class | action_link |
| Data structure describing html link with special action attached. More...
class | action_menu |
| An action menu. More...
class | action_menu_filler |
| An action menu filler. More...
class | action_menu_link |
| An action menu action. More...
class | action_menu_link_primary |
| A primary action menu action. More...
class | action_menu_link_secondary |
| A secondary action menu action. More...
class | admin_category |
| The object used to represent folders (a.k.a. More...
class | admin_externalpage |
| Links external PHP pages into the admin tree. More...
class | admin_page_manageblocks |
| Blocks manage page. More...
class | admin_page_managefilters |
| Special class for filter administration. More...
class | admin_page_managemessageoutputs |
| Message outputs configuration. More...
class | admin_page_managemods |
| Module manage page. More...
class | admin_page_manageportfolios |
class | admin_page_manageqbehaviours |
| Manage question behaviours page. More...
class | admin_page_manageqtypes |
| Question type manage page. More...
class | admin_page_managerepositories |
class | admin_page_pluginsoverview |
| General plugins manager. More...
class | admin_root |
| Root of admin settings tree, does not have any parent. More...
class | admin_setting |
| Admin settings class. More...
class | admin_setting_agedigitalconsentmap |
| Used to validate the content and format of the age of digital consent map and ensuring it is parsable. More...
class | admin_setting_bloglevel |
| Select for blog's bloglevel setting: if set to 0, will set blog_menu block to hidden. More...
class | admin_setting_configcheckbox |
| Checkbox. More...
class | admin_setting_configcheckbox_with_advanced |
| Checkbox with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name. More...
class | admin_setting_configcheckbox_with_lock |
| Checkbox with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name. More...
class | admin_setting_configcolourpicker |
| Colour picker. More...
class | admin_setting_configdirectory |
| Path to directory. More...
class | admin_setting_configduration |
| Seconds duration setting. More...
class | admin_setting_configduration_with_advanced |
| Seconds duration setting with an advanced checkbox, that controls a additional $name. More...
class | admin_setting_configempty |
| Empty setting used to allow flags (advanced) on settings that can have no sensible default. More...
class | admin_setting_configexecutable |
| Path to executable file. More...
class | admin_setting_configfile |
| Path to directory. More...
class | admin_setting_confightmleditor |
| General text area with html editor. More...
class | admin_setting_configiplist |
| Used to validate a textarea used for ip addresses. More...
class | admin_setting_configmixedhostiplist |
| Used to validate a textarea used for domain names, wildcard domain names and IP addresses/ranges (both IPv4 and IPv6 format). More...
class | admin_setting_configmulticheckbox |
| Multiple checkboxes, each represents different value, stored in csv format. More...
class | admin_setting_configmulticheckbox2 |
| Multiple checkboxes 2, value stored as string 00101011. More...
class | admin_setting_configmultiselect |
| Select multiple items from list. More...
class | admin_setting_configmultiselect_modules |
| Multiselect for current modules. More...
class | admin_setting_configpasswordunmask |
| Password field, allows unmasking of password. More...
class | admin_setting_configpasswordunmask_with_advanced |
| Password field, allows unmasking of password, with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name. More...
class | admin_setting_configportlist |
| Used to validate a textarea used for port numbers. More...
class | admin_setting_configselect |
| Select one value from list. More...
class | admin_setting_configselect_autocomplete |
| Autocomplete as you type form element. More...
class | admin_setting_configselect_with_advanced |
| Dropdown menu with an advanced checkbox, that controls a additional $name. More...
class | admin_setting_configselect_with_lock |
| Select with an advanced checkbox that controls an additional $name. More...
class | admin_setting_configstoredfile |
| Class used for uploading of one file into file storage, the file name is stored in config table. More...
class | admin_setting_configtext |
| The most flexible setting, the user enters text. More...
class | admin_setting_configtext_with_advanced |
| Text field with an advanced checkbox, that controls a additional $name. More...
class | admin_setting_configtext_with_maxlength |
| Text input with a maximum length constraint. More...
class | admin_setting_configtextarea |
| General text area without html editor. More...
class | admin_setting_configthemepreset |
| Used to validate theme presets code and ensuring they compile well. More...
class | admin_setting_configtime |
| Time selector. More...
class | admin_setting_countrycodes |
| Allows to specify comma separated list of known country codes. More...
class | admin_setting_courselist_frontpage |
| Special select - lists on the frontpage - hacky. More...
class | admin_setting_description |
| No setting - just name and description in same row. More...
class | admin_setting_devicedetectregex |
| Administration interface for user specified regular expressions for device detection. More...
class | admin_setting_emoticons |
| Administration interface for emoticon_manager settings. More...
class | admin_setting_enablemobileservice |
| Special checkbox for enable mobile web service If enable then we store the service id of the mobile service into config table If disable then we unstore the service id from the config table. More...
class | admin_setting_encryptedpassword |
| Admin setting class for encrypted values using secure encryption. More...
class | admin_setting_filetypes |
| Administration setting to define a list of file types. More...
class | admin_setting_flag |
| An additional option that can be applied to an admin setting. More...
class | admin_setting_forcetimezone |
| Forced user timezone setting. More...
class | admin_setting_grade_profilereport |
| Selection of grade report in user profiles. More...
class | admin_setting_gradecat_combo |
| Grade category settings. More...
class | admin_setting_heading |
| No setting - just heading and text. More...
class | admin_setting_langlist |
| Special setting for limiting of the list of available languages. More...
class | admin_setting_manage_fileconverter_plugins |
| Generic class for managing plugins in a table that allows re-ordering and enable/disable of each plugin. More...
class | admin_setting_manage_plugins |
| Generic class for managing plugins in a table that allows re-ordering and enable/disable of each plugin. More...
class | admin_setting_manageantiviruses |
| Special class for antiviruses administration. More...
class | admin_setting_manageauths |
| Special class for authentication administration. More...
class | admin_setting_managecontentbankcontenttypes |
| Content bank content types manager. More...
class | admin_setting_managecustomfields |
| Custom fields manager. More...
class | admin_setting_managedataformats |
| Data formats manager. More...
class | admin_setting_manageenrols |
| Special class for enrol plugins management. More...
class | admin_setting_manageexternalservices |
| Special class for management of external services. More...
class | admin_setting_manageformats |
| Course formats manager. More...
class | admin_setting_managemediaplayers |
| Special class for media player plugins management. More...
class | admin_setting_managerepository |
| Manage repository settings. More...
class | admin_setting_managewebserviceprotocols |
| Special class for web service protocol administration. More...
class | admin_setting_my_grades_report |
| Provides a selection of grade reports to be used for "grades". More...
class | admin_setting_php_extension_enabled |
| Admin setting to show if a php extension is enabled or not. More...
class | admin_setting_pickfilters |
| Admin setting that is a list of installed filter plugins. More...
class | admin_setting_pickroles |
| Admin setting that allows a user to pick appropriate roles for something. More...
class | admin_setting_question_behaviour |
| Admin setting that allows a user to pick a behaviour. More...
class | admin_setting_regradingcheckbox |
class | admin_setting_requiredtext |
| This type of field should be used for mandatory config settings. More...
class | admin_setting_scsscode |
| Used to validate the contents of SCSS code and ensuring they are parsable. More...
class | admin_setting_searchsetupinfo |
| Search setup steps info. More...
class | admin_setting_servertimezone |
| Server timezone setting. More...
class | admin_setting_sitesetcheckbox |
| Special checkbox for frontpage - stores data in course table. More...
class | admin_setting_sitesetselect |
| Special select for frontpage - stores data in course table. More...
class | admin_setting_sitesettext |
| Special text for frontpage - stores data in course table. More...
class | admin_setting_special_adminseesall |
| Special checkbox for calendar - resets SESSION vars. More...
class | admin_setting_special_backup_auto_destination |
| Special setting for backup auto destination. More...
class | admin_setting_special_backupdays |
| Special control for selecting days to backup. More...
class | admin_setting_special_calendar_weekend |
| Special admin control. More...
class | admin_setting_special_coursecontact |
| Which roles to show on course description page. More...
class | admin_setting_special_debug |
| Special debug setting. More...
class | admin_setting_special_frontpagedesc |
| Special text editor for site description. More...
class | admin_setting_special_gradebookroles |
| Graded roles in gradebook. More...
class | admin_setting_special_gradeexport |
| Primary grade export plugin - has state tracking. More...
class | admin_setting_special_gradelimiting |
class | admin_setting_special_grademinmaxtouse |
| Special setting for $CFG->grade_minmaxtouse. More...
class | admin_setting_special_gradepointdefault |
| A setting for setting the default grade point value. More...
class | admin_setting_special_gradepointmax |
| A setting for setting the maximum grade value. More...
class | admin_setting_special_registerauth |
| Special class for register auth selection. More...
class | admin_setting_special_selectsetup |
| Special select for settings that are altered in setup.php and can not be altered on the fly. More...
class | admin_setting_users_with_capability |
| An admin setting for selecting one or more users who have a capability in the system context. More...
class | admin_setting_webservicesoverview |
| Special class for overview of external services. More...
class | admin_settingdependency |
| Used to store details of the dependency between two settings elements. More...
class | admin_settingpage |
| Used to group a number of admin_setting objects into a page and add them to the admin tree. More...
class | admin_settings_country_select |
| Selection of one of the recognised countries using the list returned by get_list_of_countries(). More...
class | admin_settings_coursecat_select |
| Course category selection. More...
class | admin_settings_h5plib_handler_select |
| Selection of plugins that can work as H5P libraries handlers. More...
class | admin_settings_num_course_sections |
| admin_setting_configselect for the default number of sections in a course, simply so we can lazy-load the choices. More...
class | admin_settings_sitepolicy_handler_select |
| Selection of plugins that can work as site policy handlers. More...
class | advanced_testcase |
| Advanced PHPUnit test case customised for Moodle. More...
class | alignment_form |
| Form to edit alignment. More...
class | async_helper |
| Helper functions for asynchronous backups and restores. More...
class | auth_plugin_base |
| Abstract authentication plugin. More...
class | award_criteria |
| Award criteria abstract definition. More...
class | award_criteria_activity |
| Badge award criteria – award on activity completion. More...
class | award_criteria_badge |
| Badge award criteria – award on badge completion. More...
class | award_criteria_cohort |
| Badge award criteria – award on cohort membership. More...
class | award_criteria_competency |
| Badge award criteria – award on competency completion. More...
class | award_criteria_course |
| Badge award criteria – award on course completion. More...
class | award_criteria_courseset |
| Badge award criteria – award on courseset completion. More...
class | award_criteria_manual |
| Manual badge award criteria. More...
class | award_criteria_overall |
| Overall badge award criteria. More...
class | award_criteria_profile |
| Profile completion badge award criteria. More...
class | backup_cron_automated_helper |
| This class is an abstract class with methods that can be called to aid the running of automated backups over cron. More...
class | badge_award_selector_base |
class | badge_existing_users_selector |
| A user selector control for existing users to award badge. More...
class | badge_potential_users_selector |
| A user selector control for potential users to award badge. More...
class | badges_preferences_form |
class | base_converter |
| Base converter class. More...
class | base_testcase |
| Base class for PHPUnit test cases customised for Moodle. More...
class | basic_testcase |
| The simplest PHPUnit test case customised for Moodle. More...
class | behat_accessibility |
| Steps definitions to assist with accessibility testing. More...
class | behat_action_menu |
| Steps definitions to open and close action menus. More...
class | behat_base |
| Steps definitions base class. More...
class | behat_command |
| Behat command related utils. More...
class | behat_component_named_replacement |
| A class for recording the definition of Mink replacements for use in Mink selectors. More...
class | behat_component_named_selector |
| Class representing a named selector that can be used in Behat tests. More...
class | behat_config_manager |
| Behat configuration manager. More...
class | behat_config_util |
| Behat configuration manager. More...
class | behat_context_helper |
| Helper to get behat contexts. More...
class | behat_data_generators |
| Class to set up quickly a Given environment. More...
class | behat_deprecated |
class | behat_deprecated_base |
class | behat_exact_named_selector |
| Moodle selectors manager. More...
class | behat_field_manager |
| Helper to interact with form fields. More...
class | behat_filters |
| Steps definitions related to filters. More...
class | behat_general |
| Cross component steps definitions. More...
class | behat_init_context |
| Loads main subcontexts. More...
class | behat_login |
| Contains functions used by behat to test functionality. More...
class | behat_moodlenet |
class | behat_navigation |
| Steps definitions to navigate through the navigation tree nodes. More...
class | behat_partial_named_selector |
| Moodle selectors manager. More...
class | behat_permissions |
| Steps definitions to set up permissions to capabilities. More...
class | behat_selectors |
| Moodle selectors manager. More...
interface | behat_session_interface |
| The Interface for a behat root context. More...
class | behat_transformations |
| Transformations to apply to steps arguments. More...
class | behat_util |
| Init/reset utilities for Behat database and dataroot. More...
class | block_contents |
| This class represents how a block appears on a page. More...
class | block_manager |
| This class keeps track of the block that should appear on a moodle_page. More...
class | block_move_target |
| This class represents a target for where a block can go when it is being moved. More...
class | block_not_on_page_exception |
| Exception thrown when someone tried to do something with a block that does not exist on a page. More...
class | bootstrap_renderer |
| This class solves the problem of how to initialise $OUTPUT. More...
class | breadcrumb_navigation_node |
| Subclass of navigation_node allowing different rendering for the breadcrumbs in particular adding extra metadata for search engine robots to leverage. More...
class | cache |
| The main cache class. More...
class | cache_application |
| An application cache. More...
class | cache_config |
| Cache configuration reader. More...
class | cache_config_disabled |
| The cache config class used when the Cache has been disabled. More...
interface | cache_data_source |
| Cache Data Source. More...
interface | cache_data_source_versionable |
| Versionable cache data source. More...
class | cache_definition |
| The cache definition class. More...
class | cache_definition_mappings_form |
| Form to set definition mappings. More...
class | cache_definition_sharing_form |
| Form to set definition sharing option. More...
class | cache_disabled |
| Required as it is needed for cache_config_disabled which extends cache_config_writer. More...
class | cache_factory |
| The cache factory class. More...
class | cache_factory_disabled |
| The cache factory class used when the Cache has been disabled. More...
class | cache_helper |
| The cache helper class. More...
interface | cache_is_configurable |
| Cache store feature: configurable. More...
interface | cache_is_key_aware |
| Cache store feature: key awareness. More...
interface | cache_is_lockable |
| Cache store feature: locking. More...
interface | cache_is_searchable |
| Cache store feature: keys are searchable. More...
interface | cache_loader |
| Cache Loader. More...
interface | cache_loader_with_locking |
| Cache Loader supporting locking. More...
class | cache_lock_form |
| Form to add a cache lock instance. More...
interface | cache_lock_interface |
| Cache lock interface. More...
class | cache_mode_mappings_form |
| Form to set the mappings for a mode. More...
class | cache_request |
| An request cache. More...
class | cache_session |
| A session cache. More...
class | cache_store |
| Abstract cache store class. More...
interface | cache_store_interface |
| Cache store interface. More...
interface | cacheable_object |
| Cacheable object. More...
class | cached_cm_info |
| Class that is the return value for the _get_coursemodule_info module API function. More...
class | cachestore_addinstance_form |
| Add store instance form. More...
class | cachestore_dummy |
| The cache dummy store. More...
class | calc_formula |
| This class abstracts evaluation of spreadsheet formulas. More...
class | cm_info |
class | coding_exception |
| Exception indicating programming error, must be fixed by a programer. More...
class | combined_progress_trace |
| Special type of trace that can be used for redirecting to multiple other traces. More...
class | comment |
| Comment is helper class to add/delete comments anywhere in moodle. More...
class | comment_exception |
| Comment exception class. More...
class | completion_info |
| Class represents completion information for a course. More...
class | component_action |
| Helper class used by other components that involve an action on the page (URL or JS). More...
class | component_generator_base |
| Component generator base class. More...
class | component_installer |
| This class is used to check, download and install items from download.moodle.org to the moodledata directory. More...
class | confirm_action |
| Confirm action. More...
class | context_header |
| Renderable for the main page header. More...
class | convert_exception |
| General convert-related exception. More...
class | convert_factory |
| Factory class to create new instances of backup converters. More...
class | convert_helper |
| Provides various functionality via its static methods. More...
class | convert_helper_exception |
| General convert_helper related exception. More...
class | core\access\get_user_capability_course_helper |
| Helper functions to implement the complex get_user_capability_course function. More...
class | core\activity_dates |
| Class for fetching the important dates of an activity module for a given module instance and a user. More...
class | core\analytics\analyser\courses |
| Courses analyser working at course level (insights for the course teachers). More...
class | core\analytics\analyser\site_courses |
| Site courses analyser working at system level (insights for the site admin). More...
class | core\analytics\analyser\student_enrolments |
| Student enrolments analyser. More...
class | core\analytics\analyser\users |
| Users analyser (insights for users). More...
class | core\analytics\indicator\any_access_after_end |
| Any access after the official end of the course. More...
class | core\analytics\indicator\any_access_before_start |
| Any access before the official start of the course. More...
class | core\analytics\indicator\any_course_access |
| Any access indicator. More...
class | core\analytics\indicator\any_write_action |
| Write actions indicator. More...
class | core\analytics\indicator\any_write_action_in_course |
| Write actions in a course indicator. More...
class | core\analytics\indicator\read_actions |
| Read actions indicator. More...
class | core\analytics\time_splitting\deciles |
| 10 parts time splitting method. More...
class | core\analytics\time_splitting\deciles_accum |
| Range processor splitting the course in ten parts and accumulating data. More...
class | core\analytics\time_splitting\no_splitting |
| No time splitting method. More...
