Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
workshop_assessment Class Reference

Represents a rendarable full assessment. More...

Inheritance diagram for workshop_assessment:
workshop_assessment_base renderable workshop_example_assessment workshop_example_reference_assessment

Public Member Functions

 add_action (moodle_url $url, $label, $method='get')
 Adds a new action.
 get_overall_feedback_attachments ()
 Prepares the list of overall feedback attachments.
 get_overall_feedback_content ()
 Format the overall feedback text content.

Public Attributes

array $actions = array()
 of actions
stdClass null $author = null
 assessed submission's author user info
string $feedbackauthor
int $feedbackauthorattachment
int $feedbackauthorformat
workshop_assessment_form $form
 $form as returned by workshop_strategy::get_assessment_form()
float $grade
float $gradinggrade
float $gradinggradeover
int $id
float $maxgrade
 the real maximum grade
float null $realgrade = null
 the real received grade
stdClass null $reviewer = null
 reviewer user info
int $submissionid
int $timecreated
int $timemodified
string $title = ''
 the optional title of the assessment
moodle_url $url
int $weight
workshop $workshop

Protected Member Functions

 validate_raw_record (stdClass $record)
 Makes sure that we can cook the renderable component from the passed raw database record.

Protected Attributes

array $fields

Detailed Description

Represents a rendarable full assessment.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_action()

workshop_assessment_base::add_action ( moodle_url $url,
$method = 'get' )

Adds a new action.

moodle_url$urlaction URL
string$labelaction label

◆ get_overall_feedback_attachments()

workshop_assessment::get_overall_feedback_attachments ( )

Prepares the list of overall feedback attachments.

Returns false if overall feedback attachments are not allowed. Otherwise returns list of attachments (may be empty).

Return values
bool|arrayof stdClass

◆ get_overall_feedback_content()

workshop_assessment::get_overall_feedback_content ( )

Format the overall feedback text content.

False is returned if the overall feedback feature is disabled. Null is returned if the overall feedback content has not been found. Otherwise, string with formatted feedback text is returned.

Return values

◆ validate_raw_record()

workshop_assessment_base::validate_raw_record ( stdClass $record)

Makes sure that we can cook the renderable component from the passed raw database record.

stdClass$assessmentfull assessment record
coding_exceptionif the caller passed unexpected data

Reimplemented in workshop_example_assessment, and workshop_example_reference_assessment.

Member Data Documentation

◆ $fields

array workshop_assessment::$fields
Initial value:
= array('id', 'submissionid', 'weight', 'timecreated',
'timemodified', 'grade', 'gradinggrade', 'gradinggradeover', 'feedbackauthor',
'feedbackauthorformat', 'feedbackauthorattachment')

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