Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
base_processor_exception Class Reference

base_processor abstract exception class More...

Inheritance diagram for base_processor_exception:
moodle_exception Exception backup_processor_exception

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($errorcode, $a=null, $debuginfo=null)
 Constructor - instantiates one base_processor_exception.

Public Attributes

mixed $a
 Extra words and phrases that might be required in the error string.
string $debuginfo
 Optional information to aid the debugging process.
string $errorcode
 The name of the string from error.php to print.
string $link
 The url where the user will be prompted to continue.
string $module
 The name of module.

Detailed Description

base_processor abstract exception class

This exceptions will be used by all the processor classes in order to detect any problem or miss-configuration

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

base_processor_exception::__construct ( $errorcode,
$a = null,
$debuginfo = null )

Constructor - instantiates one base_processor_exception.

string$errorcodekey for the corresponding error string
object$aextra words and phrases that might be required in the error string
string$debuginfooptional debugging information

Reimplemented in backup_processor_exception.

Member Data Documentation

◆ $link

string moodle_exception::$link

The url where the user will be prompted to continue.

If no url is provided the user will be directed to the site index page.

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