Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
zip_packer Class Reference

Utility class - handles all zipping and unzipping operations. More...

Inheritance diagram for zip_packer:

Public Member Functions

 archive_to_pathname (array $files, $archivefile, $ignoreinvalidfiles=true, file_progress $progress=null)
 Zip files and store the result in os file.
 archive_to_storage (array $files, $contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename, $userid=NULL, $ignoreinvalidfiles=true, file_progress $progress=null)
 Zip files and store the result in file storage.
 extract_to_pathname ($archivefile, $pathname, array $onlyfiles=null, file_progress $progress=null, $returnbool=false)
 Unzip file to given file path (real OS filesystem), existing files are overwritten.
 extract_to_storage ($archivefile, $contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid, $pathbase, $userid=NULL, file_progress $progress=null)
 Unzip file to given file path (real OS filesystem), existing files are overwritten.
 list_files ($archivefile)
 Returns array of info about all files in archive.

Detailed Description

Utility class - handles all zipping and unzipping operations.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Member Function Documentation

◆ archive_to_pathname()

zip_packer::archive_to_pathname ( array $files,
$ignoreinvalidfiles = true,
file_progress $progress = null )

Zip files and store the result in os file.

array$filesarray with zip paths as keys (archivepath=>ospathname or archivepath=>stored_file or archivepath=>array('content_as_string'))
string$archivefilepath to target zip file
bool$ignoreinvalidfilestrue means ignore missing or invalid files, false means abort on any error
file_progress$progressProgress indicator callback or null if not required
Return values
booltrue if file created, false if not

Reimplemented from file_packer.

◆ archive_to_storage()

zip_packer::archive_to_storage ( array $files,
$userid = NULL,
$ignoreinvalidfiles = true,
file_progress $progress = null )

Zip files and store the result in file storage.

array$filesarray with full zip paths (including directory information) as keys (archivepath=>ospathname or archivepath/subdir=>stored_file or archivepath=>array('content_as_string'))
int$contextidcontext ID
string$fileareafile area
int$itemiditem ID
string$filepathfile path
string$filenamefile name
int$useriduser ID
bool$ignoreinvalidfilestrue means ignore missing or invalid files, false means abort on any error
file_progress$progressProgress indicator callback or null if not required
Return values
stored_file|boolfalse if error stored_file instance if ok

Reimplemented from file_packer.

◆ extract_to_pathname()

zip_packer::extract_to_pathname ( $archivefile,
array $onlyfiles = null,
file_progress $progress = null,
$returnbool = false )

Unzip file to given file path (real OS filesystem), existing files are overwritten.

MDL-31048 localise messages
string | stored_file$archivefilefull pathname of zip file or stored_file instance
string$pathnametarget directory
array$onlyfilesonly extract files present in the array. The path to files MUST NOT start with a /. Example: array('myfile.txt', 'directory/anotherfile.txt')
file_progress$progressProgress indicator callback or null if not required
bool$returnboolWhether to return a basic true/false indicating error state, or full per-file error details.
Return values
bool|arraylist of processed files; false if error

Reimplemented from file_packer.

◆ extract_to_storage()

zip_packer::extract_to_storage ( $archivefile,
$userid = NULL,
file_progress $progress = null )

Unzip file to given file path (real OS filesystem), existing files are overwritten.

MDL-31048 localise messages
string | stored_file$archivefilefull pathname of zip file or stored_file instance
int$contextidcontext ID
string$fileareafile area
int$itemiditem ID
string$pathbasefile path
int$useriduser ID
file_progress$progressProgress indicator callback or null if not required
Return values
array|boollist of processed files; false if error

Reimplemented from file_packer.

◆ list_files()

zip_packer::list_files ( $archivefile)

Returns array of info about all files in archive.

string | file_archive$archivefile
Return values
arrayof file infos

Reimplemented from file_packer.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: