Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
question_definition Class Reference

The definition of a question of a particular type. More...

Inheritance diagram for question_definition:
qtype_missingtype_question question_information_item question_with_responses qtype_description_question qtype_essay_question question_graded_automatically qtype_multichoice_base qtype_numerical_question qtype_truefalse_question question_graded_automatically_with_countback question_graded_by_strategy qtype_multichoice_multi_question qtype_multichoice_single_question qtype_calculated_question qtype_gapselect_question_base qtype_match_question qtype_multianswer_question qtype_shortanswer_question qtype_calculatedmulti_multi_question qtype_calculatedmulti_single_question qtype_calculatedsimple_question qtype_ddtoimage_question_base qtype_ddwtos_question qtype_gapselect_question qtype_randomsamatch_question qtype_ddimageortext_question qtype_ddmarker_question

Public Member Functions

 __construct ()
 apply_attempt_state (question_attempt_step $step)
 When an in-progress question_attempt is re-loaded from the database, this method is called so that the question can re-initialise its internal state as needed by this attempt.
 check_file_access ($qa, $options, $component, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload)
 Checks whether the users is allow to be served a particular file.
 clear_wrong_from_response (array $response)
 Given a response, rest the parts that are wrong.
 format_generalfeedback ($qa)
 format_questiontext ($qa)
 format_text ($text, $format, $qa, $component, $filearea, $itemid, $clean=false)
 Apply format_text() to some content with appropriate settings for this question.
 get_correct_response ()
 What data would need to be submitted to get this question correct.
 get_expected_data ()
 What data may be included in the form submission when a student submits this question in its current state?
 get_max_fraction ()
 Some questions can return a mark greater than the maximum.
 get_min_fraction ()
 Some questions can return a negative mark if the student gets it wrong.
 get_num_parts_right (array $response)
 Return the number of subparts of this response that are right.
 get_num_variants ()
 get_question_definition_for_external_rendering (question_attempt $qa, question_display_options $options)
 Return the question settings that define this question as structured data.
 get_question_summary ()
 Generate a brief, plain-text, summary of this question.
 get_renderer (moodle_page $page)
 get_student_response_values_for_simulation ($realresponse)
 Does the opposite of prepare_simulated_post_data.
 get_type_name ()
 get_variants_selection_seed ()
 html_to_text ($text, $format)
 Convert some part of the question text to plain text.
 make_behaviour (question_attempt $qa, $preferredbehaviour)
 Creat the appropriate behaviour for an attempt at this quetsion, given the desired (archetypal) behaviour.
 make_html_inline ($html)
 Take some HTML that should probably already be a single line, like a multiple choice choice, or the corresponding feedback, and make it so that it is suitable to go in a place where the HTML must be inline, like inside a.
 prepare_simulated_post_data ($simulatedresponse)
 Takes an array of values representing a student response represented in a way that is understandable by a human and transforms that to the response as the POST values returned from the HTML form that takes the student response during a student attempt.
 start_attempt (question_attempt_step $step, $variant)
 Start a new attempt at this question, storing any information that will be needed later in the step.
 update_attempt_state_data_for_new_version (question_attempt_step $oldstep, question_definition $oldquestion)
 Update the data representing the initial state of an attempt another version of this question, to allow for the changes.
 validate_can_regrade_with_other_version (question_definition $otherversion)
 Verify if an attempt at this question can be re-graded using the other question version.

Public Attributes

integer $category
 question category id.
integer $contextid
 question context id.
integer $createdby
 userid of the use who created this question.
array $customfields = array()
 of array of core_customfield\data_controller objects indexed by fieldid for the questions custom fields.
float $defaultmark = 1
 what this quetsion is marked out of, by default.
string $generalfeedback
 question general feedback.
integer $generalfeedbackformat
 question test format.
array $hints = array()
 of question_hints.
integer $id
 id of the question in the datase, or null if this question is not in the database.
string $idnumber
 question idnumber.
integer $length = 1
 How many question numbers this question consumes.
integer $modifiedby
 userid of the use who modified this question.
string $name
 question name.
integer $parent = 0
 parent question id.
number $penalty = 0
 penalty factor of this question.
question_type $qtype
 the question type this question is.
int $questionbankentryid
 Bank entry id for the question.
string $questiontext
 question text.
integer $questiontextformat
 question test format.
string $stamp
 unique identifier of this question.
boolean $status = core_question\local\bank\question_version_status::QUESTION_STATUS_READY
 question status hidden/ready/draft in the question bank.
integer $timecreated
 timestamp when this question was created.
integer $timemodified
 timestamp when this question was modified.
int $version
 Version number of the question in a question bank.
int $versionid
 Version id of the question in a question bank.

Detailed Description

The definition of a question of a particular type.

