Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
core\oauth2\service\issuer_interface Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for core\oauth2\service\issuer_interface:
core\oauth2\service\clever core\oauth2\service\custom core\oauth2\service\facebook core\oauth2\service\google core\oauth2\service\imsobv2p1 core\oauth2\service\microsoft core\oauth2\service\moodlenet core\oauth2\service\nextcloud

Static Public Member Functions

static create_endpoints (issuer $issuer)
 Create endpoints for this issuer.
static discover_endpoints ($issuer)
 If the discovery endpoint exists for this issuer, try and determine the list of valid endpoints.
static init ()
 Build an OAuth2 issuer, with all the default values for this service.

Member Function Documentation

◆ create_endpoints()

static core\oauth2\service\issuer_interface::create_endpoints ( issuer $issuer)

Create endpoints for this issuer.

issuer$issuerIssuer the endpoints should be created for.
Return values

Implemented in core\oauth2\service\clever, core\oauth2\service\facebook, core\oauth2\service\microsoft, core\oauth2\service\moodlenet, and core\oauth2\service\nextcloud.

◆ discover_endpoints()

static core\oauth2\service\issuer_interface::discover_endpoints ( $issuer)

If the discovery endpoint exists for this issuer, try and determine the list of valid endpoints.

Return values
intThe number of discovered services.

Implemented in core\oauth2\service\moodlenet.

◆ init()

static core\oauth2\service\issuer_interface::init ( )

Build an OAuth2 issuer, with all the default values for this service.

Return values
issuer|nullThe issuer initialised with proper default values, or null if no issuer is initialised.

Implemented in core\oauth2\service\clever, core\oauth2\service\custom, core\oauth2\service\facebook, core\oauth2\service\google, core\oauth2\service\imsobv2p1, core\oauth2\service\microsoft, core\oauth2\service\moodlenet, and core\oauth2\service\nextcloud.

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