Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
gradereport_singleview\report\singleview Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for gradereport_singleview\report\singleview:

Public Member Functions

 __construct (int $courseid, object $gpr, context_course $context, string $itemtype, ?int $itemid, ?string $unused=null)
 Constructor for this report.
 bulk_actions_menu (renderer_base $output)
 Adds bulk actions menu.
 get_lang_string ($strcode, $section=null)
 First checks the cached language strings, then returns match if found, or uses get_string() to get it from the DB, caches it then returns it.
 get_numusers ($groups=true, $users=false)
 Fetches and returns a count of all the users that will be shown on this page.
 get_pref ($pref, $objectid=null)
 Given the name of a user preference (without grade_report_ prefix), locally saves then returns the value of that preference.
 item_types ()
 Get grade item type names in a course to use in filter dropdown.
 output ()
 Build the html for the screen.
 process_action ($target, $action)
 Unused - abstract function declared in the parent class.
 process_data ($data)
 Process data from a form submission.
 set_pref ($pref, $pref_value='default', $itemid=null)
 Uses set_user_preferences() to update the value of a user preference.
 setup_users ()
 Sets up this report's user criteria to restrict the selection of users to display.
 ungraded_counts ()
 Get ungraded grade items info and sum of all grade items in a course.

Static Public Member Functions

static calculate_average (grade_item $gradeitem, array $info)
 Calculate average grade for a given grade item.
static get_additional_context (context_course $context, int $courseid, array $element, grade_plugin_return $gpr, string $mode, stdClass $templatecontext, bool $otherplugins=false)
 Add additional links specific to plugin.
static get_gradable_users (int $courseid, ?int $groupid=null)
 Load a valid list of gradable users in a course.
static supports_mygrades ()
 Shows support for being used as a 'Grades' report.
static valid_screens ()
 Return the list of valid screens, used to validate the input.

Public Attributes

string $baseurl
 base url for sorting by first/last name.
context $context
 The context.
object $course
 The course.
int $courseid
 The courseid.
int $currentgroup
 The current group being displayed.
string $currentgroupname
 The current groupname being displayed.
object $gpr
 Grade plugin return tracking object.
string $gradebookroles
 The roles for this report.
string $group_selector
 A HTML select element used to select the current group.
int $groupmode
 Current course group mode $groupmode.
grade_tree $gtree
 The grade_tree object.
string null string $itemselector = null
 $itemselector The raw HTML of the item selector based on the selected single view item type.
int $page
 Current page (for paging).
string $pbarurl
 base url for paging.
array $prefs = array()
 User preferences related to this report.
gradereport_singleview local screen screen $screen
 screen type.
array $showtotalsifcontainhidden = []
 show course/category totals if they contain hidden items $showtotalsifcontainhidden
stdClass $user
 To store user data $user.

Protected Member Functions

 blank_hidden_total ($courseid, $course_item, $finalgrade)
 Optionally blank out course/category totals if they contain any hidden items.
 blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds ($courseid, $course_item, $finalgrade)
 Optionally blank out course/category totals if they contain any hidden items.
 get_sort_arrow (string $direction='down', ?moodle_url $sortlink=null)
 Returns an arrow icon inside an tag, for the purpose of sorting a column.
 get_users_search_sql (array $mappings, array $userfields)
 Prepare SQL where clause and associated parameters for any user searching being performed.
 setup_groups ()
 Sets up this object's group variables, mainly to restrict the selection of users to display.
 setup_item_selector (string $itemtype, ?int $itemid)
 Function used to set the appropriate item selector (raw HTML) based on the selected single view item type.

Static Protected Member Functions

static groups_course_menu (stdClass $course, moodle_url $urlroot)
 Ideally we should move this function to the base class and call it from the setup_groups in the base class, so all reports would automatically use it.

Protected Attributes

string $groupsql
 An SQL fragment used to add linking information to the group tables.
string $groupwheresql
 An SQL constraint to append to the queries used by this object to build the report.
array $groupwheresql_params = array()
 The ordered params for $groupwheresql $groupwheresql_params.
string $preferences_page
 To store a link to preferences page $preferences_page.
int int $userid = -1
 If the user is wanting to show only one particular user their id will be placed here.
string string $usersearch = ''
 If the user is wanting to search for a particular user within searchable fields their needle will be placed here.
string $userwheresql
 An SQL constraint to append to the queries used by this object to build the report.
array $userwheresql_params = array()
 The ordered params for $userwheresql $userwheresql_params.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

gradereport_singleview\report\singleview::__construct ( int $courseid,
object $gpr,
context_course $context,
string $itemtype,
?int $itemid,
?string $unused = null )

Constructor for this report.