This class is a close match to the question table in the database. Definitions of question of a particular type normally subclass one of the more specific classes question_with_responses, question_graded_automatically or question_information_item.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

question_definition::__construct ( )


Normally to get a question, you call question_bank::load_question(), but questions can be created directly, for example in unit test code.

Reimplemented in qtype_shortanswer_question, and question_information_item.

Member Function Documentation

◆ apply_attempt_state()

question_definition::apply_attempt_state ( question_attempt_step $step)

When an in-progress question_attempt is re-loaded from the database, this method is called so that the question can re-initialise its internal state as needed by this attempt.

For example, the multiple choice question type needs to set the order of the choices to the order that was set up when start_attempt was called originally. All the information required to do this should be in the $step object, which is the first step of the question_attempt being loaded.

question_attempt_stepThe first step of the question_attempt being loaded.

Reimplemented in qtype_calculated_question, qtype_calculatedmulti_multi_question, qtype_calculatedmulti_single_question, qtype_gapselect_question_base, qtype_match_question, qtype_multianswer_question, qtype_multichoice_base, qtype_numerical_question, and qtype_randomsamatch_question.

◆ check_file_access()

question_definition::check_file_access ( $qa,
$forcedownload )

Checks whether the users is allow to be served a particular file.

question_attempt$qathe question attempt being displayed.
question_display_options$optionsthe options that control display of the question.
string$componentthe name of the component we are serving files for.
string$fileareathe name of the file area.
array$argsthe remaining bits of the file path.
bool$forcedownloadwhether the user must be forced to download the file.
Return values
booltrue if the user can access this file.

Reimplemented in qtype_ddmarker_question, qtype_ddtoimage_question_base, qtype_essay_question, qtype_gapselect_question_base, qtype_match_question, qtype_multianswer_question, qtype_multichoice_base, qtype_numerical_question, qtype_shortanswer_question, and qtype_truefalse_question.

◆ clear_wrong_from_response()

question_definition::clear_wrong_from_response ( array $response)

Given a response, rest the parts that are wrong.

array$responsea response
Return values
arraya cleaned up response with the wrong bits reset.

Reimplemented in qtype_ddmarker_question, qtype_ddtoimage_question_base, qtype_gapselect_question_base, qtype_match_question, qtype_multianswer_question, and qtype_multichoice_multi_question.

◆ format_generalfeedback()

question_definition::format_generalfeedback ( $qa)
Return values
theresult of applying format_text() to the general feedback.

◆ format_questiontext()

question_definition::format_questiontext ( $qa)
Return values
theresult of applying format_text() to the question text.

◆ format_text()

question_definition::format_text ( $text,
$clean = false )

Apply format_text() to some content with appropriate settings for this question.

string$textsome content that needs to be output.
int$formatthe FORMAT_... constant.
question_attempt$qathe question attempt.
string$componentused for rewriting file area URLs.
string$fileareaused for rewriting file area URLs.
bool$cleanWhether the HTML needs to be cleaned. Generally, parts of the question do not need to be cleaned, and student input does.
Return values
stringthe text formatted for output by format_text.

◆ get_correct_response()

question_definition::get_correct_response ( )

What data would need to be submitted to get this question correct.

If there is more than one correct answer, this method should just return one possibility. If it is not possible to compute a correct response, this method should return null.

Return values
array|nullparameter name => value.

Reimplemented in qtype_calculated_question, qtype_ddmarker_question, qtype_essay_question, qtype_gapselect_question_base, qtype_match_question, qtype_missingtype_question, qtype_multianswer_question, qtype_multichoice_multi_question, qtype_multichoice_single_question, qtype_numerical_question, qtype_shortanswer_question, qtype_truefalse_question, question_graded_by_strategy, and question_information_item.

◆ get_expected_data()

question_definition::get_expected_data ( )

What data may be included in the form submission when a student submits this question in its current state?

This information is used in calls to optional_param. The parameter name has question_attempt::get_field_prefix() automatically prepended.

Return values
array|stringvariable name => PARAM_... constant, or, as a special case that should only be used in unavoidable, the constant question_attempt\USE_RAW_DATA meaning take all the raw submitted data belonging to this question.

Reimplemented in qtype_ddmarker_question, qtype_essay_question, qtype_gapselect_question_base, qtype_match_question, qtype_missingtype_question, qtype_multianswer_question, qtype_multichoice_multi_question, qtype_multichoice_single_question, qtype_numerical_question, qtype_shortanswer_question, qtype_truefalse_question, and question_information_item.

◆ get_max_fraction()

question_definition::get_max_fraction ( )

Some questions can return a mark greater than the maximum.

This method returns the lowest highest the question can return, on the fraction scale. that is, where the nominal maximum mark is 1.0.

Return values
floatmaximum fraction this question will ever return.

Reimplemented in qtype_multianswer_question.

