Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
backup_plugin Class Reference

Class implementing the plugins support for moodle2 backups. More...

Inheritance diagram for backup_plugin:
backup_coursereport_plugin backup_enrol_plugin backup_format_plugin backup_gradingform_plugin backup_local_plugin backup_plagiarism_plugin backup_qbank_plugin backup_qtype_plugin backup_report_plugin backup_theme_plugin backup_tool_plugin

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($plugintype, $pluginname, $optigroup, $step)
 backup_plugin constructor.
 define_plugin_structure ($connectionpoint)

Protected Member Functions

 get_plugin_element ($final_elements=null, $conditionparam=null, $conditionvalue=null)
 Factory method that will return one backup_plugin_element (backup_optigroup_element) with its name automatically calculated, based one the plugin being handled (type, name)
 get_recommended_name ()
 Simple helper function that suggests one name for the main nested element in plugins It's not mandatory to use it but recommended ;-)
 get_setting_value ($name)
 Returns the value of one (task/plan) setting.

Protected Attributes

string $connectionpoint
backup_optigroup_element $optigroup
string $pluginname
string $plugintype
backup_structure_step $step
backup_course_task backup_activity_task $task

Detailed Description

Class implementing the plugins support for moodle2 backups.

TODO: Finish phpdocs

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

backup_plugin::__construct ( $plugintype,
$step )

backup_plugin constructor.


Reimplemented in backup_format_plugin, and backup_theme_plugin.

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