class | core\analytics\time_splitting\quarters |
| Quarters time splitting method. More...
class | core\analytics\time_splitting\quarters_accum |
| Range processor splitting the course in quarters and accumulating data. More...
class | core\analytics\time_splitting\single_range |
| Single time splitting method. More...
class | core\antivirus\scanner |
| Base abstract antivirus scanner class. More...
class | core\antivirus\scanner_exception |
| An antivirus scanner exception class. More...
class | core\chart_axis |
| Chart axis class. More...
class | core\chart_bar |
| Chart bar class. More...
class | core\chart_base |
| Chart base class. More...
class | core\chart_line |
| Chart line class. More...
class | core\chart_pie |
| Chart pie class. More...
class | core\chart_series |
| Chart series class. More...
class | core\check\access\defaultuserrole |
class | core\check\access\frontpagerole |
| Verifies sanity of frontpage role. More...
class | core\check\access\guestrole |
| Verifies sanity of guest role. More...
class | core\check\access\riskadmin |
| Lists all admins. More...
class | core\check\access\riskbackup |
| Lists all roles that have the ability to backup user data, as well as users. More...
class | core\check\access\riskbackup_result |
| Lists all roles that have the ability to backup user data, as well as users. More...
class | core\check\access\riskxss |
| Lists all users with XSS risk. More...
class | core\check\access\riskxss_result |
| Lists all users with XSS risk. More...
class | core\check\check |
| Base class for checks. More...
class | core\check\environment\antivirus |
class | core\check\environment\configrw |
| Verifies config.php is not writable anymore after installation. More...
class | core\check\environment\displayerrors |
| Verifies displaying of errors. More...
class | core\check\environment\environment |
| Environment check. More...
class | core\check\environment\preventexecpath |
| Verifies the status of preventexecpath. More...
class | core\check\environment\publicpaths |
| Check the public access of various paths. More...
class | core\check\environment\unsecuredataroot |
| Verifies fatal misconfiguration of dataroot. More...
class | core\check\environment\upgradecheck |
| Upgrade check. More...
class | core\check\http\cookiesecure |
| Verifies if https enabled only secure cookies allowed. More...
class | core\check\manager |
| Check API manager. More...
class | core\check\performance\backups |
| Backups check. More...
class | core\check\performance\cachejs |
| CacheJS check. More...
class | core\check\performance\dbschema |
| DB schema performance check. More...
class | core\check\performance\debugging |
| Debugging check. More...
class | core\check\performance\designermode |
| Designer mode. More...
class | core\check\performance\stats |
class | core\check\result |
| A check object returns a result object. More...
class | core\check\security\crawlers |
| Verifies web crawler (search engine) access. More...
class | core\check\security\emailchangeconfirmation |
| Verifies email confirmation - spammers were changing mails very often. More...
class | core\check\security\embed |
| Verifies sloppy embedding - this should have been removed long ago!! More...
class | core\check\security\openprofiles |
| Verifies open profiles - originally open by default, not anymore because spammer abused it a lot. More...
class | core\check\security\passwordpolicy |
| Verifies if password policy set. More...
class | core\check\security\webcron |
| Verifies the status of web cron. More...
class | core\check\table |
| A table of check results. More...
class | core\content\export\exportable_item |
| An object used to represent content which can be served. More...
class | core\content\export\exportable_items\exportable_filearea |
| The definition of a set of files in a filearea to be exported. More...
class | core\content\export\exportable_items\exportable_stored_file |
| An object used to represent content which can be served. More...
class | core\content\export\exportable_items\exportable_textarea |
| The definition of a text area which can be exported. More...
class | core\content\export\exported_item |
| This class describes the files which were exported, and any text content that those files were contained in. More...
class | core\content\export\exporters\abstract_mod_exporter |
| Activity module exporter for the content API. More...
class | core\content\export\exporters\component_exporter |
| A class to help define, describe, and export content in a specific context. More...
class | core\content\export\exporters\course_exporter |
| The course exporter. More...
class | core\content\export\zipwriter |
| Zip writer wrapper. More...
class | core\cron |
class | core\dataformat |
| Dataformat utility class. More...
class | core\dataformat\base |
| Base class for dataformat. More...
class | core\dataformat\spout_base |
| Common Spout class for dataformat. More...
class | core\dml\recordset_walk |
| Iterator that walks through a moodle_recordset applying the provided function. More...
class | core\dml\sql_join |
| An object that contains sql join fragments. More...
class | core\dml\table |
| Helpers and methods relating to DML tables. More...
class | core\encryption |
| Class used to encrypt or decrypt data. More...
class | core\event\antivirus_scan_data_error |
class | core\event\antivirus_scan_file_error |
class | core\event\assessable_submitted |
| Abstract assessable submitted event class. More...
class | core\event\assessable_uploaded |
class | core\event\badge_awarded |
| Event triggered after a badge is awarded to a user. More...
class | core\event\badge_criteria_created |
class | core\event\badge_criteria_deleted |
class | core\event\badge_criteria_updated |
class | core\event\badge_deleted |
| Event triggered after a badge is deleted. More...
class | core\event\badge_listing_viewed |
class | core\event\badge_revoked |
| Event triggered after a badge is revoked from a user. More...
class | core\event\base |
class | core\event\blog_association_deleted |
class | core\event\blog_comment_created |
| The blog comment created event class. More...
class | core\event\blog_comment_deleted |
| The blog comment deleted event class. More...
class | core\event\blog_entries_viewed |
class | core\event\blog_external_removed |
| Class for event to be triggered when an external blog is removed from moodle. More...
class | core\event\blog_external_viewed |
class | core\event\calendar_subscription_created |
class | core\event\calendar_subscription_deleted |
class | core\event\calendar_subscription_updated |
class | core\event\capability_assigned |
| Capability assigned event class. More...
class | core\event\capability_unassigned |
| Capability unassigned event class. More...
class | core\event\cohort_created |
| Cohort created event class. More...
class | core\event\cohort_deleted |
| Cohort deleted event class. More...
class | core\event\cohort_updated |
| Cohort updated event class. More...
class | core\event\comments_viewed |
| Abstract comments viewed event class. More...
class | core\event\config_log_created |
class | core\event\contentbank_content_created |
class | core\event\contentbank_content_deleted |
class | core\event\contentbank_content_updated |
class | core\event\contentbank_content_uploaded |
class | core\event\contentbank_content_viewed |
class | core\event\course_backup_created |
class | core\event\course_category_created |
| Course category created event class. More...
class | core\event\course_category_updated |
| Course category updated event class. More...
class | core\event\course_category_viewed |
| Course category viewed event class. More...
class | core\event\course_completed |
class | core\event\course_completion_updated |
| Course module completion updated event class. More...
class | core\event\course_information_viewed |
| Course information viewed event class. More...
class | core\event\course_module_deleted |
class | core\event\course_module_instance_list_viewed |
| Course module instance list viewed event class. More...
class | core\event\course_module_instances_list_viewed |
| This class has been deprecated, please use core\event\course_module_instance_list_viewed. More...
class | core\event\course_module_viewed |
| Abstract Course module viewed event class. More...
class | core\event\course_resources_list_viewed |
| Event for viewing the list of course resources. More...
class | core\event\course_section_deleted |
class | core\event\course_updated |
class | core\event\course_user_report_viewed |
class | core\event\course_viewed |
class | core\event\dashboard_reset |
class | core\event\dashboard_viewed |
| Dashboard viewed event class. More...
class | core\event\dashboards_reset |
class | core\event\database_text_field_content_replaced |
class | core\event\grade_exported |
class | core\event\grade_item_deleted |
| Grade item deleted event class. More...
class | core\event\grade_item_updated |
| Grade item updated event class. More...
class | core\event\grade_letter_created |
| Grade letter created event class. More...
class | core\event\grade_letter_deleted |
| Grade letter deleted event class. More...
class | core\event\grade_letter_updated |
| Grade letter updated event class. More...
class | core\event\grade_report_viewed |
| Grade report viewed event class. More...
class | core\event\group_created |
| Group created event class. More...
class | core\event\group_deleted |
| Group deleted event class. More...
class | core\event\group_message_sent |
class | core\event\group_updated |
| Group updated event class. More...
class | core\event\grouping_created |
| Grouping created event class. More...
class | core\event\grouping_deleted |
| Grouping deleted event class. More...
class | core\event\grouping_group_assigned |
| Group assigned to grouping event class. More...
class | core\event\grouping_group_unassigned |
| Group unassigned from grouping event class. More...
class | core\event\grouping_updated |
| Grouping updated event class. More...
class | core\event\manager |
| Class used for event dispatching. More...
class | core\event\message_deleted |
class | core\event\message_sent |
class | core\event\message_viewed |
class | core\event\moodlenet_resource_exported |
class | core\event\mycourses_viewed |
class | core\event\notes_viewed |
| Class note_viewed. More...
class | core\event\notification_sent |
class | core\event\question_base |
| Base class for question events. More...
class | core\event\question_category_base |
| Base class for question category events. More...
class | core\event\question_category_created |
| Question category created event class. More...
class | core\event\question_category_deleted |
| Question category deleted event class. More...
class | core\event\question_category_moved |
| Question category moved event class. More...
class | core\event\question_category_updated |
| Question category updated event class. More...
class | core\event\question_category_viewed |
| Question category viewed event class. More...
class | core\event\question_created |
class | core\event\question_deleted |
class | core\event\question_moved |
class | core\event\question_updated |
class | core\event\question_viewed |
class | core\event\questions_exported |
class | core\event\questions_imported |
class | core\event\recent_activity_viewed |
| Event for recent activity page. More...
class | core\event\role_allow_assign_updated |
| Role assignments updated event class. More...
class | core\event\role_allow_override_updated |
| Role allow override updated event class. More...
class | core\event\role_allow_switch_updated |
| Role allow switch updated event class. More...
class | core\event\role_allow_view_updated |
| Role allow view updated event class. More...
class | core\event\role_capabilities_updated |
| Role updated event class. More...
class | core\event\scale_created |
| Scale created event class. More...
class | core\event\scale_deleted |
| Scale deleted event class. More...
class | core\event\scale_updated |
| Scale updated event class. More...
class | core\event\search_indexed |
| Event when new data has been indexed. More...
class | core\event\search_results_viewed |
class | core\event\tag_collection_created |
| Tag collection created event class. More...
class | core\event\tag_collection_deleted |
| Tag collection deleted event class. More...
class | core\event\tag_collection_updated |
| Tag collection updated event class. More...
class | core\event\tag_created |
class | core\event\tag_deleted |
class | core\event\tag_flagged |
class | core\event\tag_unflagged |
class | core\event\tag_updated |
class | core\event\unknown_logged |
| Unknown event class. More...
class | core\event\user_deleted |
class | core\event\user_enrolment_created |
class | core\event\user_enrolment_updated |
class | core\event\user_graded |
class | core\event\user_list_viewed |
class | core\event\user_loggedout |
class | core\event\user_login_failed |
class | core\event\user_password_policy_failed |
| Event when user's current password fails the password policy. More...
class | core\event\user_password_updated |
class | core\event\userfeedback_give |
| Class userfeedback_give. More...
class | core\event\userfeedback_remind |
| Class userfeedback_remind. More...
class | core\event\virus_infected_data_detected |
| Data infected event. More...
class | core\event\virus_infected_file_detected |
| Fle infected event. More...
class | core\event\webservice_service_created |
class | core\event\webservice_service_deleted |
| Web service service deleted event class. More...
class | core\event\webservice_service_updated |
| Web service service updated event class. More...
class | core\event\webservice_token_created |
class | core\event\webservice_token_sent |
| Webservice token sent event class. More...
class | core\external\coursecat_summary_exporter |
| Class for exporting a course summary from an stdClass. More...
class | core\external\dynamic_tabs_get_content |
class | core\external\editmode |
class | core\external\moodlenet_auth_check |
class | core\external\moodlenet_get_share_info_activity |
class | core\external\moodlenet_send_activity |
class | core\external\output\icon_system\load_fontawesome_map |
class | core\external\paged_content_exporter |
| Paged Content exporter. More...
class | core\external\persistent_exporter |
| Abstract exporter based on the persistent model. More...
class | core\external\record_userfeedback_action |
class | core\files\curl_security_helper |
| Host and port checking for curl. More...
class | core\files\curl_security_helper_base |
| Security helper for the curl class. More...
class | core\form\error_feedback |
| Moodle 404 Error page feedback form. More...
class | core\http_client |
class | core\hub\api |
| Provides methods to communicate with the hub (sites directory) web services. More...
class | core\hub\registration |
| Methods to use when registering the site at the moodle sites directory. More...
class | core\hub\site_registration_form |
| The site registration form. More...
class | core\invalid_persistent_exception |
| Invalid persistent exception class. More...
class | core\ip_utils |
| Static helper class providing some useful internet-protocol-related functions. More...
class | core\local\cli\shutdown |
| CLI script shutdown helper class. More...
class | core\local\guzzle\cache_handler |
class | core\local\guzzle\cache_item |
class | core\local\guzzle\cache_storage |
class | core\local\guzzle\check_request |
class | core\local\guzzle\redirect_middleware |
class | core\lock\db_record_lock_factory |
| This is a db record locking factory. More...
class | core\lock\file_lock_factory |
| Flock based file locking factory. More...
class | core\lock\installation_lock_factory |
| Lock factory for use during installation. More...
class | core\lock\lock |
| Class representing a lock. More...
class | core\lock\lock_config |
| Lock configuration class, used to get an instance of the currently configured lock factory. More...
interface | core\lock\lock_factory |
| Defines abstract factory class for generating locks. More...
class | core\lock\lock_utils |
class | core\lock\mysql_lock_factory |
| MySQL / MariaDB locking factory. More...
class | core\lock\postgres_lock_factory |
| Postgres advisory locking factory. More...
class | core\lock\timing_wrapper_lock_factory |
class | core\log\dummy_manager |
interface | core\log\manager |
| Interface describing log readers. More...
interface | core\log\reader |
interface | core\log\sql_internal_table_reader |
| Sql internal table reader. More...
interface | core\log\sql_reader |
| Log iterator reader interface. More...
class | core\message\inbound\private_files_handler |
| A Handler to store attachments sent in e-mails as private files. More...
class | core\moodlenet\activity_packager |
class | core\moodlenet\activity_sender |
class | core\moodlenet\helpers |
class | core\moodlenet\moodlenet_client |
class | core\moodlenet\utilities |
class | core\navigation\output\more_menu |
class | core\navigation\output\primary |
class | core\navigation\views\primary |
class | core\navigation\views\secondary |
class | core\navigation\views\view |
class | core\notification |
class | core\oauth2\access_token |
| Loads/stores oauth2 access tokens in DB for system accounts in order to use a single token across multiple sessions. More...
class | core\oauth2\api |
| Static list of api methods for system oauth2 configuration. More...
class | core\oauth2\client |
| Configurable oauth2 client class. More...
class | core\oauth2\client\clever |
class | core\oauth2\client\linkedin |
class | core\oauth2\discovery\auth_server_config_reader |
class | core\oauth2\discovery\base_definition |
class | core\oauth2\discovery\imsbadgeconnect |
class | core\oauth2\discovery\openidconnect |
class | core\oauth2\endpoint |
| Class for loading/storing oauth2 endpoints from the DB. More...
class | core\oauth2\issuer |
| Class for loading/storing issuer from the DB. More...
class | core\oauth2\refresh_system_tokens_task |
| Task to refresh system tokens regularly. More...
class | core\oauth2\rest |
| Rest API base class mapping rest api methods to endpoints with http methods, args and post body. More...
class | core\oauth2\rest_exception |
| Rest Exception class containing error code and message. More...
class | core\oauth2\service\clever |
class | core\oauth2\service\custom |
class | core\oauth2\service\facebook |
class | core\oauth2\service\google |
class | core\oauth2\service\imsobv2p1 |
interface | core\oauth2\service\issuer_interface |
class | core\oauth2\service\linkedin |
class | core\oauth2\service\microsoft |
class | core\oauth2\service\moodlenet |
class | core\oauth2\service\nextcloud |
class | core\oauth2\system_account |
| Class for loading/storing oauth2 refresh tokens from the DB. More...
class | core\oauth2\user_field_mapping |
| Class for loading/storing oauth2 user field mappings from the DB. More...
class | core\output\activity_header |
class | core\output\checkbox_toggleall |
| The checkbox-toggleall renderable class. More...
class | core\output\chooser |
| The chooser renderable class. More...
class | core\output\chooser_item |
| The chooser_item renderable class. More...
class | core\output\chooser_section |
| The chooser_section renderable class. More...
class | core\output\datafilter |
class | core\output\dynamic_tabs |
class | core\output\dynamic_tabs\base |
class | core\output\external |
class | core\output\icon_system |
| Class allowing different systems for mapping and rendering icons. More...
class | core\output\icon_system_font |
| Class allowing different systems for mapping and rendering icons. More...
class | core\output\icon_system_fontawesome |
| Class allowing different systems for mapping and rendering icons. More...
class | core\output\icon_system_standard |
| Standard icon rendering. More...
class | core\output\inplace_editable |
| Class allowing to quick edit a title inline. More...
class | core\output\language_menu |
| Class for creating the language menu. More...
class | core\output\mustache_clean_string_helper |
| This class will load language strings in a template. More...
class | core\output\mustache_filesystem_loader |
| Perform some custom name mapping for template file names. More...
class | core\output\mustache_pix_helper |
| This class will call pix_icon with the section content. More...
class | core\output\mustache_quote_helper |
| Wrap content in quotes, and escape all special JSON characters used. More...
class | core\output\mustache_shorten_text_helper |
| This class will call shorten_text with the section content. More...
class | core\output\mustache_string_helper |
| This class will load language strings in a template. More...