◆ get_min_fraction()

question_definition::get_min_fraction ( )

Some questions can return a negative mark if the student gets it wrong.

This method returns the lowest mark the question can return, on the fraction scale. that is, where the maximum possible mark is 1.0.

Return values
floatminimum fraction this question will ever return.

Reimplemented in qtype_multianswer_question, qtype_multichoice_multi_question, and qtype_multichoice_single_question.

◆ get_num_parts_right()

question_definition::get_num_parts_right ( array $response)

Return the number of subparts of this response that are right.

array$responsea response
Return values
arraywith two elements, the number of correct subparts, and the total number of subparts.

Reimplemented in qtype_ddmarker_question, qtype_gapselect_question_base, qtype_match_question, qtype_multianswer_question, and qtype_multichoice_multi_question.

◆ get_num_variants()

question_definition::get_num_variants ( )
Return values
intthe number of vaiants that this question has.

Reimplemented in qtype_calculated_question, qtype_calculatedmulti_multi_question, and qtype_calculatedmulti_single_question.

◆ get_question_definition_for_external_rendering()

question_definition::get_question_definition_for_external_rendering ( question_attempt $qa,
question_display_options $options )

Return the question settings that define this question as structured data.

This is used by external systems such as the Moodle mobile app, which want to display the question themselves, rather than using the renderer provided.

This method should only return the data that the student is allowed to see or know, given the current state of the question. For example, do not include the 'General feedback' until the student has completed the question, and even then, only include it if the question_display_options say it should be visible.

But, within those rules, it is recommended that you return all the settings for the question, to give maximum flexibility to the external system providing its own rendering of the question.

question_attempt$qathe current attempt for which we are exporting the settings.
question_display_options$optionsthe question display options which say which aspects of the question should be visible.
Return values
mixedstructure representing the question settings. In web services, this will be JSON-encoded.

Reimplemented in qtype_essay_question, qtype_gapselect_question_base, qtype_match_question, qtype_multianswer_question, qtype_multichoice_base, qtype_numerical_question, qtype_shortanswer_question, and qtype_truefalse_question.

◆ get_question_summary()

question_definition::get_question_summary ( )

Generate a brief, plain-text, summary of this question.

This is used by various reports. This should show the particular variant of the question as presented to students. For example, the calculated quetsion type would fill in the particular numbers that were presented to the student. This method will return null if such a summary is not possible, or inappropriate.

Return values
string|nulla plain text summary of this question.

Reimplemented in qtype_ddtoimage_question_base, qtype_gapselect_question_base, qtype_match_question, qtype_multianswer_question, qtype_multichoice_base, and question_information_item.

◆ get_renderer()

question_definition::get_renderer ( moodle_page $page)
moodle_pagethe page we are outputting to.
Return values
qtype_rendererthe renderer to use for outputting this question.

Reimplemented in qtype_multichoice_multi_question, and qtype_multichoice_single_question.

◆ get_student_response_values_for_simulation()

question_definition::get_student_response_values_for_simulation ( $realresponse)

Does the opposite of prepare_simulated_post_data.

This takes a student response (the POST values returned from the HTML form that takes the student response during a student attempt) it then represents it in a way that is understandable by a human.

Primarily this is used when creating a file of csv from real student responses in order later to be able to simulate the same student interaction with a quiz later.

string[]$realresponsethe response array as was returned from the form during a student attempt (without prefixes).
Return values
string[]an array of data representing a student response.

Reimplemented in qtype_match_question, qtype_multianswer_question, qtype_multichoice_multi_question, and qtype_multichoice_single_question.

◆ get_type_name()

question_definition::get_type_name ( )
Return values
stringthe name of the question type (for example multichoice) that this question is.

◆ get_variants_selection_seed()

question_definition::get_variants_selection_seed ( )
Return values
stringthat can be used to seed the pseudo-random selection of a variant.

Reimplemented in qtype_calculated_question, qtype_calculatedmulti_multi_question, and qtype_calculatedmulti_single_question.

◆ html_to_text()

question_definition::html_to_text ( $text,
$format )

Convert some part of the question text to plain text.

This might be used, for example, by get_response_summary().

string$textThe HTML to reduce to plain text.
int$formatthe FORMAT_... constant.
Return values
stringthe equivalent plain text.

◆ make_behaviour()

question_definition::make_behaviour ( question_attempt $qa,
$preferredbehaviour )

Creat the appropriate behaviour for an attempt at this quetsion, given the desired (archetypal) behaviour.

This default implementation will suit most normal graded questions.

If your question is of a patricular type, then it may need to do something different. For example, if your question can only be graded manually, then it should probably return a manualgraded behaviour, irrespective of what is asked for.

