Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
core\moodlenet\utilities Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static can_user_share (\core\context\course $coursecontext, int $userid)
 Check whether a user has the capabilities required to share activities from a given course to MoodleNet.
static is_valid_instance (issuer $issuer)
 Check whether the specified issuer is configured as a MoodleNet instance that can be shared to.

Member Function Documentation

◆ can_user_share()

static core\moodlenet\utilities::can_user_share ( \core\context\course $coursecontext,
int $userid )

Check whether a user has the capabilities required to share activities from a given course to MoodleNet.

core\context\course$coursecontextCourse context where the activity would be shared from.
int$useridThe user ID being checked.
Return values

◆ is_valid_instance()

static core\moodlenet\utilities::is_valid_instance ( issuer $issuer)

Check whether the specified issuer is configured as a MoodleNet instance that can be shared to.

issuer$issuerThe OAuth 2 issuer being validated.
Return values
booltrue if the issuer is enabled and available to share to.

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