class | core\output\mustache_template_finder |
| Get information about valid locations for mustache templates. More...
class | core\output\mustache_template_source_loader |
| Load template source strings. More...
class | core\output\mustache_uniqid_helper |
| Lazy create a uniqid per instance of the class. More...
class | core\output\mustache_user_date_helper |
| Mustache helper that will convert a timestamp to a date string. More...
interface | core\output\named_templatable |
class | core\output\notification |
| Data structure representing a notification. More...
class | core\output\participants_action_bar |
class | core\output\select_menu |
class | core\output\sticky_footer |
interface | core\output\url_rewriter |
| URL rewriter interface. More...
class | core\persistent |
class | core\plugininfo\auth |
| Class for authentication plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\availability |
| Class for availability plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\base |
class | core\plugininfo\block |
| Class for page side blocks. More...
class | core\plugininfo\cachelock |
| Class for admin tool plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\cachestore |
| Class for cache store plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\calendartype |
| Class for calendar type plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\coursereport |
| Class for admin tool plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\customfield |
| Class for admin tool plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\dataformat |
| Class for dataformats. More...
class | core\plugininfo\editor |
| Class for HTML editors. More...
class | core\plugininfo\enrol |
| Class for enrolment plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\fileconverter |
| Class for document converter plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\filter |
| Class for text filters. More...
class | core\plugininfo\format |
| Class for course formats. More...
class | core\plugininfo\general |
| General class for all plugin types that do not have their own class. More...
class | core\plugininfo\gradeexport |
| Class for admin tool plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\gradeimport |
| Class for admin tool plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\gradereport |
| Class for admin tool plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\gradingform |
| Class for admin tool plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\h5plib |
| Class for H5P libraries. More...
class | core\plugininfo\local |
| Class for local plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\media |
| Class for media plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\message |
| Class for messaging processors. More...
class | core\plugininfo\mlbackend |
| Class for analytics machine learning backend plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\mnetservice |
| Class representing an MNet service. More...
class | core\plugininfo\mod |
| Class for activity modules. More...
class | core\plugininfo\orphaned |
| Orphaned subplugins class. More...
class | core\plugininfo\plagiarism |
| Class for plagiarism plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\portfolio |
| Class for portfolios. More...
class | core\plugininfo\profilefield |
| Class for admin tool plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\qbank |
| Base class for qbank plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\qbehaviour |
| Class for question behaviours. More...
class | core\plugininfo\qformat |
| Class for question types. More...
class | core\plugininfo\qtype |
| Class for question types. More...
class | core\plugininfo\report |
| Class for admin tool plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\repository |
| Class for repositories. More...
class | core\plugininfo\search |
| Class for search plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\theme |
| Class for themes. More...
class | core\plugininfo\tool |
| Class for admin tool plugins. More...
class | core\plugininfo\webservice |
| Class for webservice protocols. More...
class | core\privacy\provider |
| Privacy class for requesting user data. More...
class | core\progress\db_updater |
| Progress handler that updates a database table with the progress. More...
class | core\progress\none |
| Progress handler that ignores progress entirely. More...
class | core\report_helper |
| A helper class with static methods to help report plugins. More...
class | core\session\database |
| Database based session handler. More...
class | core\session\exception |
| Session related exception class. More...
class | core\session\external |
| This class contains a list of webservice functions related to session. More...
class | core\session\file |
| File based session handler. More...
class | core\session\handler |
| Session handler base. More...
class | core\session\manager |
| Session manager, this is the public Moodle API for sessions. More...
class | core\session\memcached |
| Memcached based session handler. More...
class | core\session\redis |
| Redis based session handler. More...
class | core\session\utility\cookie_helper |
class | core\task\adhoc_task |
| Abstract class defining an adhoc task. More...
class | core\task\analytics_cleanup_task |
| Delete stale records from analytics tables. More...
class | core\task\asynchronous_backup_task |
| Adhoc task that performs asynchronous backups. More...
class | core\task\asynchronous_copy_task |
| Adhoc task that performs asynchronous course copies. More...
class | core\task\asynchronous_restore_task |
| Adhoc task that performs asynchronous restores. More...
class | core\task\automated_backup_report_task |
class | core\task\automated_backup_task |
| Simple task to run the backup cron. More...
class | core\task\badges_adhoc_task |
class | core\task\badges_cron_task |
| Simple task to run the badges cron. More...
class | core\task\badges_message_task |
| Simple task to run the badges cron. More...
class | core\task\blog_cron_task |
| Simple task to run the blog cron. More...
class | core\task\build_installed_themes_task |
| Class that builds and caches all of the site's installed themes. More...
class | core\task\cache_cleanup_task |
| Simple task to delete old cache records. More...
class | core\task\cache_cron_task |
| Simple task to run the cache cron. More...
class | core\task\calendar_cron_task |
| Simple task to run the calendar cron. More...
class | core\task\calendar_fix_orphaned_events |
| Class handling fixing of events that have had their userid lost. More...
class | core\task\check_for_updates_task |
| Simple task to run the registration cron. More...
class | core\task\clean_up_deleted_search_area_task |
| Class that cleans up data related to deleted search area. More...
class | core\task\completion_daily_task |
| Simple task to run the daily completion cron. More...
class | core\task\completion_regular_task |
| Simple task to run the regular completion cron. More...
class | core\task\context_cleanup_task |
| Simple task to delete old context records. More...
class | core\task\course_backup_task |
| Adhoc task that performs single automated course backup. More...
class | core\task\create_contexts_task |
| Simple task to create missing contexts at all levels. More...
class | core\task\database_logger |
| Database logger for task logging. More...
class | core\task\delete_incomplete_users_task |
| Simple task to delete user accounts for users who have not completed their profile in time. More...
class | core\task\delete_unconfirmed_users_task |
| Simple task to delete user accounts for users who have not confirmed in time. More...
class | core\task\file_temp_cleanup_task |
| Simple task to delete temp files older than 1 week. More...
class | core\task\file_trash_cleanup_task |
| Simple task to run the file trash cleanup cron. More...
class | core\task\fix_file_timestamps_task |
class | core\task\grade_cron_task |
| Simple task to run the grade cron. More...
class | core\task\grade_history_cleanup_task |
| Simple task to clean grade history tables. More...
class | core\task\h5p_get_content_types_task |
class | core\task\legacy_plugin_cron_task |
| Simple task to run cron for all plugins. More...
class | core\task\logmanager |
| Task log manager. More...
class | core\task\manager |
| Collection of task related methods. More...
class | core\task\messaging_cleanup_task |
| Simple task to delete old messaging records. More...
class | core\task\password_reset_cleanup_task |
| Simple task to delete old password reset records. More...
class | core\task\plagiarism_cron_task |
| Simple task to run the plagiarism cron. More...
class | core\task\portfolio_cron_task |
| Simple task to run the portfolio cron. More...
class | core\task\question_preview_cleanup_task |
| A task to cleanup old question previews. More...
class | core\task\question_stats_cleanup_task |
| A task to cleanup old question statistics cache. More...
class | core\task\refresh_mod_calendar_events_task |
| Class that updates all of the existing calendar events for modules that implement the *_refresh_events() hook. More...
class | core\task\registration_cron_task |
| Simple task to run the registration cron. More...
class | core\task\scheduled_task |
| Abstract class defining a scheduled task. More...
class | core\task\search_index_task |
| Runs global search indexing. More...
class | core\task\search_optimize_task |
| Runs search index optimization. More...
class | core\task\send_failed_login_notifications_task |
| Simple task to send notifications about failed login attempts. More...
class | core\task\send_login_notifications |
class | core\task\send_new_user_passwords_task |
| Simple task to create accounts and send password emails for new users. More...
class | core\task\session_cleanup_task |
| Simple task to cleanup user sessions from a scheduled task. More...
class | core\task\stats_cron_task |
| Simple task to run the stats cron. More...
class | core\task\tag_cron_task |
| Simple task to run the tag cron. More...
class | core\task\task_base |
| Abstract class for common properties of scheduled_task and adhoc_task. More...
class | core\task\task_lock_cleanup_task |
| Adhoc task metadata cleanup task. More...
class | core\task\task_log_cleanup_task |
| A task to cleanup log entries for tasks. More...
interface | core\task\task_logger |
| Interface for task logging. More...
class | core\update\api |
| General purpose client for https://download.moodle.org/api/. More...
class | core\update\checker |
| Singleton class that handles checking for available updates. More...
class | core\update\checker_exception |
| General exception thrown by the core::update::checker class. More...
class | core\update\info |
| Defines the structure of objects returned by core::update::checker::get_update_info(). More...
class | core\upgrade\util |
| Core upgrade utility class. More...
class | core\uuid |
| V4 UUID generator class. More...
class | core_admin\form\purge_caches |
| Form for selecting which caches to purge on admin/purgecaches.php. More...
class | core_admin\form\testoutgoingmailconf_form |
| Test mail form. More...
class | core_admin\local\settings\setting_scheduled_task_status |
| This admin setting tells whether a given scheduled task is enabled, providing a link to its configuration page. More...
class | core_admin_renderer |
class | core_badges\badge |
| Class that represents badge. More...
class | core_badges\form\backpack |
| Form to edit backpack initial details. More...
class | core_badges\form\badge |
| Form to edit badge details. More...
class | core_badges\form\collections |
| Form to select backpack collections. More...
class | core_badges\form\message |
| Form to edit badge message. More...
class | core_badges\helper |
| Badge helper library. More...
class | core_badges\output\badge_alignments |
| Link to external resources this badge is aligned with. More...
class | core_badges\output\badge_collection |
| Collection of all badges for view.php page. More...
class | core_badges\output\badge_management |
| Collection of badges used at the index.php page. More...
class | core_badges\output\badge_recipients |
| Badge recipients rendering class. More...
class | core_badges\output\badge_related |
| Collection of all related badges. More...
class | core_badges\output\badge_user_collection |
| Collection of user badges used at the mybadges.php page. More...
class | core_badges\output\external_badge |
| An external badges for external.php page. More...
class | core_badges\output\issued_badge |
| An issued badges for badge.php page. More...
class | core_badges_assertion |
| Open Badges Assertions specification 1.0 More...
class | core_badges_renderer |
| Standard HTML output renderer for badges. More...
class | core_cache\administration_helper |
| Administration helper base class. More...
class | core_cache\local\administration_display_helper |
| A cache helper for administration tasks. More...
class | core_collator |
| A collator class with static methods that can be used for sorting. More...
class | core_component |
| Collection of components related methods. More...
class | core_course\analytics\indicator\activities_due |
| Activities due indicator. More...
class | core_course\cache\course_image |
class | core_course\local\entity\activity_chooser_footer |
| A class to represent the Activity Chooser footer data. More...
class | core_course\local\entity\content_item |
| The content_item class. More...
class | core_course\local\entity\lang_string_title |
| The lang_string_title class of value object, providing access to the value of a lang string. More...
class | core_course\local\entity\string_title |
| The string_title class of value object, which provides access to a simple string. More...
interface | core_course\local\entity\title |
class | core_course\local\exporters\course_content_item_exporter |
| The course_content_item_exporter class. More...
class | core_course\local\exporters\course_content_items_exporter |
| The course_content_items_exporter class. More...
class | core_course\local\repository\caching_content_item_readonly_repository |
| The class caching_content_item_repository, for fetching content_items, with additional caching. More...
class | core_course\local\repository\content_item_readonly_repository |
| The class content_item_repository, for reading content_items. More...
interface | core_course\local\repository\content_item_readonly_repository_interface |
class | core_course\output\category_action_bar |
class | core_course\output\manage_categories_action_bar |
class | core_course_category |
class | core_course_list_element |
class | core_cssparser |
| Moodle CSS parser. More...
class | core_date |
| Core date and time related code. More...
class | core_event_course_module_instance_list_viewed_testcase |
| Class core_event_course_module_instance_list_viewed_testcase. More...
class | core_event_course_module_viewed_testcase |
| Class core_event_course_module_viewed_testcase. More...
class | core_external |
class | core_files_renderer |
| File browser render. More...
class | core_filetypes |
| Class to manage the custom filetypes list that is stored in a config variable. More...
class | core_geopattern |
class | core_html2text |
| Wrapper for Html2Text. More...
class | core_minify |
| Collection of JS and CSS compression methods. More...
class | core_php_time_limit |
| Utility class to manage PHP time limit. More...
class | core_plugin_manager |
class | core_qrcode |
| Class for generating QR codes. More...
class | core_question\statistics\questions\calculated |
| This class is used to return the stats as calculated by core_question::statistics::questions::calculator. More...
class | core_question\statistics\questions\calculator |
| This class has methods to compute the question statistics from the raw data. More...
class | core_renderer |
| The standard implementation of the core_renderer interface. More...
class | core_renderer_ajax |
| A renderer that generates output for ajax scripts. More...
class | core_renderer_cli |
| A renderer that generates output for command-line scripts. More...
class | core_renderer_maintenance |
| The maintenance renderer. More...
class | core_requirejs |
| Collection of requirejs related methods. More...
class | core_rtlcss |
| Moodle RTLCSS class. More...
class | core_scss |
| Moodle SCSS compiler class. More...
class | core_shutdown_manager |
| Shutdown management class. More...
interface | core_string_manager |
| Interface for string manager. More...
class | core_string_manager_install |
| Fetches minimum strings for installation. More...
class | core_string_manager_standard |
| Standard string_manager implementation. More...
class | core_table\local\filter\filter |
| Class representing a generic filter of any type. More...
class | core_table\local\filter\filterset |
| Class representing a set of filters. More...
class | core_table\local\filter\integer_filter |
| Class representing an integer filter. More...
class | core_table\local\filter\numeric_comparison_filter |
| Class representing an integer filter. More...
class | core_table\local\filter\string_filter |
| Class representing a string filter. More...
class | core_text |
| defines string api's for manipulating strings More...
class | core_upgrade_time |
| Static class monitors performance of upgrade steps. More...
class | core_user |
| User class to access user details. More...
class | core_user\analytics\target\upcoming_activities_due |
| Upcoming activities due target. More...
class | core_user\devicekey |
class | core_user\external\update_user_device_public_key |
class | core_user\table\participants_filterset |
| Participants table filterset. More...
class | core_useragent |
| The user agent class. More...
class | core_userfeedback |
| This Class contains helper functions for user feedback functionality. More...
class | core_xml_parser |
| Class for parsing xml files. More...
class | course_enrolment_table |
| Main course enrolment table. More...
class | course_modinfo |
class | course_reset_form |
| Defines the course reset settings form. More...
class | coursecat_helper |
| Class storing display options and functions to help display course category and/or courses lists. More...
class | csv_export_writer |
| Utitily class for exporting of CSV files. More...
class | csv_import_reader |
| Utitily class for importing of CSV files. More...
class | custom_menu |
| Custom menu class. More...
class | custom_menu_item |
| Custom menu item. More...
class | database_driver_testcase |
| Special test case for testing of DML drivers and DDL layer. More...
class | dbtransfer_exception |
| Exception class for db transfer. More...
class | ddl_change_structure_exception |
| Error during changing db structure. More...
class | ddl_dependency_exception |
| Error changing db structure, caused by some dependency found like trying to modify one field having related indexes. More...
class | ddl_exception |
| DDL exception class, use instead of throw new moodle_exception() and "return false;" in ddl code. More...
class | ddl_field_missing_exception |
| Table does not exist problem exception. More...
class | ddl_table_missing_exception |
| Table does not exist problem exception. More...
class | default_block_generator |
| Default block generator class to be used when a specific one is not supported. More...
class | dml_connection_exception |
| DML db connection exception - triggered if database not accessible. More...
class | dml_exception |
| DML exception class, use instead of throw new moodle_exception() in dml code. More...
class | dml_missing_record_exception |
| Caused by missing record that is required for normal operation. More...
class | dml_multiple_records_exception |
| Caused by multiple records found in get_record() call. More...
class | dml_read_exception |
| DML read exception - triggered by some SQL syntax errors, etc. More...
class | dml_sessionwait_exception |
| DML db session wait exception - triggered when session lock request times out. More...
class | dml_transaction_exception |
| DML transaction exception - triggered by problems related to DB transactions. More...
class | dml_write_exception |
| DML write exception - triggered by some SQL syntax errors, etc. More...
class | dndupload_ajax_processor |
| Processes the upload, creating the course module and returning the result. More...
class | dndupload_handler |
| Stores all the information about the available dndupload handlers. More...
class | downgrade_exception |
| Exception indicating downgrade error during upgrade. More...
class | edit_criteria_form |
| Form to edit badge criteria. More...
class | edit_relatedbadge_form |
| Form to edit badge details. More...
class | emoticon_manager |
| Provides core support for plugins that have to deal with emoticons (like HTML editor or emoticon filter). More...
class | endorsement_form |
| Form to edit endorsement. More...
class | enrol_plugin |
| Enrolment plugins abstract class. More...
class | environment_results |
| Helper Class to return results to caller. More...
class | error_log_progress_trace |
| This subclass of progress_trace outputs to error log. More...
class | file_picker |
| Data structure representing a file picker. More...
class | file_serving_exception |
| An exception that indicates that file can not be served. More...
class | files_tree_viewer |
| Data structure representing a general moodle file tree viewer. More...
class | filter_local_settings_form |
class | filter_manager |
| Class to manage the filtering of strings. More...
class | filterobject |
| This is just a little object to define a phrase and some instructions for how to process it. More...
class | flat_navigation |
| Class used to generate a collection of navigation nodes most closely related to the current page. More...
class | flat_navigation_node |
| Subclass of navigation_node allowing different rendering for the flat navigation in particular allowing dividers and indents. More...
class | flexible_table |
class | flickr_client |
| Simple Flickr API client implementing the features needed by Moodle. More...
class | fragment_requirements_manager |
| This requirements manager captures the appropriate html for creating a fragment to be inserted elsewhere. More...
class | global_navigation |
| The global navigation class used for... the global navigation. More...
class | global_navigation_for_ajax |
| The global navigation class used especially for AJAX requests. More...
class | google_docs |
| Class for manipulating google documents through the google data api. More...
class | google_oauth |
| OAuth 2.0 client for Google Services. More...
class | graph |
class | help_icon |
| Data structure representing a help icon. More...
class | html_list_progress_trace |
| HTML List Progress Tree. More...
class | html_progress_trace |
| This subclass of progress_trace outputs as HTML. More...
class | html_table |
| Holds all the information required to render a. More...
class | html_table_cell |
| Component representing a table cell. More...
class | html_table_row |
| Component representing a table row. More...
class | html_writer |
| Simple html output class. More...
class | HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_gopher |
| Validates Gopher defined by RFC 4266. More...
class | HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_irc |
| Validates IRC defined by IETF Draft. More...
class | HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_mms |
| Validates MMS defined by Microsoft. More...
class | HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_rtmp |
| Validates RTMP defined by Adobe. More...
class | HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_rtsp |
| Validates RTSP defined by RFC 2326. More...
class | HTMLPurifier_URIScheme_teamspeak |
| Validates TeamSpeak defined by TeamSpeak. More...
class | image_icon |
| Data structure representing an activity icon. More...
class | imscc11_backup_convert |
class | imscc11_convert_exception |
| Exception thrown by this converter. More...
class | imscc11_converter |
class | imscc11_export_converter |
class | imscc11_store_backup_file |
class | imscc11_zip_contents |
class | imscc1_convert_exception |
| Exception thrown by this converter. More...
class | imscc1_converter |
class | initials_bar |
| Component representing initials bar. More...
class | invalid_dataroot_permissions |
| An exception that indicates incorrect permissions in $CFG->dataroot. More...
class | invalid_parameter_exception |
| Exception indicating malformed parameter problem. More...
class | invalid_response_exception |
| Exception indicating malformed response problem. More...
class | invalid_state_exception |
| An exception that indicates something really weird happened. More...
class | js_writer |
| Simple javascript output class. More...
class | lang_installer |
| End of component_installer class. More...
class | lang_installer_exception |
| Exception thrown by lang_installer. More...
class | lang_string |
| The lang_string class. More...
class | license_manager |
class | list_item |
class | login_change_password_form |
class | login_forgot_password_form |
| Reset forgotten password form definition. More...
class | login_set_password_form |
| Set forgotten password form definition. More...
class | login_signup_form |
class | mnet_profile_form |
| small form to allow the administrator to configure (override) which profile fields are sent/imported over mnet More...
class | mnet_review_host_form |
| The second step of the form - reviewing the host details This is also the same form that is used for editing an existing host. More...
class | mnet_services_form |
class | mnet_simple_host_form |
| The very basic first step add new host form - just wwwroot & application The second form is loaded up with the information from this one. More...
class | mod_chat_generator |
| mod_chat data generator class. More...
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Context\ContextClass\ClassResolver |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Context\Initializer\MoodleAwareInitializer |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Context\MoodleContext |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Context\Step\ChainedStep |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Context\Step\Given |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Context\Step\Then |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Context\Step\When |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Definition\Cli\AvailableDefinitionsController |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Definition\Printer\ConsoleDefinitionInformationPrinter |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Driver\WebDriver |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Driver\WebDriverFactory |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\EventDispatcher\Tester\ChainedStepTester |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\EventDispatcher\Tester\MoodleEventDispatchingStepTester |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Exception\SkippedException |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Locator\FilesystemSkipPassedListLocator |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Output\Formatter\MoodleListFormatter |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Output\Formatter\MoodleProgressFormatterFactory |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Output\Formatter\MoodleScreenshotFormatter |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Output\Formatter\MoodleStepcountFormatter |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Output\Printer\MoodleProgressPrinter |
class | Moodle\BehatExtension\Tester\Cli\SkipPassedController |
class | moodle_exception |
| Base Moodle Exception class. More...
class | moodle_list |
| Clues to reading this code: More...
class | moodle_page |
class | moodle_phpmailer |
| Moodle Customised version of the PHPMailer class. More...
class | moodle_phpmailer_oauth |
class | moodle_text_filter |
| Base class for text filters. More...
class | moodle_url |
| Class for creating and manipulating urls. More...
class | moodle_xhprofrun |
| Custom implementation of iXHProfRuns. More...
class | MoodleExcelFormat |
| Define and operate over one Format. More...
class | MoodleExcelWorkbook |
| Define and operate over one Moodle Workbook. More...
class | MoodleExcelWorksheet |
| Define and operate over one Worksheet. More...
class | MoodleODSCell |
| ODS Cell abstraction. More...
class | MoodleODSFormat |
| ODS cell format abstraction. More...
class | MoodleODSWorkbook |
| ODS workbook abstraction. More...
class | MoodleODSWorksheet |
| ODS Worksheet abstraction. More...
class | MoodleODSWriter |
| ODS file writer. More...
class | mysqli_native_moodle_recordset |
| Mysqli specific moodle recordset class. More...
class | nasty_strings |
| Nasty strings manager. More...
class | navbar |
| Navbar class. More...
class | navigation_cache |
| The cache class used by global navigation and settings navigation. More...
class | navigation_json |
| Simple class used to output a navigation branch in XML. More...
class | navigation_node |
| This class is used to represent a node in a navigation tree. More...
class | navigation_node_collection |
| Navigation node collection. More...
class | null_filter_manager |
| Filter manager subclass that does nothing. More...
class | null_progress_trace |
| This subclass of progress_trace does not ouput anything. More...
class | oauth2_client |
| OAuth 2.0 Client for using web access tokens. More...
class | page_requirements_manager |
| This class tracks all the things that are needed by the current page. More...
class | paging_bar |
| Component representing a paging bar. More...
interface | parentable_part_of_admin_tree |
| Interface implemented by any part_of_admin_tree that has children. More...
interface | part_of_admin_tree |
| CLASS DEFINITIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////. More...
class | performance_measuring_filter_manager |
| Filter manager subclass that tracks how much work it does. More...
class | phpunit_constraint_object_is_equal_with_exceptions |
| Constraint that checks a simple object with an isEqual constrain, allowing for exceptions to be made for some fields. More...
class | phpunit_coverage_info |
| Coverage information for the core subsystem. More...
class | phpunit_dataset |
| Lightweight dataset class for phpunit, supports XML, CSV and array datasets. More...
class | phpunit_event_mock |
| Event mock class. More...
class | phpunit_event_sink |
| Event redirection sink. More...
class | phpunit_message_sink |
| Message sink. More...
class | phpunit_phpmailer_sink |
| phpmailer message sink. More...
class | phpunit_util |
| Collection of utility methods. More...
class | pix_emoticon |
| Data structure representing an emoticon image. More...
class | pix_icon |
| Data structure representing an icon. More...
class | pix_icon_font |
| Data structure representing an icon font. More...
class | pix_icon_fontawesome |
| Data structure representing an icon subtype. More...
class | plugin_defective_exception |
| @subpackage upgrade More...
class | plugin_incompatible_exception |
| Exception thrown when attempting to install a plugin that declares incompatibility with moodle version. More...
class | plugin_misplaced_exception |
| Misplaced plugin exception. More...
class | plugin_renderer_base |
| Basis for all plugin renderers. More...
class | PNG_MetaDataHandler |
| Information on PNG file chunks can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11Chunks Some other info on PNG that I used http://garethrees.org/2007/11/14/pngcrush/. More...
class | popup_action |
| Component action for a popup window. More...
class | preferences_group |
| Represents a group of preferences page link. More...
class | preferences_groups |
| Represents a set of preferences groups. More...
class | progress_bar |
| Progress bar class. More...
class | progress_trace |
| Progress trace class. More...
class | progress_trace_buffer |
| Special type of trace that can be used for catching of output of other traces. More...
class | question_behaviour_type |
| This class represents the type of behaviour, rather than the instance of the behaviour which control a particular question attempt. More...
class | question_behaviour_type_fallback |
| This class exists to allow behaviours that worked in Moodle 2.3 to continue to work. More...
interface | renderable |
| Interface marking other classes as suitable for renderer_base\render() More...
class | renderer_base |
| Simple base class for Moodle renderers. More...
interface | renderer_factory |
| A renderer factory is just responsible for creating an appropriate renderer for any given part of Moodle. More...
class | renderer_factory_base |
| This is a base class to help you implement the renderer_factory interface. More...
class | require_login_exception |
| Course/activity access exception. More...
class | require_login_session_timeout_exception |
| Session timeout exception. More...
class | required_capability_exception |
| Exceptions indicating user does not have permissions to do something and the execution can not continue. More...
class | restore_date_testcase |
| Advanced PHPUnit test case customised for testing restore dates in Moodle. More...
class | search_lexer |
| This class does the heavy lifting of lexing the search string into tokens. More...
class | search_parser |
| This class takes care of sticking the proper token type/value pairs into the parsed token array. More...
class | search_token |
| Class to hold token/value pairs after they're parsed. More...
class | section_info |
class | settings_navigation |
| Class used to manage the settings option for the current page. More...
class | settings_navigation_ajax |
| Class used to populate site admin navigation for ajax. More...
class | single_button |
| Data structure representing a simple form with only one button. More...
class | single_select |
| Simple form with just one select field that gets submitted automatically. More...
class | standard_renderer_factory |
| This is the default renderer factory for Moodle. More...
class | table_dataformat_export_format |
| Dataformat exporter. More...
class | table_default_export_format_parent |
class | table_sql |
class | tabobject |
| Stores one tab. More...
class | tabtree |
| Stores tabs list. More...
interface | templatable |
| Interface marking other classes having the ability to export their data for use by templates. More...
class | test_lock |
| Tests lock to prevent concurrent executions of the same test suite. More...
class | testing_block_generator |
| Block generator base class. More...
class | testing_module_generator |
| Module generator base class. More...
class | testing_repository_generator |
| Repository data generator class. More...
class | testing_util |
| Utils for test sites creation. More...
class | tests_finder |
| Finds components and plugins with tests. More...
class | text_progress_trace |
| This subclass of progress_trace outputs to plain text. More...
class | texteditor |
| Base abstract text editor class. More...
class | theme_config |
| This class represents the configuration variables of a Moodle theme. More...
class | theme_overridden_renderer_factory |
| This is renderer factory allows themes to override the standard renderers using php code. More...
class | upgrade_exception |
| Exception indicating unknown error during upgrade. More...
class | upgrade_requires_exception |
| @subpackage upgrade More...
class | upload_manager |
| This class handles all aspects of fileuploading. More...
class | url_select |
| Simple URL selection widget description. More...
class | user_bulk_action_form |
| Bulk user action form. More...
class | user_bulk_cohortadd_form |
class | user_bulk_form |
| Bulk user form. More...
class | user_picture |
| Data structure representing a user picture. More...
class | uu_progress_tracker |
| Tracking of processed users. More...
class | webservice_parameter_exception |
| Web service parameter exception class. More...
class | WikiToMarkdown |
| #- More...
class | xhprof_table_sql |
| Simple subclass of table_sql that provides some custom formatters for various columns, in order to make the main profiles list nicer. More...
class | xhtml_container_stack |
| This class keeps track of which HTML tags are currently open. More...
class | xml_format_exception |
class | YUI_config |
| This class represents the YUI configuration. More...
| filter_manager::__construct () |
| Constructor.
| filterobject::__construct ($phrase, $hreftagbegin='< span class="highlight">', $hreftagend='</span >', $casesensitive=false, $fullmatch=false, $replacementphrase=null, $replacementcallback=null, array $replacementcallbackdata=null) |
| Constructor.
| moodle_text_filter::__construct ($context, array $localconfig) |
| Set any context-specific configuration for this filter.
object | _fix_course_cats ($children, &$sortorder, $parent, $depth, $path, &$fixcontexts) |
| Internal recursive category verification function, do not use directly!
| _tidy_question ($question, $category, array $tagobjects=null, array $filtercourses=null) |
| Private function to factor common code out of get_question_options().
| abort_all_db_transactions () |
| Unconditionally abort all database transactions, this function should be called from exception handlers only.
| add_event () |
| CALENDAR MANAGEMENT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.
| add_indented_names ($categories, $nochildrenof=-1) |
| Format categories into an indented list reflecting the tree structure.
| add_mod_to_section () |
moodle_database | add_to_config_log ($name, $oldvalue, $value, $plugin) |
| Add an entry to the config log table.
| add_to_log () |
| address_in_subnet ($addr, $subnetstr, $checkallzeros=false) |
| Function to check the passed address is within the passed subnet.
| addslashes_js ($var) |
| Does proper javascript quoting.
| admin_apply_default_settings ($node=null, $unconditional=true, $admindefaultsettings=array(), $settingsoutput=array()) |
| settings utility functions
| admin_critical_warnings_present () |
| Test if and critical warnings are present.
moodle_page | admin_externalpage_setup ($section, $extrabutton='', array $extraurlparams=null, $actualurl='', array $options=array()) |
| Initialise admin page - this function does require login and permission checks specified in page definition.
| admin_find_write_settings ($node, $data) |
| Internal recursive function - finds all settings from submitted form.
| admin_get_root ($reload=false, $requirefulltree=true) |
| Returns the reference to admin tree root.
| admin_mnet_method_get_docblock (ReflectionFunctionAbstract $function) |
| Given some sort of reflection function/method object, return an array of docblock lines, where each line is an array of keywords/descriptions.
| admin_mnet_method_get_help (ReflectionFunctionAbstract $function) |
| Given some sort of reflection function/method object, return just the help text.
| admin_mnet_method_profile (ReflectionFunctionAbstract $function) |
| Given some sort of reflection function/method object, return a profile array, ready to be serialized and stored.
| admin_output_new_settings_by_page ($node) |
| Internal function - returns arrays of html pages with uninitialised settings.
| admin_search_settings_html ($query) |
| Internal function - prints the search results.
| admin_write_settings ($formdata) |
| Store changed settings, this function updates the errors variable in $ADMIN.
| ajax_capture_output () |
| Starts capturing output whilst processing an AJAX request.
| ajax_check_captured_output () |
| Check captured output for content.
| ajaxenabled () |
| allow_assign () |
| allow_override () |
| allow_switch () |
| any_new_admin_settings ($node) |
| Based on find_new_settings() in upgradesettings.php Looks to find any admin settings that have not been initialized.
| filter_manager::apply_filter_chain ($text, $filterchain, array $options=array(), array $skipfilters=null) |
| Apply a list of filters to some content.
| array_is_nested ($array) |
| Check if there is a nested array within the passed array.
| authenticate_user_login ($username, $password, $ignorelockout=false, &$failurereason=null, $logintoken=false) |
| Authenticates a user against the chosen authentication mechanism.
| badge_assemble_notification (stdClass $badge) |
| Creates single message for all notification and sends it out.
| badge_award_criteria_competency_has_records_for_competencies ($competencyids) |
| Check if any badge has records for competencies.
| badge_message_from_template ($message, $params) |
| Replaces variables in a message template and returns text ready to be emailed to a user.
| badges_add_course_navigation (navigation_node $coursenode, stdClass $course) |
| Extends the course administration navigation with the Badges page.
| badges_award_handle_manual_criteria_review (stdClass $data) |
| Triggered when badge is manually awarded.
| badges_bake ($hash, $badgeid, $userid=0, $pathhash=false) |
| Bake issued badge.
| badges_calculate_message_schedule ($schedule) |
| Caclulates date for the next message digest to badge creators.
| badges_change_sortorder_backpacks (int $backpackid, int $direction) |
| Moves the backpack in the list one position up or down.
| badges_check_backpack_accessibility () |
| Checks if badges can be pushed to external backpack.
| badges_create_site_backpack ($data) |
| Create the site backpack with this data.
| badges_delete_site_backpack ($id) |
| Delete the backpack with this id.
| badges_disconnect_user_backpack ($userid) |
| Disconnect from the user backpack by deleting the user preferences.
| badges_download ($userid) |
| Download all user badges in zip archive.
| badges_external_create_mapping ($sitebackpackid, $type, $internalid, $externalid) |
| Save the info about which objects we connected with a backpack before.
| badges_external_delete_mapping ($sitebackpackid, $type, $internalid) |
| Delete a specific external mapping information for a backpack.
| badges_external_delete_mappings ($sitebackpackid) |
| Delete all external mapping information for a backpack.
| badges_external_get_mapping ($sitebackpackid, $type, $internalid, $param='externalid') |
| Used to remember which objects we connected with a backpack before.
| badges_generate_badgr_open_url ($backpack, $type, $externalid) |
| Generate a public badgr URL that conforms to OBv2.
| badges_get_badge_api_versions () |
| List the supported badges api versions.
| badges_get_badges ($type, $courseid=0, $sort='', $dir='', $page=0, $perpage=BADGE_PERPAGE, $user=0) |
| Get all badges.
| badges_get_default_issuer () |
| Get the default issuer for a badge from this site.
| badges_get_issued_badge_info () |
| badges_get_oauth2_service_options () |
| Get OAuth2 services for the external backpack.
| badges_get_site_backpack ($id, int $userid=0) |
| Get a site backpacks by id for a particular user or site (if userid is 0)
| badges_get_site_backpacks () |
| List the backpacks at site level.
| badges_get_site_primary_backpack () |
| Get the primary backpack for the site.
| badges_get_user_backpack (?int $userid=0) |
| Get the user backpack for the currently logged in user OR the provided user.
| badges_get_user_badges ($userid, $courseid=0, $page=0, $perpage=0, $search='', $onlypublic=false) |
| Get badges for a specific user.