If your question wants to do somthing especially complicated is some situations, then you may wish to return a particular behaviour related to the one asked for. For example, you migth want to return a qbehaviour_interactive_adapted_for_myqtype.

question_attempt$qathe attempt we are creating a behaviour for.
string$preferredbehaviourthe requested type of behaviour.
Return values
question_behaviourthe new behaviour object.

Reimplemented in qtype_essay_question, question_graded_automatically_with_countback, and question_information_item.

◆ make_html_inline()

question_definition::make_html_inline ( $html)

Take some HTML that should probably already be a single line, like a multiple choice choice, or the corresponding feedback, and make it so that it is suitable to go in a place where the HTML must be inline, like inside a.


string$htmlto HTML to fix up.
Return values
stringthe fixed HTML.

◆ prepare_simulated_post_data()

question_definition::prepare_simulated_post_data ( $simulatedresponse)

Takes an array of values representing a student response represented in a way that is understandable by a human and transforms that to the response as the POST values returned from the HTML form that takes the student response during a student attempt.

Primarily this is used when reading csv values from a file of student responses in order to be able to simulate the student interaction with a quiz.

In most cases the array will just be returned as is. Some question types will need to transform the keys of the array, as the meaning of the keys in the html form is deliberately obfuscated so that someone looking at the html does not get an advantage. The values that represent the response might also be changed in order to more meaningful to a human.

See the examples of question types that have overridden this in core and also see the csv files of simulated student responses used in unit tests in :

  • mod/quiz/tests/fixtures/stepsXX.csv
  • mod/quiz/report/responses/tests/fixtures/steps00.csv
  • mod/quiz/report/statistics/tests/fixtures/stepsXX.csv

Also see , a quiz report plug in for uploading and downloading student responses as csv files.

array$simulatedresponsean array of data representing a student response
Return values
arraya response array as would be returned from the html form (but without prefixes)

Reimplemented in qtype_match_question, qtype_multianswer_question, qtype_multichoice_multi_question, and qtype_multichoice_single_question.

◆ start_attempt()

question_definition::start_attempt ( question_attempt_step $step,
$variant )

Start a new attempt at this question, storing any information that will be needed later in the step.

This is where the question can do any initialisation required on a per-attempt basis. For example, this is where the multiple choice question type randomly shuffles the choices (if that option is set).

Any information about how the question has been set up for this attempt should be stored in the $step, by calling $step->set_qt_var(...).

question_attempt_stepThe first step of the question_attempt being started. Can be used to store state.
int$varantwhich variant of this question to start. Will be between 1 and get_num_variants() inclusive.

Reimplemented in qtype_calculated_question, qtype_calculatedmulti_multi_question, qtype_calculatedmulti_single_question, qtype_gapselect_question_base, qtype_match_question, qtype_missingtype_question, qtype_multianswer_question, qtype_multichoice_base, qtype_numerical_question, and qtype_randomsamatch_question.

◆ update_attempt_state_data_for_new_version()

question_definition::update_attempt_state_data_for_new_version ( question_attempt_step $oldstep,
question_definition $oldquestion )

Update the data representing the initial state of an attempt another version of this question, to allow for the changes.

What is required is probably most easily understood using an example. Think about multiple choice questions. The first step has a variable '_order' which is a comma-separated list of question_answer ids. A different version of the question will have different question_answers with different ids. However, the list of choices should be similar, and so we need to shuffle the new list of ids in the same way that the old one was.

Note: be sure to return all the data that was originally in $oldstep, while updating the fields that require it. Otherwise you might break features like 'Each attempt builds on last' in the quiz.

This method should only be called if {

See also
validate_can_regrade_with_other_version()} did not flag up a potential problem. So, this method will throw a {
coding_exception} if it is not possible to work out a return value.
question_attempt_step$oldstepthe first step of a {
See also
question_attempt} at $oldquestion.
question_definition$oldquestionthe previous version of the question, which $oldstate comes from.
Return values
arraythe submit data which can be passed to {
See also
apply_attempt_state} to start an attempt at this version of this question, corresponding to the attempt at the old question.
coding_exceptionif this can't be done.

Reimplemented in qtype_match_question, qtype_multianswer_question, and qtype_multichoice_base.

◆ validate_can_regrade_with_other_version()

question_definition::validate_can_regrade_with_other_version ( question_definition $otherversion)

Verify if an attempt at this question can be re-graded using the other question version.

To put it another way, will {

See also
update_attempt_state_date_from_old_version()} be able to work?

It is expected that this relationship is symmetrical, so if you can regrade from V1 to V3, then you can change back from V3 to V1.

question_definition$otherversiona different version of the question to use in the regrade.
Return values
string|nullnull if the regrade can proceed, else a reason why not.

Reimplemented in qtype_gapselect_question_base, qtype_match_question, qtype_multianswer_question, and qtype_multichoice_base.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: