Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
core_user\table\participants_search Class Reference

Class used to fetch participants based on a filterset. More...

Public Member Functions

 __construct (stdClass $course, context $context, filterset $filterset)
 Class constructor.
 get_participants (string $additionalwhere='', array $additionalparams=[], string $sort='', int $limitfrom=0, int $limitnum=0)
 Fetch participants matching the filterset.
 get_total_participants_count (string $additionalwhere='', array $additionalparams=[])
 Returns the total number of participants for a given course.

Protected Member Functions

 get_country_sql ()
 Prepare SQL where clause and associated parameters for country filtering.
 get_enrol_method_sql ($useridcolumn)
 Prepare the enrolment methods filter SQL content.
 get_enrolled_sql ()
 Prepare SQL and associated parameters for users enrolled in the course.
 get_groups_jointype (?int $forcedjointype=null)
 Fetch the groups filter's grouplib jointype, based on its filterset jointype.
 get_keywords_search_sql (array $mappings)
 Prepare SQL where clause and associated parameters for any keyword searches being performed.
 get_participants_sql (string $additionalwhere, array $additionalparams)
 Generate the SQL used to fetch filtered data for the participants table.
 get_roles_sql ()
 Prepare SQL where clause and associated parameters for any roles filtering being performed.
 get_status_sql ($filteruidcolumn, $forceduidcolumn, $forcedprefix)
 Prepare the status filter SQL content.

Protected Attributes

context_course $context
 $context The course context being searched.
stdClass $course
 $course The course being searched.
filterset $filterset
 $filterset The filterset describing which participants to include in the search.
string[] $userfields
 $userfields Names of any extra user fields to be shown when listing users.

Detailed Description

Class used to fetch participants based on a filterset.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

core_user\table\participants_search::__construct ( stdClass $course,
context $context,
filterset $filterset )

Class constructor.

stdClass$courseThe course being searched.
context$contextThe context of the search.
filterset$filtersetThe filterset used to filter the participants in a course.

Member Function Documentation

◆ get_country_sql()

core_user\table\participants_search::get_country_sql ( )

Prepare SQL where clause and associated parameters for country filtering.

Return values
arraySQL query data in the format ['where' => '', 'params' => []].

◆ get_enrol_method_sql()

core_user\table\participants_search::get_enrol_method_sql ( $useridcolumn)

Prepare the enrolment methods filter SQL content.

string$useridcolumnUser ID column used in the calling query, e.g.
Return values
arraySQL query data in the format ['joins' => [], 'where' => '', 'params' => []].

◆ get_enrolled_sql()

core_user\table\participants_search::get_enrolled_sql ( )

Prepare SQL and associated parameters for users enrolled in the course.

Return values
arraySQL query data in the format ['sql' => '', 'forcedsql' => '', 'params' => []].

◆ get_groups_jointype()

core_user\table\participants_search::get_groups_jointype ( ?int $forcedjointype = null)

Fetch the groups filter's grouplib jointype, based on its filterset jointype.

This mapping is to ensure compatibility between the two, should their values ever differ.

int | null$forcedjointypeIf set, specifies the join type to fetch mapping for (used when applying forced filtering). If null, then user defined filter join type is used.
Return values

◆ get_keywords_search_sql()

core_user\table\participants_search::get_keywords_search_sql ( array $mappings)

Prepare SQL where clause and associated parameters for any keyword searches being performed.

array$mappingsArray of field mappings (fieldname => SQL code for the value)
Return values
arraySQL query data in the format ['where' => '', 'params' => []].

◆ get_participants()

core_user\table\participants_search::get_participants ( string $additionalwhere = '',
array $additionalparams = [],
string $sort = '',
int $limitfrom = 0,
int $limitnum = 0 )

Fetch participants matching the filterset.

string$additionalwhereAny additional SQL to add to where.
array$additionalparamsThe additional params used by $additionalwhere.
string$sortOptional SQL sort.
int$limitfromReturn a subset of records, starting at this point (optional).
int$limitnumReturn a subset comprising this many records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set).
Return values

◆ get_participants_sql()

core_user\table\participants_search::get_participants_sql ( string $additionalwhere,
array $additionalparams )

Generate the SQL used to fetch filtered data for the participants table.

string$additionalwhereAny additional SQL to add to where
array$additionalparamsThe additional params
Return values

◆ get_roles_sql()

core_user\table\participants_search::get_roles_sql ( )

Prepare SQL where clause and associated parameters for any roles filtering being performed.

Return values
arraySQL query data in the format ['where' => '', 'params' => []].

◆ get_status_sql()

core_user\table\participants_search::get_status_sql ( $filteruidcolumn,
$forcedprefix )

Prepare the status filter SQL content.

Note: Users who cannot view suspended users will always have their results filtered to only show active participants.

string$filteruidcolumnUser ID column used in the calling query, e.g.
string$forceduidcolumnUser ID column used in any forced query, e.g.
string$forcedprefixThe prefix to use if forced filtering is required
Return values
arraySQL query data in the format ['joins' => [], 'where' => '', 'params' => [], 'forcestatus' => true]

◆ get_total_participants_count()

core_user\table\participants_search::get_total_participants_count ( string $additionalwhere = '',
array $additionalparams = [] )

Returns the total number of participants for a given course.

string$additionalwhereAny additional SQL to add to where.
array$additionalparamsThe additional params used by $additionalwhere.
Return values

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