Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
MoodleQuickForm_editor Class Reference

Editor element. More...

Inheritance diagram for MoodleQuickForm_editor:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($elementName=null, $elementLabel=null, $attributes=null, $options=null)
 export_for_template (renderer_base $output)
 Function to export the renderer data in a format that is suitable for a mustache template.
 get_text ()
 Returns editor text content.
 getAreamaxbytes ()
 Returns the maximum size of the area.
 getElementTemplateType ()
 Returns type of editor element.
 getFormat ()
 Returns editor format.
 getFrozenHtml ()
 Returns the formatted value.
 getHelpButton ()
 Returns html for help button.
 getMaxbytes ()
 Returns maximum file size which can be uploaded.
 getMaxfiles ()
 Returns maximum number of files which can be uploaded.
 getName ()
 Returns name of element.
 getSubdirs ()
 Returns true if subdirectoy can be created, else false.
 getValue ()
 Returns editor values.
 isRequired ()
 Checks if editor used is a required field.
 MoodleQuickForm_editor ($elementName=null, $elementLabel=null, $attributes=null, $options=null)
 Old syntax of class constructor.
 onQuickFormEvent ($event, $arg, &$caller)
 Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element.
 setAreamaxbytes ($areamaxbytes)
 Sets the maximum size of the area.
 setHelpButton ($_helpbuttonargs, $function='_helpbutton')
 setHiddenLabel ($hiddenLabel)
 Sets label to be hidden.
 setMaxbytes ($maxbytes)
 Sets maximum file size which can be uploaded.
 setMaxfiles ($num)
 Sets maximum number of files which can be uploaded.
 setName ($name)
 Sets name of editor.
 setSubdirs ($allow)
 Set option to create sub directory, while uploading file.
 setValue ($values)
 Updates editor values, if part of $_values.
 toHtml ()
 Returns HTML for editor form element.

Public Attributes

string $_helpbutton = ''
 html for help button, if empty then no help will icon will be dispalyed.
string $_type = 'editor'
 defines the type of editor

Protected Attributes

bool $_hiddenLabel = false
 if true label will be hidden
array $_options
 options provided to initalize filepicker
array $_values = array('text'=>null, 'format'=>null, 'itemid'=>null)
 values for editor

Detailed Description

Editor element.

It creates preffered editor (textbox/Tiny) form element for the format (Text/HTML) selected.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

MDL-29421 element Freezing

MDL-29426 ajax format conversion

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::__construct ( $elementName = null,
$elementLabel = null,
$attributes = null,
$options = null )


string$elementName(optional) name of the editor
string$elementLabel(optional) editor label
array$attributes(optional) Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array
array$optionsset of options to initalize filepicker

Member Function Documentation

◆ export_for_template()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::export_for_template ( renderer_base $output)

Function to export the renderer data in a format that is suitable for a mustache template.

This means:

  1. No complex types - only stdClass, array, int, string, float, bool
  2. Any additional info that is required for the template is pre-calculated (e.g. capability checks).
renderer_base$outputUsed to do a final render of any components that need to be rendered for export.
Return values

Implements templatable.

◆ get_text()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::get_text ( )

Returns editor text content.

Return values
stringText content

◆ getAreamaxbytes()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::getAreamaxbytes ( )

Returns the maximum size of the area.

Return values

◆ getElementTemplateType()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::getElementTemplateType ( )

Returns type of editor element.

Return values

◆ getFormat()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::getFormat ( )

Returns editor format.

Return values

◆ getFrozenHtml()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::getFrozenHtml ( )

Returns the formatted value.

The return from parent class is not acceptable.

Return values

◆ getHelpButton()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::getHelpButton ( )

Returns html for help button.

Return values
stringhtml for help button

◆ getMaxbytes()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::getMaxbytes ( )

Returns maximum file size which can be uploaded.

Return values

◆ getMaxfiles()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::getMaxfiles ( )

Returns maximum number of files which can be uploaded.

Return values

◆ getName()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::getName ( )

Returns name of element.

Return values

◆ getSubdirs()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::getSubdirs ( )

Returns true if subdirectoy can be created, else false.

Return values

◆ getValue()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::getValue ( )

Returns editor values.

Return values

◆ isRequired()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::isRequired ( )

Checks if editor used is a required field.

Return values
booltrue if required field.

◆ MoodleQuickForm_editor()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::MoodleQuickForm_editor ( $elementName = null,
$elementLabel = null,
$attributes = null,
$options = null )

Old syntax of class constructor.

Deprecated in PHP7.

since Moodle 3.1

◆ onQuickFormEvent()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::onQuickFormEvent ( $event,
& $caller )

Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element.

string$eventName of event
mixed$argevent arguments
object$callercalling object
Return values

◆ setAreamaxbytes()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::setAreamaxbytes ( $areamaxbytes)

Sets the maximum size of the area.

int$areamaxbytessize limit

◆ setHelpButton()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::setHelpButton ( $_helpbuttonargs,
$function = '_helpbutton' )
since Moodle 2.0

◆ setHiddenLabel()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::setHiddenLabel ( $hiddenLabel)

Sets label to be hidden.

bool$hiddenLabelWhether the label should be hidden or not.
Return values

◆ setMaxbytes()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::setMaxbytes ( $maxbytes)

Sets maximum file size which can be uploaded.

int$maxbytesfile size

◆ setMaxfiles()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::setMaxfiles ( $num)

Sets maximum number of files which can be uploaded.

int$numnumber of files

◆ setName()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::setName ( $name)

Sets name of editor.

string$namename of the editor

◆ setSubdirs()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::setSubdirs ( $allow)

Set option to create sub directory, while uploading file.

bool$allowtrue if sub directory can be created.

◆ setValue()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::setValue ( $values)

Updates editor values, if part of $_values.

array$valuesassociative array of values to set

◆ toHtml()

MoodleQuickForm_editor::toHtml ( )

Returns HTML for editor form element.

Return values

Member Data Documentation

◆ $_options

array MoodleQuickForm_editor::$_options
Initial value:
= array('subdirs' => 0, 'maxbytes' => 0, 'maxfiles' => 0, 'changeformat' => 0,
'areamaxbytes' => FILE_AREA_MAX_BYTES_UNLIMITED, 'context' => null, 'noclean' => 0, 'trusttext' => 0,
'return_types' => 15, 'enable_filemanagement' => true, 'removeorphaneddrafts' => false, 'autosave' => true)
Unlimited area size constant.
Definition filelib.php:41

options provided to initalize filepicker

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