Creates the appropriate screen class based on itemtype.

int$courseidThe course id.
object$gprgrade plugin return tracking object
string$itemtypeShould be user, select or grade
int | null$itemidThe id of the user or grade item
string | null$unusedUsed to be group id but that was removed and this is now unused.

Member Function Documentation

◆ blank_hidden_total()

grade_report::blank_hidden_total ( $courseid,
$finalgrade )

Optionally blank out course/category totals if they contain any hidden items.

since Moodle 2.8 - Call blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds instead.
string$courseidthe course id
string$course_iteman instance of grade_item
string$finalgradethe grade for the course_item
Return values
stringThe new final grade

◆ blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds()

grade_report::blank_hidden_total_and_adjust_bounds ( $courseid,
$finalgrade )

Optionally blank out course/category totals if they contain any hidden items.

string$courseidthe course id
string$course_iteman instance of grade_item
string$finalgradethe grade for the course_item
Return values
array[]containing values for 'grade', 'grademax', 'grademin', 'aggregationstatus' and 'aggregationweight'

◆ bulk_actions_menu()

gradereport_singleview\report\singleview::bulk_actions_menu ( renderer_base $output)

Adds bulk actions menu.

Return values
stringHTML to display

◆ calculate_average()

static grade_report::calculate_average ( grade_item $gradeitem,
array $info )

Calculate average grade for a given grade item.

Based on calculate_averages function from grade/report/user/lib.php

grade_item$gradeitemGrade item
array$infoUngraded grade items counts and report preferences.
Return values
arrayAverage grade and meancount.

◆ get_additional_context()

static grade_report::get_additional_context ( context_course $context,
int $courseid,
array $element,
grade_plugin_return $gpr,
string $mode,
stdClass $templatecontext,
bool $otherplugins = false )

Add additional links specific to plugin.

context_course$contextCourse context
int$courseidCourse ID
array$elementAn array representing an element in the grade_tree
grade_plugin_return$gprA grade_plugin_return object
string$modeMode (user or grade item)
stdClass$templatecontextTemplate context
bool$otherpluginsIf we need to insert links to other plugins
Return values
?stdClassUpdated template context

◆ get_gradable_users()

static grade_report::get_gradable_users ( int $courseid,
?int $groupid = null )

Load a valid list of gradable users in a course.

int$courseidThe course ID.
int | null$groupidThe group ID (optional).
Return values
arrayA list of enrolled gradable users.

◆ get_lang_string()

grade_report::get_lang_string ( $strcode,
$section = null )

First checks the cached language strings, then returns match if found, or uses get_string() to get it from the DB, caches it then returns it.

since 4.2
MDL-77307 This will be deleted in Moodle 4.6.
string$sectionOptional language section
Return values

◆ get_numusers()

grade_report::get_numusers ( $groups = true,
$users = false )

Fetches and returns a count of all the users that will be shown on this page.

boolean$groupsinclude groups limit
boolean$usersinclude users limit - default false, used for searching purposes
Return values
intCount of users

◆ get_pref()

grade_report::get_pref ( $pref,
$objectid = null )

Given the name of a user preference (without grade_report_ prefix), locally saves then returns the value of that preference.

If the preference has already been fetched before, the saved value is returned. If the preference is not set at the User level, the $CFG equivalent is given (site default). Can be called statically, but then doesn't benefit from caching

string$prefThe name of the preference (do not include the grade_report_ prefix)
int$objectidAn optional itemid or categoryid to check for a more fine-grained preference
Return values
mixedThe value of the preference

◆ get_sort_arrow()

grade_report::get_sort_arrow ( string $direction = 'down',
?moodle_url $sortlink = null )

Returns an arrow icon inside an tag, for the purpose of sorting a column.

moodle_url | null$sortlink

◆ get_users_search_sql()

grade_report::get_users_search_sql ( array $mappings,
array $userfields )

Prepare SQL where clause and associated parameters for any user searching being performed.

