Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)


class  ADOConnection
 Connection object. More...
class  ADODB2_access
class  ADODB2_db2
class  ADODB2_generic
class  ADODB2_ibase
class  ADODB2_informix
class  ADODB2_mssql
class  ADODB2_mysql
class  ADODB2_oci8
class  ADODB2_sapdb
class  ADODB2_sqlite
class  ADODB2_sybase
class  ADODB_Active_DB
class  ADODB_Active_Record
class  ADODB_Active_Table
class  ADODB_ado
class  ADODB_ado_access
class  ADODB_ado_mssql
class  ADODB_ads
class  ADODB_borland_ibase
class  ADODB_Cache_File
 Class ADODB_Cache_File. More...
class  ADODB_Cache_MemCache
class  ADODB_DataDict
class  ADODB_db2
class  ADODB_Exception
class  ADODB_informix
class  ADODB_informix72
class  ADODB_Iterator
 Class ADODB_Iterator. More...
class  ADODB_Iterator_empty
 Class ADODB_Iterator_empty. More...
class  ADODB_ldap
class  ADODB_mssql
class  ADODB_mssql_n
class  ADODB_mssqlnative
class  ADODB_mssqlpo
class  ADODB_netezza
class  ADODB_oci8
class  ADODB_oci805
class  ADODB_oci8po
class  ADODB_oci8quercus
class  ADODB_odbc
class  ADODB_odbc_mssql
class  ADODB_odbc_mssql2012
class  ADODB_odbc_oracle
class  ADODB_odbtp
class  ADODB_odbtp_unicode
class  ADODB_oracle
class  ADODB_pdo
class  ADODB_pdo_base
class  adodb_perf
class  ADODB_postgres64
class  ADODB_postgres7
class  ADODB_postgres8
class  ADODB_postgres9
class  ADODB_sqlite
class  ADODB_sqlitepo
class  ADODB_sybase
class  ADODB_sybase_ase
class  ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection
 Class ADOdbLoadBalancerConnection. More...
class  ADOFetchObj
 Internal placeholder for record objects. More...
class  ADOFieldObject
 Helper class for FetchFields – holds info on a column. More...
class  ADOPDOStatement
class  ADORecordSet
 RecordSet class that represents the dataset returned by the database. More...
class  ADORecordSet_ado
class  ADORecordSet_ado_access
class  ADORecordSet_ado_mssql
class  ADORecordSet_ads
class  ADORecordSet_array
 This class encapsulates the concept of a recordset created in memory as an array. More...
class  ADORecordSet_array_mssql
class  ADORecordSet_array_mssqlnative
class  ADORecordSet_array_pdo
class  ADORecordSet_array_pdo_firebird
 Class ADORecordSet_array_pdo_firebird. More...
class  ADORecordSet_array_pdo_sqlsrv
class  ADORecordSet_array_sybase
class  ADORecordSet_assoc_postgres7
class  ADORecordSet_assoc_postgres8
class  ADORecordSet_assoc_postgres9
class  ADORecordSet_borland_ibase
class  ADORecordSet_db2
class  ADORecordSet_empty
 Lightweight recordset when there are no records to be returned. More...
class  ADORecordSet_ext_oci8
class  ADORecordset_firebird
 Class ADORecordset_firebird. More...
class  ADORecordset_informix
class  ADORecordset_informix72
class  ADORecordSet_ldap
class  ADORecordset_mssql
class  ADORecordset_mssql_n
class  ADORecordset_mssqlnative
class  ADORecordset_mssqlpo
class  ADORecordSet_netezza
class  ADORecordset_oci8
class  ADORecordset_oci805
class  ADORecordset_oci8po
class  ADORecordset_oci8quercus
class  ADORecordSet_odbc
class  ADORecordSet_odbc_mssql
class  ADORecordSet_odbc_mssql2012
class  ADORecordSet_odbc_oracle
class  ADORecordSet_odbtp
class  ADORecordSet_odbtp_access
class  ADORecordSet_odbtp_mssql
class  ADORecordSet_odbtp_oci8
class  ADORecordSet_odbtp_sybase
class  ADORecordSet_odbtp_vfp
class  ADORecordset_oracle
class  ADORecordSet_pdo
class  ADORecordSet_pdo_firebird
 Class ADORecordSet_pdo_firebird. More...
class  ADORecordSet_pdo_sqlsrv
class  ADORecordSet_postgres64
class  ADORecordSet_postgres7
class  ADORecordSet_postgres8
class  ADORecordSet_postgres9
class  ADORecordset_sqlite
class  ADORecordset_sqlitepo
class  ADORecordset_sybase
class  adorecordset_sybase_ase
class  adoSchema
 Loads and parses an XML file, creating an array of "ready-to-run" SQL statements. More...
class  DB
 The main "DB" class is simply a container class with some static methods for creating DB objects as well as some utility functions common to all parts of DB. More...
class  perf_db2
class  perf_informix
class  perf_mssql
class  perf_mssqlnative
class  perf_mysql
class  perf_oci8
class  perf_postgres


using equiv


 __call ($method, $args)
 Magic method to intercept method and callback to the proper ADODB object for write/readonly connections.
 __construct (&$db, $sql, $id='adodb', $showPageLinks=false)
 __get ($property)
 Magic method to proxy property getter calls back to the proper ADODB object currently in use.
 __set ($property, $value)
 Magic method to proxy property setter calls back to the proper ADODB object currently in use.
 _adodb_backtrace ($printOrArr=true, $maximumDepth=9999, $elementsToIgnore=0, $ishtml=null)
 Pretty print the debug_backtrace function.
 _adodb_column_sql (&$zthis, $action, $type, $fname, $fnameq, $arrFields, $recurse=true)
 _adodb_column_sql_oci8 (&$zthis, $action, $type, $fname, $fnameq, $arrFields)
 This private method is used to help construct the update/sql which is generated by GetInsertSQL and GetUpdateSQL.
 _adodb_debug_execute ($zthis, $sql, $inputarr)
 Replaces standard _execute when debug mode is enabled.
 _adodb_export (&$rs, $sep, $sepreplace, $fp=false, $addtitles=true, $quote='"',$escquote = '"', $replaceNewLine=' ')
 _adodb_getcount ($zthis, $sql, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0)
 _adodb_getdate ($origd=false, $fast=false, $is_gmt=false)
 Low-level function that returns the getdate() array.
 _adodb_getdriver ($provider, $drivername, $perf=false)
 _adodb_getinsertsql (&$zthis, $rs, $arrFields, $force=2)
 There is a special case of this function for the oci8 driver.
 _adodb_getmenu ($zthis, $name, $defstr='', $blank1stItem=true, $multiple=false, $size=0, $selectAttr='', $compareFields0=true)
 _adodb_getmenu_gp ($zthis, $name, $defstr='', $blank1stItem=true, $multiple=false, $size=0, $selectAttr='', $compareFields0=true)
 _adodb_getmenu_option ($defstr, $compare, $value, $display)
 Print the OPTION tags for getmenu functions.
 _adodb_getmenu_select ($name, $defstr='', $blank1stItem=true, $multiple=false, $size=0, $selectAttr='')
 Generate the opening SELECT tag for getmenu functions.
 _adodb_getupdatesql (&$zthis, $rs, $arrFields, $forceUpdate=false, $force=2)
 _adodb_is_leap_year ($year)
 Checks for leap year, returns true if it is.
 _adodb_pageexecute_all_rows ($zthis, $sql, $nrows, $page, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0)
 _adodb_pageexecute_no_last_page ($zthis, $sql, $nrows, $page, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0)
 _adodb_quote_fieldname ($zthis, $fieldName)
 Performs case conversion and quoting of the given field name.
 _adodb_replace ($zthis, $table, $fieldArray, $keyCol, $autoQuote, $has_autoinc)
 _adodb_safedate ($s)
 Parse date string to prevent injection attack.
 _adodb_safedateq ($s)
 Parse date string to prevent injection attack.
 _affectedrows ()
 _blobDecode ($blob)
 Auto function called on read of blob to decode.
 _close ()
 _ConvertFieldType (&$fld, $ftype, $flen, $fscale, $fsubtype, $fprecision, $dialect3)
 _handleError ()
 _init ($parentDriver)
 _init (ADODB_pdo $parentDriver)
 _pconnect ($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename)
 Connect to a database with a persistent connection.
 _query ($sql, $iarr=false)
 Return the query id.
 _rs2serialize (&$rs, $conn=false, $sql='')
 Convert a recordset into special format.
 addConnection ($obj)
 Adds a new database connection to the pool, but no actual connection is made until its needed.
 adodb_backtrace ($printOrArr=true, $levels=9999, $ishtml=null)
 Perform a stack-crawl and pretty print it.
 adodb_date ($fmt, $d=false, $is_gmt=false)
 Return formatted date based on timestamp $d.
 adodb_date2 ($fmt, $d=false, $is_gmt=false)
 adodb_date_test ()
 Test Suite.
 adodb_date_test_date ($y1, $m, $d=13)
 adodb_date_test_strftime ($fmt)
 adodb_dow ($year, $month, $day)
 Returns day of week, 0 = Sunday,... 6=Saturday.
 adodb_error ($provider, $dbType, $errno)
 ADODB_Error_Handler ($dbms, $fn, $errno, $errmsg, $p1, $p2, &$thisConnection)
 Default Error Handler.
 adodb_error_ibase ()
 adodb_error_ifx ()
 adodb_error_mssql ()
 adodb_error_mysql ()
 adodb_error_oci8 ()
 adodb_error_odbc ()
 ADODB_Error_PEAR ($dbms, $fn, $errno, $errmsg, $p1=false, $p2=false)
 Error Handler with PEAR support.
 adodb_error_pg ($errormsg)
 adodb_error_sqlite ()
if(!defined("DB_ERROR_SYNTAX")) adodb_errormsg ($value)
 adodb_get_gmt_diff ($y, $m, $d)
 get local time zone offset from GMT.
 adodb_get_gmt_diff_ts ($ts)
 adodb_GetActiveRecordsClass (&$db, $class, $table, $whereOrderBy, $bindarr, $primkeyArr, $extra)
 adodb_GetActiveRecordsClass (&$db, $class, $tableObj, $whereOrderBy, $bindarr, $primkeyArr, $extra, $relations)
 adodb_getdate ($d=false, $fast=false)
 Returns an array with date info.
 adodb_getmem ()
 adodb_gmdate ($fmt, $d=false)
 adodb_gmmktime ($hr, $min, $sec, $mon=false, $day=false, $year=false, $is_dst=false)
 Returns a timestamp given a GMT/UTC time.
 adodb_gmstrftime ($fmt, $ts=false)
 adodb_is_leap_year ($year)
 checks for leap year, returns true if it is.
 adodb_key_exists ($key, $arr, $force=2)
 adodb_last_date_status ()
 Returns the status of the last date calculation and whether it exceeds the limit of ADODB_FUTURE_DATE_CUTOFF_YEARS.
 adodb_log_sql (&$connx, $sql, $inputarr)
 adodb_microtime ()
 adodb_mktime ($hr, $min, $sec, $mon=false, $day=false, $year=false, $is_dst=false, $is_gmt=false)
 Return a timestamp given a local time.
 adodb_pdo_type ($t)
 ADODB_PEAR_Error ()
 Returns last PEAR_Error object.
 adodb_pr ($var, $as_string=false)
 Perform a print_r, with pre tags for better formatting.
 adodb_probetypes ($array, &$types, $probe=8)
 adodb_round ($n, $prec)
 ADODB_SetDatabaseAdapter (&$db)
 ADODB_SetDatabaseAdapter (&$db, $index=false)
 ADODB_Setup ()
 adodb_strftime ($fmt, $ts=false, $is_gmt=false)
 adodb_strip_order_by ($sql)
 Strip the ORDER BY clause from the outer SELECT.
 adodb_throw ($dbms, $fn, $errno, $errmsg, $p1, $p2, $thisConnection)
 Default Error Handler.
