Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
behat_qtype_gapselect Class Reference

Steps definitions related with for the select missing words question type. More...

Inheritance diagram for behat_qtype_gapselect:
behat_base behat_session_interface

Public Member Functions

 getSession ($name=null)
 Returns the Mink session.
 i_set_space_to_in_the_select_missing_words_question ($spacenumber, $value)
 Drag the drag item with the given text to the given space.

Public Attributes

 The JS code to check that the page is ready.

Protected Member Functions

 space_xpath ($spacenumber)
 Get the xpath for a given missing word.

Detailed Description

Steps definitions related with for the select missing words question type.

License GNU GPL v3 or later
License GNU GPL v3 or later

Member Function Documentation

◆ getSession()

behat_session_interface::getSession ( $name = null)

Returns the Mink session.

string | null$namename of the session OR active session will be used
Return values

Implemented in behat_form_field.

◆ i_set_space_to_in_the_select_missing_words_question()

behat_qtype_gapselect::i_set_space_to_in_the_select_missing_words_question ( $spacenumber,
$value )

Drag the drag item with the given text to the given space.

int$spacenumberthe number of the gap to drop into.
string$valuethe text of the response to select.

@Given /^I set space "(?P<space_number>::d+)" to "(?P<value>[^"]*)" in the select missing words question$/

◆ space_xpath()

behat_qtype_gapselect::space_xpath ( $spacenumber)

Get the xpath for a given missing word.

string$spacenumberthe number of select menu.
Return values
stringthe xpath expression.

Member Data Documentation


const behat_session_interface::PAGE_READY_JS
Initial value:
= "document.readyState === 'complete' && " .
"(typeof M !== 'object' || typeof M.util !== 'object' || " .
"typeof M.util.pending_js === 'undefined' || M.util.pending_js.length === 0)"

The JS code to check that the page is ready.

The document must be complete and either M.util.pending_js must be empty, or it must not be defined at all.

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