This mostly came from core_user\table\participants_search with some slight modifications four our use case.

array$mappingsArray of field mappings (fieldname => SQL code for the value)
array$userfieldsAn array that we cast from user profile fields to search within.
Return values
arraySQL query data in the format ['where' => '', 'params' => []].

◆ groups_course_menu()

static gradereport_singleview\report\singleview::groups_course_menu ( stdClass $course,
moodle_url $urlroot )

Ideally we should move this function to the base class and call it from the setup_groups in the base class, so all reports would automatically use it.

Return values

◆ item_types()

grade_report::item_types ( )

Get grade item type names in a course to use in filter dropdown.

Return values
arrayItem types.

◆ output()

gradereport_singleview\report\singleview::output ( )

Build the html for the screen.

Return values
stringHTML to display

◆ process_action()

gradereport_singleview\report\singleview::process_action ( $target,
$action )

Unused - abstract function declared in the parent class.


Reimplemented from grade_report.

◆ process_data()

gradereport_singleview\report\singleview::process_data ( $data)

Process data from a form submission.

Delegated to the current screen.

array$dataThe data from the form
Return values
array|objectList of warnings

Reimplemented from grade_report.

◆ set_pref()

grade_report::set_pref ( $pref,
$pref_value = 'default',
$itemid = null )

Uses set_user_preferences() to update the value of a user preference.

If 'default' is given as the value, the preference will be removed in favour of a higher-level preference.

string$prefThe name of the preference.
mixed$pref_valueThe value of the preference.
int$itemidAn optional itemid to which the preference will be assigned
Return values
boolSuccess or failure.

◆ setup_groups()

gradereport_singleview\report\singleview::setup_groups ( )

Sets up this object's group variables, mainly to restrict the selection of users to display.

Reimplemented from grade_report.

◆ setup_item_selector()

gradereport_singleview\report\singleview::setup_item_selector ( string $itemtype,
?int $itemid )

Function used to set the appropriate item selector (raw HTML) based on the selected single view item type.

string$itemtypeThe single view item type.
int | null$itemidThe item ID.

◆ supports_mygrades()

static grade_report::supports_mygrades ( )

Shows support for being used as a 'Grades' report.

Reimplemented in grade_report_overview.

◆ ungraded_counts()

grade_report::ungraded_counts ( )

Get ungraded grade items info and sum of all grade items in a course.

Based on calculate_averages function from grade/report/user/lib.php

Return values
arrayUngraded grade items counts with report preferences.

◆ valid_screens()

static gradereport_singleview\report\singleview::valid_screens ( )

Return the list of valid screens, used to validate the input.

Return values
arrayList of screens.

Member Data Documentation

◆ $baseurl

string grade_report::$baseurl

base url for sorting by first/last name.


◆ $context

context grade_report::$context

The context.


◆ $course

object grade_report::$course

The course.


◆ $courseid

int grade_report::$courseid

The courseid.


◆ $currentgroup

int grade_report::$currentgroup

The current group being displayed.


◆ $currentgroupname

string grade_report::$currentgroupname

The current groupname being displayed.


◆ $gpr

object grade_report::$gpr

Grade plugin return tracking object.


◆ $gradebookroles

string grade_report::$gradebookroles

The roles for this report.


◆ $group_selector

string grade_report::$group_selector

A HTML select element used to select the current group.


◆ $groupsql

string grade_report::$groupsql

An SQL fragment used to add linking information to the group tables.


◆ $groupwheresql

string grade_report::$groupwheresql

An SQL constraint to append to the queries used by this object to build the report.


◆ $gtree

grade_tree grade_report::$gtree

The grade_tree object.


◆ $page

int grade_report::$page

Current page (for paging).


◆ $pbarurl

string grade_report::$pbarurl

base url for paging.


◆ $prefs

array grade_report::$prefs = array()

User preferences related to this report.


◆ $userid

int int grade_report::$userid = -1

If the user is wanting to show only one particular user their id will be placed here.


◆ $usersearch

string string grade_report::$usersearch = ''

If the user is wanting to search for a particular user within searchable fields their needle will be placed here.


◆ $userwheresql

string grade_report::$userwheresql

An SQL constraint to append to the queries used by this object to build the report.


The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: