Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
core\message\inbound\handler Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for core\message\inbound\handler:
core\message\inbound\private_files_handler mod_forum\message\inbound\reply_handler tool_messageinbound\message\inbound\invalid_recipient_handler

Public Member Functions

 __get ($key)
 Magic getter to fetch the specified key.
 can_change_defaultexpiration ()
 Whether the current handler allows changes to expiry of the generated email address.
 can_change_enabled ()
 Whether this handler can be disabled (or enabled).
 can_change_validateaddress ()
 Whether the current handler allows changes to the address validation setting.
 get_success_message (\stdClass $messagedata, $handlerresult)
 Return the content of any success notification to be sent.
 process_message (\stdClass $record, stdClass $messagedata)
 Process the message against the current handler.
 set_component ($component)
 Set the component name.
 set_defaultexpiration ($period)
 Set the default validity for new keys.
 set_enabled ($enabled)
 Set the enabled name.
 set_id ($id)
 Set the id name.
 set_validateaddress ($validateaddress)
 Set whether validation of the address is required.

Protected Member Functions

 get_description ()
 Return a description for the current handler.
 get_name ()
 Return a name for the current handler.

Static Protected Member Functions

static remove_quoted_text ($messagedata)
 Remove quoted message string from the text (NOT HTML) message.

Member Function Documentation

◆ __get()

core\message\inbound\handler::__get ( $key)

Magic getter to fetch the specified key.

string$keyThe name of the key to retrieve

◆ can_change_defaultexpiration()

core\message\inbound\handler::can_change_defaultexpiration ( )

Whether the current handler allows changes to expiry of the generated email address.

By default this will return true, but for some handlers it may be necessary to disallow such changes.

Return values

Reimplemented in core\message\inbound\private_files_handler.

◆ can_change_enabled()

core\message\inbound\handler::can_change_enabled ( )

Whether this handler can be disabled (or enabled).

By default this will return true, but for some handlers it may be necessary to disallow such changes. For example, a core handler to handle rejected mail validation should not be disabled.

Return values

◆ can_change_validateaddress()

core\message\inbound\handler::can_change_validateaddress ( )

Whether the current handler allows changes to the address validation setting.

By default this will return true, but for some handlers it may be necessary to disallow such changes.

Return values

Reimplemented in tool_messageinbound\message\inbound\invalid_recipient_handler.

◆ get_description()

core\message\inbound\handler::get_description ( )

Return a description for the current handler.

Return values

Reimplemented in core\message\inbound\private_files_handler, mod_forum\message\inbound\reply_handler, and tool_messageinbound\message\inbound\invalid_recipient_handler.

◆ get_name()

core\message\inbound\handler::get_name ( )

Return a name for the current handler.

This appears in the admin pages as a human-readable name.

Return values

Reimplemented in core\message\inbound\private_files_handler, mod_forum\message\inbound\reply_handler, and tool_messageinbound\message\inbound\invalid_recipient_handler.

◆ get_success_message()

core\message\inbound\handler::get_success_message ( \stdClass $messagedata,
$handlerresult )

Return the content of any success notification to be sent.

Both an HTML and Plain Text variant must be provided.

If this handler does not need to send a success notification, then it should return a falsey value.

stdClass$messagedataThe message data.
stdClass$handlerresultThe record for the newly created post.
Return values
stdClasswith keys html and plain.

Reimplemented in mod_forum\message\inbound\reply_handler.

◆ process_message()

core\message\inbound\handler::process_message ( \stdClass $record,
stdClass $messagedata )

Process the message against the current handler.

stdClass$recordThe Inbound Message Handler record
stdClass$messagedataThe message data

Reimplemented in core\message\inbound\private_files_handler, mod_forum\message\inbound\reply_handler, and tool_messageinbound\message\inbound\invalid_recipient_handler.

◆ remove_quoted_text()

static core\message\inbound\handler::remove_quoted_text ( $messagedata)

Remove quoted message string from the text (NOT HTML) message.

stdClass$messagedataThe Inbound Message record
Return values
arraymessage and message format to use.

◆ set_component()

core\message\inbound\handler::set_component ( $component)

Set the component name.

string$componentThe component to set
Return values
stringThe newly set component

◆ set_defaultexpiration()

core\message\inbound\handler::set_defaultexpiration ( $period)

Set the default validity for new keys.

int$periodThe time in seconds before a key expires
Return values

◆ set_enabled()

core\message\inbound\handler::set_enabled ( $enabled)

Set the enabled name.

bool$enabledThe new state of enabled
Return values

◆ set_id()

core\message\inbound\handler::set_id ( $id)

Set the id name.

int$idThe id to set
Return values
intThe newly set id

◆ set_validateaddress()

core\message\inbound\handler::set_validateaddress ( $validateaddress)

Set whether validation of the address is required.

bool$validateaddressThe new state of validateaddress
Return values

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