Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
Public Member Functions | |
__get ($key) | |
Getter that handles passthrough access to the data array, and lazy object creation. | |
__isset ($key) | |
__unset ($key) | |
assertIsArray ($obj, $method) | |
Verify if $obj is an array. | |
count () | |
current () | |
getAbout () | |
getAdditionalName () | |
getAddress () | |
getAddressCountry () | |
getAddressLocality () | |
getAddressRegion () | |
getAssociatedMedia () | |
getAttendeeCount () | |
getAttendees () | |
getAudio () | |
getAuthor () | |
getBestRating () | |
getBirthDate () | |
getByArtist () | |
getCaption () | |
getContentSize () | |
getContentUrl () | |
getContributor () | |
getDateCreated () | |
getDateModified () | |
getDatePublished () | |
getDescription () | |
getDuration () | |
getEmbedUrl () | |
getEndDate () | |
getFamilyName () | |
getGender () | |
getGeo () | |
getGivenName () | |
getHeight () | |
getId () | |
getImage () | |
getInAlbum () | |
getKind () | |
getLatitude () | |
getLocation () | |
getLongitude () | |
getName () | |
getPartOfTVSeries () | |
getPerformers () | |
getPlayerType () | |
getPostalCode () | |
getPostOfficeBoxNumber () | |
getRatingValue () | |
getReviewRating () | |
getStartDate () | |
getStreetAddress () | |
getText () | |
getThumbnail () | |
getThumbnailUrl () | |
getTickerSymbol () | |
getType () | |
getUrl () | |
getWidth () | |
getWorstRating () | |
key () | |
next () | |
offsetExists ($offset) | |
offsetGet ($offset) | |
offsetSet ($offset, $value) | |
offsetUnset ($offset) | |
rewind () | |
setAbout (Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope $about) | |
setAdditionalName ($additionalName) | |
setAddress (Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope $address) | |
setAddressCountry ($addressCountry) | |
setAddressLocality ($addressLocality) | |
setAddressRegion ($addressRegion) | |
setAssociatedMedia ($associatedMedia) | |
setAttendeeCount ($attendeeCount) | |
setAttendees ($attendees) | |
setAudio (Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope $audio) | |
setAuthor ($author) | |
setBestRating ($bestRating) | |
setBirthDate ($birthDate) | |
setByArtist (Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope $byArtist) | |
setCaption ($caption) | |
setContentSize ($contentSize) | |
setContentUrl ($contentUrl) | |
setContributor ($contributor) | |
setDateCreated ($dateCreated) | |
setDateModified ($dateModified) | |
setDatePublished ($datePublished) | |
setDescription ($description) | |
setDuration ($duration) | |
setEmbedUrl ($embedUrl) | |
setEndDate ($endDate) | |
setFamilyName ($familyName) | |
setGender ($gender) | |
setGeo (Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope $geo) | |
setGivenName ($givenName) | |
setHeight ($height) | |
setId ($id) | |
setImage ($image) | |
setInAlbum (Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope $inAlbum) | |
setKind ($kind) | |
setLatitude ($latitude) | |
setLocation (Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope $location) | |
setLongitude ($longitude) | |
setName ($name) | |
setPartOfTVSeries (Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope $partOfTVSeries) | |
setPerformers ($performers) | |
setPlayerType ($playerType) | |
setPostalCode ($postalCode) | |
setPostOfficeBoxNumber ($postOfficeBoxNumber) | |
setRatingValue ($ratingValue) | |
setReviewRating (Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope $reviewRating) | |
setStartDate ($startDate) | |
setStreetAddress ($streetAddress) | |
setText ($text) | |
setThumbnail (Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope $thumbnail) | |
setThumbnailUrl ($thumbnailUrl) | |
setTickerSymbol ($tickerSymbol) | |
setType ($type) | |
setUrl ($url) | |
setWidth ($width) | |
setWorstRating ($worstRating) | |
toSimpleObject () | |
Create a simplified object suitable for straightforward conversion to JSON. | |
valid () | |
Public Attributes | |
$additionalName | |
$addressCountry | |
$addressLocality | |
$addressRegion | |
$attendeeCount | |
$bestRating | |
$birthDate | |
$caption | |
$contentSize | |
$contentUrl | |
$dateCreated | |
$dateModified | |
$datePublished | |
$description | |
$duration | |
$embedUrl | |
$endDate | |
$familyName | |
$gender | |
$givenName | |
$height | |
$id | |
$image | |
$kind | |
$latitude | |
$longitude | |
$name | |
