Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
badge_potential_users_selector Class Reference

A user selector control for potential users to award badge. More...

Inheritance diagram for badge_potential_users_selector:
badge_award_selector_base user_selector_base

Public Member Functions

 clear_exclusions ()
 Clear the list of excluded user ids.
 display ($return=false)
 Output this user_selector as HTML.
 exclude ($arrayofuserids)
 All to the list of user ids that this control will not select.
 find_users ($search)
 Finds all potential badge recipients.
 get_exclusions ()
 Returns the list of user ids that this control will not select.
 get_name ()
 Returns the id/name of this control.
 get_rows ()
 Returns the number of rows to display in this control.
 get_selected_user ()
 Convenience method for when multiselect is false (throws an exception if not).
 get_selected_users ()
 The users that were selected.
 invalidate_selected_users ()
 Invalidates the list of selected users.
 is_multiselect ()
 Returns true is multiselect should be allowed.
 output_user ($user)
 Convert a user object to a string suitable for displaying as an option in the list box.
 set_existing_recipients (array $users)
 Sets the existing recipients.
 set_extra_fields ($fields)
 Set the user fields that are displayed in the selector in addition to the user's name.
 set_multiselect ($multiselect)
 Whether this control will allow selection of many, or just one user.
 set_rows ($numrows)
 The height this control will be displayed, in rows.

Public Attributes

int $currentgroup
 The current group being displayed.
int $maxusersperpage = 100
 this is used to define maximum number of users visible in list
string $url
 The return address.
boolean $viewfullnames = false
 Whether to override fullname()
const MAX_USERS_PER_PAGE = 100

Protected Member Functions

 get_groups_sql ()
 Restricts the selection of users to display, according to the groups they belong.
 get_options ()
 Returns an array of options to seralise and store for searches.
 initialise_javascript ($search)
 Initialises JS for this control.
 is_validating ()
 Returns true if this control is validating a list of users.
 load_selected_users ()
 Get the list of users that were selected by doing optional_param then validating the result.
 output_optgroup ($groupname, $users, $select)
 Output one particular optgroup.
 output_options ($groupedusers, $search)
 Output the list of <optgroup>s and <options>s that go inside the select.
 required_fields_sql (string $u)
 Returns SQL to select required fields.
 search_button_caption ()
 Returns the string to use for the search button caption.
 search_sql (string $search, string $u)
 Returns an array with SQL to perform a search and the params that go into it.
 too_many_results ($search, $count)
 Used to generate a nice message when there are too many users to show.

Protected Attributes

object $accesscontext
 Context used for capability checks regarding this selector (does not necessarily restrict user list)
boolean $autoselectunique = false
 If only one user matches the search, should we select them automatically.
int $badgeid = null
 The id of the badge this selector is being used for.
object $context = null
 The context of the badge this selector is being used for.
array $exclude = array()
 A list of userids that should not be returned by this control.
 $existingrecipients = array()
 Existing recipients.
array $extrafields
 Extra fields to search on and return in addition to firstname and lastname.
boolean $includecustomfields = false
 Whether to include custom user profile fields.
int $issuerid = null
 The id of badge issuer.
int $issuerrole = null
 The id of the role of badge issuer in current context.
boolean $multiselect = true
 Whether the conrol should allow selection of many users, or just one.
string $name
 The control name (and id) in the HTML.
boolean $preserveselected = false
 When the search changes, do we keep previously selected options that do not match the new search term?
 The height this control should have, in rows.
boolean $searchanywhere = false
 When searching, do we only match the starts of fields (better performance) or do we match occurrences anywhere?
array null $selected = null
 A list of the users who are selected.
string $userfieldsjoin = ''
 User fields join for custom fields.
array $userfieldsmappings = []
 User fields mappings for custom fields.
array $userfieldsparams = []
 User fields params for custom fields.
string $userfieldsselects = ''
 User fields selects for custom fields.
mixed $validatinguserids = null
 This is used by get selected users.

Static Protected Attributes

static array $jsmodule
 JavaScript YUI3 Module definition.

Detailed Description

A user selector control for potential users to award badge.

Member Function Documentation

◆ display()

user_selector_base::display ( $return = false)

Output this user_selector as HTML.

boolean$returnif true, return the HTML as a string instead of outputting it.
Return values
mixedif $return is true, returns the HTML as a string, otherwise returns nothing.

◆ exclude()

user_selector_base::exclude ( $arrayofuserids)

All to the list of user ids that this control will not select.

For example, on the role assign page, we do not list the users who already have the role in question.

array$arrayofuseridsthe user ids to exclude.

◆ find_users()

badge_potential_users_selector::find_users ( $search)

Finds all potential badge recipients.

Potential badge recipients are all enroled users who haven't got a badge from current issuer role.

Return values

Reimplemented from user_selector_base.

◆ get_exclusions()

user_selector_base::get_exclusions ( )

Returns the list of user ids that this control will not select.

Return values
arraythe list of user ids that this control will not select.

◆ get_groups_sql()

badge_award_selector_base::get_groups_sql ( )

Restricts the selection of users to display, according to the groups they belong.

Return values

◆ get_name()

user_selector_base::get_name ( )

Returns the id/name of this control.

