context for a notification component on the message preferences page |
Cprocessor | Class to create context for one of the message processors settings on the message preferences page |
Cprocessor | Class to prepare a message processor for display |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_message |
►Nsearch | |
Cbase_message | Search area base class for messages |
Cmessage_received | Search area for received messages |
Cmessage_sent | Search area for sent messages |
►Ntask | |
Cmigrate_message_data | Class handling migrating data to the new messaging table schema |
►Ntests | |
Chelper | The helper class providing util methods for testing |
Chelper | Helper class for the message area |
Ctime_last_message_between_users | Cache data source for the time of the last message in a conversation |
►Ncore_mnet | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_mnet implementing null_provider |
►Ncore_my | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_my implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
►Ncore_notes | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for core_notes |
►Nreportbuilder | |
►Ndatasource | |
Cnotes | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentities | |
Cnote | |
►Ncore_payment | |
►Nevent | |
Caccount_created | Class account_created |
Caccount_deleted | Class account_deleted |
Caccount_updated | Class account_updated |
►Nexternal | |
Cget_available_gateways | |
►Nform | |
Caccount | Class account |
Caccount_gateway | Class account_gateway |
►Nlocal | |
►Ncallback | |
Cservice_provider | The service_provider interface for plugins to provide callbacks which are needed by the payment subsystem |
►Nentities | |
Cpayable | The payable class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cconsumer_provider | |
Cpaygw_provider | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_payment |
Caccount | Class account |
Caccount_gateway | Class account_gateway |
Cgateway | Base class for payment gateways |
Chelper | Helper class for the payment subsystem |
►Ncore_plagiarism | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cplagiarism_provider | Provider for the plagiarism API |
Cplagiarism_user_provider | Interface for the plagiarism system |
Cprovider | Provider for the plagiarism API |
►Ncore_portfolio | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cportfolio_provider | Provider for the portfolio API |
Cprovider | Provider for the portfolio API |
►Ncore_privacy | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nmetadata | |
►Ntypes | |
Cdatabase_table | The database_table type |
Cexternal_location | The external_location type |
Cplugintype_link | The plugintype link |
Csubsystem_link | The subsystem link type |
Ctype | The base type interface which all metadata types must implement |
Cuser_preference | The user_preference type |
Ccollection | A collection of metadata items |
Cnull_provider | |
Cprovider | INterface for main metadata provider interface |
►Nrequest | |
►Nplugin | |
Cprovider | The provider interface for plugins which provide data from a plugin directly to the Privacy subsystem |
Csubplugin_provider | The subplugin_provider interface is for plugins which are sub-plugins of a plugin |
Csubsystem_provider | The subsystem_provider interface is for plugins which may not necessarily be called directly, but instead via a subsystem |
►Nsubsystem | |
Cplugin_provider | The plugin_provider interface for subsystems which provide data directly to a plugin |
Cprovider | The provider interface for plugins which provide data from a subsystem directly to the Privacy subsystem |
Capproved_contextlist | An implementation of a contextlist which has been filtered and approved |
Capproved_userlist | An implementation of a userlist which has been filtered and approved |
Ccontent_writer | The interface for a Moodle content writer |
Ccontext_aware_provider | The provider interface for plugins which need access to all approved contexts to fill in relevant contextual data |
Ccontextlist | Privacy Fetch Result Set |
Ccontextlist_base | Base implementation of a contextlist used to store a set of contexts |
Ccontextlist_collection | A collection of contextlist items |
Ccore_data_provider | The core_data_provider interface is used to describe a provider which services user requests between components and core |
Ccore_user_data_provider | The core_user_data_provider interface is used to describe a provider which services user requests between components and core |
Ccore_userlist_provider | The interface is used to describe a provider which is capable of identifying the users who have data within it |
Cdata_provider | The data_provider interface is used to describe a provider which services user requests in any fashion |
Chelper | The core_privacy\local\request\helper class with useful shared functionality |
Cmoodle_content_writer | |
Cshared_data_provider | The shared_data_provider interface is used to describe a provider which services user requests between components and and other components |
Cshared_userlist_provider | The interface is used to describe a provider which is capable of identifying the users who have data within it |
Ctransform | A class containing a set of data transformations for core data types |
Cuser_preference_provider | The user_preference_provider interface is an interface designed to be implemented by components directly to describe a case where that component is responsible for storing some form of system-wide user preference |
Cuserlist | List of users from the Privacy API Search functions |
Cuserlist_base | Base implementation of a userlist used to store a set of users |
Cuserlist_collection | A collection of userlist items |
Cuserlist_provider | The interface is used to describe a provider which is capable of identifying the users who have data within it |
Cwriter | The writer factory class used to fetch and work with the content_writer |
►Nsitepolicy | |
Cdefault_handler | Default (core) handler for site policies |
Chandler | Base class for site policy handlers |
Cmanager | Site policy management class |
Cdeprecated | The deprecated interface |
►Noutput | |
Cexported_html_page | Class containing the navigation renderable |
Cexported_navigation_page | Class containing the navigation renderable |
Crenderer | Privacy renderer's for privacy stuff |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The privacy subsystem does not store any data of it's own |
►Ntests | |
►Nrequest | |
Capproved_contextlist | Privacy Fetch Result Set |
Ccontent_writer | An implementation of the content_writer for use in unit tests |
Cprovider_testcase | Testcase for providers implementing parts of the core_privacy subsystem |
Cmanager | The core_privacy\manager class, providing a facade to describe, export and delete personal data across Moodle and its components |
Cmanager_observer | The interface for a Manager observer |
►Ncore_question | |
►Nadmin | |
Cmanage_qbank_plugins_page | Class manage_qbank_plugins_page |
►Nbank | |
►Nsearch | |
Ccategory_condition | This class controls from which category questions are listed |
Ccondition | An abstract class for filtering/searching questions |
Chidden_condition | This class controls whether hidden / deleted questions are hidden in the list |
Ctag_condition | Question bank search class to allow searching/filtering by tags on a question |
►Nengine | |
►Nvariants | |
Cleast_used_strategy | A question_variant_selection_strategy that randomly selects variants that were not used yet |
►Nexternal | |
Cquestion_icon_exporter | Class for exporting a question from an stdClass |
Cquestion_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a question summary from an stdClass |
►Nlocal | |
►Nbank | |
Caction_column_base | A base class for actions that are an icon that lets you manipulate the question in some way |
Cbulk_action_base | |
Ccheckbox_column | A column with a checkbox for each question with name q{questionid} |
Ccolumn_base | Base class for representing a column |
Ccontext_to_string_translator | |
Cedit_menu_column | A question bank column which gathers together all the actions into a menu |
Chelper | Class helper |
Cmenu_action_column_base | Base class to make it easier to implement actions that are menuable_actions |
Cmenuable_action | Interface to indicate that a question bank column can go in the action menu |
Cnavigation_node_base | Class navigation_node_base is the base class for navigation node |
Cplugin_features_base | Class plugin_features_base is the base class for qbank plugins |
Cquestion_edit_contexts | |
Cquestion_version_status | |
Crandom_question_loader | This class efficiently finds questions at random from the question bank |
Crow_base | Base class for 'columns' that are actually displayed as a row following the main question row |
Cview | This class prints a view of the question bank |
►Nstatistics | |
Cstatistics_bulk_loader | |
►Noutput | |
Cqbank_action_menu | |
Cquestion_version_selection | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_question |
►Nstatistics | |
►Nquestions | |
Call_calculated_for_qubaid_condition | A collection of all the question statistics calculated for an activity instance |
Ccalculated | This class is used to return the stats as calculated by core_question::statistics::questions::calculator |
Ccalculated_for_subquestion | A class to store calculated stats for a sub question |
Ccalculated_question_summary | Class calculated_question_summary |
Ccalculator | This class has methods to compute the question statistics from the raw data |
►Nresponses | |
Canalyser | This class can compute, store and cache the analysis of the responses to a particular question |
Canalysis_for_actual_response | The leafs of the analysis data structure |
Canalysis_for_class | Counts a class of responses for this sub part of the question |
Canalysis_for_question | Analysis for possible responses for parts of a question |
Canalysis_for_question_all_tries | Analysis for possible responses for parts of a question with multiple submitted responses |
Canalysis_for_subpart | Representing the analysis of each of the sub parts of each variant of the question |
Cquestion_reference_manager | |
►Ncore_rating | |
►Nexternal | |
Cutil | Rating external functions utility class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_ratings |
►Ncore_reportbuilder | |
►Nevent | |
Caudience_created | |
Caudience_deleted | |
Caudience_updated | |
Cschedule_created | |
Cschedule_deleted | |
Cschedule_updated | |
►Nexternal | |
►Naudiences | |
Cdelete | |
►Ncolumns | |
►Nsort | |
Cget | |
Creorder | |
Ctoggle | |
Cadd | |
Cdelete | |
Creorder | |
►Nconditions | |
Cadd | |
Cdelete | |
Creorder | |
Creset | |
►Nfilters | |
Cadd | |
Cdelete | |
Creorder | |
Creset | |
Cset | |
►Nreports | |
Cdelete | |
Cget | |
Clisting | |
Cretrieve | |
Cview | |
►Nschedules | |
Cdelete | |
Csend | |
Ctoggle | |
Ccustom_report_audience_cards_exporter | |
Ccustom_report_card_view_exporter | |
Ccustom_report_column_cards_exporter | |
Ccustom_report_columns_sorting_exporter | |
Ccustom_report_conditions_exporter | |
Ccustom_report_data_exporter | |
Ccustom_report_details_exporter | |
Ccustom_report_exporter | |
Ccustom_report_filters_exporter | |
Ccustom_report_menu_cards_exporter | |
Csystem_report_exporter | |
►Nform | |
Caudience | |
Ccard_view | |
Ccondition | |
Cfilter | |
Creport | |
Cschedule | |
►Nlocal | |
►Naggregation | |
Cavg | |
Cbase | |
Ccount | |
Ccountdistinct | |
Cgroupconcat | |
Cgroupconcatdistinct | |
Cmax | |
Cmin | |
Cpercent | |
Csum | |
►Nentities | |
Cbase | |
Ccourse | |
Cuser | |
►Nfilters | |
Cautocomplete | |
Cbase | |
Cboolean_select | |
Ccategory | |
Ccourse_selector | |
Cdate | |
Cduration | |
Cnumber | |
Cselect | |
Ctags | |
Ctext | |
Cuser | |
►Nhelpers | |
Caggregation | |
Ccustom_fields | |
Cdatabase | |
Cformat | |
Cschedule | |
Cuser_filter_manager | |
Cuser_profile_fields | |
►Nmodels | |
Caudience | |
Ccolumn | |
Cfilter | |
Creport | |
Cschedule | |
►Nreport | |
Caction | |
Cbase | |
Ccolumn | |
Cfilter | |
►Nsystemreports | |
Creport_access_list | |
Creport_schedules | |
Creports_list | |
►Noutput | |
►Ndynamictabs | |
Caccess | |
Caudience | |
Ceditor | |
Cschedules | |
Caudience_heading_editable | |
Ccolumn_aggregation_editable | |
Ccolumn_heading_editable | |
Ccustom_report | |
Cfilter_heading_editable | |
Crenderer | |
Creport_name_editable | |
Cschedule_name_editable | |
Csystem_report | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Nreportbuilder | |
►Naudience | |
Cadmins | |
Callusers | |
Cmanual | |
Csystemrole | |
►Ntable | |
Cbase_report_table | |
Ccustom_report_table | |
Ccustom_report_table_filterset | |
Ccustom_report_table_view | |
Ccustom_report_table_view_filterset | |
Csystem_report_table | |
Csystem_report_table_filterset | |
►Ntask | |
Csend_schedule | |
Csend_schedules | |
Cdatasource | |
Cmanager | |
Cpermission | |
Creport_access_exception | |
Csource_invalid_exception | |
Csource_unavailable_exception | |
Csystem_report | |
Csystem_report_factory | |
►Ncore_repository | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_repository implementing metadata and plugin providers |
►Ncore_role | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider for core_role |
►Ncore_rss | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ncore_search | |
►Noutput | |
►Nform | |
Csearch | |
Crenderer | Search renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_search implementing null_provider |
Carea_category | Search area category |
Cbase | Base search implementation |
Cbase_activity | Base implementation for activity modules |
Cbase_block | Search area base class for blocks |
Cbase_mod | Base implementation for search areas working at module level |
Cdocument | Represents a document to index |
Cdocument_factory | Search document factory |
Cdocument_icon | Represents a document icon |
Cengine | Base class for search engines |
Cengine_exception | Dummy class to identify search engine exceptions |
Cexternal | Handles external (web service) function calls related to search |
Cmanager | Search subsystem manager |
Cskip_future_documents_iterator | Iterator for skipping search recordset documents that are in the future |
►Ncore_table | |
►Nexternal | |
►Ndynamic | |
Cget | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nfilter | |
Cfilter | Class representing a generic filter of any type |
Cfilterset | Class representing a set of filters |
Cinteger_filter | Class representing an integer filter |
Cnumeric_comparison_filter | Class representing an integer filter |
Cstring_filter | Class representing a string filter |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for core_table API |
Cdynamic | Interface to identify this table as a table which can be dynamically updated via webservice calls |
►Ncore_tag | |
►Nexternal | |
Ctag_area_exporter | Contains related class for displaying information of a tag area |
Ctag_collection_exporter | Contains related class for displaying information of a tag collection |
Ctag_item_exporter | Contains related class for displaying information of a tag item |
Cutil | |
►Noutput | |
Ctag | Class to help display tag |
Ctagareacollection | Class to display collection select for the tag area |
Ctagareaenabled | Class to display tag area enabled control |
Ctagareashowstandard | Class to display tag area show standard control |
Ctagcloud | Class to display a tag cloud - set of tags where each has a weight |
Ctagcollname | Class to preapare a tag name for display |
Ctagcollsearchable | Class to display tag collection searchable control |
Ctagfeed | Class to display feed of tagged items |
Ctagflag | Class to display tag flag toggle |
Ctagindex | Class to display items tagged with a specific tag |
Ctagisstandard | Class to display/toggle tag isstandard attribute |
Ctaglist | Class to preapare a list of tags for display, usually the list of tags some entry is tagged with |
Ctagname | Class to preapare a tag name for display |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for core_tag |
►Nreportbuilder | |
►Ndatasource | |
Ctags | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentities | |
Ccollection | |
Cinstance | |
Ctag | |
►Ncore_user | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cuser_profile_set | User profile set indicator |
Cuser_track_forums | User tracks forums indicator |
►Ntarget | |
Cupcoming_activities_due | Upcoming activities due target |
►Nexternal | |
Csearch_identity | |
Cupdate_user_device_public_key | |
Cuser_summary_exporter | Class for exporting a user summary from an stdClass |
►Nform | |
Ccalendar_form | Class user_edit_calendar_form |
Ccontactsitesupport_form | |
Ccontentbank_user_preferences_form | |
Cdefaulthomepage_form | Form class |
Cprivate_files | |
Cprofile_category_form | |
Cprofile_field_form | |
►Noutput | |
►Nmyprofile | |
Cmanager | Defines MAnager class for myprofile navigation tree |
Cnode | Defines a node in my profile page navigation |
Crenderer | Report log renderer's for printing reports |
Cparticipants_filter | Class for rendering user filters on the course participants page |
Cstatus_field | Class containing the data for the status field |
Cuser_roles_editable | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nreportbuilder | |
►Ndatasource | |
Cusers | |
►Nsearch | |
Ccourse_teacher | Search for user role assignment in a course |
Cuser | Search area for Users for whom I have access to view profile |
►Ntable | |
Cparticipants | Class for the displaying the participants table |
Cparticipants_filterset | Participants table filterset |
Cparticipants_search | Class used to fetch participants based on a filterset |
Cdevicekey | |
Cfields | |
►Ncore_userkey | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ncore_webservice | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Ctoken_filter | Form allowing to filter displayed tokens |
Ctoken_form | Form to create and edit a web service token |
Ctoken_table | Class for the displaying the participants table |
►Ncore_xapi | |
►Nexternal | |
Cdelete_state | |
Cget_state | |
Cget_states | |
Cpost_state | |
Cpost_statement | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nstatement | |
Citem | Item class used for xAPI statement elements without validation |
Citem_activity | Class that implements a xAPI activity compatible with xAPI object |
Citem_actor | Abstract xAPI actor class |
Citem_agent | Agent xAPI statement element representing a Moodle user |
Citem_attachment | Abstract xAPI attachment class |
Citem_context | Abstract xAPI context class |
Citem_group | Group item inside a xAPI statement |
Citem_object | Abstract object item used in xAPI statements |
Citem_result | Abstract xAPI result class |
Citem_score | Abstract xAPI score class |
Citem_verb | Verb xAPI statement item |
Cstate | |
Cstatement | Privacy Subsystem for core_xapi implementing null_provider |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Ntask | |
Cstate_cleanup_task | |
Capi | |
Chandler | |
Ciri | Class to translate Moodle objects to xAPI elements |
Cstate_store | |
Ctest_helper | Contains helper functions for xAPI PHPUnit Tests |
Cxapi_exception | General invalid xAPI exception |
►Ncustomfield_checkbox | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_checkbox implementing null_provider |
Cdata_controller | Class data |
Cfield_controller | Class field |
►Ncustomfield_date | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_date implementing null_provider |
Cdata_controller | Class data |
Cfield_controller | Class field |
►Ncustomfield_select | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_select implementing null_provider |
Cdata_controller | Class data |
Cfield_controller | |
►Ncustomfield_text | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_text implementing null_provider |
Cdata_controller | Class data |
Cfield_controller | Class field |
►Ncustomfield_textarea | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for customfield_textarea implementing null_provider |
Cdata_controller | Class data |
Cfield_controller | Class field |
►Ndatafield_checkbox | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_checkbox implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_date | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_date implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_file | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_file implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_latlong | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_latlong implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_menu | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_menu implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_multimenu | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_multimenu implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_number | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_number implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_picture | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_picture implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_radiobutton | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_radiobutton implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_text | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_text implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_textarea | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_textarea implementing null_provider |
►Ndatafield_url | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for datafield_url implementing null_provider |
►Ndataformat_csv | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_csv |
Cwriter | CSV data format writer |
►Ndataformat_excel | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_excel |
Cwriter | Excel data format writer |
►Ndataformat_html | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_html |
Cwriter | Html data format writer |
►Ndataformat_json | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_json |
Cwriter | JSON data format writer |
►Ndataformat_ods | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_ods |
Cwriter | ODS data format writer |
►Ndataformat_pdf | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for dataformat_pdf |
Cwriter | Pdf data format writer |
►Ndatapreset_imagegallery | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for datapreset_imagegallery |
►Ndatapreset_journal | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Ndatapreset_proposals | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Ndatapreset_resources | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Neditor_atto | |
►Nplugininfo | |
Catto | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for editor_atto |
►Ntask | |
Cautosave_cleanup_task | Simple task to run the autosave cleanup task |
►Neditor_textarea | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for editor_textarea implementing null_provider |
►Neditor_tiny | |
►Nplugininfo | |
Ctiny | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Ntable | |
Cplugin_management_table | |
Ceditor | |
Cmanager | |
Cplugin | |
Cplugin_with_buttons | |
Cplugin_with_configuration | |
Cplugin_with_menuitems | |
►Nenrol_category | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_category implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Cenrol_category_sync | Syncing enrolments task |
►Nenrol_cohort | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider for enrol_cohort |
►Ntask | |
Cenrol_cohort_sync | Syncing enrolments task |
►Nenrol_database | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_database implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Csync_enrolments | Class sync_enrolments |
►Nenrol_fee | |
►Npayment | |
Cservice_provider | Payment subsystem callback implementation for enrol_fee |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_fee implementing null_provider |
►Nenrol_flatfile | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_flatfile implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Cflatfile_sync_task | Simple task to run sync enrolments |
►Nenrol_guest | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_guest implementing null_provider |
►Nenrol_imsenterprise | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_imsenterprise implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | Simple task to run the IMS Enterprise enrolment cron |
►Nenrol_ldap | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_ldap implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Csync_enrolments | Class sync_enrolments |
►Nenrol_lti | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nltiadvantage | |
►Nadmin | |
Cadmin_setting_registeredplatforms | |
►Nentity | |
Cags_info | |
Capplication_registration | |
Ccontext | |
Cdeployment | |
Cmigration_claim | |
Cnrps_info | |
Cresource_link | |
Cuser | |
►Nform | |
Ccreate_registration_form | |
Cdeployment_form | |
Cplatform_registration_form | |
►Nlib | |
Cissuer_database | |
Claunch_cache_session | |
►Nrepository | |
Capplication_registration_repository | |
Ccontext_repository | |
Cdeployment_repository | |
Clegacy_consumer_repository | |
Cpublished_resource_repository | |
Cresource_link_repository | |
Cuser_repository | |
►Nservice | |
Capplication_registration_service | |
Ctool_deployment_service | |
Ctool_launch_service | |
►Ntable | |
Cpublished_resources_table | |
►Ntask | |
Csync_grades | |
Csync_members | |
Csync_tool_grades | |
►Nutility | |
Cmessage_helper | |
►Nviewobject | |
Cpublished_resource | |
►Noutput | |
Cregistration | Tool registration page class |
Crenderer | Renderer class for LTI enrolment |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_lti |
►Ntask | |
Csync_grades | Task for synchronising grades for the enrolment LTI |
Csync_members | Task for synchronising members using the enrolment LTI |
Cdata_connector | Extends the IMS Tool provider library data connector for moodle |
Chelper | LTI enrolment plugin helper class |
Cmanage_table | Handles displaying enrolment LTI instances |
Ctool_provider | Extends the IMS Tool provider library for the LTI enrolment |
►Nenrol_manual | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_manual implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Csend_expiry_notifications | The send expiry notifications task |
Csync_enrolments | Syncing enrolments task |
►Nenrol_meta | |
►Nexternal | |
Cadd_instances | |
Cdelete_instances | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider for enrol_meta |
►Ntask | |
Cenrol_meta_sync | Meta sync enrolments task |
►Nenrol_mnet | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_mnet implementing null_provider |
►Nenrol_paypal | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for enrol_paypal |
►Ntask | |
Cprocess_expirations | Process expirations task |
Cutil | PayPal enrolment plugin utility class |
►Nenrol_self | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for enrol_self implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Csend_expiry_notifications | Send expiry notifications task |
Csync_enrolments | Sync enrolments task |
►Nfileconverter_googledrive | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cconverter | Class for converting files between different formats using unoconv |
Crest | Google Drive Rest API |
►Nfileconverter_unoconv | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for fileconverter_unoconv |
Cconverter | Class for converting files between different formats using unoconv |
►Nfilter_activitynames | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_activitynames implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_algebra | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_algebra implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_data | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_data implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_displayh5p | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_displayh5p implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_emailprotect | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_emailprotect implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_emoticon | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_emoticon implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_glossary | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_glossary implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_mathjaxloader | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_mathjaxloader implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_mediaplugin | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_mediaplugin implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_multilang | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_multilang implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_tex | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_tex implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_tidy | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_tidy implementing null_provider |
►Nfilter_urltolink | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for filter_urltolink implementing null_provider |
►NFirebase | |
►NJWT | |
CBeforeValidException | |
CCachedKeySet | |
CExpiredException | |
CKey | |
CSignatureInvalidException | |
►Nformat_singleactivity | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for format_singleactivity implementing null_provider |
►Nformat_social | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for format_social implementing null_provider |
►Nformat_topics | |
►Ncourseformat | |
Cstateactions | |
►Noutput | |
►Ncourseformat | |
►Ncontent | |
►Nsection | |
Ccontrolmenu | Base class to render a course section menu |
Csection | Base class to render a course section |
Ccontent | Base class to render a course content |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for Topics course format implementing null_provider |
►Nformat_weeks | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Basic renderer for weeks format |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for format_weeks implementing null_provider |
►Nforumreport_summary | |
►Nform | |
Cdates_filter_form | The mform class for creating the forum summary report dates filter |
►Noutput | |
Cfilters | Forum summary report filters renderable |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for forumreport_summary subplugin, implementing null_provider |
Csummary_table | The class for displaying the forum report table |
►NGeoIp2 | |
►NDatabase | |
CReader | |
►NException | |
CAddressNotFoundException | |
CAuthenticationException | |
CGeoIp2Exception | |
CHttpException | |
CInvalidRequestException | |
COutOfQueriesException | |
►NModel | |
CAbstractModel | |
CAnonymousIp | |
CAsn | |
CCity | |
CConnectionType | |
CCountry | |
CDomain | |
CEnterprise | |
CInsights | |
CIsp | |
►NRecord | |
CAbstractPlaceRecord | |
CAbstractRecord | |
CCity | |
CContinent | |
CCountry | |
CLocation | |
CMaxMind | |
CPostal | |
CRepresentedCountry | |
CSubdivision | |
CTraits | |
►NWebService | |
CClient | |
CProviderInterface | |
CUtil | |
►Ngradeexport_ods | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_exported | Grade export event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeexport_ods implementing null_provider |
►Ngradeexport_txt | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_exported | Grade export event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeexport_txt implementing null_provider |
►Ngradeexport_xls | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_exported | Grade export event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeexport_xls implementing null_provider |
►Ngradeexport_xml | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_exported | Grade export event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeexport_xml implementing null_provider |
►Ngradeimport_csv | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeimport_csv implementing null_provider |
►Ngradeimport_direct | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeimport_direct implementing null_provider |
►Ngradeimport_xml | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradeimport_xml implementing null_provider |
►Ngradereport_grader | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_report_viewed | Grader report viewed event class |
►Nexternal | |
Cget_users_in_report | |
►Noutput | |
Caction_bar | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_grader implementing null_provider |
►Ngradereport_history | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_report_viewed | Grade history report viewed event class |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Renderer for history grade report |
Ctablelog | Renderable class for gradehistory report |
Cuser_button | A button that is used to select users for a form |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_history implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_form | Form for grade history filters |
Chelper | Helper class for gradehistory report |
►Ngradereport_outcomes | |
►Nevent | |
Cgrade_report_viewed | Outcomes report viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_outcomes implementing null_provider |
►Ngradereport_overview | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_overview implementing null_provider |
►Ngradereport_singleview | |
►Nexternal | |
Csingleview | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nscreen | |
Cfilterable_items | The gradebook interface for a filterable class |
Cgrade | The screen with a list of users |
Cgrade_select | |
Cscreen | Abstract class used as a base for the 3 screens |
Cselect | The gradebook simple view - initial view to select your search options |
Cselectable_items | Interface for a list of selectable things |
Ctablelike | The gradebook simple view - base class for the table |
Cuser | The user screen |
Cuser_select | |
►Nui | |
Cattribute_format | Class that builds an element tree that can be converted to a string |
Cbe_checked | Is this thing checked? |
Cbe_disabled | Simple interface implemented to add behaviour that an element can be checked to see if it should be disabled |
Cbe_readonly | Simple interface implemented to add behaviour that an element can be checked to see if it should be read-only |
Cbulk_insert | Checkbox element used for bulk inserting values in the gradebook |
Ccheckbox_attribute | A checkbox ui element |
Cdropdown_attribute | Drop down list (select list) element |
Celement | UI Element for an excluded grade_grade |
Cempty_element | Element that just generates some text |
Cexclude | Class that represents the exclude checkbox on a grade_grade |
Cfeedback | Class used to render a feedback input box |
Cfinalgrade | UI element representing the finalgrade column |
Cgrade_attribute_format | Abstract class for a form element representing something about a grade_grade |
Coverride | An override grade checkbox element |
Crange | UI element that generates a grade_item min/max range (text only) |
Ctext_attribute | UI element for a text input field |
Cunique_name | A form element with a name field |
Cunique_value | Simple interface for an item with a value |
►Noutput | |
Caction_bar | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_singleview implementing null_provider |
►Nreport | |
Csingleview | |
►Ngradereport_summary | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentities | |
Cgrade_items | |
►Nsystemreports | |
Csummary | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_summary implementing null_provider |
►Ngradereport_user | |
►Nexternal | |
Cget_access_information | |
Cuser | |
►Noutput | |
Caction_bar | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for gradereport_user implementing null_provider |
►Nreport | |
Cuser | |
►Ngradingform_guide | |
►Ngrades | |
►Ngrader | |
►Ngradingpanel | |
►Nexternal | |
Cfetch | Web services relating to fetching of a marking guide for the grading panel |
Cstore | Web services relating to storing of a marking guide for the grading panel |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ngradingform_rubric | |
►Ngrades | |
►Ngrader | |
►Ngradingpanel | |
►Nexternal | |
Cfetch | Web services relating to fetching of a rubric for the grading panel |
Cstore | Web services relating to storing of a rubric for the grading panel |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►NGuzzleHttp | |
►NCookie | |
CCookieJar | |
CCookieJarInterface | |
CFileCookieJar | |
CSessionCookieJar | |
CSetCookie | |
►NException | |
CBadResponseException | |
CClientException | |
CConnectException | |
CGuzzleException | |
CInvalidArgumentException | |
CRequestException | |
CServerException | |
CTooManyRedirectsException | |
CTransferException | |
►NHandler | |
CCurlFactory | |
CCurlFactoryInterface | |
CCurlHandler | |
CCurlMultiHandler | |
CEasyHandle | |
CHeaderProcessor | |
CMockHandler | |
CProxy | |
CStreamHandler | |
►NPromise | |
CAggregateException | |
CCancellationException | |
CCoroutine | |
CCreate | |
CEach | |
CEachPromise | |
CFulfilledPromise | |
CIs | |
CPromise | |
CPromiseInterface | |
CPromisorInterface | |
CRejectedPromise | |
CRejectionException | |
CTaskQueue | |
CTaskQueueInterface | |
CUtils | |
►NPsr7 | |
►NException | |
CMalformedUriException | |
CAppendStream | |
CBufferStream | |
CCachingStream | |
CDroppingStream | |
CFnStream | |
CHeader | |
CHttpFactory | |
CInflateStream | |
CLazyOpenStream | |
CLimitStream | |
CMessage | |
CMimeType | |
CMultipartStream | |
CNoSeekStream | |
CPumpStream | |
CQuery | |
CRequest | |
CResponse | |
CRfc7230 | |
CServerRequest | |
CStream | |
CStreamWrapper | |
CUploadedFile | |
CUriComparator | |
CUriNormalizer | |
CUriResolver | |
CUtils | |
CBodySummarizer | |
CBodySummarizerInterface | |
CClient | |
CClientInterface | |
CMessageFormatterInterface | |
CMiddleware | |
CPool | |
CPrepareBodyMiddleware | |
CRedirectMiddleware | |
CRequestOptions | |
CRetryMiddleware | |
CTransferStats | |
CUtils | |
►Nh5plib_v126 | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nlibrary | |
Chandler | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►NIMSGlobal | |
►NLTI | |
►NOAuth | |
COAuthConsumer | |
COAuthDataStore | |
COAuthException | |
COAuthRequest | |
COAuthServer | |
COAuthSignatureMethod | A class for implementing a Signature Method See section 9 ("Signing Requests") in the spec |
COAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1 | The HMAC-SHA1 signature method uses the HMAC-SHA1 signature algorithm as defined in [RFC2104] where the Signature Base String is the text and the key is the concatenated values (each first encoded per Parameter Encoding) of the Consumer Secret and Token Secret, separated by an '&' character (ASCII code 38) even if empty |
COAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA256 | The HMAC-SHA256 signature method uses the HMAC-SHA256 signature algorithm as defined in [RFC6234] where the Signature Base String is the text and the key is the concatenated values (each first encoded per Parameter Encoding) of the Consumer Secret and Token Secret, separated by an '&' character (ASCII code 38) even if empty |
COAuthToken | |
COAuthUtil | |
►NProfile | |
CItem | |
CMessage | |
CResourceHandler | |
CServiceDefinition | |
►NToolProvider | |
►NDataConnector | |
CDataConnector | |
CDataConnector_mysql | |
CDataConnector_pdo | |
CDataConnector_pdo_sqlite | |
►NMediaType | |
CMessage | |
CResourceHandler | |
CSecurityContract | |
CToolProfile | |
CToolProxy | |
►NService | |
CMembership | |
CService | |
CToolSettings | |
CConsumerNonce | |
CContentItem | |
CContentItemImage | |
CContentItemPlacement | |
CContext | |
COAuthDataStore | |
COutcome | |
CResourceLink | |
CResourceLinkShare | |
CResourceLinkShareKey | |
CToolConsumer | |
CToolProvider | |
CToolProxy | |
CUser | |
CHTTPMessage | |
►NKevinrob | |
►NGuzzleCache | |
►NStorage | |
CCacheStorageInterface | |
CCompressedDoctrineCacheStorage | |
CDoctrineCacheStorage | |
CFlysystemStorage | |
CLaravelCacheStorage | |
CPsr16CacheStorage | |
CPsr6CacheStorage | |
CVolatileRuntimeStorage | |
CWordPressObjectCacheStorage | |
►NStrategy | |
►NDelegate | |
CDelegatingCacheStrategy | |
CRequestMatcherInterface | |
CCacheStrategyInterface | |
CGreedyCacheStrategy | |
CNullCacheStrategy | |
CPrivateCacheStrategy | |
CPublicCacheStrategy | |
CBodyStore | |
CCacheEntry | |
CCacheMiddleware | |
CKeyValueHttpHeader | |
►Nlogstore_database | |
►Nlog | |
Cstore | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
Chelper | Helper class locally used |
►Nlogstore_standard | |
►Nlog | |
Cstore | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Ntask | |
Ccleanup_task | |
►Nltiservice_basicoutcomes | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nresources | |
Cbasicoutcomes | A resource implementing the Basic Outcomes service |
►Nservice | |
Cbasicoutcomes | A service implementing Basic Outcomes |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_basicoutcomes |
►Nltiservice_gradebookservices | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nresources | |
Clineitem | A resource implementing LineItem |
Clineitems | A resource implementing LineItem container |
Cresults | A resource implementing LISResult container |
Cscores | A resource implementing LISResult container |
►Nservice | |
Cgradebookservices | A service implementing LTI Gradebook Services |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_gradebookservices |
►Ntask | |
Ccleanup_task | Class containing the scheduled task for gradebookservices |
►Nltiservice_memberships | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nresources | |
Ccontextmemberships | A resource implementing Context Memberships |
Clinkmemberships | A resource implementing Link Memberships |
►Nservice | |
Cmemberships | A service implementing Memberships |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_memberships |
►Nltiservice_profile | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nresources | |
Cprofile | A resource implementing the Tool Consumer Profile |
►Nservice | |
Cprofile | A service implementing the Tool Consumer Profile |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_profile implementing null_provider |
►Nltiservice_toolproxy | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nresources | |
Ctoolproxy | A resource implementing the Tool Proxy |
►Nservice | |
Ctoolproxy | A service implementing the Tool Proxy |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_toolproxy implementing null_provider |
►Nltiservice_toolsettings | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nresources | |
Ccontextsettings | A resource implementing the Context-level (ToolProxyBinding) Settings |
Clinksettings | A resource implementing the Context-level (ToolProxyBinding) Settings |
Csystemsettings | A resource implementing the System-level (ToolProxy) Settings |
►Nservice | |
Ctoolsettings | A service implementing Tool Settings |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for ltiservice_toolsettings implementing null_provider |
►NMatthiasMullie | |
►NMinify | |
►NExceptions | |
CBasicException | Basic Exception Class |
CFileImportException | File Import Exception Class |
CIOException | IO Exception Class |
CException | Base Exception Class |
CMinify | Abstract minifier class |
►NPathConverter | |
CConverter | |
CConverterInterface | |
CNoConverter | |
►NMaxMind | |
►NDb | |
►NReader | |
CDecoder | |
CInvalidDatabaseException | |
CMetadata | |
CUtil | |
►Nmedia_html5audio | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for media_html5audio |
►Nmedia_html5video | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for media_html5video |
►Nmedia_videojs | |
►Nexternal | |
Cget_language | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for media_videojs |
►Nmedia_vimeo | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for media_vimeo |
►Nmedia_youtube | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for media_youtube |
►Nmessage_airnotifier | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nmessage_email | |
►Noutput | |
►Nemail | |
Crenderer | Email digest as html renderer |
Crenderer_textemail | Email digest as text renderer |
Cemail_digest | Email digest renderable |
Crenderer | Renderer class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ntask | |
Csend_email_task | Class responsible for sending emails as a digest |
Cevent_observers | Observer class containing methods for handling events |
►Nmessage_popup | |
►Noutput | |
Cpopup_notification | Class to prepare a popup notification for display |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for message_popup implementing null_provider |
Capi | Class used to return information to display for the message popup |
►Nmlbackend_php | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for mlbackend_php implementing null_provider |
Cprocessor | PHP predictions processor |
►Nmlbackend_python | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for mlbackend_python implementing null_provider |
Cprocessor | Python predictions processor |
►Nmnetservice_enrol | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for mnetservice_enrol implementing metadata and plugin providers |
►Nmod_assign | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - assign |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - assign |
►Ncache | |
Coverrides | Class assign_overrides |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Nevent | |
Call_submissions_downloaded | The mod_assign all submissions downloaded event class |
Cbase | The mod_assign abstract base event class |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_assign instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_assign course module viewed event class |
Cfeedback_viewed | |
Cgrading_form_viewed | |
Cgroup_override_created | |
Cgroup_override_deleted | |
Cgroup_override_updated | |
Cidentities_revealed | The mod_assign identities revealed event class |
Cmarker_updated | |
Cremove_submission_form_viewed | The mod_assign remove submission form viewed event class |
Cstatement_accepted | The mod_assign statement accepted event class |
Csubmission_duplicated | The mod_assign submission duplicated event class |
Csubmission_form_viewed | |
Csubmission_viewed | |
Cuser_override_created | |
Cuser_override_deleted | |
Cuser_override_updated | |
Cworkflow_state_updated | |
►Nexternal | |
Cexternal_api | |
Cstart_submission | |
►Ngrades | |
Cgradeitems | Grade item mappings for the activity |
►Nnavigation | |
►Nviews | |
Csecondary | |
►Noutput | |
Cactionmenu | Output the actionbar for this activity |
Cassign_header | This file contains the definition for the renderable assign header |
Cassign_submission_status | This file contains the definition for the renderable assign submission status |
Cgrading_actionmenu | Output the grading actionbar for this activity |
Cgrading_app | Grading app renderable |
Coverride_actionmenu | Output the override actionbar for this activity |
Crenderer | A custom renderer class that extends the plugin_renderer_base and is used by the assign module |
Ctimelimit_panel | Represents the timer panel |
Cuser_submission_actionmenu | Output the user submission actionbar for this activity |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cassignfeedback | |
Cassignsubmission | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cassign_plugin_request_data | An object for fulfilling an assign plugin data request |
Cassignfeedback_provider | |
Cassignfeedback_user_provider | |
Cassignsubmission_provider | |
Cassignsubmission_user_provider | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Cuseridlist | An object for collecting user IDs related to a teacher |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_assign activities |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | |
Cdates | Class for fetching the important dates in mod_assign for a given module instance and a user |
Cdownloader | |
Cexternallib_advanced_testcase | |
Cgroup_observers | Group observers class |
►Nmod_bigbluebuttonbn | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - bigbluebuttonbn |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - BigBlueButtonBN |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Nevent | |
Cactivity_management_viewed | |
Cbase | |
Ccourse_module_viewed | |
Cevents | |
Clive_session_event | |
Cmeeting_created | |
Cmeeting_ended | |
Cmeeting_joined | |
Cmeeting_left | |
Crecording_deleted | |
Crecording_edited | |
Crecording_imported | |
Crecording_protected | |
Crecording_published | |
Crecording_unprotected | |
Crecording_unpublished | |
Crecording_viewed | |
►Nexternal | |
Ccan_join | |
Ccompletion_validate | |
Cend_meeting | |
Cget_bigbluebuttonbns_by_courses | |
Cget_join_url | |
Cget_recordings | |
Cget_recordings_to_import | |
Cmeeting_info | |
Cupdate_recording | |
Cview_bigbluebuttonbn | |
►Nform | |
Cguest_add | |
Cguest_login | |
Ctext_with_copy_element | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nbigbluebutton | |
►Nrecordings | |
Crecording_action | |
Crecording_data | |
►Nexceptions | |
Cbigbluebutton_exception | |
Cmeeting_join_exception | |
Cserver_not_available_exception | |
►Nhelpers | |
Cfiles | Utility class for all files routines helper |
Cmod_helper | |
Creset | Utility class for resetting instance routines helper |
Croles | Utility class for all roles routines helper |
Cuser_info | |
►Nproxy | |
Cbigbluebutton_proxy | |
Ccurl | A curl wrapper for bbb |
Cproxy_base | |
Crecording_proxy | |
Cconfig | |
►Noutput | |
Cimport_view | |
Cindex | |
Cinstance_updated_message | |
Cmobile | Mobile output class for bigbluebuttonbn |
Crecording_description_editable | |
Crecording_editable | |
Crecording_name_editable | |
Crecording_row_actionbar | |
Crecording_row_playback | |
Crecording_row_preview | |
Crecordings_session | |
Crenderer | |
Cview_page | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | |
Ctags | |
►Ntask | |
Cbase_send_notification | |
Ccheck_dismissed_recordings | |
Ccheck_pending_recordings | |
Ccompletion_update_state | |
Creset_recordings | |
Csend_bigbluebutton_module_disabled_notification | |
Csend_guest_emails | |
Csend_notification | |
Csend_recording_ready_notification | |
Cupgrade_recordings_task | |
Cbroker | |
Cinstance | |
Clogger | |
Cmeeting | |
Cplugin | |
Crecording | |
Csetting_validator | |
Csettings | |
►Nmod_book | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - book |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - book |
►Nevent | |
Cchapter_created | The mod_book chapter created event class |
Cchapter_deleted | The mod_book chapter deleted event class |
Cchapter_updated | The mod_book chapter updated event class |
Cchapter_viewed | The mod_book chapter viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_book instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_book course module viewed event class |
►Noutput | |
Cmain_action_menu | Output the action menu for the book activity |
Crenderer | Moodle renderer used to display special elements of the book module |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cbooktool | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The mod_book module does not store any data |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_book activities |
Cchapter | Search area for mod_book chapters |
Chelper | |
►Nmod_chat | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - chat |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - chat |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_chat instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_chat course module viewed event class |
Csessions_viewed | |
►Nexternal | |
Cchat_message_exporter | Class for exporting a chat message |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_chat activities |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | The main schedule task for the chat module |
Cdates | Class for fetching the important dates in mod_chat for a given module instance and a user |
►Nmod_choice | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - choice |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - choice |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Nevent | |
Canswer_created | |
Canswer_deleted | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_choice instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_choice course module viewed event class |
Creport_viewed | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the choice activity module |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_choice activities |
Cdates | Class for fetching the important dates in mod_choice for a given module instance and a user |
►Nmod_data | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - data |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - data |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Nevent | |
Ccomment_created | The mod_data comment created event class |
Ccomment_deleted | The mod_data comment deleted event class |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_data instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_data course module viewed event class |
Cfield_created | |
Cfield_deleted | |
Cfield_updated | |
►Nexternal | |
Ccontent_exporter | Class for exporting content associated to a record |
Cdatabase_summary_exporter | Class for exporting partial database data (some fields are only viewable by admins) |
Cdelete_saved_preset | |
Cfield_exporter | Class for exporting field data |
Cget_mapping_information | |
Crecord_exporter | Class for exporting record data |
►Nform | |
Cimport_presets | |
Csave_as_preset | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nimporter | |
Cpreset_existing_importer | |
Cpreset_importer | |
Cpreset_upload_importer | |
►Noutput | |
Caction_bar | |
Cadd_entries_action | |
Cdefaulttemplate | |
Cempty_database_action_bar | |
Cfields_action_bar | |
Cfields_mappings_action_bar | |
Cpreset_preview | |
Cpresets | |
Cpresets_action_bar | |
Ctemplate_editor | |
Ctemplate_editor_tools | |
Ctemplates_action_bar | |
Cview_action_bar | |
Cview_footer | |
Czero_state_action_bar | |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cdatafield | |
Cdatapreset | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cdatafield_provider | Interface datafield_provider, all datafield plugins need to implement it |
Cprovider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the database activity module |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_data activities |
Centry | Search area for mod_data activity entries |
Csortedcontentqueue | Priority Queue class to sort out db entry contents |
Cdates | Class for fetching the important dates in mod_data for a given module instance and a user |
Cmanager | |
Cpreset | |
Ctemplate | |
►Nmod_feedback | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - feedback |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - feedback |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_feedback instance list viewed event class |
Cresponse_deleted | |
Cresponse_submitted | |
►Nexternal | |
Cfeedback_completed_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback completion record |
Cfeedback_completedtmp_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback temporary completion record |
Cfeedback_item_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback item (question) |
Cfeedback_summary_exporter | |
Cfeedback_value_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback response |
Cfeedback_valuetmp_exporter | Class for exporting a feedback tmp response |
►Nform | |
Ccreate_template_form | |
Cuse_template_form | |
►Nnavigation | |
►Nviews | |
Csecondary | |
►Noutput | |
Cbase_action_bar | |
Cedit_action_bar | |
Cedit_template_action_bar | |
Crenderer | |
Cresponses_action_bar | |
Cstandard_action_bar | |
Csummary | Class to help display feedback summary |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_feedback activities |
Cdates | Class for fetching the important dates in mod_feedback for a given module instance and a user |
►Nmod_folder | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - folder |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - folder |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Ncontent | |
Cexporter | A class which assists a component to export content |
►Nevent | |
Call_files_downloaded | The mod_folder course module viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_folder instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_folder course module viewed event class |
Cfolder_updated | The mod_folder folder updated event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The mod_folder module does not store any data |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_folder activities |
►Nmod_forum | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - forum |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - forum |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Nevent | |
Cassessable_uploaded | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_forum instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_forum course module viewed event class |
Cdiscussion_moved | |
Cdiscussion_pinned | The mod_forum discussion pinned event |
Cdiscussion_unpinned | The mod_forum discussion unpinned event |
Cdiscussion_viewed | The mod_forum discussion viewed event class |
Creadtracking_disabled | |
Creadtracking_enabled | |
Csubscription_created | |
Csubscription_deleted | |
Cuser_report_viewed | |
►Nform | |
Cexport_form | Export discussion form |
►Ngrades | |
Cforum_gradeitem | Grade item storage for mod_forum |
Cgradeitems | Grade item mappings for the activity |
►Nh5p | |
Ccanedit | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nbuilders | |
Cexported_discussion | Exported discussion builder class |
Cexported_discussion_summaries | Exported discussion summaries builder class |
Cexported_posts | Exported post builder class |
►Ndata_mappers | |
►Nlegacy | |
Cauthor | Convert an author entity into an stdClass |
Cdiscussion | Convert a discussion entity into an stdClass |
Cforum | Convert a forum entity into an stdClass |
Cpost | Convert a post entity into an stdClass |
►Nentities | |
Cauthor | Author class |
Cdiscussion | Discussion class |
Cdiscussion_summary | Discussion summary class |
Cforum | Forum class |
Cpost | Post class |
Cpost_read_receipt_collection | Post read receipt collection class |
Csorter | Class to sort lists of items |
►Nexporters | |
Cauthor | Author exporter |
Cdiscussion | Discussion exporter class |
Cdiscussion_summaries | Discussion summaries exporter |
Cdiscussion_summary | Discussion summary exporter class |
Cforum | Forum class |
Cgroup | Group exporter |
Cpost | Post exporter class |
Cposts | Posts exporter class |
►Nfactories | |
Cbuilder | Builder factory to construct any builders for forum |
Centity | Entity factory to create the forum entities |
Cexporter | The exporter factory class used to fetch an instance of the different exporter types |
Clegacy_data_mapper | Legacy data mapper factory |
Cmanager | Managers factory |
Crenderer | Renderer factory |
Curl | A URL factory for the forum |
Cvault | Vault factory |
►Nmanagers | |
Ccapability | Capability manager for the forum |
►Nrenderers | |
Cdiscussion | Discussion renderer class |
Cdiscussion_list | The discussion list renderer |
Cposts | Posts renderer class |
►Nvaults | |
►Npreprocessors | |
Cextract_context | Extract context vault preprocessor |
Cextract_record | Extract record vault preprocessor |
Cextract_user | Extract user vault preprocessor |
Cauthor | Author vault class |
Cdb_table_vault | Abstract class for loading records from the DB |
Cdiscussion | Discussion vault class |
Cdiscussion_list | Discussion list vault |
Cforum | Forum vault class |
Cpost | Post vault class |
Cpost_attachment | Post attachment vault class |
Cpost_read_receipt_collection | Post read receipt collection class |
Ccontainer | Container class |
►Nmessage | |
►Ninbound | |
Creply_handler | A Handler to process replies to forum posts |
►Noutput | |
►Nemail | |
Crenderer | Forum post renderable |
Crenderer_textemail | Forum post renderable |
►Nemaildigestbasic | |
Crenderer | Forum post renderable |
Crenderer_textemail | Forum post renderable |
►Nemaildigestfull | |
Crenderer | Forum post renderable |
Crenderer_textemail | Forum post renderable |
Cbig_search_form | Big search form class |
Cforum_actionbar | |
Cforum_post | |
Cforum_post_email | Forum post renderable for use in e-mail |
Cquick_search_form | Quick search form renderable class |
Csubscription_actionbar | |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cforumreport | Forum report subplugin info class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the forum activity module |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Forum activities search area |
Cpost | Forum posts search area |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | The main scheduled task for the forum |
Csend_user_digests | Adhoc task to send moodle forum digests for the specified user |
Csend_user_notifications | Adhoc task to send user forum notifications |
Cdates | Class for fetching the important dates in mod_forum for a given module instance and a user |
Csubscriptions | Forum subscription manager |
►Nmod_glossary | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - glossary |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - glossary |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Nevent | |
Ccategory_created | The mod_glossary glossary category created event class |
Ccategory_deleted | The mod_glossary glossary category deleted event class |
Ccategory_updated | The mod_glossary glossary category updated event class |
Ccomment_created | The mod_glossary comment created event class |
Ccomment_deleted | The mod_glossary comment deleted event class |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_glossary instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | |
Centry_approved | The mod_glossary entry approved event class |
Centry_created | |
Centry_deleted | |
Centry_disapproved | The mod_glossary entry disapproved event |
Centry_updated | |
Centry_viewed | The mod_glossary entry viewed event class |
►Nexternal | |
Cdelete_entry | This is the external method for deleting a content |
Cdelete_entry_testcase | External function test for delete_entry |
Cprepare_entry | This is the external method for preparing a entry for edition |
Cprepare_entry_testcase | External function test for prepare_entry |
Cupdate_entry | This is the external method for updating a glossary entry |
Cupdate_entry_testcase | External function test for update_entry |
►Nlocal | |
Cconcept_cache | Concept caching for glossary filter |
►Nnavigation | |
►Nviews | |
Csecondary | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
Cstandard_action_bar | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the glossary activity module |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_glossary activities |
Centry | Glossary entries search |
►Nmod_h5pactivity | |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The course_module_instance_list_viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The course_module_viewed event class |
Cstatement_received | The statement_received event class |
►Nexternal | |
Cget_attempts | |
Cget_h5pactivities_by_courses | |
Cget_h5pactivity_access_information | |
Cget_results | |
Cget_user_attempts | |
Ch5pactivity_summary_exporter | Class for exporting h5p activity data |
Clog_report_viewed | |
Clog_report_viewed_testcase | External function test for log_report_viewed |
Cview_h5pactivity | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nreport | |
Cattempts | Class H5P activity attempts report |
Cparticipants | Class H5P activity participants report |
Cresults | Class H5P activity results report |
Cattempt | Class attempt for H5P activity |
Cgrader | Class for handling H5P activity grading |
Cmanager | Class manager for H5P activity |
Creport | Interface for any mod_h5pactivity report |
►Noutput | |
►Nresult | |
Cchoice | Class to display H5P choice result |
Cfillin | Class to display H5P fill-in result |
Clongfillin | Class to display H5P long fill in result |
Cmatching | Class to display H5P matching result |
Cother | Class to display H5P other result |
Csequencing | Class to display H5P sequencing result |
Ctruefalse | Class to display H5P choice result |
Cattempt | Class to help display report link in mod_h5pactivity |
Creportattempts | Class to output an attempts report on mod_h5pactivity |
Creportlink | Class to help display report link in mod_h5pactivity |
Creportresults | Class to display the result report in mod_h5pactivity |
Cresult | Class to display an attempt tesult in mod_h5pactivity |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_h5pactivity activities |
►Nxapi | |
Chandler | |
►Nmod_imscp | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - imscp |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - imscp |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_imscp instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_imscp course module viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for mod_imscp implementing null_provider |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_imscp activities |
►Nmod_label | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - label |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - label |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Nnavigation | |
►Nviews | |
Csecondary | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The mod_label module does not store any data |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_label activities |
►Nmod_lesson | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - lesson |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - lesson |
►Ncache | |
Coverrides | Class lesson_overrides |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Nevent | |
Ccontent_page_viewed | The mod_lesson content page viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_lesson instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_lesson course module viewed event class |
Cgroup_override_created | |
Cgroup_override_deleted | |
Cgroup_override_updated | |
Chighscore_added | |
Chighscores_viewed | The mod_lesson highscores viewed class |
Clesson_ended | The mod_lesson lesson ended event class |
Clesson_restarted | The mod_lesson lesson restarted event class |
Clesson_resumed | The mod_lesson lesson resumed event class |
Clesson_started | The mod_lesson lesson started event class |
Cuser_override_created | |
Cuser_override_deleted | |
Cuser_override_updated | |
►Nexternal | |
Clesson_summary_exporter | Class for exporting partial lesson data (some fields are only viewable by admins) |
►Nlocal | |
►Nnumeric | |
Chelper | Lesson numeric page helper |
►Noutput | |
Cedit_action_area | Output the actionbar for this activity |
Cedit_action_buttons | Output the action buttons for this activity |
Coverride_action_menu | Output the override action menu for this activity |
Creport_action_menu | Output the report action menu for this activity |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_lesson activities |
Cdates | Class for fetching the important dates in mod_lesson for a given module instance and a user |
Cgroup_observers | Group observers class |
►Nmod_lti | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - lti |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - lti |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_lti instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_lti course module viewed event class |
Cunknown_service_api_called | The mod_lti unknown service api called event class |
►Nexternal | |
Cget_tool_types_and_proxies | |
Cget_tool_types_and_proxies_count | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nltiopenid | |
Cjwks_helper | This class exposes functions for LTI 1.3 Key Management |
Cregistration_exception | Exception when transforming the registration to LTI config |
Cregistration_helper | This class exposes functions for LTI Dynamic Registration |
►Nltiservice | |
Cresource_base | The mod_lti\local\ltiservice\resource_base class |
Cresponse | The mod_lti\local\ltiservice\response class |
Cservice_base | The mod_lti\local\ltiservice\service_base class |
►Noutput | |
Cexternal_registration_return_page | Class containing data for tool_configure page |
Cregistration_upgrade_choice_page | Class containing data for rendering LTI upgrade choices page |
Crenderer | Renderer class for template library |
Crepost_crosssite_page | Render a page containing a simple form which reposts to self via JS |
Ctool_configure_page | Class containing data for tool_configure page |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cltiservice | The mod_lti\plugininfo\ltiservice class |
Cltisource | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for mod_lti |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_lti activities |
►Ntask | |
Cclean_access_tokens | Class containing the scheduled task for lti module |
Chelper | |
Cservice_exception_handler | Handles exceptions when handling incoming LTI messages |
►Nmod_page | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - page |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - page |
►Ncontent | |
Cexporter | A class which assists a component to export content |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_page instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_page course module viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The mod_page module does not store any data |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_page activities |
►Nmod_quiz | |
►Nadmin | |
Cbrowser_security_setting | |
Cgrade_method_setting | |
Coverdue_handling_setting | |
Creview_setting | |
Cuser_image_setting | |
►Nadminpresets | |
Cadminpresets_browser_security_setting | |
Cadminpresets_grade_method_setting | |
Cadminpresets_overdue_handling_setting | |
Cadminpresets_review_setting | |
Cadminpresets_user_image_setting | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - quiz |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - quiz |
►Ncache | |
Coverrides | Class quiz_overrides |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Nevent | |
Cattempt_abandoned | |
Cattempt_becameoverdue | |
Cattempt_deleted | |
Cattempt_manual_grading_completed | |
Cattempt_preview_started | |
Cattempt_reopened | |
Cattempt_reviewed | |
Cattempt_submitted | |
Cattempt_summary_viewed | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_quiz instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_quiz course module viewed event class |
Cgroup_override_created | |
Cgroup_override_deleted | |
Cgroup_override_updated | |
Cpage_break_created | |
Cpage_break_deleted | |
Cquiz_grade_updated | |
Creport_viewed | |
Csection_break_created | |
Csection_title_updated | |
Cslot_deleted | |
Cslot_displaynumber_updated | |
Cslot_moved | |
Cslot_requireprevious_updated | |
Cuser_override_created | |
Cuser_override_deleted | |
Cuser_override_updated | |
►Nexternal | |
Cget_reopen_attempt_confirmation | |
Creopen_attempt | |
Csubmit_question_version | |
►Nform | |
Cadd_random_form | |
Cedit_override_form | |
Cpreflight_check_form | |
Crandomquestion_form | Class randomquestion_form |
►Nlocal | |
►Nreports | |
Cattempts_report | |
Cattempts_report_options | |
Cattempts_report_options_form | |
Cattempts_report_table | |
Creport_base | |
►Nstructure | |
Cslot_random | |
Caccess_rule_base | |
►Nnavigation | |
►Nviews | |
Csecondary | |
►Noutput | |
Cedit_renderer | Renderer outputting the quiz editing UI |
Clinks_to_other_attempts | |
Cnavigation_panel_attempt | |
Cnavigation_panel_base | |
Cnavigation_panel_review | |
Cnavigation_question_button | |
Cnavigation_section_heading | |
Coverrides_actions | |
Cquestion_chooser | The question_chooser renderable class |
Crenderer | |
Cview_page | |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cquiz | |
Cquizaccess | |
►Nprivacy | |
Chelper | Privacy Subsystem implementation for mod_quiz |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for mod_quiz |
Cquizaccess_provider | The quizaccess_provider interface provides the expected interface for all 'quizaccess' quizaccesss |
Cquizaccess_user_provider | |
►Nquestion | |
►Nbank | |
►Nfilter | |
Ccustom_category_condition | |
Ccustom_category_condition_helper | |
Cadd_action_column | |
Ccustom_view | Subclass to customise the view of the question bank for the quiz editing screen |
Cqbank_helper | |
Cquestion_name_column | |
Cquestion_name_text_column | |
Cdisplay_options | |
Cqubaids_for_quiz | |
Cqubaids_for_quiz_user | |
Cqubaids_for_users_attempts | |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_quiz activities |
►Ntask | |
Clegacy_quiz_accessrules_cron | Legacy Cron Quiz Access Rules Task |
Clegacy_quiz_reports_cron | Legacy Cron Quiz Reports Task |
Cquiz_notify_attempt_manual_grading_completed | |
Cupdate_overdue_attempts | Update Overdue Attempts Task |
Caccess_manager | |
Cdates | Class for fetching the important dates in mod_quiz for a given module instance and a user |
Cgrade_calculator | |
Cgroup_observers | Group observers class |
Cquiz_attempt | |
Cquiz_settings | |
Crepaginate | |
Cstructure | |
►Nmod_resource | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - resource |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - resource |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Ncontent | |
Cexporter | A class which assists a component to export content |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_resource instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_resource course module viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The mod_resource module does not store any data |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_resource activities |
►Nmod_scorm | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - scorm |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - scorm |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Nevent | |
Ccmielement_submitted | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_scorm instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_scorm course module viewed event class |
Creport_viewed | |
Cscoreraw_submitted | |
Cstatus_submitted | |
Ctracks_viewed | |
►Noutput | |
Cactionbar | |
Cuserreportsactionbar | |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cscormreport | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_scorm activities |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | A cron_task class to be used by Tasks API |
Cdates | Class for fetching the important dates in mod_scorm for a given module instance and a user |
Creport | |
►Nmod_survey | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - survey |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - survey |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_survey instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | |
Creport_viewed | |
►Noutput | |
Cactionbar | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_survey activities |
►Nmod_url | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - url |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - url |
►Ncompletion | |
Ccustom_completion | |
►Nevent | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_url instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_url course module viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The mod_url module does not store any data |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_url activities |
►Nmod_wiki | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - wiki |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - wiki |
►Nevent | |
Ccomment_created | The mod_wiki comment created event class |
Ccomment_deleted | The mod_wiki comment deleted event class |
Ccomments_viewed | The mod_wiki comments viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_wiki instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_wiki course module viewed event class |
Cpage_created | The mod_wiki page created event class |
Cpage_deleted | |
Cpage_diff_viewed | |
Cpage_history_viewed | The mod_wiki history viewed event class |
Cpage_locks_deleted | |
Cpage_updated | |
Cpage_version_restored | |
Cpage_version_viewed | |
Cpage_viewed | |
►Noutput | |
Caction_bar | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_wiki activities |
Ccollaborative_page | Search area for mod_wiki collaborative pages |
►Nmod_workshop | |
►Nanalytics | |
►Nindicator | |
Cactivity_base | Activity base class |
Ccognitive_depth | Cognitive depth indicator - workshop |
Csocial_breadth | Social breadth indicator - workshop |
►Nevent | |
Cassessable_uploaded | The mod_workshop assessable uploaded event class |
Cassessment_evaluated | |
Cassessment_reevaluated | |
Ccourse_module_instance_list_viewed | The mod_workshop instance list viewed event class |
Ccourse_module_viewed | The mod_workshop course module viewed event class |
Cphase_automatically_switched | |
Csubmission_assessed | |
Csubmission_created | |
Csubmission_deleted | |
Csubmission_reassessed | |
Csubmission_updated | |
►Nexternal | |
Cassessment_exporter | Class for exporting assessment data |
Csubmission_exporter | Class for exporting submission data |
Cworkshop_summary_exporter | Class for exporting partial workshop data (some fields are only viewable by admins) |
►Ngrades | |
Cgradeitems | Grade item mappings for the activity |
►Noutput | |
Cactionbar | |
►Nplugininfo | |
Cworkshopallocation | |
Cworkshopeval | |
Cworkshopform | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy API implementation for the Workshop activity module |
Cworkshopform_provider | Interface for grading strategy subplugins implementing the privacy API |
►Nsearch | |
Cactivity | Search area for mod_workshop activities |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | The main scheduled task for the workshop |
Clegacy_workshop_allocation_cron | Legacy workshop allocation plugins cron |
Cdates | Class for fetching the important dates in mod_workshop for a given module instance and a user |
►NMoodle | |
►NBehatExtension | |
►NContext | |
►NContextClass | |
CClassResolver | |
►NInitializer | |
CMoodleAwareInitializer | |
►NStep | |
CChainedStep | |
CGiven | |
CThen | |
CWhen | |
CMoodleContext | |
►NDefinition | |
►NCli | |
CAvailableDefinitionsController | |
►NPrinter | |
CConsoleDefinitionInformationPrinter | |
►NDriver | |
CWebDriver | |
CWebDriverFactory | |
►NEventDispatcher | |
►NTester | |
CChainedStepTester | |
CMoodleEventDispatchingStepTester | |
►NException | |
CSkippedException | |
►NLocator | |
CFilesystemSkipPassedListLocator | |
►NOutput | |
►NFormatter | |
CMoodleListFormatter | |
CMoodleProgressFormatterFactory | |
CMoodleScreenshotFormatter | |
CMoodleStepcountFormatter | |
►NPrinter | |
CMoodleProgressPrinter | |