 adodb_time ()
 ADODB_TransMonitor ($dbms, $fn, $errno, $errmsg, $p1, $p2, &$thisConnection)
 For transaction handling.
 adodb_transpose (&$arr, &$newarr, &$hdr, $fobjs)
 adodb_tz_offset ($gmt, $ignored=true)
 Compute timezone offset.
 adodb_validdate ($y, $m, $d)
 adodb_write_file ($filename, $contents, $debug=false)
 Save a file $filename and its $contents (normally for caching) with file locking Returns true if ok, false if fopen/fwrite error, 0 if rename error (eg.
 adodb_year_digit_check ($y)
 Fix 2-digit years.
 ADOLoadCode ($dbType)
 Load the code for a specific database driver.
 ADOLoadDB ($dbType)
 Synonym for ADOLoadCode.
 ADONewConnection ($db='')
 Instantiate a new Connection class for a specific database driver.
 arr2html (&$arr, $ztabhtml='', $zheaderarray='')
 BeginTrans ()
 beginTrans ()
 Begin a Transaction.
 blobDecode ($blob)
 Manually decode a blob.
 blobEncode ( $blob)
 Encodes a blob, then assigns an id ready to be used.
 CheckMemory ()
 clearsql ()
 clusterExecute ( $sql, $inputarr=false, $return_all_results=false, $existing_connections_only=true)
 Executes the same SQL QUERY on the entire cluster of connections.
 CommitTrans ($ok=true)
 commitTrans ($ok=true)
 Commits a transaction.
 Concat ()
 CreateSequence ($seqname='adodbseq', $start=1)
 createSequence ($seqname='adodbseq', $startID=1)
 Creates a sequence in the database.
 csv2rs ($url, &$err, $timeout=0, $rsclass='ADORecordSet_array')
 Open CSV file and convert it into Data.
 dropSequence ($seqname='adodbseq')
 DynMemoryUsage ()
 errorMsg ()
 errorNo ()
 execute ($sql, $inputarr=false)
 Use this instead of __call() as it significantly reduces the overhead of call_user_func_array().
 ExpensiveSQL ($numsql=10)
 Explain ($sql, $partial=false)
 FlashUsage ()
 GenID ($seqname='adodbseq', $startID=1)
 genID ($seqname='adodbseq', $startID=1)
 A portable method of creating sequence numbers.
 genId ($seqname='adodbseq', $startID=1)
 getConnection ($type='write', $pin_connection=null)
 Returns the ADODB connection object by database type.
 getConnectionById ($connection_id)
 Returns the ADODB connection object by connection_id.
 getConnectionByWeight ($type)
 Returns a database connection of the specified type.
 getLoadBalancedConnection ($type)
 Returns the proper database connection when taking into account sticky sessions and load balancing.
 ifx_props ($coltype, $collength)
 !Eos Auxiliary function to Parse coltype,collength.
 isReadOnlyQuery ($sql)
 Determines if a SQL query is read-only or not.
if(!function_exists( 'ctype_alnum')) lens_ParseArgs ($args, $endstmtchar=',', $tokenchars='_.-')
 Parse arguments, treat "text" (text) and 'text' as quotation marks.
 lens_ParseTest ()
 Test script for parser.
 MetaColumns ($table, $normalize=true)
 metaColumns ($table, $normalize=true)
 Return an array of information about a table's columns.
 metaIndexes ($table, $primary=false, $owner=false)
 Get a list of indexes on the specified table.
 metaPrimaryKeys ($table, $owner_notused=false, $internalKey=false)
 MetaTables ($ttype=false, $showSchema=false, $mask=false)
 metaTables ($ttype=false, $showSchema=false, $mask=false)
 Retrieves a list of tables based on given criteria.
 NewADOConnection ($db='')
 Synonym for ADONewConnection for people like me who cannot remember the correct name.
 newDataDictionary (&$conn, $drivername='')
 Get a new Data Dictionary object for the connection.
 NewPerfMonitor (&$conn)
 oci_lob_desc ($type)
 OffsetDate ($dayFraction, $date=false)
 offsetDate ($dayFraction, $date=false)
 Creates a portable date offset field, for use in SQL statements.
 param ($name, $type='C')
 Returns a driver-specific format for a bind parameter.
 PGA ()
 PGA_Advice ()
 prepare ($sql)
 Prepares an SQL statement and returns a handle to use.
 removeConnection ($i)
 Removes a database connection from the pool.
 Render ($rows=10)
 Render_First ($anchor=true)
 render_last ($anchor=true)
 render_next ($anchor=true)
 render_pagelinks ()
 render_prev ($anchor=true)
 RenderGrid ()
 RenderLayout ($header, $grid, $footer, $attributes='border=1 bgcolor=beige')
 RenderNav ()
 RenderPageCount ()
 RMAN ()
 RollbackTrans ()
 rollbackTrans ()
 Rollback a smart transaction.
 rowLock ($table, $where, $col=false)
 Lock a table row for a duration of a transaction.
 rs2csvfile (&$rs, $fp, $addtitles=true)
 rs2csvout (&$rs, $addtitles=true)
 rs2html (&$rs, $ztabhtml=false, $zheaderarray=false, $htmlspecialchars=true, $echo=true)
 rs2tab (&$rs, $addtitles=true)
 rs2tabfile (&$rs, $fp, $addtitles=true)
 rs2tabout (&$rs, $addtitles=true)
 SelectDB ($dbName)
 selectDB ($dbName)
 SelectLimit ($sql, $nrows=-1, $offset=-1, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0)
 selectLimit ($sql, $nrows=-1, $offset=-1, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0)
 Executes a provided SQL statement and returns a handle to the result, with the ability to supply a starting offset and record count.
 ServerInfo ()
 serverInfo ()
 Get information about the current Firebird server.
 SetAutoCommit ($auto_commit)
 setSessionInitSQL ($sql)
 Defines SQL queries that are executed each time a new database connection is established.
 setSessionVariable ($name, $value, $execute_immediately=true)
 Allow setting session variables that are maintained across connections.
 SetTransactionMode ( $transaction_mode)
 setTransactionMode ( $transaction_mode)
 SQLDate ($fmt, $col=false)
 sqlDate ($fmt, $col=false)
 Returns a portably-formatted date string from a timestamp database column.
 SuspiciousSQL ($numsql=10)
 TableSpace ()
 tohtml (&$rs, $type)
 TopHistoricalWaits ()
 updateBlob ($table, $column, $val, $where, $blobtype='BLOB')
 Insert blob data into a database column.
 updateBlobFile ($table, $column, $path, $where, $blobtype='BLOB')
 Insert blob data into a database column directly from file.
 WarnIndexCost ($val)
 WarnPageCost ($val)


