Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
DB Class Reference

The main "DB" class is simply a container class with some static methods for creating DB objects as well as some utility functions common to all parts of DB. More...

Inheritance diagram for DB:

Public Member Functions

 apiVersion ()
 Return the DB API version.
 assertExtension ($name)
 Load a PHP database extension if it is not loaded already.
 connect ($dsn, $options=false)
 Create a new DB object and connect to the specified database.
 factory ($type)
 Create a new DB object for the specified database type.
 isError ($value)
 Tell whether a result code from a DB method is an error.
 isWarning ($value)
 Tell whether a result code from a DB method is a warning.
 parseDSN ($dsn)

Static Protected Member Functions

static prepare_simplepie_object_for_cache ($data)
 Helper for database conversion.

Detailed Description

The main "DB" class is simply a container class with some static methods for creating DB objects as well as some utility functions common to all parts of DB.

Base class for database-based caches.

@subpackage Caching

since SimplePie 1.8.0, use implementation of "Psr::SimpleCache::CacheInterface" instead

Member Function Documentation

◆ apiVersion()

DB::apiVersion ( )

Return the DB API version.

Return values
intthe DB API version number

◆ assertExtension()

DB::assertExtension ( $name)

Load a PHP database extension if it is not loaded already.

$namethe base name of the extension (without the .so or .dll suffix)
Return values
booltrue if the extension was already or successfully loaded, false if it could not be loaded

◆ connect()

DB::connect ( $dsn,
$options = false )

Create a new DB object and connect to the specified database.

$dsnmixed "data source name", see the DB\parseDSN method for a description of the dsn format. Can also be specified as an array of the format returned by DB\parseDSN.
$optionsmixed if boolean (or scalar), tells whether this connection should be persistent (for backends that support this). This parameter can also be an array of options, see DB_common\setOption for more information on connection options.
Return values
objecta newly created DB connection object, or a DB error object on error
See also

◆ factory()

DB::factory ( $type)

Create a new DB object for the specified database type.

$typestring database type, for example "mysql"
Return values
objecta newly created DB object, or a DB error code on error

◆ isError()

DB::isError ( $value)

Tell whether a result code from a DB method is an error.

$valueint result code
Return values
boolwhether $value is an error

◆ isWarning()

DB::isWarning ( $value)

Tell whether a result code from a DB method is a warning.

Warnings differ from errors in that they are generated by DB, and are not fatal.

$valuemixed result value
Return values
boolwhether $value is a warning

◆ prepare_simplepie_object_for_cache()

static DB::prepare_simplepie_object_for_cache ( $data)

Helper for database conversion.

Converts a given {

See also
SimplePie} object into data to be stored
Return values
arrayFirst item is the serialized data for storage, second item is the unique ID for this item

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