Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
core\output\checkbox_toggleall Class Reference

The checkbox-toggleall renderable class. More...

Inheritance diagram for core\output\checkbox_toggleall:
renderable templatable

Public Member Functions

 __construct (string $togglegroup, bool $ismaster, $options=[], $isbutton=false)
 export_for_template (renderer_base $output)
 Export for template.
 get_template ()
 Fetches the appropriate template for the checkbox toggle all element.

Protected Attributes

bool $isbutton
 $isbutton Whether to render this as a button.
bool $ismaster
 $ismaster Whether we're rendering for a master checkbox or a slave checkbox.
array $options
 $options The options for the checkbox.
string $togglegroup
 The name of the group of checkboxes to be toggled.

Detailed Description

The checkbox-toggleall renderable class.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

core\output\checkbox_toggleall::__construct ( string $togglegroup,
bool $ismaster,
$options = [],
$isbutton = false )


string$togglegroupThe name of the group of checkboxes to be toggled.
bool$ismasterWhether we're rendering for a master checkbox or a slave checkbox.
array$optionsThe options for the checkbox. Valid options are:
  • id string - The element ID.
  • name string - The element name.
  • classes string - CSS classes that you want to add for your checkbox or toggle controls. For button type master toggle controls, this could be any Bootstrap 4 btn classes that you might want to add. Defaults to "btn-secondary".
  • value string|int - The element's value.
  • checked boolean - Whether to render this initially as checked.
  • label string - The label for the checkbox element.
  • labelclasses string - CSS classes that you want to add for your label.
  • selectall string - Master only. The language string that will be used to indicate that clicking on the master will select all of the slave checkboxes. Defaults to "Select all".
  • deselectall string - Master only. The language string that will be used to indicate that clicking on the master will select all of the slave checkboxes. Defaults to "Deselect all".
bool$isbuttonWhether to render this as a button. Applies to master only.

Member Function Documentation

◆ export_for_template()

core\output\checkbox_toggleall::export_for_template ( renderer_base $output)

Export for template.

renderer_base$outputThe renderer.
Return values

Implements templatable.

◆ get_template()

core\output\checkbox_toggleall::get_template ( )

Fetches the appropriate template for the checkbox toggle all element.

Return values

Member Data Documentation

◆ $isbutton

bool core\output\checkbox_toggleall::$isbutton

$isbutton Whether to render this as a button.

Applies to master checkboxes only.

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