global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS = array()
global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS = array()
 $_dropSeqSQL = "drop table %s"
 $_dropSeqSQL = "DROP SEQUENCE %s"
 $_dropSeqSQL = 'DROP TABLE %s'
 $_genIDSQL = "UPDATE %s SET id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);"
 $_genIDSQL = "SELECT NEXTVAL('%s')"
 $_genIDSQL = "UPDATE %s SET id=id+1 WHERE id=%s"
 $_genSeq2SQL = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s)"
 $_genSeq2SQL = 'INSERT INTO %s VALUES(%s)'
 $_genSeqCountSQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM %s"
 $_genSeqCountSQL = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s'
 $_genSeqSQL = "CREATE TABLE if NOT EXISTS %s (id int not null)"
 $_genSeqSQL = "CREATE TABLE %s (id integer)"
 $_hasdual = true
 $_initdate = true
 $_month_table_leaf = array("",31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)
 $_month_table_normal = array("",31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)
global $ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS = false
global $ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS = false
if(defined( 'ADODB_EXTENSION')) if(!defined('ADODB_DIR')) GLOBAL $ADODB_CACHE
global $ADODB_Last_PEAR_Error = false
global $ADODB_PERF_MIN = 0.05
global $ADODB_sybase_mths
if(defined( 'ADODB_EXTENSION')) if(!defined('ADODB_DIR')) GLOBAL $ADODB_vers
 Set ADODB_DIR to the directory where this file resides... This constant was formerly called $ADODB_RootPath.
 $arrayClass = 'ADORecordSet_array_pdo_firebird'
 $arrayClass = 'ADORecordSet_array_pdo_sqlsrv'
 $blobEncodeType = 'C'
 $cache = 0
 $concat_operator ='||'
 random function
 $concat_operator = '||'
bool array $connections = false
 All connections to each database.
bool array $connections_readonly = false
 Just connections to the readonly database.
bool array $connections_write = false
 Just connections to the write capable database.
**TO A FILE * $f = fopen($path,'w')
 $false = 'f'
 $first = '<code>|&lt;</code>'
 $fmtDate = "'Y-m-d'"
 $fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'"
 $fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d G:i:s'"
 $fn = ($persist) ? 'fbird_pconnect':'fbird_connect'
 $gridAttributes = 'width=100% border=1 bgcolor=white'
 $gridHeader = false
 $gSQLBlockRows =20
 $gSQLMaxRows = 1000
 $hasAffectedRows = true
 $hasGenID = true
 $hasGenID = true
 $hasGenID = true
 $hasLimit = false
 $hasMoveFirst = true
else $hidecnt = false
 $htmlSpecialChars = true
 $iif = strpos($db->databaseType,'access') !== false
 $isoDates = true
 $last = '<code>>|</code>'
array $last_connection_id = array('write' => false, 'readonly' => false, 'all' => false)
 Last connection_id for each database type.
 $linkSelectedColor = 'red'
 $linksPerPage =10
 $metaColumnsSQL = "SELECT c.NAME, OBJECT_NAME( as tbl_name, c.length, c.isnullable, c.status, ( CASE WHEN c.xusertype=61 THEN 0 ELSE c.xprec END), ( CASE WHEN c.xusertype=61 THEN 0 ELSE c.xscale END), ISNULL(i.is_primary_key, 0) as primary_key FROM syscolumns c INNER JOIN systypes t ON t.xusertype=c.xusertype INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON LEFT JOIN sys.index_columns ic ON ic.object_id = AND c.colid = ic.column_id LEFT JOIN sys.indexes i ON i.object_id = ic.object_id AND i.index_id = ic.index_id WHERE = OBJECT_ID('%s') ORDER by c.colid"
 $metaColumnsSQL = "select lower(a.rdb\$field_name), a.rdb\$null_flag, a.rdb\$default_source, b.rdb\$field_length, b.rdb\$field_scale, b.rdb\$field_sub_type, b.rdb\$field_precision, b.rdb\$field_type from rdb\$relation_fields a, rdb\$fields b where a.rdb\$field_source = b.rdb\$field_name and a.rdb\$relation_name = '%s' order by a.rdb\$field_position asc"
 $metaColumnsSQL = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `%s`"
 $metaColumnsSQL = "select cname,coltype,width, SCALE, PRECISION, NULLS, DEFAULTVAL from col where tname='%s' order by colno"
 $metaDatabasesSQL = "select name from sysdatabases where name <> 'master'"
 $metaDefaultsSQL = "SELECT d.adnum as num, d.adsrc as def from pg_attrdef d, pg_class c where d.adrelid=c.oid and c.relname='%s' order by d.adnum"
 $metaTablesSQL ="select name,case when type='U' then 'T' else 'V' end from sysobjects where (type='U' or type='V') and (name not in ('sysallocations','syscolumns','syscomments','sysdepends','sysfilegroups','sysfiles','sysfiles1','sysforeignkeys','sysfulltextcatalogs','sysindexes','sysindexkeys','sysmembers','sysobjects','syspermissions','sysprotects','sysreferences','systypes','sysusers','sysalternates','sysconstraints','syssegments','REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS','CHECK_CONSTRAINTS','CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE','CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE','VIEWS','VIEW_TABLE_USAGE','VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE','SCHEMATA','TABLES','TABLE_CONSTRAINTS','TABLE_PRIVILEGES','COLUMNS','COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE','COLUMN_PRIVILEGES','DOMAINS','DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS','KEY_COLUMN_USAGE','dtproperties'))"
 $metaTablesSQL = "select lower(rdb\$relation_name) from rdb\$relations where rdb\$relation_name not like 'RDB\$%'"
 $metaTablesSQL = "select table_name,table_type from cat where table_type in ('TABLE','VIEW')"
 $moreLinks = '...'
 $nameQuote = '`'
 $nameQuote = '`'
 $next = '<code>>></code>'
 $page = 'Page'
 $pdoDriver = false
bool $pinned_connection_id = false
 When in transactions, always use this connection.
 $prev = '<code>&lt;&lt;</code>'
 $random = "abs(mod(DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM,10000001)/10000000)"
 $random = 'random()'
 $random ='abs(random())'
 $replaceQuote = "''"
 $rowfields = preg_replace('/ AS (\w+)/i', '', $rowfields)
 $rows = $rs->RecordCount()
 $rs = $rs->connection->_rs2rs($rs)
*AS VARIABLE * $s = rs2csv($rs)
 $sel = "$rowfields, "
bool $session_variables = false
 Session variables that must be maintained across all connections, ie: SET TIME ZONE.
 $sql = "SELECT $sel nFROM $tables $where nGROUP BY $rowfields"
 $startLinks = '...'
 $sysDate = 'convert(datetime,convert(char,GetDate(),102),102)'
 $sysDate = 'convert(datetime,convert(char,GetDate(),102),102)'
 $sysDate = 'CURDATE()'
 $sysDate = "TRUNC(SYSDATE)"
 $sysDate = "CURRENT_DATE"
 $sysDate = 'current_date'
 $sysDate = 'convert(datetime,convert(char,GetDate(),102),102)'
 $sysTimeStamp = 'GetDate()'
 $sysTimeStamp = 'GetDate()'
 $sysTimeStamp = 'NOW()'
 $sysTimeStamp = 'SYSDATE'
 $sysTimeStamp = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
 $sysTimeStamp = 'current_timestamp'
 $sysTimeStamp = 'GetDate()'
array $total_connection_weights = array('all' => 0, 'write' => 0, 'readonly' => 0)
 Weights of all connections for each type.
array $total_connections = array('all' => 0, 'write' => 0, 'readonly' => 0)
 Counts of all connections and their types.
 $true = 't'
bool $user_defined_session_init_sql = false
 Called immediately after connecting to any DB.
const _ADODB_DB2_LAYER 2
else $this _connectionID
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This is to support WORK and LAZY mode **This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*Less commonly used functions are placed here to reduce size of adodb inc php **This file is part of ADOdb
*ADOdbLoadBalancer is a class that allows the user to do read write splitting *and load balancing across multiple servers It can handle and load balance *any number of write capable *(AKA:master) or readonly(AKA including dealing with connection failures and retrying queries on a different *connection instead **This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*FileDescription **This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*Requires ODBC Works only on Microsoft Windows **This file is part of ADOdb
*Requires ADO Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of ADOdb
*Requires ADO Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of ADOdb
*Requires ADO and ODBC Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of ADOdb
*Requires ADO and MSSQL client Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of ADOdb
*Support Borland Interbase and later **This file is part of ADOdb
*Currently MetaTables and *and also inputarr in Execute *Native types have been converted to MetaTypes *Transactions not supported yet **Limitation of url length For see MaxClientRequestBuffer registry value **This file is part of ADOdb
*This driver provides undocumented bind variable mapping from ibm to oracle *The functionality appears to overlap the db2_oci driver **deprecated **This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*Requires firebird client Works on Windows and Unix **This file is part of ADOdb
*Requires interbase client Works on Windows and Unix **This file is part of ADOdb
*Supports SELECT FIRST **deprecated **This file is part of ADOdb
*deprecated **This file is part of ADOdb
*Provides a subset of ADOdb allowing read only access to an LDAP database **This file is part of ADOdb
*Requires mssql client Works on Windows **This file is part of ADOdb
*Intended to be used with MSSQL drivers that are sending UCS data to MSSQL *FreeTDS and ODBTP in order to get true cross db compatibility from the *application point of view **This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*deprecated will be removed in ADOdb version **This file is part of ADOdb
*deprecated Use oci8 driver instead **This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This version has only been tested on Firebird and PHP **This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
this file is no longer and the *driver is remapped to the latest available postgres version Maintaining *multiple postgres drivers is no easy so hopefully this will ensure *greater consistency and fewer bugs **This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*deprecated **This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*Make it more similar to other database drivers The main differences are *When selecting(joining) multiple tables in assoc mode the table *names are included in the assoc keys in the driver *In the table names are stripped from the returned *column names When this results in a the first field gets *preference **This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*deprecated **This file is part of ADOdb
*deprecated **This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
*This file is part of ADOdb
**This file is part of ADOdb
*Convert a recordset to a html table Multiple tables are generated *if the number of rows is $gSQLBlockRows This is because *web browsers so we break the output into several faster rendering tables **This file is part of ADOdb
 Associative array case constants.
const ADODB_BAD_RS '<p>Bad $rs in %s. Connection or SQL invalid. Try using $connection->debug=true;</p>'
const ADODB_ERROR_HANDLER 'adodb_throw'
 Fetch mode.
const ADODB_LAZY_AR 0x03
 Constants for returned values from the charMax and textMax methods.
const ADODB_TABLE_REGEX '([]0-9a-z_\:\"\`\.\@\[-]*)'
const ADODB_WORK_AR 0x02
*Provides a subset of ADOdb commands
*Make it more similar to other database drivers The main differences are *When selecting(joining) multiple tables in assoc mode the table *names are included in the assoc keys in the driver *In the table names are stripped from the returned *column names When this results in a conflict
 AutoExecute constants (moved from since they are only used in here)
*Originally DB2 drivers were dependent on an ODBC driver
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **Portable version of oci8 driver
*Make it more similar to other database drivers The main differences are *When selecting(joining) multiple tables in assoc mode the table *names are included in the assoc keys in the driver *In driver
if(is_array($colfield)) else
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This is to support WORK and LAZY mode **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This is used by the csv proxy driver and is the CacheExecute() *serialization format. **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Adapted from the PEAR DB error handling code *Portions(c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Less commonly used functions are placed here to reduce size of adodb inc php **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*ADOdbLoadBalancer is a class that allows the user to do read write splitting *and load balancing across multiple servers It can handle and load balance *any number of write capable *(AKA:master) or readonly(AKA including dealing with connection failures and retrying queries on a different *connection instead **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*The following code is modelled on PEAR DB code by Stig Bakken< ssb > *and Tomas V V Cox< cox > Portions(c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group. **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*FileDescription **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Requires ODBC Works only on Microsoft Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Requires ADO Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Requires ADO Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Requires ADO and ODBC Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Requires ADO and MSSQL client Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
which *can be downloaded for free a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Support Borland Interbase and later **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Currently MetaTables and *and also inputarr in Execute *Native types have been converted to MetaTypes *Transactions not supported yet **Limitation of url length For see MaxClientRequestBuffer registry value **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This driver re maps a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This driver provides undocumented bind variable mapping from ibm to oracle *The functionality appears to overlap the db2_oci driver **deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Requires firebird client Works on Windows and Unix **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Requires interbase client Works on Windows and Unix **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Supports SELECT FIRST **deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Provides a subset of ADOdb allowing read only access to an LDAP database **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Requires mssql client Works on Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Intended to be used with MSSQL drivers that are sending UCS data to MSSQL *FreeTDS and ODBTP in order to get true cross db compatibility from the *application point of view **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Requires mssql client Works on Windows * https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*deprecated **Optimizes selectLimit() performance with FIRST_ROWS hint. **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*deprecated will be removed in ADOdb version **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*deprecated Use oci8 driver instead **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This version has only been tested on Firebird and PHP **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
this file is no longer and the *driver is remapped to the latest available postgres version Maintaining *multiple postgres drivers is no easy so hopefully this will ensure *greater consistency and fewer bugs **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*externalurl https
*externalurl https
*Make it more similar to other database drivers The main differences are *When selecting(joining) multiple tables in assoc mode the table *names are included in the assoc keys in the driver *In the table names are stripped from the returned *column names When this results in a the first field gets *preference **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
**This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*Convert a recordset to a html table Multiple tables are generated *if the number of rows is $gSQLBlockRows This is because *web browsers so we break the output into several faster rendering tables **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl https
*This driver re maps ibm
 if (!defined( 'ADODB_ERROR_HANDLER')) define( 'ADODB_ERROR_HANDLER'
 if (!defined( 'ADODB_ERROR_HANDLER')) define( 'ADODB_ERROR_HANDLER'
 if (!defined( 'IFX_SCROLL')) define( 'IFX_SCROLL'
 if (!defined( 'SINGLEQUOTE')) define( 'SINGLEQUOTE'
*Currently MetaTables and *and also inputarr in Execute *Native types have been converted to MetaTypes *Transactions not supported yet **Limitation of url length For IIS
this file is no longer and the *driver is remapped to the latest available postgres version Maintaining *multiple postgres drivers is no easy job
*This is to support JOIN
*Currently MetaTables and MetaColumns
*externalurl MetaTablesSQL
*Convert a recordset to a html table Multiple tables are generated *if the number of rows is $gSQLBlockRows This is because *web browsers normally
*externalurl MetaColumnsSQL * Note
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This is to support WORK and LAZY mode **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This is used by the csv proxy driver and is the CacheExecute() *serialization format. **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Adapted from the PEAR DB error handling code *Portions(c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Less commonly used functions are placed here to reduce size of adodb inc php **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*ADOdbLoadBalancer is a class that allows the user to do read write splitting *and load balancing across multiple servers It can handle and load balance *any number of write capable *(AKA:master) or readonly(AKA including dealing with connection failures and retrying queries on a different *connection instead **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at you option )
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*The following code is modelled on PEAR DB code by Stig Bakken< ssb > *and Tomas V V Cox< cox > Portions(c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group. **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*FileDescription **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Requires ODBC Works only on Microsoft Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Requires ADO Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Requires ADO Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Requires ADO and ODBC Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Requires ADO and MSSQL client Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
which *can be downloaded for free a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Support Borland Interbase and later **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Currently MetaTables and *and also inputarr in Execute *Native types have been converted to MetaTypes *Transactions not supported yet **Limitation of url length For see MaxClientRequestBuffer registry value **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This driver re maps a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This driver provides undocumented bind variable mapping from ibm to oracle *The functionality appears to overlap the db2_oci driver **deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Requires firebird client Works on Windows and Unix **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Requires interbase client Works on Windows and Unix **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Supports SELECT FIRST **deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Provides a subset of ADOdb allowing read only access to an LDAP database **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Requires mssql client Works on Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Intended to be used with MSSQL drivers that are sending UCS data to MSSQL *FreeTDS and ODBTP in order to get true cross db compatibility from the *application point of view **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Requires mssql client Works on Windows a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*externalurl MetaColumnsSQL as Netezza doesn s web site and documentation *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*deprecated **Optimizes selectLimit() performance with FIRST_ROWS hint. **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*deprecated will be removed in ADOdb version **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*deprecated Use oci8 driver instead **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This version has only been tested on Firebird and PHP **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
this file is no longer and the *driver is remapped to the latest available postgres version Maintaining *multiple postgres drivers is no easy so hopefully this will ensure *greater consistency and fewer bugs **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*externalurl a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*externalurl a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Make it more similar to other database drivers The main differences are *When selecting(joining) multiple tables in assoc mode the table *names are included in the assoc keys in the driver *In the table names are stripped from the returned *column names When this results in a the first field gets *preference **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
**This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Convert a recordset to a html table Multiple tables are generated *if the number of rows is $gSQLBlockRows This is because *web browsers so we break the output into several faster rendering tables **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your option
*Convert a recordset to a html table Multiple tables are generated *if the number of rows is $gSQLBlockRows This is because *web browsers so we break the output into several * smaller
return true
*Currently unsupported
this file is no longer used
which *can be downloaded for free via