$playerType | |
$postalCode | |
$postOfficeBoxNumber | |
$ratingValue | |
$startDate | |
$streetAddress | |
$text | |
$thumbnailUrl | |
$tickerSymbol | |
$type | |
$url | |
$width | |
$worstRating | |
const | NULL_VALUE = "{}gapi-php-null" |
If you need to specify a NULL JSON value, use Google_Model\NULL_VALUE instead - it will be replaced when converting to JSON with a real null. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
dataType ($key) | |
gapiInit () | |
Blank initialiser to be used in subclasses to do post-construction initialisation - this avoids the need for subclasses to have to implement the variadics handling in their constructors. | |
isAssociativeArray ($array) | |
Returns true only if the array is associative. | |
keyType ($key) | |
mapTypes ($array) | |
Initialize this object's properties from an array. | |
Protected Attributes | |
$aboutDataType = '' | |
$aboutType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
$addressDataType = '' | |
$addressType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
$associatedMediaDataType = 'array' | |
$associatedMediaType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
$attendeesDataType = 'array' | |
$attendeesType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
$audioDataType = '' | |
$audioType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
$authorDataType = 'array' | |
$authorType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
$byArtistDataType = '' | |
$byArtistType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
$collection_key = 'performers' | |
$contributorDataType = 'array' | |
$contributorType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
$geoDataType = '' | |
$geoType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
$inAlbumDataType = '' | |
$inAlbumType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
$internal_gapi_mappings | |
$locationDataType = '' | |
$locationType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
$modelData = array() | |
$partOfTVSeriesDataType = '' | |
$partOfTVSeriesType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
$performersDataType = 'array' | |
$performersType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
$processed = array() | |
$reviewRatingDataType = '' | |
$reviewRatingType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
$thumbnailDataType = '' | |
$thumbnailType = 'Google_Service_Plus_ItemScope' | |
inherited |
Getter that handles passthrough access to the data array, and lazy object creation.
string | $key | Property name. |
mixed | The value if any, or null. |
inherited |
Verify if $obj is an array.
Google_Exception | Thrown if $obj isn't an array. |
array | $obj | Items that should be validated. |
string | $method | Method expecting an array as an argument. |
protectedinherited |
Blank initialiser to be used in subclasses to do post-construction initialisation - this avoids the need for subclasses to have to implement the variadics handling in their constructors.
Reimplemented in Google_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonGeometryCollection, Google_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonLineString, Google_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonMultiLineString, Google_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonMultiPoint, Google_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonMultiPolygon, Google_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonPoint, Google_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonPolygon, Google_Service_MapsEngine_MapFolder, Google_Service_MapsEngine_MapKmlLink, and Google_Service_MapsEngine_MapLayer.
protectedinherited |
Returns true only if the array is associative.
array | $array |
bool | True if the array is associative. |
protectedinherited |
Initialize this object's properties from an array.
array | $array | Used to seed this object's properties. |
void |
inherited |
Reimplemented from Google_Model.
inherited |
Reimplemented from Google_Model.
inherited |
Reimplemented from Google_Model.
inherited |
Reimplemented from Google_Model.
inherited |
Create a simplified object suitable for straightforward conversion to JSON.
This is relatively expensive due to the usage of reflection, but shouldn't be called a whole lot, and is the most straightforward way to filter.
protected |