►NTester | |
►NCli | |
CSkipPassedController | |
CH5PContentHubSyncStatus | |
CH5PContentStatus | |
CH5PContentValidator | |
CH5PCore | Functions and storage shared by the other H5P classes |
CH5PDevelopment | |
CH5PDisplayOptionBehaviour | |
CH5peditor | |
CH5PEditorAjaxInterface | |
CH5peditorFile | |
CH5peditorStorage | |
CH5PFileStorage | Interface needed to handle storage and export of H5P Content |
CH5PFrameworkInterface | |
CH5PHubEndpoints | |
CH5PMetadata | |
CH5PPermission | |
CH5PStorage | This class is used for saving H5P files |
CH5PValidator | This class is used for validating H5P files |
►Nmoodle | |
►Nmod | |
►Nlti | |
COAuthConsumer | OAuth 1.0 Consumer class |
COAuthDataStore | |
COAuthException | Generic exception class |
COAuthRequest | |
COAuthServer | |
COAuthSignatureMethod | |
COAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC | Base class for the HMac based signature methods |
COAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1 | Implementation for SHA 1 |
COAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA256 | Implementation for SHA 256 |
COAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT | |
COAuthSignatureMethod_RSA_SHA1 | |
COAuthToken | |
COAuthUtil | |
CTrivialOAuthDataStore | A Trivial memory-based store - no support for tokens |
►NMyCLabs | |
►NEnum | |
CEnum | Base Enum class |
►NOpenSpout | |
►NCommon | |
►NEntity | |
►NCell | |
CBooleanCell | |
CDateIntervalCell | |
CDateTimeCell | |
CEmptyCell | |
CErrorCell | |
CFormulaCell | |
CNumericCell | |
CStringCell | |
►NComment | |
CComment | |
CTextRun | |
►NStyle | |
CBorder | |
CBorderPart | |
CCellAlignment | |
CCellVerticalAlignment | |
CColor | |
CStyle | |
CCell | |
CRow | |
►NException | |
CEncodingConversionException | |
CInvalidArgumentException | |
CInvalidColorException | |
CIOException | |
COpenSpoutException | |
CUnsupportedTypeException | |
►NHelper | |
►NEscaper | |
CEscaperInterface | |
CODS | |
CEncodingHelper | |
CFileSystemHelper | |
CFileSystemHelperInterface | |
CStringHelper | |
►NReader | |
►NCommon | |
►NCreator | |
CReaderFactory | |
►NManager | |
CRowManager | |
CColumnWidth | |
CXMLProcessor | |
►NCSV | |
COptions | |
CReader | |
CRowIterator | |
CSheet | |
CSheetIterator | |
►NException | |
CInvalidValueException | |
CIteratorNotRewindableException | |
CNoSheetsFoundException | |
CReaderException | |
CReaderNotOpenedException | |
CSharedStringNotFoundException | |
CXMLProcessingException | |
►NODS | |
►NHelper | |
CCellValueFormatter | |
CSettingsHelper | |
COptions | |
CReader | |
CRowIterator | |
CSheet | |
►NWrapper | |
CXMLReader | |
►NXLSX | |
►NHelper | |
CCellHelper | |
CCellValueFormatter | |
CDateFormatHelper | |
►NManager | |
►NSharedStringsCaching | |
CCachingStrategyFactory | |
CCachingStrategyInterface | |
CFileBasedStrategy | |
CInMemoryStrategy | |
CMemoryLimit | |
CSharedStringsManager | |
CSheetManager | |
CStyleManager | |
CStyleManagerInterface | |
CWorkbookRelationshipsManager | |
COptions | |
CReader | |
CSheet | |
CSheetIterator | |
CAbstractReader | |
CReaderInterface | |
CRowIteratorInterface | |
CSheetInterface | |
CSheetIteratorInterface | |
CSheetWithVisibilityInterface | |
►NWriter | |
►NCommon | |
►NCreator | |
CWriterFactory | |
►NEntity | |
CSheet | |
CWorkbook | |
CWorksheet | |
►NHelper | |
CCellHelper | |
CFileSystemWithRootFolderHelperInterface | |
CZipHelper | |
►NManager | |
►NStyle | |
CAbstractStyleManager | |
CAbstractStyleRegistry | |
CPossiblyUpdatedStyle | |
CStyleManagerInterface | |
CStyleMerger | |
CAbstractWorkbookManager | |
CRegisteredStyle | |
CSheetManager | |
CWorkbookManagerInterface | |
CWorksheetManagerInterface | |
CAbstractOptions | |
CColumnWidth | |
►NCSV | |
COptions | |
CWriter | |
►NException | |
►NBorder | |
CInvalidNameException | |
CInvalidStyleException | |
CInvalidWidthException | |
CInvalidSheetNameException | |
CSheetNotFoundException | |
CWriterAlreadyOpenedException | |
CWriterException | |
CWriterNotOpenedException | |
►NODS | |
►NHelper | |
CBorderHelper | |
CFileSystemHelper | |
►NManager | |
►NStyle | |
CStyleManager | |
CStyleRegistry | |
CWorkbookManager | |
CWorksheetManager | |
COptions | |
CWriter | |
►NXLSX | |
►NEntity | |
CSheetView | |
►NHelper | |
CBorderHelper | |
CDateHelper | |
CFileSystemHelper | |
►NManager | |
►NStyle | |
CStyleManager | |
CStyleRegistry | |
CCommentsManager | |
CSharedStringsManager | |
CWorkbookManager | |
CWorksheetManager | |
CMergeCell | |
COptions | |
CWriter | |
CAbstractWriter | |
CAbstractWriterMultiSheets | |
CAutoFilter | |
CWriterInterface | |
►NPackback | |
►NLti1p3 | |
►NHelpers | |
CHelpers | |
►NImsStorage | |
CImsCache | |
CImsCookie | |
►NInterfaces | |
CICache | |
CICookie | |
CIDatabase | |
CILtiRegistration | |
CILtiServiceConnector | |
CIMessageValidator | |
CIServiceRequest | |
►NMessageValidators | |
CAbstractMessageValidator | |
CDeepLinkMessageValidator | |
CResourceMessageValidator | |
CSubmissionReviewMessageValidator | |
CJwksEndpoint | |
CLtiAbstractService | |
CLtiAssignmentsGradesService | |
CLtiConstants | |
CLtiCourseGroupsService | |
CLtiDeepLink | |
CLtiDeepLinkResource | |
CLtiDeepLinkResourceIcon | |
CLtiDeployment | |
CLtiException | |
CLtiGrade | |
CLtiGradeSubmissionReview | |
CLtiLineitem | |
CLtiMessageLaunch | |
CLtiNamesRolesProvisioningService | |
CLtiOidcLogin | |
CLtiRegistration | |
CLtiServiceConnector | |
COidcException | |
CServiceRequest | |
►Npaygw_paypal | |
►Nexternal | |
Cget_config_for_js | |
Ctransaction_complete | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for paygw_paypal |
Cgateway | The gateway class for PayPal payment gateway |
Cpaypal_helper | |
►NPHPMailer | |
►NPHPMailer | |
CException | PHPMailer exception handler |
COAuth | OAuth - OAuth2 authentication wrapper class |
COAuthTokenProvider | OAuthTokenProvider - OAuth2 token provider interface |
CPHPMailer | PHPMailer - PHP email creation and transport class |
►NPhpml | |
►NAssociation | |
CApriori | |
CAssociator | |
►NClassification | |
►NDecisionTree | |
CDecisionTreeLeaf | |
►NEnsemble | |
CAdaBoost | |
CBagging | |
CRandomForest | |
►NLinear | |
CAdaline | |
CDecisionStump | |
CPerceptron | |
CClassifier | |
CDecisionTree | |
CKNearestNeighbors | |
CMLPClassifier | |
CNaiveBayes | |
CSVC | |
CWeightedClassifier | |
►NClustering | |
►NKMeans | |
CCluster | |
CPoint | |
CSpace | |
CClusterer | |
CFuzzyCMeans | |
CKMeans | |
►NCrossValidation | |
CRandomSplit | |
CSplit | |
CStratifiedRandomSplit | |
►NDataset | |
►NDemo | |
CGlassDataset | |
CIrisDataset | |
CWineDataset | |
CArrayDataset | |
CCsvDataset | |
CDataset | |
CFilesDataset | |
CMnistDataset | |
CSvmDataset | |
►NDimensionReduction | |
CEigenTransformerBase | |
CKernelPCA | |
CLDA | |
CPCA | |
►NException | |
CDatasetException | |
CFileException | |
CInvalidArgumentException | |
CInvalidOperationException | |
CLibsvmCommandException | |
CMatrixException | |
CNormalizerException | |
CSerializeException | |
►NFeatureExtraction | |
►NStopWords | |
CEnglish | |
CFrench | |
CPolish | |
CRussian | |
CStopWords | |
CTfIdfTransformer | |
CTokenCountVectorizer | |
►NFeatureSelection | |
►NScoringFunction | |
CANOVAFValue | |
CUnivariateLinearRegression | |
CScoringFunction | |
CSelectKBest | |
CVarianceThreshold | |
►NHelper | |
►NOptimizer | |
CConjugateGradient | |
CGD | |
CMP | Handles element-wise vector operations between vector-vector and vector-scalar variables |
COptimizer | |
CStochasticGD | |
►NMath | |
►NDistance | |
CChebyshev | |
CDistance | |
CEuclidean | |
CManhattan | |
CMinkowski | |
►NKernel | |
CRBF | |
►NLinearAlgebra | |
CEigenvalueDecomposition | |
CLUDecomposition | |
►NStatistic | |
CCorrelation | |
CCovariance | |
CGaussian | |
CMean | |
CStandardDeviation | |
CVariance | |
CComparison | |
CDistance | |
CKernel | |
CMatrix | |
CProduct | |
CSet | |
►NMetric | |
CAccuracy | |
CClassificationReport | |
CConfusionMatrix | |
CRegression | |
►NNeuralNetwork | |
►NActivationFunction | |
CBinaryStep | |
CGaussian | |
CHyperbolicTangent | |
CPReLU | |
CSigmoid | |
CThresholdedReLU | |
►NNetwork | |
CLayeredNetwork | |
CMultilayerPerceptron | |
►NNode | |
►NNeuron | |
CSynapse | |
CBias | |
CInput | |
CNeuron | |
►NTraining | |
►NBackpropagation | |
CSigma | |
CBackpropagation | |
CActivationFunction | |
CLayer | |
CNetwork | |
CNode | |
►NPreprocessing | |
►NImputer | |
►NStrategy | |
CMeanStrategy | |
CMedianStrategy | |
CMostFrequentStrategy | |
CStrategy | |
CColumnFilter | |
CImputer | |
CLabelEncoder | |
CLambdaTransformer | |
CNormalizer | |
CNumberConverter | |
COneHotEncoder | |
CPreprocessor | |
►NRegression | |
CLeastSquares | |
CRegression | |
CSVR | |
►NSupportVectorMachine | |
CDataTransformer | |
CKernel | |
CSupportVectorMachine | |
CType | |
►NTokenization | |
CNGramTokenizer | |
CNGramWordTokenizer | |
CTokenizer | |
CWhitespaceTokenizer | |
CWordTokenizer | |
CEstimator | |
CFeatureUnion | |
CIncrementalEstimator | |
CModelManager | |
CPipeline | |
CTransformer | |
►NPhpXmlRpc | |
►NException | |
CFaultResponseException | |
CHttpException | |
CNoSuchMethodException | |
CParsingException | |
CServerException | |
CStateErrorException | |
CTransportException | |
CTypeErrorException | |
CValueErrorException | |
CXmlException | |
CXmlRpcException | |
►NHelper | |
CCharset | |
CDate | |
CHttp | |
CInterop | |
CLogger | |
CXMLParser | |
CClient | |
CEncoder | |
CException | |
CPhpXmlRpc | |
CRequest | |
CResponse | |
CServer | |
CValue | |
►Nportfolio_download | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Provider for the portfolio_download plugin |
►Nportfolio_flickr | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Provider for the portfolio_flickr plugin |
►Nportfolio_googledocs | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Provider for the portfolio_googledocs plugin |
►Nportfolio_mahara | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Provider for the portfolio_mahara plugin |
►Nprofilefield_checkbox | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nprofilefield_datetime | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nprofilefield_menu | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nprofilefield_social | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
Chelper | Helper class for social profile fields |
►Nprofilefield_text | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Nprofilefield_textarea | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►NPsr | |
►NHttp | |
►NClient | |
CClientExceptionInterface | |
CClientInterface | |
CNetworkExceptionInterface | |
CRequestExceptionInterface | |
►NMessage | |
CMessageInterface | |
CRequestFactoryInterface | |
CRequestInterface | |
CResponseFactoryInterface | |
CResponseInterface | |
CServerRequestFactoryInterface | |
CServerRequestInterface | |
CStreamFactoryInterface | |
CStreamInterface | |
CUploadedFileFactoryInterface | |
CUploadedFileInterface | |
CUriFactoryInterface | |
CUriInterface | |
►Nqbank_bulkmove | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Cbulk_move_action | |
Chelper | |
Cplugin_feature | |
►Nqbank_columnsortorder | |
►Nexternal | |
Cset_columnbank_order | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Ccolumn_manager | |
►Nqbank_comment | |
►Nevent | |
Ccomment_created | |
Ccomment_deleted | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Ccomment_count_column | |
Cplugin_feature | |
►Nqbank_customfields | |
►Ncustomfield | |
Cquestion_handler | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Ccustom_field_column | |
Cplugin_feature | |
►Nqbank_deletequestion | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qbank_deletequestion implementing null_provider |
Cbulk_delete_action | |
Cdelete_action_column | Action to delete (or hide) a question, or restore a previously hidden question |
Chelper | |
Cplugin_feature | Class columns is the entrypoint for the columns |
►Nqbank_editquestion | |
►Nexternal | |
Cupdate_question_version_status | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Renderer for add/edit/copy |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qbank_editquestion implementing null_provider |
Ccopy_action_column | Question bank column for the duplicate action icon |
Cedit_action_column | Class for question bank edit question column |
Ceditquestion_helper | Class editquestion_helper for methods related to add/edit/copy |
Cplugin_feature | Class columns is the entrypoint for the columns |
Cqbank_chooser | The qbank_chooser renderable class |
Cqbank_chooser_item | The qbank_chooser_item renderable class |
Cquestion_status_column | |
►Nqbank_exportquestions | |
►Nform | |
Cexport_form | Form to export questions from the question bank |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Class provider |
Cexportquestions_helper | Class exportquestions_helper contains all the library functions |
Cnavigation | Class navigation |
Cplugin_feature | Class plugin_feature |
►Nqbank_exporttoxml | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Cexport_xml_action_column | |
Chelper | |
Cplugin_feature | |
►Nqbank_history | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Chelper | |
Chistory_action_column | |
Cplugin_feature | |
Cquestion_history_view | |
Cversion_number_column | |
►Nqbank_importquestions | |
►Nform | |
Cquestion_import_form | Form to import questions into the question bank |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Cnavigation | Class navigation |
Cplugin_feature | Class plugin_feature |
►Nqbank_managecategories | |
►Nform | |
Cquestion_category_edit_form | |
Cquestion_move_form | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Chelper | |
Cnavigation | |
Cplugin_feature | |
Cquestion_category_list | |
Cquestion_category_list_item | |
Cquestion_category_object | Class for performing operations on question categories |
►Nqbank_previewquestion | |
►Nform | |
Cpreview_options_form | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Chelper | |
Cplugin_feature | |
Cpreview_action_column | |
Cquestion_preview_options | |
►Nqbank_statistics | |
►Ncolumns | |
Cdiscrimination_index | |
Cdiscriminative_efficiency | |
Cfacility_index | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Chelper | |
Cplugin_feature | |
►Nqbank_tagquestion | |
►Nexternal | |
Csubmit_tags | |
►Nform | |
Ctags_form | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Cplugin_feature | |
Ctags_action_column | |
►Nqbank_usage | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Ntables | |
Cquestion_usage_table | |
Chelper | |
Cplugin_feature | |
Cquestion_last_used_column | |
Cquestion_usage_column | |
►Nqbank_viewcreator | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Ccreator_name_column | |
Cmodifier_name_column | |
Cplugin_feature | |
►Nqbank_viewquestionname | |
►Noutput | |
Cquestionname | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Cplugin_feature | |
Cquestion_name_idnumber_tags_column | |
Cviewquestionname_column_helper | |
►Nqbank_viewquestiontext | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Cplugin_feature | |
Cquestion_text_row | |
►Nqbank_viewquestiontype | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Cplugin_feature | |
Cquestion_type_column | |
►Nqbehaviour_adaptive | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_adaptive implementing null_provider |
►Nqbehaviour_adaptivenopenalty | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_adaptivenopenalty implementing null_provider |
►Nqbehaviour_deferredcbm | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_deferredcbm implementing null_provider |
►Nqbehaviour_deferredfeedback | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_deferredfeedback implementing null_provider |
►Nqbehaviour_immediatecbm | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_immediatecbm implementing null_provider |
►Nqbehaviour_immediatefeedback | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_immediatefeedback implementing null_provider |
►Nqbehaviour_informationitem | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_informationitem implementing null_provider |
►Nqbehaviour_interactive | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_interactive implementing null_provider |
►Nqbehaviour_interactivecountback | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_interactivecountback implementing null_provider |
►Nqbehaviour_manualgraded | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_manualgraded implementing null_provider |
►Nqbehaviour_missing | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qbehaviour_missing implementing null_provider |
►Nqformat_aiken | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_aiken implementing null_provider |
►Nqformat_blackboard_six | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_blackboard_six implementing null_provider |
►Nqformat_gift | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_gift implementing null_provider |
►Nqformat_missingword | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_missingword implementing null_provider |
►Nqformat_multianswer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_multianswer implementing null_provider |
►Nqformat_xhtml | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_xhtml implementing null_provider |
►Nqformat_xml | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qformat_xml implementing null_provider |
►Nqtype_calculated | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_calculated implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_calculated_answer | |
►Nqtype_calculatedmulti | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_calculatedmulti implementing null_provider |
Cqtype_calculatedmulti_answer | |
►Nqtype_calculatedsimple | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_calculatedsimple implementing null_provider |
►Nqtype_ddimageortext | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_ddimageortext implementing user_preference_provider |
►Nqtype_ddmarker | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_ddmarker implementing user_preference_provider |
►Nqtype_ddwtos | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_ddwtos implementing user_preference_provider |
►Nqtype_description | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_description implementing null_provider |
►Nqtype_essay | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_essay implementing user_preference_provider |
►Nqtype_gapselect | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_gapselect implementing user_preference_provider |
►Nqtype_match | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_match implementing user_preference_provider |
►Nqtype_missingtype | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_missingtype implementing null_provider |
►Nqtype_multianswer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_multianswer implementing null_provider |
►Nqtype_multichoice | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_multichoice implementing user_preference_provider |
►Nqtype_numerical | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_numerical implementing user_preference_provider |
►Nqtype_random | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_random implementing null_provider |
►Nqtype_randomsamatch | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_randomsamatch implementing null_provider |
►Nqtype_shortanswer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for qtype_shortanswer implementing user_preference_provider |
►Nqtype_truefalse | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Nquiz_grading | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy subsystem for quiz_grading |
►Nquiz_overview | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for quiz_overview |
►Nquiz_responses | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for quiz_responses with user preferences |
►Nquiz_statistics | |
►Nevent | |
►Nobserver | |
Cattempt_submitted | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for quiz_statistics implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Crecalculate | |
►Ntests | |
Cstatistics_helper | |
Ccalculated | |
Ccalculator | |
Cquiz_attempt_deleted | |
Cquiz_structure_modified | |
►Nquizaccess_delaybetweenattempts | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_delaybetweenattempts implementing null_provider |
►Nquizaccess_ipaddress | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_ipaddress implementing null_provider |
►Nquizaccess_numattempts | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_numattempts implementing null_provider |
►Nquizaccess_offlineattempts | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_offlineattempts implementing null_provider |
►Nquizaccess_openclosedate | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_openclosedate implementing null_provider |
►Nquizaccess_password | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_password implementing null_provider |
►Nquizaccess_seb | |
►Nevent | |
Caccess_prevented | Event for when access to a quiz is prevented by this subplugin |
Ctemplate_created | Event for when a template is created |
Ctemplate_deleted | Event for when a template is deleted |
Ctemplate_disabled | Event for when a template is disabled |
Ctemplate_enabled | Event for when a template is enabled |
Ctemplate_updated | Event for when a template is updated |
►Nexternal | |
Cvalidate_quiz_keys | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nform | |
Ctemplate | Form for manipulating with the template records |
►Ntable | |
Ctemplate_list | Templates table |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for quizaccess_seb |
Cconfig_key | Class for generating and representing a Safe Exam Browser config key |
Chelper | Helper class |
Chideif_rule | Class to store data for "hide if" rules for the settings form |
Clink_generator | Generate the links to open/download the Safe Exam Browser with correct settings |
Cproperty_list | Wrapper for CFPropertyList to handle low level iteration |
Cseb_access_manager | Manage the access to the quiz |
Cseb_quiz_settings | Entity model representing quiz settings for the seb plugin |
Csettings_provider | Helper class for providing quiz settings, to make setting up quiz form manageable |
Ctemplate | Entity model representing template settings for the seb plugin |
Ctemplate_controller | Class for manipulating with the template records |
►Nquizaccess_securewindow | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_securewindow implementing null_provider |
►Nquizaccess_timelimit | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for quizaccess_timelimit implementing null_provider |
►NRedeyeVentures | |
►NGeoPattern | |
►NSVGElements | |
CBase | |
CCircle | |
CGroup | |
CPath | |
CPolyline | |
CRectangle | |
CGeoPattern | |
►Nreport_backups | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_backups implementing null_provider |
►Nreport_competency | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Renderer class for competency breakdown report |
Creport | Class containing data for learning plan template competencies page |
Cuser_course_navigation | User course navigation class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_competency implementing null_provider |
Cexternal | |
►Nreport_completion | |
►Nevent | |
Creport_viewed | The report_completion report viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for report_completion |
►Nreport_configlog | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_configlog implementing null_provider |
►Nreportbuilder | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nentities | |
Cconfig_change | |
►Nsystemreports | |
Cconfig_changes | |
►Nreport_courseoverview | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_courseoverview implementing null_provider |
►Nreport_eventlist | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_eventlist implementing null_provider |
►Nreport_infectedfiles | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Infected file report renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Infected file report |
►Ntable | |
Cinfectedfiles_table | Infected file report |
►Nreport_insights | |
►Noutput | |
Cactions_exporter | Output helper to export actions for rendering |
Cinsight | Single insight view page |
Cinsights_list | Shows report_insights insights list |
Crenderer | Renderer class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_insights implementing null_provider |
Cexternal | |
►Nreport_log | |
►Nevent | |
Creport_viewed | |
Cuser_report_viewed | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_log implementing null_provider |
►Nreport_loglive | |
►Nevent | |
Creport_viewed | The report_loglive report viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_loglive implementing null_provider |
►Nreport_outline | |
►Nevent | |
Cactivity_report_viewed | The report_outline activity report viewed event class |
Creport_viewed | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_outline implementing null_provider |
Cfilter_form | Class filter_form form to filter the results by date |
►Nreport_participation | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_participation implementing null_provider |
►Nreport_performance | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_performance implementing null_provider |
►Nreport_progress | |
►Nlocal | |
Chelper | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for report_progress |
►Nreport_questioninstances | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_questioninstances implementing null_provider |
►Nreport_security | |
►Nevent | |
Creport_viewed | The report_loglive report viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_security implementing null_provider |
►Nreport_stats | |
►Nevent | |
Creport_viewed | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_stats implementing provider |
►Nreport_status | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider |
►Nreport_usersessions | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for report_usersessions implementing null_provider |
►Nrepository_areafiles | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_areafiles implementing null_provider |
►Nrepository_contentbank | |
►Nbrowser | |
Ccontentbank_browser | Base class for the content bank browsers |
Ccontentbank_browser_context_course | Represents the content bank browser in the course context |
Ccontentbank_browser_context_coursecat | Represents the content bank browser in the course category context |
Ccontentbank_browser_context_system | Represents the content bank browser in the system context |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_contentbank implementing null_provider |
Ccontentbank_search | Represents the content bank search related functionality |
Chelper | Helper class for content bank files repository |
►Nrepository_coursefiles | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_coursefiles implementing null_provider |
►Nrepository_dropbox | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_dropbox implementing metadata and plugin providers |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | |
Cauthentication_exception | Dropbox Authentication exception |
Cdropbox | Dropbox V2 API |
Cdropbox_exception | General Dropbox Exception |
Cprovider_exception | Upstream issue exception |
Crate_limit_exception | Dropbox Rate Limit Encountered |
►Nrepository_equella | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_equella implementing null_provider |
►Nrepository_filesystem | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_filesystem implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | |
►Nrepository_flickr | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_flickr implementing metadata, plugin, and user_preference providers |
►Nrepository_flickr_public | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_flickr_public implementing metadata and plugin providers |
►Nrepository_googledocs | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nbrowser | |
Cgoogledocs_drive_content | |
Cgoogledocs_root_content | |
Cgoogledocs_shared_drives_content | |
►Nnode | |
Cfile_node | |
Cfolder_node | |
Cnode | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_googledocs implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Cgoogledocs_content | |
Cgoogledocs_content_search | |
Chelper | |
Crest | Google Drive Rest API |
►Nrepository_local | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_local implementing null_provider |
►Nrepository_merlot | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_merlot implementing metadata and plugin providers |
►Nrepository_nextcloud | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementing null_provider |
Caccess_controlled_link_manager | Manages the creation and usage of access controlled links |
Cconfiguration_exception | Exception for when client configuration data is missing |
Cissuer_management | Provide static functions for creating and validating issuers |
Cocs_client | REST interface to Nextcloud's implementation of Open Collaboration Services |
Crequest_exception | Exception for when an OCS request fails |
►Nrepository_onedrive | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_onedrive implementing metadata and plugin providers |
Caccess | Class for loading/storing issuer from the DB |
Cremove_temp_access_task | Simple task to delete temporary permission records |
Crest | Microsoft Graph API Rest Interface |
►Nrepository_recent | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_recent implementing null_provider |
►Nrepository_s3 | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_s3 implementing null_provider |
►Nrepository_upload | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_upload implementing null_provider |
►Nrepository_url | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_url implementing null_provider |
►Nrepository_user | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_user implementing null_provider |
►Nrepository_webdav | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_webdav implementing null_provider |
►Nrepository_wikimedia | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_wikimedia implementing metadata and plugin providers |
►Nrepository_youtube | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for repository_youtube implementing metadata, plugin providers |
►NSabberworm | |
►NCSS | |
►NComment | |
CComment | |
CCommentable | |
►NCSSList | |
CAtRuleBlockList | |
CCSSBlockList | |
CCSSList | |
CDocument | |
CKeyFrame | |
►NParsing | |
COutputException | |
CParserState | |
CSourceException | |
CUnexpectedEOFException | |
CUnexpectedTokenException | |
►NProperty | |
CAtRule | |
CCharset | |
CCSSNamespace | |
CImport | |
CSelector | |
►NRuleSet | |
CAtRuleSet | |
CDeclarationBlock | |
CRuleSet | |
►NValue | |
CCalcFunction | |
CCalcRuleValueList | |
CColor | |
CCSSFunction | |
CCSSString | |
CLineName | |
CPrimitiveValue | |
CRuleValueList | |
CSize | |
CURL | |
CValue | |
CValueList | |
COutputFormat | |
COutputFormatter | |
CParser | |
CRenderable | |
CSettings | |
►Nscormreport_basic | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for scormreport_basic |
Creport | |
►Nscormreport_graphs | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for scormreport_graphs implementing null_provider |
Creport | Main class to control the graphs reporting |
►Nscormreport_interactions | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for scormreport_interactions |
Creport | |
►Nscormreport_objectives | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for scormreport_objectives |
Creport | Objectives report class |
►NScssPhp | |
►NScssPhp | |
►NBase | |
CRange | Range |
►NBlock | |
CAtRootBlock | |
CCallableBlock | |
CContentBlock | |
CDirectiveBlock | |
CEachBlock | |
CElseBlock | |
CElseifBlock | |
CForBlock | |
CIfBlock | |
CMediaBlock | |
CNestedPropertyBlock | |
CWhileBlock | |
►NCompiler | |
CCachedResult | |
CEnvironment | Compiler environment |
►NException | |
CCompilerException | Compiler exception |
CParserException | Parser Exception |
CRangeException | Range exception |
CSassException | |
CSassScriptException | |
CServerException | Server Exception |
►NFormatter | |
CCompact | Compact formatter |
CCompressed | Compressed formatter |
CCrunched | Crunched formatter |
CDebug | Debug formatter |
CExpanded | Expanded formatter |
CNested | Nested formatter |
COutputBlock | Output block |
►NLogger | |
CLoggerInterface | Interface implemented by loggers for warnings and debug messages |
CQuietLogger | A logger that silently ignores all messages |
CStreamLogger | A logger that prints to a PHP stream (for instance stderr) |
►NNode | |
CNumber | Dimension + optional units |
►NSourceMap | |
CBase64 | Base 64 Encode/Decode |
CBase64VLQ | Base 64 VLQ |
CSourceMapGenerator | Source Map Generator |
►NUtil | |
CPath | |
CBlock | Block |
CCache | The scss cache manager |
CColors | CSS Colors |
CCompilationResult | |
CCompiler | The scss compiler and parser |
CFormatter | Base formatter |
CNode | Base node |
COutputStyle | |
CType | Block/node types |
CUtil | Utility functions |
CValueConverter | |
CVersion | SCSSPHP version |
CWarn | |
►Nsearch_simpledb | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Provider for the search_simpledb plugin |
Cengine | Simple moodle database engine |
►Nsearch_solr | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Provider for the search_solr plugin |
Cdocument | Respresents a document to index |
Cengine | Solr engine |
Cschema | Schema class to interact with Solr schema |
►Ntests | |
►Ngradingform_guide | |
►Ngenerator | |
Ccriterion | Convenience class to create guide criterion |
Cguide | Test guide |
►Ngradingform_rubric | |
►Ngenerator | |
Ccriterion | Convenience class to create rubric criterion |
Crubric | Test rubric |
►Ntheme_boost | |
►Noutput | |
Ccore_renderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The boost theme stores a user preference data |
Cautoprefixer | Autoprefixer class |
Cboostnavbar | |
►Ntheme_classic | |
►Noutput | |
Ccore_renderer | Renderers to align Moodle's HTML with that expected by Bootstrap |
Cicon_system_fontawesome | Class overriding some of the Moodle default FontAwesome icons |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | The classic theme does not store any data |
►Ntiny_accessibilitychecker | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Cplugininfo | |
►Ntiny_autosave | |
►Nexternal | |
Creset_autosave_session | |
Cresume_autosave_session | |
Cupdate_autosave_session_content | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Cautosave_manager | |
Cplugininfo | |
►Ntiny_equation | |
►Nexternal | |
Cfilter | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for the Equation plugin for TinyMCE |
Cplugininfo | Tiny equation plugin |
►Ntiny_h5p | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Cplugininfo | |
►Ntiny_link | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for the Link plugin for TinyMCE |
Cplugininfo | Tiny link plugin |
►Ntiny_media | |
►Nform | |
Cmanage_files_form | Form allowing to edit files in one draft area |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Cplugininfo | |
►Ntiny_recordrtc | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
Cplugininfo | |
►Ntool_admin_presets | |
►Nevent | |
Cpreset_deleted | |
Cpreset_downloaded | |
Cpreset_exported | |
Cpreset_imported | |
Cpreset_loaded | |
Cpreset_previewed | |
Cpreset_reverted | |
Cpresets_listed | |
►Nform | |
Ccontinue_form | |
Cexport_form | |
Cimport_form | |
Cload_form | |
►Nlocal | |
►Naction | |
Cbase | |
Cdelete | |
Cexport | |
Cimport | |
Cload | |
Crollback | |
►Noutput | |
Cexport_import | Class containing data for export and import template |
Cpresets_list | Class containing data for admin_presets tool |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Ntool_analytics | |
►Noutput | |
►Nform | |
Cedit_model | Model edit form |
Cimport_model | Model upload form |
Chelper | Helper class with general purpose tiny functions |
Cinsights_report | Insights report renderable |
Cinvalid_analysables | Invalid analysables renderable |
Cmodel_logs | Model logs table class |
Cmodels_list | Shows tool_analytics models list |
Crenderer | Renderer class |
Crestorable_models | Represents the list of default models that can be eventually restored |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_analytics implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Cpredict_models | Predict system models with new data available |
Ctrain_models | Train system models with new data available |
Cclihelper | Helper class that contains helper functions for cli scripts |
Cexternal | This is the external API for this component |
►Ntool_availabilityconditions | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_availabilityconditions implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_behat | |
►Nexternal | |
Cget_entity_generator | External function for getting properties of entity generators |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_behat implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_brickfield | |
►Nevent | |
Canalysis_requested | |
Creport_downloaded | |
Creport_viewed | |
►Nform | |
Cregistration_form | Class registration_form |
►Nlocal | |
►Nareas | |
►Ncore_course | |
Cbase | |
Ccategory_base | |
Ccategory_description | |
Ccategory_name | |
Cfullname | |
Csectionname | |
Csectionsummary | |
Cshortname | |
Csummary | |
►Ncore_question | |
Canswerbase | |
Cbase | |
Cgeneralfeedback | |
Cquestionanswers | |
Cquestionfeedback | |
Cquestionname | |
Cquestiontext | |
►Nmod_assign | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_book | |
Cbase | |
Cchaptercontent | |
Cchaptertitle | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_chat | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_choice | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
Coption | |
►Nmod_data | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_feedback | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_folder | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_forum | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_glossary | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_imscp | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_label | |
Cintro | |
►Nmod_lesson | |
Canswer_answer | |
Canswer_base | |
Canswer_response | |
Cbase | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
Cpage_base | |
Cpagecontent | |
Cpagetitle | |
►Nmod_lti | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_page | |
Ccontent | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_quiz | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_resource | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_scorm | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_survey | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_url | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_wiki | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
►Nmod_workshop | |
Cintro | |
Cname | |
Cmodule_area_base | |
►Nhtmlchecker | |
►Ncommon | |
►Nchecks | |
Ca_links_dont_open_new_window | |
Ca_must_contain_text | |
Ca_suspicious_link_text | |
Call_checks | |
Carea_dont_open_new_window | |
Carea_has_alt_value | |
Cbasefont_is_not_used | |
Cblink_is_not_used | |
Cbold_is_not_used | |
Ccontent_too_long | |
Ccss_text_has_contrast | |
Cembed_has_associated_no_embed | |
Cheader_h3 | |
Cheaders_have_text | |
Ci_is_not_used | |
Cimg_alt_is_different | |
Cimg_alt_is_too_long | |
Cimg_alt_not_empty_in_anchor | |
Cimg_alt_not_place_holder | |
Cimg_has_alt | |
Cimg_with_map_has_use_map | |
Clegend_text_not_empty | |
Cmarquee_is_not_used | |
Cmarquee_is_not_used_test | Class marquee_is_not_used_test |
Cno_headings | |
Cobject_must_have_embed | |
Cobject_must_have_title | |
Cobject_must_have_valid_title | |
Cstrike_is_not_used | |
Ctable_data_should_have_th | |
Ctable_summary_does_not_duplicate_caption | |
Ctable_td_should_not_merge | |
Ctable_th_should_have_scope | |
Cbody_color_contrast | |
Cbody_wai_ert_color_contrast | |
Cbrickfield_accessibility_color_test | |
Cbrickfield_accessibility_css | |
Cbrickfield_accessibility_dom_element | An older attempt at using dom element extensions to introducefinding the styling of an element |
Cbrickfield_accessibility_header_test | |
Cbrickfield_accessibility_table_test | |
Cbrickfield_accessibility_tag_test | |
Cbrickfield_accessibility_test | |
Chtml_elements | |
Cinput_has_label | |
Cinput_tab_index | |
►Nguidelines | |
Cbrickfield_guideline | |
Cbrickfield_textonly_guideline | |
►Nreporters | |
Creport_array | |
Creport_codehighlight | |
Creport_demo | |
Creport_static | |
Creport_xml | |
Cbrickfield_accessibility | |
Cbrickfield_accessibility_guideline | |
Cbrickfield_accessibility_report_item | |
Cbrickfield_accessibility_reporter | |
►Ntool | |
Cactivityresults | |
Cadvanced | |
Cbfpdf | Tool_brickfield bfpdf |
Cchecktyperesults | |
Cerrors | |
Cfilter | |
Cprintable | |
Ctool | |
►Noutput | |
►Nactivityresults | |
Crenderer | |
►Nadvanced | |
Crenderer | |
►Nchecktyperesults | |
Crenderer | |
►Nerrors | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprintable | |
Crenderer | |
Crenderer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Ntask | |
Cbulk_process_caches | |
Cbulk_process_courses | |
Ccheckid_validation | |
Cprocess_analysis_requests | |
Cupdate_summarydata | |
Caccessibility | |
Canalysis | |
Carea_base | |
Carea_test_base | |
Cbrickfieldconnect | |
Ceventobservers | |
Cmanager | |
Cmock_brickfieldconnect | Mock brickfield connect |
Cmock_registration | Mock registration |
Cregistration | |
Cscheduler | |
Csitedata | |
►Ntool_capability | |
►Nevent | |
Creport_viewed | The tool_capability report viewed event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_capability implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_cohortroles | |
►Nform | |
Cassign_role_cohort | |
►Noutput | |
Ccohort_role_assignments_table | Cohort role assignments table |
Crenderer | Renderer class for cohort roles |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_cohortroles implementing metadata and plugin providers |
►Ntask | |
Ccohort_role_sync | Scheduled task for syncing cohort roles |
Capi | Class for doing things with cohort roles |
Ccohort_role_assignment | Class for loading/storing cohort_role_assignments from the DB |
Cobservers | |
►Ntool_componentlibrary | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nexamples | |
►Ndynamictabs | |
Ctab1 | Example tab class |
Ctab2 | Example tab class |
►Nformelements | |
Cexample | Example form to showcase the rendering of form fields |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | |
►Ntool_customlang | |
►Nform | |
Cexport | Formular for customlang file export |
Cimport | Upload a zip/php of custom lang php files |
►Nlocal | |
►Nmlang | |
Clangstring | Class containing a lang string cleaned |
Clogstatus | Class containing a lang string cleaned |
Cphpparser | Parser of Moodle strings defined as associative array |
Cimporter | Class containing tha custom lang importer |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Renderer for the customlang tool |
Ctranslator | Class containing data for customlang translator page |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_customlang implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_dataprivacy | |
►Nevent | |
Cuser_deleted_observer | Event observers supported by this module |
►Nexternal | |
Ccategory_exporter | Class for exporting field data |
Ccontext_instance_exporter | Class for exporting context instance |
Cdata_request_exporter | Class for exporting user evidence with all competencies |
Cname_description_exporter | Class that exports an object containing a name and a description |
Cpurpose_exporter | Class for exporting field data |
►Nform | |
Ccategory | Data category form |
Ccontactdpo | |
Ccontext_instance | Context instance data form |
Ccontextlevel | Context level data form |
Cpurpose | Data purpose form |
►Nlocal | |
Chelper | Class containing helper functions for the data privacy tool |
►Noutput | |
Ccategories | Class containing the categories page renderable |
Ccrud_element | Abstract renderer for independent renderable elements |
Cdata_deletion_page | Class containing data for a user's data requests |
Cdata_registry_compliance_page | Class containing the data registry compliance renderable |
Cdata_registry_page | Class containing the data registry renderable |
Cdata_requests_page | Class containing data for a user's data requests |
Cdata_requests_table | The class for displaying the data requests table |
Cdefaults_page | Class containing data for the data registry defaults |
Cexpired_contexts_table | The class for displaying the expired contexts table |
Cmy_data_requests_page | Class containing data for a user's data requests |
Cpurposes | Class containing the purposes page renderable |
Crenderer | Renderer class for tool_dataprivacy |
Crequest_filter | Class containing the filter options data for rendering the autocomplete element for the data requests page |
Csummary_page | Class containing the summary page renderable |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for requesting user data |
►Ntask | |
Cdelete_existing_deleted_users | Scheduled task to create delete data request for pre-existing deleted users |
Cdelete_expired_contexts | Scheduled task to delete expired context instances once they are approved for deletion |
Cdelete_expired_requests | Scheduled task to delete files and update request statuses once they expire |
Cexpired_retention_period | Scheduled task to flag contexts as expired |
Capi | Class containing helper methods for processing data requests |
Ccategory | Class for loading/storing data categories from the DB |
Ccontext_instance | Class for loading/storing context instances data from the DB |
Ccontextlevel | Class for loading/storing context level data from the DB |
Cdata_registry | Data registry business logic methods |
Cdata_request | Class for loading/storing data requests from the DB |
Cexpired_context | Class that represents an expired context |
Cexpired_contexts_manager | Expired contexts manager |
Cexpiry_info | Expiry Data |
Cexternal | Class external |
Cfiltered_userlist | An implementation of a userlist which can be filtered by role |
Cmanager_observer | A failure observer for the core_privacy\manager |
Cmetadata_registry | Class containing helper methods for processing data requests |
Cpage_helper | Page helper |
Cpurpose | Class for loading/storing data purposes from the DB |
Cpurpose_override | Class for loading/storing data purpose overrides from the DB |
►Ntool_dbtransfer | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_dbtransfer implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_filetypes | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_filetypes implementing null_provider |
Cutils | Class with static back-end methods used by the file type tool |
►Ntool_generator | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_generator implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_httpsreplace | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_httpsreplace implementing null_provider |
Cform | Site wide http -> https search-replace form |
Curl_finder | Examines DB for non-https src or data links |
►Ntool_innodb | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_innodb implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_installaddon | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_installaddon implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_langimport | |
►Nevent | |
Clangpack_updated | |
►Noutput | |
Clangimport_page | Language import page class |
Crenderer | Renderer class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_langimport implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Cinstall_langpacks | |
Cupdate_langpacks_task | A scheduled task for updating langpacks |
Ccontroller | Lang import controller |
►Ntool_licensemanager | |
►Nform | |
Cedit_license | Form for creating/updating a custom license |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Renderer class for 'tool_licensemanager' component |
Ctable | Renderable for display of license manager table |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem implementation for tool_licensemanager implementing null_provider |
Chelper | |
Cmanager | |
►Ntool_log | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nprivacy | |
Chelper | Privacy helper class |
Clogstore_provider | Logstore provider interface |
Clogstore_userlist_provider | Logstore userlist provider interface |
►Nlog | |
Cmanager | |
Cobserver | |
Cstore | |
Cwriter | |
►Nplugininfo | |
Clogstore | Plugin info class for logging store plugins |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Ntool_lp | |
►Nexternal | |
Ccompetency_path_exporter | Class for exporting competency_path data |
Ccompetency_summary_exporter | Class for exporting competency data with additional related data |
Ccourse_competency_statistics_exporter | Class for exporting a course competency statistics summary |
Cpath_node_exporter | Class for exporting path_node data |
Ctemplate_statistics_exporter | Class for exporting a cohort summary from an stdClass |
Cuser_competency_summary_exporter | Class for exporting user competency data with additional related data |
Cuser_competency_summary_in_course_exporter | Class for exporting user competency data with additional related data in a plan |
Cuser_competency_summary_in_plan_exporter | Class for exporting user competency data with additional related data in a plan |
Cuser_evidence_competency_summary_exporter | Class for exporting user evidence competency data |
Cuser_evidence_summary_exporter | Class for exporting user evidence with all competencies |
►Nform | |
Ccompetency | Competency framework form |
Ccompetency_framework | Competency framework form |
Cframework_autocomplete | Form field type for choosing a framework |
Cplan | Learning plan form |
Ctemplate | Learning plan template form |
Ctemplate_cohorts | Template cohorts form class |
Ctemplate_plans | Template plans form class |
Cuser_evidence | User evidence form class |
►Noutput | |
Ccompetency_plan_navigation | User competency plan navigation class |
Ccompetency_summary | Class containing data for competency summary |
Ccourse_competencies_page | Class containing data for course competencies page |
Cmanage_competencies_page | Class containing data for managecompetencies page |
Cmanage_competency_frameworks_page | Class containing data for managecompetencyframeworks page |
Cmanage_templates_page | Class containing data for managecompetencyframeworks page |
Cmodule_navigation | User course navigation class |
Cplan_page | Plan page class |
Cplans_page | Class containing data for a user learning plans list page |
Crelated_competencies | Class containing data for related competencies |
Crenderer | Renderer class for learning plans |
Ctemplate_cohorts_page | Template cohorts renderable |
Ctemplate_cohorts_table | Template cohorts table class |
Ctemplate_competencies_page | Class containing data for learning plan template competencies page |
Ctemplate_plans_page | Template plans renderable |
Ctemplate_plans_table | Template plans table class |
Cuser_competency_course_navigation | User competency course navigation class |
Cuser_competency_summary | User competency summary class |
Cuser_competency_summary_in_course | User competency page class |
Cuser_competency_summary_in_plan | User competency page class |
Cuser_evidence_list_page | Class for the page listing the evidence of prior learning of a user |
Cuser_evidence_page | User evidence page class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_lp implementing null_provider |
Ccourse_competency_statistics | Course competency statistics class |
Cexternal | This is the external API for this tool |
Cpage_helper | Page helper |
Ctemplate_statistics | Template statistics class |
Curl_resolver | URL resolver class |
►Ntool_lpimportcsv | |
►Nform | |
Cexport | Export Competency framework form |
Cimport | Import Competency framework form |
Cimport_confirm | Import Competency framework form |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_lpimportcsv implementing null_provider |
Cframework_exporter | Export Competency framework |
Cframework_importer | This file contains the class to import a competency framework |
►Ntool_lpmigrate | |
►Nform | |
Cmigrate_framework | Form class |
►Noutput | |
Cmigrate_framework_results | Migrate frameworks results class |
Crenderer | Renderer class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_lpmigrate implementing null_provider |
Cframework_mapper | Framework mapper class |
Cframework_processor | Processor class |
►Ntool_messageinbound | |
►Nmessage | |
►Ninbound | |
Cinvalid_recipient_handler | A Handler to re-process messages which previously failed sender verification |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Data provider class |
►Ntask | |
Ccleanup_task | A scheduled task to handle cleanup of old, unconfirmed e-mails |
Cpickup_task | A scheduled task to handle Inbound Message e-mail pickup |
Cmanager | Mail Pickup Manager |
►Ntool_mobile | |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Renderer class |
Csubscription | Subscription page |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider for tool_mobile |
Capi | API exposed by tool_mobile, to be used mostly by external functions and the plugin settings |
Cevent_handler | |
Cexternal | This is the external API for this tool |
►Ntool_monitor | |
►Nevent | |
Crule_created | The tool_monitor rule created event class |
Crule_deleted | The tool_monitor rule deleted event class |
Crule_updated | The tool_monitor rule updated event class |
Csubscription_created | The tool_monitor subscription created event class |
Csubscription_deleted | The tool_monitor subscription deleted event class |
►Noutput | |
►Nmanagerules | |
Crenderable | Renderable class for manage rules page |
Crenderer | Renderer class for manage rules page |
►Nmanagesubs | |
Crenderer | Renderer class for manage subscriptions page |
Crules | Renderable class to display a set of rules in the manage subscriptions page |
Csubs | Renderable class to display a set of subscriptions in the manage subscriptions page |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider for tool_monitor |
►Ntask | |
Ccheck_subscriptions | |
Cclean_events | Simple task to clean the tool_monitor_events table |
Ceventlist | |
Ceventobservers | Observer class containing methods monitoring various events |
Cnotification_task | Adhock class, used to send notifications to users |
Crule | Class represents a single rule |
Crule_form | The mform for creating and editing a rule |
Crule_manager | Rule manager class |
Csubscription | Class represents a single subscription instance (i.e with all the subscription info) |
Csubscription_manager | Class to manage subscriptions |
►Ntool_moodlenet | |
►Nlocal | |
Cimport_backup_helper | The import_backup_helper class |
Cimport_handler_info | The import_handler_info class |
Cimport_handler_registry | The import_handler_registry class |
Cimport_info | Class import_info, describing objects which represent a resource being imported by a user |
Cimport_processor | The import_processor class |
Cimport_strategy | The import_strategy interface |
Cimport_strategy_file | The import_strategy_file class |
Cimport_strategy_link | The import_strategy_link class |
Curl | The url class, providing a representation of a url and operations on its component parts |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Renderer class |
Cselect_page | Select page renderable |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy class for tool_moodlenet |
►Ntask | |
Cpost_install | |
Csend_enable_notification | |
Csend_mnet_profiles_data_removed_notification | |
Cexternal | This is the external API for this component |
Cmoodlenet_user_profile | A class to represent the moodlenet profile |
Cprofile_manager | Class for handling interaction with the moodlenet profile |
►Ntool_multilangupgrade | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_multilangupgrade implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_oauth2 | |
►Nform | |
Cendpoint | Issuer form |
Cissuer | Issuer form |
Cuser_field_mapping | Issuer form |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Implements the plugin renderer |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_oauth2 implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_phpunit | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_phpunit implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_policy | |
►Nevent | |
Cacceptance_created | Event acceptance_created |
Cacceptance_updated | Event acceptance_updated |
►Nform | |
Caccept_policy | Represents the form for accepting or revoking a policy |
Cpolicydoc | Defines the form for editing a policy document version |
►Noutput | |
Cacceptances | List of users and their acceptances |
Cacceptances_filter | Implements the widget allowing to filter the acceptance records |
Cguestconsent | Renderer for the policies plugin |
Cpage_agreedocs | Represents a page for showing all the policy documents which a user has to agree to |
Cpage_managedocs_list | Represents a management page with the list of policy documents |
Cpage_nopermission | Represents a page for showing the error messages |
Cpage_viewalldoc | Represents a page for showing all the policy documents with a current version |
Cpage_viewdoc | Represents a page for showing the given policy document version |
Crenderer | Renderer for the policies plugin |
Cuser_agreement | List of users and their acceptances |
►Nprivacy | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nsitepolicy | |
Chandler | Class implementation for a site policy handler |
Cprovider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the policy tool |
►Ntest | |
Chelper | Provides some helper methods for unit-tests |
Cacceptances_table | Class acceptances_table |
Capi | Provides the API of the policies plugin |
Cexternal | Class external |
Cpolicy_exporter | Exporter of a policy document model |
Cpolicy_version | Persistent model representing a single policy document version |
Cpolicy_version_exporter | Exporter of a single policy document version |
►Ntool_profiling | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_profiling implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_recyclebin | |
►Nevent | |
Ccategory_bin_item_created | Event class |
Ccategory_bin_item_deleted | Event class |
Ccategory_bin_item_restored | Event Class |
Ccourse_bin_item_created | Event class |
Ccourse_bin_item_deleted | Event class |
Ccourse_bin_item_restored | Event class |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_recyclebin implementing null_provider |
►Ntask | |
Ccleanup_category_bin | This task deletes expired category recyclebin items |
Ccleanup_course_bin | This task deletes expired course recyclebin items |
Cbase_bin | Represents a recyclebin |
Ccategory_bin | Represents a category's recyclebin |
Ccourse_bin | Represents a course's recyclebin |
►Ntool_replace | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_replace implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_spamcleaner | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_spamcleaner implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_task | |
►Ncheck | |
Cadhocqueue | Ad hoc queue checks |
Ccronrunning | Cron running check |
Clongrunningtasks | |
Cmaxfaildelay | Task fail delay check |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_task implementing null_provider |
Crunning_tasks_table | Table to display list of running task |
Cscheduled_checker_task | |
►Ntool_templatelibrary | |
►Noutput | |
Clist_templates_page | Class containing data for list_templates page |
Crenderer | Renderer class for template library |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_templatelibrary implementing null_provider |
Capi | API exposed by tool_templatelibrary |
Cexternal | |
►Ntool_unsuproles | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_unsuproles implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_uploadcourse | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_uploadcourse implementing null_provider |
►Ntool_uploaduser | |
►Nlocal | |
Ccli_progress_tracker | Tracks the progress of the user upload and outputs it in CLI script (writes to STDOUT) |
Cfield_value_validators | Field validator class |
Ctext_progress_tracker | Tracks the progress of the user upload and echos it in a text format |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_uploaduser implementing null_provider |
Ccli_helper | Helper method for CLI script to upload users (also has special wrappers for cli* functions for phpunit testing) |
Cpreview | Display the preview of a CSV file |
Cprocess | Process CSV file with users data, this will create/update users, enrol them into courses, etc |
►Ntool_usertours | |
►Nexternal | |
Ctour | |
►Nlocal | |
►Nclientside_filter | |
Cclientside_filter | Clientside filter base |
Ccssselector | Course filter |
►Nfilter | |
Caccessdate | Access date filter |
Cbase | Filter base |
Ccategory | Category filter |
Ccourse | Course filter |
Ccourseformat | Course format filter |
Crole | Theme filter |
Ctheme | Theme filter |
►Nforms | |
Ceditstep | Form for editing steps |
Cedittour | Form for editing tours |
Cimporttour | Form for importing tours |
►Ntable | |
Cstep_list | Table to show the list of steps in a tour |
Ctour_list | Table to show the list of tours |
►Ntarget | |
Cbase | Target base |
Cblock | Block target |
Cselector | Selector target |
Cunattached | A step designed to be orphaned |
►Noutput | |
Crenderer | Renderer |
Cstep | Tour Step Renderable |
Ctour | Tour renderable |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the user tours feature |
Ccache | Cache manager |
Cconfiguration | Step configuration detail class |
Chelper | Tour helper |
Cmanager | Tour manager |
Cstep | Step class |
Ctarget | Target class |
Ctour | Tour class |
►Ntool_xmldb | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy Subsystem for tool_xmldb implementing null_provider |
►Nwebservice_rest | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for webservice_rest |
►Nwebservice_soap | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy provider implementation for webservice_soap |
Cwsdl | WSDL generator for the SOAP web service |
►Nworkshopallocation_manual | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy API implementation for the Manual allocation method |
►Nworkshopallocation_random | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy API implementation for the Random allocation method |
►Nworkshopallocation_scheduled | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy API implementation for the Scheduled allocation method |
►Ntask | |
Ccron_task | The main schedule task for scheduled allocation cron |
Cobserver | Class for workshopallocation_scheduled observers |
►Nworkshopeval_best | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy API implementation for the Comparison with the best assessment method |
►Nworkshopform_accumulative | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy API implementation for the Accumulative grading strategy |
►Nworkshopform_comments | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy API implementation for the Comments grading strategy |
►Nworkshopform_numerrors | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy API implementation for the Number of errors strategy |
►Nworkshopform_rubric | |
►Nprivacy | |
Cprovider | Privacy API implementation for the Rubric strategy |
►NZipStream | |
►NException | |
CEncodingException | |
CFileNotFoundException | |
CFileNotReadableException | |
CIncompatibleOptionsException | |
COverflowException | |
CStreamNotReadableException | |
►NOption | |
CArchive | |
CFile | |
CMethod | |
CVersion | |
CBigint | |
CDeflateStream | |
CException | |
CFile | |
CStream | |
CZipStream | |
CAbstractReader | Abstract class for cross-reference reader classes |
Caction_event_test_factory | A test factory that will create action events |
Caction_link | Data structure describing html link with special action attached |
Caction_menu | An action menu |
Caction_menu_filler | An action menu filler |
Caction_menu_link | An action menu action |
Caction_menu_link_primary | A primary action menu action |
Caction_menu_link_secondary | A secondary action menu action |
Cactivity_backup_setting | Abstract class containing all the common stuff for activity backup settings |
Cadd_persistent_mandatory | Add the mandatory fields for persistent to the table |
Cadmin_category | The object used to represent folders (a.k.a |
Cadmin_externalpage | Links external PHP pages into the admin tree |
Cadmin_page_manageblocks | Blocks manage page |
Cadmin_page_managefilters | Special class for filter administration |
Cadmin_page_managemessageoutputs | Message outputs configuration |
Cadmin_page_managemods | Module manage page |
Cadmin_page_manageportfolios | |
Cadmin_page_manageqbehaviours | Manage question behaviours page |
Cadmin_page_manageqtypes | Question type manage page |
Cadmin_page_managerepositories | |
Cadmin_page_pluginsoverview | General plugins manager |
Cadmin_root | Root of admin settings tree, does not have any parent |
Cadmin_setting | Admin settings class |
Cadmin_setting_agedigitalconsentmap | Used to validate the content and format of the age of digital consent map and ensuring it is parsable |
Cadmin_setting_bloglevel | Select for blog's bloglevel setting: if set to 0, will set blog_menu block to hidden |
Cadmin_setting_configcheckbox | Checkbox |
Cadmin_setting_configcheckbox_with_advanced | Checkbox with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name |
Cadmin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lock | Checkbox with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name |
Cadmin_setting_configcolourpicker | Colour picker |
Cadmin_setting_configdirectory | Path to directory |
Cadmin_setting_configduration | Seconds duration setting |
Cadmin_setting_configduration_with_advanced | Seconds duration setting with an advanced checkbox, that controls a additional $name |
Cadmin_setting_configempty | Empty setting used to allow flags (advanced) on settings that can have no sensible default |
Cadmin_setting_configexecutable | Path to executable file |
Cadmin_setting_configfile | Path to directory |
Cadmin_setting_confightmleditor | General text area with html editor |
Cadmin_setting_configiplist | Used to validate a textarea used for ip addresses |
Cadmin_setting_configmixedhostiplist | Used to validate a textarea used for domain names, wildcard domain names and IP addresses/ranges (both IPv4 and IPv6 format) |
Cadmin_setting_configmulticheckbox | Multiple checkboxes, each represents different value, stored in csv format |
Cadmin_setting_configmulticheckbox2 | Multiple checkboxes 2, value stored as string 00101011 |
Cadmin_setting_configmultiselect | Select multiple items from list |
Cadmin_setting_configmultiselect_modules | Multiselect for current modules |
Cadmin_setting_configpasswordunmask | Password field, allows unmasking of password |
Cadmin_setting_configpasswordunmask_with_advanced | Password field, allows unmasking of password, with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name |
Cadmin_setting_configportlist | Used to validate a textarea used for port numbers |
Cadmin_setting_configselect | Select one value from list |
Cadmin_setting_configselect_autocomplete | Autocomplete as you type form element |
Cadmin_setting_configselect_with_advanced | Dropdown menu with an advanced checkbox, that controls a additional $name |
Cadmin_setting_configselect_with_lock | Select with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name |
Cadmin_setting_configstoredfile | Class used for uploading of one file into file storage, the file name is stored in config table |
Cadmin_setting_configtext | The most flexible setting, the user enters text |
Cadmin_setting_configtext_trim_lower | |
Cadmin_setting_configtext_with_advanced | Text field with an advanced checkbox, that controls a additional $name |
Cadmin_setting_configtext_with_maxlength | Text input with a maximum length constraint |
Cadmin_setting_configtextarea | General text area without html editor |
Cadmin_setting_configthemepreset | Used to validate theme presets code and ensuring they compile well |
Cadmin_setting_configtime | Time selector |
Cadmin_setting_countrycodes | Allows to specify comma separated list of known country codes |
Cadmin_setting_courselist_frontpage | Special select - lists on the frontpage - hacky |
Cadmin_setting_description | No setting - just name and description in same row |
Cadmin_setting_devicedetectregex | Administration interface for user specified regular expressions for device detection |
Cadmin_setting_emoticons | Administration interface for emoticon_manager settings |
Cadmin_setting_enablemobileservice | Special checkbox for enable mobile web service If enable then we store the service id of the mobile service into config table If disable then we unstore the service id from the config table |
Cadmin_setting_encryptedpassword | Admin setting class for encrypted values using secure encryption |
Cadmin_setting_filetypes | Administration setting to define a list of file types |
Cadmin_setting_flag | An additional option that can be applied to an admin setting |
Cadmin_setting_forcetimezone | Forced user timezone setting |
Cadmin_setting_grade_profilereport | Selection of grade report in user profiles |
Cadmin_setting_gradecat_combo | Grade category settings |
Cadmin_setting_heading | No setting - just heading and text |
Cadmin_setting_langlist | Special setting for limiting of the list of available languages |
Cadmin_setting_ldap_rolemapping | |
Cadmin_setting_manage_fileconverter_plugins | Generic class for managing plugins in a table that allows re-ordering and enable/disable of each plugin |
Cadmin_setting_manage_plugins | Generic class for managing plugins in a table that allows re-ordering and enable/disable of each plugin |
Cadmin_setting_manageantiviruses | Special class for antiviruses administration |
Cadmin_setting_manageauths | Special class for authentication administration |
Cadmin_setting_managecontentbankcontenttypes | Content bank content types manager |
Cadmin_setting_managecustomfields | Custom fields manager |
Cadmin_setting_managedataformats | Data formats manager |
Cadmin_setting_manageenrols | Special class for enrol plugins management |
Cadmin_setting_manageexternalservices | Special class for management of external services |
Cadmin_setting_manageformats | Course formats manager |
Cadmin_setting_managemediaplayers | Special class for media player plugins management |
Cadmin_setting_managerepository | Manage repository settings |
Cadmin_setting_managewebserviceprotocols | Special class for web service protocol administration |
Cadmin_setting_my_grades_report | Provides a selection of grade reports to be used for "grades" |
Cadmin_setting_php_extension_enabled | Admin setting to show if a php extension is enabled or not |
Cadmin_setting_pickfilters | Admin setting that is a list of installed filter plugins |
Cadmin_setting_pickroles | Admin setting that allows a user to pick appropriate roles for something |
Cadmin_setting_question_behaviour | Admin setting that allows a user to pick a behaviour |
Cadmin_setting_regradingcheckbox | |
Cadmin_setting_requiredtext | This type of field should be used for mandatory config settings |
Cadmin_setting_scsscode | Used to validate the contents of SCSS code and ensuring they are parsable |
Cadmin_setting_searchsetupinfo | Search setup steps info |
Cadmin_setting_servertimezone | Server timezone setting |
Cadmin_setting_sitesetcheckbox | Special checkbox for frontpage - stores data in course table |
Cadmin_setting_sitesetselect | Special select for frontpage - stores data in course table |
Cadmin_setting_sitesettext | Special text for frontpage - stores data in course table |
Cadmin_setting_special_adminseesall | Special checkbox for calendar - resets SESSION vars |
Cadmin_setting_special_backup_auto_destination | Special setting for backup auto destination |
Cadmin_setting_special_backupdays | Special control for selecting days to backup |
Cadmin_setting_special_calendar_weekend | Special admin control |
Cadmin_setting_special_coursecontact | Which roles to show on course description page |
Cadmin_setting_special_debug | Special debug setting |
Cadmin_setting_special_frontpagedesc | Special text editor for site description |
Cadmin_setting_special_gradebookroles | Graded roles in gradebook |
Cadmin_setting_special_gradeexport | Primary grade export plugin - has state tracking |
Cadmin_setting_special_gradelimiting | |
Cadmin_setting_special_grademinmaxtouse | Special setting for $CFG->grade_minmaxtouse |
Cadmin_setting_special_gradepointdefault | A setting for setting the default grade point value |
Cadmin_setting_special_gradepointmax | A setting for setting the maximum grade value |
Cadmin_setting_special_registerauth | Special class for register auth selection |
Cadmin_setting_special_selectsetup | Special select for settings that are altered in setup.php and can not be altered on the fly |
Cadmin_setting_users_with_capability | An admin setting for selecting one or more users who have a capability in the system context |
Cadmin_setting_webservicesoverview | Special class for overview of external services |
Cadmin_settingdependency | Used to store details of the dependency between two settings elements |
Cadmin_settingpage | Used to group a number of admin_setting objects into a page and add them to the admin tree |
Cadmin_settings_country_select | Selection of one of the recognised countries using the list returned by get_list_of_countries() |
Cadmin_settings_coursecat_select | Course category selection |
Cadmin_settings_h5plib_handler_select | Selection of plugins that can work as H5P libraries handlers |
Cadmin_settings_num_course_sections | Admin_setting_configselect for the default number of sections in a course, simply so we can lazy-load the choices |
Cadmin_settings_sitepolicy_handler_select | Selection of plugins that can work as site policy handlers |
Cadmin_uploadpicture_form | |
Cadmin_uploaduser_form1 | Upload a file CVS file with user information |
Cadmin_uploaduser_form2 | Specify user upload details |
CADOConnection | Connection object |
CADODB2_access | |
CADODB2_db2 | |
CADODB2_generic | |
CADODB2_ibase | |
CADODB2_informix | |
CADODB2_mssql | |
CADODB2_mysql | |
CADODB2_oci8 | |
CADODB2_sapdb | |
CADODB2_sqlite | |
CADODB2_sybase | |
CADODB_Active_DB | |
CADODB_Active_Record | |
CADODB_Active_Table | |
CADODB_ado | |
CADODB_ado_access | |
CADODB_ado_mssql | |
CADODB_ads | |
CADODB_borland_ibase | |
CADODB_Cache_File | Class ADODB_Cache_File |
CADODB_Cache_MemCache | |
CADODB_DataDict | |
CADODB_db2 | |
CADODB_Exception | |
CADODB_informix | |
CADODB_informix72 | |
CADODB_Iterator | Class ADODB_Iterator |
CADODB_Iterator_empty | Class ADODB_Iterator_empty |
CADODB_ldap | |
CADODB_mssql | |
CADODB_mssql_n | |
CADODB_mssqlnative | |
CADODB_mssqlpo | |
CADODB_netezza | |
CADODB_oci8 | |
CADODB_oci805 | |
CADODB_oci8po | |
CADODB_oci8quercus | |
CADODB_odbc | |
CADODB_odbc_mssql | |
CADODB_odbc_mssql2012 | |
CADODB_odbc_oracle | |
CADODB_odbtp | |
CADODB_odbtp_unicode | |
CADODB_oracle | |
CADODB_pdo | |
CADODB_pdo_base | |
Cadodb_perf | |
CADODB_postgres64 | |
CADODB_postgres7 | |
CADODB_postgres8 | |
CADODB_postgres9 | |
CADODB_sqlite | |
CADODB_sqlitepo | |
CADODB_sybase | |
CADODB_sybase_ase | |
CADOdbLoadBalancerConnection | Class ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection |
CADOFetchObj | Internal placeholder for record objects |
CADOFieldObject | Helper class for FetchFields – holds info on a column |
CADOPDOStatement | |
CADORecordSet | RecordSet class that represents the dataset returned by the database |
CADORecordSet_ado | |
CADORecordSet_ado_access | |
CADORecordSet_ado_mssql | |
CADORecordSet_ads | |
CADORecordSet_array | This class encapsulates the concept of a recordset created in memory as an array |
CADORecordSet_array_mssql | |
CADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative | |
CADORecordSet_array_pdo | |
CADORecordSet_array_pdo_firebird | Class ADORecordSet_array_pdo_firebird |
CADORecordSet_array_pdo_sqlsrv | |
CADORecordSet_array_sybase | |
CADORecordSet_assoc_postgres7 | |
CADORecordSet_assoc_postgres8 | |
CADORecordSet_assoc_postgres9 | |
CADORecordSet_borland_ibase | |
CADORecordSet_db2 | |
CADORecordSet_empty | Lightweight recordset when there are no records to be returned |
CADORecordSet_ext_oci8 | |
CADORecordset_firebird | Class ADORecordset_firebird |
CADORecordset_informix | |
CADORecordset_informix72 | |
CADORecordSet_ldap | |
CADORecordset_mssql | |
CADORecordset_mssql_n | |
CADORecordset_mssqlnative | |
CADORecordset_mssqlpo | |
CADORecordSet_netezza | |
CADORecordset_oci8 | |
CADORecordset_oci805 | |
CADORecordset_oci8po | |
CADORecordset_oci8quercus | |
CADORecordSet_odbc | |
CADORecordSet_odbc_mssql | |
CADORecordSet_odbc_mssql2012 | |
CADORecordSet_odbc_oracle | |
CADORecordSet_odbtp | |
CADORecordSet_odbtp_access | |
CADORecordSet_odbtp_mssql | |
CADORecordSet_odbtp_oci8 | |
CADORecordSet_odbtp_sybase | |
CADORecordSet_odbtp_vfp | |
CADORecordset_oracle | |
CADORecordSet_pdo | |
CADORecordSet_pdo_firebird | Class ADORecordSet_pdo_firebird |
CADORecordSet_pdo_sqlsrv | |
CADORecordSet_postgres64 | |
CADORecordSet_postgres7 | |
CADORecordSet_postgres8 | |
CADORecordSet_postgres9 | |
CADORecordset_sqlite | |
CADORecordset_sqlitepo | |
CADORecordset_sybase | |
Cadorecordset_sybase_ase | |
CadoSchema | Loads and parses an XML file, creating an array of "ready-to-run" SQL statements |
Cadvanced_testcase | Advanced PHPUnit test case customised for Moodle |
Calignment_form | Form to edit alignment |
Cannotable | Interface to apply to all the classes we want to be annotable in the backup/restore process |
Canonymizer_final_element | Implementation of backup_final_element that provides one interceptor for anonymization of data |
Cantivirus_clamav_pathtounixsocket_setting | Admin setting for unix socket path, adds verification |
Cantivirus_clamav_runningmethod_setting | Admin setting for running, adds verification |
Cantivirus_clamav_socket_setting | Abstract socket checking class |
Cantivirus_clamav_tcpsockethost_setting | Admin setting for Internet domain socket host, adds verification |
CAscii85 | Class for handling ASCII base-85 encoded data |
CAscii85Exception | Exception for Ascii85 filter class |
CAsciiHex | Class for handling ASCII hexadecimal encoded data |
Cassesment11_resurce_file | |
Cassesment1_resurce_file | |
Cassesment_validator | |
Cassign | Standard base class for mod_assign (assignment types) |
