Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
core_comment\privacy\provider Class Reference

Privacy class for requesting user data. More...

Inheritance diagram for core_comment\privacy\provider:
core_privacy\local\metadata\provider core_privacy\local\request\subsystem\plugin_provider core_privacy\local\request\shared_userlist_provider core_privacy\local\request\shared_data_provider core_privacy\local\request\userlist_provider core_privacy\local\request\data_provider

Static Public Member Functions

static delete_comments_for_all_users (\context $context, string $component, string $commentarea=null, int $itemid=null)
 Deletes all comments for a specified context, component, and commentarea.
static delete_comments_for_all_users_select (\context $context, string $component, string $commentarea, $itemidstest, $params=[])
 Deletes all comments for a specified context, component, and commentarea.
static delete_comments_for_user (\core_privacy\local\request\approved_contextlist $contextlist, string $component, string $commentarea=null, int $itemid=null)
 Deletes all records for a user from a list of approved contexts.
static delete_comments_for_users (\core_privacy\local\request\approved_userlist $userlist, string $component, string $commentarea=null, int $itemid=null)
 Deletes all records for a context from a list of approved users.
static export_comments (\context $context, string $component, string $commentarea, int $itemid, array $subcontext, bool $onlyforthisuser=true)
 Writes user data to the writer for the user to download.
static get_metadata (collection $collection)
 Returns meta data about this system.
static get_users_in_context_from_sql (userlist $userlist, string $alias, string $component, string $area, int $contextid=null, string $insql='', array $params=[])
 Add the list of users who have commented in the specified constraints.

Detailed Description

Privacy class for requesting user data.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Member Function Documentation

◆ delete_comments_for_all_users()

static core_comment\privacy\provider::delete_comments_for_all_users ( \context $context,
string $component,
string $commentarea = null,
int $itemid = null )

Deletes all comments for a specified context, component, and commentarea.

context$contextDetails about which context to delete comments for.
string$componentComponent to delete.
string$commentareaComment area to delete.
int$itemidThe item ID for use with deletion.

◆ delete_comments_for_all_users_select()

static core_comment\privacy\provider::delete_comments_for_all_users_select ( \context $context,
string $component,
string $commentarea,
$params = [] )

Deletes all comments for a specified context, component, and commentarea.

context$contextDetails about which context to delete comments for.
string$componentComponent to delete.
string$commentareaComment area to delete.
string$itemidstestan SQL fragment that the itemid must match. Used in the query like WHERE itemid $itemidstest. Must use named parameters, and may not use named parameters called contextid, component or commentarea.
array$paramsany query params used by $itemidstest.

◆ delete_comments_for_user()

static core_comment\privacy\provider::delete_comments_for_user ( \core_privacy\local\request\approved_contextlist $contextlist,
string $component,
string $commentarea = null,
int $itemid = null )

Deletes all records for a user from a list of approved contexts.

core_privacy\local\request\approved_contextlist$contextlistContains the user ID and a list of contexts to be deleted from.
string$componentComponent to delete from.
string$commentareaArea to delete from.
int$itemidThe item id to delete from.

◆ delete_comments_for_users()

static core_comment\privacy\provider::delete_comments_for_users ( \core_privacy\local\request\approved_userlist $userlist,
string $component,
string $commentarea = null,
int $itemid = null )

Deletes all records for a context from a list of approved users.

core_privacy\local\request\approved_userlist$userlistContains the list of users and a context to be deleted from.
string$componentComponent to delete from.
string$commentareaArea to delete from.
int$itemidThe item id to delete from.

◆ export_comments()

static core_comment\privacy\provider::export_comments ( \context $context,
string $component,
string $commentarea,
int $itemid,
array $subcontext,
bool $onlyforthisuser = true )

Writes user data to the writer for the user to download.

context$contextThe context to export data for.
string$componentThe component that is calling this function
string$commentareaThe comment area related to the component
int$itemidAn identifier for a group of comments
array$subcontextThe sub-context in which to export this data
bool$onlyforthisuserOnly return the comments this user made.

◆ get_metadata()

static core_comment\privacy\provider::get_metadata ( collection $collection)

Returns meta data about this system.

collection$collectionThe initialised collection to add items to.
Return values
collectionA listing of user data stored through this system.

Implements core_privacy\local\metadata\provider.

◆ get_users_in_context_from_sql()

static core_comment\privacy\provider::get_users_in_context_from_sql ( userlist $userlist,
string $alias,
string $component,
string $area,
int $contextid = null,
string $insql = '',
array $params = [] )

Add the list of users who have commented in the specified constraints.

userlist$userlistThe userlist to add the users to.
string$aliasAn alias prefix to use for comment selects to avoid interference with your own sql.
string$componentThe component to check.
string$areaThe comment area to check.
int$contextidThe context id.
string$insqlThe SQL to use in a sub-select for the itemid query.
array$paramsThe params required for the insql.

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