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ equiv

using equiv
Initial value:
"Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
* Also, all SQL query strings must be submitted as UTF-8 encoded text.
* This file is part of ADOdb, a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP.
* @ingroup ADOdb
* @externalurl https:
* @externalurl https:
* The ADOdb Library is dual-licensed, released under both the BSD 3-Clause
* and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) v2.1 or, at your option,
* any later version. This means you can use it in proprietary products.
* See the file distributed with this source code for details.
* @license BSD-3-Clause
* @license LGPL-2.1-or-later
* @copyright 2000-2013 John Lim
* @copyright 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
* @author Robert Twitty <>
if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die()
text($text, $bodyonly=true, $not=false, array $opts=array())
Search for text in either the entire message, or just the body.
Definition Query.php:605
query($capability, $parameter=null)
Returns whether the server supports the given capability.
Definition Capability.php:111

Function Documentation

◆ __call()

__call ( $method,
$args )

Magic method to intercept method and callback to the proper ADODB object for write/readonly connections.

string$methodADODB method to call.
array$argsArguments to the ADODB method.
Return values

◆ __get()

__get ( $property)

Magic method to proxy property getter calls back to the proper ADODB object currently in use.

Return values

◆ __set()

__set ( $property,
$value )

Magic method to proxy property setter calls back to the proper ADODB object currently in use.

Return values

◆ _adodb_backtrace()

_adodb_backtrace ( $printOrArr = true,
$maximumDepth = 9999,
$elementsToIgnore = 0,
$ishtml = null )

Pretty print the debug_backtrace function.

string[] | bool$printOrArrWhether to print the result directly or return the result
int$maximumDepthThe maximum depth of the array to traverse
int$elementsToIgnoreThe backtrace array indexes to ignore
null | bool$ishtmlTrue if we are in a CGI environment, false for CLI, null to auto detect
Return values
stringFormatted backtrace

◆ _adodb_column_sql_oci8()

_adodb_column_sql_oci8 ( & $zthis,
$arrFields )

This private method is used to help construct the update/sql which is generated by GetInsertSQL and GetUpdateSQL.

It handles the string construction of 1 column -> sql string based on the column type. We want to do 'safe' handling of BLOBs

stringthe type of sql we are trying to create 'I' or 'U'.
stringcolumn data type from the db\MetaType() method
stringthe column name
arraythe column value
Return values

◆ _adodb_debug_execute()

_adodb_debug_execute ( $zthis,
$inputarr )

Replaces standard _execute when debug mode is enabled.

ADOConnection$zthisAn ADOConnection object
string | string[]$sqlA string or array of SQL statements
string[] | null$inputarrAn optional array of bind parameters
Return values
handle|voidA handle to the executed query

◆ _adodb_getdate()

_adodb_getdate ( $origd = false,
$fast = false,
$is_gmt = false )

Low-level function that returns the getdate() array.

We have a special $fast flag, which if set to true, will return fewer array values, and is much faster as it does not calculate dow, etc.

◆ _adodb_getinsertsql()

_adodb_getinsertsql ( & $zthis,
$force = 2 )

There is a special case of this function for the oci8 driver.

The proper way to handle an insert w/ a blob in oracle requires a returning clause with bind variables and a descriptor blob.

◆ _adodb_getmenu_option()

_adodb_getmenu_option ( $defstr,
$display )

Print the OPTION tags for getmenu functions.

ADOdb internal function, used by _adodb_getmenu() and _adodb_getmenu_gp().

string$defstrDefault values
string$compareValue to compare against defaults
string$valueReady-to-print value="xxx" (or empty) string
string$displayDisplay value
Return values

◆ _adodb_getmenu_select()

_adodb_getmenu_select ( $name,
$defstr = '',
$blank1stItem = true,
$multiple = false,
$size = 0,
$selectAttr = '' )

Generate the opening SELECT tag for getmenu functions.

ADOdb internal function, used by _adodb_getmenu() and _adodb_getmenu_gp().

Return values

◆ _adodb_is_leap_year()

_adodb_is_leap_year ( $year)

Checks for leap year, returns true if it is.

No 2-digit year check. Also handles julian calendar correctly.

◆ _adodb_quote_fieldname()

_adodb_quote_fieldname ( $zthis,
$fieldName )

Performs case conversion and quoting of the given field name.

See Global variable $ADODB_QUOTE_FIELDNAMES.

Return values
stringQuoted field name

◆ _adodb_safedate()

_adodb_safedate ( $s)

Parse date string to prevent injection attack.

Return values

◆ _adodb_safedateq()

_adodb_safedateq ( $s)

Parse date string to prevent injection attack.

Date string will have one quote at beginning e.g. '3434343'

Return values

◆ _blobDecode()

_blobDecode ( $blob)

Auto function called on read of blob to decode.

string$blobValue to decode
Return values
stringDecoded blob

◆ _pconnect()

_pconnect ( $argHostname,
$argDatabasename )

Connect to a database with a persistent connection.

string | null$argHostnameThe host to connect to.
string | null$argUsernameThe username to connect as.
string | null$argPasswordThe password to connect with.
string | null$argDatabasenameThe name of the database to start in when connected.
Return values
bool|nullTrue if connected successfully, false if connection failed, or null if the mysqli extension isn't currently loaded.

◆ _query()

_query ( $sql,
$iarr = false )

Return the query id.

string | array$sql
Return values

◆ _rs2serialize()

_rs2serialize ( & $rs,
$conn = false,
$sql = '' )

Convert a recordset into special format.

ADORecordSet$rsthe recordset
Return values
stringthe CSV formatted data

◆ addConnection()

addConnection ( $obj)

Adds a new database connection to the pool, but no actual connection is made until its needed.

Return values

◆ adodb_backtrace()

adodb_backtrace ( $printOrArr = true,
$levels = 9999,
$ishtml = null )

Perform a stack-crawl and pretty print it.

bool$printOrArrPass in a boolean to indicate print, or an $exception->trace array (assumes that print is true then).
int$levelsNumber of levels to display
Return values

◆ adodb_dow()

adodb_dow ( $year,
$day )

Returns day of week, 0 = Sunday,... 6=Saturday.

Algorithm from PEAR\Date_Calc

◆ ADODB_Error_Handler()

ADODB_Error_Handler ( $dbms,
& $thisConnection )

Default Error Handler.

This will be called with the following params

$dbmsthe RDBMS you are connecting to
$fnthe name of the calling function (in uppercase)
$errnothe native error number from the database
$errmsgthe native error msg from the database
$p1$fn specific parameter - see below
$p2$fn specific parameter - see below
$thisConn$current connection object - can be false if no connection object created

◆ ADODB_Error_PEAR()

ADODB_Error_PEAR ( $dbms,
$p1 = false,
$p2 = false )

Error Handler with PEAR support.

This will be called with the following params

$dbmsthe RDBMS you are connecting to
$fnthe name of the calling function (in uppercase)
$errnothe native error number from the database
$errmsgthe native error msg from the database
$p1$fn specific parameter - see below
$P2$fn specific parameter - see below

◆ adodb_get_gmt_diff()

adodb_get_gmt_diff ( $y,
$d )

get local time zone offset from GMT.

Does not handle historical timezones before 1970.

◆ adodb_gmmktime()

adodb_gmmktime ( $hr,
$mon = false,
$day = false,
$year = false,
$is_dst = false )

Returns a timestamp given a GMT/UTC time.

Note that $is_dst is not implemented and is ignored.

◆ adodb_is_leap_year()

adodb_is_leap_year ( $year)

checks for leap year, returns true if it is.

Has 2-digit year check

◆ adodb_last_date_status()

adodb_last_date_status ( )

Returns the status of the last date calculation and whether it exceeds the limit of ADODB_FUTURE_DATE_CUTOFF_YEARS.

Return values

◆ adodb_mktime()

adodb_mktime ( $hr,
$mon = false,
$day = false,
$year = false,
$is_dst = false,
$is_gmt = false )

Return a timestamp given a local time.

Originally by jackbbs. Note that $is_dst is not implemented and is ignored.

Not a very fast algorithm - O(n) operation. Could be optimized to O(1).

◆ ADODB_PEAR_Error()

ADODB_PEAR_Error ( )

Returns last PEAR_Error object.

This error might be for an error that occurred several sql statements ago.

◆ adodb_strip_order_by()

adodb_strip_order_by ( $sql)

Strip the ORDER BY clause from the outer SELECT.

