Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
tool_generator_site_backend Class Reference

Backend code for the site generator. More...

Inheritance diagram for tool_generator_site_backend:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($size, $bypasscheck, $fixeddataset=false, $filesizelimit=false, $progress=true)
 Constructs object ready to make the site.
 dot (int $number, int $total)
 Outputs dots.
 end_log ()
 Ends a log string that was started using log function with $leaveopen.
 log (string $langstring, $a=null, bool $leaveopen=false, string $module='tool_generator')
 Displays information as part of progress.
 make ()
 Runs the entire 'make' process.

Static Public Member Functions

static get_size_choices ()
 Gets a list of size choices supported by this backend.
static size_for_name ($sizename)
 Converts a size name into the numeric constant.

Public Attributes

int const DEFAULT_SIZE = 3
 Default size index.
int const MAX_SIZE = 5
 Highest (largest) size index.
int const MIN_SIZE = 0
 Lowest (smallest) size index.
string const SHORTNAMEPREFIX = 'testcourse_'
 The course's shortname prefix.

Protected Member Functions

 run_create_course ($shortname, $coursesize)
 Creates a course with the specified shortname, coursesize and the provided maketestsite options.

Static Protected Member Functions

static get_last_testcourse_id ()
 Obtains the last unique sufix (numeric) using the test course prefix.

Protected Attributes

bool $bypasscheck
 If the debugging level checking was skipped.
int bool $filesizelimit
 Maximum number of bytes for file.
bool $fixeddataset
 True if we want a fixed dataset or false to generate random data.
int $lastdot
 Epoch time at which last dot was displayed.
int $lastpercentage
 Epoch time at which last percentage was displayed.
bool $progress
 True if displaying progress.
int $size
 Size code (index in the above arrays)
int $starttime
 Epoch time at which current step (current set of dots) started.

Static Protected Attributes

static array $sitecourses
 Multidimensional array where the first level is the course size and the second the site size.

Detailed Description

Backend code for the site generator.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

tool_generator_site_backend::__construct ( $size,
$fixeddataset = false,
$filesizelimit = false,
$progress = true )

Constructs object ready to make the site.

int$sizeSize as numeric index
bool$bypasscheckIf debugging level checking was skipped.
bool$fixeddatasetTo use fixed or random data
int | bool$filesizelimitThe max number of bytes for a generated file
bool$progressTrue if progress information should be displayed
Return values
intCourse id

Member Function Documentation

◆ dot()

tool_generator_backend::dot ( int $number,
int $total )

Outputs dots.

There is up to one dot per second. Once a minute, it displays a percentage.

int$numberNumber of completed items
int$totalTotal number of items to complete

◆ get_last_testcourse_id()

static tool_generator_site_backend::get_last_testcourse_id ( )

Obtains the last unique sufix (numeric) using the test course prefix.

Return values
intThe last generated numeric value.

◆ get_size_choices()

static tool_generator_site_backend::get_size_choices ( )

Gets a list of size choices supported by this backend.

Return values
arrayList of size (int) => text description for display

◆ log()

tool_generator_backend::log ( string $langstring,
$a = null,
bool $leaveopen = false,
string $module = 'tool_generator' )

Displays information as part of progress.

string$langstringPart of langstring (after progress_)
mixed$aOptional lang string parameters
bool$leaveopenIf true, doesn't close LI tag (ready for dots)
string$modulemodule for language string

◆ make()

tool_generator_site_backend::make ( )

Runs the entire 'make' process.

Return values
intCourse id

◆ run_create_course()

tool_generator_site_backend::run_create_course ( $shortname,
$coursesize )

Creates a course with the specified shortname, coursesize and the provided maketestsite options.

string$shortnameThe course shortname
int$coursesizeOne of the possible course sizes.
Return values

◆ size_for_name()

static tool_generator_backend::size_for_name ( $sizename)

Converts a size name into the numeric constant.

string$sizenameSize name e.g. 'L'
Return values
intNumeric version
coding_exceptionIf the size name is not known

Member Data Documentation

◆ $sitecourses

array tool_generator_site_backend::$sitecourses
Initial value:
= array(
array(2, 8, 64, 256, 1024, 4096),
array(1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64),
array(0, 0, 1, 4, 8, 16),
array(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
array(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0),
array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)

Multidimensional array where the first level is the course size and the second the site size.

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