Cassign_admin_page_manage_assign_plugins | Admin external page that displays a list of the installed submission plugins |
Cassign_attempt_history | Used to output the attempt history for a particular assignment |
Cassign_attempt_history_chooser | Used to output the attempt history chooser for a particular assignment |
Cassign_course_index_summary | Renderable course index summary |
Cassign_feedback_comments | Library class for comment feedback plugin extending feedback plugin base class |
Cassign_feedback_editpdf | Library class for editpdf feedback plugin extending feedback plugin base class |
Cassign_feedback_file | Library class for file feedback plugin extending feedback plugin base class |
Cassign_feedback_offline | Library class for file feedback plugin extending feedback plugin base class |
Cassign_feedback_plugin | Abstract class for feedback_plugin inherited from assign_plugin abstract class |
Cassign_feedback_plugin_feedback | Implements a renderable feedback plugin feedback |
Cassign_feedback_status | Renderable feedback status |
Cassign_files | An assign file class that extends rendererable class and is used by the assign module |
Cassign_form | Implements a renderable grading options form |
Cassign_grading_summary | Renderable grading summary |
Cassign_grading_table | Extends table_sql to provide a table of assignment submissions |
Cassign_gradingmessage | Implements a renderable message notification |
Cassign_override_form | Form for editing settings overrides |
Cassign_plugin | Abstract class for assign_plugin (submission/feedback) |
Cassign_plugin_header | Renderable header related to an individual subplugin |
Cassign_plugin_manager | Class that handles the display and configuration of the list of submission plugins |
Cassign_portfolio_caller | Portfolio caller class for mod_assign |
Cassign_submission_comments | Library class for comment submission plugin extending submission plugin base class |
Cassign_submission_file | Library class for file submission plugin extending submission plugin base class |
Cassign_submission_onlinetext | Library class for onlinetext submission plugin extending submission plugin base class |
Cassign_submission_plugin | Abstract base class for submission plugin types |
Cassign_submission_plugin_submission | Implements a renderable submission plugin submission |
Cassign_submission_status_compact | Renderable submission status |
Cassign_submit_for_grading_page | This class wraps the submit for grading confirmation page |
Cassign_user_summary | Implements a renderable user summary |
Cassignfeedback_editpdf_renderer | A custom renderer class that extends the plugin_renderer_base and is used by the editpdf feedback plugin |
Cassignfeedback_editpdf_widget | A custom renderer class that extends the plugin_renderer_base and is used by the editpdf feedback plugin |
Cassignfeedback_file_batch_upload_files_form | Assignment grading options form |
Cassignfeedback_file_import_summary | A renderable summary of the zip import |
Cassignfeedback_file_import_zip_form | Import zip form |
Cassignfeedback_file_renderer | A custom renderer class that extends the plugin_renderer_base and is used by the assign module |
Cassignfeedback_file_upload_zip_form | Upload feedback zip |
Cassignfeedback_file_zip_importer | Library class for importing feedback files from a zip |
Cassignfeedback_offline_grade_importer | CSV Grade importer |
Cassignfeedback_offline_import_grades_form | Import grades form |
Cassignfeedback_offline_upload_grades_form | Upload modified grading worksheet |
Cassignsubmission_file_generator | |
Cassignsubmission_onlinetext_generator | |
Cassignsubmission_subplugin_generator | |
Casync_helper | Helper functions for asynchronous backups and restores |
Catto_managefiles_manage_form | Form allowing to edit files in one draft area |
Catto_texteditor | This is the texteditor implementation |
Cauroramysql_native_moodle_database | Native Aurora MySQL class representing moodle database interface |
Cauth_db_admin_setting_special_auth_configtext | Special settings for auth_db password_link |
Cauth_email_external | Auth e-mail external functions |
Cauth_ldap_admin_setting_special_contexts_configtext | Special setting for auth_ldap that cleans up context values on save |
Cauth_ldap_admin_setting_special_lowercase_configtext | Special setting for auth_ldap that lowercases values on save |
Cauth_ldap_admin_setting_special_ntlm_configtext | Special admin setting for auth_ldap that validates ntlm usernames |
Cauth_plugin_base | Abstract authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_cas | CAS authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_db | External database authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_email | Email authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_ldap | LDAP authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_lti | |
Cauth_plugin_manual | Manual authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_mnet | Moodle Network authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_nologin | Plugin for no authentication - disabled user |
Cauth_plugin_none | Plugin for no authentication |
Cauth_plugin_oauth2 | Plugin for oauth2 authentication |
Cauth_plugin_shibboleth | Shibboleth authentication plugin |
Cauth_plugin_webservice | Web service auth plugin |
Cauth_shibboleth_admin_setting_convert_data | Admin settings class for the convert_data option |
Cauth_shibboleth_admin_setting_special_idp_configtextarea | Special setting for auth_shibboleth WAYF |
Cauth_shibboleth_admin_setting_special_wayf_select | Special settings for auth_shibboleth WAYF |
CAuthor | Manages all author-related data |
Cautogroup_form | Auto group form class |
Caward_criteria | Award criteria abstract definition |
Caward_criteria_activity | Badge award criteria – award on activity completion |
Caward_criteria_badge | Badge award criteria – award on badge completion |
Caward_criteria_cohort | Badge award criteria – award on cohort membership |
Caward_criteria_competency | Badge award criteria – award on competency completion |
Caward_criteria_course | Badge award criteria – award on course completion |
Caward_criteria_courseset | Badge award criteria – award on courseset completion |
Caward_criteria_manual | Manual badge award criteria |
Caward_criteria_overall | Overall badge award criteria |
Caward_criteria_profile | Profile completion badge award criteria |
Cbackup | Abstract class defining common stuff to be used by the backup stuff |
Cbackup_activities_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include activities or no |
Cbackup_activity_generic_setting | Generic activity setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps |
Cbackup_activity_included_setting | Activity backup setting to control if activity will be included or no, depends of @backup_activities_setting and optionally parent section included setting |
Cbackup_activity_structure_step | Abstract structure step, parent of all the activity structure steps |
Cbackup_activity_task | Provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity |
Cbackup_activity_userinfo_setting | Activity backup setting to control if activity will include user information or no, depends of @backup_users_setting |
Cbackup_anonymize_setting | Root setting to control if backup will generate anonymized user info or no, depends of @backup_users_setting so only is available if the former is enabled (apart from security that can change it |
Cbackup_anonymizer_helper | Helper class for anonymization of data |
Cbackup_array_iterator | Implementation of iterator interface to work with common arrays |
Cbackup_assign_activity_structure_step | Define the complete choice structure for backup, with file and id annotations |
Cbackup_assign_activity_task | Assign backup task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity |
Cbackup_assignfeedback_comments_subplugin | Provides the information to backup comments feedback |
Cbackup_assignfeedback_editpdf_subplugin | Provides the information to backup feedback pdf annotations |
Cbackup_assignfeedback_file_subplugin | Provides the information to backup feedback files |
Cbackup_assignsubmission_file_subplugin | Provides the information to backup submission files |
Cbackup_assignsubmission_onlinetext_subplugin | Provides the information to backup onlinetext submissions |
Cbackup_attribute | Instantiable class representing one attribute atom (name/value) piece of information on backup |
Cbackup_badges_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include badges or not, depends on @backup_activities_setting |
Cbackup_bigbluebuttonbn_activity_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_bigbluebuttonbn_activity_task |
Cbackup_bigbluebuttonbn_activity_task | Backup task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity |
Cbackup_block_task | Abstract block task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one block is being backup |
Cbackup_book_activity_structure_step | Structure step to backup one book activity |
Cbackup_book_activity_task | |
Cbackup_calendarevents_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include calender events or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it |
Cbackup_chat_activity_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_chat_activity_task |
Cbackup_chat_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Chat instance |
Cbackup_check | Non instantiable helper class providing different backup checks |
Cbackup_choice_activity_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_choice_activity_task |
Cbackup_choice_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Choice instance |
Cbackup_comments_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include comments or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it |
Cbackup_competencies_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include competencies or not |
Cbackup_confirmation_form | Confirmation backup user interface stage moodleform |
Cbackup_contentbankcontent_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include content bank content or no |
Cbackup_controller | Class implementing the controller of any backup process |
Cbackup_controller_dbops | Non instantiable helper class providing DB support to the @backup_controller |
Cbackup_controller_exception | Exception class used by all the @backup_controller stuff |
Cbackup_course_task | Course task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one course is being backup |
Cbackup_coursereport_plugin | |
Cbackup_cron_automated_helper | This class is an abstract class with methods that can be called to aid the running of automated backups over cron |
Cbackup_customfield_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include custom field information |
Cbackup_data_activity_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_data_activity_task |
Cbackup_data_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Database instance |
Cbackup_dbops | Base abstract class for all the helper classes providing DB operations |
Cbackup_dbops_exception | |
Cbackup_default_block_task | Default block task to backup blocks that haven't own DB structures to be added when one block is being backup |
Cbackup_enrol_lti_plugin | Define all the backup steps |
Cbackup_enrol_plugin | Base class for enrol backup plugins |
Cbackup_exception | |
Cbackup_execution_step | Abstract class defining the needed stuff to execute code on backup |
Cbackup_factory | Non instantiable factory class providing different backup object instances |
Cbackup_feedback_activity_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_feedback_activity_task |
Cbackup_feedback_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Feedback instance |
Cbackup_file_manager | Collection of helper functions to handle files |
Cbackup_filename_setting | Root setting to handle backup file names (no dependencies nor anything else) |
Cbackup_files_edit_form | |
Cbackup_files_viewer | Data structure representing backup files viewer |
Cbackup_final_element | Instantiable class representing one final element atom (name/value/parent) piece of information on backup |
Cbackup_final_task | Final task that provides all the final steps necessary in order to finish one backup (mainly gathering references and creating the main xml) apart from some final cleaning |
Cbackup_folder_activity_structure_step | Define the complete folder structure for backup, with file and id annotations |
Cbackup_folder_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Folder instance |
Cbackup_format_plugin | Class extending standard backup_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the course formats (format plugin) |
Cbackup_forum_activity_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_forum_activity_task |
Cbackup_forum_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Forum instance |
Cbackup_general_helper | Non instantiable helper class providing general helper methods for backup/restore |
Cbackup_generic_setting | Root generic setting to store different things without dependencies |
Cbackup_glossary_activity_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_glossary_activity_task |
Cbackup_glossary_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Glossary instance |
Cbackup_gradingform_guide_plugin | Defines marking guide backup structures |
Cbackup_gradingform_plugin | Base class for backup all advanced grading form plugins |
Cbackup_gradingform_rubric_plugin | Defines rubric backup structures |
Cbackup_groups_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include group information depends on @backup_users_setting |
Cbackup_h5pactivity_activity_structure_step | Define the complete structure for backup, with file and id annotations |
Cbackup_h5pactivity_activity_task | The class provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of mod_h5pactivity |
Cbackup_helper | Base abstract class for all the helper classes providing various operations |
Cbackup_helper_exception | |
Cbackup_html_block_task | Specialised backup task for the html block (requires encode_content_links in some configdata attrs) |
Cbackup_imscp_activity_structure_step | Define the complete imscp structure for backup, with file and id annotations |
Cbackup_imscp_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the IMSCP instance |
Cbackup_initial_form | Initial backup user interface stage moodleform |
Cbackup_label_activity_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_label_activity_task |
Cbackup_label_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Label instance |
Cbackup_lesson_activity_structure_step | Structure step class that informs a backup task how to backup the lesson module |
Cbackup_lesson_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Lesson instance |
Cbackup_local_plugin | Class extending standard backup_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the local plugins |
Cbackup_logs_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include logs or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it |
Cbackup_logstore_database_nested_element | Custom subclass of backup_nested_element that iterates over an external DB connection |
Cbackup_logstore_database_subplugin | |
Cbackup_logstore_standard_subplugin | |
Cbackup_lti_activity_structure_step | Define the complete assignment structure for backup, with file and id annotations |
Cbackup_lti_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the LTI instance |
Cbackup_ltiservice_gradebookservices_subplugin | Provides the information to backup gradebookservices lineitems |
Cbackup_mod_quiz_access_subplugin | Base class for backing up all the quiz settings and attempt data for an access rule quiz sub-plugin |
Cbackup_moodleform | Backup moodleform bridge |
Cbackup_nested_element | Instantiable class representing one nestable element (non final) piece of information on backup |
Cbackup_null_iterator | Implementation of iterator interface to work without information |
Cbackup_optigroup | Instantiable class representing one optigroup element for conditional branching |
Cbackup_optigroup_element | Instantiable class representing one optigroup element for conditional branching |
Cbackup_page_activity_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_page_activity_task |
Cbackup_page_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Page instance |
Cbackup_permissions_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include permission information by roles |
Cbackup_plagiarism_plugin | Class extending standard backup_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the plagiarism plugins (plagiarism plugin) |
Cbackup_plan | Implementable class defining the needed stuf for one backup plan |
Cbackup_plan_builder | Abstract class defining the static method in charge of building the whole backup plan, based in @backup_controller preferences |
Cbackup_plan_dbops | Non instantiable helper class providing DB support to the @backup_plan class |
Cbackup_plan_exception | |
Cbackup_plugin | Class implementing the plugins support for moodle2 backups |
Cbackup_processor_exception | Backup_processor exception to control all the errors while working with backup_processors |
Cbackup_qbank_comment_plugin | |
Cbackup_qbank_customfields_plugin | |
Cbackup_qbank_plugin | Base class for qbank backup plugins |
Cbackup_qtype_calculated_plugin | Provides the information to backup calculated questions |
Cbackup_qtype_calculatedmulti_plugin | Provides the information to backup calculatedmulti questions |
Cbackup_qtype_calculatedsimple_plugin | Provides the information to backup calculatedsimple questions |
Cbackup_qtype_ddimageortext_plugin | Provides the information to backup ddimageortext questions |
Cbackup_qtype_ddmarker_plugin | Provides the information to backup ddmarker questions |
Cbackup_qtype_ddwtos_plugin | Provides the information to backup ddwtos questions |
Cbackup_qtype_essay_plugin | Provides the information to backup essay questions |
Cbackup_qtype_extrafields_plugin | Class extending backup_qtype_plugin in order to use extra fields method |
Cbackup_qtype_gapselect_plugin | Provides the information to backup gapselect questions |
Cbackup_qtype_match_plugin | Provides the information to backup match questions |
Cbackup_qtype_multianswer_plugin | Provides the information to backup multianswer questions |
Cbackup_qtype_multichoice_plugin | Provides the information to backup multichoice questions |
Cbackup_qtype_numerical_plugin | Provides the information to backup numerical questions |
Cbackup_qtype_plugin | Class extending standard backup_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the questions (qtype plugin) |
Cbackup_qtype_randomsamatch_plugin | Provides the information to backup randomsamatch questions |
Cbackup_qtype_shortanswer_plugin | Provides the information to backup shortanswer questions |
Cbackup_qtype_truefalse_plugin | Provides the information to backup truefalse questions |
Cbackup_question_dbops | Non instantiable helper class providing DB support to the questions backup stuff |
Cbackup_quiz_activity_structure_step | |
Cbackup_quiz_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Quiz instance |
Cbackup_quizaccess_seb_subplugin | Backup instructions for the seb (Safe Exam Browser) quiz access subplugin |
Cbackup_report_plugin | |
Cbackup_resource_activity_structure_step | Define the complete resource structure for backup, with file and id annotations |
Cbackup_resource_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the Resource instance |
Cbackup_role_assignments_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include role assignments or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it |
Cbackup_root_task | Start task that provides all the settings common to all backups and some initialization steps |
Cbackup_rss_client_block_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that wll be used by the backup_rss_client_block_task |
Cbackup_rss_client_block_task | Specialised backup task for the rss_client block (has own DB structures to backup) |
Cbackup_schema_form | Schema backup user interface stage moodleform |
Cbackup_scorm_activity_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_scorm_activity_task |
Cbackup_scorm_activity_task | Provides the steps to perform one complete backup of the SCORM instance |
Cbackup_section_generic_setting | Generic section setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps |
Cbackup_section_included_setting | Setting to define if one section is included or no |
Cbackup_section_task | Section task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one section is being backup |
Cbackup_section_userinfo_setting | Section backup setting to control if section will include user information or no, depends of @backup_users_setting |
Cbackup_setting | Parent class for all backup settings |
Cbackup_setting_exception | Exception class used by all the @backup_setting stuff |
Cbackup_setting_ui | Abstract class to represent the user interface backup settings have |
Cbackup_setting_ui_checkbox | A checkbox user interface element for backup settings (default) |
Cbackup_setting_ui_dateselector | A date selector user interface widget for backup settings |
Cbackup_setting_ui_defaultcustom | A wrapper for defaultcustom form element - can have either text or date_selector type |
Cbackup_setting_ui_exception | Backup setting UI exception class |
Cbackup_setting_ui_radio | Radio button user interface element for backup settings |
Cbackup_setting_ui_select | A select box, drop down user interface for backup settings |
Cbackup_setting_ui_text | A text input user interface element for backup settings |
Cbackup_step | Abstract class defining the needed stuf for one backup step |
Cbackup_step_exception | |
Cbackup_structure_dbops | Non instantiable helper class providing DB support to the backup_structure stuff |
Cbackup_structure_processor | Instantiable class defining the process of backup structures |
Cbackup_structure_step | Abstract class defining the needed stuff to backup one @backup_structure |
Cbackup_subplugin | Class implementing the subplugins support for moodle2 backups |
Cbackup_survey_activity_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_survey_activity_task |
Cbackup_survey_activity_task | Provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity |
Cbackup_task | Abstract class defining the needed stuf for one backup task (a collection of steps) |
Cbackup_task_exception | |
Cbackup_theme_plugin | Base class for theme backup plugins |
Cbackup_tool_log_logstore_subplugin | Parent class of all the logstore subplugin implementations |
Cbackup_tool_plugin | Admin tool backup plugin base class |
Cbackup_ui | This is the backup user interface class |
Cbackup_ui_exception | Backup user interface exception |
Cbackup_ui_stage | Abstract stage class |
Cbackup_ui_stage_complete | The completed backup stage |
Cbackup_ui_stage_confirmation | Confirmation stage |
Cbackup_ui_stage_final | Final stage of backup |
Cbackup_ui_stage_initial | Class representing the initial stage of a backup |
Cbackup_ui_stage_schema | Schema stage of backup process |
Cbackup_url_activity_structure_step | Define the complete url structure for backup, with file and id annotations |
Cbackup_url_activity_task | Provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity |
Cbackup_users_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include user information A lot of other settings are dependent of this (module's user info, grades user info, messages, blogs.. |
Cbackup_userscompletion_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include users completion data or no (any level), depends of @backup_users_setting exactly in the same way than @backup_anonymize_setting so we extend from it |
Cbackup_wiki_activity_structure_step | Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_wiki_activity_task |
Cbackup_wiki_activity_task | Provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of the activity |
Cbackup_workshop_activity_structure_step | Defines the complete workshop structure for backup, with file and id annotations |
Cbackup_workshop_activity_task | Provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete backup of workshop activity |
Cbackup_workshopeval_best_subplugin | Provides the information to backup grading evaluation method 'Comparison with the best assessment' |
Cbackup_workshopform_accumulative_subplugin | Provides the information to backup accumulative grading strategy information |
Cbackup_workshopform_comments_subplugin | Provides the information to backup comments grading strategy information |
Cbackup_workshopform_numerrors_subplugin | Provides the information to backup numerrors grading strategy information |
Cbackup_workshopform_rubric_subplugin | Provides the information to backup rubric grading strategy information |
Cbackup_xapistate_setting | Root setting to control if backup will include xAPI state or not |
Cbackup_xml_transformer | Class implementing the @xml_contenttransformed logic to be applied in moodle2 backups |
Cbadge_award_selector_base | |
Cbadge_existing_users_selector | A user selector control for existing users to award badge |
Cbadge_potential_users_selector | A user selector control for potential users to award badge |
Cbadges_preferences_form | |
CBase | Base for cache objects |
Cbase64_encode_final_element | Implementation of backup_final_element that provides base64 encoding |
Cbase_atom | Abstract class representing one atom (name/value) piece of information |
Cbase_atom_content_exception | Base_atom exception to control all the errors while setting the values |
Cbase_atom_exception | Base_atom abstract exception class |
Cbase_atom_struct_exception | Base_atom exception to control all the errors while creating the objects |
Cbase_attribute | Abstract class representing one attribute atom (name/value) piece of information |
Cbase_controller | |
Cbase_converter | Base converter class |
Cbase_element_attribute_exception | Base_element exception to control all the errors related with attributes handling |
Cbase_element_parent_exception | Base_element exception to control all the errors related with parents handling |
Cbase_element_struct_exception | Base_element exception to control all the errors while building the nested tree |
Cbase_final_element | Abstract class representing one final element atom (name/value/parent) piece of information |
Cbase_logger | Base abstract class for all the loggers to be used in backup/restore |
Cbase_logger_exception | |
Cbase_moodleform | Base moodleform bridge |
Cbase_nested_element | Abstract class representing one nestable element (non final) piece of information |
Cbase_optigroup | Abstract class representing one optigroup for conditional branching |
Cbase_optigroup_exception | Base_optigroup_exception to control all the errors while building the optigroups |
Cbase_plan | Abstract class defining the basis for one execution (backup/restore) plan |
Cbase_plan_exception | |
Cbase_processor | Abstract class representing the required implementation for classes able to process structure classes |
Cbase_processor_exception | Base_processor abstract exception class |
Cbase_setting | This abstract class defines one basic setting |
Cbase_setting_exception | |
Cbase_setting_ui | Abstract class used to represent the user interface that a setting has |
Cbase_setting_ui_exception | Base setting UI exception class |
Cbase_step | Abstract class defining the basis for one execution (backup/restore) step |
Cbase_step_exception | |
Cbase_task | Abstract class defining the basis for one execution (backup/restore) task |
Cbase_task_exception | |
Cbase_testcase | Base class for PHPUnit test cases customised for Moodle |
Cbase_ui | This is the backup user interface class |
Cbase_ui_exception | Backup user interface exception |
Cbase_ui_stage | Abstract stage class |
CBaseDataCache | Adapter for deprecated SimplePie\Cache\Base implementations |
Cbasic_testcase | The simplest PHPUnit test case customised for Moodle |
Cbasicltil1_resurce_file | |
Cbbb_coverage | Class bbb_coverage information for the core subsystem |
Cbehat_accessibility | Steps definitions to assist with accessibility testing |
Cbehat_action_menu | Steps definitions to open and close action menus |
Cbehat_admin | Site administration level steps definitions |
Cbehat_admin_presets | Steps definitions related with admin presets |
Cbehat_assignfeedback_editpdf | Steps definitions related with the editpdf |
Cbehat_auth | Log in log out steps definitions |
Cbehat_auth_email | Step definition for auth_email |
Cbehat_availability | |
Cbehat_availability_date | |
Cbehat_backup | Backup-related steps definitions |
Cbehat_base | Steps definitions base class |
Cbehat_block_comments | Steps definitions to deal with the commenting system |
Cbehat_block_site_main_menu | Behat steps definitions for block site main menu |
Cbehat_block_social_activities | Behat steps definitions for block social activities |
Cbehat_blocks | Blocks management steps definitions |
Cbehat_calendar | Contains functions used by behat to test functionality |
Cbehat_calendar_deprecated | |
Cbehat_cohort | Steps definitions for cohort actions |
Cbehat_command | Behat command related utils |
Cbehat_completion | Steps definitions to deal with course and activities completion |
Cbehat_component_named_replacement | A class for recording the definition of Mink replacements for use in Mink selectors |
Cbehat_component_named_selector | Class representing a named selector that can be used in Behat tests |
Cbehat_config_manager | Behat configuration manager |
Cbehat_config_util | Behat configuration manager |
Cbehat_context_helper | Helper to get behat contexts |
Cbehat_core_badges_generator | |
Cbehat_core_blog_generator | Behat data generator for core_blog |
Cbehat_core_comment_generator | |
Cbehat_core_competency_generator | |
Cbehat_core_form | Steps definitions related to core_form |
Cbehat_core_payment_generator | Behat data generator for core_payment |
Cbehat_core_question | |
Cbehat_core_question_generator | Behat data generator for core_question |
Cbehat_core_reportbuilder_generator | |
Cbehat_core_webservice_generator | |
Cbehat_course | Course-related steps definitions |
Cbehat_data_generators | Class to set up quickly a Given environment |
Cbehat_deprecated | |
Cbehat_deprecated_base | |
Cbehat_editor_atto | Steps definitions to deal with the atto text editor |
Cbehat_editor_textarea | |
Cbehat_editor_tiny | TinyMCE custom behat step definitions |
Cbehat_enrol | Steps definitions for general enrolment actions |
Cbehat_enrol_deprecated | |
Cbehat_enrol_lti_generator | |
Cbehat_exact_named_selector | Moodle selectors manager |
Cbehat_field_manager | Helper to interact with form fields |
Cbehat_filepicker | Steps definitions to deal with the filemanager and filepicker |
Cbehat_filters | Steps definitions related to filters |
Cbehat_form_autocomplete | Auto complete form field |
Cbehat_form_availability | Availability form field class |
Cbehat_form_checkbox | Checkbox form field |
Cbehat_form_date | Date form field |
Cbehat_form_date_time | Date time form field |
Cbehat_form_editor | Moodle editor field |
Cbehat_form_field | Representation of a form field |
Cbehat_form_filemanager | File manager form field |
Cbehat_form_group | Class to re-guess the field type as grouped fields can have different field types |
Cbehat_form_inplaceeditable | Custom interaction with inplace editable elements |
Cbehat_form_inplaceeditable_select | |
Cbehat_form_modvisible | Allows interaction with fmodvisible form fields |
Cbehat_form_passwordunmask | Allows interaction with passwordunmask form fields |
Cbehat_form_radio | Radio input form field |
Cbehat_form_select | Single select form field |
Cbehat_form_select_menu | |
Cbehat_form_selectyesno | Allows interaction with selectyesno form fields |
Cbehat_form_text | Class for test-based fields |
Cbehat_form_textarea | Textarea field class |
Cbehat_general | Cross component steps definitions |
Cbehat_grade | |
Cbehat_grade_deprecated | |
Cbehat_gradereport_grader | Steps definitions related with the drag and drop onto image question type |
Cbehat_gradereport_grader_deprecated | |
Cbehat_grades | |
Cbehat_grading | Generic grading methods step definitions |
Cbehat_gradingform_guide | Steps definitions to help with marking guides |
Cbehat_gradingform_rubric | Steps definitions to help with rubrics |
Cbehat_groups | Groups-related steps definitions |
Cbehat_init_context | Loads main subcontexts |
Cbehat_login | Contains functions used by behat to test functionality |
Cbehat_message | Messaging system steps definitions |
Cbehat_message_popup | Message popup steps definitions |
Cbehat_mod_assign | Behat custom steps and configuration for mod_assign |
Cbehat_mod_assign_generator | |
Cbehat_mod_bigbluebuttonbn | Behat custom steps and configuration for mod_bigbluebuttonbn |
Cbehat_mod_bigbluebuttonbn_generator | Behat data generator for behat_mod_bigbluebuttonbn_generator |
Cbehat_mod_book_generator | Behat data generator for mod_book |
Cbehat_mod_chat | Steps definitions related to mod_chat |
Cbehat_mod_choice | Choice activity definitions |
Cbehat_mod_data | Database-related steps definitions |
Cbehat_mod_data_generator | |
Cbehat_mod_feedback | Steps definitions related to mod_feedback |
Cbehat_mod_feedback_generator | |
Cbehat_mod_forum | Forum-related steps definitions |
Cbehat_mod_forum_generator | |
Cbehat_mod_glossary | Glossary-related steps definitions |
Cbehat_mod_glossary_generator | |
Cbehat_mod_h5pactivity_generator | |
Cbehat_mod_lesson_behat | |
Cbehat_mod_lesson_generator | Behat data generator for mod_lesson |
Cbehat_mod_lti_generator | |
Cbehat_mod_quiz_generator | Behat data generator for mod_quiz |
Cbehat_mod_wiki | Steps definitions related to mod_wiki |
Cbehat_mod_workshop | Steps definitions related to mod_workshop |
Cbehat_moodlenet | |
Cbehat_navigation | Steps definitions to navigate through the navigation tree nodes |
Cbehat_partial_named_selector | Moodle selectors manager |
Cbehat_permissions | Steps definitions to set up permissions to capabilities |
Cbehat_qbank_comment | Steps definitions to deal with the commenting system in question |
Cbehat_qbank_statistics | |
Cbehat_qbank_usage | |
Cbehat_qtype_ddimageortext | Steps definitions related with the drag and drop onto image question type |
Cbehat_qtype_ddmarker | Steps definitions related with the drag and drop markers question type |
Cbehat_qtype_ddwtos | Steps definitions related with the drag and drop into text question type |
Cbehat_qtype_gapselect | Steps definitions related with for the select missing words question type |
Cbehat_qtype_multichoice | Behat custom step definitions and partial named selectors for qtype_multichoice |
Cbehat_question | |
Cbehat_question_base | Steps definitions related with the question bank management |
Cbehat_quizaccess_seb_generator | Behat data generator for quizaccess_seb |
Cbehat_report_competency | Competency report definitions |
Cbehat_report_outline | Class behat_report_outline custom Behat steps for report_outline |
Cbehat_reportbuilder | |
Cbehat_repository_upload | Steps definitions to deal with the upload repository |
Cbehat_search | Behat search-related step definitions |
Cbehat_selectors | Moodle selectors manager |
Cbehat_session_interface | The Interface for a behat root context |
Cbehat_theme_boost_behat_navigation | |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_admin | Site administration level steps definitions overrides for the Classic theme |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_blocks | Blocks management step definitions for the Classic theme |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_completion | |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_core_question | |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_course | Course-related step definition overrides for the Classic theme |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_general | |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_grade | Behat grade overrides for the Classic theme |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_grading | |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_navigation | Step definitions and overrides to navigate through the navigation tree nodes in the Classic theme |
Cbehat_theme_classic_behat_repository_upload | Override step definitions to deal with the upload repository in the Classic theme |
Cbehat_tool_admin_presets_generator | |
Cbehat_tool_dataprivacy | Step definitions to generate database fixtures for the data privacy tool |
Cbehat_tool_langimport | Steps definitions related with the Language import tool |
Cbehat_tool_lp | Step definition for learning plan system |
Cbehat_tool_lp_data_generators | Step definition to generate database fixtures for learning plan system |
Cbehat_tool_policy | Step definition for tool_policy |
Cbehat_tool_task | Behat step definitions for scheduled task administration |
Cbehat_tool_task_generator | Behat data generator for tool_task |
Cbehat_tool_usertours | User tour related steps definitions |
Cbehat_transformations | Transformations to apply to steps arguments |
Cbehat_user | Steps definitions for users |
Cbehat_util | Init/reset utilities for Behat database and dataroot |
Cbehat_workshopallocation_manual | Steps definitions related to workshopallocation_manual |
CBennu | |
Cblock_accessreview | |
Cblock_activity_modules | |
Cblock_activity_results | Block activity_results class definition |
Cblock_activity_results_edit_form | Form for editing activity results block instances |
Cblock_admin_bookmarks | The admin bookmarks block class |
Cblock_badges | |
Cblock_badges_edit_form | |
Cblock_base | Class for describing a moodle block, all Moodle blocks derive from this class |
Cblock_blog_menu | The blog menu block class |
Cblock_blog_recent | This block simply outputs a list of links to recent blog entries, depending on the context of the current page |
Cblock_blog_recent_edit_form | Form for editing tag block instances |
Cblock_blog_tags | |
Cblock_blog_tags_edit_form | Form for editing Blog tags block instances |
Cblock_calendar_month | |
Cblock_calendar_upcoming | |
Cblock_calendar_upcoming_generator | |
Cblock_comments | |
Cblock_completionstatus | |
Cblock_contents | This class represents how a block appears on a page |
Cblock_course_list | |
Cblock_course_summary | |
Cblock_edit_form | |
Cblock_feedback | |
Cblock_globalsearch | Global search block |
Cblock_glossary_random | |
Cblock_glossary_random_edit_form | Form for editing Random glossary entry block instances |
Cblock_html | |
Cblock_html_edit_form | Form for editing HTML block instances |
Cblock_list | Specialized class for displaying a block with a list of icons/text labels |
Cblock_login | |
Cblock_lp | Block LP class |
Cblock_lp_generator | |
Cblock_manager | This class keeps track of the block that should appear on a moodle_page |
Cblock_mentees | |
Cblock_mentees_edit_form | Form for editing Mentees block instances |
Cblock_mnet_hosts | |
Cblock_move_target | This class represents a target for where a block can go when it is being moved |
Cblock_myoverview | My overview block class |
Cblock_myprofile | Displays the current user's profile information |
Cblock_myprofile_edit_form | |
Cblock_navigation | The global navigation tree block class |
Cblock_navigation_edit_form | Form for editing global navigation instances |
Cblock_navigation_renderer | Renderer for block navigation |
Cblock_news_items | Class block_news_items |
Cblock_not_on_page_exception | Exception thrown when someone tried to do something with a block that does not exist on a page |
Cblock_online_users | This block needs to be reworked |
Cblock_online_users_generator | Online users block data generator class |
Cblock_private_files | |
Cblock_private_files_renderer | |
Cblock_recent_activity | Class block_recent_activity |
Cblock_recent_activity_observer | Event observer |
Cblock_recent_activity_renderer | Recent_activity block rendrer |
Cblock_recentlyaccessedcourses | Recently accessed courses block class |
Cblock_recentlyaccessedcourses_generator | |
Cblock_recentlyaccesseditems | Recently accessed items block class |
Cblock_rss_client | A block which displays Remote feeds |
Cblock_rss_client_edit_form | Form for editing RSS client block instances |
Cblock_search_forums | |
Cblock_section_links | Section links block class |
Cblock_section_links_edit_form | Instance configuration form |
Cblock_section_links_renderer | Renderer for the section links block |
Cblock_selfcompletion | Self course completion marking Let's a user manually complete a course |
Cblock_settings | The settings navigation tree block class |
Cblock_settings_edit_form | Form for setting navigation instances |
Cblock_settings_renderer | |
Cblock_site_main_menu | |
Cblock_social_activities | |
Cblock_starredcourses | Starred courses block definition class |
Cblock_starredcourses_external | Starred courses block external functions |
Cblock_tag_flickr | |
Cblock_tag_flickr_edit_form | Form for editing tag_flickr block instances |
Cblock_tag_youtube | |
Cblock_tag_youtube_edit_form | Form for editing tag_youtube block instances |
Cblock_tags | |
Cblock_tags_edit_form | Form for editing tag block instances |
Cblock_timeline | Timeline block class |
Cblock_tree | Specialized class for displaying a tree menu |
Cblog_edit_external_form | |
Cblog_edit_form | |
Cblog_entry | Blog_entry class |
Cblog_entry_attachment | Renderable class to represent an entry attachment |
Cblog_filter | Abstract class for blog_filter objects |
Cblog_filter_context | This filter defines the context level of the blog entries being searched: site, course, module |
Cblog_filter_entry | This filter defines a specific blog entry id |
Cblog_filter_search | Filter used to perform full-text search on an entry's subject, summary and content |
Cblog_filter_since | This filter restricts the results to a time interval in seconds up to time() |
Cblog_filter_tag | This filter defines a tag by which blog entries should be searched |
Cblog_filter_user | This filter defines the user level of the blog entries being searched: a userid or a groupid |
Cblog_listing | Abstract Blog_Listing class: used to gather blog entries and output them as listings |
Cblog_preferences_form | |
Cblti_validator | |
Cbook_chapter_edit_form | |
Cbook_file_info | File browsing support class |
Cbooktool_importhtml_form | |
Cbootstrap_renderer | This class solves the problem of how to initialise $OUTPUT |
Cbreadcrumb_navigation_node | Subclass of navigation_node allowing different rendering for the breadcrumbs in particular adding extra metadata for search engine robots to leverage |
CCache | Used to create cache objects |
Ccache | The main cache class |
Ccache_application | An application cache |
Ccache_config | Cache configuration reader |
Ccache_config_disabled | The cache config class used when the Cache has been disabled |
Ccache_data_source | Cache Data Source |
Ccache_data_source_versionable | Versionable cache data source |
Ccache_definition | The cache definition class |
Ccache_definition_mappings_form | Form to set definition mappings |
Ccache_definition_sharing_form | Form to set definition sharing option |
Ccache_disabled | Required as it is needed for cache_config_disabled which extends cache_config_writer |
Ccache_factory | The cache factory class |
Ccache_factory_disabled | The cache factory class used when the Cache has been disabled |
Ccache_helper | The cache helper class |
Ccache_is_configurable | Cache store feature: configurable |
Ccache_is_key_aware | Cache store feature: key awareness |
Ccache_is_lockable | Cache store feature: locking |
Ccache_is_searchable | Cache store feature: keys are searchable |
Ccache_loader | Cache Loader |
Ccache_loader_with_locking | Cache Loader supporting locking |
Ccache_lock_form | Form to add a cache lock instance |
Ccache_lock_interface | Cache lock interface |
Ccache_mode_mappings_form | Form to set the mappings for a mode |
Ccache_request | An request cache |
Ccache_session | A session cache |
Ccache_store | Abstract cache store class |
Ccache_store_interface | Cache store interface |
Ccacheable_object | Cacheable object |
Ccached_cm_info | Class that is the return value for the _get_coursemodule_info module API function |
Ccachelock_file | File locking plugin |
Ccachestore_addinstance_form | Add store instance form |
Ccachestore_apcu | The APCu cache store class |
Ccachestore_apcu_addinstance_form | Form for adding a apcu instance |
Ccachestore_dummy | The cache dummy store |
Ccachestore_file | The file store class |
Ccachestore_file_addinstance_form | Form for adding a file instance |
Ccachestore_redis | Redis Cache Store |
Ccachestore_redis_addinstance_form | Form for adding instance of Redis Cache Store |
Ccachestore_session | The Session store class |
Ccachestore_static | The static store class |
Ccalc_formula | This class abstracts evaluation of spreadsheet formulas |
Ccalendar_event | |
Ccalendar_information | Calendar information class |
CCallableNameFilter | Creating a cache filename with callables |
CCaption | Handles <media:text> captions as defined in Media RSS |
CCategory | Manages all category-related data |
Ccc112moodle | |
Ccc11_basiclti | |
Ccc11_forum | |
Ccc11_lti | |
Ccc11_quiz | |
Ccc11_resource | |
Ccc11_resource_type | |
Ccc1_resource_type | |
Ccc2moodle | |
Ccc_assesment_altmaterial | |
Ccc_assesment_decvartype | |
Ccc_assesment_flow_labeltype | |
Ccc_assesment_flow_mat_base | |
Ccc_assesment_flow_mattype | |
Ccc_assesment_flowtype | |
Ccc_assesment_helper | |
Ccc_assesment_itemfeedbac_hinttype | |
Ccc_assesment_itemfeedback_hintmaterial | |
Ccc_assesment_itemfeedback_shintmaterial_base | |
Ccc_assesment_itemfeedback_shintype_base | |
Ccc_assesment_itemfeedback_solutionmaterial | |
Ccc_assesment_itemfeedback_solutiontype | |
Ccc_assesment_itemfeedbacktype | |
Ccc_assesment_itemmetadata | |
Ccc_assesment_matbreak | |
Ccc_assesment_material | |
Ccc_assesment_material_base | |
Ccc_assesment_matref | |
Ccc_assesment_mattext | |
Ccc_assesment_metadata | |
Ccc_assesment_presentation | |
Ccc_assesment_presentation_material_base | |
Ccc_assesment_question_essay | |
Ccc_assesment_question_multichoice | |
Ccc_assesment_question_multichoice_multiresponse | |
Ccc_assesment_question_proc_base | |
Ccc_assesment_question_sfib | |
Ccc_assesment_question_truefalse | |
Ccc_assesment_render_choicetype | |
Ccc_assesment_render_fibtype | |
Ccc_assesment_respconditiontype | |
Ccc_assesment_response_labeltype | |
Ccc_assesment_response_matref | |
Ccc_assesment_response_strtype | |
Ccc_assesment_resprocessingtype | |
Ccc_assesment_rubric_base | |
Ccc_assesment_section | |
Ccc_assesment_section_item | |
Ccc_assignment_conditionvar | |
Ccc_assignment_conditionvar_andtype | |
Ccc_assignment_conditionvar_othertype | |
Ccc_assignment_conditionvar_varequaltype | |
Ccc_assignment_conditionvar_varsubstringtype | |
Ccc_assignment_displayfeedbacktype | |
Ccc_assignment_setvartype | |
Ccc_builder_creator | Factory pattern class Create the version class to use |
Ccc_convert_moodle2 | |
Ccc_converter | |
Ccc_converter_basiclti | |
Ccc_converter_folder | |
Ccc_converter_forum | |
Ccc_converter_label | |
Ccc_converter_lti | |
Ccc_converter_page | |
Ccc_converter_quiz | |
Ccc_converter_resource | |
Ccc_converter_url | |
Ccc_forum | |
Ccc_helpers | Various helper utils |
Ccc_i_item | CC Item Interface |
Ccc_i_manifest | CC Manifest Interface |
Ccc_i_metadata_file | CC Metadata File Interface |
Ccc_i_metadata_manifest | CC Metadata Manifest Interface |
Ccc_i_metadata_resource | CC Metadata Resource Interface |
Ccc_i_organization | CC Organization Interface |
Ccc_i_resource | CC Resource Interface |
Ccc_item | Item Class |
Ccc_label | |
Ccc_manifest | Manifest Class |
Ccc_metadata_file | Metadata File |
Ccc_metadata_file_educational | Metadata File Education Type |
Ccc_metadata_general | Metadata General Type |
Ccc_metadata_lifecycle | Metadata Lifecycle Type |
Ccc_metadata_manifest | Metadata Manifest |
Ccc_metadata_resouce | Metadata Resource |
Ccc_metadata_resouce_educational | Metadata Resource Educational Type |
Ccc_metadata_rights | Metadata Rights Type |
Ccc_metadata_technical | Metadata Technical Type |
Ccc_organization | Organization Class |
Ccc_qti_metadata | |
Ccc_qti_profiletype | |
Ccc_qti_tags | |
Ccc_qti_values | |
Ccc_question_metadata | |
Ccc_question_metadata_base | |
Ccc_quiz | |
Ccc_resource | Resource Class |
Ccc_resource_location | |
Ccc_response_lidtype | |
Ccc_validate_type | |
Ccc_version | Common Cartridge Version |
Ccc_version1 | Version 1 class of Common Cartridge |
Ccc_version11 | Version 1.1 class of Common Cartridge |
Ccc_version_base | Abstract Version Base class |
Ccc_xml_namespace | |
CCFArray | Array Type of CFPropertyList |
CCFBinaryPropertyList | |
CCFBoolean | |
CCFData | |
CCFDate | Date Type of CFPropertyList Note: CFDate uses Unix timestamp (epoch) to store dates internally |
CCFDictionary | Array Type of CFPropertyList |
CCFNumber | Number Type of CFPropertyList Property Lists |
CCFPropertyList | |
CCFString | String Type for CFPropertyList as defined by Apple |
CCFType | |
CCFTypeDetector | |
CCFUid | |
Cchat_portfolio_caller | |
Ccheck_bigints | Reporting about the ones not physically implemented as BIGINTs and providing one SQL script to fix all them |
Ccheck_defaults | This class will check all the default values existing in the DB match those specified in the xml specs and providing one SQL script to fix all them |
Ccheck_foreign_keys | This class will look for data in the database that violates the foreign key definitions found in the XMLDB definitions |
Ccheck_indexes | This class will compare all the indexes found in the XMLDB definitions with the physical DB implementation, reporting about all the missing indexes to be created to be 100% ok |
Ccheck_oracle_semantics | This class will check all the varchar2() columns in the Moodle installed DB, looking for incorrect (INT) length semanticas providing one SQL script to fix all them by changing to cross-db (CHAR) length semantics |
Cchecksumable | Interface to apply to all the classes we want to calculate their checksum |
CClient | |
Ccm_info | |
Ccoding_exception | Exception indicating programming error, must be fixed by a programer |
Ccohort_candidate_selector | Cohort assignment candidates |
Ccohort_edit_form | |
Ccohort_existing_selector | Cohort assignment candidates |
Ccohort_upload_form | Cohort upload form class |
Ccombined_progress_trace | Special type of trace that can be used for redirecting to multiple other traces |
Ccomment | Comment is helper class to add/delete comments anywhere in moodle |
Ccomment_exception | Comment exception class |
Ccommunity_of_inquiry_activities_completed_by_testcase | Unit tests for activities completed by classification |
Ccompletion_aggregation | Course completion critieria aggregation |
Ccompletion_completion | Course completion status for a particular user/course |
Ccompletion_criteria | Completion criteria abstract definition |
Ccompletion_criteria_activity | Course completion critieria - completion on activity completion |
Ccompletion_criteria_completion | Completion data for a specific user, course and critieria |
Ccompletion_criteria_course | Course completion critieria - completion on course completion |
Ccompletion_criteria_date | Course completion critieria - completion on specified date |
Ccompletion_criteria_duration | Course completion critieria - completion after specific duration from course enrolment |
Ccompletion_criteria_role | Course completion critieria - marked by role |
Ccompletion_criteria_self | Course completion critieria - student self marked |
Ccompletion_criteria_unenrol | Course completion critieria - completion on unenrolment |
Ccompletion_info | Class represents completion information for a course |
Ccomponent_action | Helper class used by other components that involve an action on the page (URL or JS) |
Ccomponent_generator_base | Component generator base class |
Ccomponent_installer | This class is used to check, download and install items from download.moodle.org to the moodledata directory |
Cconfirm_action | Confirm action |
Ccontext_header | Renderable for the main page header |
Cconvert_exception | General convert-related exception |
Cconvert_factory | Factory class to create new instances of backup converters |
Cconvert_helper | Provides various functionality via its static methods |
Cconvert_helper_exception | General convert_helper related exception |
Cconvert_path | Class representing a path to be converted from XML file |
Cconvert_path_exception | Exception being thrown by convert_path methods |
Ccopy_helper | |
CCopyright | Manages <media:copyright> copyright tags as defined in Media RSS |
Ccore_admin_renderer | |
Ccore_adminpresets_generator | |
Ccore_auth_external | Auth external functions |
Ccore_availability_multiple_messages | Represents multiple availability messages |
Ccore_availability_renderer | Renderer for availability display |
Ccore_backup_backup_restore_base_testcase | Basic testcase class for backup / restore functionality |
Ccore_backup_external | Backup external functions |
Ccore_backup_html_logger | |
Ccore_backup_renderer | The primary renderer for the backup |
Ccore_badges_assertion | Open Badges Assertions specification 1.0 |
Ccore_badges_external | Badges external functions |
Ccore_badges_generator | |
Ccore_badges_observer | |
Ccore_badges_renderer | Standard HTML output renderer for badges |
Ccore_block_external | Blocks external functions |
Ccore_blog_generator | Blog module test data generator class |
Ccore_blog_renderer | Blog renderer |
Ccore_calendar_export_form | The mform class for creating and editing a calendar |
Ccore_calendar_external | Calendar external functions |
Ccore_calendar_renderer | The primary renderer for the calendar |
Ccore_collator | A collator class with static methods that can be used for sorting |
Ccore_comment_external | External comment API functions |
Ccore_comment_generator | |
Ccore_competency_generator | Competency data generator class |
Ccore_completion_bulkedit_form | Bulk edit activity completion form |
Ccore_completion_defaultedit_form | Default activity completion form |
Ccore_completion_edit_base_form | Base form for changing completion rules |
Ccore_completion_external | Completion external functions |
Ccore_component | Collection of components related methods |
Ccore_contentbank_generator | Generator for the core_contentbank subsystem |
Ccore_course_bulk_activity_completion_renderer | Main renderer for the bulk activity completion stuff |
Ccore_course_category | |
Ccore_course_create_categories_testclient_form | Form class for create_categories() web service function test |
Ccore_course_delete_categories_testclient_form | Form class for delete_categories() web service function test |
Ccore_course_deletecategory_form | Delete category moodleform |
Ccore_course_editcategory_form | Edit category form |
Ccore_course_external | Course external functions |
Ccore_course_list_element | |
Ccore_course_management_renderer | Main renderer for the course management pages |
Ccore_course_renderer | The core course renderer |
Ccore_course_update_categories_testclient_form | Form class for create_categories() web service function test |
Ccore_cssparser | Moodle CSS parser |
Ccore_customfield_external | |
Ccore_customfield_generator | Customfield data generator class |
Ccore_date | Core date and time related code |
Ccore_enrol_external | Enrol external functions |
Ccore_enrol_renderer | This is the core renderer |
Ccore_event_course_module_instance_list_viewed_testcase | Class core_event_course_module_instance_list_viewed_testcase |
Ccore_event_course_module_viewed_testcase | Class core_event_course_module_viewed_testcase |
Ccore_external | |
Ccore_fetch_notifications_testclient_form | Test class for WS function core_fetch_notifications |
Ccore_files_external | Files external functions |
Ccore_files_renderer | File browser render |
Ccore_filetypes | Class to manage the custom filetypes list that is stored in a config variable |
Ccore_geopattern | |
Ccore_get_string_testclient_form | Test class for WS function core_get_string |
Ccore_grades_external | Core grades functions |
Ccore_grades_renderer | |
Ccore_grading_external | Core grading functions |
Ccore_grading_generator | Generator for the core_grading subsystem generator |
Ccore_grading_renderer | Standard HTML output renderer for core_grading subsystem |
Ccore_group_external | |
Ccore_h5p_generator | |
Ccore_html2text | Wrapper for Html2Text |
Ccore_media_manager | Manager for media files |
Ccore_media_player | Base class for media players |
Ccore_media_player_external | Base class for players which handle external links (YouTube etc) |
Ccore_media_player_native | Base class for players which return native HTML5 <video> or <audio> tags |
Ccore_message_external | Message external functions |
Ccore_message_renderer | Message Renderer |
Ccore_minify | Collection of JS and CSS compression methods |
Ccore_notes_generator | Core_notes data generator class |
Ccore_payment_generator | |
Ccore_php_time_limit | Utility class to manage PHP time limit |
Ccore_plugin_manager | |
Ccore_qrcode | Class for generating QR codes |
Ccore_question_bank_renderer | This renderer outputs parts of the question bank |
Ccore_question_external | Question external functions |
Ccore_question_generator | Class core_question_generator for generating question data |
Ccore_question_renderer | This renderer controls the overall output of questions |
Ccore_rating_external | Rating external functions |
Ccore_renderer | The standard implementation of the core_renderer interface |
Ccore_renderer_ajax | A renderer that generates output for ajax scripts |
Ccore_renderer_cli | A renderer that generates output for command-line scripts |
Ccore_renderer_maintenance | The maintenance renderer |
Ccore_reportbuilder_generator | |
Ccore_reportbuilder_testcase | |
Ccore_requirejs | Collection of requirejs related methods |
Ccore_role_admins_existing_selector | |
Ccore_role_admins_potential_selector | |
Ccore_role_allow_assign_page | Subclass of role_allow_role_page for the Allow assigns tab |
Ccore_role_allow_override_page | Subclass of role_allow_role_page for the Allow overrides tab |
Ccore_role_allow_role_page | Base class for managing the data in the grid of checkboxes on the role allow allow/overrides/switch editing pages (allow.php) |
Ccore_role_allow_switch_page | Subclass of role_allow_role_page for the Allow switches tab |
Ccore_role_allow_view_page | Subclass of role_allow_role_page for the Allow views tab |
Ccore_role_assign_user_selector_base | Base class to avoid duplicating code |
Ccore_role_capability_table_base | This class represents a table with one row for each of a list of capabilities where the first cell in the row contains the capability name, and there is arbitrary stuff in the rest of the row |
Ccore_role_capability_table_with_risks | This subclass is the bases for both the define roles and override roles pages |
Ccore_role_check_capability_table | Subclass of core_role_capability_table_base for use on the Check permissions page |
Ccore_role_check_users_selector | User selector subclass for the selection of users in the check permissions page |
Ccore_role_define_role_table_advanced | As well as tracking the permissions information about the role we are creating or editing, we also track the other information about the role |
Ccore_role_define_role_table_basic | |
Ccore_role_existing_role_holders | User selector subclass for the list of users who already have the role in question on the assign roles page |
Ccore_role_external | Role external functions |
Ccore_role_override_permissions_table_advanced | |
Ccore_role_permission_allow_form | |
Ccore_role_permission_prohibit_form | |
Ccore_role_permissions_table | Subclass of core_role_capability_table_base for use on the Permissions page |
Ccore_role_potential_assignees_below_course | User selector subclass for the list of potential users on the assign roles page, when we are assigning in a context below the course level |
Ccore_role_potential_assignees_course_and_above | User selector subclass for the list of potential users on the assign roles page, when we are assigning in a context at or above the course level |
Ccore_role_preset | XML role file manipulation class |
Ccore_role_preset_form | Role add/reset selection form |
Ccore_role_view_role_definition_table | |
Ccore_rss_renderer | Web service documentation renderer extending the plugin_renderer_base class |
Ccore_rtlcss | Moodle RTLCSS class |
Ccore_scss | Moodle SCSS compiler class |
Ccore_search_generator | Mock search area data generator class |
Ccore_shutdown_manager | Shutdown management class |
Ccore_string_manager | Interface for string manager |
Ccore_string_manager_install | Fetches minimum strings for installation |
Ccore_string_manager_standard | Standard string_manager implementation |
Ccore_tag_area | Class to manage tag areas |
Ccore_tag_areas_table | Table with the list of available tag areas for "Manage tags" page |
Ccore_tag_collections_table | Table with the list of tag collections for "Manage tags" page |
Ccore_tag_external | |
Ccore_tag_index_builder | Helper to build tag index |
Ccore_tag_manage_table | |
Ccore_tag_renderer | Class core_tag_renderer |
Ccore_tag_tag | |
Ccore_text | Defines string api's for manipulating strings |
Ccore_upgrade_time | Static class monitors performance of upgrade steps |
Ccore_user | User class to access user details |
Ccore_user_external | |
Ccore_user_renderer | Provides user rendering functionality such as printing private files tree and displaying a search utility |
Ccore_useragent | The user agent class |
Ccore_userfeedback | This Class contains helper functions for user feedback functionality |
Ccore_webservice_external | |
Ccore_webservice_generator | |
Ccore_webservice_get_site_info_testclient_form | Test class for WS function get_site_info |
Ccore_webservice_renderer | |
Ccore_xml_parser | Class for parsing xml files |
Ccourse_backup_setting | Abstract class containing all the common stuff for course backup settings |
Ccourse_completion_form | Defines the course completion settings form |
Ccourse_edit_form | |
Ccourse_enrolment_manager | This class provides a targeted tied together means of interfacing the enrolment tasks together with a course |
Ccourse_enrolment_other_users_table | Table used for other users |
Ccourse_enrolment_table | Main course enrolment table |
Ccourse_enrolment_users_table | Table control used for enrolled users |
Ccourse_modinfo | |
Ccourse_request | |
Ccourse_request_form | A form for a user to request a course |
Ccourse_reset_form | Defines the course reset settings form |
Ccourse_restore_form | |
Ccourse_settings_form | First implementation of the preferences in the form of a moodleform |
Ccoursecat_helper | Class storing display options and functions to help display course category and/or courses lists |
Ccoursefiles_edit_form | |
Ccoursetags_form | Edit course tags form |
Ccreate_and_clean_temp_stuff | Create the temp dir where backup/restore will happen and create temp ids table |
Ccreate_taskbasepath_directory | Create the directory where all the task (activity/block...) information will be stored |
Ccreate_xml_file | |
CCredit | Handles <media:credit> as defined in Media RSS |
Ccreole_parser | |
CCrossReference | Class CrossReference |
CCrossReferenceException | Exception used by the CrossReference and Reader classes |
Ccssparser | |
Ccsv_export_writer | Utitily class for exporting of CSV files |
Ccsv_import_reader | Utitily class for importing of CSV files |
Ccurl | RESTful cURL class |
Ccurl_cache | This class is used by cURL class, use case: |
Ccustom_menu | Custom menu class |
Ccustom_menu_item | Custom menu item |
Cdata_existing_preset_form | |
Cdata_export_form | |
Cdata_field_base | |
Cdata_field_checkbox | |
Cdata_field_date | |
Cdata_field_file | |
Cdata_field_latlong | |
Cdata_field_menu | |
Cdata_field_multimenu | |
Cdata_field_number | |
Cdata_field_picture | |
Cdata_field_radiobutton | |
Cdata_field_text | |
Cdata_field_textarea | |
Cdata_field_url | |
Cdata_file_info_container | Class representing the virtual node with all itemids in the file browser |
Cdata_import_preset_zip_form | Import preset class |
Cdata_loading_method_test_base | Helper base class for tests that need to simulate records loaded from the database |
Cdata_object | A data abstraction object that holds methods and attributes |
Cdata_portfolio_caller | The class to handle entry exports of a database module |
Cdata_preset_existing_importer | Data preset importer for existing presets |
Cdata_preset_importer | Abstract class used for data preset importers |
Cdata_preset_upload_importer | Data preset importer for uploaded presets |
Cdata_privacy_testcase | Parent class for tests which need data privacy functionality |
Cdata_save_preset_form | |
Cdatabase_column_info | |
Cdatabase_driver_testcase | Special test case for testing of DML drivers and DDL layer |
Cdatabase_export_form | Definition of db export settings form |
Cdatabase_exporter | Base class for database export operations |
Cdatabase_importer | Base class for database import operations |
Cdatabase_logger | Logger implementation that sends messages to database |
Cdatabase_manager | Database manager instance is responsible for all database structure modifications |
Cdatabase_mover | |
Cdatabase_transfer_form | Definition of db transfer settings form |
CDataCache | Subset of PSR-16 Cache client for caching data arrays |
CDatamatrix | Class to create DataMatrix ECC 200 barcode arrays for TCPDF class |
CDate | Date Parser |
CDB | The main "DB" class is simply a container class with some static methods for creating DB objects as well as some utility functions common to all parts of DB |
Cdbtransfer_exception | Exception class for db transfer |
Cddl_change_structure_exception | Error during changing db structure |
Cddl_dependency_exception | Error changing db structure, caused by some dependency found like trying to modify one field having related indexes |
Cddl_exception | DDL exception class, use instead of throw new moodle_exception() and "return false;" in ddl code |
Cddl_field_missing_exception | Table does not exist problem exception |
Cddl_table_missing_exception | Table does not exist problem exception |
Cdefault_block_generator | Default block generator class to be used when a specific one is not supported |
Cdelete_field | This class will delete completely one field |
Cdelete_index | This class will delete completely one index |
Cdelete_key | This class will delete completely one key |
Cdelete_table | This class will delete completely one table |
Cdelete_xml_file | This class will delete completely one XML file |
Cdiscussion_validator | |
Cdml_connection_exception | DML db connection exception - triggered if database not accessible |
Cdml_exception | DML exception class, use instead of throw new moodle_exception() in dml code |
Cdml_missing_record_exception | Caused by missing record that is required for normal operation |
Cdml_multiple_records_exception | Caused by multiple records found in get_record() call |
Cdml_read_exception | DML read exception - triggered by some SQL syntax errors, etc |
Cdml_sessionwait_exception | DML db session wait exception - triggered when session lock request times out |
Cdml_transaction_exception | DML transaction exception - triggered by problems related to DB transactions |
Cdml_write_exception | DML write exception - triggered by some SQL syntax errors, etc |
Cdndupload_ajax_processor | Processes the upload, creating the course module and returning the result |
Cdndupload_handler | Stores all the information about the available dndupload handlers |
Cdowngrade_exception | Exception indicating downgrade error during upgrade |
Cdrop_and_clean_temp_stuff | Delete the temp dir used by backup/restore (conditionally) and drop temp ids table |
Cdummy_question_engine_assumption_logger | Subclass of question_engine_assumption_logger that does nothing, for testing |
Cedit_calculation_form | |
Cedit_category_form | |
Cedit_criteria_form | Form to edit badge criteria |
Cedit_field | This class will provide the interface for all the edit field actions |
Cedit_field_save | This class verifies all the data introduced when editing a field for correctness, performing changes / displaying errors depending of the results |
Cedit_grade_form | |
Cedit_index | This class will provide the interface for all the edit index actions |
Cedit_index_save | This class verifies all the data introduced when editing an index for correctness, performing changes / displaying errors depending of the results |
Cedit_item_form | |
Cedit_key | This class will provide the interface for all the edit key actions |
Cedit_key_save | This class verifies all the data introduced when editing a key for correctness, performing changes / displaying errors depending of the results |
Cedit_letter_form | |
Cedit_outcome_form | |
Cedit_outcomeitem_form | |
Cedit_relatedbadge_form | Form to edit badge details |
Cedit_scale_form | |
Cedit_table | This class provides the interface for all the edit table actions |
Cedit_table_save | This class will save changes in table name and/or comments |
Cedit_xml_file | This class will edit one loaded XML file |
Cedit_xml_file_save | This class will save the changes performed to the comment of one file |
Ceditor_atto_subplugins_setting | Special class for Atto plugins administration |
Ceditor_atto_toolbar_setting | Admin setting for toolbar |
Ceditsection_form | |
Cemoticon_manager | Provides core support for plugins that have to deal with emoticons (like HTML editor or emoticon filter) |
CEnclosure | Handles everything related to enclosures (including Media RSS and iTunes RSS) |
Cencrypted_final_element | Implementation of backup_final_element that provides symmetric-key AES-256 encryption of contents |
Cendorsement_form | Form to edit endorsement |
Cenrol_ajax_exception | |
Cenrol_bulk_enrolment_change_form | A base class that can be used to easily construct a form for use with bulk operations |
Cenrol_bulk_enrolment_confirm_form | A convenience class to allow the quick generation of a confirmation form for a bulk operation |
Cenrol_bulk_enrolment_operation | This class is used to manage a bulk operations for enrolment plugins |
Cenrol_category_observer | Event handler for category enrolment plugin |
Cenrol_category_plugin | Category enrolment plugin implementation |
Cenrol_cohort_handler | Event handler for cohort enrolment plugin |
Cenrol_cohort_plugin | Cohort enrolment plugin implementation |
Cenrol_database_plugin | Database enrolment plugin implementation |
Cenrol_fee_plugin | Fee enrolment plugin implementation |
Cenrol_flatfile_plugin | Flatfile enrolment plugin implementation |
Cenrol_flatfile_role_setting | Setting class that stores only non-empty values |
Cenrol_guest_enrol_form | |
Cenrol_guest_external | Guest enrolment method external API |
Cenrol_guest_plugin | Class enrol_guest_plugin |
Cenrol_imsenterprise_plugin | IMS Enterprise file enrolment plugin |
Cenrol_instance_edit_form | Standard edit form shared by all enrol plugins |
Cenrol_ldap_admin_setting_category | Class implements new specialized setting for course categories that are loaded only when required |
Cenrol_ldap_plugin | |
Cenrol_lti_generator | |
Cenrol_lti_plugin | LTI enrolment plugin class |
Cenrol_manual_current_participant | Enrolled users |
Cenrol_manual_deleteselectedusers_form | The form to confirm the intention to bulk delete users enrolments |
Cenrol_manual_deleteselectedusers_operation | A bulk operation for the manual enrolment plugin to delete selected users enrolments |
Cenrol_manual_editselectedusers_form | The form to collect required information when bulk editing users enrolments |
Cenrol_manual_editselectedusers_operation | A bulk operation for the manual enrolment plugin to edit selected users |
Cenrol_manual_enrol_users_form | |
Cenrol_manual_external | |
Cenrol_manual_plugin | |
Cenrol_manual_potential_participant | Enrol candidates |
Cenrol_meta_handler | Event handler for meta enrolment plugin |
Cenrol_meta_observer | Event observer for enrol_meta |
Cenrol_meta_plugin | Meta course enrolment plugin |
Cenrol_mnet_mnetservice_enrol | MNet server-side methods that are part of mnetservice_enrol |
Cenrol_mnet_plugin | MNet enrolment plugin implementation for Moodle 2.x enrolment framework |
Cenrol_paypal_plugin | Paypal enrolment plugin implementation |
Cenrol_plugin | Enrolment plugins abstract class |
Cenrol_self_deleteselectedusers_form | The form to confirm the intention to bulk delete users enrolments |
Cenrol_self_deleteselectedusers_operation | A bulk operation for the self enrolment plugin to delete selected users enrolments |
Cenrol_self_editselectedusers_form | The form to collect required information when bulk editing users enrolments |
Cenrol_self_editselectedusers_operation | A bulk operation for the manual enrolment plugin to edit selected users |
Cenrol_self_empty_form | |
Cenrol_self_enrol_form | |
Cenrol_self_external | |
Cenrol_self_plugin | Self enrolment plugin implementation |
Cenrol_user_button | A button that is used to enrol users in a course |
Cenrol_user_enrolment_form | |
Cenrol_users_addmember_form | |
Cenrol_users_assign_form | |
Cenrol_users_filter_form | Form that lets users filter the enrolled user list |
Centities | |
Centities11 | |
Cenvironment_results | Helper Class to return results to caller |
Cerror_log_logger | Logger implementation that sends messages to error_log() |
Cerror_log_progress_trace | This subclass of progress_trace outputs to error log |
Cerror_messages | |
Cessay_grading_form | Essay grading form |
CEvalMath | |
CEvalMathFuncs | |
CEvalMathStack | |
Cevent_form | The mform class for creating and editing a calendar |
Cevent_message | A chat event such a user entering or leaving a chat activity |
CException | Exception handler for the Horde_Socket_Client package |
Cexecutable | Interface to apply to all the classes we want to be executable (plan/part/task) |
Cexternal_service_authorised_user_settings_form | Display the authorised user settings form Including IP Restriction, Valid until and (TODO) capability |
Cexternal_service_form | |
Cexternal_service_functions_form | |
Cexternallib_advanced_testcase | |
Cfeedback_captcha_form | |
Cfeedback_edit_create_template_form | The feedback_edit_create_template_form |
Cfeedback_edit_use_template_form | The feedback_edit_use_template_form |
Cfeedback_import_form | |
Cfeedback_info_form | |
Cfeedback_item_base | |
Cfeedback_item_captcha | |
Cfeedback_item_form | |
Cfeedback_item_info | |
Cfeedback_item_label | |
Cfeedback_item_multichoice | |
Cfeedback_item_multichoicerated | |
Cfeedback_item_numeric | |
Cfeedback_item_pagebreak | |
Cfeedback_item_textarea | |
Cfeedback_item_textfield | |
Cfeedback_label_form | |
Cfeedback_multichoice_form | |
Cfeedback_multichoicerated_form | |
Cfeedback_numeric_form | |
Cfeedback_textarea_form | |
Cfeedback_textfield_form | |
CFile | Caches data to the filesystem |
Cfile_access_exception | No file access exception |
Cfile_archive | Each file archive type must extend this class |
Cfile_browser | This class provides the main entry point for other code wishing to get information about files |
Cfile_exception | Basic file related exception class |
Cfile_info | Base class for things in the tree navigated by file_browser |
Cfile_info_area_backup_section | Implementation of course section backup area |
Cfile_info_area_course_legacy | Subclass of file_info_stored for files in the course files area |
Cfile_info_area_course_section | Represents a course category context in the tree navigated by file_browser |
Cfile_info_context_course | Represents a course context in the tree navigated by file_browser |
Cfile_info_context_coursecat | Represents a course category context in the tree navigated by file_browser |
Cfile_info_context_module | Represents a module context in the tree navigated by file_browser |
Cfile_info_context_system | Represents the system context in the tree navigated by file_browser |
Cfile_info_context_user | Represents a user context in the tree navigated by file_browser |
Cfile_info_stored | Represents an actual file or folder - a row in the file table in the tree navigated by file_browser |
Cfile_logger | Logger implementation that sends indented messages (depth option) to one file |
Cfile_packer | Abstract class for archiving of files |
Cfile_picker | Data structure representing a file picker |
Cfile_pool_content_exception | Hash file content problem exception |
Cfile_progress | |
Cfile_reference_exception | Problem with records in the {files_reference} table |
Cfile_serving_exception | An exception that indicates that file can not be served |
Cfile_storage | File storage class used for low level access to stored files |
Cfile_system | |
Cfile_system_filedir | File system class used for low level access to real files in filedir |
Cfile_xml_database_exporter | XML format exporter class to file storage |
Cfile_xml_database_importer | XML format importer class from file storage |
Cfile_xml_output | This class implements one @xml_output able to send contents to one OS file |
Cfiles_tree_viewer | Data structure representing a general moodle file tree viewer |
Cfilter_activitynames | Activity name filtering |
Cfilter_algebra | |
Cfilter_displayh5p | Display H5P filter |
Cfilter_emoticon | |
Cfilter_glossary | Glossary linking filter class |
Cfilter_local_settings_form | |
Cfilter_manager | Class to manage the filtering of strings |
Cfilter_mathjaxloader | Mathjax filtering |
Cfilter_mediaplugin | Automatic media embedding filter class |
Cfilter_multilang | Implementation of the Moodle filter API for the Multi-lang filter |
Cfilter_tidy | |
Cfilter_urltolink | |
CFilterException | Exception for filters |
CFilterInterface | Interface for filters |
Cfilterobject | This is just a little object to define a phrase and some instructions for how to process it |
Cfindpaths_parser_processor | Find paths progressive_parser_processor that will search for all the paths present in the chunks being returned |
CFixedReader | Class FixedReader |
Cflat_navigation | Class used to generate a collection of navigation nodes most closely related to the current page |
Cflat_navigation_node | Subclass of navigation_node allowing different rendering for the flat navigation in particular allowing dividers and indents |
CFlate | Class for handling zlib/deflate encoded data |
CFlateException | Exception for flate filter class |
Cflexible_table | |
Cflickr_client | Simple Flickr API client implementing the features needed by Moodle |
Cfolder_content_file_info | File browsing support class |
Cfolder_tree | |
Cform_filemanager | Data structure representing a file manager |
Cformat_legacy | Course format class to allow plugins developed for Moodle 2.3 to work in the new API |
Cformat_singleactivity | Main class for the singleactivity course format |
Cformat_singleactivity_admin_setting_activitytype | Admin settings class for the format singleactivity activitytype choice |
Cformat_site | Pseudo course format used for the site main page |
Cformat_social | Main class for the Social course format |
Cformat_topics | Main class for the Topics course format |
Cformat_weeks | Main class for the Weeks course format |
Cformat_weeks_observer | Event observer for format_weeks |
Cforum11_resurce_file | |
Cforum1_resurce_file | |
Cforum_file_info_container | Class representing the virtual node with all itemids in the file browser |
Cforum_portfolio_caller | |
Cforumreport_summary_renderer | Renderer for the forum summary report |
CFpdfTpl | Class FpdfTpl |
CFpdi | Class Fpdi |
CFpdiException | Base exception class for the FPDI package |
Cfragment_requirements_manager | This requirements manager captures the appropriate html for creating a fragment to be inserted elsewhere |
Cgeneral_cc_file | |
Cgenerate_all_documentation | This class will produce the documentation for all the XMLDB files in the server, via XSL, performing the output in HTML format |
Cgenerate_documentation | This class will produce XSL documentation for the loaded XML file |
Cgeneric_parser | |
Cget_db_directories | This class will will check all the db directories existing under the current Moodle installation, sending them to the SESSION->dbdirs array |
Cglobal_navigation | The global navigation class used for... the global navigation |
Cglobal_navigation_for_ajax | The global navigation class used especially for AJAX requests |
Cglossary_entry_portfolio_caller | Class to export a single glossary entry |
Cglossary_file_info_container | Class representing the virtual node with all itemids in the file browser |
Cglossary_full_portfolio_caller | Class to handle exporting an entire glossary database |
CGoogle_Auth_Abstract | |
CGoogle_Auth_AppIdentity | |
CGoogle_Auth_AssertionCredentials | |
CGoogle_Auth_ComputeEngine | |
CGoogle_Auth_Exception | |
CGoogle_Auth_LoginTicket | |
CGoogle_Auth_OAuth2 | |
CGoogle_Auth_Simple | |
CGoogle_Cache_Abstract | |
CGoogle_Cache_Apc | |
CGoogle_Cache_Exception | |
CGoogle_Cache_File | |
CGoogle_Cache_Memcache | |
CGoogle_Cache_Null | |
CGoogle_Client | |
CGoogle_Collection | |
CGoogle_Config | |
Cgoogle_docs | Class for manipulating google documents through the google data api |
CGoogle_Exception | |
CGoogle_Http_Batch | |
CGoogle_Http_CacheParser | |
CGoogle_Http_MediaFileUpload | Manage large file uploads, which may be media but can be any type of sizable data |
CGoogle_Http_Request | |
CGoogle_Http_REST | |
CGoogle_IO_Abstract | |
CGoogle_IO_Curl | |
CGoogle_IO_Exception | |
CGoogle_IO_Stream | |
CGoogle_Logger_Abstract | |
CGoogle_Logger_Exception | |
CGoogle_Logger_File | |
CGoogle_Logger_Null | |
CGoogle_Logger_Psr | |
CGoogle_Model | |
Cgoogle_oauth | OAuth 2.0 client for Google Services |
CGoogle_Service | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Account | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_AccountBidderLocation | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Accounts_Resource | The "accounts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_AccountsList | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_AddOrderDealsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_AddOrderDealsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_AddOrderNotesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_AddOrderNotesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_AdSize | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_AdSlotDto | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_AdvertiserDto | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_AudienceSegment | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_BillingInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_BillingInfo_Resource | The "billingInfo" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_BillingInfoList | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_BrandDto | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Budget | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Budget_Resource | The "budget" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Buyer | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_BuyerDto | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Clientaccess_Resource | The "clientaccess" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_ClientAccessCapabilities | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_ContactInformation | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_CreateOrdersRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_CreateOrdersResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Creative | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_CreativeCorrections | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_CreativeFilteringReasons | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_CreativeFilteringReasonsReasons | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_CreativeNativeAd | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_CreativeNativeAdAppIcon | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_CreativeNativeAdImage | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_CreativeNativeAdLogo | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Creatives_Resource | The "creatives" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_CreativeServingRestrictions | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_CreativeServingRestrictionsContexts | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_CreativeServingRestrictionsDisapprovalReasons | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_CreativesList | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_DateTime | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_DealPartyDto | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Deals_Resource | The "deals" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_DealTerms | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_DealTermsGuaranteedFixedPriceTerms | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_DealTermsNonGuaranteedAuctionTerms | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_DealTermsNonGuaranteedFixedPriceTerms | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_DeleteOrderDealsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_DeleteOrderDealsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_DeliveryControl | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_DeliveryControlFrequencyCap | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_EditAllOrderDealsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_EditAllOrderDealsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_EditHistoryDto | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_GetFinalizedNegotiationByExternalDealIdRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_GetNegotiationByIdRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_GetNegotiationsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_GetNegotiationsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_GetOffersResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_GetOrderDealsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_GetOrderNotesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_GetOrdersResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_InventorySegmentTargeting | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_ListClientAccessCapabilitiesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_ListClientAccessCapabilitiesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_ListOffersRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_ListOffersResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_MarketplaceDeal | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_MarketplaceDealParty | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Marketplacedeals_Resource | The "marketplacedeals" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_MarketplaceLabel | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_MarketplaceNote | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Marketplacenotes_Resource | The "marketplacenotes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_MarketplaceOffer | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Marketplaceoffers_Resource | The "marketplaceoffers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_MarketplaceOrder | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Marketplaceorders_Resource | The "marketplaceorders" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_MoneyDto | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_NegotiationDto | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_NegotiationRoundDto | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Negotiationrounds_Resource | The "negotiationrounds" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Negotiations_Resource | The "negotiations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_OfferDto | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Offers_Resource | The "offers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_PerformanceReport | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_PerformanceReport_Resource | The "performanceReport" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_PerformanceReportList | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_PretargetingConfig | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_PretargetingConfig_Resource | The "pretargetingConfig" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_PretargetingConfigDimensions | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_PretargetingConfigExcludedPlacements | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_PretargetingConfigList | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_PretargetingConfigPlacements | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Price | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_PricePerBuyer | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_PrivateData | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_RuleKeyValuePair | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_Seller | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_SharedTargeting | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_StatsDto | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_TargetingValue | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_TargetingValueCreativeSize | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_TargetingValueDayPartTargeting | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_TargetingValueDayPartTargetingDayPart | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_TargetingValueSize | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_TermsDto | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeBuyer_WebPropertyDto | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_Account | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_Accounts | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_Accounts_Resource | The "accounts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_AccountsAdclients_Resource | The "adclients" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_AccountsAlerts_Resource | The "alerts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_AccountsCustomchannels_Resource | The "customchannels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_AccountsMetadata_Resource | The "metadata" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_AccountsMetadataDimensions_Resource | The "dimensions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_AccountsMetadataMetrics_Resource | The "metrics" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_AccountsPreferreddeals_Resource | The "preferreddeals" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_AccountsReports_Resource | The "reports" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_AccountsReportsSaved_Resource | The "saved" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_AccountsUrlchannels_Resource | The "urlchannels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_AdClient | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_AdClients | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_Alert | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_Alerts | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_CustomChannel | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_CustomChannels | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_CustomChannelTargetingInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_Metadata | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_PreferredDeal | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_PreferredDeals | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_Report | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_ReportHeaders | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_ReportingMetadataEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_SavedReport | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_SavedReports | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_UrlChannel | |
CGoogle_Service_AdExchangeSeller_UrlChannels | |
CGoogle_Service_Admin | |
CGoogle_Service_Admin_Mail_Resource | The "mail" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Admin_MailItem | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Account | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Accounts | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Accounts_Resource | The "accounts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AccountsAdclients_Resource | The "adclients" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AccountsAdunits_Resource | The "adunits" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AccountsAdunitsCustomchannels_Resource | The "customchannels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AccountsAlerts_Resource | The "alerts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AccountsCustomchannels_Resource | The "customchannels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AccountsCustomchannelsAdunits_Resource | The "adunits" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AccountsPayments_Resource | The "payments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AccountsReports_Resource | The "reports" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AccountsReportsSaved_Resource | The "saved" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AccountsSavedadstyles_Resource | The "savedadstyles" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AccountsUrlchannels_Resource | The "urlchannels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdClient | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdClients | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Adclients_Resource | The "adclients" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdCode | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdsenseReportsGenerateResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdsenseReportsGenerateResponseHeaders | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdStyle | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdStyleColors | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdStyleFont | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdUnit | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdUnitContentAdsSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdUnitContentAdsSettingsBackupOption | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdUnitFeedAdsSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdUnitMobileContentAdsSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdUnits | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Adunits_Resource | The "adunits" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_AdunitsCustomchannels_Resource | The "customchannels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Alert | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Alerts | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Alerts_Resource | The "alerts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_CustomChannel | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_CustomChannels | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Customchannels_Resource | The "customchannels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_CustomchannelsAdunits_Resource | The "adunits" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_CustomChannelTargetingInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Metadata | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Metadata_Resource | The "metadata" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_MetadataDimensions_Resource | The "dimensions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_MetadataMetrics_Resource | The "metrics" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Payment | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Payments | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Payments_Resource | The "payments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_ReportingMetadataEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Reports_Resource | The "reports" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_ReportsSaved_Resource | The "saved" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_SavedAdStyle | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_SavedAdStyles | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Savedadstyles_Resource | The "savedadstyles" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_SavedReport | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_SavedReports | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_UrlChannel | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_UrlChannels | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSense_Urlchannels_Resource | The "urlchannels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_Account | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_Accounts | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_Accounts_Resource | The "accounts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AccountsAdclients_Resource | The "adclients" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AccountsAdunits_Resource | The "adunits" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AccountsReports_Resource | The "reports" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AdClient | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AdClients | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_Adclients_Resource | The "adclients" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AdCode | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AdStyle | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AdStyleColors | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AdStyleFont | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AdUnit | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AdUnitContentAdsSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AdUnitContentAdsSettingsBackupOption | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AdUnitMobileContentAdsSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AdUnits | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_AssociationSession | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_Associationsessions_Resource | The "associationsessions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_CustomChannel | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_CustomChannels | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_Customchannels_Resource | The "customchannels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_Report | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_ReportHeaders | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_Reports_Resource | The "reports" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_UrlChannel | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_UrlChannels | |
CGoogle_Service_AdSenseHost_Urlchannels_Resource | The "urlchannels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Account | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_AccountChildLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_AccountPermissions | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_AccountRef | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Accounts | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_AccountSummaries | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_AccountSummary | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_AccountTicket | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_AdWordsAccount | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_AnalyticsDataimportDeleteUploadDataRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Column | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ColumnAttributes | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Columns | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_CustomDataSource | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_CustomDataSourceChildLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_CustomDataSourceParentLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_CustomDataSources | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_CustomDimension | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_CustomDimensionParentLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_CustomDimensions | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_CustomMetric | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_CustomMetricParentLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_CustomMetrics | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Data_Resource | The "data" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_DataGa_Resource | The "ga" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_DataMcf_Resource | The "mcf" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_DataRealtime_Resource | The "realtime" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_EntityAdWordsLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_EntityAdWordsLinkEntity | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_EntityAdWordsLinks | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_EntityUserLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_EntityUserLinkEntity | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_EntityUserLinkPermissions | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_EntityUserLinks | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Experiment | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ExperimentParentLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Experiments | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ExperimentVariations | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Filter | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_FilterAdvancedDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_FilterExpression | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_FilterLowercaseDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_FilterParentLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_FilterRef | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Filters | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_FilterSearchAndReplaceDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_FilterUppercaseDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GaData | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GaDataColumnHeaders | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GaDataDataTable | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GaDataDataTableCols | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GaDataDataTableRows | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GaDataDataTableRowsC | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GaDataProfileInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GaDataQuery | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GaDataTotalsForAllResults | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Goal | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GoalEventDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GoalEventDetailsEventConditions | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GoalParentLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Goals | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GoalUrlDestinationDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GoalUrlDestinationDetailsSteps | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GoalVisitNumPagesDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_GoalVisitTimeOnSiteDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Management_Resource | The "management" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementAccounts_Resource | The "accounts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementAccountSummaries_Resource | The "accountSummaries" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementAccountUserLinks_Resource | The "accountUserLinks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementCustomDataSources_Resource | The "customDataSources" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementCustomDimensions_Resource | The "customDimensions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementCustomMetrics_Resource | The "customMetrics" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementExperiments_Resource | The "experiments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementFilters_Resource | The "filters" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementGoals_Resource | The "goals" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementProfileFilterLinks_Resource | The "profileFilterLinks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementProfiles_Resource | The "profiles" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementProfileUserLinks_Resource | The "profileUserLinks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementSegments_Resource | The "segments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementUnsampledReports_Resource | The "unsampledReports" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementUploads_Resource | The "uploads" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementWebproperties_Resource | The "webproperties" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementWebPropertyAdWordsLinks_Resource | The "webPropertyAdWordsLinks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ManagementWebpropertyUserLinks_Resource | The "webpropertyUserLinks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_McfData | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_McfDataColumnHeaders | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_McfDataProfileInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_McfDataQuery | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_McfDataRows | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_McfDataRowsConversionPathValue | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_McfDataTotalsForAllResults | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Metadata_Resource | The "metadata" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_MetadataColumns_Resource | The "columns" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Profile | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ProfileChildLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ProfileFilterLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ProfileFilterLinks | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ProfileParentLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ProfilePermissions | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ProfileRef | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Profiles | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_ProfileSummary | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Provisioning_Resource | The "provisioning" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_RealtimeData | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_RealtimeDataColumnHeaders | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_RealtimeDataProfileInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_RealtimeDataQuery | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_RealtimeDataTotalsForAllResults | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Segment | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Segments | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_UnsampledReport | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_UnsampledReportCloudStorageDownloadDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_UnsampledReportDriveDownloadDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_UnsampledReports | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Upload | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Uploads | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_UserRef | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Webproperties | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_Webproperty | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_WebpropertyChildLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_WebpropertyParentLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_WebpropertyPermissions | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_WebPropertyRef | |
CGoogle_Service_Analytics_WebPropertySummary | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_AppRestrictionsSchema | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_AppRestrictionsSchemaRestriction | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_AppRestrictionsSchemaRestrictionRestrictionValue | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_ApprovalUrlInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_AppVersion | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Collection | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Collections_Resource | The "collections" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_CollectionsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Collectionviewers_Resource | The "collectionviewers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_CollectionViewersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Device | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Devices_Resource | The "devices" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_DevicesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_DeviceState | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Enterprise | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_EnterpriseAccount | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Enterprises_Resource | The "enterprises" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_EnterprisesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_EnterprisesSendTestPushNotificationResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Entitlement | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Entitlements_Resource | The "entitlements" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_EntitlementsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_GroupLicense | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Grouplicenses_Resource | The "grouplicenses" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_GroupLicensesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Grouplicenseusers_Resource | The "grouplicenseusers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_GroupLicenseUsersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Install | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Installs_Resource | The "installs" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_InstallsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Permission | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Permissions_Resource | The "permissions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Product | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_ProductPermission | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_ProductPermissions | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Products_Resource | The "products" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_ProductsApproveRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_ProductSet | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_ProductsGenerateApprovalUrlResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_User | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_Users_Resource | The "users" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_UsersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidEnterprise_UserToken | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_Apk | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ApkBinary | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ApkListing | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ApkListingsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ApksAddExternallyHostedRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ApksAddExternallyHostedResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ApksListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_AppDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_AppEdit | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_Edits_Resource | The "edits" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_EditsApklistings_Resource | The "apklistings" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_EditsApks_Resource | The "apks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_EditsDetails_Resource | The "details" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_EditsExpansionfiles_Resource | The "expansionfiles" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_EditsImages_Resource | The "images" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_EditsListings_Resource | The "listings" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_EditsTesters_Resource | The "testers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_EditsTracks_Resource | The "tracks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_Entitlement | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_Entitlements_Resource | The "entitlements" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_EntitlementsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ExpansionFile | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ExpansionFilesUploadResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ExternallyHostedApk | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ExternallyHostedApkUsesPermission | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_Image | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ImagesDeleteAllResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ImagesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ImagesUploadResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_InAppProduct | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_InAppProductListing | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_InAppProductListings | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_InAppProductPrices | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_Inappproducts_Resource | The "inappproducts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_InappproductsBatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_InappproductsBatchRequestEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_InappproductsBatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_InappproductsBatchResponseEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_InappproductsInsertRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_InappproductsInsertResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_InappproductsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_InappproductsUpdateRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_InappproductsUpdateResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_Listing | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ListingsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_MonthDay | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_PageInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_Price | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_ProductPurchase | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_Purchases_Resource | The "purchases" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_PurchasesProducts_Resource | The "products" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_PurchasesSubscriptions_Resource | The "subscriptions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_Season | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_SubscriptionDeferralInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_SubscriptionPurchase | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_SubscriptionPurchasesDeferRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_SubscriptionPurchasesDeferResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_Testers | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_TokenPagination | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_Track | |
CGoogle_Service_AndroidPublisher_TracksListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_ApiConfigHandler | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_ApiEndpointHandler | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_Application | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_Apps_Resource | The "apps" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_AppsModules_Resource | The "modules" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_AppsModulesVersions_Resource | The "versions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_AppsOperations_Resource | The "operations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_AutomaticScaling | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_BasicScaling | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_ContainerInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_CpuUtilization | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_Deployment | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_DeploymentFiles | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_ErrorHandler | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_FileInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_HealthCheck | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_Library | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_ListModulesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_ListOperationsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_ListVersionsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_ManualScaling | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_Module | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_Network | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_Operation | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_OperationMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_OperationResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_Resources | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_ScriptHandler | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_SourceReference | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_StaticDirectoryHandler | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_StaticDirectoryHandlerHttpHeaders | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_StaticFilesHandler | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_StaticFilesHandlerHttpHeaders | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_Status | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_StatusDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_TrafficSplit | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_TrafficSplitAllocations | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_UrlDispatchRule | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_UrlMap | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_Version | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_VersionBetaSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Appengine_VersionEnvVariables | |
CGoogle_Service_Appsactivity | |
CGoogle_Service_Appsactivity_Activities_Resource | The "activities" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Appsactivity_Activity | |
CGoogle_Service_Appsactivity_Event | |
CGoogle_Service_Appsactivity_ListActivitiesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Appsactivity_Move | |
CGoogle_Service_Appsactivity_Parent | |
CGoogle_Service_Appsactivity_Permission | |
CGoogle_Service_Appsactivity_PermissionChange | |
CGoogle_Service_Appsactivity_Photo | |
CGoogle_Service_Appsactivity_Rename | |
CGoogle_Service_Appsactivity_Target | |
CGoogle_Service_Appsactivity_User | |
CGoogle_Service_AppState | |
CGoogle_Service_AppState_GetResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AppState_ListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_AppState_States_Resource | The "states" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_AppState_UpdateRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_AppState_WriteResult | |
CGoogle_Service_Audit | |
CGoogle_Service_Audit_Activities | |
CGoogle_Service_Audit_Activities_Resource | The "activities" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Audit_Activity | |
CGoogle_Service_Audit_ActivityActor | |
CGoogle_Service_Audit_ActivityEvents | |
CGoogle_Service_Audit_ActivityEventsParameters | |
CGoogle_Service_Audit_ActivityId | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_Autoscaler | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_AutoscalerListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_Autoscalers_Resource | The "autoscalers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_AutoscalingPolicy | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_AutoscalingPolicyLoadBalancingUtilization | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_DeprecationStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_Operation | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_OperationError | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_OperationErrorErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_OperationList | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_OperationWarnings | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_OperationWarningsData | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_Zone | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_ZoneList | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_ZoneMaintenanceWindows | |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_ZoneOperations_Resource | The "zoneOperations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Autoscaler_Zones_Resource | The "zones" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_CsvOptions | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_Dataset | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_DatasetAccess | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_DatasetList | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_DatasetListDatasets | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_DatasetReference | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_Datasets_Resource | The "datasets" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_ErrorProto | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_ExternalDataConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_GetQueryResultsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_Job | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobCancelResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobConfigurationExtract | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobConfigurationLink | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobConfigurationLoad | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobConfigurationQuery | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobConfigurationQueryTableDefinitions | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobConfigurationTableCopy | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobList | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobListJobs | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobReference | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_Jobs_Resource | The "jobs" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobStatistics | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobStatistics2 | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobStatistics3 | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobStatistics4 | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JobStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_JsonObject | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_ProjectList | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_ProjectListProjects | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_ProjectReference | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_Projects_Resource | The "projects" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_QueryRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_QueryResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_Streamingbuffer | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_Table | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_TableCell | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_Tabledata_Resource | The "tabledata" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_TableDataInsertAllRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_TableDataInsertAllRequestRows | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_TableDataInsertAllResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_TableDataInsertAllResponseInsertErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_TableDataList | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_TableFieldSchema | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_TableList | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_TableListTables | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_TableReference | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_TableRow | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_Tables_Resource | The "tables" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_TableSchema | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_UserDefinedFunctionResource | |
CGoogle_Service_Bigquery_ViewDefinition | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_Blog | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_BlogList | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_BlogLocale | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_BlogPages | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_BlogPerUserInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_BlogPosts | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_Blogs_Resource | The "blogs" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_BlogUserInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_BlogUserInfos_Resource | The "blogUserInfos" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_Comment | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_CommentAuthor | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_CommentAuthorImage | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_CommentBlog | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_CommentInReplyTo | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_CommentList | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_CommentPost | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_Comments_Resource | The "comments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_Page | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PageAuthor | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PageAuthorImage | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PageBlog | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PageList | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_Pages_Resource | The "pages" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_Pageviews | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PageViews_Resource | The "pageViews" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PageviewsCounts | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_Post | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PostAuthor | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PostAuthorImage | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PostBlog | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PostImages | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PostList | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PostLocation | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PostPerUserInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PostReplies | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_Posts_Resource | The "posts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PostUserInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PostUserInfos_Resource | The "postUserInfos" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_PostUserInfosList | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_User | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_UserBlogs | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_UserLocale | |
CGoogle_Service_Blogger_Users_Resource | The "users" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Annotation | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_AnnotationClientVersionRanges | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_AnnotationCurrentVersionRanges | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Annotationdata | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_AnnotationLayerSummary | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Annotations | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Annotationsdata | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_AnnotationsSummary | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_AnnotationsSummaryLayers | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_BooksAnnotationsRange | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_BooksCloudloadingResource | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Bookshelf | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Bookshelves | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Bookshelves_Resource | The "bookshelves" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_BookshelvesVolumes_Resource | The "volumes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_BooksVolumesRecommendedRateResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Category | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_CategoryItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Cloudloading_Resource | The "cloudloading" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_ConcurrentAccessRestriction | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Dictionary_Resource | The "dictionary" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Dictlayerdata | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataCommon | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDict | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictSource | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictWords | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictWordsDerivatives | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictWordsDerivativesSource | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictWordsExamples | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictWordsExamplesSource | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictWordsSenses | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictWordsSensesConjugations | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictWordsSensesDefinitions | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictWordsSensesDefinitionsExamples | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictWordsSensesDefinitionsExamplesSource | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictWordsSensesSource | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictWordsSensesSynonyms | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictWordsSensesSynonymsSource | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DictlayerdataDictWordsSource | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Discoveryclusters | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DiscoveryclustersClusters | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DiscoveryclustersClustersBannerWithContentContainer | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DownloadAccesses | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_DownloadAccessRestriction | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Geolayerdata | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_GeolayerdataCommon | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_GeolayerdataGeo | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_GeolayerdataGeoBoundary | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_GeolayerdataGeoViewport | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_GeolayerdataGeoViewportHi | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_GeolayerdataGeoViewportLo | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Layers_Resource | The "layers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_LayersAnnotationData_Resource | The "annotationData" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Layersummaries | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Layersummary | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_LayersVolumeAnnotations_Resource | The "volumeAnnotations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Metadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_MetadataItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Myconfig_Resource | The "myconfig" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Mylibrary_Resource | The "mylibrary" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_MylibraryAnnotations_Resource | The "annotations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_MylibraryBookshelves_Resource | The "bookshelves" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_MylibraryBookshelvesVolumes_Resource | The "volumes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_MylibraryReadingpositions_Resource | The "readingpositions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Notification | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Notification_Resource | The "notification" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Offers | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_OffersItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_OffersItemsItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Onboarding_Resource | The "onboarding" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Personalizedstream_Resource | The "personalizedstream" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Promooffer_Resource | The "promooffer" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_ReadingPosition | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_RequestAccess | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Review | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_ReviewAuthor | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_ReviewSource | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Usersettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_UsersettingsNotesExport | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_UsersettingsNotification | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_UsersettingsNotificationMoreFromAuthors | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Volume | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Volume2 | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeAccessInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeAccessInfoEpub | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeAccessInfoPdf | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Volumeannotation | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeannotationContentRanges | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Volumeannotations | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeLayerInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeLayerInfoLayers | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeRecommendedInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Volumes | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_Volumes_Resource | The "volumes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeSaleInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeSaleInfoListPrice | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeSaleInfoOffers | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeSaleInfoOffersListPrice | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeSaleInfoOffersRentalDuration | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeSaleInfoOffersRetailPrice | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeSaleInfoRetailPrice | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumesAssociated_Resource | The "associated" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeSearchInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumesMybooks_Resource | The "mybooks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumesRecommended_Resource | The "recommended" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumesUseruploaded_Resource | The "useruploaded" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeUserInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeUserInfoCopy | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeUserInfoRentalPeriod | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeUserInfoUserUploadedVolumeInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeVolumeInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeVolumeInfoDimensions | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeVolumeInfoImageLinks | |
CGoogle_Service_Books_VolumeVolumeInfoIndustryIdentifiers | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Acl | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Acl_Resource | The "acl" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_AclRule | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_AclRuleScope | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Calendar | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_CalendarList | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_CalendarList_Resource | The "calendarList" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_CalendarListEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_CalendarListEntryNotificationSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_CalendarNotification | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Calendars_Resource | The "calendars" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Channel | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_ChannelParams | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Channels_Resource | The "channels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_ColorDefinition | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Colors | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Colors_Resource | The "colors" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_ColorsCalendar | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_ColorsEvent | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Error | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Event | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_EventAttachment | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_EventAttendee | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_EventCreator | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_EventDateTime | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_EventExtendedProperties | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_EventExtendedPropertiesPrivate | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_EventExtendedPropertiesShared | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_EventGadget | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_EventGadgetPreferences | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_EventOrganizer | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_EventReminder | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_EventReminders | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Events | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Events_Resource | The "events" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_EventSource | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Freebusy_Resource | The "freebusy" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_FreeBusyCalendar | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_FreeBusyGroup | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_FreeBusyRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_FreeBusyRequestItem | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_FreeBusyResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_FreeBusyResponseCalendars | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_FreeBusyResponseGroups | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Setting | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Settings | |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_Settings_Resource | The "settings" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Calendar_TimePeriod | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_AdministrationRegion | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_AdministrativeBody | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_Candidate | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_Channel | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_Contest | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_Divisions_Resource | The "divisions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_DivisionSearchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_DivisionSearchResult | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_Election | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_ElectionOfficial | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_Elections_Resource | The "elections" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_ElectionsQueryResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_ElectoralDistrict | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_GeographicDivision | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_Office | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_Official | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_PollingLocation | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_RepresentativeInfoData | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_RepresentativeInfoDataDivisions | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_RepresentativeInfoResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_RepresentativeInfoResponseDivisions | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_Representatives_Resource | The "representatives" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_SimpleAddressType | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_Source | |
CGoogle_Service_CivicInfo_VoterInfoResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_Course | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_CourseAlias | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_Courses_Resource | The "courses" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_CoursesAliases_Resource | The "aliases" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_CoursesStudents_Resource | The "students" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_CoursesTeachers_Resource | The "teachers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_Empty | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_GlobalPermission | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_Invitation | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_Invitations_Resource | The "invitations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_ListCourseAliasesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_ListCoursesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_ListInvitationsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_ListStudentsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_ListTeachersResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_Name | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_Student | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_Teacher | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_UserProfile | |
CGoogle_Service_Classroom_UserProfiles_Resource | The "userProfiles" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudbilling | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudbilling_BillingAccount | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudbilling_BillingAccounts_Resource | The "billingAccounts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudbilling_BillingAccountsProjects_Resource | The "projects" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudbilling_ListBillingAccountsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudbilling_ListProjectBillingInfoResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudbilling_ProjectBillingInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudbilling_Projects_Resource | The "projects" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_Breakpoint | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_CloudRepoSourceContext | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_CloudWorkspaceId | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_CloudWorkspaceSourceContext | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_Controller_Resource | The "controller" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_ControllerDebuggees_Resource | The "debuggees" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_ControllerDebuggeesBreakpoints_Resource | The "breakpoints" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_Debuggee | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_DebuggeeLabels | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_Debugger_Resource | The "debugger" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_DebuggerDebuggees_Resource | The "debuggees" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_DebuggerDebuggeesBreakpoints_Resource | The "breakpoints" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_Empty | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_FormatMessage | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_GerritSourceContext | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_GetBreakpointResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_GitSourceContext | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_ListActiveBreakpointsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_ListBreakpointsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_ListDebuggeesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_ProjectRepoId | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_RegisterDebuggeeRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_RegisterDebuggeeResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_RepoId | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_SetBreakpointResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_SourceContext | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_SourceLocation | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_StackFrame | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_StatusMessage | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_UpdateActiveBreakpointRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_UpdateActiveBreakpointResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Clouddebugger_Variable | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudlatencytest | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudlatencytest_AggregatedStats | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudlatencytest_AggregatedStatsReply | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudlatencytest_DoubleValue | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudlatencytest_IntValue | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudlatencytest_Stats | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudlatencytest_Statscollection_Resource | The "statscollection" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudlatencytest_StatsReply | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudlatencytest_StringValue | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_DeleteMetricDescriptorResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListMetricDescriptorsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListMetricDescriptorsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListTimeseriesDescriptorsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListTimeseriesDescriptorsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListTimeseriesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListTimeseriesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptor | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptorLabelDescriptor | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptors_Resource | The "metricDescriptors" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptorTypeDescriptor | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_Point | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistribution | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistributionBucket | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistributionOverflowBucket | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistributionUnderflowBucket | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_Timeseries | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_Timeseries_Resource | The "timeseries" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesDescriptor | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesDescriptorLabel | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesDescriptorLabels | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesDescriptors_Resource | The "timeseriesDescriptors" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesPoint | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_WriteTimeseriesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_WriteTimeseriesRequestCommonLabels | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudMonitoring_WriteTimeseriesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_Binding | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_Empty | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_GetIamPolicyRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_ListOrganizationsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_ListProjectsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_Organization | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_OrganizationOwner | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_Organizations_Resource | The "organizations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_Policy | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_Project | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_ProjectLabels | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_Projects_Resource | The "projects" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_ResourceId | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_SetIamPolicyRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_TestIamPermissionsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudresourcemanager_TestIamPermissionsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudsearch | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudtrace | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudtrace_Empty | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudtrace_ListTracesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudtrace_Projects_Resource | The "projects" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudtrace_ProjectsTraces_Resource | The "traces" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudtrace_Trace | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudtrace_Traces | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudtrace_TraceSpan | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudtrace_TraceSpanLabels | |
CGoogle_Service_Cloudtrace_V1_Resource | The "v1" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_AuthorizedKeysView | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_Binding | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_Condition | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_GlobalAccountsOperations_Resource | The "globalAccountsOperations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_Group | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_GroupList | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_Groups_Resource | The "groups" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_GroupsAddMemberRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_GroupsRemoveMemberRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_Linux_Resource | The "linux" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_LinuxAccountViews | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_LinuxGetAuthorizedKeysViewResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_LinuxGetLinuxAccountViewsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_LinuxGroupView | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_LinuxUserView | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_LogConfig | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_LogConfigCounterOptions | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_Operation | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_OperationError | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_OperationErrorErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_OperationList | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_OperationWarnings | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_OperationWarningsData | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_Policy | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_PublicKey | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_Rule | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_TestPermissionsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_TestPermissionsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_User | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_UserList | |
CGoogle_Service_CloudUserAccounts_Users_Resource | The "users" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AccessConfig | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Address | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AddressAggregatedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AddressAggregatedListItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Addresses_Resource | The "addresses" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AddressesScopedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AddressesScopedListWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AddressesScopedListWarningData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AddressList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AttachedDisk | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AttachedDiskInitializeParams | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Autoscaler | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AutoscalerAggregatedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AutoscalerAggregatedListItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AutoscalerList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Autoscalers_Resource | The "autoscalers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AutoscalersScopedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AutoscalersScopedListWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AutoscalersScopedListWarningData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AutoscalingPolicy | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_AutoscalingPolicyLoadBalancingUtilization | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Backend | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_BackendService | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_BackendServiceGroupHealth | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_BackendServiceList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_BackendServices_Resource | The "backendServices" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DeprecationStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Disk | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DiskAggregatedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DiskAggregatedListItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DiskList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DiskMoveRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Disks_Resource | The "disks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DisksScopedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DisksScopedListWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DisksScopedListWarningData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DiskType | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DiskTypeAggregatedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DiskTypeAggregatedListItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DiskTypeList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DiskTypes_Resource | The "diskTypes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DiskTypesScopedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DiskTypesScopedListWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_DiskTypesScopedListWarningData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Firewall | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_FirewallAllowed | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_FirewallList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Firewalls_Resource | The "firewalls" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ForwardingRule | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ForwardingRuleAggregatedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ForwardingRuleAggregatedListItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ForwardingRuleList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ForwardingRules_Resource | The "forwardingRules" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ForwardingRulesScopedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ForwardingRulesScopedListWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ForwardingRulesScopedListWarningData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_GlobalAddresses_Resource | The "globalAddresses" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_GlobalForwardingRules_Resource | The "globalForwardingRules" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_GlobalOperations_Resource | The "globalOperations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_HealthCheckReference | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_HealthStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_HostRule | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_HttpHealthCheck | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_HttpHealthCheckList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_HttpHealthChecks_Resource | The "httpHealthChecks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_HttpsHealthCheck | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_HttpsHealthCheckList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_HttpsHealthChecks_Resource | The "httpsHealthChecks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Image | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ImageList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ImageRawDisk | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Images_Resource | The "images" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Instance | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceAggregatedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceAggregatedListItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroup | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupAggregatedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupAggregatedListItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManager | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagerActionsSummary | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagerAggregatedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagerAggregatedListItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagerList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagers_Resource | The "instanceGroupManagers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagersListManagedInstancesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagersRecreateInstancesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagersScopedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagersScopedListWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagersScopedListWarningData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagersSetInstanceTemplateRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroups_Resource | The "instanceGroups" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupsAddInstancesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupsListInstances | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupsRemoveInstancesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupsScopedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupsScopedListWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupsScopedListWarningData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceMoveRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceProperties | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceReference | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Instances_Resource | The "instances" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstancesScopedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstancesScopedListWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstancesScopedListWarningData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceTemplate | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceTemplateList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceTemplates_Resource | The "instanceTemplates" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_InstanceWithNamedPorts | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_License | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Licenses_Resource | The "licenses" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_MachineType | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_MachineTypeAggregatedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_MachineTypeAggregatedListItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_MachineTypeList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_MachineTypes_Resource | The "machineTypes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_MachineTypeScratchDisks | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_MachineTypesScopedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_MachineTypesScopedListWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_MachineTypesScopedListWarningData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ManagedInstance | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ManagedInstanceLastAttempt | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ManagedInstanceLastAttemptErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ManagedInstanceLastAttemptErrorsErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Metadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_MetadataItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_NamedPort | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Network | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_NetworkInterface | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_NetworkList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Networks_Resource | The "networks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Operation | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_OperationAggregatedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_OperationAggregatedListItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_OperationError | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_OperationErrorErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_OperationList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_OperationsScopedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_OperationsScopedListWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_OperationsScopedListWarningData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_OperationWarnings | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_OperationWarningsData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_PathMatcher | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_PathRule | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Project | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Projects_Resource | The "projects" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Quota | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Region | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_RegionList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_RegionOperations_Resource | The "regionOperations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Regions_Resource | The "regions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ResourceGroupReference | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Route | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_RouteList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Routes_Resource | The "routes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_RouteWarnings | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_RouteWarningsData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Scheduling | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_SerialPortOutput | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ServiceAccount | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Snapshot | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_SnapshotList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Snapshots_Resource | The "snapshots" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_SslCertificate | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_SslCertificateList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_SslCertificates_Resource | The "sslCertificates" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Tags | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetHttpProxies_Resource | The "targetHttpProxies" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetHttpProxy | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetHttpProxyList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetHttpsProxies_Resource | The "targetHttpsProxies" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetHttpsProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetHttpsProxy | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetHttpsProxyList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetInstance | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetInstanceAggregatedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetInstanceAggregatedListItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetInstanceList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetInstances_Resource | The "targetInstances" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetInstancesScopedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetInstancesScopedListWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetInstancesScopedListWarningData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetPool | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetPoolAggregatedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetPoolAggregatedListItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetPoolInstanceHealth | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetPoolList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetPools_Resource | The "targetPools" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetPoolsAddHealthCheckRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetPoolsAddInstanceRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetPoolsRemoveInstanceRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetPoolsScopedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetPoolsScopedListWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetPoolsScopedListWarningData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetReference | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetVpnGateway | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetVpnGatewayAggregatedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetVpnGatewayAggregatedListItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetVpnGatewayList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetVpnGateways_Resource | The "targetVpnGateways" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetVpnGatewaysScopedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetVpnGatewaysScopedListWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TargetVpnGatewaysScopedListWarningData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_TestFailure | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_UrlMap | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_UrlMapList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_UrlMapReference | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_UrlMaps_Resource | The "urlMaps" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_UrlMapsValidateRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_UrlMapsValidateResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_UrlMapTest | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_UrlMapValidationResult | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_UsageExportLocation | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_VpnTunnel | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_VpnTunnelAggregatedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_VpnTunnelAggregatedListItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_VpnTunnelList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_VpnTunnels_Resource | The "vpnTunnels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_VpnTunnelsScopedList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_VpnTunnelsScopedListWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_VpnTunnelsScopedListWarningData | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Zone | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ZoneList | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ZoneMaintenanceWindows | |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_ZoneOperations_Resource | The "zoneOperations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Compute_Zones_Resource | The "zones" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_AuthorizedKeysView | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_GlobalAccountsOperations_Resource | The "globalAccountsOperations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_Group | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_GroupList | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_Groups_Resource | The "groups" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_GroupsAddMemberRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_GroupsRemoveMemberRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_Linux_Resource | The "linux" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_LinuxAccountViews | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_LinuxGetAuthorizedKeysViewResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_LinuxGetLinuxAccountViewsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_LinuxGroupView | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_LinuxUserView | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_Operation | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_OperationError | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_OperationErrorErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_OperationList | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_OperationWarnings | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_OperationWarningsData | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_PublicKey | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_User | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_UserList | |
CGoogle_Service_Computeaccounts_Users_Resource | The "users" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Container | |
CGoogle_Service_Container_Cluster | |
CGoogle_Service_Container_ClusterUpdate | |
CGoogle_Service_Container_CreateClusterRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Container_ListClustersResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Container_ListOperationsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Container_MasterAuth | |
CGoogle_Service_Container_NodeConfig | |
CGoogle_Service_Container_Operation | |
CGoogle_Service_Container_Projects_Resource | The "projects" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Container_ProjectsZones_Resource | The "zones" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Container_ProjectsZonesClusters_Resource | The "clusters" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Container_ProjectsZonesOperations_Resource | The "operations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Container_ServerConfig | |
CGoogle_Service_Container_UpdateClusterRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_CustomField | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_CustomFieldDef | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_CustomFieldDef_Resource | The "customFieldDef" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_CustomFieldDefListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_CustomFields | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_EnumItemDef | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_Job | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_JobChange | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_JobListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_Jobs_Resource | The "jobs" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_JobState | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_Location | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_Location_Resource | The "location" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_LocationListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_LocationRecord | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_Schedule | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_Schedule_Resource | The "schedule" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_Team | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_Team_Resource | The "team" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_TeamListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_TokenPagination | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_Worker | |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_Worker_Resource | The "worker" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Coordinate_WorkerListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_Context | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_ContextFacets | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_Cse_Resource | The "cse" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_Promotion | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_PromotionBodyLines | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_PromotionImage | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_Query | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_Result | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_ResultImage | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_ResultLabels | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_ResultPagemap | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_ResultPagemapItemElement | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_Search | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_SearchQueries | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_SearchSearchInformation | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_SearchSpelling | |
CGoogle_Service_Customsearch_SearchUrl | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ApproximateProgress | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_AutoscalingSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ComputationTopology | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ConcatPosition | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_CustomSourceLocation | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_DataDiskAssignment | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_DerivedSource | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_Disk | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_DynamicSourceSplit | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_Environment | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_EnvironmentInternalExperiments | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_EnvironmentSdkPipelineOptions | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_EnvironmentUserAgent | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_EnvironmentVersion | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_FlattenInstruction | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_InstructionInput | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_InstructionOutput | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_InstructionOutputCodec | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_Job | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_JobExecutionInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_JobExecutionInfoStages | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_JobExecutionStageInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_JobMessage | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_JobMetrics | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_JobTransformNameMapping | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_KeyRangeDataDiskAssignment | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_KeyRangeLocation | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_LeaseWorkItemRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_LeaseWorkItemResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ListJobMessagesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ListJobsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_MapTask | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_MetricStructuredName | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_MetricStructuredNameContext | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_MetricUpdate | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_MountedDataDisk | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_MultiOutputInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_Package | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ParallelInstruction | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ParDoInstruction | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ParDoInstructionUserFn | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_PartialGroupByKeyInstruction | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_PartialGroupByKeyInstructionInputElementCodec | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_PartialGroupByKeyInstructionValueCombiningFn | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_Position | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_Projects_Resource | The "projects" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ProjectsJobs_Resource | The "jobs" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ProjectsJobsMessages_Resource | The "messages" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ProjectsJobsWorkItems_Resource | The "workItems" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_PubsubLocation | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ReadInstruction | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ReportWorkItemStatusRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ReportWorkItemStatusResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SeqMapTask | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SeqMapTaskOutputInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SeqMapTaskUserFn | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_ShellTask | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SideInputInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SideInputInfoKind | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_Sink | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SinkCodec | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SinkSpec | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_Source | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SourceBaseSpecs | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SourceCodec | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SourceFork | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SourceGetMetadataRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SourceGetMetadataResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SourceMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SourceOperationRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SourceOperationResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SourceSpec | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SourceSplitOptions | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SourceSplitRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SourceSplitResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_SourceSplitShard | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_StateFamilyConfig | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_Status | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_StatusDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_Step | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_StepProperties | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_StreamingComputationRanges | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_StreamingComputationTask | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_StreamingSetupTask | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_StreamingSideInputLocation | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_StreamingStageLocation | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_StreamLocation | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_TaskRunnerSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_TopologyConfig | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_TopologyConfigUserStageToComputationNameMap | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_WorkerPool | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_WorkerPoolMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_WorkerPoolPoolArgs | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_WorkerSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_WorkItem | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_WorkItemServiceState | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_WorkItemServiceStateHarnessData | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_WorkItemStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Dataflow_WriteInstruction | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_AllocateIdsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_AllocateIdsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_BeginTransactionRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_BeginTransactionResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_CommitRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_CommitResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_CompositeFilter | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_Datasets_Resource | The "datasets" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_Entity | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_EntityProperties | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_EntityResult | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_Filter | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_GqlQuery | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_GqlQueryArg | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_Key | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_KeyPathElement | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_KindExpression | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_LookupRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_LookupResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_Mutation | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_MutationResult | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_PartitionId | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_Property | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_PropertyExpression | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_PropertyFilter | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_PropertyOrder | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_PropertyReference | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_Query | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_QueryResultBatch | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_ReadOptions | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_ResponseHeader | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_RollbackRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_RollbackResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_RunQueryRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_RunQueryResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Datastore_Value | |
CGoogle_Service_DataTransfer | |
CGoogle_Service_DataTransfer_Application | |
CGoogle_Service_DataTransfer_ApplicationDataTransfer | |
CGoogle_Service_DataTransfer_Applications_Resource | The "applications" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_DataTransfer_ApplicationsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_DataTransfer_ApplicationTransferParam | |
CGoogle_Service_DataTransfer_DataTransfer | |
CGoogle_Service_DataTransfer_DataTransfersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_DataTransfer_Transfers_Resource | The "transfers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_ConfigFile | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_Deployment | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_DeploymentmanagerResource | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_DeploymentmanagerResourceWarnings | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_DeploymentmanagerResourceWarningsData | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_Deployments_Resource | The "deployments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_DeploymentsCancelPreviewRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_DeploymentsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_DeploymentsStopRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_DeploymentUpdate | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_ImportFile | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_Manifest | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_Manifests_Resource | The "manifests" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_ManifestsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_Operation | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_OperationError | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_OperationErrorErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_Operations_Resource | The "operations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_OperationsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_OperationWarnings | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_OperationWarningsData | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_Resources_Resource | The "resources" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_ResourcesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_ResourceUpdate | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_ResourceUpdateError | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_ResourceUpdateErrorErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_ResourceUpdateWarnings | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_ResourceUpdateWarningsData | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_TargetConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_Type | |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_Types_Resource | The "types" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_DeploymentManager_TypesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Account | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AccountActiveAdSummaries_Resource | The "accountActiveAdSummaries" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AccountActiveAdSummary | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AccountPermission | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AccountPermissionGroup | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AccountPermissionGroups_Resource | The "accountPermissionGroups" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AccountPermissionGroupsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AccountPermissions_Resource | The "accountPermissions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AccountPermissionsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Accounts_Resource | The "accounts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AccountsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AccountUserProfile | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AccountUserProfiles_Resource | The "accountUserProfiles" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AccountUserProfilesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Activities | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Ad | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Ads_Resource | The "ads" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AdsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AdSlot | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Advertiser | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AdvertiserGroup | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AdvertiserGroups_Resource | The "advertiserGroups" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AdvertiserGroupsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Advertisers_Resource | The "advertisers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AdvertisersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AudienceSegment | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_AudienceSegmentGroup | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Browser | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Browsers_Resource | The "browsers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_BrowsersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Campaign | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CampaignCreativeAssociation | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CampaignCreativeAssociations_Resource | The "campaignCreativeAssociations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CampaignCreativeAssociationsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Campaigns_Resource | The "campaigns" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CampaignsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ChangeLog | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ChangeLogs_Resource | The "changeLogs" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ChangeLogsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Cities_Resource | The "cities" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CitiesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_City | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ClickTag | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ClickThroughUrl | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ClickThroughUrlSuffixProperties | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CompanionClickThroughOverride | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CompatibleFields | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ConnectionType | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ConnectionTypes_Resource | The "connectionTypes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ConnectionTypesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ContentCategories_Resource | The "contentCategories" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ContentCategoriesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ContentCategory | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Countries_Resource | The "countries" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CountriesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Country | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Creative | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeAsset | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeAssetId | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeAssetMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeAssets_Resource | The "creativeAssets" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeAssignment | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeCustomEvent | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeField | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeFieldAssignment | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeFields_Resource | The "creativeFields" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeFieldsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeFieldValue | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeFieldValues_Resource | The "creativeFieldValues" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeFieldValuesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeGroup | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeGroupAssignment | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeGroups_Resource | The "creativeGroups" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeGroupsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeOptimizationConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeRotation | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Creatives_Resource | The "creatives" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativeSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CreativesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CrossDimensionReachReportCompatibleFields | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_CustomRichMediaEvents | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DateRange | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DayPartTargeting | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DefaultClickThroughEventTagProperties | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DeliverySchedule | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DfareportingFile | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DfareportingFileUrls | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DfpSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Dimension | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DimensionFilter | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DimensionValue | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DimensionValueList | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DimensionValueRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DimensionValues_Resource | The "dimensionValues" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DirectorySite | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DirectorySiteContact | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DirectorySiteContactAssignment | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DirectorySiteContacts_Resource | The "directorySiteContacts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DirectorySiteContactsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DirectorySites_Resource | The "directorySites" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DirectorySiteSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_DirectorySitesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_EventTag | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_EventTagOverride | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_EventTags_Resource | The "eventTags" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_EventTagsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FileList | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Files_Resource | The "files" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Flight | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FloodlightActivities_Resource | The "floodlightActivities" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FloodlightActivitiesGenerateTagResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FloodlightActivitiesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FloodlightActivity | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FloodlightActivityDynamicTag | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FloodlightActivityGroup | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FloodlightActivityGroups_Resource | The "floodlightActivityGroups" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FloodlightActivityGroupsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FloodlightActivityPublisherDynamicTag | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FloodlightConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FloodlightConfigurations_Resource | The "floodlightConfigurations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FloodlightConfigurationsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FloodlightReportCompatibleFields | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FrequencyCap | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_FsCommand | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_GeoTargeting | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_InventoryItem | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_InventoryItems_Resource | The "inventoryItems" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_InventoryItemsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_KeyValueTargetingExpression | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_LandingPage | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_LandingPages_Resource | The "landingPages" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_LandingPagesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_LastModifiedInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ListPopulationClause | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ListPopulationRule | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ListPopulationTerm | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ListTargetingExpression | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_LookbackConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Metric | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Metro | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Metros_Resource | The "metros" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_MetrosListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_MobileCarrier | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_MobileCarriers_Resource | The "mobileCarriers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_MobileCarriersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ObjectFilter | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_OffsetPosition | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_OmnitureSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_OperatingSystem | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_OperatingSystems_Resource | The "operatingSystems" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_OperatingSystemsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_OperatingSystemVersion | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_OperatingSystemVersions_Resource | The "operatingSystemVersions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_OperatingSystemVersionsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_OptimizationActivity | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Order | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_OrderContact | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_OrderDocument | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_OrderDocuments_Resource | The "orderDocuments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_OrderDocumentsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Orders_Resource | The "orders" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_OrdersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PathToConversionReportCompatibleFields | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Placement | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PlacementAssignment | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PlacementGroup | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PlacementGroups_Resource | The "placementGroups" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PlacementGroupsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Placements_Resource | The "placements" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PlacementsGenerateTagsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PlacementsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PlacementStrategies_Resource | The "placementStrategies" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PlacementStrategiesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PlacementStrategy | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PlacementTag | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PlatformType | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PlatformTypes_Resource | The "platformTypes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PlatformTypesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PopupWindowProperties | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PostalCode | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PostalCodes_Resource | The "postalCodes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PostalCodesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Pricing | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PricingSchedule | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_PricingSchedulePricingPeriod | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ProgrammaticSetting | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Project | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Projects_Resource | The "projects" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ProjectsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReachReportCompatibleFields | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Recipient | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Region | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Regions_Resource | The "regions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_RegionsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_RemarketingList | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_RemarketingLists_Resource | The "remarketingLists" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_RemarketingListShare | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_RemarketingListShares_Resource | The "remarketingListShares" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_RemarketingListsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Report | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReportCompatibleFields | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReportCriteria | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReportCrossDimensionReachCriteria | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReportDelivery | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReportFloodlightCriteria | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReportFloodlightCriteriaReportProperties | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReportList | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReportPathToConversionCriteria | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReportPathToConversionCriteriaReportProperties | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReportReachCriteria | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Reports_Resource | The "reports" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReportSchedule | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReportsCompatibleFields_Resource | The "compatibleFields" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReportsConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ReportsFiles_Resource | The "files" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_RichMediaExitOverride | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Site | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_SiteContact | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Sites_Resource | The "sites" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_SiteSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_SitesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Size | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Sizes_Resource | The "sizes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_SizesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_SortedDimension | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Subaccount | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_Subaccounts_Resource | The "subaccounts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_SubaccountsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_TagData | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_TagSetting | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_TagSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_TargetableRemarketingList | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_TargetableRemarketingLists_Resource | The "targetableRemarketingLists" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_TargetableRemarketingListsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_TargetWindow | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_TechnologyTargeting | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_ThirdPartyTrackingUrl | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_UserDefinedVariableConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_UserProfile | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_UserProfileList | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_UserProfiles_Resource | The "userProfiles" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_UserRole | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_UserRolePermission | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_UserRolePermissionGroup | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_UserRolePermissionGroups_Resource | The "userRolePermissionGroups" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_UserRolePermissionGroupsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_UserRolePermissions_Resource | The "userRolePermissions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_UserRolePermissionsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_UserRoles_Resource | The "userRoles" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dfareporting_UserRolesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Alias | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Aliases | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Asp | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Asps | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Asps_Resource | The "asps" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Channel | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_ChannelParams | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Channels_Resource | The "channels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_ChromeOsDevice | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_ChromeOsDeviceActiveTimeRanges | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_ChromeOsDeviceRecentUsers | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_ChromeOsDevices | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Chromeosdevices_Resource | The "chromeosdevices" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Customer | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_CustomerPostalAddress | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Customers_Resource | The "customers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_DomainAlias | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_DomainAliases | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_DomainAliases_Resource | The "domainAliases" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Domains | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Domains2 | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Domains_Resource | The "domains" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Group | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Groups | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Groups_Resource | The "groups" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_GroupsAliases_Resource | The "aliases" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Member | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Members | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Members_Resource | The "members" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_MobileDevice | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_MobileDeviceAction | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_MobileDeviceApplications | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_MobileDevices | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Mobiledevices_Resource | The "mobiledevices" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Notification | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Notifications | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Notifications_Resource | The "notifications" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_OrgUnit | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_OrgUnits | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Orgunits_Resource | The "orgunits" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Privilege | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Privileges | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Privileges_Resource | The "privileges" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Role | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_RoleAssignment | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_RoleAssignments | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_RoleAssignments_Resource | The "roleAssignments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_RoleRolePrivileges | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Roles | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Roles_Resource | The "roles" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Schema | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_SchemaFieldSpec | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_SchemaFieldSpecNumericIndexingSpec | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Schemas | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Schemas_Resource | The "schemas" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Token | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Tokens | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Tokens_Resource | The "tokens" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_User | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserAbout | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserAddress | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserCustomProperties | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserCustomSchemas | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserEmail | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserExternalId | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserIm | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserMakeAdmin | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserName | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserOrganization | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserPhone | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserPhoto | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserRelation | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Users | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_Users_Resource | The "users" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UsersAliases_Resource | The "aliases" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UsersPhotos_Resource | The "photos" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserUndelete | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_UserWebsite | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_VerificationCode | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_VerificationCodes | |
CGoogle_Service_Directory_VerificationCodes_Resource | The "verificationCodes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dns | |
CGoogle_Service_Dns_Change | |
CGoogle_Service_Dns_Changes_Resource | The "changes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dns_ChangesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dns_ManagedZone | |
CGoogle_Service_Dns_ManagedZones_Resource | The "managedZones" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dns_ManagedZonesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Dns_Project | |
CGoogle_Service_Dns_Projects_Resource | The "projects" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dns_Quota | |
CGoogle_Service_Dns_ResourceRecordSet | |
CGoogle_Service_Dns_ResourceRecordSets_Resource | The "resourceRecordSets" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Dns_ResourceRecordSetsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_DownloadLineItemsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_DownloadLineItemsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_FilterPair | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_Lineitems_Resource | The "lineitems" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_ListQueriesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_ListReportsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_Parameters | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_Queries_Resource | The "queries" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_Query | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_QueryMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_QuerySchedule | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_Report | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_ReportFailure | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_ReportKey | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_ReportMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_Reports_Resource | The "reports" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_ReportStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_RowStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_RunQueryRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_UploadLineItemsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_UploadLineItemsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_DoubleClickBidManager_UploadStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_Availability | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_Conversion | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_Conversion_Resource | The "conversion" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_ConversionList | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_CustomDimension | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_CustomMetric | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_Report | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_ReportApiColumnSpec | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_ReportFiles | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_ReportRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_ReportRequestFilters | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_ReportRequestOrderBy | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_ReportRequestReportScope | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_ReportRequestTimeRange | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_ReportRow | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_Reports_Resource | The "reports" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_SavedColumn | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_SavedColumnList | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_SavedColumns_Resource | The "savedColumns" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_UpdateAvailabilityRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Doubleclicksearch_UpdateAvailabilityResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_About | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_About_Resource | The "about" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_AboutAdditionalRoleInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_AboutAdditionalRoleInfoRoleSets | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_AboutExportFormats | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_AboutFeatures | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_AboutImportFormats | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_AboutMaxUploadSizes | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_AboutQuotaBytesByService | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_App | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_AppIcons | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_AppList | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Apps_Resource | The "apps" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Change | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_ChangeList | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Changes_Resource | The "changes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Channel | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_ChannelParams | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Channels_Resource | The "channels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_ChildList | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_ChildReference | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Children_Resource | The "children" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Comment | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_CommentContext | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_CommentList | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_CommentReply | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_CommentReplyList | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Comments_Resource | The "comments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_DriveFile | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_DriveFileExportLinks | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_DriveFileImageMediaMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_DriveFileImageMediaMetadataLocation | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_DriveFileIndexableText | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_DriveFileLabels | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_DriveFileOpenWithLinks | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_DriveFileThumbnail | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_DriveFileVideoMediaMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_FileList | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Files_Resource | The "files" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_GeneratedIds | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_ParentList | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_ParentReference | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Parents_Resource | The "parents" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Permission | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_PermissionId | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_PermissionList | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Permissions_Resource | The "permissions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Properties_Resource | The "properties" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Property | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_PropertyList | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Realtime_Resource | The "realtime" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Replies_Resource | The "replies" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Revision | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_RevisionExportLinks | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_RevisionList | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_Revisions_Resource | The "revisions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_User | |
CGoogle_Service_Drive_UserPicture | |
CGoogle_Service_Exception | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_AggregateBucket | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_AggregateBy | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_AggregateRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_AggregateResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_Application | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_BucketByActivity | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_BucketBySession | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_BucketByTime | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_DataPoint | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_Dataset | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_DataSource | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_DataType | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_DataTypeField | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_Device | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_ListDataSourcesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_ListSessionsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_MapValue | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_Session | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_Users_Resource | The "users" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_UsersDataset_Resource | The "dataset" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_UsersDataSources_Resource | The "dataSources" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_UsersDataSourcesDatasets_Resource | The "datasets" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_UsersSessions_Resource | The "sessions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_Value | |
CGoogle_Service_Fitness_ValueMapValEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_Freebase | |
CGoogle_Service_Freebase_ReconcileCandidate | |
CGoogle_Service_Freebase_ReconcileCandidateNotable | |
CGoogle_Service_Freebase_ReconcileGet | |
CGoogle_Service_Freebase_ReconcileGetCosts | |
CGoogle_Service_Freebase_ReconcileGetWarning | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Bucket | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Column | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Column_Resource | The "column" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_ColumnBaseColumn | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_ColumnList | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Geometry | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Import | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Line | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_LineStyle | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Point | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_PointStyle | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Polygon | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_PolygonStyle | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Query_Resource | The "query" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Sqlresponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Style_Resource | The "style" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_StyleFunction | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_StyleFunctionGradient | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_StyleFunctionGradientColors | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_StyleSetting | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_StyleSettingList | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Table | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Table_Resource | The "table" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_TableList | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Task | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Task_Resource | The "task" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_TaskList | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Template | |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_Template_Resource | The "template" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Fusiontables_TemplateList | |
CGoogle_Service_Games | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_AchievementDefinition | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_AchievementDefinitions_Resource | The "achievementDefinitions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_AchievementDefinitionsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_AchievementIncrementResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_AchievementRevealResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Achievements_Resource | The "achievements" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_AchievementSetStepsAtLeastResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_AchievementUnlockResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_AchievementUpdateMultipleRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_AchievementUpdateMultipleResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_AchievementUpdateRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_AchievementUpdateResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_AggregateStats | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_AnonymousPlayer | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Application | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_ApplicationCategory | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Applications_Resource | The "applications" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Category | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_CategoryListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_EventBatchRecordFailure | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_EventChild | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_EventDefinition | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_EventDefinitionListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_EventPeriodRange | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_EventPeriodUpdate | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_EventRecordFailure | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_EventRecordRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Events_Resource | The "events" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_EventUpdateRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_EventUpdateResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_GamesAchievementIncrement | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_GamesAchievementSetStepsAtLeast | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_ImageAsset | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Instance | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_InstanceAndroidDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_InstanceIosDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_InstanceWebDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Leaderboard | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_LeaderboardEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_LeaderboardListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Leaderboards_Resource | The "leaderboards" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_LeaderboardScoreRank | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_LeaderboardScores | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Metagame_Resource | The "metagame" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_MetagameConfig | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_NetworkDiagnostics | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_ParticipantResult | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PeerChannelDiagnostics | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PeerSessionDiagnostics | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Played | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Player | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PlayerAchievement | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PlayerAchievementListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PlayerEvent | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PlayerEventListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PlayerExperienceInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PlayerLeaderboardScore | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PlayerLeaderboardScoreListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PlayerLevel | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PlayerListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PlayerName | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Players_Resource | The "players" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PlayerScore | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PlayerScoreListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PlayerScoreResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PlayerScoreSubmissionList | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PushToken | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PushTokenId | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_PushTokenIdIos | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Pushtokens_Resource | The "pushtokens" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Quest | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_QuestContribution | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_QuestCriterion | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_QuestListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_QuestMilestone | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_QuestMilestones_Resource | The "questMilestones" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Quests_Resource | The "quests" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_RevisionCheckResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Revisions_Resource | The "revisions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Room | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_RoomAutoMatchingCriteria | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_RoomAutoMatchStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_RoomClientAddress | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_RoomCreateRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_RoomJoinRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_RoomLeaveDiagnostics | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_RoomLeaveRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_RoomList | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_RoomModification | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_RoomP2PStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_RoomP2PStatuses | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_RoomParticipant | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Rooms_Resource | The "rooms" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_RoomStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Scores_Resource | The "scores" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_ScoreSubmission | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Snapshot | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_SnapshotImage | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_SnapshotListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_Snapshots_Resource | The "snapshots" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_TurnBasedAutoMatchingCriteria | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_TurnBasedMatch | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_TurnBasedMatchCreateRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_TurnBasedMatchData | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_TurnBasedMatchDataRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_TurnBasedMatches_Resource | The "turnBasedMatches" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Games_TurnBasedMatchList | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_TurnBasedMatchModification | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_TurnBasedMatchParticipant | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_TurnBasedMatchRematch | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_TurnBasedMatchResults | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_TurnBasedMatchSync | |
