Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
theme_overridden_renderer_factory Class Reference

This is renderer factory allows themes to override the standard renderers using php code. More...

Inheritance diagram for theme_overridden_renderer_factory:
renderer_factory_base renderer_factory

Public Member Functions

 __construct (theme_config $theme)
 get_renderer (moodle_page $page, $component, $subtype=null, $target=null)
 Implement the subclass method.

Protected Member Functions

 get_target_suffix ($target)
 Returns suffix of renderer class expected for given target.
 standard_renderer_classnames ($component, $subtype=null)
 For a given module name, return the possible class names that defines the renderer interface for that module.

Protected Attributes

array $prefixes = array()
 An array of renderer prefixes.
theme_config $theme
 The theme we belong to.

Detailed Description

This is renderer factory allows themes to override the standard renderers using php code.

It will load any code from theme/mytheme/renderers.php and theme/parenttheme/renderers.php, if then exist. Then whenever you ask for a renderer for 'component', it will create a mytheme_component_renderer or a parenttheme_component_renderer, instead of a component_renderer, if either of those classes exist.

License GNU GPL v3 or later
Moodle 2.0

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

theme_overridden_renderer_factory::__construct ( theme_config $theme)


theme_config$themethe theme we are rendering for.

Reimplemented from renderer_factory_base.

Member Function Documentation

◆ get_renderer()

theme_overridden_renderer_factory::get_renderer ( moodle_page $page,
$subtype = null,
$target = null )

Implement the subclass method.

moodle_page$pagethe page the renderer is outputting content for.
string$componentname such as 'core', 'mod_forum' or 'qtype_multichoice'.
string$subtypeoptional subtype such as 'news' resulting to 'mod_forum_news'
string$targetone of rendering target constants
Return values
renderer_basean object implementing the requested renderer interface.

Implements renderer_factory.

◆ get_target_suffix()

renderer_factory_base::get_target_suffix ( $target)

Returns suffix of renderer class expected for given target.

string$targetone of the renderer target constants, target is guessed if null used
Return values
arraytwo element array, first element is target, second the target suffix string

◆ standard_renderer_classnames()

renderer_factory_base::standard_renderer_classnames ( $component,
$subtype = null )

For a given module name, return the possible class names that defines the renderer interface for that module.

Newer auto-loaded class names are returned as well as the old style _renderable classnames.

Also, if it exists, include the renderer.php file for that module, so the class definition of the default renderer has been loaded.

string$componentname such as 'core', 'mod_forum' or 'qtype_multichoice'.
string$subtypeoptional subtype such as 'news' resulting to: 'mod_forum\output\news_renderer' or 'mod_forum\output\news\renderer' or non-autoloaded 'mod_forum_news'
Return values
array[]Each element of the array is an array with keys: classname - The class name to search autoloaded - Does this classname assume autoloading? validwithprefix - Is this class name valid when a prefix is added to it? validwithoutprefix - Is this class name valid when no prefix is added to it?

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