Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
core_xapi\external\delete_state Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for core_xapi\external\delete_state:

Static Public Member Functions

static execute (string $component, string $activityiri, string $agent, string $stateid, ?string $registration=null)
 Process a state delete request.
static execute_parameters ()
 Parameters for execute.
static execute_returns ()
 Return for execute.

Member Function Documentation

◆ execute()

static core_xapi\external\delete_state::execute ( string $component,
string $activityiri,
string $agent,
string $stateid,
?string $registration = null )

Process a state delete request.

string$componentThe component name in frankenstyle.
string$activityiriThe activity IRI.
string$agentThe agent JSON.
string$stateidThe xAPI state id.
string | null$registrationThe xAPI registration UUID.
Return values
boolWhether the state has been removed or not.

◆ execute_parameters()

static core_xapi\external\delete_state::execute_parameters ( )

Parameters for execute.

Return values

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