Return values

◆ adodb_throw()

adodb_throw ( $dbms,
$thisConnection )

Default Error Handler.

string$dbmsthe RDBMS you are connecting to
string$fnthe name of the calling function (in uppercase)
int$errnothe native error number from the database
string$errmsgthe native error msg from the database
mixed$p1$fn specific parameter - see below
mixed$p2$fn specific parameter - see below

◆ ADODB_TransMonitor()

ADODB_TransMonitor ( $dbms,
& $thisConnection )

For transaction handling.


◆ adodb_tz_offset()

adodb_tz_offset ( $gmt,
$ignored = true )

Compute timezone offset.

int$gmtTime offset from GMT, in seconds
bool$ignoredParam leftover from removed PHP4-compatibility code kept to avoid altering function signature.
Return values

◆ adodb_write_file()

adodb_write_file ( $filename,
$debug = false )

Save a file $filename and its $contents (normally for caching) with file locking Returns true if ok, false if fopen/fwrite error, 0 if rename error (eg.

file is locked)

◆ adodb_year_digit_check()

adodb_year_digit_check ( $y)

Fix 2-digit years.

Works for any century. Assumes that if 2-digit is more than 30 years in future, then previous century.

◆ ADOLoadCode()

ADOLoadCode ( $dbType)

Load the code for a specific database driver.

Private function. Do not use.

◆ ADOLoadDB()

ADOLoadDB ( $dbType)

Synonym for ADOLoadCode.

Private function. Do not use.


◆ ADONewConnection()

ADONewConnection ( $db = '')

Instantiate a new Connection class for a specific database driver.

string$dbDatabase Connection object to create. If undefined, use the last database driver that was loaded by ADOLoadCode().
Return values
ADOConnection|falseThe freshly created instance of the Connection class or false in case of error.

◆ beginTrans()

beginTrans ( )

Begin a Transaction.

Must be followed by CommitTrans() or RollbackTrans().

Return values
booltrue if succeeded or false if database does not support transactions

◆ blobDecode()

blobDecode ( $blob)

Manually decode a blob.

since we auto-decode all blob's since 2.42, BlobDecode should not do any transforms

Return values
stringthe same blob

◆ blobEncode()

blobEncode ( $blob)

Encodes a blob, then assigns an id ready to be used.

string$blobThe blob to be encoded
Return values

◆ clusterExecute()

clusterExecute ( $sql,
$inputarr = false,
$return_all_results = false,
$existing_connections_only = true )

Executes the same SQL QUERY on the entire cluster of connections.

Would be used for things like SET SESSION TIME ZONE calls and such.

Return values

◆ commitTrans()

commitTrans ( $ok = true)

Commits a transaction.

bool$okfalse to rollback transaction, true to commit
Return values

◆ createSequence()

createSequence ( $seqname = 'adodbseq',
$startID = 1 )

Creates a sequence in the database.


string$seqnameThe sequence name.
int$startIDThe start id.
Return values
ADORecordSet|boolA record set if executed successfully, otherwise false.

◆ csv2rs()

csv2rs ( $url,
& $err,
$timeout = 0,
$rsclass = 'ADORecordSet_array' )

Open CSV file and convert it into Data.

string$urlfile/ftp/http url
string&$errreturns the error message
int$timeoutdispose if recordset has been alive for $timeout secs
string$rsclassRecordSet class to return
Return values
ADORecordSet|falserecordset, or false if error occurred. If no error occurred in sql INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, empty recordset is returned.

◆ execute()

execute ( $sql,
$inputarr = false )

Use this instead of __call() as it significantly reduces the overhead of call_user_func_array().

Return values

◆ genID()

genID ( $seqname = 'adodbseq',
$startID = 1 )

A portable method of creating sequence numbers.


string$seqname(Optional) The name of the sequence to use.
int$startID(Optional) The point to start at in the sequence.
Return values

◆ getConnection()

getConnection ( $type = 'write',
$pin_connection = null )

Returns the ADODB connection object by database type.

Ensures that it's connected and the session variables are executed.

Return values

◆ getConnectionById()

getConnectionById ( $connection_id)

Returns the ADODB connection object by connection_id.

Ensures that it's connected and the session variables are executed.

Return values

◆ getConnectionByWeight()

getConnectionByWeight ( $type)

Returns a database connection of the specified type.

Takes into account the connection weight for load balancing.

string$typeType of database connection, either: 'write' capable or 'readonly'
Return values

◆ getLoadBalancedConnection()

getLoadBalancedConnection ( $type)

Returns the proper database connection when taking into account sticky sessions and load balancing.

Return values

◆ ifx_props()

ifx_props ( $coltype,
$collength )

!Eos Auxiliary function to Parse coltype,collength.

Used by Metacolumns return: array ($mtype,$length,$precision,$nullable) (similar to ifx_fieldpropierties)

◆ isReadOnlyQuery()

isReadOnlyQuery ( $sql)

Determines if a SQL query is read-only or not.

string$sqlSQL Query to test.
Return values

◆ lens_ParseArgs()

if(!function_exists('ctype_alnum')) lens_ParseArgs ( $args,
$endstmtchar = ',',
$tokenchars = '_.-' )

Parse arguments, treat "text" (text) and 'text' as quotation marks.

To escape, use "" or '' or ))

Will read in "abc def" sans quotes, as: abc def Same with 'abc def'. However if abc def, then will read in as abc def

endstmtcharCharacter that indicates end of statement
tokencharsInclude the following characters in tokens apart from A-Z and 0-9
2 dimensional array containing parsed tokens.

◆ metaColumns()

metaColumns ( $table,
$normalize = true )

Return an array of information about a table's columns.

string$tableThe name of the table to get the column info for.
bool$normalize(Optional) Unused.
Return values
ADOFieldObject[]|boolAn array of info for each column, or false if it could not determine the info.

◆ metaIndexes()

metaIndexes ( $table,
$primary = false,
$owner = false )

Get a list of indexes on the specified table.

string$tableThe name of the table to get indexes for.
bool$primary(Optional) Whether or not to include the primary key.
bool$owner(Optional) Unused.
Return values
array|boolAn array of the indexes, or false if the query to get the indexes failed.

◆ metaTables()

metaTables ( $ttype = false,
$showSchema = false,
$mask = false )

Retrieves a list of tables based on given criteria.

Returns the tables in the database.

string | bool$ttype(Optional) Table type = 'TABLE', 'VIEW' or false=both (default)
string | bool$showSchema(Optional) schema name, false = current schema (default)
string | bool$mask(Optional) filters the table by name
Return values
arraylist of tables
Return values

◆ NewADOConnection()

NewADOConnection ( $db = '')

Synonym for ADONewConnection for people like me who cannot remember the correct name.

Return values

◆ newDataDictionary()

newDataDictionary ( & $conn,
$drivername = '' )

Get a new Data Dictionary object for the connection.

Return values

◆ offsetDate()

offsetDate ( $dayFraction,
$date = false )

Creates a portable date offset field, for use in SQL statements.


float$dayFractionA day in floating point
string | bool$date(Optional) The date to offset. If false, uses CURDATE()
Return values

◆ param()

param ( $name,
$type = 'C' )

Returns a driver-specific format for a bind parameter.

string$type(ignored in driver)
Return values

Unlike the native driver, we use :name parameters instead of offsets

string$type(ignored in driver)
Return values

◆ prepare()

prepare ( $sql)

Prepares an SQL statement and returns a handle to use.

This is not used by bound parameters anymore


update this function to handle prepared statements correctly
string$sqlThe SQL to prepare.
Return values
bool|arrayThe SQL that was provided and the prepared parameters, or false if the preparation fails

◆ removeConnection()

removeConnection ( $i)

Removes a database connection from the pool.

Return values

◆ rollbackTrans()

rollbackTrans ( )

Rollback a smart transaction.


Return values

◆ rowLock()

rowLock ( $table,
$col = false )

Lock a table row for a duration of a transaction.

@externalurl @externalurl

string$tableThe table(s) to lock rows for.
string$where(Optional) The WHERE clause to use to determine which rows to lock.
string$col(Optional) The columns to select.
Return values
boolTrue if the locking SQL statement executed successfully, otherwise false.

◆ selectLimit()

selectLimit ( $sql,
$nrows = -1,
$offset = -1,
$inputarr = false,
$secs2cache = 0 )

Executes a provided SQL statement and returns a handle to the result, with the ability to supply a starting offset and record count.


string$sqlThe SQL to execute.
int$nrows(Optional) The limit for the number of records you want returned. By default, all results.
int$offset(Optional) The offset to use when selecting the results. By default, no offset.
array | bool$inputarr(Optional) Any parameter values required by the SQL statement, or false if none.
int$secs2cache(Optional) If greater than 0, perform a cached execute. By default, normal execution.
Return values
ADORecordSet|falseThe query results, or false if the query failed to execute.

◆ serverInfo()

serverInfo ( )

Get information about the current Firebird server.

Gets the version iformation from the server.

Return values

◆ SetAutoCommit()

SetAutoCommit ( $auto_commit)
Return values

◆ setSessionInitSQL()

setSessionInitSQL ( $sql)

Defines SQL queries that are executed each time a new database connection is established.

Return values

◆ setSessionVariable()

setSessionVariable ( $name,
$execute_immediately = true )

Allow setting session variables that are maintained across connections.

Its important that these are set using name/value, so it can determine if the same variable is set multiple times causing bloat/clutter when new connections are established. For example if the time_zone is set to many different ones through the course of a single connection, a new connection should only set it to the most recent value.

Return values

◆ sqlDate()

sqlDate ( $fmt,
$col = false )

Returns a portably-formatted date string from a timestamp database column.


Firebird does not support an AM/PM format, so the A indicator always shows AM

string$fmtThe date format to use.
string | bool$col(Optional) The table column to date format, or if false, use NOW().
Return values
stringThe SQL DATE_FORMAT() string, or empty if the provided date format was empty.

◆ updateBlob()

updateBlob ( $table,
$blobtype = 'BLOB' )

Insert blob data into a database column.

string$tabletable to insert
string$columncolumn to insert
string$valvalue to insert
string$wherestring to find unique record
string$blobtypeBLOB or CLOB
Return values

◆ updateBlobFile()

updateBlobFile ( $table,
$blobtype = 'BLOB' )

Insert blob data into a database column directly from file.

string$tabletable to insert
string$columncolumn to insert
string$pathphysical file name
string$wherestring to find unique record
string$blobtypeBLOB or CLOB
Return values

Variable Documentation

◆ $ADODB_sybase_mths

Initial value:
= array(

◆ $metaColumnsSQL

Initial value:
= "SELECT a.attname,t.typname,a.attlen,a.atttypmod,a.attnotnull,a.atthasdef,a.attnum
FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a,pg_type t
WHERE relkind in ('r','v') AND (c.relname='%s' or c.relname = lower('%s')) and a.attname not like '....%%'
AND a.attnum > 0 AND a.atttypid = t.oid AND a.attrelid = c.oid ORDER BY a.attnum"

◆ $metaColumnsSQL1

Initial value:
= "SELECT a.attname, t.typname, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, a.atthasdef, a.attnum
FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t, pg_namespace n
WHERE relkind in ('r','v') AND (c.relname='%s' or c.relname = lower('%s'))
and c.relnamespace=n.oid and n.nspname='%s'
and a.attname not like '....%%' AND a.attnum > 0
AND a.atttypid = t.oid AND a.attrelid = c.oid ORDER BY a.attnum"

◆ $metaKeySQL

Initial value:
= "SELECT ic.relname AS index_name, a.attname AS column_name,i.indisunique AS unique_key, i.indisprimary AS primary_key
FROM pg_class bc, pg_class ic, pg_index i, pg_attribute a WHERE bc.oid = i.indrelid AND ic.oid = i.indexrelid AND (i.indkey[0] = a.attnum OR i.indkey[1] = a.attnum OR i.indkey[2] = a.attnum OR i.indkey[3] = a.attnum OR i.indkey[4] = a.attnum OR i.indkey[5] = a.attnum OR i.indkey[6] = a.attnum OR i.indkey[7] = a.attnum) AND a.attrelid = bc.oid AND bc.relname = '%s'"

◆ $metaTablesSQL

Initial value:
= "select tablename,'T' from pg_tables where tablename not like 'pg\_%'
and tablename not in ('sql_features', 'sql_implementation_info', 'sql_languages',
'sql_packages', 'sql_sizing', 'sql_sizing_profiles')
select viewname,'V' from pg_views where viewname not like 'pg\_%'"

◆ _connectionID

else $this _connectionID
Initial value:
= $fn($argHostname,$argUsername,$argPassword,



Associative array case constants.

By defining the ADODB_ASSOC_CASE constant to one of these values, it is possible to control the case of field names (associative array's keys) when operating in ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC fetch mode.

  • LOWER: $rs->fields['orderid']
  • UPPER: $rs->fields['ORDERID']
  • NATIVE: $rs->fields['OrderID'] (or whatever the RDBMS will return)

The default is to use native case-names.

NOTE: This functionality is not implemented everywhere, it currently works only with: mssql, odbc, oci8 and ibase derived drivers



Fetch mode.

Set global variable $ADODB_FETCH_MODE to one of these constants or use the SetFetchMode() method to control how recordset fields are returned when fetching data.

  • NUM: array()
  • ASSOC: array('id' => 456, 'name' => 'john')
  • BOTH: array(0 => 456, 'id' => 456, 1 => 'john', 'name' => 'john')
  • DEFAULT: driver-dependent



Constants for returned values from the charMax and textMax methods.

If not specifically defined in the driver, methods return the NOTSET value.

◆ else

if (is_array( $colfield)) else
Initial value:
foreach ($colarr as $v) {
if (!is_numeric($v)) $vq = $db->qstr($v);
else $vq = $v;
$v = trim($v);
if (strlen($v) == 0 ) $v = 'null';
if (!$hidecnt) {
$sel .= $iif ?
"\n\t$aggfn(IIF($colfield=$vq,1,0)) AS "$v\", "
"\n\t$aggfn(CASE WHEN $colfield=$vq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS "$v\", ";
if ($aggfield) {
if ($hidecnt) $label = $v;
else $label = "{$v}_$aggfield";
$sel .= $iif ?
"\n\t$aggfn(IIF($colfield=$vq,$aggfield,0)) AS "$label\", "
"\n\t$aggfn(CASE WHEN $colfield=$vq THEN $aggfield ELSE 0 END) AS "$label\", ";
if ($aggfield && $aggfield != '1'){
$agg = "$aggfn($aggfield)";
$sel .= "\n\t$agg as "$sumlabel$aggfield\", ";
if ($showcount)
$sel .= "\n\tSUM(1) as Total"