| badges_handle_course_deletion ($courseid) |
| Handles what happens to the course badges when a course is deleted.
| badges_list_criteria ($enabled=true) |
| Return all the enabled criteria types for this site.
| badges_local_backpack_js ($checksite=false) |
| No js files are required for backpack support.
| badges_notify_badge_award (badge $badge, $userid, $issued, $filepathhash) |
| Sends notifications to users about awarded badges.
| badges_open_badges_backpack_api (?int $backpackid=null) |
| Is any backpack enabled that supports open badges V1?
| badges_process_badge_image (badge $badge, $iconfile) |
| Process badge image from form data.
| badges_save_backpack_credentials (stdClass $data) |
| Create a backpack with the provided details.
| badges_save_external_backpack (stdClass $data) |
| Perform the actual create/update of external bakpacks.
| badges_send_verification_email ($email, $backpackid, $backpackpassword) |
| Create and send a verification email to the email address supplied.
| badges_setup_backpack_js () |
| Loads JS files required for backpack support.
| badges_update_site_backpack ($id, $data) |
| Update the backpack with this id.
| badges_user_has_backpack ($userid) |
| Checks if user has external backpack connected.
| badges_verify_backpack (int $backpackid) |
| Attempt to authenticate with a backpack credentials and return an error if the authentication fails.
| badges_verify_site_backpack () |
| Attempt to authenticate with the site backpack credentials and return an error if the authentication fails.
| behat_check_config_vars () |
| Checks that the behat config vars are properly set.
| behat_clean_init_config () |
| Restrict the config.php settings allowed.
| behat_error ($errorcode, $text='') |
| Exits with an error code.
| behat_error_handler ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) |
| PHP errors handler to use when running behat tests.
| behat_get_command_flags (string $option, $value) |
| Get command flags for an option/value combination.
| behat_get_error_string ($errtype) |
| Return logical error string.
| behat_get_run_process () |
| Get behat run process from either $_SERVER or command config.
| behat_get_shutdown_process_errors () |
| Return php errors save which were save during shutdown.
| behat_is_requested_url ($url) |
| Checks if the URL requested by the user matches the provided argument.
| behat_is_test_site () |
| Should we switch to the test site data?
| behat_shutdown_function () |
| Before shutdown save last error entries, so we can fail the test.
| behat_update_vars_for_process () |
| Fix variables for parallel behat testing.
| block_add_block_ui ($page, $output) |
| Functions update the blocks if required by the request parameters ==========.
| block_instance ($blockname, $instance=NULL, $page=NULL) |
| Creates a new instance of the specified block class.
| block_instance_by_id ($blockinstanceid) |
| Returns a new instance of the specified block instance id.
| block_load_class ($blockname) |
| Load the block class for a particular type of block.
| block_method_result ($blockname, $method, $param=NULL) |
| Helper functions for working with block classes ============================.
| blocks_add_default_course_blocks ($course) |
| Add the default blocks to a course.
| blocks_add_default_system_blocks () |
| Add the default system-context blocks.
| blocks_delete_all_for_context ($contextid) |
| Delete all the blocks that belong to a particular context.
| blocks_delete_instance ($instance, $nolongerused=false, $skipblockstables=false) |
| Delete a block, and associated data.
| blocks_delete_instances ($instanceids) |
| Delete multiple blocks at once.
| blocks_find_block ($blockid, $blocksarray) |
| Find a given block by its blockid within a provide array.
| blocks_get_default_site_course_blocks () |
| blocks_get_record ($blockid=NULL, $notusedanymore=false) |
| Get the block record for a particular blockid - that is, a particular type os block.
| blocks_name_allowed_in_format ($name, $pageformat) |
| Check that a given name is in a permittable format.
| blocks_parse_default_blocks_list ($blocksstr) |
| Parse a list of default blocks.
| blocks_remove_inappropriate ($course) |
| Actually delete from the database any blocks that are currently on this page, but which should not be there according to blocks_name_allowed_in_format.
| blocks_set_visibility ($instance, $page, $newvisibility) |
| Set a block to be visible or hidden on a particular page.
| blog_get_context_url () |
| bounded_number ($min, $value, $max) |
| Used to make sure that $min <= $value <= $max.
| break_up_long_words ($string, $maxsize=20, $cutchar=' ') |
| Given some normal text this function will break up any long words to a given size by inserting the given character.
| build_context_path () |
| build_logs_array () |
| build_navigation () |
| calculate_user_dst_table () |
| calendar_cron () |
| calendar_get_all_allowed_types () |
| calendar_get_block_upcoming () |
| calendar_get_mini () |
| calendar_get_upcoming () |
| calendar_import_icalendar_events ($ical, $unused=null, $subscriptionid=null) |
| Import events from an iCalendar object into a course calendar.
| calendar_normalize_tz () |
| calendar_preferences_button () |
| calendar_print_month_selector () |
| calendar_process_subscription_row ($subscriptionid, $pollinterval, $action) |
| Update a subscription from the form data in one of the rows in the existing subscriptions table.
| calendar_wday_name () |
| can_send_from_real_email_address ($from, $user, $unused=null) |
| Check to see if a user's real email address should be used for the "From" field.
| can_use_html_editor () |
| can_use_readonly (int $type, string $sql) |
| Check if The query qualifies for readonly connection execution Logging queries are exempt, those are write operations that circumvent standard query_start/query_end paths.
| can_use_rotated_text () |
| category_delete_full () |
| category_delete_move () |
| check_admin_dir_usage (environment_results $result) |
| Check whether the admin directory has been configured and warn if so.
| check_browser_operating_system () |
| check_browser_version () |
| check_consecutive_identical_characters ($password, $maxchars) |
| Check whether the given password has no more than the specified number of consecutive identical characters.
| check_database_storage_engine (environment_results $result) |
| This function verifies that the database is not using an unsupported storage engine.
| check_database_tables_row_format (environment_results $result) |
| This function verifies if the database has tables using innoDB Antelope row format.
| check_db_prefix_length (environment_results $result) |
| This function checks that the database prefix ($CFG->prefix) is <= 10.
| check_dir_exists ($dir, $create=true, $recursive=true) |
| Function to check if a directory exists and by default create it if not exists.
| check_gd_version () |
| check_igbinary322_version (environment_results $result) |
| Check if the igbinary extension installed is buggy one.
| check_is_https (environment_results $result) |
| Check if the site is being served using an ssl url.
| check_libcurl_version (environment_results $result) |
| Check if recommended version of libcurl is installed or not.
| check_max_input_vars (environment_results $result) |
| Environment check for the php setting max_input_vars.
| check_mod_assignment (environment_results $result) |
| Check whether the mod_assignment is currently being used.
| check_moodle_environment ($version, $env_select=ENV_SELECT_NEWER) |
| This function checks all the requirements defined in environment.xml.
| check_mysql_file_format (environment_results $result) |
| This function verfies that the database has tables using InnoDB Antelope row format.
| check_mysql_file_per_table (environment_results $result) |
| This function verfies that the database has a setting of one file per table.
| check_mysql_incomplete_unicode_support (environment_results $result) |
| This function checks the database to see if it is using incomplete unicode support.
| check_mysql_large_prefix (environment_results $result) |
| This function verfies that the database has the setting of large prefix enabled.
| check_oracle_usage (environment_results $result) |
| Check whether the Oracle database is currently being used and warn if so.
| check_password_policy ($password, &$errmsg, $user=null) |
| Validate a password against the configured password policy.
| check_php_version ($version='5.2.4') |
| Returns true if the current version of PHP is greater that the specified one.
| check_sixtyfour_bits (environment_results $result) |
| Check if the site is using 64 bits PHP.
| check_slasharguments (environment_results $result) |
| Method used to check the usage of slasharguments config and display a warning message.
| check_tls_libraries (environment_results $result) |
| Checks for up-to-date TLS libraries.
| check_unoconv_version (environment_results $result) |
| Method used to check the installed unoconv version.
| check_upgrade_key ($upgradekeyhash) |
| Assert the upgrade key is provided, if it is defined.
| check_user_preferences_loaded (stdClass $user, $cachelifetime=120) |
| Refresh user preference cache.
| check_xmlrpc_usage (environment_results $result) |
| Check whether the XML-RPC protocol is enabled and warn if so.
| choose_from_menu () |
| clam_change_log () |
| clam_handle_infected_file () |
| clam_log_infected () |
| clam_log_upload () |
| clam_message_admins () |
| clam_replace_infected_file () |
| clam_scan_moodle_file () |
| clean_filename ($string) |
| Cleans a given filename by removing suspicious or troublesome characters.
| clean_param ($param, $type) |
| Used by optional_param() and required_param() to clean the variables and/or cast to specific types, based on an options field.
| clean_param_array (?array $param, $type, $recursive=false) |
| Makes sure array contains only the allowed types, this function does not validate array key names!
| clean_text ($text, $format=FORMAT_HTML, $options=array()) |
| Cleans raw text removing nasties.
| cleanremoteaddr ($addr, $compress=false) |
| Cleans an ip address.
| cleanup_contexts () |
| cleardoubleslashes ($path) |
| Replace 1 or more slashes or backslashes to 1 slash.
| cli_error ($text, $errorcode=1) |
| Write to standard error output and exit with the given code.
| cli_execute_parallel ($cmds, $cwd=null, $delay=0) |
| Execute commands in parallel.
| cli_get_params (array $longoptions, array $shortmapping=null) |
| Returns cli script parameters.
| cli_heading ($string, $return=false) |
| Print or return section heading string.
| cli_input ($prompt, $default='', array $options=null, $casesensitiveoptions=false) |
| Get input from user.
| cli_logo ($padding=2, $return=false) |
| Print an ASCII version of the Moodle logo.
| cli_problem ($text) |
| Write error notification.
| cli_separator ($return=false) |
| Print or return section separator string.
| cli_set_process_title_suffix (string $suffix) |
| This sets the cli process title suffix.
| cli_write ($text, $stream=STDOUT) |
| Write a text to the given stream.
| cli_writeln ($text, $stream=STDOUT) |
| Write a text followed by an end of line symbol to the given stream.
| close_window ($delay=0, $reloadopener=false) |
| Try and close the current window using JavaScript, either immediately, or after a delay.
| cohort_get_visible_list () |
| commit_delegated_transaction (moodle_transaction $transaction) |
| Indicates delegated transaction finished successfully.
| complete_user_login ($user, array $extrauserinfo=[]) |
| Call to complete the user login process after authenticate_user_login() has succeeded.
| completion_cron () |
| complex_random_string ($length=null) |
| Generate a complex random string (useful for md5 salts)
| component_callback ($component, $function, array $params=array(), $default=null) |
| Invoke component's callback functions.
| component_callback_exists ($component, $function) |
| Determine if a component callback exists and return the function name to call.
| component_class_callback ($classname, $methodname, array $params, $default=null) |
| Call the specified callback method on the provided class.
| confirm_sesskey ($sesskey=NULL) |
| Check the sesskey and return true of false for whether it is valid.
| connect ($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $prefix, array $dboptions=null) |
| Connect to db The connection parameters processor that sets up stage for master write and slave readonly handles.
| content_to_text ($content, $contentformat) |
| Converts texts or strings to plain text.
| context_instance_preload () |
| context_instance_preload_sql () |
| context_moved () |
| convert_tabrows_to_tree () |
| convert_to_array ($var) |
| Converts an object into an associative array.
| convert_tree_to_html () |
| core_login_extend_change_password_form ($mform, $user) |
| Plugins can extend forms.
| core_login_extend_forgot_password_form ($mform) |
| Inject form elements into forgot_password_form.
| core_login_extend_set_password_form ($mform, $user) |
| Inject form elements into set_password_form.
| core_login_extend_signup_form ($mform) |
| Inject form elements into signup_form.
| core_login_generate_password_reset ($user) |
| Create a new record in the database to track a new password set request for user.
| core_login_get_return_url () |
| Determine where a user should be redirected after they have been logged in.
| core_login_post_change_password_requests ($data) |
| Plugins can perform post submission actions.
| core_login_post_forgot_password_requests ($data) |
| Post forgot_password_form submission actions.
| core_login_post_set_password_requests ($data, $user) |
| Post set_password_form submission actions.
| core_login_post_signup_requests ($data) |
| Post signup_form submission actions.
| core_login_pre_signup_requests () |
| Plugins can create pre sign up requests.
| core_login_process_password_reset ($username, $email) |
| Process the password reset for the given user (via username or email).
| core_login_process_password_reset_request () |
| Processes a user's request to set a new password in the event they forgot the old one.
| core_login_process_password_set ($token) |
| This function processes a user's submitted token to validate the request to set a new password.
| core_login_validate_extend_change_password_form ($data, $user) |
| Plugins can add additional validation to forms.
| core_login_validate_extend_forgot_password_form ($data) |
| Inject validation into forgot_password_form.
| core_login_validate_extend_set_password_form ($data, $user) |
| Inject validation into set_password_form.
| core_login_validate_extend_signup_form ($data) |
| Inject validation into signup_form.
| core_login_validate_forgot_password_data ($data) |
| Validates the forgot password form data.
| core_myprofile_navigation (core_user\output\myprofile\tree $tree, $user, $iscurrentuser, $course) |
| Defines core nodes for my profile navigation tree.
| core_question_find_next_unused_idnumber (?string $oldidnumber, int $categoryid) |
| If $oldidnumber ends in some digits then return the next available idnumber of the same form.
| core_question_question_preview_pluginfile ($previewcontext, $questionid, $filecontext, $filecomponent, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, $options=[]) |
| Serve questiontext files in the question text when they are displayed in this report.
| core_tables_exist () |
| Checks if the main tables have been installed yet or not.
| count_enrolled_users (context $context, $withcapability='', $groupids=0, $onlyactive=false) |
| Counts list of users enrolled into course (as per above function)
| count_letters ($string, $format=null) |
| Count letters in a string.
| count_login_failures () |
| count_words ($string, $format=null) |
| Count words in a string.
| course_category_hide () |
| course_category_show () |
| course_get_cm_rename_action () |
| course_scale_used () |
| coursemodule_visible_for_user () |
| coursetag_delete_course_tags () |
| coursetag_delete_keyword () |
| coursetag_get_all_tags () |
| coursetag_get_jscript () |
| coursetag_get_jscript_links () |
| coursetag_get_records () |
| coursetag_get_tagged_courses () |
| coursetag_get_tags () |
| coursetag_store_keywords () |
| create_contexts () |
| create_course_category () |
| create_user_key ($script, $userid, $instance=null, $iprestriction=null, $validuntil=null) |
| Creates a new private user access key.
| create_user_record ($username, $password, $auth='manual') |
| Creates a bare-bones user record.
| cron_bc_hack_plugin_functions ($plugintype, $plugins) |
| Used to add in old-style cron functions within plugins that have not been converted to the new standard API.
| cron_execute_plugin_type ($plugintype, $description=null) |
| Executes cron functions for a specific type of plugin.
| cron_prepare_core_renderer ($restore=false) |
| Prepare the output renderer for the cron run.
| cron_run (?int $keepalive=null) |
| Execute cron tasks.
| cron_run_adhoc_tasks (int $timenow, $keepalive=0, $checklimits=true) |
| Execute all queued adhoc tasks, applying necessary concurrency limits and time limits.
| cron_run_inner_adhoc_task (\core\task\adhoc_task $task) |
| Shared code that handles running of a single adhoc task within the cron.
| cron_run_inner_scheduled_task (\core\task\task_base $task) |
| Shared code that handles running of a single scheduled task within the cron.
| cron_run_scheduled_tasks (int $timenow) |
| Execute all queued scheduled tasks, applying necessary concurrency limits and time limits.
| cron_run_single_task () |
| cron_set_process_title (string $title) |
| Sets the process title.
| cron_setup_user ($user=null, $course=null, $leavepagealone=false) |
| Sets up current user and course environment (lang, etc.) in cron.
| cron_trace_time_and_memory () |
| Output some standard information during cron runs.
| css_is_colour () |
| css_is_width () |
| css_minify_css () |
| css_send_cached_css ($csspath, $etag) |
| Sends a cached CSS file.
| css_send_cached_css_content ($csscontent, $etag) |
| Sends a cached CSS content.
| css_send_css_not_found () |
| Sends a 404 message about CSS not being found.
| css_send_temporary_css ($css) |
| Sends CSS directly and disables all caching.
| css_send_uncached_css ($css) |
| Sends CSS directly without caching it.
| css_send_unmodified ($lastmodified, $etag) |
| Send file not modified headers.
| css_sort_by_count () |
if(!defined( 'THEME_DESIGNER_CACHE_LIFETIME')) | css_store_css (theme_config $theme, $csspath, $csscontent) |
| Stores CSS in a file at the given path.
| css_write_file ($filename, $content) |
| Writes a CSS file.
| current_language () |
| Returns the code for the current language.
| current_theme () |
| custom_script_path () |
| Detect a custom script replacement in the data directory that will replace an existing moodle script.
| data_submitted () |
| Determine if there is data waiting to be processed from a form.
| date_format_string ($date, $format, $tz=99) |
| Returns a formatted date ensuring it is UTF-8.
| dayofweek ($day, $month, $year) |
| Calculate the position in the week of a specific calendar day.
| days_in_month ($month, $year) |
| Calculate the number of days in a given month.
| db_replace ($search, $replace, $additionalskiptables='') |
| Moved from admin/replace.php so that we can use this in cron.
| db_should_replace ($table, $column='', $additionalskiptables='') |
| Given a table and optionally a column name should replaces be done?
| debugging ($message='', $level=DEBUG_NORMAL, $backtrace=null) |
| Standard Debugging Function.
| decompose_update_into_safe_changes (array $newvalues, $unusedvalue) |
| Helper used by update_field_with_unique_index().