Return values
stringthe id/name that this control will have in the HTML.

◆ get_options()

badge_award_selector_base::get_options ( )

Returns an array of options to seralise and store for searches.

Return values

Reimplemented from user_selector_base.

◆ get_rows()

user_selector_base::get_rows ( )

Returns the number of rows to display in this control.

Return values
integerthe height this control will be displayed, in rows.

◆ get_selected_user()

user_selector_base::get_selected_user ( )

Convenience method for when multiselect is false (throws an exception if not).

Return values
objectthe selected user object, or null if none.

◆ get_selected_users()

user_selector_base::get_selected_users ( )

The users that were selected.

This is a more sophisticated version of optional_param($this->name, array(), PARAM_INT) that validates the returned list of ids against the rules for this user selector.

Return values
arrayof user objects.

◆ initialise_javascript()

user_selector_base::initialise_javascript ( $search)

Initialises JS for this control.

Return values
stringany HTML needed here.

◆ invalidate_selected_users()

user_selector_base::invalidate_selected_users ( )

Invalidates the list of selected users.

If you update the database in such a way that it is likely to change the list of users that this component is allowed to select from, then you must call this method. For example, on the role assign page, after you have assigned some roles to some users, you should call this.

◆ is_multiselect()

user_selector_base::is_multiselect ( )

Returns true is multiselect should be allowed.

Return values
booleanwhether this control will allow selection of more than one user.

◆ is_validating()

user_selector_base::is_validating ( )

Returns true if this control is validating a list of users.

Return values
booleanif true, we are validating a list of selected users, rather than preparing a list of uesrs to choose from.

◆ load_selected_users()

user_selector_base::load_selected_users ( )

Get the list of users that were selected by doing optional_param then validating the result.

Return values
arrayof user objects.

◆ output_optgroup()

user_selector_base::output_optgroup ( $groupname,
$select )

Output one particular optgroup.

Used by the preceding function output_options.

string$groupnamethe label for this optgroup.
array$usersthe users to put in this optgroup.
boolean$selectif true, select the users in this group.
Return values
stringHTML code.

◆ output_options()

user_selector_base::output_options ( $groupedusers,
$search )

Output the list of <optgroup>s and <options>s that go inside the select.

This method should do the same as the JavaScript method user_selector.prototype.handle_response.

array$groupedusersan array, as returned by find_users.
Return values
stringHTML code.

◆ output_user()

user_selector_base::output_user ( $user)

Convert a user object to a string suitable for displaying as an option in the list box.

object$userthe user to display.
Return values
stringa string representation of the user.

Reimplemented in group_non_members_selector.

◆ required_fields_sql()

user_selector_base::required_fields_sql ( string $u)

Returns SQL to select required fields.

string$uthe table alias for the user table in the query being built. May be ''.
Return values
stringfragment of SQL to go in the select list of the query.
coding_exceptionif used when includecustomfields is true

◆ search_button_caption()

user_selector_base::search_button_caption ( )

Returns the string to use for the search button caption.

Return values
stringthe caption for the search button.

◆ search_sql()

user_selector_base::search_sql ( string $search,
string $u )

Returns an array with SQL to perform a search and the params that go into it.

string$searchthe text to search for.
string$uthe table alias for the user table in the query being built. May be ''.
Return values
arrayan array with two elements, a fragment of SQL to go in the where clause the query, and an array containing any required parameters. this uses ? style placeholders.

◆ set_existing_recipients()

badge_potential_users_selector::set_existing_recipients ( array $users)

Sets the existing recipients.


◆ set_extra_fields()

user_selector_base::set_extra_fields ( $fields)

Set the user fields that are displayed in the selector in addition to the user's name.

array$fieldsa list of field names that exist in the user table.

◆ set_multiselect()

user_selector_base::set_multiselect ( $multiselect)

Whether this control will allow selection of many, or just one user.

boolean$multiselecttrue = allow multiple selection.

◆ set_rows()

user_selector_base::set_rows ( $numrows)

The height this control will be displayed, in rows.

integer$numrowsthe desired height.

◆ too_many_results()

user_selector_base::too_many_results ( $search,
$count )

Used to generate a nice message when there are too many users to show.

The message includes the number of users that currently match, and the text of the message depends on whether the search term is non-blank.

string$searchthe search term, as passed in to the find users method.
int$countthe number of users that currently match.
Return values
arrayin the right format to return from the find_users method.

Member Data Documentation

◆ $currentgroup

int badge_award_selector_base::$currentgroup

The current group being displayed.


◆ $jsmodule

array user_selector_base::$jsmodule
Initial value:
= array(
'name' => 'user_selector',
'fullpath' => '/user/selector/module.js',
'requires' => array('node', 'event-custom', 'datasource', 'json', 'moodle-core-notification'),
'strings' => array(
array('previouslyselectedusers', 'moodle', '%%SEARCHTERM%%'),
array('nomatchingusers', 'moodle', '%%SEARCHTERM%%'),
array('none', 'moodle')

JavaScript YUI3 Module definition.

◆ $url

string badge_award_selector_base::$url

The return address.

Accepts either a string or a moodle_url. $url

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