CGoogle_Service_Games_TurnBasedMatchTurn | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration_AchievementConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration_AchievementConfigurationDetail | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration_AchievementConfigurationListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration_AchievementConfigurations_Resource | The "achievementConfigurations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration_GamesNumberAffixConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration_GamesNumberFormatConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration_ImageConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration_ImageConfigurations_Resource | The "imageConfigurations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration_LeaderboardConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration_LeaderboardConfigurationDetail | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration_LeaderboardConfigurationListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration_LeaderboardConfigurations_Resource | The "leaderboardConfigurations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration_LocalizedString | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesConfiguration_LocalizedStringBundle | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_AchievementResetAllResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_AchievementResetMultipleForAllRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_AchievementResetResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_Achievements_Resource | The "achievements" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_Applications_Resource | The "applications" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_Events_Resource | The "events" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_EventsResetMultipleForAllRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_GamesPlayedResource | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_GamesPlayerExperienceInfoResource | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_GamesPlayerLevelResource | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_HiddenPlayer | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_HiddenPlayerList | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_Player | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_PlayerName | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_Players_Resource | The "players" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_PlayerScoreResetAllResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_PlayerScoreResetResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_Quests_Resource | The "quests" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_QuestsResetMultipleForAllRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_Rooms_Resource | The "rooms" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_Scores_Resource | The "scores" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_ScoresResetMultipleForAllRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_GamesManagement_TurnBasedMatches_Resource | The "turnBasedMatches" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Binding | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_CallSet | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_CallSetInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Callsets_Resource | The "callsets" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_CancelOperationRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_CigarUnit | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_CoverageBucket | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Dataset | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Datasets_Resource | The "datasets" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Empty | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Experiment | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ExportReadGroupSetRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ExportVariantSetRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_GetIamPolicyRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ImportReadGroupSetsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ImportReadGroupSetsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ImportVariantsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ImportVariantsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_LinearAlignment | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ListBasesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ListCoverageBucketsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ListDatasetsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ListOperationsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Operation | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_OperationEvent | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_OperationMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_OperationMetadataRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_OperationResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Operations_Resource | The "operations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Policy | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Position | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Program | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Range | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Read | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ReadGroup | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ReadGroupInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ReadGroupSet | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ReadGroupSetInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Readgroupsets_Resource | The "readgroupsets" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ReadgroupsetsCoveragebuckets_Resource | The "coveragebuckets" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ReadInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Reads_Resource | The "reads" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Reference | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ReferenceBound | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_References_Resource | The "references" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ReferencesBases_Resource | The "bases" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_ReferenceSet | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Referencesets_Resource | The "referencesets" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SearchCallSetsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SearchCallSetsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SearchReadGroupSetsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SearchReadGroupSetsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SearchReadsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SearchReadsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SearchReferenceSetsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SearchReferenceSetsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SearchReferencesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SearchReferencesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SearchVariantSetsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SearchVariantSetsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SearchVariantsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SearchVariantsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_SetIamPolicyRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Status | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_StatusDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_TestIamPermissionsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_TestIamPermissionsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_UndeleteDatasetRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Variant | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_VariantCall | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_VariantCallInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_VariantInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Variants_Resource | The "variants" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_VariantSet | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_VariantSetMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_VariantSetMetadataInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Genomics_Variantsets_Resource | The "variantsets" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_Draft | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_History | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_HistoryLabelAdded | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_HistoryLabelRemoved | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_HistoryMessageAdded | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_HistoryMessageDeleted | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_Label | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_ListDraftsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_ListHistoryResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_ListLabelsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_ListMessagesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_ListThreadsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_Message | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_MessagePart | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_MessagePartBody | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_MessagePartHeader | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_ModifyMessageRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_ModifyThreadRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_Profile | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_Thread | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_Users_Resource | The "users" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_UsersDrafts_Resource | The "drafts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_UsersHistory_Resource | The "history" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_UsersLabels_Resource | The "labels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_UsersMessages_Resource | The "messages" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_UsersMessagesAttachments_Resource | The "attachments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_UsersThreads_Resource | The "threads" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_WatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Gmail_WatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_GroupsMigration | |
CGoogle_Service_GroupsMigration_Archive_Resource | The "archive" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_GroupsMigration_Groups | |
CGoogle_Service_Groupssettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Groupssettings_Groups | |
CGoogle_Service_Groupssettings_Groups_Resource | The "groups" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_CreateAuthUriResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_DeleteAccountResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_DownloadAccountResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_GetAccountInfoResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_GetOobConfirmationCodeResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_GetRecaptchaParamResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartyCreateAuthUriRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartyDeleteAccountRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartyDownloadAccountRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartyGetAccountInfoRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartyGetPublicKeysResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartyResetPasswordRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySetAccountInfoRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartyUploadAccountRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartyVerifyAssertionRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartyVerifyPasswordRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_Relyingparty | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_Relyingparty_Resource | The "relyingparty" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_ResetPasswordResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_SetAccountInfoResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_SetAccountInfoResponseProviderUserInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_UploadAccountResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_UploadAccountResponseError | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_UserInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_UserInfoProviderUserInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_VerifyAssertionResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_IdentityToolkit_VerifyPasswordResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Licensing | |
CGoogle_Service_Licensing_LicenseAssignment | |
CGoogle_Service_Licensing_LicenseAssignmentInsert | |
CGoogle_Service_Licensing_LicenseAssignmentList | |
CGoogle_Service_Licensing_LicenseAssignments_Resource | The "licenseAssignments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Logging | |
CGoogle_Service_Logging_LogLine | |
CGoogle_Service_Logging_RequestLog | |
CGoogle_Service_Logging_SourceLocation | |
CGoogle_Service_Logging_SourceReference | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_AccessConfig | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_Action | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_AllowedRule | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_AutoscalingModule | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_AutoscalingModuleStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_Deployment | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_DeploymentModules | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_Deployments_Resource | The "deployments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_DeploymentsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_DeployState | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_DiskAttachment | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_EnvVariable | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_ExistingDisk | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_FirewallModule | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_FirewallModuleStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_HealthCheckModule | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_HealthCheckModuleStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_LbModule | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_LbModuleStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_Metadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_MetadataItem | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_Module | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_ModuleStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_NetworkInterface | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_NetworkModule | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_NetworkModuleStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_NewDisk | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_NewDiskInitializeParams | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_ParamOverride | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_ReplicaPoolModule | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_ReplicaPoolModuleEnvVariables | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_ReplicaPoolModuleStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_ReplicaPoolParams | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_ReplicaPoolParamsV1Beta1 | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_ServiceAccount | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_Tag | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_Template | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_TemplateActions | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_TemplateModules | |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_Templates_Resource | The "templates" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Manager_TemplatesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_AcquisitionTime | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Asset | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Assets_Resource | The "assets" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_AssetsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_AssetsParents_Resource | The "parents" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_AssetsPermissions_Resource | The "permissions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Border | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Color | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Datasource | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_DisplayRule | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Feature | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_FeatureInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_FeaturesBatchDeleteRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_FeaturesBatchInsertRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_FeaturesBatchPatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_FeaturesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Filter | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonGeometry | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonGeometryCollection | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonLineString | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonMultiLineString | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonMultiPoint | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonMultiPolygon | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonPoint | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonPolygon | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonProperties | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Icon | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_IconsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_IconStyle | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_LabelStyle | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Layer | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Layers_Resource | The "layers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_LayersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_LayersParents_Resource | The "parents" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_LayersPermissions_Resource | The "permissions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_LineStyle | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_LineStyleStroke | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Map | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_MapFolder | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_MapItem | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_MapKmlLink | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_MapLayer | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Maps_Resource | The "maps" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_MapsengineFile | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_MapsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_MapsPermissions_Resource | The "permissions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Parent | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_ParentsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Permission | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_PermissionsBatchDeleteRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_PermissionsBatchDeleteResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_PermissionsBatchUpdateRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_PermissionsBatchUpdateResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_PermissionsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_PointStyle | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_PolygonStyle | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_ProcessResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Project | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Projects_Resource | The "projects" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_ProjectsIcons_Resource | The "icons" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_ProjectsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_PublishedLayer | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_PublishedLayersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_PublishedMap | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_PublishedMapsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_PublishResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Raster | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RasterCollection | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RasterCollections_Resource | The "rasterCollections" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RasterCollectionsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RasterCollectionsParents_Resource | The "parents" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RasterCollectionsPermissions_Resource | The "permissions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RasterCollectionsRaster | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RasterCollectionsRasterBatchDeleteRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RasterCollectionsRasters_Resource | The "rasters" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RasterCollectionsRastersBatchDeleteResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RasterCollectionsRastersBatchInsertRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RasterCollectionsRastersBatchInsertResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RasterCollectionsRastersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Rasters_Resource | The "rasters" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RastersFiles_Resource | The "files" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RastersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RastersParents_Resource | The "parents" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_RastersPermissions_Resource | The "permissions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_ScaledShape | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_ScalingFunction | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Schema | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_SizeRange | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Table | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_TableColumn | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_Tables_Resource | The "tables" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_TablesFeatures_Resource | The "features" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_TablesFiles_Resource | The "files" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_TablesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_TablesParents_Resource | The "parents" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_TablesPermissions_Resource | The "permissions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_ValueRange | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_VectorStyle | |
CGoogle_Service_MapsEngine_ZoomLevels | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_Account | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_Accounts_Resource | The "accounts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_Attachment | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_AttachmentsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_AuthToken | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_Command | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_Contact | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_Contacts_Resource | The "contacts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_ContactsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_Location | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_Locations_Resource | The "locations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_LocationsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_MenuItem | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_MenuValue | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_Notification | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_NotificationConfig | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_Setting | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_Settings_Resource | The "settings" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_Subscription | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_Subscriptions_Resource | The "subscriptions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_SubscriptionsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_Timeline_Resource | The "timeline" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_TimelineAttachments_Resource | The "attachments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_TimelineItem | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_TimelineListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_UserAction | |
CGoogle_Service_Mirror_UserData | |
CGoogle_Service_Oauth2 | |
CGoogle_Service_Oauth2_Jwk | |
CGoogle_Service_Oauth2_JwkKeys | |
CGoogle_Service_Oauth2_Tokeninfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Oauth2_Userinfo_Resource | The "userinfo" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Oauth2_Userinfoplus | |
CGoogle_Service_Oauth2_UserinfoV2_Resource | The "v2" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Oauth2_UserinfoV2Me_Resource | The "me" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_Pagespeedapi_Resource | The "pagespeedapi" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_PagespeedApiFormatStringV2 | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_PagespeedApiFormatStringV2Args | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_PagespeedApiFormatStringV2ArgsRects | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_PagespeedApiFormatStringV2ArgsSecondaryRects | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_PagespeedApiImageV2 | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_PagespeedApiImageV2PageRect | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_Result | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_ResultFormattedResults | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_ResultFormattedResultsRuleResults | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_ResultFormattedResultsRuleResultsElement | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_ResultFormattedResultsRuleResultsElementUrlBlocks | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_ResultFormattedResultsRuleResultsElementUrlBlocksUrls | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_ResultPageStats | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_ResultRuleGroups | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_ResultRuleGroupsElement | |
CGoogle_Service_Pagespeedonline_ResultVersion | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_CertificationExamStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_CertificationStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_ClientMessages_Resource | The "clientMessages" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_Companies_Resource | The "companies" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_CompaniesLeads_Resource | The "leads" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_Company | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_CreateLeadRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_CreateLeadResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_DebugInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_EventData | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_GetCompanyResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_LatLng | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_Lead | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_ListCompaniesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_ListUserStatesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_LocalizedCompanyInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_Location | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_LogMessageRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_LogMessageRequestClientInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_LogMessageResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_LogUserEventRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_LogUserEventResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_Money | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_PublicProfile | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_Rank | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_RecaptchaChallenge | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_RequestMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_ResponseMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_TrafficSource | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_UserEvents_Resource | The "userEvents" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_UserOverrides | |
CGoogle_Service_Partners_UserStates_Resource | The "userStates" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner | |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner_Accounts_Resource | The "accounts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner_AccountsAvails_Resource | The "avails" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner_AccountsExperienceLocales_Resource | The "experienceLocales" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner_AccountsOrders_Resource | The "orders" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner_AccountsStoreInfos_Resource | The "storeInfos" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner_AccountsStoreInfosCountry_Resource | The "country" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner_Avail | |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner_ExperienceLocale | |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner_ListAvailsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner_ListExperienceLocalesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner_ListOrdersResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner_ListStoreInfosResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner_Order | |
CGoogle_Service_Playmoviespartner_StoreInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_Acl | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_Activities_Resource | The "activities" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_Activity | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityActor | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityActorClientSpecificActorInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityActorClientSpecificActorInfoYoutubeActorInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityActorImage | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityActorName | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityActorVerification | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityFeed | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObject | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObjectActor | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObjectActorClientSpecificActorInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObjectActorClientSpecificActorInfoYoutubeActorInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObjectActorImage | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObjectActorVerification | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObjectAttachments | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObjectAttachmentsEmbed | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObjectAttachmentsFullImage | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObjectAttachmentsImage | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObjectAttachmentsThumbnails | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObjectAttachmentsThumbnailsImage | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObjectPlusoners | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObjectReplies | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityObjectResharers | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ActivityProvider | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_Comment | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_CommentActor | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_CommentActorClientSpecificActorInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_CommentActorClientSpecificActorInfoYoutubeActorInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_CommentActorImage | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_CommentActorVerification | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_CommentFeed | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_CommentInReplyTo | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_CommentObject | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_CommentPlusoners | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_Comments_Resource | The "comments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_ItemScope | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_Moment | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_Moments_Resource | The "moments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_MomentsFeed | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_People_Resource | The "people" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_PeopleFeed | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_Person | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_PersonAgeRange | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_PersonCover | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_PersonCoverCoverInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_PersonCoverCoverPhoto | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_PersonEmails | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_PersonImage | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_PersonName | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_PersonOrganizations | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_PersonPlacesLived | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_PersonUrls | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_Place | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_PlaceAddress | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_PlacePosition | |
CGoogle_Service_Plus_PlusAclentryResource | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_Acl | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_Activities_Resource | The "activities" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_Activity | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityActor | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityActorClientSpecificActorInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityActorClientSpecificActorInfoYoutubeActorInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityActorImage | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityActorName | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityActorVerification | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityFeed | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObject | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectActor | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectActorClientSpecificActorInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectActorClientSpecificActorInfoYoutubeActorInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectActorImage | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectActorVerification | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectAttachments | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectAttachmentsEmbed | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectAttachmentsFullImage | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectAttachmentsImage | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectAttachmentsPreviewThumbnails | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectAttachmentsThumbnails | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectAttachmentsThumbnailsImage | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectPlusoners | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectReplies | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectResharers | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityObjectStatusForViewer | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_ActivityProvider | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_Audience | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_Audiences_Resource | The "audiences" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_AudiencesFeed | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_Circle | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_CircleFeed | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_CirclePeople | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_Circles_Resource | The "circles" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_Comment | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_CommentActor | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_CommentActorClientSpecificActorInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_CommentActorClientSpecificActorInfoYoutubeActorInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_CommentActorImage | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_CommentActorVerification | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_CommentFeed | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_CommentInReplyTo | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_CommentObject | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_CommentPlusoners | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_Comments_Resource | The "comments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_Media | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_Media_Resource | The "media" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_MediaAuthor | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_MediaAuthorImage | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_MediaExif | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_People_Resource | The "people" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_PeopleFeed | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_Person | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_PersonCover | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_PersonCoverCoverInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_PersonCoverCoverPhoto | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_PersonEmails | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_PersonImage | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_PersonName | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_PersonOrganizations | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_PersonPlacesLived | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_PersonUrls | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_Place | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_PlaceAddress | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_PlacePosition | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_PlusDomainsAclentryResource | |
CGoogle_Service_PlusDomains_Videostream | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_Analyze | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_AnalyzeDataDescription | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_AnalyzeDataDescriptionFeatures | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_AnalyzeDataDescriptionFeaturesCategorical | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_AnalyzeDataDescriptionFeaturesCategoricalValues | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_AnalyzeDataDescriptionFeaturesNumeric | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_AnalyzeDataDescriptionFeaturesText | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_AnalyzeDataDescriptionOutputFeature | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_AnalyzeDataDescriptionOutputFeatureNumeric | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_AnalyzeDataDescriptionOutputFeatureText | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_AnalyzeErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_AnalyzeModelDescription | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_AnalyzeModelDescriptionConfusionMatrix | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_AnalyzeModelDescriptionConfusionMatrixElement | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_AnalyzeModelDescriptionConfusionMatrixRowTotals | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_Hostedmodels_Resource | The "hostedmodels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_Input | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_InputInput | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_Insert | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_Insert2 | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_Insert2ModelInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_InsertTrainingInstances | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_InsertUtility | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_Output | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_OutputOutputMulti | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_PredictionList | |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_Trainedmodels_Resource | The "trainedmodels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Prediction_Update | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_AdvertisedId | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_AttachmentInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacon | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_BeaconAttachment | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_BeaconInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beaconinfo_Resource | The "beaconinfo" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_BeaconProperties | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_Beacons_Resource | The "beacons" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_BeaconsAttachments_Resource | The "attachments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_BeaconsDiagnostics_Resource | The "diagnostics" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_Date | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_DeleteAttachmentsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_Diagnostics | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_Empty | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_GetInfoForObservedBeaconsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_GetInfoForObservedBeaconsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_IndoorLevel | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_LatLng | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_ListBeaconAttachmentsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_ListBeaconsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_ListDiagnosticsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_ListNamespacesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_Namespaces_Resource | The "namespaces" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_Observation | |
CGoogle_Service_Proximitybeacon_ProximitybeaconNamespace | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_AcknowledgeRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_Label | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_ListSubscriptionsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_ListTopicsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_ModifyAckDeadlineRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_ModifyPushConfigRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_PublishBatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_PublishBatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_PublishRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_PubsubEvent | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_PubsubMessage | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_PullBatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_PullBatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_PullRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_PullResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_PushConfig | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_Subscription | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_Subscriptions_Resource | The "subscriptions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_Topic | |
CGoogle_Service_Pubsub_Topics_Resource | The "topics" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_AircraftData | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_AirportData | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_BagDescriptor | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_CarrierData | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_CityData | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_Data | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_FareInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_FlightInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_FreeBaggageAllowance | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_LegInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_PassengerCounts | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_PricingInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_SegmentInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_SegmentPricing | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_SliceInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_SliceInput | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_TaxData | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_TaxInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_TimeOfDayRange | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_TripOption | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_TripOptionsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_TripOptionsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_Trips_Resource | The "trips" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_TripsSearchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_QPXExpress_TripsSearchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_InstanceGroupManager | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_InstanceGroupManagerList | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_InstanceGroupManagers_Resource | The "instanceGroupManagers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_InstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_InstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_InstanceGroupManagersRecreateInstancesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_InstanceGroupManagersSetInstanceTemplateRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_InstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_Operation | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_OperationError | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_OperationErrorErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_OperationList | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_OperationWarnings | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_OperationWarningsData | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_ReplicaPoolAutoHealingPolicy | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapool_ZoneOperations_Resource | The "zoneOperations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_InstanceUpdate | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_InstanceUpdateError | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_InstanceUpdateErrorErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_InstanceUpdateList | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_Operation | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_OperationError | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_OperationErrorErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_OperationList | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_OperationWarnings | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_OperationWarningsData | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_RollingUpdate | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_RollingUpdateError | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_RollingUpdateErrorErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_RollingUpdateList | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_RollingUpdatePolicy | |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_RollingUpdates_Resource | The "rollingUpdates" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Replicapoolupdater_ZoneOperations_Resource | The "zoneOperations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Reports | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_Activities | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_Activities_Resource | The "activities" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_Activity | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_ActivityActor | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_ActivityEvents | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_ActivityEventsParameters | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_ActivityId | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_Channel | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_ChannelParams | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_Channels_Resource | The "channels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_CustomerUsageReports_Resource | The "customerUsageReports" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_UsageReport | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_UsageReportEntity | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_UsageReportParameters | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_UsageReportParametersMsgValue | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_UsageReports | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_UsageReportsWarnings | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_UsageReportsWarningsData | |
CGoogle_Service_Reports_UserUsageReport_Resource | The "userUsageReport" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Reseller | |
CGoogle_Service_Reseller_Address | |
CGoogle_Service_Reseller_ChangePlanRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Reseller_Customer | |
CGoogle_Service_Reseller_Customers_Resource | The "customers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Reseller_RenewalSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Reseller_Seats | |
CGoogle_Service_Reseller_Subscription | |
CGoogle_Service_Reseller_SubscriptionPlan | |
CGoogle_Service_Reseller_SubscriptionPlanCommitmentInterval | |
CGoogle_Service_Reseller_Subscriptions | |
CGoogle_Service_Reseller_Subscriptions_Resource | The "subscriptions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Reseller_SubscriptionTransferInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Reseller_SubscriptionTrialSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_Resource | Implements the actual methods/resources of the discovered Google API using magic function calling overloading (__call()), which on call will see if the method name (plus.activities.list) is available in this service, and if so construct an apiHttpRequest representing it |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_Label | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_ListResourceResponseItem | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_ListResourceResponseItemEndpoints | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_Operation | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_OperationError | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_OperationErrorErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_OperationList | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_OperationWarnings | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_OperationWarningsData | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_ResourceView | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_ServiceEndpoint | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_ZoneOperations_Resource | The "zoneOperations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_ZoneViews_Resource | The "zoneViews" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_ZoneViewsAddResourcesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_ZoneViewsGetServiceResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_ZoneViewsList | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_ZoneViewsListResourcesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_ZoneViewsRemoveResourcesRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Resourceviews_ZoneViewsSetServiceRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Script | |
CGoogle_Service_Script_ExecutionError | |
CGoogle_Service_Script_ExecutionRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Script_ExecutionResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Script_Operation | |
CGoogle_Service_Script_OperationMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Script_OperationResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Script_Scripts_Resource | The "scripts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Script_ScriptStackTraceElement | |
CGoogle_Service_Script_Status | |
CGoogle_Service_Script_StatusDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Account | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountAdwordsLink | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountIdentifier | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Accounts_Resource | The "accounts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountsAuthInfoResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountsCustomBatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountsCustomBatchRequestEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountsCustomBatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountsCustomBatchResponseEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountShipping | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Accountshipping_Resource | The "accountshipping" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountShippingCarrierRate | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountShippingCondition | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountshippingCustomBatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountshippingCustomBatchRequestEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountshippingCustomBatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountshippingCustomBatchResponseEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountshippingListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountShippingLocationGroup | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountShippingPostalCodeRange | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountShippingRateTable | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountShippingRateTableCell | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountShippingShippingService | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountShippingShippingServiceCalculationMethod | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountShippingShippingServiceCostRule | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountStatusDataQualityIssue | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Accountstatuses_Resource | The "accountstatuses" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountstatusesCustomBatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountstatusesCustomBatchRequestEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountstatusesCustomBatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountstatusesCustomBatchResponseEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountstatusesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountStatusExampleItem | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountTax | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Accounttax_Resource | The "accounttax" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccounttaxCustomBatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccounttaxCustomBatchRequestEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccounttaxCustomBatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccounttaxCustomBatchResponseEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccounttaxListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountTaxTaxRule | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_AccountUser | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Datafeed | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedFetchSchedule | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedFormat | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Datafeeds_Resource | The "datafeeds" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedsCustomBatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedsCustomBatchRequestEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedsCustomBatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedsCustomBatchResponseEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedStatusError | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Datafeedstatuses_Resource | The "datafeedstatuses" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedstatusesCustomBatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedstatusesCustomBatchRequestEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedstatusesCustomBatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedstatusesCustomBatchResponseEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedstatusesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_DatafeedStatusExample | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Error | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Errors | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Inventory | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Inventory_Resource | The "inventory" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_InventoryCustomBatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_InventoryCustomBatchRequestEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_InventoryCustomBatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_InventoryCustomBatchResponseEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_InventorySetRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_InventorySetResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_LoyaltyPoints | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Order | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderAddress | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderCancellation | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderCustomer | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderDeliveryDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderLineItem | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderLineItemProduct | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderLineItemProductVariantAttribute | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderLineItemReturnInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderLineItemShippingDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderLineItemShippingDetailsMethod | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderPaymentMethod | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderRefund | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderReturn | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Orders_Resource | The "orders" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersAcknowledgeRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersAcknowledgeResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersAdvanceTestOrderResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCancelLineItemRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCancelLineItemResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCancelRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCancelResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCreateTestOrderRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCreateTestOrderResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCustomBatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCustomBatchRequestEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCustomBatchRequestEntryCancel | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCustomBatchRequestEntryCancelLineItem | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCustomBatchRequestEntryRefund | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCustomBatchRequestEntryReturnLineItem | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCustomBatchRequestEntryShipLineItems | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCustomBatchRequestEntryUpdateShipment | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCustomBatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersCustomBatchResponseEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersGetByMerchantOrderIdResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersGetTestOrderTemplateResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderShipment | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrderShipmentLineItemShipment | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersRefundRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersRefundResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersReturnLineItemRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersReturnLineItemResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersShipLineItemsRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersShipLineItemsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersUpdateMerchantOrderIdRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersUpdateMerchantOrderIdResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersUpdateShipmentRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_OrdersUpdateShipmentResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Price | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Product | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductAspect | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductCustomAttribute | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductCustomGroup | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductDestination | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductInstallment | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Products_Resource | The "products" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductsCustomBatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductsCustomBatchRequestEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductsCustomBatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductsCustomBatchResponseEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductShipping | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductShippingDimension | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductShippingWeight | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductStatusDataQualityIssue | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductStatusDestinationStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Productstatuses_Resource | The "productstatuses" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductstatusesCustomBatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductstatusesCustomBatchRequestEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductstatusesCustomBatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductstatusesCustomBatchResponseEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductstatusesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductTax | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductUnitPricingBaseMeasure | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductUnitPricingMeasure | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_TestOrder | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_TestOrderCustomer | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_TestOrderLineItem | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_TestOrderLineItemProduct | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_TestOrderPaymentMethod | |
CGoogle_Service_ShoppingContent_Weight | |
CGoogle_Service_SiteVerification | |
CGoogle_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenRequestSite | |
CGoogle_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceGettokenResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceResource | |
CGoogle_Service_SiteVerification_SiteVerificationWebResourceResourceSite | |
CGoogle_Service_SiteVerification_WebResource_Resource | The "webResource" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_AntennaCharacteristics | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_DatabaseSpec | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_DbUpdateSpec | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_DeviceCapabilities | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_DeviceDescriptor | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_DeviceOwner | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_DeviceValidity | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_EventTime | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_FrequencyRange | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_GeoLocation | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_GeoLocationEllipse | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_GeoLocationPoint | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_GeoLocationPolygon | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_GeoSpectrumSchedule | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_Paws_Resource | The "paws" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_PawsGetSpectrumBatchRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_PawsGetSpectrumBatchResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_PawsGetSpectrumRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_PawsGetSpectrumResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_PawsInitRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_PawsInitResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_PawsNotifySpectrumUseRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_PawsNotifySpectrumUseResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_PawsRegisterRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_PawsRegisterResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_PawsVerifyDeviceRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_PawsVerifyDeviceResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_RulesetInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_SpectrumMessage | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_SpectrumSchedule | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_Vcard | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_VcardAddress | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_VcardTelephone | |
CGoogle_Service_Spectrum_VcardTypedText | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_AclEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_BackupConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_BackupRun | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_BackupRuns_Resource | The "backupRuns" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_BackupRunsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_BinLogCoordinates | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_CloneContext | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_Database | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_DatabaseFlags | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_DatabaseInstance | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_Databases_Resource | The "databases" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_DatabasesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_ExportContext | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_ExportContextCsvExportOptions | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_ExportContextSqlExportOptions | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_FailoverContext | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_Flag | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_Flags_Resource | The "flags" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_FlagsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_ImportContext | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_ImportContextCsvImportOptions | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_Instances_Resource | The "instances" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_InstancesCloneRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_InstancesExportRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_InstancesFailoverRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_InstancesImportRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_InstancesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_InstancesRestoreBackupRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_IpConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_IpMapping | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_LocationPreference | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_MySqlReplicaConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_OnPremisesConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_Operation | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_OperationError | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_OperationErrors | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_Operations_Resource | The "operations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_OperationsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_ReplicaConfiguration | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_RestoreBackupContext | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_Settings | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_SslCert | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_SslCertDetail | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_SslCerts_Resource | The "sslCerts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_SslCertsCreateEphemeralRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_SslCertsInsertRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_SslCertsInsertResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_SslCertsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_Tier | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_Tiers_Resource | The "tiers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_TiersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_User | |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_Users_Resource | The "users" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_SQLAdmin_UsersListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_Bucket | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_BucketAccessControl | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_BucketAccessControlProjectTeam | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_BucketAccessControls | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_BucketAccessControls_Resource | The "bucketAccessControls" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_BucketCors | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_BucketLifecycle | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_BucketLifecycleRule | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_BucketLifecycleRuleAction | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_BucketLifecycleRuleCondition | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_BucketLogging | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_BucketOwner | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_Buckets | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_Buckets_Resource | The "buckets" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_BucketVersioning | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_BucketWebsite | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_Channel | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_ChannelParams | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_Channels_Resource | The "channels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_ComposeRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_ComposeRequestSourceObjects | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_ComposeRequestSourceObjectsObjectPreconditions | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_DefaultObjectAccessControls_Resource | The "defaultObjectAccessControls" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_ObjectAccessControl | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_ObjectAccessControlProjectTeam | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_ObjectAccessControls | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_ObjectAccessControls_Resource | The "objectAccessControls" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_Objects | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_Objects_Resource | The "objects" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_RewriteResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_StorageObject | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_StorageObjectMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Storage_StorageObjectOwner | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_AwsAccessKey | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_AwsS3Data | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_Date | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_Empty | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_ErrorLogEntry | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_ErrorSummary | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_GcsData | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_GoogleServiceAccount | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_GoogleServiceAccounts_Resource | The "googleServiceAccounts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_HttpData | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_ListOperationsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_ListTransferJobsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_ObjectConditions | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_Operation | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_OperationMetadata | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_OperationResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_PauseTransferOperationRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_ResumeTransferOperationRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_Schedule | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_Status | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_StatusDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_TimeOfDay | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_TransferCounters | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_TransferJob | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_TransferJobs_Resource | The "transferJobs" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_TransferOperation | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_TransferOperations_Resource | The "transferOperations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_TransferOptions | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_TransferSpec | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_UpdateTransferJobRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Storagetransfer_V1_Resource | The "v1" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_Account | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_AccountAccess | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_Accounts_Resource | The "accounts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_AccountsContainers_Resource | The "containers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_AccountsContainersFolders_Resource | The "folders" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_AccountsContainersFoldersEntities_Resource | The "entities" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_AccountsContainersMoveFolders_Resource | The "move_folders" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_AccountsContainersTags_Resource | The "tags" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_AccountsContainersTriggers_Resource | The "triggers" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_AccountsContainersVariables_Resource | The "variables" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_AccountsContainersVersions_Resource | The "versions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_AccountsPermissions_Resource | The "permissions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_Condition | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_Container | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_ContainerAccess | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_ContainerVersion | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_ContainerVersionHeader | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_CreateContainerVersionRequestVersionOptions | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_CreateContainerVersionResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_Folder | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_FolderEntities | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_ListAccountsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_ListAccountUsersResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_ListContainersResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_ListContainerVersionsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_ListFoldersResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_ListTagsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_ListTriggersResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_ListVariablesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_Macro | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_Parameter | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_PublishContainerVersionResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_Rule | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_SetupTag | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_Tag | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_TeardownTag | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_Trigger | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_UserAccess | |
CGoogle_Service_TagManager_Variable | |
CGoogle_Service_Taskqueue | |
CGoogle_Service_Taskqueue_Task | |
CGoogle_Service_Taskqueue_TaskQueue | |
CGoogle_Service_Taskqueue_TaskQueueAcl | |
CGoogle_Service_Taskqueue_Taskqueues_Resource | The "taskqueues" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Taskqueue_TaskQueueStats | |
CGoogle_Service_Taskqueue_Tasks | |
CGoogle_Service_Taskqueue_Tasks2 | |
CGoogle_Service_Taskqueue_Tasks_Resource | The "tasks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Tasks | |
CGoogle_Service_Tasks_Task | |
CGoogle_Service_Tasks_TaskLinks | |
CGoogle_Service_Tasks_TaskList | |
CGoogle_Service_Tasks_TaskLists | |
CGoogle_Service_Tasks_Tasklists_Resource | The "tasklists" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Tasks_Tasks | |
CGoogle_Service_Tasks_Tasks_Resource | The "tasks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Translate | |
CGoogle_Service_Translate_Detections_Resource | The "detections" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Translate_DetectionsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Translate_DetectionsResourceItems | |
CGoogle_Service_Translate_Languages_Resource | The "languages" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Translate_LanguagesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Translate_LanguagesResource | |
CGoogle_Service_Translate_Translations_Resource | The "translations" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Translate_TranslationsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Translate_TranslationsResource | |
CGoogle_Service_Urlshortener | |
CGoogle_Service_Urlshortener_AnalyticsSnapshot | |
CGoogle_Service_Urlshortener_AnalyticsSummary | |
CGoogle_Service_Urlshortener_StringCount | |
CGoogle_Service_Urlshortener_Url | |
CGoogle_Service_Urlshortener_Url_Resource | The "url" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Urlshortener_UrlHistory | |
CGoogle_Service_Webfonts | |
CGoogle_Service_Webfonts_Webfont | |
CGoogle_Service_Webfonts_WebfontFiles | |
CGoogle_Service_Webfonts_WebfontList | |
CGoogle_Service_Webfonts_Webfonts_Resource | The "webfonts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_ApiDataRow | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilter | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilterGroup | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_Searchanalytics_Resource | The "searchanalytics" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_SearchAnalyticsQueryRequest | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_SearchAnalyticsQueryResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_Sitemaps_Resource | The "sitemaps" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_SitemapsListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_Sites_Resource | The "sites" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_SitesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_UrlCrawlErrorCount | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_UrlCrawlErrorCountsPerType | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_Urlcrawlerrorscounts_Resource | The "urlcrawlerrorscounts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_UrlCrawlErrorsCountsQueryResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_UrlCrawlErrorsSample | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_Urlcrawlerrorssamples_Resource | The "urlcrawlerrorssamples" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_UrlCrawlErrorsSamplesListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_UrlSampleDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_WmxSite | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_WmxSitemap | |
CGoogle_Service_Webmasters_WmxSitemapContent | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_AccessPolicy | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Activities_Resource | The "activities" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Activity | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ActivityContentDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ActivityContentDetailsBulletin | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ActivityContentDetailsChannelItem | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ActivityContentDetailsComment | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ActivityContentDetailsFavorite | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ActivityContentDetailsLike | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ActivityContentDetailsPlaylistItem | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ActivityContentDetailsPromotedItem | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ActivityContentDetailsRecommendation | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ActivityContentDetailsSocial | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ActivityContentDetailsSubscription | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ActivityContentDetailsUpload | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ActivityListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ActivitySnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Caption | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_CaptionListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Captions_Resource | The "captions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_CaptionSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_CdnSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Channel | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelAuditDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelBannerResource | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelBanners_Resource | The "channelBanners" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelBrandingSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelContentDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelContentDetailsRelatedPlaylists | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelContentOwnerDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelConversionPing | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelConversionPings | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelId | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelLocalization | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelLocalizations | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Channels_Resource | The "channels" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelSection | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelSectionContentDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelSectionListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelSectionLocalization | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelSectionLocalizations | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelSections_Resource | The "channelSections" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelSectionSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelSectionTargeting | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelStatistics | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ChannelTopicDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Comment | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_CommentListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Comments_Resource | The "comments" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_CommentSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_CommentThread | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_CommentThreadListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_CommentThreadReplies | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_CommentThreads_Resource | The "commentThreads" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_CommentThreadSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ContentRating | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_GeoPoint | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_GuideCategories_Resource | The "guideCategories" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_GuideCategory | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_GuideCategoryListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_GuideCategorySnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_I18nLanguage | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_I18nLanguageListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_I18nLanguages_Resource | The "i18nLanguages" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_I18nLanguageSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_I18nRegion | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_I18nRegionListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_I18nRegions_Resource | The "i18nRegions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_I18nRegionSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ImageSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_IngestionInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_InvideoBranding | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_InvideoPosition | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_InvideoPromotion | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_InvideoTiming | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LanguageTag | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveBroadcast | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveBroadcastContentDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveBroadcastListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveBroadcasts_Resource | The "liveBroadcasts" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveBroadcastSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveBroadcastStatistics | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveBroadcastStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveBroadcastTopic | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveBroadcastTopicDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveBroadcastTopicSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveStream | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveStreamConfigurationIssue | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveStreamContentDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveStreamHealthStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveStreamListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveStreams_Resource | The "liveStreams" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveStreamSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LiveStreamStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LocalizedProperty | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_LocalizedString | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_MonitorStreamInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PageInfo | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Playlist | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PlaylistContentDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PlaylistItem | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PlaylistItemContentDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PlaylistItemListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PlaylistItems_Resource | The "playlistItems" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PlaylistItemSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PlaylistItemStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PlaylistListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PlaylistLocalization | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PlaylistLocalizations | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PlaylistPlayer | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Playlists_Resource | The "playlists" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PlaylistSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PlaylistStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PromotedItem | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PromotedItemId | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_PropertyValue | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ResourceId | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Search_Resource | The "search" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_SearchListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_SearchResult | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_SearchResultSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Subscription | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_SubscriptionContentDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_SubscriptionListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Subscriptions_Resource | The "subscriptions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_SubscriptionSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_SubscriptionSubscriberSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Thumbnail | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ThumbnailDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Thumbnails_Resource | The "thumbnails" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_ThumbnailSetResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_TokenPagination | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Video | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoAbuseReport | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoAbuseReportReason | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoAbuseReportReasonListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoAbuseReportReasons_Resource | The "videoAbuseReportReasons" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoAbuseReportReasonSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoAbuseReportSecondaryReason | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoAgeGating | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoCategories_Resource | The "videoCategories" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoCategory | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoCategoryListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoCategorySnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoContentDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoContentDetailsRegionRestriction | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoConversionPing | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoConversionPings | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoFileDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoFileDetailsAudioStream | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoFileDetailsVideoStream | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoGetRatingResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoLiveStreamingDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoLocalization | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoLocalizations | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoMonetizationDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoPlayer | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoProcessingDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoProcessingDetailsProcessingProgress | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoProjectDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoRating | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoRecordingDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Videos_Resource | The "videos" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoStatistics | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoStatus | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoSuggestions | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoSuggestionsTagSuggestion | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_VideoTopicDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_WatchSettings | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTube_Watermarks_Resource | The "watermarks" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_BatchReport | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_BatchReportDefinition | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_BatchReportDefinitionList | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_BatchReportDefinitions_Resource | The "batchReportDefinitions" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_BatchReportList | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_BatchReportOutputs | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_BatchReports_Resource | The "batchReports" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_BatchReportTimeSpan | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_Group | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_GroupContentDetails | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_GroupItem | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_GroupItemListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_GroupItemResource | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_GroupItems_Resource | The "groupItems" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_GroupListResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_Groups_Resource | The "groups" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_GroupSnippet | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_Reports_Resource | The "reports" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_ResultTable | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeAnalytics_ResultTableColumnHeaders | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeReporting | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeReporting_Empty | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeReporting_Job | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeReporting_Jobs_Resource | The "jobs" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeReporting_JobsReports_Resource | The "reports" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeReporting_ListJobsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeReporting_ListReportsResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeReporting_ListReportTypesResponse | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeReporting_Media | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeReporting_Media_Resource | The "media" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeReporting_Report | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeReporting_ReportType | |
CGoogle_Service_YouTubeReporting_ReportTypes_Resource | The "reportTypes" collection of methods |
CGoogle_Signer_Abstract | |
CGoogle_Signer_P12 | |
CGoogle_Task_Exception | |
CGoogle_Task_Retryable | |
CGoogle_Task_Runner | |
CGoogle_Utils | |
CGoogle_Utils_URITemplate | |
CGoogle_Verifier_Abstract | |
CGoogle_Verifier_Pem | |
Cgoogledocs_content_testcase | |
Cgrade_category | Grade_category is an object mapped to DB table {prefix}grade_categories |
Cgrade_edit_tree | |
Cgrade_edit_tree_column | Class grade_edit_tree_column |
Cgrade_edit_tree_column_actions | Class grade_edit_tree_column_actions |
Cgrade_edit_tree_column_name | Class grade_edit_tree_column_name |
Cgrade_edit_tree_column_range | Class grade_edit_tree_column_range |
Cgrade_edit_tree_column_select | Class grade_edit_tree_column_select |
Cgrade_edit_tree_column_status | Class grade_edit_tree_column_status |
Cgrade_edit_tree_column_weight | Class grade_edit_tree_column_weight |
Cgrade_export | |
Cgrade_export_form | |
Cgrade_export_ods | |
Cgrade_export_txt | |
Cgrade_export_update_buffer | This class is used to update the exported field in grade_grades |
Cgrade_export_xls | |
Cgrade_export_xml | |
Cgrade_grade | Grade_grades is an object mapped to DB table {prefix}grade_grades |
Cgrade_helper | Grade helper class |
Cgrade_import_form | |
Cgrade_import_mapping_form | |
Cgrade_item | Class representing a grade item |
Cgrade_object | An abstract object that holds methods and attributes common to all grade_* objects defined here |
Cgrade_outcome | Class representing a grade outcome |
Cgrade_plugin_info | A simple class containing info about grade plugins |
Cgrade_plugin_return | Utility class used for return tracking when using edit and other forms in grade plugins |
Cgrade_report | An abstract class containing variables and methods used by all or most reports |
Cgrade_report_grader | Class providing an API for the grader report building and displaying |
Cgrade_report_overview | Class providing an API for the overview report building and displaying |
Cgrade_report_summary | Class providing an API for the summary report building |
Cgrade_scale | Class representing a grade scale |
Cgrade_seq | Flat structure similar to grade tree |
Cgrade_structure | General structure representing grade items in course |
Cgrade_tree | This class represents a complete tree of categories, grade_items and final grades, organises as an array primarily, but which can also be converted to other formats |
Cgraded_users_iterator | This class iterates over all users that are graded in a course |
Cgradeimport_csv_load_data | A class for loading and preparing grade data from import |
Cgradeimport_csv_renderer | Renderers for the import of CSV files into the gradebook |
Cgradeimport_direct_import_form | |
Cgradeimport_direct_mapping_form | |
Cgrader_report_preferences_form | First implementation of the preferences in the form of a moodleform |
Cgradereport_overview_external | External grade overview report API implementation |
Cgradereport_overview_renderer | Custom renderer for the user grade report |
Cgradereport_singleview_renderer | Custom renderer for the single view report |
Cgradereport_user_renderer | Custom renderer for the user grade report |
Cgrading_manager | General class providing access to common grading features |
Cgrading_search_template_form | Allows to search for a specific shared template |
Cgradingform_controller | Class represents a grading form definition used in a particular area |
Cgradingform_guide_controller | This controller encapsulates the guide grading logic |
Cgradingform_guide_editguide | Defines the guide edit form |
Cgradingform_guide_generator | Generator for the gradingforum_guide plugintype |
Cgradingform_guide_instance | Class to manage one guide grading instance |
Cgradingform_guide_renderer | Grading method plugin renderer |
Cgradingform_instance | Class to manage one gradingform instance |
Cgradingform_rubric_controller | This controller encapsulates the rubric grading logic |
Cgradingform_rubric_editrubric | Defines the rubric edit form |
Cgradingform_rubric_generator | Generator for the gradingforum_rubric plugintype |
Cgradingform_rubric_instance | Class to manage one rubric grading instance |
Cgradingform_rubric_renderer | Grading method plugin renderer |
Cgraph | |
Cgroup_form | Group form class |
Cgroup_members_selector | User selector subclass for the list of users who are in a certain group |
Cgroup_non_members_selector | User selector subclass for the list of users who are not in a certain group |
Cgrouped_parser_processor | Abstract xml parser processor able to group chunks as configured and dispatch them to other arbitrary methods |
Cgrouping_form | Grouping form class |
Cgroups_import_form | Groups import form class |
Cgroups_user_selector_base | Base class to avoid duplicating code |
CGzdecode | Decode 'gzip' encoded HTTP data |
CH5PDefaultStorage | The default file storage class for H5P |
CH5PEditorAjax | Class H5PEditorAjax |
CH5PEditorEndpoints | |
CH5PEventBase | |
Chelp_icon | Data structure representing a help icon |
C<hostspec> | Parse a data source name |
CHTML5 | |
CHTML5TreeConstructer | |
Chtml_list_progress_trace | HTML List Progress Tree |
Chtml_parser | |
Chtml_progress_trace | This subclass of progress_trace outputs as HTML |
Chtml_table | Holds all the information required to render a |
Chtml_table_cell | Component representing a table cell |
Chtml_table_row | Component representing a table row |
Chtml_writer | Simple html output class |
CHTMLPurifier | |
CHTMLPurifier_Arborize | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrCollections | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Clone | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_AlphaValue | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Background | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_BackgroundPosition | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Border | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Color | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Composite | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_DenyElementDecorator | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Filter | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Font | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_FontFamily | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Ident | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_ImportantDecorator | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Length | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_ListStyle | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Multiple | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Number | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_Percentage | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_TextDecoration | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_CSS_URI | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Enum | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Bool | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Class | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Color | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_ContentEditable | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_FrameTarget | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_ID | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Length | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_LinkTypes | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_MultiLength | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Nmtokens | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_HTML_Pixels | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Integer | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Lang | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Switch | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_Text | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_Email | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_Email_SimpleCheck | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_Host | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_IPv4 | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrDef_URI_IPv6 | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Background | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_BdoDir | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_BgColor | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_BoolToCSS | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Border | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_EnumToCSS | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ImgRequired | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ImgSpace | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Input | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Lang | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Length | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Name | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_NameSync | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Nofollow | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_SafeEmbed | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_SafeObject | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_SafeParam | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_ScriptRequired | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_TargetBlank | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_TargetNoopener | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_TargetNoreferrer | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTransform_Textarea | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrTypes | |
CHTMLPurifier_AttrValidator | |
CHTMLPurifier_ChildDef | |
CHTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Chameleon | |
CHTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Custom | |
CHTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Empty | |
CHTMLPurifier_ChildDef_List | |
CHTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Optional | |
CHTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Required | |
CHTMLPurifier_ChildDef_StrictBlockquote | |
CHTMLPurifier_ChildDef_Table | |
CHTMLPurifier_Config | |
CHTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema | |
CHTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Builder_ConfigSchema | |
CHTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Builder_Xml | |
CHTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Exception | |
CHTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange | |
CHTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Directive | |
CHTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Interchange_Id | |
CHTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_InterchangeBuilder | |
CHTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_Validator | |
CHTMLPurifier_ConfigSchema_ValidatorAtom | |
CHTMLPurifier_ContentSets | |
CHTMLPurifier_Context | |
CHTMLPurifier_CSSDefinition | |
CHTMLPurifier_Definition | |
CHTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache | |
CHTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache_Decorator | |
CHTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache_Decorator_Cleanup | |
CHTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache_Decorator_Memory | |
CHTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache_Null | |
CHTMLPurifier_DefinitionCache_Serializer | |
CHTMLPurifier_DefinitionCacheFactory | |
CHTMLPurifier_Doctype | |
CHTMLPurifier_DoctypeRegistry | |
CHTMLPurifier_ElementDef | |
CHTMLPurifier_Encoder | |
CHTMLPurifier_EntityLookup | |
CHTMLPurifier_EntityParser | |
CHTMLPurifier_ErrorCollector | |
CHTMLPurifier_ErrorStruct | |
CHTMLPurifier_Exception | |
CHTMLPurifier_Filter | |
CHTMLPurifier_Filter_ExtractStyleBlocks | |
CHTMLPurifier_Filter_YouTube | |
CHTMLPurifier_Generator | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLDefinition | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Bdo | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_CommonAttributes | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Edit | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Forms | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Hypertext | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Iframe | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Image | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Legacy | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_List | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Name | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Nofollow | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_NonXMLCommonAttributes | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Object | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Presentation | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Proprietary | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Ruby | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_SafeEmbed | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_SafeObject | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_SafeScripting | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Scripting | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_StyleAttribute | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tables | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Target | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_TargetBlank | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_TargetNoopener | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_TargetNoreferrer | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Text | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_Name | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_Proprietary | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_Strict | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_Transitional | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_XHTML | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_Tidy_XHTMLAndHTML4 | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModule_XMLCommonAttributes | |
CHTMLPurifier_HTMLModuleManager | |
CHTMLPurifier_IDAccumulator | |
CHTMLPurifier_Injector | |
CHTMLPurifier_Injector_AutoParagraph | |
CHTMLPurifier_Injector_DisplayLinkURI | |
CHTMLPurifier_Injector_PurifierLinkify | |
CHTMLPurifier_Injector_RemoveEmpty | |
CHTMLPurifier_Injector_RemoveSpansWithoutAttributes | |
CHTMLPurifier_Injector_SafeObject | |
CHTMLPurifier_Language | |
CHTMLPurifier_LanguageFactory | |
CHTMLPurifier_Length | |
CHTMLPurifier_Lexer | |
CHTMLPurifier_Lexer_DirectLex | |
CHTMLPurifier_Lexer_DOMLex | |
CHTMLPurifier_Lexer_PH5P | |
CHTMLPurifier_Node | |
CHTMLPurifier_Node_Comment | |
CHTMLPurifier_Node_Element | |
CHTMLPurifier_Node_Text | |
CHTMLPurifier_PercentEncoder | |
CHTMLPurifier_Printer | |
CHTMLPurifier_Printer_ConfigForm | |
CHTMLPurifier_Printer_ConfigForm_bool | Bool form field printer |
CHTMLPurifier_Printer_ConfigForm_default | Swiss-army knife configuration form field printer |
CHTMLPurifier_Printer_ConfigForm_NullDecorator | Printer decorator for directives that accept null |
CHTMLPurifier_Printer_CSSDefinition | |
CHTMLPurifier_Printer_HTMLDefinition | |
CHTMLPurifier_PropertyList | |
CHTMLPurifier_PropertyListIterator | |
CHTMLPurifier_Queue | |
CHTMLPurifier_Strategy | |
CHTMLPurifier_Strategy_Composite | |
CHTMLPurifier_Strategy_Core | |
CHTMLPurifier_Strategy_FixNesting | |
CHTMLPurifier_Strategy_MakeWellFormed | |
CHTMLPurifier_Strategy_RemoveForeignElements | |
CHTMLPurifier_Strategy_ValidateAttributes | |
CHTMLPurifier_StringHash | |
CHTMLPurifier_StringHashParser | |
CHTMLPurifier_TagTransform | |
CHTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Font | |
CHTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Simple | |
CHTMLPurifier_Token | |
CHTMLPurifier_Token_Comment | |
CHTMLPurifier_Token_Empty | |
CHTMLPurifier_Token_End | |
CHTMLPurifier_Token_Start | |
CHTMLPurifier_Token_Tag | |
CHTMLPurifier_Token_Text | |
CHTMLPurifier_TokenFactory | |
CHTMLPurifier_UnitConverter | |
CHTMLPurifier_URI | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIDefinition | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIFilter | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIFilter_DisableExternal | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIFilter_DisableExternalResources | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIFilter_DisableResources | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIFilter_HostBlacklist | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIFilter_MakeAbsolute | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIFilter_Munge | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIFilter_SafeIframe | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIParser | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_data | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_file | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_ftp | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_gopher | Validates Gopher defined by RFC 4266 |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_http | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_https | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_irc | Validates IRC defined by IETF Draft |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_mailto | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_mms | Validates MMS defined by Microsoft |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_news | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_nntp | |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_rtmp | Validates RTMP defined by Adobe |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_rtsp | Validates RTSP defined by RFC 2326 |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_teamspeak | Validates TeamSpeak defined by TeamSpeak |
CHTMLPurifier_URIScheme_tel | |
CHTMLPurifier_URISchemeRegistry | |
CHTMLPurifier_VarParser | |
CHTMLPurifier_VarParser_Flexible | |
CHTMLPurifier_VarParser_Native | |
CHTMLPurifier_VarParserException | |
CHTMLPurifier_Zipper | |
CiCalendar | |
CiCalendar_alarm | |
CiCalendar_component | |
CiCalendar_daylight | |
CiCalendar_event | |
CiCalendar_freebusy | |
CiCalendar_journal | |
CiCalendar_parameter | |
CiCalendar_property | |
CiCalendar_property_action | |
CiCalendar_property_attach | |
CiCalendar_property_attendee | |
CiCalendar_property_calscale | |
CiCalendar_property_categories | |
CiCalendar_property_class | |
CiCalendar_property_comment | |
CiCalendar_property_completed | |
CiCalendar_property_contact | |
CiCalendar_property_created | |
CiCalendar_property_description | |
CiCalendar_property_dtend | |
CiCalendar_property_dtstamp | |
CiCalendar_property_dtstart | |
CiCalendar_property_due | |
CiCalendar_property_duration | |
CiCalendar_property_exdate | |
CiCalendar_property_exrule | |
CiCalendar_property_freebusy | |
CiCalendar_property_geo | |
CiCalendar_property_last_modified | |
CiCalendar_property_location | |
CiCalendar_property_method | |
CiCalendar_property_organizer | |
CiCalendar_property_percent_complete | |
CiCalendar_property_priority | |
CiCalendar_property_prodid | |
CiCalendar_property_rdate | |
CiCalendar_property_recurrence_id | |
CiCalendar_property_related_to | |
CiCalendar_property_repeat | |
CiCalendar_property_request_status | |
CiCalendar_property_resources | |
CiCalendar_property_rrule | |
CiCalendar_property_sequence | |
CiCalendar_property_status | |
CiCalendar_property_summary | |
CiCalendar_property_transp | |
CiCalendar_property_trigger | |
CiCalendar_property_tzid | |
CiCalendar_property_tzname | |
CiCalendar_property_tzoffsetfrom | |
CiCalendar_property_tzoffsetto | |
CiCalendar_property_tzurl | |
CiCalendar_property_uid | |
CiCalendar_property_url | |
CiCalendar_property_version | |
CiCalendar_property_x | |
CiCalendar_standard | |
CiCalendar_timezone | |
CiCalendar_todo | |
Cimage_icon | Data structure representing an activity icon |
Cimport_course_search | Extends the restore course search to search for import courses |
Cimport_outcomes_form | |
Cimport_ui | Import UI class |
Cimport_ui_stage_confirmation | Extends the confirmation stage |
Cimport_ui_stage_final | Overrides the final stage |
Cimport_ui_stage_inital | Extends the initial stage |
Cimport_ui_stage_precheck | Class representing the precheck/selection stage of a import |
Cimport_ui_stage_schema | Extends the schema stage |
Cimscc11_backup_convert | |
Cimscc11_convert_exception | Exception thrown by this converter |
Cimscc11_converter | |
Cimscc11_export_converter | |
Cimscc11_store_backup_file | |
Cimscc11_zip_contents | |
Cimscc1_convert_exception | Exception thrown by this converter |
Cimscc1_converter | |
Cimscc1_export_converter | |
Cimscp_file_info | File browsing support class |
Cimsenterprise_courses | Mapping between Moodle course attributes and IMS enterprise group description tags |
Cimsenterprise_roles | Class for dealing with role mappings in IMS Enterprise |
Cinitials_bar | Component representing initials bar |
Cintended_user_role | Defined as specified in CC 1.1 |
Cinvalid_dataroot_permissions | An exception that indicates incorrect permissions in $CFG->dataroot |
Cinvalid_parameter_exception | Exception indicating malformed parameter problem |
Cinvalid_response_exception | Exception indicating malformed response problem |
Cinvalid_state_exception | An exception that indicates something really weird happened |
CIOException | |
CIPv6 | Class to validate and to work with IPv6 addresses |
CIRI | IRI parser/serialiser/normaliser |
CItem | Manages all item-related data |
CiXHProfRuns | |
Cjs_writer | Simple javascript output class |
CJWK | |
CJWT | |
Ckey_form | |
Clang_installer | End of component_installer class |
Clang_installer_exception | Exception thrown by lang_installer |
Clang_string | The lang_string class |
Clanguage_lom | |
Clesson | |
Clesson_add_page_form_base | Abstract class that page type's MUST inherit from |
Clesson_add_page_form_branchtable | |
Clesson_add_page_form_cluster | |
Clesson_add_page_form_endofbranch | |
Clesson_add_page_form_endofcluster | |
Clesson_add_page_form_essay | |
Clesson_add_page_form_matching | |
Clesson_add_page_form_multichoice | |
Clesson_add_page_form_numerical | |
Clesson_add_page_form_selection | Question selection form |
Clesson_add_page_form_shortanswer | |
Clesson_add_page_form_truefalse | |
Clesson_add_page_form_unknown | Dummy class to represent an unknown question type and direct to the selection form |
Clesson_base | Abstract class to provide a core functions to the all lesson classes |
Clesson_display_answer_form_essay | |
Clesson_display_answer_form_matching | |
Clesson_display_answer_form_multichoice_multianswer | |
Clesson_display_answer_form_multichoice_singleanswer | |
Clesson_display_answer_form_numerical | |
Clesson_display_answer_form_shortanswer | |
Clesson_display_answer_form_truefalse | |
Clesson_import_form | Form used to select a file and file format for the import |
Clesson_override_form | Form for editing settings overrides |
Clesson_page | |
Clesson_page_answer | |
Clesson_page_type_branchtable | |
Clesson_page_type_cluster | |
Clesson_page_type_endofbranch | |
Clesson_page_type_endofcluster | |
Clesson_page_type_essay | |
Clesson_page_type_manager | A management class for page types |
Clesson_page_type_matching | |
Clesson_page_type_multichoice | |
Clesson_page_type_numerical | |
Clesson_page_type_shortanswer | |
Clesson_page_type_truefalse | |
Clesson_page_without_answers | Include formslib if it has not already been included |
CLexer | Accepts text and breaks it into tokens |
Clibxml_errors_mgr | |
Clicense_manager | |
CLineReader | Class LineReader |
Clist_item | |
Cload_xml_file | This class will load one XML file to memory if necessary |
Cload_xml_files | This class will load every XML file to memory if necessary |
CLocator | Used for feed auto-discovery |
Cloggable | Interface to apply to all the classes we want to be able to write to logs |
Clogin_change_password_form | |
Clogin_forgot_password_form | Reset forgotten password form definition |
Clogin_set_password_form | Set forgotten password form definition |
Clogin_signup_form | |
Clti_advantage_testcase | |
CLzw | Class for handling LZW encoded data |
CLzwException | Exception for LZW filter class |
Cmain_view | This class will show all the actions available under the XMLDB editor interface |
Cmanifest10_validator | |
Cmanifest_validator | |
Cmariadb_native_moodle_database | Native MariaDB class representing moodle database interface |
Cmbz_packer | Utility class - handles all packing/unpacking of .mbz files |
Cmedia_html5audio_plugin | Player that creates HTML5 <audio> tag |
Cmedia_html5video_plugin | Player that creates HTML5 <video> tag |
Cmedia_videojs_plugin | Player that creates HTML5 <video> tag |
Cmedia_vimeo_plugin | Player that embeds Vimeo links |
Cmedia_youtube_plugin | Player that creates youtube embedding |
CMemcache | Caches data to memcache |
CMemcached | Caches data to memcached |
Cmemory_xml_output | This class implements one @xml_output able to store and return output in memory |
Cmessage_airnotifier_external | |
Cmessage_airnotifier_manager | Airnotifier helper manager class |
Cmessage_output | Base message processor class for extension by message processors |
Cmessage_output_airnotifier | Message processor class |
Cmessage_output_email | The email message processor |
Cmessage_popup_external | Message external functions |
CMisc | Miscellaneous utilities |
Cmnet_environment | |
Cmnet_peer | |
Cmnet_profile_form | Small form to allow the administrator to configure (override) which profile fields are sent/imported over mnet |
Cmnet_review_host_form | The second step of the form - reviewing the host details This is also the same form that is used for editing an existing host |
Cmnet_server_exception | Mnet server exception |
Cmnet_services_form | |
Cmnet_simple_host_form | The very basic first step add new host form - just wwwroot & application The second form is loaded up with the information from this one |
Cmnet_xmlrpc_client | Class representing an XMLRPC request against a remote machine |
Cmnethosturl_final_element | Implementation of backup_final_element that provides special handling of mnethosturl |
Cmnetservice_enrol | Singleton providing various functionality usable by plugin(s) implementing this MNet service |
Cmnetservice_enrol_existing_users_selector | Selector of our users enrolled into remote course via enrol_mnet plugin |
Cmnetservice_enrol_potential_users_selector | Selector of our users who could be enrolled into a remote course via their enrol_mnet |
Cmod_assign_batch_set_allocatedmarker_form | Set allocated marker form |
Cmod_assign_batch_set_marking_workflow_state_form | Set marking workflow form |
Cmod_assign_confirm_submission_form | Assignment submission confirmation form |
Cmod_assign_extension_form | Assignment extension dates form |
Cmod_assign_generator | |
Cmod_assign_grade_form | Assignment grade form |
Cmod_assign_grading_batch_operations_form | Assignment grading options form |
Cmod_assign_grading_options_form | Assignment grading options form |
Cmod_assign_mod_form | Assignment settings form |
Cmod_assign_quick_grading_form | Assignment quick grading form |
Cmod_assign_submission_form | Assign submission form |
Cmod_bigbluebuttonbn_generator | Bigbluebuttonbn module data generator |
Cmod_bigbluebuttonbn_mod_form | Moodle class for mod_form |
Cmod_book_external | Book external functions |
Cmod_book_generator | Mod_book data generator class |
Cmod_book_mod_form | |
Cmod_chat_external | Chat external functions |
Cmod_chat_generator | Mod_chat data generator class |
Cmod_chat_mod_form | |
Cmod_chat_renderer | Chat module renderer class |
Cmod_choice_external | Choice module external functions |
Cmod_choice_generator | Mod_choice data generator class |
Cmod_choice_mod_form | |
Cmod_choice_renderer | |
Cmod_data_export_form | |
Cmod_data_external | Database module external functions |
Cmod_data_generator | Data generator class for mod_data |
Cmod_data_import_form | |
Cmod_data_mod_form | |
Cmod_data_renderer | |
Cmod_feedback_complete_form | Class mod_feedback_complete_form |
Cmod_feedback_completion | Collects information and methods about feedback completion (either complete.php or show_entries.php) |
Cmod_feedback_course_map_form | Form for mapping courses to the feedback |
Cmod_feedback_course_select_form | Form for mapping courses to the feedback |
Cmod_feedback_external | |
Cmod_feedback_generator | Mod_feedback data generator class |
Cmod_feedback_mod_form | |
Cmod_feedback_observer | Event observers supported by this module |
Cmod_feedback_responses_anon_table | Class mod_feedback_responses_anon_table |
Cmod_feedback_responses_table | Class mod_feedback_responses_table |
Cmod_feedback_structure | Stores and manipulates the structure of the feedback or template (items, pages, etc.) |
Cmod_feedback_templates_table | Class mod_feedback_templates_table |
Cmod_feedback_use_templ_form | The mod_feedback_use_templ_form |
Cmod_folder_edit_form | |
Cmod_folder_external | |
Cmod_folder_generator | Mod_folder data generator class |
Cmod_folder_mod_form | |
Cmod_folder_renderer | |
Cmod_forum_existing_subscriber_selector | User selector control for removing subscribed users |
Cmod_forum_external | |
Cmod_forum_generator | Forum module data generator class |
Cmod_forum_mod_form | |
Cmod_forum_observer | Event observer for mod_forum |
Cmod_forum_post_form | Class to post in a forum |
Cmod_forum_potential_subscriber_selector | A user selector control for potential subscribers to the selected forum |
Cmod_forum_prune_form | Form which displays fields for splitting forum post to a separate threads |
Cmod_forum_renderer | A custom renderer class that extends the plugin_renderer_base and is used by the forum module |
Cmod_forum_subscriber_selector_base | Abstract class used by forum subscriber selection controls |
Cmod_glossary_admin_setting_display_formats | |
Cmod_glossary_entry_form | |
Cmod_glossary_entry_query_builder | Entry query builder class |
Cmod_glossary_generator | Mod_glossary data generator class |
Cmod_glossary_import_form | |
Cmod_glossary_mod_form | |
Cmod_h5pactivity_generator | H5pactivity module data generator class |
Cmod_h5pactivity_mod_form | Module instance settings form |
Cmod_imscp_external | IMSCP external functions |
Cmod_imscp_generator | Mod_imscp data generator class |
Cmod_imscp_mod_form | IMS CP configuration form |
Cmod_label_external | Label external functions |
Cmod_label_generator | Label module data generator class |
Cmod_label_mod_form | |
Cmod_lesson_external | Lesson external functions |
Cmod_lesson_file_info | File browsing support class |
Cmod_lesson_generator | Mod_lesson data generator class |
Cmod_lesson_mod_form | |
Cmod_lesson_renderer | |
Cmod_lti_edit_types_form | LTI Edit Form |
Cmod_lti_external | External tool module external functions |
Cmod_lti_generator | LTI module data generator class |
Cmod_lti_mod_form | |
Cmod_lti_register_types_form | The mod_lti_register_types_form class |
Cmod_lti_testcase | |
Cmod_page_external | Page external functions |
Cmod_page_generator | Page module data generator class |
Cmod_page_mod_form | |
Cmod_quiz_external | Quiz external functions |
Cmod_quiz_generator | |
Cmod_quiz_mod_form | Settings form for the quiz module |
Cmod_quiz_overdue_attempt_updater | |
Cmod_resource_external | |
Cmod_resource_generator | Resource module data generator class |
Cmod_resource_mod_form | |
Cmod_scorm_attempt_bar | Component representing a SCORM attempts bar |
Cmod_scorm_external | SCORM module external functions |
Cmod_scorm_generator | Mod_scorm data generator class |
Cmod_scorm_mod_form | |
Cmod_scorm_renderer | The renderer for the scorm module |
Cmod_scorm_report_interactions_settings | |
Cmod_scorm_report_objectives_settings | A form that displays the objective report settings |
Cmod_scorm_report_settings | |
Cmod_survey_external | Survey external functions |
Cmod_survey_generator | Mod_survey data generator class |
Cmod_survey_mod_form | |
Cmod_survey_renderer | Renderer for the mod_survey tertiary nav |
Cmod_url_external | |
Cmod_url_generator | Mod_url data generator class |
Cmod_url_mod_form | |
Cmod_wiki_comments_form | |
Cmod_wiki_create_form | |
Cmod_wiki_edit_form | |
Cmod_wiki_external | Wiki module external functions |
Cmod_wiki_filesedit_form | |
Cmod_wiki_generator | Mod_wiki data generator class |
Cmod_wiki_mod_form | |
Cmod_wiki_renderer | |
Cmod_workshop_external | Workshop external functions |
Cmod_workshop_generator | Mod_workshop data generator class |
Cmod_workshop_mod_form | Module settings form for Workshop instances |
Cmod_workshop_portfolio_caller | Workshop portfolio caller class to integrate with portfolio API |
Cmod_workshop_renderer | Workshop module renderer class |
Cmoodle1_block_generic_handler | Base class for block generic handler |
Cmoodle1_block_handler | Base class for block handlers |
Cmoodle1_block_html_handler | Block conversion handler for html |
Cmoodle1_block_rss_client_handler | Block conversion handler for rss_client |
Cmoodle1_convert_empty_storage_exception | Exception thrown by the temporary storage subsystem of moodle1_converter |
Cmoodle1_convert_exception | Exception thrown by this converter |
Cmoodle1_convert_storage_exception | Exception thrown by the temporary storage subsystem of moodle1_converter |
Cmoodle1_converter | Converter of Moodle 1.9 backup into Moodle 2.x format |
Cmoodle1_course_header_handler | Handles the conversion of /MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/HEADER paths |
Cmoodle1_course_outline_handler | Handles the conversion of course sections and course modules |
Cmoodle1_export_converter | |
Cmoodle1_file_manager | The class responsible for files migration |
Cmoodle1_files_handler | The class responsible for course and site files migration |
Cmoodle1_gradebook_handler | Handles the conversion of the gradebook structures in the moodle.xml file |
Cmoodle1_handler | Base backup conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_handlers_factory | Handlers factory class |
Cmoodle1_info_handler | Handles the conversion of /MOODLE_BACKUP/INFO paths |
Cmoodle1_inforef_manager | Helper class that handles ids annotations for inforef.xml files |
Cmoodle1_mod_book_handler | Book conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_chat_handler | Chat conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_choice_handler | Choice conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_data_handler | Database conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_feedback_handler | Feedback module conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_folder_handler | Folder conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_forum_handler | Forum conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_glossary_handler | Glossary conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_handler | Base class for activity module handlers |
Cmoodle1_mod_imscp_handler | Imscp conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_label_handler | Label conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_lesson_handler | Lesson conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_lti_handler | |
Cmoodle1_mod_page_handler | Page conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_quiz_handler | Quiz conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_resource_handler | Resource conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_scorm_handler | Scorm conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_survey_handler | Survey conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_url_handler | URL conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_wiki_handler | Wiki conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_mod_workshop_handler | Workshop conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_outcomes_handler | Handles the conversion of the outcomes |
Cmoodle1_parser_processor | XML parser processor used for processing parsed moodle.xml |
Cmoodle1_plugin_handler | Shared base class for activity modules, blocks and qtype handlers |
Cmoodle1_qtype_calculated_handler | Calculated question type conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_qtype_essay_handler | Short answer question type conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_qtype_handler | Base class for all question type handlers |
Cmoodle1_qtype_match_handler | Matching question type conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_qtype_multianswer_handler | Multianswer (aka embedded, cloze) question type conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_qtype_multichoice_handler | Multichoice question type conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_qtype_numerical_handler | Multichoice question type conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_qtype_randomsamatch_handler | Random shortanswer matching question type conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_qtype_shortanswer_handler | Short answer question type conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_qtype_truefalse_handler | True/false question type conversion handler |
Cmoodle1_question_bank_handler | Handles the conversion of the question bank included in the moodle.xml file |
Cmoodle1_resource_successor_handler | Base class for all modules that are successors of the 1.9 resource module |
Cmoodle1_roles_definition_handler | Handles the conversion of the defined roles |
Cmoodle1_root_handler | Process the root element of the backup file |
Cmoodle1_scales_handler | Handles the conversion of the scales included in the moodle.xml file |
Cmoodle1_submod_handler | Base class for the activity modules' subplugins |
Cmoodle1_workshopform_accumulative_handler | Conversion handler for the accumulative grading strategy data |
Cmoodle1_workshopform_comments_handler | Conversion handler for the comments grading strategy data |
Cmoodle1_workshopform_handler | Base class for the grading strategy subplugin handler |
Cmoodle1_workshopform_numerrors_handler | Conversion handler for the numerrors grading strategy data |
Cmoodle1_workshopform_rubric_handler | Conversion handler for the rubric grading strategy data |
Cmoodle1_xml_handler | Base backup conversion handler that generates an XML file |
Cmoodle1_xml_transformer | XML transformer that modifies the content of the files being written during the conversion |
Cmoodle_database | Abstract class representing moodle database interface |
Cmoodle_exception | Base Moodle Exception class |
Cmoodle_google_curlio | Class moodle_google_curlio |
Cmoodle_image | |
Cmoodle_list | Clues to reading this code: |
Cmoodle_page | |
Cmoodle_phpmailer | Moodle Customised version of the PHPMailer class |
Cmoodle_phpmailer_oauth | |
Cmoodle_quiz_exception | Class for quiz exceptions |
Cmoodle_recordset | Abstract class for resultsets returned from database functions |
Cmoodle_simplepie_file | Moodle Customised version of the SimplePie_File class |
Cmoodle_simplepie_sanitize | Customised feed sanitization using HTMLPurifier |
Cmoodle_temptables | |
Cmoodle_text_filter | Base class for text filters |
Cmoodle_transaction | Delegated transaction class |
Cmoodle_url | Class for creating and manipulating urls |
Cmoodle_xhprofrun | Custom implementation of iXHProfRuns |
CMoodleExcelFormat | Define and operate over one Format |
CMoodleExcelWorkbook | Define and operate over one Moodle Workbook |
CMoodleExcelWorksheet | Define and operate over one Worksheet |
Cmoodleform | Wrapper that separates quickforms syntax from moodle code |
Cmoodleform_mod | This class adds extra methods to form wrapper specific to be used for module add / update forms mod/{modname}/mod_form.php replaced deprecated mod/{modname}/mod.html Moodleform |
CMoodleODSCell | ODS Cell abstraction |
CMoodleODSFormat | ODS cell format abstraction |
CMoodleODSWorkbook | ODS workbook abstraction |
CMoodleODSWorksheet | ODS Worksheet abstraction |
CMoodleODSWriter | ODS file writer |
CMoodleQuickForm | MoodleQuickForm implementation |
CMoodleQuickForm_advcheckbox | HTML class for an advcheckbox type element |
CMoodleQuickForm_autocomplete | Autocomplete as you type form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_button | HTML class for a button type element |
CMoodleQuickForm_cancel | HTML class for a submit cancel type element |
CMoodleQuickForm_checkbox | HTML class for a checkbox type element |
CMoodleQuickForm_cohort | Form field type for choosing a cohort |
CMoodleQuickForm_course | Form field type for choosing a course |
CMoodleQuickForm_date_selector | Class for a group of elements used to input a date |
CMoodleQuickForm_date_time_selector | Element used to input a date and time |
CMoodleQuickForm_defaultcustom | Creates an element with a dropdown Default/Custom and an input for the value (text or date_selector) |
CMoodleQuickForm_duration | Duration element |
CMoodleQuickForm_editor | Editor element |
CMoodleQuickForm_filemanager | Filemanager form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_filepicker | Filepicker form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_filetypes | File types and type groups selection form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_float | Float type form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_grading | Advance grading form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_group | HTML class for a form element group |
Cmoodlequickform_guideeditor | The editor for the marking guide advanced grading plugin |
CMoodleQuickForm_header | Header form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_hidden | Hidden type form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_listing | The listing element is a simple customizable "select" without the input type=select |
CMoodleQuickForm_modgrade | Drop down form element to select the grade |
CMoodleQuickForm_modvisible | Drop down form element to select visibility in an activity mod update form |
CMoodleQuickForm_password | Password type form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_passwordunmask | Password type form element with unmask option |
CMoodleQuickForm_questioncategory | Drop down for question categories |
CMoodleQuickForm_radio | Radio type form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_recaptcha | Recaptcha type form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_rubriceditor | Form element for handling rubric editor |
CMoodleQuickForm_searchableselector | Form field type for selecting from a list of options |
CMoodleQuickForm_select | Select type form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_selectgroups | Select type form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_selectwithlink | Select type form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_selectyesno | Yes/No drop down type form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_static | Text type element |
CMoodleQuickForm_submit | Submit type form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_tags | Form field type for editing tags |
CMoodleQuickForm_text | Text type form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_textarea | Textarea type form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_url | Url type form element |
CMoodleQuickForm_warning | Static warning |
CMoodleQuickForm_wikieditor | |
CMoodleQuickForm_wikifiletable | |
Cmove_updown_field | This class will will move one field up/down |
Cmove_updown_index | This class will will move one index up/down |
Cmove_updown_key | This class will will move one key up/down |
Cmove_updown_table | This class will will move table up/down |
Cmssql_sql_generator | This class generate SQL code to be used against MSSQL It extends XMLDBgenerator so everything can be overridden as needed to generate correct SQL |
CMustache_Autoloader | |
CMustache_Cache | |
CMustache_Cache_AbstractCache | |
CMustache_Cache_FilesystemCache | |
CMustache_Cache_NoopCache | |
CMustache_Compiler | |
CMustache_Context | |
CMustache_Engine | |
CMustache_Exception | |
CMustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException | |
CMustache_Exception_LogicException | |
CMustache_Exception_RuntimeException | |
CMustache_Exception_SyntaxException | |
CMustache_Exception_UnknownFilterException | |
CMustache_Exception_UnknownHelperException | |
CMustache_Exception_UnknownTemplateException | |
CMustache_HelperCollection | |
CMustache_LambdaHelper | |
CMustache_Loader | |
CMustache_Loader_ArrayLoader | |
CMustache_Loader_CascadingLoader | |
CMustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader | |
CMustache_Loader_InlineLoader | |
CMustache_Loader_MutableLoader | |
CMustache_Loader_ProductionFilesystemLoader | |
CMustache_Loader_StringLoader | |
CMustache_Logger | |
CMustache_Logger_AbstractLogger | |
CMustache_Logger_StreamLogger | |
CMustache_Parser | |
CMustache_Source | |
CMustache_Source_FilesystemSource | |
CMustache_Template | |
CMustache_Tokenizer | |
Cmy_syspage_block_manager | |
CMySQL | Caches data to a MySQL database |
Cmysql_sql_generator | |
Cmysqli_native_moodle_database | Native mysqli class representing moodle database interface |
Cmysqli_native_moodle_recordset | Mysqli specific moodle recordset class |
Cmysqli_native_moodle_temptables | |
CNameFilter | Interface for creating a cache filename |
Cnasty_strings | Nasty strings manager |
Cnavbar | Navbar class |
Cnavigation_cache | The cache class used by global navigation and settings navigation |
Cnavigation_json | Simple class used to output a navigation branch in XML |
Cnavigation_node | This class is used to represent a node in a navigation tree |
Cnavigation_node_collection | Navigation node collection |
Cnew_field | This class will create a new default field to be edited |
Cnew_index | This class will create a new default index to be edited |
Cnew_key | This class will create a new default key to be edited |
Cnew_table | This class will create a new default table to be edited |
Cnew_table_from_mysql | This class will ask and retrofit all the information from one mysql table present in the Moodle DB to one xmldb_table structure |
Cnote_edit_form | |
Cnull_filter_manager | Filter manager subclass that does nothing |
Cnull_parser_processor | Null progressive_parser_processor that won't process chunks at all |
Cnull_progress_trace | This subclass of progress_trace does not ouput anything |
Cnwiki_parser | |
Coauth2_client | OAuth 2.0 Client for using web access tokens |
Coauth_helper | |
COAuthConsumer | |
COAuthDataStore | |
COAuthException | |
COAuthRequest | |
COAuthServer | |
COAuthSignatureMethod | |
COAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1 | |
COAuthSignatureMethod_PLAINTEXT | |
COAuthSignatureMethod_RSA_SHA1 | |
COAuthToken | |
COAuthUtil | |
Coci_native_moodle_database | Native oci class representing moodle database interface |
Coci_native_moodle_recordset | |
Coci_native_moodle_temptables | |
Coracle_sql_generator | This class generate SQL code to be used against Oracle It extends XMLDBgenerator so everything can be overridden as needed to generate correct SQL |
Coutput_controller | This class decides, based in environment/backup controller settings about the best way to send information to output, independently of the process and the loggers |
Coutput_indented_logger | Logger implementation that sends indented messages (depth option) to output |
Coutput_text_logger | Logger implementation that sends text messages to output |
Couwiki_change_range | Represents a changed area of file and where it is located in the two source files |
Couwiki_changes | A more logical representation of the results from ouwiki_internal_diff() |
Couwiki_line | Class representing one 'line' of HTML content for the purpose of text comparison |
Couwiki_word | Represents single word for html comparison |
CPage | Class representing a page of a PDF document |
Cpage11_resurce_file | |
Cpage_content_file_info | File browsing support class |
Cpage_requirements_manager | This class tracks all the things that are needed by the current page |
Cpage_wiki | Class page_wiki contains the common code between all pages |
Cpage_wiki_admin | This class will let user to delete wiki pages and page versions |
Cpage_wiki_comments | Class that models the behavior of wiki's view comments page |
Cpage_wiki_confirmrestore | |
Cpage_wiki_create | Class that models the behavior of wiki's create page |
Cpage_wiki_deletecomment | Class that models the behavior of wiki's delete comment confirmation page |
Cpage_wiki_diff | Class that models the behavior of wiki's view differences |
Cpage_wiki_edit | Wiki page editing page |
Cpage_wiki_editcomment | Class that models the behavior of wiki's edit comment |
Cpage_wiki_handlecomments | |
Cpage_wiki_history | Class that models the behavior of wiki's history page |
Cpage_wiki_lock | |
Cpage_wiki_map | Class that models the behavior of wiki's map page |
Cpage_wiki_overridelocks | |
Cpage_wiki_prettyview | |
Cpage_wiki_preview | |
Cpage_wiki_restoreversion | Class that models the behavior of wiki's restore version page |
Cpage_wiki_save | Class that models the behavior of wiki's save page |
Cpage_wiki_search | Wiki page search page |
Cpage_wiki_view | View a wiki page |
Cpage_wiki_viewversion | Class that models the behavior of wiki's view an old version of a page |
CPageBoundaries | An abstract class for page boundary constants and some helper methods |
Cpaging_bar | Component representing a paging bar |
Cparentable_part_of_admin_tree | Interface implemented by any part_of_admin_tree that has children |
CParser | HTTP Response Parser |
Cparser_utils | |
Cpart_of_admin_tree | CLASS DEFINITIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
Cpdf | Wrapper class that extends TCPDF (lib/tcpdf/tcpdf.php) |
CPDF417 | Class to create PDF417 barcode arrays for TCPDF class |
CPdfArray | |
CPdfBoolean | Class representing a boolean PDF object |
CPdfDictionary | Class representing a PDF dictionary object |
CPdfHexString | Class representing a hexadecimal encoded PDF string object |
CPdfIndirectObject | Class representing an indirect object |
CPdfIndirectObjectReference | Class representing an indirect object reference |
CPdfName | Class representing a PDF name object |
CPdfNull | Class representing a PDF null object |
CPdfNumeric | Class representing a numeric PDF object |
CPdfParser | A PDF parser class |
CPdfParserException | Exception for the pdf parser class |
CPdfReader | A PDF reader class |
CPdfReaderException | Exception for the pdf reader class |
CPdfStream | Class representing a PDF stream object |
CPdfString | Class representing a PDF string object |
CPdfToken | Class representing PDF token object |
CPdfType | A class defining a PDF data type |
CPdfTypeException | Exception class for pdf type classes |
Cpdo_moodle_database | Experimental pdo database class |
Cpdo_moodle_recordset | Experimental pdo recordset |
Cperf_db2 | |
Cperf_informix | |
Cperf_mssql | |
Cperf_mssqlnative | |
Cperf_mysql | |
Cperf_oci8 | |
Cperf_postgres | |
Cperf_sqlite3 | |
Cperformance_measuring_filter_manager | Filter manager subclass that tracks how much work it does |
Cpgsql_native_moodle_database | Native pgsql class representing moodle database interface |
Cpgsql_native_moodle_recordset | Pgsql specific moodle recordset class |
Cpgsql_native_moodle_temptables | |
Cphpunit_constraint_object_is_equal_with_exceptions | Constraint that checks a simple object with an isEqual constrain, allowing for exceptions to be made for some fields |
Cphpunit_coverage_info | Coverage information for the core subsystem |
Cphpunit_dataset | Lightweight dataset class for phpunit, supports XML, CSV and array datasets |
Cphpunit_event_mock | Event mock class |
Cphpunit_event_sink | Event redirection sink |
Cphpunit_message_sink | Message sink |
Cphpunit_phpmailer_sink | Phpmailer message sink |
Cphpunit_util | Collection of utility methods |
Cpix_emoticon | Data structure representing an emoticon image |
Cpix_icon | Data structure representing an icon |
Cpix_icon_font | Data structure representing an icon font |
Cpix_icon_fontawesome | Data structure representing an icon subtype |
Cpkg_resource_dependencies | |
Cpkg_static_resources | |
Cplagiarism_plugin | Plagiarism base class used by plugins |
CPListException | |
Cplugin_defective_exception | @subpackage upgrade |
Cplugin_incompatible_exception | Exception thrown when attempting to install a plugin that declares incompatibility with moodle version |
Cplugin_misplaced_exception | Misplaced plugin exception |
Cplugin_renderer_base | Basis for all plugin renderers |
CPNG_MetaDataHandler | Information on PNG file chunks can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11Chunks Some other info on PNG that I used http://garethrees.org/2007/11/14/pngcrush/ |
Cpopup_action | Component action for a popup window |
Cportfolio_add_button | Use this to add a portfolio button or icon or form to a page |
Cportfolio_admin_form | Admin config form |
Cportfolio_button_exception | Exception for interacting with the button class |
Cportfolio_caller_base | Base class for callers |
Cportfolio_caller_exception | Exception for callers to throw when they have a problem |
Cportfolio_exception | Top level portfolio exception |
Cportfolio_export_exception | Exception to throw during an export - will clean up session and tempdata |
Cportfolio_export_form | During-export config form |
Cportfolio_exporter | The class that handles the various stages of the actual export and the communication between the caller and the portfolio plugin |
Cportfolio_format | Base class to inherit from |
Cportfolio_format_document | 'Document format', subtype of file |
Cportfolio_format_file | The most basic type - pretty much everything is a subtype |
Cportfolio_format_image | Image format, subtype of file |
Cportfolio_format_leap2a | Class used for leap2a format |
Cportfolio_format_leap2a_entry | This class represents a single leap2a entry |
Cportfolio_format_leap2a_exception | Leap2a exception - for invalid api calls |
Cportfolio_format_leap2a_file | Subclass of entry, purely for dealing with files |
Cportfolio_format_leap2a_writer | Object to encapsulate the writing of leap2a |
Cportfolio_format_pdf | 'PDF format', subtype of file |
Cportfolio_format_plainhtml | HTML format |
Cportfolio_format_presentation | 'Presentation format', subtype of file |
Cportfolio_format_rich | Base class for rich formats |
Cportfolio_format_richhtml | Richhtml - html with attachments |
Cportfolio_format_spreadsheet | 'Spreadsheet format', subtype of file |
Cportfolio_format_text | Class for plain text format |
Cportfolio_format_video | Video format |
Cportfolio_instance_select | Form that just contains the dropdown menu of available instances |
Cportfolio_module_caller_base | Base class for module callers |
Cportfolio_plugin_base | The base class for portfolio plugins |
Cportfolio_plugin_download | |
Cportfolio_plugin_exception | Exception for portfolio plugins to throw when they have a problem |
Cportfolio_plugin_flickr | |
Cportfolio_plugin_googledocs | |
Cportfolio_plugin_mahara | |
Cportfolio_plugin_pull_base | Class to inherit from for 'pull' type plugins |
Cportfolio_plugin_push_base | Class to inherit from for 'push' type plugins |
Cportfolio_user_form | User config form |
Cpostgres_sql_generator | This class generate SQL code to be used against PostgreSQL It extends XMLDBgenerator so everything can be overridden as needed to generate correct SQL |
Cpreferences_group | Represents a group of preferences page link |
Cpreferences_groups | Represents a set of preferences groups |
Cprivate_files_tree | |
Cprocessable | Interface to apply to all the classes we want to be processable by one @base_processor |
Cprofile_define_base | Class profile_define_base |
Cprofile_define_checkbox | Class profile_define_checkbox |
Cprofile_define_datetime | Define datetime fields |
Cprofile_define_menu | Class profile_define_menu |
Cprofile_define_social | Class profile_define_social |
Cprofile_define_text | Class profile_define_text |
Cprofile_define_textarea | Class profile_define_textarea |
Cprofile_field_checkbox | |
Cprofile_field_datetime | Handles displaying and editing the datetime field |
Cprofile_field_menu | Class profile_field_menu |
Cprofile_field_social | Class profile_field_social |
Cprofile_field_text | Class profile_field_text |
Cprofile_field_textarea | Class profile_field_textarea |
Cprofiling_import_form | |
Cprogress_bar | Progress bar class |
Cprogress_trace | Progress trace class |
Cprogress_trace_buffer | Special type of trace that can be used for catching of output of other traces |
Cprogressive_parser | Class implementing one SAX progressive push parser |
Cprogressive_parser_exception | |
Cprogressive_parser_processor | This abstract class implements one progressive_parser_processor |
CPsr16 | Caches data into a PSR-16 cache implementation |
Cqbehaviour_adaptive | Question behaviour for adaptive mode |
Cqbehaviour_adaptive_converter | |
Cqbehaviour_adaptive_mark_details | This class encapsulates all the information about the current state-of-play scoring-wise |
Cqbehaviour_adaptive_renderer | Renderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the legacy adaptive behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_adaptive_type | Question behaviour type information for adaptive behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_adaptivenopenalty | Question behaviour for adaptive mode, with no penalties |
Cqbehaviour_adaptivenopenalty_converter | |
Cqbehaviour_adaptivenopenalty_renderer | Renderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the legacy adaptive (no penalties) behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_adaptivenopenalty_type | Question behaviour type information for adaptive behaviour, without penalties |
Cqbehaviour_deferredcbm | Question behaviour for deferred feedback with certainty based marking |
Cqbehaviour_deferredcbm_renderer | Renderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the deferred feedback with certainty based marking behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_deferredcbm_type | Question behaviour type information for deferred feedback with CBM behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_deferredfeedback | Question behaviour for deferred feedback |
Cqbehaviour_deferredfeedback_converter | |
Cqbehaviour_deferredfeedback_renderer | Renderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the deferred feedback behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_deferredfeedback_type | Question behaviour type information for deferred feedback behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_immediatecbm | Question behaviour for immediate feedback with CBM |
Cqbehaviour_immediatecbm_renderer | Renderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the immediate feedback with CBM behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_immediatecbm_type | Question behaviour type information for immediate feedback with CBM |
Cqbehaviour_immediatefeedback | Question behaviour for immediate feedback |
Cqbehaviour_immediatefeedback_renderer | Renderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the immediate feedback behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_immediatefeedback_type | Question behaviour type information for immediate feedback behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_informationitem | Question behaviour informaiton items |
Cqbehaviour_informationitem_converter | |
Cqbehaviour_informationitem_renderer | Renderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the information item behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_informationitem_type | Question behaviour type information for informationitem items |
Cqbehaviour_interactive | Question behaviour for the interactive model |
Cqbehaviour_interactive_renderer | Interactive behaviour renderer |
Cqbehaviour_interactive_type | Question behaviour type information for interactive behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_interactivecountback | Question behaviour for interactive mode with count-back scoring |
Cqbehaviour_interactivecountback_renderer | Renderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the interactive with countback behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_interactivecountback_type | Question behaviour type information for interactive behaviour with count-back scoring |
Cqbehaviour_manualgraded | Question behaviour for questions that can only be graded manually |
Cqbehaviour_manualgraded_converter | |
Cqbehaviour_manualgraded_renderer | Renderer for outputting parts of a question belonging to the manual graded behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_manualgraded_type | Question behaviour type information for manually graded behaviour |
Cqbehaviour_missing | Fake question behaviour that is used when the actual behaviour is not available |
Cqbehaviour_missing_renderer | Renderer for outputting parts of a question when the actual behaviour used is not available |
Cqbehaviour_missing_type | Fake question behaviour type information that is used when the actual behaviour is not available |
Cqbehaviour_renderer | Renderer base class for question behaviours |
Cqbehaviour_walkthrough_test_base | Helper base class for question walk-through tests |
Cqformat_aiken | Aiken format - a simple format for creating multiple choice questions (with only one correct choice, and no feedback) |
Cqformat_based_on_xml | Since the lesson module tries to re-use the question bank import classes in a crazy way, this is necessary to stop things breaking |
Cqformat_blackboard_six | Blackboard Six QTI file importer class |
Cqformat_blackboard_six_base | Base class question import format for zip files with images |
Cqformat_blackboard_six_file | Class to represent a Blackboard file |
Cqformat_blackboard_six_pool | Blackboard pool question importer class |
Cqformat_blackboard_six_qti | Blackboard 6.0 question importer |