| dedupe_user_access () |
| default_error_handler ($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) |
| Default error handler, prevents some white screens.
| default_exception_handler ($ex) |
| Default exception handler.
| default_page_type_list ($pagetype, $parentcontext=null, $currentcontext=null) |
| Generates a default page type list when a more appropriate callback cannot be decided upon.
| delete_context () |
| delete_course ($courseorid, $showfeedback=true) |
| Delete a course, including all related data from the database, and any associated files.
| delete_course_module () |
| delete_event () |
| delete_question_bank_entry ($entryid) |
| Check if there is more versions left for the entry.
| delete_user (stdClass $user) |
| Marks user deleted in internal user database and notifies the auth plugin.
| delete_user_key ($script, $userid) |
| Delete the user's new private user access keys for a particular script.
| detect_munged_arguments () |
| display_auth_lock_options ($settings, $auth, $userfields, $helptext, $mapremotefields, $updateremotefields, $customfields=array()) |
| Helper function used to print locking for auth plugins on admin pages.
| display_size ($size, int $decimalplaces=1, string $fixedunits='') |
| Converts bytes into display form.
| dndupload_add_to_course ($course, $modnames) |
| Add the Javascript to enable drag and drop upload to a course page.
| download_as_dataformat ($filename, $dataformat, $columns, $iterator, $callback=null) |
| Sends a formated data file to the browser.
| draw_rand_array ($array, $draws) |
| Given an arbitrary array, and a number of draws, this function returns an array with that amount of items.
| drop_plugin_tables ($name, $file, $feedback=true) |
| Delete all plugin tables.
| dst_changes_for_year () |
| dst_offset_on ($time, $strtimezone=null) |
| Calculates the Daylight Saving Offset for a given date/time (timestamp)
| during_initial_install () |
| Indicates whether we are in the middle of the initial Moodle install.
| editors_get_available () |
| Get the list of available editors.
| editors_get_enabled () |
| Returns list of enabled text editors.
| editors_get_preferred_editor ($format=NULL) |
| Returns users preferred editor for given format.
| editors_get_preferred_format () |
| Returns users preferred text format.
| editors_head_setup () |
| Setup all JS and CSS needed for editors.
| email_is_not_allowed ($email) |
| Check that an email is allowed.
| email_should_be_diverted ($email) |
| A helper function to test for email diversion.
| email_to_user ($user, $from, $subject, $messagetext, $messagehtml='', $attachment='', $attachname='', $usetrueaddress=true, $replyto='', $replytoname='', $wordwrapwidth=79) |
| Send an email to a specified user.
| enable_cli_maintenance_mode () |
| Enables CLI maintenance mode by creating new dataroot/climaintenance.html file.
| endecrypt ($pwd, $data, $case) |
| Based on a class by Mukul Sabharwal [mukulsabharwal @ yahoo.com].
| enrol_accessing_via_instance (stdClass $instance) |
| Is current user accessing course via this enrolment method?
| enrol_add_course_navigation (navigation_node $coursenode, $course) |
| Add navigation nodes.
| enrol_calculate_duration ($timestart, $timeend) |
| Calculate duration base on start time and end time.
| enrol_check_plugins ($user, bool $ignoreintervalcheck=true) |
| Check all the login enrolment information for the given user object by querying the enrolment plugins This function may be very slow, use only once after log-in or login-as.
| enrol_cohort_can_view_cohort () |
| enrol_cohort_enrol_all_users () |
| enrol_cohort_get_cohorts () |
| enrol_cohort_search_cohorts () |
| enrol_course_delete ($course, $userid=null) |
| Called when course is about to be deleted.
| enrol_course_edit_form (MoodleQuickForm $mform, $data, $context) |
| This function adds necessary enrol plugins UI into the course edit form.
| enrol_course_edit_validation (array $data, $context) |
| Validate course edit form data.
| enrol_course_updated ($inserted, $course, $data) |
| Update enrol instances after course edit form submission.
| enrol_get_all_users_courses ($userid, $onlyactive=false, $fields=null, $sort=null) |
| Returns list of courses user is enrolled into without performing any capability checks.
| enrol_get_course_by_user_enrolment_id ($ueid) |
| Returns the course where a user enrolment belong to.
| enrol_get_course_description_texts ($course) |
| Returns course enrolment detailed information.
| enrol_get_course_info_icons ($course, array $instances=NULL) |
| Returns course enrolment information icons.
| enrol_get_course_users ($courseid=false, $onlyactive=false, $usersfilter=[], $uefilter=[], $usergroups=[]) |
| Return all users enrolled in a course.
| enrol_get_course_users_roles (int $courseid) |
| Returns list of roles per users into course.
| enrol_get_courses_sortingsql ($sort=null) |
| Returns SQL ORDER arguments which reflect the admin settings to sort my courses.
| enrol_get_enrolment_end ($courseid, $userid) |
| This function returns the end of current active user enrolment.
| enrol_get_instances ($courseid, $enabled) |
| Returns enrolment instances in given course.
| enrol_get_my_courses ($fields=null, $sort=null, $limit=0, $courseids=[], $allaccessible=false, $offset=0, $excludecourses=[]) |
| Returns list of courses current $USER is enrolled in and can access.
| enrol_get_period_list () |
| Get the list of options for the enrolment period dropdown.
| enrol_get_plugin ($name) |
| Returns instance of enrol plugin.
| enrol_get_plugins ($enabled) |
| Returns instances of enrol plugins.
moodle_database | enrol_get_shared_courses ($user1, $user2, $preloadcontexts=false, $checkexistsonly=false) |
| Returns any courses shared by the two users.
| enrol_get_users_courses ($userid, $onlyactive=false, $fields=null, $sort=null) |
| Returns list of courses user is enrolled into.
| enrol_is_enabled ($enrol) |
| Checks if a given plugin is in the list of enabled enrolment plugins.
| enrol_output_fragment_user_enrolment_form ($args) |
| Serve the user enrolment form as a fragment.
| enrol_selfenrol_available ($courseid) |
| Is there a chance users might self enrol.
| enrol_send_welcome_email_options () |
| Send welcome email "from" options.
| enrol_sharing_course ($user1, $user2) |
| Do these two students share any course?
| enrol_try_internal_enrol ($courseid, $userid, $roleid=null, $timestart=0, $timeend=0) |
| Try to enrol user via default internal auth plugin.
| enrol_user_delete ($user) |
| Called when user is about to be deleted.
| enrol_user_sees_own_courses ($user=null) |
| Can user access at least one enrolled course?
object | environment_check ($version, $env_select) |
| This function will check for everything (DB, PHP and PHP extensions for now) returning an array of environment_result objects.
| environment_check_database ($version, $env_select) |
| This function will check if database requirements are satisfied.
| environment_check_moodle ($version, $env_select) |
| This function will check if Moodle requirements are satisfied.
| environment_check_pcre_unicode ($version, $env_select) |
| Looks for buggy PCRE implementation, we need unicode support in Moodle...
| environment_check_php ($version, $env_select) |
| This function will check if php requirements are satisfied.
| environment_check_php_extensions ($version, $env_select) |
| This function will check if php extensions requirements are satisfied.
| environment_check_php_settings ($version, $env_select) |
| This function will check if php extensions requirements are satisfied.
| environment_check_unicode ($version, $env_select) |
| This function will check if unicode database requirements are satisfied.
| environment_custom_checks ($version, $env_select) |
| This function will do the custom checks.
| environment_get_errors ($environment_results) |
| Returns array of critical errors in plain text format.
| environment_verify_plugin ($plugin, $pluginxml) |
| Checks if a plugin tag has a name attribute and it matches the plugin being tested.
| error () |
| events_cleanup () |
| events_cron () |
| events_dequeue () |
| events_dispatch () |
| events_get_cached () |
| events_get_handlers () |
| events_is_registered () |
| events_load_def () |
| events_pending_count () |
| events_process_queued_handler () |
| events_queue_handler () |
| events_trigger () |
| events_trigger_legacy () |
| events_uninstall () |
| events_update_definition () |
| exists_auth_plugin ($auth) |
| Returns whether a given authentication plugin exists.
| external_function_info () |
| external_update_descriptions ($component) |
| Web service discovery function used during install and upgrade.
| external_update_services () |
| Allow plugins and subsystems to add external functions to other plugins or built-in services.
| extract_draft_file_urls_from_text ($text, $forcehttps=false, $contextid=null, $component=null, $filearea=null, $itemid=null, $filename=null) |
| Factory method for extracting draft file links from arbitrary text using regular expressions.
| fetch_context_capabilities () |
static | fill_classmap_renames_cache () |
| Records all class renames that have been made to facilitate autoloading.
| moodle_text_filter::filter ($text, array $options=array()) |
| Override this function to actually implement the filtering.
| moodle_text_filter::filter_stage_post_clean (string $text, array $options) |
| Filter HTML text at the very end after text is sanitised.
| moodle_text_filter::filter_stage_pre_clean (string $text, array $options) |
| Filter HTML text before sanitising text.
| moodle_text_filter::filter_stage_pre_format (string $text, array $options) |
| Filter text before changing format to HTML.
| moodle_text_filter::filter_stage_string (string $text, array $options) |
| Filter simple text coming from format_string().
| filter_manager::filter_string ($string, $context) |
| Filter a piece of string.
| null_filter_manager::filter_string ($string, $context) |
| As for the equivalent filter_manager method.
| performance_measuring_filter_manager::filter_string ($string, $context) |
| Filter a piece of string.
| filter_manager::filter_text ($text, $context, array $options=array(), array $skipfilters=null) |
| Filter some text.
| filter_text () |
| null_filter_manager::filter_text ($text, $context, array $options=array(), array $skipfilters=null) |
| As for the equivalent filter_manager method.
| performance_measuring_filter_manager::filter_text ($text, $context, array $options=array(), array $skipfilters=null) |
| Filter some text.
| find_day_in_month ($startday, $weekday, $month, $year) |
| Calculates when the day appears in specific month.
| fix_align_rtl ($align) |
| Returns swapped left<=> right if in RTL environment.
object | fix_course_sortorder () |
| Fixes course category and course sortorder, also verifies category and course parents and paths.
| fix_current_language (string $lang) |
| Fix the current language to the given language code.
| fix_utf8 ($value) |
| Makes sure the data is using valid utf8, invalid characters are discarded.
| flatten_category_tree (&$categories, $id, $depth=0, $nochildrenof=-1) |
| Private method, only for the use of add_indented_names().
| force_current_language ($language) |
| Force the current language to get strings and dates localised in the given language.
| format_admin_setting ($setting, $title='', $form='', $description='', $label=true, $warning='', $defaultinfo=NULL, $query='') |
| Format admin settings.
| format_backtrace ($callers, $plaintext=false) |
| Formats a backtrace ready for output.
| format_float ($float, $decimalpoints=1, $localized=true, $stripzeros=false) |
| Given a float, prints it nicely.
| format_module_intro ($module, $activity, $cmid, $filter=true) |
| Formats activity intro text.
| format_string ($string, $striplinks=true, $options=null) |
| Given a simple string, this function returns the string processed by enabled string filters if $CFG->filterall is enabled.
| format_text ($text, $format=FORMAT_MOODLE, $options=null, $courseiddonotuse=null) |
| Given text in a variety of format codings, this function returns the text as safe HTML.
| format_text_email ($text, $format) |
| Given text in a variety of format codings, this function returns the text as plain text suitable for plain email.
| format_text_menu () |
| Just returns an array of text formats suitable for a popup menu.
| format_time ($totalsecs, $str=null) |
| Format a date/time (seconds) as weeks, days, hours etc as needed.
| format_weeks_get_section_dates () |
| formerr () |
| fullclone ($thing) |
| This function will make a complete copy of anything it's given, regardless of whether it's an object or not.
| fullname ($user, $override=false) |
| Returns a persons full name.
| gc_cache_flags () |
| Garbage-collect volatile flags.
| generate_email_messageid ($localpart=null) |
| Generate a unique email Message-ID using the moodle domain and install path.
| generate_email_processing_address ($modid, $modargs) |
| Generate an email processing address.
| generate_email_signoff () |
| Generate a signoff for emails based on support settings.
| generate_email_supportuser () |
| generate_image_thumbnail ($filepath, $width, $height) |
| Generates a thumbnail for the given image.
| generate_image_thumbnail_from_image ($original, $imageinfo, $width, $height) |
| Generates a thumbnail for the given image string.
| generate_image_thumbnail_from_string ($filedata, $width, $height) |
| Generates a thumbnail for the given image string.
| generate_page_type_patterns ($pagetype, $parentcontext=null, $currentcontext=null) |
| Given a specific page type, parent context and currect context, return all the page type patterns that might be used by this block.
| generate_password ($maxlen=10) |
| Returns a randomly generated password of length $maxlen.
| generate_uuid () |
| get_accesshide ($text, $elem='span', $class='', $attrs='') |
| Return a HTML element with the class "accesshide", for accessibility.
if(!defined( 'LASTACCESS_UPDATE_SECS')) | get_admin () |
| Number of seconds to wait before updating lastaccess information in DB.
| get_admins () |
| Returns list of all admins, using 1 DB query.
static | get_all_component_hash (?array $components=null) |
| Returns hash of all core + plugin /db/ directories.
static | get_all_directory_hashes (?array $directories=null) |
| Get the hashes of all core + plugin /db/ directories.
| get_all_instances_in_course ($modulename, $course, $userid=NULL, $includeinvisible=false) |
| Returns an array of all the active instances of a particular module in a given course, sorted in the order they are defined.
object | get_all_instances_in_courses ($modulename, $courses, $userid=NULL, $includeinvisible=false) |
| Returns an array of all the active instances of a particular module in given courses, sorted in the order they are defined.
| get_all_mods () |
| get_all_sections () |
| get_all_subcategories () |
| get_all_user_name_fields ($returnsql=false, $tableprefix=null, $prefix=null, $fieldprefix=null, $order=false) |
| A centralised location for the all name fields.
static | get_all_versions () |
| Returns hash of all versions including core and all plugins.
static | get_all_versions_hash () |
| Returns hash of all versions including core and all plugins.
| get_array_of_activities (int $courseid, bool $usecache=false) |
| For a given course, returns an array of course activity objects Each item in the array contains he following properties:
| get_auth_plugin ($auth) |
| Returns an authentication plugin instance.
| get_backpack_settings ($userid, $refresh=false) |
| Returns external backpack settings and badges from this backpack.
| get_backup_temp_directory ($directory) |
| Get the full path of a directory under $CFG->backuptempdir.
| get_browser_version_classes () |
| get_cache_flag ($type, $name, $changedsince=null) |
| Get volatile flags.
| get_cache_flags ($type, $changedsince=null) |
| Get volatile flags.
| get_callable_name ($callable) |
| Get human readable name describing the given callable.
| get_categories () |
| get_categories_for_contexts ($contexts, $sortorder='parent, sortorder, name ASC', $top=false) |
| Get all the category objects, including a count of the number of questions in that category, for all the categories in the lists $contexts.
| get_category_courses_array () |
| get_category_courses_array_recursively () |
| get_child_categories () |
| get_child_contexts () |
| get_clam_error_code () |
| get_complete_user_data ($field, $value, $mnethostid=null, $throwexception=false) |
| Get a complete user record, which includes all the info in the user record.
static | get_component_classes_in_namespace ($component=null, $namespace='') |
| Returns all classes in a component matching the provided namespace.
static | get_component_directory ($component) |
| Return exact absolute path to a plugin directory.
static | get_component_list () |
| Returns a list of frankenstyle component names and their paths, for all components (plugins and subsystems).
static | get_component_names () |
| Returns a list of frankenstyle component names.
| get_component_version ($component, $source='installed') |
| Returns the version of installed component.
| get_config ($plugin, $name=null) |
| Get configuration values from the global config table or the config_plugins table.
| get_context_instance ($contextlevel, $instance=0, $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING) |
| Get the context instance as an object.
| get_context_instance_by_id () |
| get_context_url () |
| get_contextlevel_name () |
static | get_core_api_names () |
| Returns the list of available API names.
static | get_core_apis () |
| List all core APIs and their attributes.
| get_core_subsystems ($fullpaths=false) |
| List all core subsystems and their location.
static | get_core_subsystems () |
| List all core subsystems and their location.
| get_course ($courseid, $clone=true) |
| Gets a course object from database.
| get_course_and_cm_from_cmid ($cmorid, $modulename='', $courseorid=0, $userid=0) |
| Efficiently retrieves the $course (stdclass) and $cm (cm_info) objects, given a cmid.
| get_course_and_cm_from_instance ($instanceorid, $modulename, $courseorid=0, $userid=0) |
| Efficiently retrieves the $course (stdclass) and $cm (cm_info) objects, given an instance id or record and module name.
| get_course_category () |
| get_course_category_tree () |
| get_course_context () |
| get_course_display_name_for_list ($course) |
| Gets the name of a course to be displayed when showing a list of courses.
object | get_course_mods ($courseid) |
| MODULE FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////.
| get_course_participants () |
| get_course_section () |
| get_courseid_from_context () |
object | get_coursemodule_from_id ($modulename, $cmid, $courseid=0, $sectionnum=false, $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING) |
| Given an id of a course module, finds the coursemodule description.
object | get_coursemodule_from_instance ($modulename, $instance, $courseid=0, $sectionnum=false, $strictness=IGNORE_MISSING) |
| Given an instance number of a module, finds the coursemodule description.
| get_coursemodules_in_course ($modulename, $courseid, $extrafields='') |
| Returns all course modules of given activity in course.
| core_course_category::get_courses ($options=array()) |
| Retrieves the list of courses accessible by user.
object | get_courses ($categoryid="all", $sort="c.sortorder ASC", $fields="c.*") |
| Returns list of courses, for whole site, or category.
| get_courses_page () |
object | get_courses_search ($searchterms, $sort, $page, $recordsperpage, &$totalcount, $requiredcapabilities=array(), $searchcond=[], $params=[]) |
| A list of courses that match a search.
| get_courses_wmanagers () |
| get_current_group () |
| get_db_directories () |
| Returns list of all directories where we expect install.xml files.
| get_db_handle () |
| Gets db handle currently used with queries.
| get_default_home_page () |
| Returns the default home page to display if current one is not defined or can't be applied.
| get_device_cfg_var_name () |
| get_device_type () |
| get_device_type_list () |
| get_directory_list ($rootdir, $excludefiles='', $descend=true, $getdirs=false, $getfiles=true) |
| Returns an array with all the filenames in all subdirectories, relative to the given rootdir.
| get_directory_size ($rootdir, $excludefile='') |
| Adds up all the files in a directory and works out the size.
| get_docs_url ($path=null) |
| Returns the Moodle Docs URL in the users language for a given 'More help' link.
| get_emoticon_manager () |
| Factory function for emoticon_manager.
| get_enabled_auth_plugins ($fix=false) |
| Returns array of active auth plugins.
| get_enrolled_join (context $context, $useridcolumn, $onlyactive=false, $onlysuspended=false, $enrolid=0) |
| Returns array with sql joins and parameters returning all ids of users enrolled into course.
| get_enrolled_sql (context $context, $withcapability='', $groupids=0, $onlyactive=false, $onlysuspended=false, $enrolid=0) |
| Returns array with sql code and parameters returning all ids of users enrolled into course.
| get_enrolled_users (context $context, $withcapability='', $groupids=0, $userfields='u.*', $orderby=null, $limitfrom=0, $limitnum=0, $onlyactive=false) |
| Returns list of users enrolled into course.
| get_enrolled_with_capabilities_join (context $context, $prefix='', $capability='', $groupids=0, $onlyactive=false, $onlysuspended=false, $enrolid=0) |
| Returns an array of joins, wheres and params that will limit the group of users to only those enrolled and with given capability (if specified).
| get_environment_for_version ($version, $env_select) |
| This function will return the xmlized data belonging to one Moodle version.
| get_exception_info ($ex) |
| Returns detailed information about specified exception.
| get_extra_user_fields ($context, $already=array()) |
| Checks if current user is shown any extra fields when listing users.
| get_extra_user_fields_sql ($context, $alias='', $prefix='', $already=array()) |
| If the current user is to be shown extra user fields when listing or selecting users, returns a string suitable for including in an SQL select clause to retrieve those fields.
| get_fast_modinfo ($courseorid, $userid=0, $resetonly=false) |
| Returns reference to full info about modules in course (including visibility).
| get_file_argument () |
| Extracts file argument either from file parameter or PATH_INFO.
| get_file_browser () |
| Returns local file storage instance.
| get_file_packer ($mimetype='application/zip') |
| Returns file packer.
| get_file_storage ($reset=false) |
| Returns local file storage instance.
| get_file_url () |
| get_formatted_help_string ($identifier, $component, $ajax=false, $a=null) |
| Get the value of a help string fully prepared for display in the current language.
| get_generic_section_name () |
| get_google_client () |
| Wrapper to get a Google Client object.
| get_group_picture_url ($group, $courseid, $large=false, $includetoken=false) |
| Return the url to the group picture.
| get_home_page () |
| Gets the homepage to use for the current user.
| get_host_from_url ($url) |
| Returns host part from url.
| get_html_lang ($dir=false) |
| Return a string containing 'lang', xml:lang and optionally 'dir' HTML attributes.
| get_html_lang_attribute_value (string $langcode) |
| Converts a language code to hyphen-separated format in accordance to the BCP47 syntax .
| get_import_export_formats ($type) |
| Get list of available import or export formats.
| get_last_soap_messages ($connection) |
| get_latest_version_available ($version, $env_select) |
| This function will return the most recent version in the environment.xml file previous or equal to the version requested.
| get_level ($element) |
| Here all the restrict functions are coded to be used by the environment checker.
| get_list_of_charsets () |
| Returns a list of charset codes.
| get_list_of_environment_versions ($contents) |
| This function will return the list of Moodle versions available.
| get_list_of_plugins ($directory='mod', $exclude='', $basedir='') |
| Lists plugin-like directories within specified directory.
| get_list_of_themes () |
| Returns a list of valid and compatible themes.
| get_list_of_timezones () |
| get_local_referer ($stripquery=true) |
| Returns the cleaned local URL of the HTTP_REFERER less the URL query string parameters if required.
| get_log_manager ($forcereload=false) |
| LOG FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////.
| get_login_url () |
| Returns full login url.
| get_logs () |
| get_logs_usercourse () |
| get_logs_userday () |
| get_mailer ($action='get') |
| Get mailer instance, enable buffering, flush buffer or disable buffering.
| get_max_courses_in_category () |
| Return maximum number of courses in a category.
| get_max_upload_file_size ($sitebytes=0, $coursebytes=0, $modulebytes=0, $unused=false) |
| Returns the maximum size for uploading files.
| get_max_upload_sizes ($sitebytes=0, $coursebytes=0, $modulebytes=0, $custombytes=null) |
| Returns an array of possible sizes in local language.
| get_mnet_environment () |
| helper function to load up and initialise the mnet environment this must be called before you use mnet functions.
| get_mnet_remote_client () |
| during xmlrpc server code execution, any code wishing to access information about the remote peer must use this to get it.
| get_module_metadata () |
| get_moodle_cookie () |
| Gets a moodle cookie with a weakly encrypted username.
object | get_my_remotecourses ($userid=0) |
| List of remote courses that a user has access to via MNET.
object | get_my_remotehosts () |
| List of remote hosts that a user has access to via MNET.
| get_newuser_language () |
| Returns the string of the language for the new user.
| get_next_version (int $questionbankentryid) |
| Get the next version number to create base on a Question bank entry id.
static | core\event::get_other_mapping () |
| Used for maping events on restore.
| get_parent_contextid () |
| get_parent_contexts () |
| get_parent_language ($lang=null) |
| Returns parent language of current active language if defined.
| get_performance_info () |
| get_performance_info() pairs up with init_performance_info() loaded in setup.php.
| performance_measuring_filter_manager::get_performance_summary () |
| Return performance information, in the form required by get_performance_info().
static | get_plugin_directory ($plugintype, $pluginname) |
| Returns the exact absolute path to plugin directory.
static | get_plugin_list ($plugintype) |
| Get list of plugins of given type.
static | get_plugin_list_with_class ($plugintype, $class, $file=null) |
| Get a list of all the plugins of a given type that define a certain class in a certain file.
static | get_plugin_list_with_file ($plugintype, $file, $include=false) |
| Get a list of all the plugins of a given type that contain a particular file.
| get_plugin_list_with_file () |
| get_plugin_list_with_function ($plugintype, $function, $file='lib.php') |
| Get a list of all the plugins of a given type that define a certain API function in a certain file.
| get_plugin_types ($fullpaths=true) |
| Lists all plugin types.
static | get_plugin_types () |
| Get list of available plugin types together with their location.
static | get_plugin_types_with_subplugins () |
| Returns list of plugin types that allow subplugins.
| get_plugins_with_function ($function, $file='lib.php', $include=true) |
| Get a list of all the plugins that define a certain API function in a certain file.
| get_print_section_cm_text () |
| get_question_bank_entry (int $questionid) |
| Get the question_bank_entry object given a question id.
| get_question_options (&$questions, $loadtags=false, $filtercourses=null) |
| Updates the question objects with question type specific information by calling {.
| get_question_version ($questionid) |
| Get the question versions given a question id in a descending sort .
| get_real_size ($size=0) |
| Converts numbers like 10M into bytes.
| get_recent_enrolments () |
| get_records_csv () |
| get_referer () |
| get_related_contexts_string () |
| get_request_storage_directory ($exceptiononerror=true, bool $forcecreate=false) |
| Get a per-request storage directory in the tempdir.
| get_role_context_caps () |
| get_roles_on_exact_context () |
| get_roles_with_assignment_on_context () |
| get_safe_orderby (array $orderbymap, string $orderbykey, string $direction='', bool $useprefix=true) |
| Prepare a safe ORDER BY statement from user interactable requests.
| get_safe_orderby_multiple (array $orderbymap, array $orderbykeys, array $directions=[]) |
| Prepare a safe ORDER BY statement from user interactable requests using multiple values.
object | get_scales_menu ($courseid=0) |
| Returns a menu of all available scales from the site as well as the given course.
| get_selected_theme_for_device_type () |
| get_separator () |
| Return the breadcrumb trail navigation separator.
| get_site () |
| OTHER SITE AND COURSE FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////.
| get_site_identifier () |
| Returns the site identifier.
| get_string ($identifier, $component='', $a=null, $lazyload=false) |
| Returns a localized string.
| filter_manager::get_string_filters ($context) |
| Get all the filters that apply to a given context for calls to format_string.
| get_string_manager ($forcereload=false) |
| Returns current string_manager instance.
| get_strings ($array, $component='') |
| Converts an array of strings to their localized value.
static | get_subplugins ($component) |
| Return all subplugins of this component.
static | get_subsystem_directory ($subsystem) |
| Returns the exact absolute path to plugin directory.
static | get_subtype_parent ($type) |
| Returns parent of this subplugin type.
| get_system_context ($cache=true) |
| Returns system context or null if can not be created yet.
| filter_manager::get_text_filters ($context) |
| Get all the filters that apply to a given context for calls to format_text.
| get_texteditor ($editorname) |
| Returns instance of text editor.
| get_time_interval_string (int $time1, int $time2, string $format='') |
| Get a formatted string representation of an interval between two unix timestamps.
| get_timezone_offset () |
| get_timezone_record () |
| core\task::get_trace () |
| Get the progress_trace.
| get_used_table_names () |
| Returns names of all known tables == tables that moodle knows about.
| get_user_access_sitewide () |
| get_user_courses_bycap () |
| get_user_device_type () |
| get_user_field_name ($field) |
| Returns the display name of a field in the user table.
| get_user_fieldnames () |
| Returns an array of user fields.
| get_user_key ($script, $userid, $instance=null, $iprestriction=null, $validuntil=null) |
| Gets a private user access key (and creates one if one doesn't exist).
| get_user_max_upload_file_size ($context, $sitebytes=0, $coursebytes=0, $modulebytes=0, $user=null, $unused=false) |
| Returns the maximum size for uploading files for the current user.
| get_user_preferences ($name=null, $default=null, $user=null) |
| Used to fetch user preference(s)
| get_user_timezone ($tz=99) |
| Returns a float or a string which denotes the user's timezone A float value means that a simple offset from GMT is used, while a string (it will be the name of a timezone in the database) means that for this timezone there are also DST rules to be taken into account Checks various settings and picks the most dominant of those which have a value.
| get_user_timezone_offset () |
object | get_users ($get=true, $search='', $confirmed=false, array $exceptions=null, $sort='firstname ASC', $firstinitial='', $lastinitial='', $page='', $recordsperpage='', $fields=' *', $extraselect='', array $extraparams=null) |
| Returns a subset of users.
object | get_users_confirmed () |
| Full list of users that have confirmed their accounts.
| get_users_from_config ($value, $capability, $includeadmins=true) |
| Use this function to get a list of users from a config setting of type admin_setting_users_with_capability.
| get_users_listing ($sort='lastaccess', $dir='ASC', $page=0, $recordsperpage=0, $search='', $firstinitial='', $lastinitial='', $extraselect='', array $extraparams=null, $extracontext=null) |
| Return filtered (if provided) list of users in site, except guest and deleted users.
| getremoteaddr ($default='') |
| Returns most reliable client address.
| getweek ($startdate, $thedate) |
| Given dates in seconds, how many weeks is the date from startdate The first week is 1, the second 2 etc ...
| grade_print_tabs ($active_type, $active_plugin, $plugin_info, $return=false) |
| Print grading plugin selection tab-based navigation.
| groupmode () |
| This means that cm_info\$groupmode should be ignored and cm_info\$coursegroupmode be used instead.
| groups_course_module_visible () |
| groups_filter_users_by_course_module_visible () |
| groups_get_all_groups_for_courses () |
| guest_user () |
| Retrieve the guest user object.
| handle_soap_wsdl_request ($wsdlfile, $address=false) |
static | has_monologo_icon (string $plugintype, string $pluginname) |
| Checks for the presence of monologo icons within a plugin.
| moodle_text_filter::hash () |
| hash_internal_user_password ($password, $fasthash=false) |
| Calculate hash for a plain text password.
| hash_local_config_cache () |
| Calculate a proper hash to be able to invalidate stale cached configs.
| hide_event () |
| highlight ($needle, $haystack, $matchcase=false, $prefix='< span class="highlight">', $suffix='</span >') |
| This function will highlight search words in a given string.
| highlightfast ($needle, $haystack) |
| This function will highlight instances of $needle in $haystack.
| html_is_blank ($string) |
| Tests whether anything was returned by text editor.
| html_to_text ($html, $width=75, $dolinks=true) |
| Given HTML text, make it into plain text using external function.
| httpsrequired () |
| idnumber_exist_in_question_category ($questionidnumber, $categoryid, $limitfrom=0, $limitnum=1) |
| Check if an idnumber exist in the category.
| imagecopybicubic ($dst_img, $src_img, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $dst_w, $dst_h, $src_w, $src_h) |
| Copies a rectangular portion of the source image to another rectangle in the destination image.
| in_object_vars ($var, $object) |
| Checks whether the given variable name is defined as a variable within the given object.
| increment_revision_number ($table, $field, $select, array $params=null) |
| Increment standard revision field.
| ini_get_bool ($ini_get_arg) |
| This function makes the return value of ini_get consistent if you are setting server directives through the .htaccess file in apache.
| init_performance_info () |
| Initializes our performance info early.
| initialise_fullme () |
| Initialises $FULLME and friends.
| initialise_fullme_cli () |
| Initialises $FULLME and friends for command line scripts.
| initialise_local_config_cache () |
| Cache any immutable config locally to avoid constant DB lookups.
| install_cli_database (array $options, $interactive) |
| Install Moodle DB, config.php must exist, there must not be any tables in db yet.
| install_core ($version, $verbose) |
| Install core moodle tables and initialize.
| install_db_validate ($database, $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $prefix, $dboptions) |
| This is in function because we want the /install.php to parse in PHP4.
| install_generate_configphp ($database, $cfg) |
| Returns content of config.php file.
| install_guess_wwwroot () |
| Tries to detect the right www root setting.
| install_helpbutton ($url, $title='') |
| Print help button.
| install_ini_get_bool ($ini_get_arg) |
| Copy of.
| install_init_dataroot ($dataroot, $dirpermissions) |
| Creates dataroot if not exists yet, makes sure it is writable, add lang directory and add .htaccess just in case it works.
object | install_print_footer ($config, $reload=false) |
| Prints installation page header, we can not use weblib yet in installer.
object | install_print_header ($config, $stagename, $heading, $stagetext, $stageclass="alert-info") |
| Prints installation page header, we can not use weblib yet in installer.
object | install_print_help_page ($help) |
| Prints complete help page used during installation.
static | filter_manager::instance () |
| Factory method.
object | instance_is_visible ($moduletype, $module) |
| Determine whether a module instance is visible within a course.
static | invalidate_opcode_php_cache ($file) |
| Invalidate opcode cache for given file, this is intended for php files that are stored in dataroot.
| ip_is_public ($ip) |
| Is IP address a public address?
| iplookup_find_location ($ip) |
| Returns location information.
static | is_core_api ($apiname) |
| Return true if apiname is a core API.
static | is_core_subsystem ($subsystemname) |
| Return true if subsystemname is core subsystem.
| is_course_participant () |
| is_dataroot_insecure ($fetchtest=false) |
| Try to verify that dataroot is not accessible from web.
| is_early_init ($backtrace) |
| This function encapsulates the tests for whether an exception was thrown in early init – either during setup.php or during init of $OUTPUT.
| is_enabled_auth ($auth) |
| Checks if a given plugin is in the list of enabled authentication plugins.
| is_enrolled (context $context, $user=null, $withcapability='', $onlyactive=false) |
| Returns true if user is enrolled (is participating) in course this is intended for students and teachers.
| is_float_problem () |
| Detects if float supports at least 10 decimal digits.
| is_https () |
| Determines whether or not the Moodle site is being served over HTTPS.
| is_in_popup () |
| Returns true if the page is displayed in a popup window.
| is_internal_auth ($auth) |
| Returns true if an internal authentication method is being used.
| is_latest (string $version, string $questionbankentryid) |
| Checks if question is the latest version.
| is_major_upgrade_required () |
| Check whether a major upgrade is needed.
| is_mnet_remote_user ($user) |
| Returns whether or not the user object is a remote MNET user.
| is_moodle_cookie_secure () |
| Determine wether the secure flag should be set on cookies.
| is_newnav ($navigation) |
| Check if the passed navigation is of the new style.
| is_number ($value) |
| Return true if given value is integer or string with integer value.
| is_primary_admin ($userid) |
| Is a userid the primary administrator?
| is_proxybypass ( $url) |
| Check if $url matches anything in proxybypass list.
| is_restored_user ($username) |
| Returns true if the user is a 'restored' one.
| is_rtl_compatible ($paramtype) |
| Whether the PARAM_* type is compatible in RTL.
| is_valid_plugin_name ($name) |
| This method validates a plug name.
static | is_valid_plugin_name ($plugintype, $pluginname) |
| This method validates a plug name.
| is_web_crawler () |
| ismoving ($courseid) |
| Determines if the logged in user is currently moving an activity.