Cqformat_default | Base class for question import and export formats |
Cqformat_gift | The GIFT import filter was designed as an easy to use method for teachers writing questions as a text file |
Cqformat_missingword | Missing word question importer |
Cqformat_multianswer | Importer that imports a text file containing a single Multianswer question from a text file |
Cqformat_xml | Importer for Moodle XML question format |
CQRcode | Class to create QR-code arrays for TCPDF class |
Cqtype_calculated | The calculated question type |
Cqtype_calculated_dataset_loader | This class is responsible for loading the dataset that a question needs from the database |
Cqtype_calculated_edit_form | Calculated question type editing form definition |
Cqtype_calculated_qe2_attempt_updater | |
Cqtype_calculated_question | Represents a calculated question |
Cqtype_calculated_question_helper | Helper class for questions that use datasets |
Cqtype_calculated_question_with_expressions | This interface defines the method that a quetsion type must implement if it is to work with qtype_calculated_question_helper |
Cqtype_calculated_renderer | Generates the output for calculated questions |
Cqtype_calculated_test_dataset_loader | Test implementation of qtype_calculated_dataset_loader |
Cqtype_calculated_test_helper | Test helper class for the calculated question type |
Cqtype_calculated_variable_substituter | This class holds the current values of all the variables used by a calculated question |
Cqtype_calculatedmulti | The calculated multiple-choice question type |
Cqtype_calculatedmulti_calculate_helper | Helper to abstract common code between qtype_calculatedmulti_single_question and qtype_calculatedmulti_multi_question |
Cqtype_calculatedmulti_edit_form | Calculated multiple-choice question editing form |
Cqtype_calculatedmulti_multi_question | Represents a calculated multiple-choice multiple-response question |
Cqtype_calculatedmulti_qe2_attempt_updater | |
Cqtype_calculatedmulti_renderer | Generates the output for calculated multiple-choice questions |
Cqtype_calculatedmulti_single_question | Represents a calculated multiple-choice multiple-response question |
Cqtype_calculatedmulti_test_helper | Test helper class for the calculated multiple-choice question type |
Cqtype_calculatedsimple | The simple calculated question type |
Cqtype_calculatedsimple_edit_form | Editing form for the calculated simplequestion type |
Cqtype_calculatedsimple_qe2_attempt_updater | Class for converting attempt data for simple calculated questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine |
Cqtype_calculatedsimple_question | Represents a simple calculated question |
Cqtype_calculatedsimple_renderer | Generates the output for simple calculated questions |
Cqtype_calculatedsimple_test_helper | Test helper class for the simple calculated question type |
Cqtype_ddimageortext | The drag-and-drop onto image question type class |
Cqtype_ddimageortext_drag_item | Represents one of the choices (draggable images) |
Cqtype_ddimageortext_drop_zone | Represents one of the places (drop zones) |
Cqtype_ddimageortext_edit_form | Drag-and-drop images onto images editing form definition |
Cqtype_ddimageortext_question | Represents a drag-and-drop onto image question |
Cqtype_ddimageortext_renderer | Generates the output for drag-and-drop onto image questions |
Cqtype_ddimageortext_test_helper | Test helper class for the drag-and-drop onto image question type |
Cqtype_ddmarker | The drag-and-drop markers question type class |
Cqtype_ddmarker_drag_item | Represents one of the choices (draggable markers) |
Cqtype_ddmarker_drop_zone | Represents one of the places (drop zones) |
Cqtype_ddmarker_edit_form | Drag-and-drop images onto images editing form definition |
Cqtype_ddmarker_point | Class to represent a point |
Cqtype_ddmarker_question | Represents a drag-and-drop markers question |
Cqtype_ddmarker_renderer | Generates the output for drag-and-drop markers questions |
Cqtype_ddmarker_shape | Base class to represent a shape |
Cqtype_ddmarker_shape_circle | Class to represent a circle |
Cqtype_ddmarker_shape_polygon | Class to represent a polygon |
Cqtype_ddmarker_shape_rectangle | Class to represent a rectangle |
Cqtype_ddmarker_test_helper | Test helper class for the drag-and-drop markers question type |
Cqtype_ddtoimage_base | The drag-and-drop onto image question type class |
Cqtype_ddtoimage_edit_form_base | Base class for drag-and-drop onto images editing form definition |
Cqtype_ddtoimage_question_base | Represents a drag-and-drop onto image question |
Cqtype_ddtoimage_renderer_base | Generates the output for drag-and-drop onto image questions |
Cqtype_ddwtos | The drag-and-drop words into sentences question type class |
Cqtype_ddwtos_choice | Represents one of the choices (draggable boxes) |
Cqtype_ddwtos_edit_form | Drag-and-drop words into sentences editing form definition |
Cqtype_ddwtos_question | Represents a drag-and-drop words into sentences question |
Cqtype_ddwtos_renderer | Generates the output for drag-and-drop words into sentences questions |
Cqtype_ddwtos_test_helper | Test helper class for the drag-and-drop words into sentences question type |
Cqtype_description | The description 'question' type |
Cqtype_description_edit_form | Description editing form definition |
Cqtype_description_qe2_attempt_updater | Class for converting attempt data for description questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine |
Cqtype_description_question | Represents a description 'question' |
Cqtype_description_renderer | Generates the output for description 'question's |
Cqtype_description_test_helper | Test helper class for the description question type |
Cqtype_elements_embedded_in_question_text_renderer | Renders question types where the question includes embedded interactive elements |
Cqtype_essay | The essay question type |
Cqtype_essay_edit_form | Essay question type editing form |
Cqtype_essay_format_editor_renderer | An essay format renderer for essays where the student should use the HTML editor without the file picker |
Cqtype_essay_format_editorfilepicker_renderer | An essay format renderer for essays where the student should use the HTML editor with the file picker |
Cqtype_essay_format_monospaced_renderer | An essay format renderer for essays where the student should use a plain input box with a monospaced font |
Cqtype_essay_format_noinline_renderer | An essay format renderer for essays where the student should not enter any inline response |
Cqtype_essay_format_plain_renderer | An essay format renderer for essays where the student should use a plain input box, but with a normal, proportional font |
Cqtype_essay_format_renderer_base | A base class to abstract out the differences between different type of response format |
Cqtype_essay_qe2_attempt_updater | Class for converting attempt data for essay questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine |
Cqtype_essay_question | Represents an essay question |
Cqtype_essay_renderer | Generates the output for essay questions |
Cqtype_essay_test_helper | Test helper class for the essay question type |
Cqtype_gapselect | The select missing words question type class |
Cqtype_gapselect_base | The embedded element in question text question type class |
Cqtype_gapselect_choice | Represents one of the choices (select box option) |
Cqtype_gapselect_edit_form | Select from drop down list question editing form definition |
Cqtype_gapselect_edit_form_base | Elements embedded in question text editing form definition |
Cqtype_gapselect_question | Represents select missing words question |
Cqtype_gapselect_question_base | Represents embedded element in question text question |
Cqtype_gapselect_renderer | Generates the output for select missing words questions |
Cqtype_gapselect_test_helper | Test helper class for the select missing words question type |
Cqtype_match | The matching question type class |
Cqtype_match_edit_form | Match question type editing form definition |
Cqtype_match_qe2_attempt_updater | Class for converting attempt data for match questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine |
Cqtype_match_question | Represents a matching question |
Cqtype_match_renderer | Generates the output for matching questions |
Cqtype_match_test_helper | Test helper class for the match question type |
Cqtype_missingtype | Missing question type class |
Cqtype_missingtype_edit_form | This question renderer class is used when the actual question type of this question cannot be found |
Cqtype_missingtype_question | This question definition class is used when the actual question type of this question cannot be found |
Cqtype_missingtype_renderer | This question renderer class is used when the actual question type of this question cannot be found |
Cqtype_multianswer | The multi-answer question type class |
Cqtype_multianswer_edit_form | Form for editing multi-answer questions |
Cqtype_multianswer_multichoice_horizontal_renderer | Render an embedded multiple-choice question vertically, like for a normal multiple-choice question |
Cqtype_multianswer_multichoice_inline_renderer | Render an embedded multiple-choice question that is displayed as a select menu |
Cqtype_multianswer_multichoice_vertical_renderer | Render an embedded multiple-choice question vertically, like for a normal multiple-choice question |
Cqtype_multianswer_multiresponse_horizontal_renderer | Render an embedded multiple-response question horizontally |
Cqtype_multianswer_multiresponse_vertical_renderer | Class qtype_multianswer_multiresponse_renderer |
Cqtype_multianswer_qe2_attempt_updater | Class for converting attempt data for multianswer questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine |
Cqtype_multianswer_question | Represents a multianswer question |
Cqtype_multianswer_renderer | Base class for generating the bits of output common to multianswer (Cloze) questions |
Cqtype_multianswer_subq_renderer_base | Subclass for generating the bits of output specific to shortanswer subquestions |
Cqtype_multianswer_test_helper | Test helper class for the multianswer question type |
Cqtype_multianswer_textfield_renderer | Subclass for generating the bits of output specific to shortanswer subquestions |
Cqtype_multichoice | The multiple choice question type |
Cqtype_multichoice_admin_setting_answernumbering | Admin settings class for the multichoice question type method |
Cqtype_multichoice_base | Base class for multiple choice questions |
Cqtype_multichoice_edit_form | Multiple choice editing form definition |
Cqtype_multichoice_multi_question | Represents a multiple choice question where multiple choices can be selected |
Cqtype_multichoice_multi_renderer | Subclass for generating the bits of output specific to multiple choice multi=select questions |
Cqtype_multichoice_qe2_attempt_updater | Class for converting attempt data for multichoice questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine |
Cqtype_multichoice_renderer_base | Base class for generating the bits of output common to multiple choice single and multiple questions |
Cqtype_multichoice_single_question | Represents a multiple choice question where only one choice should be selected |
Cqtype_multichoice_single_renderer | Subclass for generating the bits of output specific to multiple choice single questions |
Cqtype_multichoice_test_helper | Test helper class for the multiple choice question type |
Cqtype_numerical | The numerical question type class |
Cqtype_numerical_answer | Subclass of question_answer with the extra information required by the numerical question type |
Cqtype_numerical_answer_processor | This class processes numbers with units |
Cqtype_numerical_edit_form | Numerical editing form definition |
Cqtype_numerical_qe2_attempt_updater | Class for converting attempt data for numerical questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine |
Cqtype_numerical_question | Represents a numerical question |
Cqtype_numerical_renderer | Generates the output for short answer questions |
Cqtype_numerical_test_helper | Test helper class for the numerical question type |
Cqtype_random | The random question type |
Cqtype_random_edit_form | Random editing form definition |
Cqtype_random_test_helper | Test helper class for the random question type |
Cqtype_randomsamatch | The randomsamatch question type class |
Cqtype_randomsamatch_edit_form | Randomsamatch editing form definition |
Cqtype_randomsamatch_qe2_attempt_updater | Class for converting attempt data for randomsamatch questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine |
Cqtype_randomsamatch_question | Represents a randomsamatch question |
Cqtype_randomsamatch_question_loader | This class is responsible for loading the questions that a question needs from the database |
Cqtype_randomsamatch_renderer | Generates the output for randomsamatch questions |
Cqtype_randomsamatch_test_helper | Test helper class for the randomsamatch question type |
Cqtype_randomsamatch_test_question_loader | Test implementation of qtype_randomsamatch_question_loader |
Cqtype_renderer | Renderer base classes for question types |
Cqtype_shortanswer | The short answer question type |
Cqtype_shortanswer_edit_form | Short answer question editing form definition |
Cqtype_shortanswer_qe2_attempt_updater | Class for converting attempt data for shortanswer questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine |
Cqtype_shortanswer_question | Represents a short answer question |
Cqtype_shortanswer_renderer | Generates the output for short answer questions |
Cqtype_shortanswer_test_helper | Test helper class for the shortanswer question type |
Cqtype_truefalse | The true-false question type class |
Cqtype_truefalse_edit_form | True-false question editing form definition |
Cqtype_truefalse_qe2_attempt_updater | Class for converting attempt data for truefalse questions when upgrading attempts to the new question engine |
Cqtype_truefalse_question | Represents a true-false question |
Cqtype_truefalse_renderer | Generates the output for true-false questions |
Cqtype_truefalse_test_helper | Test helper class for the truefalse question type |
Cqtype_with_combined_feedback_renderer | Renderer base classes for question types |
Cqubaid_condition | This class represents a restriction on the set of question_usage ids to include in a larger database query |
Cqubaid_join | This class represents a restriction on the set of question_usage ids to include in a larger database query based on JOINing to some other tables |
Cqubaid_list | This class represents a restriction on the set of question_usage ids to include in a larger database query based on an explicit list of ids |
Cquestion_answer | Class to represent a question answer, loaded from the question_answers table in the database |
Cquestion_attempt | Tracks an attempt at one particular question in a question_usage_by_activity |
Cquestion_attempt_iterator | A class abstracting access to the question_usage_by_activity::$questionattempts array |
Cquestion_attempt_pending_step | A subclass of { |
Cquestion_attempt_reverse_step_iterator | A variant of question_attempt_step_iterator that iterates through the steps in reverse order |
Cquestion_attempt_step | Stores one step in a { |
Cquestion_attempt_step_iterator | A class abstracting access to the question_attempt::$states array |
Cquestion_attempt_step_read_only | A subclass of { |
Cquestion_attempt_step_subquestion_adapter | This is an adapter class that wraps a { |
Cquestion_attempt_steps_with_submitted_response_iterator | A variant of question_attempt_step_iterator that iterates through the steps with submitted tries |
Cquestion_attempt_upgrader_test_base | Base class for tests that thest the upgrade of one particular attempt and one question |
Cquestion_attempt_with_restricted_history | This subclass of question_attempt pretends that only part of the step history exists |
Cquestion_automatically_gradable | Interface that a question_definition must implement to be usable by the various automatic grading behaviours |
Cquestion_automatically_gradable_with_countback | Interface that a question_definition must implement to be usable by the interactivecountback behaviour |
Cquestion_bank | This static class provides access to the other question bank |
Cquestion_behaviour | The base class for question behaviours |
Cquestion_behaviour_attempt_updater | Base class for managing the upgrade of a question using a particular behaviour |
Cquestion_behaviour_type | This class represents the type of behaviour, rather than the instance of the behaviour which control a particular question attempt |
Cquestion_behaviour_type_fallback | This class exists to allow behaviours that worked in Moodle 2.3 to continue to work |
Cquestion_behaviour_with_multiple_tries | |
Cquestion_behaviour_with_save | A subclass of question_behaviour that implements a save action that is suitable for most questions that implement the question_manually_gradable interface |
Cquestion_cbm | This helper class contains the constants and methods required for manipulating scores for certainty based marking |
Cquestion_check_specified_fields_expectation | |
Cquestion_classified_response | This class is used in the return value from question_manually_gradable::classify_response() |
Cquestion_contains_select_expectation | |
Cquestion_contains_tag_with_attribute | |
Cquestion_contains_tag_with_attributes | |
Cquestion_contains_tag_with_contents | |
Cquestion_dataset_dependent_definitions_form | Calculated question data set definitions editing form definition |
Cquestion_dataset_dependent_items_form | Calculated question data set items editing form definition |
Cquestion_definition | The definition of a question of a particular type |
Cquestion_deleted_question_attempt_updater | |
Cquestion_display_options | This class contains all the options that controls how a question is displayed |
Cquestion_does_not_contain_tag_with_attributes | |
Cquestion_edit_form | Form definition base class |
Cquestion_engine | This static class provides access to the other question engine classes |
Cquestion_engine_assumption_logger | This class serves to record all the assumptions that the code had to make during the question engine database database upgrade, to facilitate reviewing them |
Cquestion_engine_attempt_upgrader | This class manages upgrading all the question attempts from the old database structure to the new question engine |
Cquestion_engine_data_mapper | This class controls the loading and saving of question engine data to and from the database |
Cquestion_engine_unit_of_work | Implementation of the unit of work pattern for the question engine |
Cquestion_engine_upgrade_question_loader | This class deals with loading (and caching) question definitions during the question engine upgrade |
Cquestion_file_loader | This class is the mirror image of question_file_saver |
Cquestion_file_saver | This class represents the promise to save some files from a particular draft file area into a particular file area |
Cquestion_finder | Class for loading questions according to various criteria |
Cquestion_first_matching_answer_grading_strategy | This grading strategy is used by question types like shortanswer an numerical |
Cquestion_flags | Contains the logic for handling question flags |
Cquestion_graded_automatically | This class represents a question that can be graded automatically |
Cquestion_graded_automatically_with_countback | This class represents a question that can be graded automatically with countback grading in interactive mode |
Cquestion_graded_by_strategy | This class represents a question that can be graded automatically by using a question_grading_strategy |
Cquestion_grading_strategy | This question_grading_strategy interface |
Cquestion_hint | Class to represent a hint associated with a question |
Cquestion_hint_ddmarker | Question hint for ddmarker |
Cquestion_hint_with_parts | An extension of question_hint for questions like match and multiple choice with multile answers, where there are options for whether to show the number of parts right at each stage, and to reset the wrong parts |
Cquestion_information_item | This class represents a 'question' that actually does not allow the student to respond, like the description 'question' type |
Cquestion_manually_gradable | Interface that a question_definition must implement to be usable by the manual graded behaviour |
Cquestion_no_pattern_expectation | |
Cquestion_null_step | A null { |
Cquestion_out_of_sequence_exception | Exception thrown when the system detects that a student has done something out-of-order to a question |
Cquestion_pattern_expectation | |
Cquestion_possible_response | This class is used in the return value from question_type::get_possible_responses() |
Cquestion_qtype_attempt_updater | Base class for the classes that convert the question-type specific bits of the attempt data |
Cquestion_response_answer_comparer | This interface defines the methods that a question_definition must implement if it is to be graded by the question_first_matching_answer_grading_strategy |
Cquestion_response_files | The interface implemented by question_file_saver and question_file_loader |
Cquestion_state | An enumeration representing the states a question can be in after a question_attempt_step |
Cquestion_state_complete | |
Cquestion_state_finished | |
Cquestion_state_gaveup | |
Cquestion_state_graded | |
Cquestion_state_gradedpartial | |
Cquestion_state_gradedright | |
Cquestion_state_gradedwrong | |
Cquestion_state_invalid | |
Cquestion_state_manfinished | |
Cquestion_state_mangaveup | |
Cquestion_state_mangrpartial | |
Cquestion_state_mangrright | |
Cquestion_state_mangrwrong | |
Cquestion_state_manuallygraded | |
Cquestion_state_needsgrading | |
Cquestion_state_notstarted | #+ Specific question_state subclasses |
Cquestion_state_todo | |
Cquestion_state_unprocessed | |
Cquestion_test_helper | Base class for question type test helpers |
Cquestion_test_recordset | Simple class that implements the moodle_recordset API based on an array of test data |
Cquestion_testcase | |
Cquestion_type | This is the base class for Moodle question types |
Cquestion_usage_by_activity | This class keeps track of a group of questions that are being attempted, and which state, and so on, each one is currently in |
Cquestion_usage_null_observer | Null implmentation of the question_usage_watcher interface |
Cquestion_usage_observer | Interface for things that want to be notified of signficant changes to a question_usage_by_activity |
Cquestion_utils | Useful functions for writing question types and behaviours |
Cquestion_variant_forced_choices_selection_strategy | A question_variant_selection_strategy designed ONLY for testing |
Cquestion_variant_pseudorandom_no_repeats_strategy | A question_variant_selection_strategy that is effectively random for the first attempt, and then after that cycles through the available variants so that the students will not get a repeated variant until they have seen them all |
Cquestion_variant_random_strategy | A question_variant_selection_strategy that is completely random |
Cquestion_variant_selection_strategy | The interface for strategies for controlling which variant of each question is used |
Cquestion_with_responses | This class represents a real question |
Cquestion_wizard_form | |
Cquiz_first_or_all_responses_table | This is a table subclass for displaying the quiz responses report, showing first or all tries |
Cquiz_grading_renderer | The renderer for the quiz_grading module |
Cquiz_grading_report | |
Cquiz_grading_settings_form | Quiz grading report settings form |
Cquiz_last_responses_table | |
Cquiz_overview_options | |
Cquiz_overview_report | Quiz report subclass for the overview (grades) report |
Cquiz_overview_settings_form | |
Cquiz_overview_table | |
Cquiz_responses_options | |
Cquiz_responses_report | Quiz report subclass for the responses report |
Cquiz_responses_settings_form | |
Cquiz_statistics_question_table | This table shows statistics about a particular question |
Cquiz_statistics_report | The quiz statistics report provides summary information about each question in a quiz, compared to the whole quiz |
Cquiz_statistics_settings_form | This is the settings form for the quiz statistics report |
Cquiz_statistics_table | This table has one row for each question in the quiz, with sub-rows when random questions and variants appear |
Cquizaccess_delaybetweenattempts | |
Cquizaccess_ipaddress | |
Cquizaccess_numattempts | |
Cquizaccess_offlineattempts | |
Cquizaccess_openclosedate | |
Cquizaccess_password | |
Cquizaccess_seb | |
Cquizaccess_seb_generator | Data generator the quizaccess_seb plugin |
Cquizaccess_securewindow | |
Cquizaccess_timelimit | |
CRating | Handles <media:rating> or <itunes:explicit> tags as defined in Media RSS and iTunes RSS respectively |
Crating | Single rating by a single user |
Crating_exception | For exceptions specific to the ratings system |
Crating_manager | Ability to retrieve sets of ratings from the database |
CReaderInterface | ReaderInterface for cross-reference readers |
Crecent_form | |
Creconcile_files | |
CRectangle | Class representing a rectangle |
CRedis | Caches data to redis |
CRegistry | Handles creating objects and calling methods |
CRegistryAware | Handles the injection of Registry into other class |
Creject_request_form | A form for an administrator to reject a course request |
Crenderable | Interface marking other classes as suitable for renderer_base\render() |
Crenderer_base | Simple base class for Moodle renderers |
Crenderer_factory | A renderer factory is just responsible for creating an appropriate renderer for any given part of Moodle |
Crenderer_factory_base | This is a base class to help you implement the renderer_factory interface |
Creport_eventlist_filter_form | |
Creport_eventlist_list_generator | Class for returning system event information |
Creport_eventlist_renderer | Renderer for event report |
Creport_log_renderable | Report log renderable class |
Creport_log_renderer | Report log renderer's for printing reports |
Creport_log_table_log | Table log class for displaying logs |
Creport_loglive_renderable | Report loglive renderable class |
Creport_loglive_renderer | Report log renderer's for printing reports |
Creport_loglive_renderer_ajax | Log live report ajax renderer |
Creport_loglive_table_log | Table log class for displaying logs |
Creport_loglive_table_log_ajax | Table log class for generating data in ajax mode |
Creport_progress_helper_testcase | Class for testing report progress helper |
Crepository | This is the base class of the repository class |
Crepository_areafiles | Main class responsible for files listing in repostiory_areafiles |
Crepository_contentbank | Repository_contentbank class is used to browse the content bank files |
Crepository_contentbank_generator | Content bank files repository data generator class |
Crepository_coursefiles | Repository_coursefiles class is used to browse course files |
Crepository_coursefiles_generator | Course files repository data generator class |
Crepository_dropbox | Repository to access Dropbox files |
Crepository_dropbox_generator | Dropbox repository data generator class |
Crepository_equella | Repository_equella class implements equella_client |
Crepository_equella_generator | Equella repository data generator class |
Crepository_exception | Exception class for repository api |
Crepository_filesystem | Repository_filesystem class |
Crepository_filesystem_generator | File system repository data generator class |
Crepository_flickr | This plugin is used to access user's private flickr repository |
Crepository_flickr_generator | Flickr repository data generator class |
Crepository_flickr_public | Repository_flickr_public class This one is used to create public repository You can set up a public account in admin page, so everyone can access flickr photos from this plugin |
Crepository_flickr_public_generator | Flickr Public repository data generator class |
Crepository_googledocs_generator | Google Docs repository data generator class |
Crepository_googledocs_testcase | |
Crepository_instance_form | This is a class used to define a repository instance form |
Crepository_local | Repository_local class is used to browse moodle files |
Crepository_local_generator | Local repository data generator class |
Crepository_merlot | Repository_merlot is used to search merlot.org in moodle |
Crepository_merlot_generator | Merlot repository data generator class |
Crepository_nextcloud | Nextcloud repository class |
Crepository_nextcloud_generator | Data generator for repository plugin |
Crepository_onedrive | Microsoft onedrive repository plugin |
Crepository_recent | |
Crepository_recent_generator | Recent repository data generator class |
Crepository_s3 | This is a repository class used to browse Amazon S3 content |
Crepository_s3_generator | Amazon S3 repository data generator class |
Crepository_type | This class is used to manage repository plugins |
Crepository_type_form | This is a class used to define a repository type setting form |
Crepository_upload | A repository plugin to allow user uploading files |
Crepository_upload_generator | Upload repository data generator class |
Crepository_url | Repository_url class A subclass of repository, which is used to download a file from a specific url |
Crepository_url_generator | URL repository data generator class |
Crepository_user | Repository_user class is used to browse user private files |
Crepository_user_generator | User private files repository data generator class |
Crepository_webdav | Repository_webdav class |
Crepository_webdav_generator | WebDAV repository data generator class |
Crepository_wikimedia | Repository_wikimedia class This is a class used to browse images from wikimedia |
Crepository_wikimedia_generator | Wikimedia repository data generator class |
Crepository_youtube | Repository_youtube class |
Crepository_youtube_generator | Youtube repository data generator class |
Crequire_login_exception | Course/activity access exception |
Crequire_login_session_timeout_exception | Session timeout exception |
Crequired_capability_exception | Exceptions indicating user does not have permissions to do something and the execution can not continue |
Cresource_content_file_info | File browsing support class |
Crestore_activities_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create activities A lot of other settings (_included at activity levels) are dependent of this setting |
Crestore_activity_competencies_structure_step | Restore activity competencies structure step |
Crestore_activity_generic_setting | Generic activity setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps |
Crestore_activity_grade_history_structure_step | Step in charge of restoring the grade history of an activity |
Crestore_activity_grades_structure_step | This structure step restores the grade items associated with one activity All the grade items are made child of the "course" grade item but the original categoryid is saved as parentitemid in the backup_ids table, so, when restoring the complete gradebook (categories and calculations), that information is available there |
Crestore_activity_grading_structure_step | Defines the restore step for advanced grading methods attached to the activity module |
Crestore_activity_included_setting | Activity backup setting to control if activity will be included or no, depends of @restore_activities_setting and optionally parent section included setting |
Crestore_activity_logs_structure_step | This structure step restores activity logs, extending restore_course_logs_structure_step sharing its same structure but modifying the way records are handled |
Crestore_activity_logstores_structure_step | Structure step in charge of restoring the logstores.xml file for the activity logs |
Crestore_activity_results_block_task | Specialised restore task for the activity_results block (using execute_after_tasks for recoding of target activity) |
Crestore_activity_structure_step | Abstract structure step, parent of all the activity structure steps |
Crestore_activity_task | Abstract activity task that provides all the properties and common tasks to be performed when one activity is being restored |
Crestore_activity_userinfo_setting | Activity backup setting to control if activity will include user information or no, depends of @restore_users_setting |
Crestore_assign_activity_structure_step | Define the complete assignment structure for restore, with file and id annotations |
Crestore_assign_activity_task | Assign restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_assignfeedback_comments_subplugin | Restore subplugin class |
Crestore_assignfeedback_editpdf_subplugin | Restore subplugin class |
Crestore_assignfeedback_file_subplugin | Restore subplugin class |
Crestore_assignsubmission_file_subplugin | Restore subplugin class |
Crestore_assignsubmission_onlinetext_subplugin | Restore subplugin class |
Crestore_badges_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create badges or not, depends on @restore_activities_setting |
Crestore_badges_structure_step | This structure steps restores the badges and their configs |
Crestore_bigbluebuttonbn_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_url_activity_task |
Crestore_bigbluebuttonbn_activity_task | Restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_block_instance_structure_step | This structure steps restores one instance + positions of one block Note: Positions corresponding to one existing context are restored here, but all the ones having unknown contexts are sent to backup_ids for a later chance to be restored at the end (final task) |
Crestore_block_task | Abstract block task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one block is being restored |
Crestore_book_activity_structure_step | Structure step to restore one book activity |
Crestore_book_activity_task | |
Crestore_calendarevents_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create events or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it |
Crestore_calendarevents_structure_step | This structure steps restores the calendar events |
Crestore_category_search | A category search component |
Crestore_chat_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_chat_activity_task |
Crestore_chat_activity_task | Chat restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_check | Non instantiable helper class providing different restore checks |
Crestore_choice_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_choice_activity_task |
Crestore_choice_activity_task | Choice restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_comments_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create comments or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it |
Crestore_comments_structure_step | This structure steps restores the comments Note: Cannot use the comments API because defaults to USER->id |
Crestore_competencies_setting | Root setting to control if competencies will also be restored |
Crestore_contentbankcontent_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create content bank content or no |
Crestore_contentbankcontent_structure_step | This structure steps restores the content bank content |
Crestore_controller | Class implementing the controller of any restore process |
Crestore_controller_dbops | Non instantiable helper class providing DB support to the @restore_controller |
Crestore_controller_exception | |
Crestore_course_competencies_structure_step | Restore course competencies structure step |
Crestore_course_completion_structure_step | |
Crestore_course_defaultcustom_setting | Setting to switch between current and new course name/startdate |
Crestore_course_generic_setting | Generic course setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps |
Crestore_course_generic_text_setting | |
Crestore_course_legacy_files_step | Execution step that will migrate legacy files if present |
Crestore_course_loglastaccess_structure_step | Structure step in charge of restoring the loglastaccess.xml file for the course logs |
Crestore_course_logs_structure_step | This structure step restores course logs (cmid = 0), delegating the hard work to the corresponding restore_logs_processor passing the collection of restore_log_rule rules to be observed as they are defined by the task |
Crestore_course_logstores_structure_step | Structure step in charge of restoring the logstores.xml file for the course logs |
Crestore_course_overwrite_conf_setting | Setting to define is we are going to overwrite course configuration |
Crestore_course_search | A course search component |
Crestore_course_structure_step | Structure step that will read the course.xml file, loading it and performing various actions depending of the site/restore settings |
Crestore_course_task | Course task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one course is being restored |
Crestore_coursereport_plugin | |
Crestore_create_and_clean_temp_stuff | Delete old directories and conditionally create backup_temp_ids table |
Crestore_create_categories_and_questions | Structure step in charge of creating/mapping all the qcats and qs by parsing the questions.xml file and checking it against the results calculated by restore_process_categories_and_questions and stored in backup_ids_temp |
Crestore_create_included_users | Execution step that will create all the needed users as calculated by @restore_process_included_users (those having newiteind = 0) |
Crestore_create_question_files | Execution step that will create all the question/answers/qtype-specific files for the restored questions |
Crestore_customfield_setting | Root setting to control if restore will include custom field information |
Crestore_data_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_data_activity_task |
Crestore_data_activity_task | Data restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_date_testcase | Advanced PHPUnit test case customised for testing restore dates in Moodle |
Crestore_dbops | Base abstract class for all the helper classes providing DB operations |
Crestore_dbops_exception | |
Crestore_decode_content | Helper class in charge of providing the contents to be processed by restore_decode_rules |
Crestore_decode_content_exception | |
Crestore_decode_interlinks | Decode all the interlinks present in restored content relying 100% in the restore_decode_processor that handles both the contents to modify and the rules to be applied |
Crestore_decode_processor | Helper class that will perform all the necessary decoding tasks on restore |
Crestore_decode_processor_exception | |
Crestore_decode_rule | Helper class used to decode links back to their original form |
Crestore_decode_rule_exception | |
Crestore_default_block_task | Default block task to restore blocks not having own DB structures to be added |
Crestore_default_enrolments_step | If no instances yet add default enrol methods the same way as when creating new course in UI |
Crestore_drop_and_clean_temp_stuff | Drop temp ids table and delete the temp dir used by backup/restore (conditionally) |
Crestore_enrol_lti_plugin | Define all the restore steps |
Crestore_enrol_plugin | Base class for enrol backup plugins |
Crestore_enrolments_structure_step | This structure steps restores the enrol plugins and their underlying enrolments, performing all the mappings and/or movements required |
Crestore_execute_after_restore | Review all the tasks having one after_restore method executing it to perform some final adjustments of information not available when the task was executed |
Crestore_execution_step | Abstract class defining the needed stuff to execute code on restore |
Crestore_factory | Non instantiable factory class providing different restore object instances |
Crestore_feedback_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_feedback_activity_task |
Crestore_feedback_activity_task | Feedback restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_filters_structure_step | This structure steps restores the filters and their configs |
Crestore_final_task | Final task that provides all the final steps necessary in order to finish one restore like gradebook, interlinks... apart from some final cleaning |
Crestore_fix_restorer_access_step | Make sure the user restoring the course can actually access it |
Crestore_folder_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_folder_activity_task |
Crestore_folder_activity_task | Folder restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_format_plugin | Class extending standard restore_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the course formats (format plugin) |
Crestore_format_topics_plugin | Specialised restore for Topics course format |
Crestore_format_weeks_plugin | Specialised restore for format_weeks |
Crestore_forum_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_forum_activity_task |
Crestore_forum_activity_task | Forum restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_generic_setting | Root generic setting to store different things without dependencies |
Crestore_glossary_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_glossary_activity_task |
Crestore_glossary_activity_task | Glossary restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_glossary_random_block_task | Specialised restore task for the glossary_random block (using execute_after_tasks for recoding of glossaryid) |
Crestore_grade_histories_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create grade_histories or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it |
Crestore_grade_history_structure_step | Step in charge of restoring the grade history of a course |
Crestore_gradebook_structure_step | Restore calculated grade items, grade categories etc |
Crestore_gradingform_guide_plugin | Restores the marking guide specific data from grading.xml file |
Crestore_gradingform_plugin | Base class for restoring all advanced grading form plugins |
Crestore_gradingform_rubric_plugin | Restores the rubric specific data from grading.xml file |
Crestore_groups_members_structure_step | Structure step that will create all the needed group memberships by loading them from the groups.xml file performing the required matches |
Crestore_groups_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create groups/grouping information |
Crestore_groups_structure_step | Structure step that will create all the needed groups and groupings by loading them from the groups.xml file performing the required matches |
Crestore_h5pactivity_activity_structure_step | Defines the structure step to restore one mod_h5pactivity activity |
Crestore_h5pactivity_activity_task | Restore task for mod_h5pactivity |
Crestore_html_block_decode_content | Specialised restore_decode_content provider that unserializes the configdata field, to serve the configdata->text content to the restore_decode_processor packaging it back to its serialized form after process |
Crestore_html_block_task | Specialised restore task for the html block (requires encode_content_links in some configdata attrs) |
Crestore_imscp_activity_structure_step | Structure step to restore one imscp activity |
Crestore_imscp_activity_task | Provides the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_inforef_parser_processor | Helper implementation of grouped_parser_processor that will load all the contents of one inforef.xml file to the backup_ids table |
Crestore_label_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_url_activity_task |
Crestore_label_activity_task | Label restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_lesson_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_lesson_activity_task |
Crestore_lesson_activity_task | Lesson restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_load_and_map_roles | Execution step that, conditionally (if there isn't preloaded information), will load all the needed roles to backup_temp_ids |
Crestore_load_categories_and_questions | Execution step that, conditionally (if there isn't preloaded information will load all the question categories and questions (header info only) to backup_temp_ids |
Crestore_load_included_files | |
Crestore_load_included_inforef_records | |
Crestore_load_included_users | Execution step that, conditionally (if there isn't preloaded information and users have been selected in settings, will load all the needed users to backup_temp_ids |
Crestore_local_plugin | Class extending standard restore_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with local plugins |
Crestore_log_rule | Helper class used to restore logs, converting all the information as needed |
Crestore_logs_processor | This class is one varying singleton that, for all the logs corresponding to one task, is in charge of storing all its restore_log_rule rules, dispatching to the correct one and insert/log the resulting information |
Crestore_logs_processor_exception | |
Crestore_logs_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create logs or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it |
Crestore_logstore_database_subplugin | |
Crestore_logstore_standard_subplugin | |
Crestore_lti_activity_structure_step | Structure step to restore one lti activity |
Crestore_lti_activity_task | Basiclti restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_ltiservice_gradebookservices_subplugin | Restore subplugin class |
Crestore_mod_quiz_access_subplugin | Base class for restoring up all the quiz settings and attempt data for an access rule quiz sub-plugin |
Crestore_module_structure_step | Structure step to restore common course_module information |
Crestore_moodleform | An abstract moodleform class specially designed for the restore forms |
Crestore_moodlexml_parser_processor | Helper implementation of grouped_parser_processor that will return all the information present in the moodle_backup.xml file accumulating it for later generation of controller->info |
Crestore_move_module_questions_categories | Execution step that will move all the CONTEXT_MODULE question categories created at early stages of restore in course context (because modules weren't created yet) to their target module (matching by old-new-contextid mapping) |
Crestore_outcomes_structure_step | Structure step that will create all the needed outocomes by loading them from the outcomes.xml |
Crestore_page_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_page_activity_task |
Crestore_page_activity_task | Page restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_path_element | Class representing one path to be restored from XML file |
Crestore_path_element_exception | Restore_path_element exception class |
Crestore_permissions_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create override permission information by roles |
Crestore_plagiarism_plugin | Class extending standard restore_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the plagiarism plugins |
Crestore_plan | Implementable class defining the needed stuf for one restore plan |
Crestore_plan_builder | Abstract class defining the static method in charge of building the whole restore plan, based in @restore_controller preferences |
Crestore_plan_exception | |
Crestore_plugin | Class implementing the plugins support for moodle2 restore |
Crestore_prechecks_helper | Non instantiable helper class providing support for restore prechecks |
Crestore_prechecks_helper_exception | |
Crestore_process_categories_and_questions | Execution step that, conditionally (if there isn't preloaded information) will process all the needed categories and questions in order to decide and perform any action with them (create / map / error) Note: Any error will cause exception, as far as this is the same processing than the one into restore prechecks (that should have stopped process earlier) |
Crestore_process_course_modules_availability | Process legacy module availability records in backup_ids |
Crestore_process_file_aliases_queue | Try to restore aliases and references to external files |
Crestore_process_included_users | Execution step that, conditionally (if there isn't preloaded information and users have been selected in settings, will process all the needed users in order to decide and perform any action with them (create / map / error) Note: Any error will cause exception, as far as this is the same processing than the one into restore prechecks (that should have stopped process earlier) |
Crestore_qbank_comment_plugin | |
Crestore_qbank_customfields_plugin | |
Crestore_qbank_plugin | Base class for qbank backup plugins |
Crestore_qtype_calculated_plugin | Restore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one calculated qtype plugin |
Crestore_qtype_calculatedmulti_plugin | Restore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one calculatedmulti qtype plugin |
Crestore_qtype_calculatedsimple_plugin | Restore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one calculatedsimple qtype plugin |
Crestore_qtype_ddimageortext_plugin | Restore plugin class for the ddimageortext question type |
Crestore_qtype_ddmarker_plugin | Restore plugin class for the ddmarker question type plugin |
Crestore_qtype_ddwtos_plugin | Restore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one ddwtos qtype plugin |
Crestore_qtype_essay_plugin | Restore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one essay qtype plugin |
Crestore_qtype_extrafields_plugin | Class extending restore_qtype_plugin in order to use extra fields method |
Crestore_qtype_gapselect_plugin | Restore plugin class for the gapselect question type plugin |
Crestore_qtype_match_plugin | Restore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one match qtype plugin |
Crestore_qtype_multianswer_plugin | Restore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one multianswer qtype plugin |
Crestore_qtype_multichoice_plugin | Restore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one multichoice qtype plugin |
Crestore_qtype_numerical_plugin | Restore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one numerical qtype plugin |
Crestore_qtype_plugin | Class extending standard restore_plugin in order to implement some helper methods related with the questions (qtype plugin) |
Crestore_qtype_random_plugin | Restore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one random qtype plugin |
Crestore_qtype_randomsamatch_plugin | Restore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one randomsamatch qtype plugin |
Crestore_qtype_shortanswer_plugin | Restore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one shortanswer qtype plugin |
Crestore_qtype_truefalse_plugin | Restore plugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one truefalse qtype plugin |
Crestore_questions_parser_processor | Helper implementation of grouped_parser_processor that will load all the categories and questions (header info only) from the questions.xml file to the backup_ids table storing the whole structure there for later processing |
Crestore_quiz_activity_structure_step | |
Crestore_quiz_activity_task | Quiz restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_quizaccess_seb_subplugin | Restore instructions for the seb (Safe Exam Browser) quiz access subplugin |
Crestore_ras_and_caps_structure_step | |
Crestore_rebuild_course_cache | First, ensure that we have no gaps in section numbers and then, rebuid the course cache |
Crestore_report_plugin | |
Crestore_resource_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_resource_activity_task |
Crestore_resource_activity_task | Resource restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_review_form | Restore complete process review form |
Crestore_review_pending_block_positions | Review all the (pending) block positions in backup_ids, matching by contextid, creating positions as needed |
Crestore_role_assignments_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create role assignments or no (any level), depends of @restore_users_setting |
Crestore_roles_parser_processor | Helper implementation of grouped_parser_processor that will load all the contents of one roles.xml (roles description) file to the backup_ids table storing the whole structure there for later processing |
Crestore_root_task | Start task that provides all the settings common to all restores and other initial steps |
Crestore_rss_client_block_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that wll be used by the restore_rss_client_block_task |
Crestore_rss_client_block_task | Specialised restore task for the rss_client block (has own DB structures to backup) |
Crestore_scales_structure_step | Structure step that will create all the needed scales by loading them from the scales.xml |
Crestore_schema_form | Restore schema review form |
Crestore_scorm_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_scorm_activity_task |
Crestore_scorm_activity_task | Scorm restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_search_base | A base class that can be used to build a specific search upon |
Crestore_section_generic_setting | Generic section setting to pass various settings between tasks and steps |
Crestore_section_included_setting | Setting to define if one section is included or no |
Crestore_section_structure_step | Structure step that will read the section.xml creating/updating sections as needed, rebuilding course cache and other friends |
Crestore_section_task | Section task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one section is being restored |
Crestore_section_userinfo_setting | Section backup setting to control if section will include user information or no, depends of @restore_users_setting |
Crestore_settings_form | Restore settings form |
Crestore_step | Abstract class defining the needed stuf for one restore step |
Crestore_step_exception | |
Crestore_structure_parser_processor | Helper implementation of grouped_parser_processor that will support the process of all the moodle2 backup files, with complete specs about what to load (grouped or no), dispatching to corresponding methods and basic decoding of contents (NULLs and legacy file.php uses) |
Crestore_structure_step | Abstract class defining the needed stuff to restore one xml file |
Crestore_subplugin | Class implementing the subplugins support for moodle2 restore |
Crestore_survey_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_survey_activity_task |
Crestore_survey_activity_task | Survey restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_tags_block_task | Specialised restore task for the tags block (using execute_after_tasks for recoding of tag collection id) |
Crestore_task | Abstract class defining the needed stuf for one restore task (a collection of steps) |
Crestore_task_exception | |
Crestore_theme_plugin | |
Crestore_tool_log_logstore_subplugin | Parent class of all the logstore subplugin implementations |
Crestore_tool_plugin | Admin tool restore plugin base class |
Crestore_ui | This is the restore user interface class |
Crestore_ui_exception | Restore user interface exception |
Crestore_ui_independent_stage | Abstract class used to represent a restore stage that is indenependent |
Crestore_ui_stage | Abstract stage class |
Crestore_ui_stage_complete | This is the completed stage |
Crestore_ui_stage_confirm | The confirmation stage |
Crestore_ui_stage_destination | This is the destination stage |
Crestore_ui_stage_process | Final stage of backup |
Crestore_ui_stage_review | Confirmation stage |
Crestore_ui_stage_schema | Schema stage of backup process |
Crestore_ui_stage_settings | This stage is the settings stage |
Crestore_update_availability | Updates the availability data for course modules and sections |
Crestore_url_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_url_activity_task |
Crestore_url_activity_task | Url restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_users_parser_processor | Helper implementation of grouped_parser_processor that will load all the contents of one users.xml file to the backup_ids table storing the whole structure there for later processing |
Crestore_users_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create user information A lot of other settings are dependent of this (module's user info, grades user info, messages, blogs.. |
Crestore_userscompletion_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create completion info or no, depends of @restore_users_setting exactly in the same way than @restore_role_assignments_setting so we extend from it |
Crestore_userscompletion_structure_step | Structure step that will process the user activity completion information if all these conditions are met: |
Crestore_wiki_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_wiki_activity_task |
Crestore_wiki_activity_task | Wiki restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_workshop_activity_structure_step | Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_workshop_activity_task |
Crestore_workshop_activity_task | Workshop restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity |
Crestore_workshopeval_best_subplugin | Restore subplugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one workshopeval_best subplugin |
Crestore_workshopform_accumulative_subplugin | Restore subplugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one workshopform_accumulative subplugin |
Crestore_workshopform_comments_subplugin | Restore subplugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one workshopform_comments subplugin |
Crestore_workshopform_numerrors_subplugin | Restore subplugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one workshopform_numerrors subplugin |
Crestore_workshopform_rubric_subplugin | Restore subplugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one workshopform_rubric subplugin |
Crestore_xapistate_setting | Root setting to control if restore will create xAPI states or not |
Crestore_xapistate_structure_step | This structure steps restores the xAPI states |
CRestriction | Handles <media:restriction> as defined in Media RSS |
Crevert_changes | This class will revert changes (delete the editeddb) |
Crights_copyright | |
Crights_cost | |
Croot_backup_setting | Abstract class containing all the common stuff for root backup settings |
Cs | |
CS3 | Amazon S3 PHP class |
CS3Exception | S3 exception class |
CS3Request | S3 Request class |
CSanitize | Used for data cleanup and post-processing |
Csave_xml_file | This class will save one edited xml file |
Cscorm_package_file_info | |
Csearch_lexer | This class does the heavy lifting of lexing the search string into tokens |
Csearch_parser | This class takes care of sticking the proper token type/value pairs into the parsed token array |
Csearch_token | Class to hold token/value pairs after they're parsed |
Csection_backup_setting | Abstract class containing all the common stuff for section backup settings |
Csection_info | |
Cselective_exact_parser_processor | Selective progressive_parser_processor that will send chunks straight to output but only for chunks matching (in an exact way) some defined paths |
Cselective_like_parser_processor | Selective progressive_parser_processor that will send chunks straight to output but only for chunks matching (in a left padded way - like) some defined paths |
Cservice_user_selector | |
Csession_data_store | The session data store class |
Csetting_dependency | Generic abstract dependency class |
Csetting_dependency_disabledif_checked | A dependency that disables the secondary element if the primary element is true or checked |
Csetting_dependency_disabledif_empty | A dependency that disables the secondary setting if the value of the primary setting is empty |
Csetting_dependency_disabledif_equals | A dependency that disables the secondary setting if the primary setting is equal to the provided value |
Csetting_dependency_disabledif_equals2 | This class is here for backwards compatibility (terrible name) |
Csetting_dependency_disabledif_in_array | Disable if a value is in a list |
Csetting_dependency_disabledif_not_checked | A dependency that disables the secondary element if the primary element is false or not checked |
Csetting_dependency_disabledif_not_empty | A dependency that disables the secondary setting if the value of the primary setting is not empty |
Csetting_dependency_disabledif_not_equals | A dependency that disables the secondary setting if the primary setting is not equal to the provided value |
Csettings_navigation | Class used to manage the settings option for the current page |
Csettings_navigation_ajax | Class used to populate site admin navigation for ajax |
Csimple_parser_processor | Simple progressive_parser_processor that will send chunks straight to output |
CSimplePie | SimplePie |
CSimplePie_Autoloader | Autoloader class |
Csimplified_parser_processor | Abstract xml parser processor to to simplify and dispatch parsed chunks |
Csingle_button | Data structure representing a simple form with only one button |
Csingle_select | Simple form with just one select field that gets submitted automatically |
CSniffer | Content-type sniffing |
CSource | Handles <atom:source> |
Csql_generator | Abstract sql generator class, base for all db specific implementations |
Csqlite_sql_generator | This class generate SQL code to be used against SQLite It extends XMLDBgenerator so everything can be overridden as needed to generate correct SQL |
Csqlsrv_native_moodle_database | Native sqlsrv class representing moodle database interface |
Csqlsrv_native_moodle_recordset | |
Csqlsrv_native_moodle_temptables | This class is not specific to the SQL Server Native Driver but rather to the family of Microsoft SQL Servers |
Cstandard_renderer_factory | This is the default renderer factory for Moodle |
CStateStack | States for a stack machine |
Cstatic_data_store | The static data store class |
Csteps_definitions_form | Form to display the available steps definitions |
Cstored_file | Class representing local files stored in a sha1 file pool |
Cstored_file_creation_exception | Cannot create file exception |
CStreamReader | A stream reader class |
Cstring_xml_database_exporter | XML format exporter class to memory storage (i.e |
Cstring_xml_database_importer | XML format importer class from memory storage (i.e |
Cswitchrole_form | Defines the course completion settings form |
Ctable_dataformat_export_format | Dataformat exporter |
Ctable_default_export_format_parent | |
Ctable_sql | |
Ctabobject | Stores one tab |
Ctabtree | Stores tabs list |
Ctag_edit_form | Defines the form for editing tags |
CTCPDF2DBarcode | PHP class to creates array representations for 2D barcodes to be used with TCPDF (http://www.tcpdf.org) |
CTCPDF_COLORS | PHP color class for TCPDF |
CTCPDF_FILTERS | This is a PHP class for decoding common PDF filters (PDF 32000-2008 - 7.4 Filters) |
CTCPDF_FONT_DATA | Unicode data and encoding maps for TCPDF |
CTCPDF_FONTS | Font methods for TCPDF library |
CTCPDF_IMAGES | Static image methods used by the TCPDF class |
CTCPDF_PARSER | This is a PHP class for parsing PDF documents |
CTCPDF_STATIC | Static methods used by the TCPDF class |
CTCPDFBarcode | PHP class to creates array representations for common 1D barcodes to be used with TCPDF (http://www.tcpdf.org) |
CTcpdfFpdi | Class TcpdfFpdi |
Ctechnical_role | |
Ctemplatable | Interface marking other classes having the ability to export their data for use by templates |
Ctemplate | |
Ctest_lock | Tests lock to prevent concurrent executions of the same test suite |
Ctest_question_engine_attempt_upgrader | Subclass of question_engine_attempt_upgrader to help with testing |
Ctest_question_engine_upgrade_question_loader | Subclass of question_engine_upgrade_question_loader for unit testing |
Ctest_question_maker | This class creates questions of various types, which can then be used when testing |
Ctestable_question_attempt | Makes some protected methods of question_attempt public to facilitate testing |
Ctestable_question_engine_unit_of_work | Test subclass to allow access to some protected data so that the correct behaviour can be verified |
Ctestable_quiz_attempts_report | Makes some protected methods of attempts_report public to facilitate testing |
Ctesting_block_generator | Block generator base class |
Ctesting_db_record_builder | Helper for tests that need to simulate records loaded from the database |
Ctesting_module_generator | Module generator base class |
Ctesting_repository_generator | Repository data generator class |
Ctesting_util | Utils for test sites creation |
Ctests_finder | Finds components and plugins with tests |
Ctext_progress_trace | This subclass of progress_trace outputs to plain text |
Ctextarea_texteditor | |
Ctexteditor | Base abstract text editor class |
Ctgz_extractor | Extracts .tar.gz files (POSIX format) |
Ctgz_extractor_handler | Interface for callback from tgz_extractor\extract |
Ctgz_packer | Utility class - handles all packing/unpacking of .tar.gz files |
Ctgz_packer_extract_to_pathname | Handles extraction to pathname |
Ctgz_packer_extract_to_storage | Handles extraction to file storage |
Ctheme_boost_admin_settingspage_tabs | |
Ctheme_config | This class represents the configuration variables of a Moodle theme |
Ctheme_overridden_renderer_factory | This is renderer factory allows themes to override the standard renderers using php code |
CTokenizer | A tokenizer class |
Ctool_admin_presets_generator | |
Ctool_behat | Behat commands manager |
Ctool_behat_renderer | Renderer for behat tool web features |
Ctool_capability_renderer | The primary renderer for the capability tool |
Ctool_capability_settings_form | Class tool_capability_settings_form |
Ctool_customlang_filter_form | Form for filtering the strings to customize |
Ctool_customlang_menu | Represents the action menu of the tool |
Ctool_customlang_translator | Represents the translation tool |
Ctool_customlang_utils | Provides various utilities to be used by the plugin |
Ctool_dataprivacy_data_request_form | The contact form to the site's Data Protection Officer |
Ctool_dataprivacy_generator | Data privacy tool data generator class |
Ctool_filetypes_form | Form for adding a new custom file type or updating an existing custom file type |
Ctool_filetypes_renderer | Class containing the renderer functions for displaying file types |
Ctool_generator_backend | Backend generic code for all tool_generator commands |
Ctool_generator_course_backend | Backend code for the 'make large course' tool |
Ctool_generator_make_course_form | Form with options for creating large course |
Ctool_generator_make_testplan_form | Form with options for creating large course |
Ctool_generator_site_backend | Backend code for the site generator |
Ctool_generator_testplan_backend | Generates the files required by JMeter |
Ctool_installaddon_installfromzip_form | Defines a simple form for uploading the add-on ZIP package |
Ctool_installaddon_renderer | Implements the plugin renderer |
Ctool_log_setting_managestores | |
Ctool_lp_course_competencies_form_element | Course competencies element |
Ctool_lp_course_competency_overridegrade_form_element | Course competency override grade element |
Ctool_lp_course_competency_rule_form_element | Course competency rule element |
Ctool_lp_site_competencies_form_element | Site competencies element |
Ctool_messageinbound_edit_handler_form | Form to edit handlers |
Ctool_messageinbound_renderer | Implements the plugin renderer |
Ctool_monitor_generator | Event monitor data generator class |
Ctool_replace_form | Site wide search-replace form |
Ctool_task_edit_scheduled_task_form | Edit scheduled task form |
Ctool_task_generator | Tool task test data generator class |
Ctool_task_renderer | Implements the plugin renderer |
Ctool_uploadcourse_base_form | Base import form |
Ctool_uploadcourse_course | Course class |
Ctool_uploadcourse_helper | Class containing a set of helpers |
Ctool_uploadcourse_processor | Processor class |
Ctool_uploadcourse_step1_form | Upload a file CVS file with course information |
Ctool_uploadcourse_step2_form | Specify course upload details |
Ctool_uploadcourse_tracker | Class output tracker |
Ctool_xmldb_external | |
CTrivialOAuthDataStore | |
Cunload_xml_file | This class will unload one loaded file completely |
Cupgrade_exception | Exception indicating unknown error during upgrade |
Cupgrade_requires_exception | @subpackage upgrade |
Cupload_manager | This class handles all aspects of fileuploading |
Curl11_resurce_file | |
Curl1_resurce_file | |
Curl_select | Simple URL selection widget description |
Cuser_active_filter_form | Class user_active_filter_form |
Cuser_add_filter_form | Class user_add_filter_form |
Cuser_bulk_action_form | Bulk user action form |
Cuser_bulk_cohortadd_form | |
Cuser_bulk_form | Bulk user form |
Cuser_edit_editor_form | Class user_edit_editor_form |
Cuser_edit_form | Class user_edit_form |
Cuser_edit_forum_form | Class user_edit_forum_form |
Cuser_edit_language_form | Class user_edit_form |
Cuser_editadvanced_form | Class user_editadvanced_form |
Cuser_enrolment_action | User enrolment action |
Cuser_filter_anycourses | User filter to distinguish users with no or any enroled courses |
Cuser_filter_checkbox | Generic filter based for checkbox and can be used for disabling items |
Cuser_filter_cohort | Generic filter for cohort membership |
Cuser_filter_courserole | User filter based on roles in a course identified by its shortname |
Cuser_filter_date | Generic filter based on a date |
Cuser_filter_globalrole | User filter based on global roles |
Cuser_filter_profilefield | User filter based on values of custom profile fields |
Cuser_filter_select | Generic filter based on a list of values |
Cuser_filter_simpleselect | Generic filter based on a list of values |
Cuser_filter_text | Generic filter for text fields |
Cuser_filter_type | The base user filter class |
Cuser_filter_yesno | Generic yes/no filter with radio buttons for integer fields |
Cuser_filtering | User filtering wrapper class |
Cuser_message | A chat message from a user |
Cuser_message_form | |
Cuser_picture | Data structure representing a user picture |
Cuser_selector_base | Base class for user selectors |
Cuserlist_collection_test | Tests for the core_privacy API's userlist collection functionality |
Cuu_progress_tracker | Tracking of processed users |
Cview_field_xml | This class will display the XML for one field being edited |
Cview_index_xml | This class will display the XML for one index being edited |
Cview_key_xml | This class will display the XML for one key being edited |
Cview_reserved_words | This class will show all the reserved words in a format suitable to be pasted to: http://docs.moodle.org/en/XMLDB_reserved_words and http://docs.moodle.org/en/Database_reserved_words Also, it introspects te DB looking for such words and informing about |
Cview_structure_php | This class will show the PHP needed (upgrade block) to perform the desired DDL action with the specified table |
Cview_structure_sql | This class will show the SQL generated for the selected RDBMS for the entire XMLDB file |
Cview_structure_xml | This class will display the XML for one structure |
Cview_table_php | This class will show the PHP needed (upgrade block) to perform the desired DDL action with the specified field/key/index |
Cview_table_sql | This class will show the SQL generated for the selected RDBMS for one table |
Cview_table_xml | This class will display the XML for one table being edited |
Cview_xml | This class will display one XML file |
Cvirtual_root_file | Represents the root directory of an empty file area in the tree navigated by file_browser |
Cwebdav_client | |
Cweblink_validator | |
Cwebservice | General web service library |
Cwebservice_access_exception | Exception indicating access control problem in web service call This exception should return general errors about web service setup |
Cwebservice_parameter_exception | Web service parameter exception class |
Cwebservice_rest_client | Moodle REST client |
Cwebservice_rest_server | REST service server implementation |
Cwebservice_rest_test_client | REST test client class |
Cwebservice_server | Abstract web service base class |
Cwebservice_server_interface | Mandatory interface for all web service protocol classes |
Cwebservice_soap_client | Moodle SOAP client |
Cwebservice_soap_server | SOAP service server implementation |
Cwebservice_soap_test_client | SOAP test client class |
Cwebservice_test_client_base_form | |
Cwebservice_test_client_form | |
Cwebservice_test_client_interface | Mandatory interface for all test client classes |
Cwiki_files_tree | |
Cwiki_parser_proxy | Generic parser implementation |
Cwikimedia | |
CWikiToMarkdown | #- |
Cworkshop | Full-featured workshop API |
Cworkshop_accumulative_assessment_form | Class representing a form for assessing submissions by accumulative grading strategy |
Cworkshop_accumulative_strategy | Accumulative grading strategy logic |
Cworkshop_allocation_result | Stores the information about the allocation process |
Cworkshop_allocator | Allocators are responsible for assigning submissions to reviewers for assessments |
Cworkshop_assessment | Represents a rendarable full assessment |
Cworkshop_assessment_base | Common base class for assessments rendering |
Cworkshop_assessment_form | Base class for all assessment forms |
Cworkshop_best_evaluation | Defines the computation login of the grading evaluation subplugin |
Cworkshop_best_evaluation_settings_form | Represents the settings form for this plugin |
Cworkshop_comments_assessment_form | Class representing a form for assessing submissions by comments grading strategy |
Cworkshop_comments_strategy | Accumulative grading strategy logic |
Cworkshop_edit_accumulative_strategy_form | Class for editing accumulative grading strategy forms |
Cworkshop_edit_comments_strategy_form | Class for editing comments grading strategy forms |
Cworkshop_edit_numerrors_strategy_form | Class for editing "Number of errors" grading strategy forms |
Cworkshop_edit_rubric_strategy_form | Class for editing rubric grading strategy forms |
Cworkshop_edit_strategy_form | Base class for editing all the strategy grading forms |
Cworkshop_evaluation | Base class for all grading evaluation subplugins |
Cworkshop_evaluation_settings_form | Base form to hold eventual evaluation settings |
Cworkshop_example_assessment | Represents a renderable training assessment of an example submission |
Cworkshop_example_reference_assessment | Represents a renderable reference assessment of an example submission |
Cworkshop_example_submission | Renderable object containing all the information needed to display the example submission |
Cworkshop_example_submission_summary | Renderable object containing a basic set of information needed to display the example submission summary |
Cworkshop_feedback | Base class for renderable feedback for author and feedback for reviewer |
Cworkshop_feedback_author | Renderable feedback for the author of submission |
Cworkshop_feedback_reviewer | Renderable feedback for the reviewer |
Cworkshop_feedbackauthor_form | |
Cworkshop_feedbackreviewer_form | |
Cworkshop_file_info_overallfeedback_container | Represents virtual root node for all files in overall feedbacks |
Cworkshop_file_info_submissions_container | Represents virtual root node for all submissions |
Cworkshop_final_grades | Holds the final grades for the activity as are stored in the gradebook |
Cworkshop_grading_report | Renderable component containing all the data needed to display the grading report |
Cworkshop_manual_allocator | Allows users to allocate submissions for review manually |
Cworkshop_message | Renderable message to be displayed to the user |
Cworkshop_numerrors_assessment_form | Class representing a form for assessing submissions by numerrors grading strategy |
Cworkshop_numerrors_strategy | "Number of errors" grading strategy logic |
Cworkshop_random_allocator | Allocates the submissions randomly |
Cworkshop_random_allocator_form | Allocator settings form |
Cworkshop_random_allocator_setting | Data object defining the settings structure for the random allocator |
Cworkshop_rubric_assessment_form | Base class representing a form for assessing submissions by rubric grading strategy |
Cworkshop_rubric_grid_assessment_form | Class representing a form for assessing submissions by rubric grading strategy - grid layout |
Cworkshop_rubric_list_assessment_form | Class representing a form for assessing submissions by rubric grading strategy - list layout |
Cworkshop_rubric_strategy | Rubric grading strategy logic |
Cworkshop_scheduled_allocator | Allocates the submissions randomly in a cronjob task |
Cworkshop_scheduled_allocator_form | Allocator settings form |
Cworkshop_strategy | Strategy interface defines all methods that strategy subplugins has to implement |
Cworkshop_submission | Renderable object containing all the information needed to display the submission |
Cworkshop_submission_base | Common base class for submissions and example submissions rendering |
Cworkshop_submission_form | |
Cworkshop_submission_summary | Renderable object containing a basic set of information needed to display the submission summary |
Cworkshop_user_plan | Represents the user planner tool |
Cworkshopallocation_manual_allocations | Contains all information needed to render current allocations and the allocator UI |
Cworkshopallocation_manual_renderer | Manual allocation renderer class |
Cxhprof_table_sql | Simple subclass of table_sql that provides some custom formatters for various columns, in order to make the main profiles list nicer |
CXHProfRuns_Default | XHProfRuns_Default is the default implementation of the iXHProfRuns interface for saving/fetching XHProf runs |
Cxhtml_container_stack | This class keeps track of which HTML tags are currently open |
Cxml2Array | |
Cxml_contenttransformer | Abstract class to extend in order to transform @xml_writer text contents |
Cxml_database_exporter | XML format exporter class |
Cxml_database_importer | XML format importer class (uses SAX for speed and low memory footprint) |
Cxml_format_exception | |
Cxml_output | This abstract class outputs XML contents provided by @xml_writer |
Cxml_output_exception | |
Cxml_writer | Class implementing one (more or less complete) UTF-8 XML writer |
Cxml_writer_exception | |
Cxmldb_field | |
Cxmldb_file | |
Cxmldb_index | |
Cxmldb_key | |
Cxmldb_object | |
Cxmldb_structure | |
Cxmldb_table | |
CXMLDBAction | Main xmldb action clasee |
CXMLDBCheckAction | This is a base class for the various actions that interate over all the tables and check some aspect of their definition |
CYUI_config | This class represents the YUI configuration |
Czip_archive | Zip file archive class |
Czip_packer | Utility class - handles all zipping and unzipping operations |