| js_minify () |
| js_reset_all_caches () |
| Invalidate all server and client side JS caches.
| ldap_addslashes ($text) |
| Quote control characters in AttributeValue parts of a RelativeDistinguishedName used in LDAP distinguished names - See RFC 4514/2253.
| ldap_connect_moodle ($host_url, $ldap_version, $user_type, $bind_dn, $bind_pw, $opt_deref, &$debuginfo, $start_tls=false) |
| Tries connect to specified ldap servers.
| ldap_filter_addslashes ($text) |
| Quote control characters in texts used in LDAP filters - see RFC 4515/2254.
| ldap_find_userdn ($ldapconnection, $username, $contexts, $objectclass, $search_attrib, $search_sub) |
| Search specified contexts for username and return the user dn like: cn=username,ou=suborg,o=org.
if(!defined('LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS')) if(!defined( 'LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS_QUOTED_NUM')) if(!defined('LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS_QUOTED_ALPHA')) if(!defined( 'LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS_QUOTED_ALPHA_REGEX')) | ldap_get_dn_special_chars () |
| The order of the special characters in these arrays IS IMPORTANT.
| ldap_get_entries_moodle ($ldapconnection, $searchresult) |
| Returns values like ldap_get_entries but is binary compatible and returns all attributes as array.
| ldap_getdefaults () |
| Initializes needed variables for ldap-module.
| ldap_isgroupmember ($ldapconnection, $userid, $group_dns, $member_attrib) |
| Checks if user belongs to specific group(s) or is in a subtree.
| ldap_normalise_objectclass ($objectclass, $default=' *') |
| Normalise the supplied objectclass filter.
| ldap_paged_results_supported ($ldapversion, $ldapconnection=null) |
| Check if we can use paged results (see RFC 2696).
| ldap_stripslashes ($text) |
| Unquote control characters in AttributeValue parts of a RelativeDistinguishedName used in LDAP distinguished names - See RFC 4514/2253.
if(!defined( 'ROOTDSE')) if(!defined('LDAP_PAGED_RESULTS_CONTROL')) if(!defined( 'LDAP_DEFAULT_PAGESIZE')) | ldap_supported_usertypes () |
| Returns predefined user types.
| link_arrow_left ($text, $url='', $accesshide=false, $addclass='', $addparams=[]) |
| Return the left arrow with text ('previous'), and optionally embedded in a link.
| link_arrow_right ($text, $url='', $accesshide=false, $addclass='', $addparams=[]) |
| Return the right arrow with text ('next'), and optionally embedded in a link.
| load_course_context () |
| load_environment_xml ($env_select=ENV_SELECT_NEWER) |
| This function will load the environment.xml file and xmlize it.
| filter_manager::load_filters ($context) |
| Load all the filters required by this context.
static | load_renamed_classes (?string $fulldir) |
| Loads the db/renamedclasses.php file from the given directory.
| load_role_access_by_context () |
| core\task::log ($message, $depth=1) |
| Log a message to the progress tracer.
| core\task::log_finish ($message, $depth=0) |
| Log an end message to the progress tracer.
| core\task::log_start ($message, $depth=0) |
| Log a start message to the progress tracer.
| log_update_descriptions ($component) |
| Log_display description function used during install and upgrade.
| login_attempt_failed ($user) |
| To be called after failed user login.
| login_attempt_valid ($user) |
| To be called after valid user login.
| login_is_lockedout ($user) |
| Verify if user is locked out.
| login_lock_account ($user) |
| Lockout user and send notification email.
| login_unlock_account ($user) |
| Unlock user account and reset timers.
| make_backup_temp_directory ($directory, $exceptiononerror=true) |
| Create a directory under $CFG->backuptempdir and make sure it is writable.
| make_cache_directory ($directory, $exceptiononerror=true) |
| Create a directory under cachedir and make sure it is writable.
| make_categories_list () |
| make_categories_options () |
| make_editing_buttons () |
| filter_manager::make_filter_object ($filtername, $context, $localconfig) |
| Factory method for creating a filter.
| performance_measuring_filter_manager::make_filter_object ($filtername, $context, $localconfig) |
| Factory method for creating a filter.
| make_grades_menu ($gradingtype) |
| Creates an array that represents all the current grades that can be chosen using the given grading type.
| make_localcache_directory ($directory, $exceptiononerror=true) |
| Create a directory under localcachedir and make sure it is writable.
| make_menu_from_list ($list, $separator=',') |
| Given a list (eg a,b,c,d,e) this function returns an array of 1->a, 2->b, 3->c etc.
| make_request_directory (bool $exceptiononerror=true, bool $forcecreate=false) |
| Create a per-request directory and make sure it is writable.
| make_soap_fault ($faultcode, $faultstring, $faultactor='', $detail='', $faultname='', $headerfault='') |
| make_temp_directory ($directory, $exceptiononerror=true) |
| Create a directory under tempdir and make sure it is writable.
| make_timestamp ($year, $month=1, $day=1, $hour=0, $minute=0, $second=0, $timezone=99, $applydst=true) |
| Given Gregorian date parts in user time produce a GMT timestamp.
| make_unique_id_code ($extra='') |
| make_unique_id_code
| make_unique_writable_directory ($basedir, $exceptiononerror=true) |
| Create a new unique directory within the specified directory.
| make_upload_directory ($directory, $exceptiononerror=true) |
| Create a directory under dataroot and make sure it is writable.
| mark_context_dirty () |
| markdown_to_html ($text) |
| Given Markdown formatted text, make it into XHTML using external function.
| match_grade_options ($gradeoptionsfull, $grade, $matchgrades='error') |
| Check whether a given grade is one of a list of allowed options.
| matching_page_type_patterns ($pagetype) |
| Given a specific page type, return all the page type patterns that might match it.
| matching_page_type_patterns_from_pattern ($pattern) |
| Give an specific pattern, return all the page type patterns that would also match it.
| Html2Text::mb_internal_encoding ($encoding=null) |
| Set the encoding to be used by our monkey patched mb_ functions.
| Html2Text::mb_strlen ($str, $encoding=null) |
| Gets the length of a string.
| Html2Text::mb_strtolower ($str, $encoding=null) |
| Returns $str with all alphabetic chatacters converted to lowercase.
| Html2Text::mb_strtoupper ($str, $encoding=null) |
| Html2Text::mb_substr ($str, $start, $length=null, $encoding=null) |
| Performs a multi-byte safe substr() operation based on number of characters.
| mdie ($msg='', $errorcode=1) |
| Print an error to STDOUT and exit with a non-zero code.
| me () |
| Returns the name of the current script, WITH the querystring portion.
| merge_query_params (array &$target, array $values) |
| Merge parsed POST chunks.
| message_add_contact () |
| message_block_contact () |
| message_can_delete_message () |
| message_can_post_message () |
| message_contact_link () |
| message_count_blocked_users () |
| message_count_messages () |
| message_count_unread_messages () |
| message_current_user_is_involved () |
| message_delete_message () |
| message_get_blocked_users () |
| message_get_contact () |
| message_get_contact_add_remove_link () |
| message_get_contact_block_link () |
| message_get_contacts () |
| message_get_course_contexts () |
| message_get_fragment () |
| message_get_history () |
| message_get_recent_conversations ($userorid, $limitfrom=0, $limitto=100) |
| message_get_recent_notifications () |
| message_history_link () |
| message_is_user_blocked () |
| message_is_user_non_contact_blocked () |
| message_mark_message_read () |
| message_mark_messages_read () |
| message_move_userfrom_unread2read () |
| message_remove_contact () |
| message_remove_url_params () |
| message_search () |
| message_shorten_message () |
| message_unblock_contact () |
| microtime_diff ($a, $b) |
| Calculate the difference between two microtimes.
| min_clean_param ($value, $type) |
| Minimalistic parameter cleaning function.
| min_enable_zlib_compression () |
| This method tries to enable output compression if possible.
| min_fix_utf8 ($value) |
| Minimalistic UTF-8 sanitisation.
| min_get_maximum_revision () |
| Get the highest possible currently valid revision number.
| min_get_minimum_revision () |
| Get the lowest possible currently valid revision number.
| min_get_slash_argument ($clean=true) |
| Returns the slashargument part of the URL.
| min_is_revision_valid_and_current (int $revision) |
| Helper function to determine if the given revision number is valid.
| min_optional_param ($name, $default, $type) |
| Minimalistic parameter validation function.
| mnet_get_idp_jump_url ($user) |
| return the jump url for a given remote user this is used for rewriting forum post links in emails, etc
| mod_page_type_list ($pagetype, $parentcontext=null, $currentcontext=null) |
| Generates the page type list for a module by either locating and using the modules callback or by generating a default list.
| moodle_getlocale () |
| Gets the system locale.
| moodle_major_version ($fromdisk=false) |
| Returns the major version of this site.
| moodle_minimum_php_version_is_met ($haltexecution=false) |
| Tests the current PHP version against Moodle's minimum requirement.
| moodle_needs_upgrading ($checkupgradeflag=true) |
| Determine if moodle installation requires update.
| moodle_process_email ($modargs, $body) |
| ?
| moodle_require_minimum_php_version () |
| Require our minimum php version or halt execution if requirement not met.
| moodle_setlocale ($locale='') |
| Sets the system locale.
| move_category () |
| move_question_set_references (int $oldcategoryid, int $newcatgoryid, int $oldcontextid, int $newcontextid, bool $delete=false) |
| Update the questioncontextid field for all question_set_references records given a new context id.
| mtrace ($string, $eol="\n", $sleep=0) |
| For outputting debugging info.
| mtrace_exception (Throwable $e) |
| Helper to {.
| my_page_type_list ($pagetype, $parentcontext=null, $currentcontext=null) |
| Generates the page type list for the my moodle page.
| mygroupid () |
| navmenu () |
| navmenulist ($course, $sections, $modinfo, $strsection, $strjumpto, $width=50, $cmid=0) |
| Returns a popup menu with course activity modules.
static | normalize_component ($component) |
| Normalize the component name using the "frankenstyle" rules.
static | normalize_componentname ($componentname) |
| Normalize the component name.
| normalize_version ($version) |
| This function will normalize any version to just a serie of numbers separated by dots.
| notice ($message, $link='', $course=null) |
| Print a message and exit.
| notify () |
| obfuscate_email ($email) |
| Given an email address, this function will return an obfuscated version of it.
| obfuscate_mailto ($email, $label='', $dimmed=false, $subject='', $body='') |
| This function uses the obfuscate_email() and obfuscate_text() to generate a fully obfuscated email link, ready to use.
| obfuscate_text ($plaintext) |
| This function takes some text and replaces about half of the characters with HTML entity equivalents.
| object_array_unique ($array, $keepkeyassoc=true) |
| Returns an array without repeated objects.
| object_property_exists ( $obj, $property) |
| Detect if an object or a class contains a given property will take an actual object or the name of a class.
| optional_param ($parname, $default, $type) |
| Returns a particular value for the named variable, taken from POST or GET, otherwise returning a given default.
| optional_param_array ($parname, $default, $type) |
| Returns a particular array value for the named variable, taken from POST or GET, otherwise returning a given default.
| order_in_string ($values, $stringformat) |
| Returns an array of values in order of occurance in a provided string.
| over_bounce_threshold ($user) |
| Check whether the user has exceeded the bounce threshold.
| p ($var) |
| Add quotes to HTML characters.
| page_doc_link ($text='') |
| Returns a string containing a link to the user documentation for the current page.
| page_get_doc_link_path (moodle_page $page) |
| Returns the path to use when constructing a link to the docs.
| partial () |
| Helper function to do partial function binding.
| password_compat_not_supported () |
| password_is_legacy_hash ($password) |
| Check a password hash to see if it was hashed using the legacy hash algorithm (md5).
| perf_get_reads_slave () |
| Returns the number of reads done by the read only database.
| phpunit_bootstrap_error ($errorcode, $text='') |
| Print error and stop execution.
| plagiarism_get_file_results ($cmid, $userid, $file) |
| returns array of plagiarism details about specified file
| plagiarism_get_form_elements_module () |
if(!defined( 'MOODLE_INTERNAL')) | plagiarism_get_links ($linkarray) |
| displays the similarity score and provides a link to the full report if allowed.
| plagiarism_load_available_plugins () |
| Helper function - also loads lib file of plagiarism plugin.
| plagiarism_print_disclosure ($cmid) |
| Function that prints the student disclosure notifying that the files will be checked for plagiarism.
| plagiarism_save_form_elements () |
| plagiarism_update_status ($course, $cm) |
| Allows a plagiarism plugin to print a button/link at the top of activity overview report pages.
| plugin_callback ($type, $name, $feature, $action, $params=null, $default=null) |
| Invoke plugin's callback functions.
| plugin_supports ($type, $name, $feature, $default=null) |
| Checks whether a plugin supports a specified feature.
| preload_course_contexts () |
| prevent_form_autofill_password () |
object | print_arrow ($direction='up', $strsort=null, $return=false) |
| Returns an image of an up or down arrow, used for column sorting.
| print_badge_image (badge $badge, stdClass $context, $size='small') |
| Print badge image.
| print_category_info () |
| print_checkbox () |
| print_collapsible_region ($contents, $classes, $id, $caption, $userpref='', $default=false, $return=false) |
| Print (or return) a collapsible region, that has a caption that can be clicked to expand or collapse the region.
| print_collapsible_region_end ($return=false) |
| Close a region started with print_collapsible_region_start.
| print_collapsible_region_start ($classes, $id, $caption, $userpref='', $default=false, $return=false, $extracontent=null) |
| Print (or return) the start of a collapsible region.
| print_container () |
| print_container_end () |
| print_container_start () |
| print_context_name () |
| print_continue () |
| print_course () |
| print_course_search () |
| print_courses () |
| print_error ($errorcode, $module='error', $link='', $a=null, $debuginfo=null) |
| Abort execution by throwing of a general exception, default exception handler displays the error message in most cases.
| print_grade_menu ($courseid, $name, $current, $includenograde=true, $return=false) |
| Prints a grade menu (as part of an existing form) with help showing all possible numerical grades and scales.
| print_grade_plugin_selector ($plugin_info, $active_type, $active_plugin, $return=false) |
| Print grading plugin selection popup form.
| print_group_picture ($group, $courseid, $large=false, $return=false, $link=true, $includetoken=false) |
| Print a specified group's avatar.
| print_header () |
| print_header_simple () |
| print_location_comment ($file, $line, $return=false) |
| Outputs a HTML comment to the browser.
| print_log () |
| print_log_csv () |
| print_log_ods () |
| print_log_xls () |
| print_maintenance_message () |
| Prints a maintenance message from $CFG->maintenance_message or default if empty.
| print_mnet_log () |
| print_my_moodle () |
| print_navigation () |
| print_object ($object) |
| GENERAL HELPFUL THINGS ///////////////////////////////////.
| print_overview () |
| print_password_policy () |
| Returns a localized sentence in the current language summarizing the current password policy.
| print_question_icon ($question) |
| Print the icon for the question type.
| print_recent_activity () |
| print_recent_activity_note ($time, $user, $text, $link, $return=false, $viewfullnames=null) |
| Display a recent activity note.
| print_remote_course () |
| print_remote_host () |
| print_scale_menu_helpbutton () |
| print_section () |
| print_section_add_menus () |
| print_side_block () |
| print_string ($identifier, $component='', $a=null) |
| Prints out a translated string.
| print_tabs ($tabrows, $selected=null, $inactive=null, $activated=null, $return=false) |
| Returns a string containing a nested list, suitable for formatting into tabs with CSS.
| print_textarea () |
| print_upgrade_part_end ($plugin, $installation, $verbose) |
| Default end upgrade callback.
| print_upgrade_part_start ($plugin, $installation, $verbose) |
| Default start upgrade callback.
| print_upgrade_separator () |
| print_whole_category_list () |
| process_environment_bypass ($xml, &$result) |
| This function will post-process the result record by executing the specified function, modifying it as necessary, also a custom message will be added to the result object to be printed by the display layer.
| process_environment_messages ($xml, &$result) |
| This function will detect if there is some message available to be added to the result in order to clarify enviromental details.
| process_environment_restrict ($xml, &$result) |
| This function will post-process the result record by executing the specified function, modifying it as necessary, also a custom message will be added to the result object to be printed by the display layer.
| process_environment_result ($element, &$result) |
| Once the result has been determined, look in the XML for any messages, or other things that should be done depending on the outcome.
| process_manual_award ($recipientid, $issuerid, $issuerrole, $badgeid) |
| process_manual_revoke ($recipientid, $issuerid, $issuerrole, $badgeid) |
| Manually revoke awarded badges.
| process_new_icon ($context, $component, $filearea, $itemid, $originalfile, $preferpng=false) |
| Stores optimised icon images in icon file area.
| profile_display_badges () |
| profiling_available () |
| Whether PHP profiling is available.
| profiling_export_generate (array $runids, $tmpdir) |
| Generate the mpr contents (xml files) in the temporal directory.
| profiling_export_package ($file, $tmpdir) |
| Package (zip) the mpr contents (xml files) in the final location.
| profiling_export_runs (array $runids, $file) |
| Export profiling runs to a .mpr (moodle profile runs) file.
| profiling_get_difference ($number1, $number2, $units='', $factor=1, $numdec=2) |
| Helper function that, given to floats, returns their numerical and percentual differences, propertly formated and cssstyled.
| profiling_get_flag ($flag) |
| Check for profiling flags in all possible places.
| profiling_get_import_main_schema () |
| Return the xml schema for the main import file.
| profiling_get_import_run_schema () |
| Return the xml schema for each individual run import file.
| profiling_get_script () |
| Returns the path to the php script being requested.
| profiling_import_runs ($file, $commentprefix='') |
| Import a .mpr (moodle profile runs) file into moodle.
| |