Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
core_question_generator Class Reference

Class core_question_generator for generating question data. More...

Inheritance diagram for core_question_generator:

Public Member Functions

 create_question ($qtype, $which=null, $overrides=null)
 Create a new question.
 create_question_category ($record=null)
 Create a new question category.
 create_question_tag (array $data)
 Create a tag on a question.
 get_simulated_post_data_for_question_attempt (question_attempt $qa, $responsesummary, $checkbutton)
 This method can construct what the post data would be to simulate a user submitting responses to one particular question attempt.
 get_simulated_post_data_for_questions_in_usage (question_usage_by_activity $quba, array $responses, $checkbutton)
 This method can construct what the post data would be to simulate a user submitting responses to a number of questions within a question usage.
 reset ()
 Make the category count to zero.
 setup_course_and_questions ($type='course')
 Setup a course category, course, a question category, and 2 questions for testing.
 update_question ($question, $which=null, $overrides=null)
 Update an existing question.

Protected Member Functions

 insert_files (stdClass $instance, stdClass $record, string $table, context $context, string $component, string $filearea, int $targetitemid)
 Update the instance record, inserting any files that are referenced.
 set_user (?stdClass $user=null)
 Set the current user during data generation.

Protected Attributes

number $categorycount = 0
 of created instances
testing_data_generator $datagenerator

Detailed Description

Class core_question_generator for generating question data.

2021 Safat Shahin
License GNU GPL v3 or later

Member Function Documentation

◆ create_question()

core_question_generator::create_question ( $qtype,
$which = null,
$overrides = null )

Create a new question.

The question is initialised using one of the examples from the appropriate question_test_helper subclass. Then, any files you want to change from the value in the base example you can override using $overrides.

string$qtypethe question type to create an example of.
string$whichas for the corresponding argument of question_test_helper::get_question_form_data. null for the default one.
array | stdClass$overridesany fields that should be different from the base example.
Return values
stdClassthe question data.

◆ create_question_category()

core_question_generator::create_question_category ( $record = null)

Create a new question category.

array | stdClass$record
Return values
stdClassquestion_categories record.

◆ create_question_tag()

core_question_generator::create_question_tag ( array $data)

Create a tag on a question.

array$datawith two elements ['questionid' => 123, 'tag' => 'mytag'].

◆ get_simulated_post_data_for_question_attempt()

core_question_generator::get_simulated_post_data_for_question_attempt ( question_attempt $qa,
$checkbutton )

This method can construct what the post data would be to simulate a user submitting responses to one particular question attempt.

The $responsesummary is a string representation of the response to be submitted. The exact meaning of that depends on the particular question type. These strings are passed to the un_summarise_response method of the question to decode.

question_attempt$qathe question attempt for which we are generating POST data.
string$responsesummarya textual summary of the response, as described above.
bool$checkbuttonif simulate a click on the check button, else simulate save. This should only be used with behaviours that have a check button.
Return values
arraythe simulated post data that can be passed to $quba->process_all_actions.

◆ get_simulated_post_data_for_questions_in_usage()

core_question_generator::get_simulated_post_data_for_questions_in_usage ( question_usage_by_activity $quba,
array $responses,
$checkbutton )

This method can construct what the post data would be to simulate a user submitting responses to a number of questions within a question usage.

In the responses array, the array keys are the slot numbers for which a response will be submitted. You can submit a response to any number of questions within the usage. There is no need to do them all. The values are a string representation of the response. The exact meaning of that depends on the particular question type. These strings are passed to the un_summarise_response method of the question to decode.

question_usage_by_activity$qubathe question usage.
array$responsesthe responses to submit, in the format described above.
bool$checkbuttonif simulate a click on the check button for each question, else simulate save. This should only be used with behaviours that have a check button.
Return values
arraythat can be passed to methods like $quba->process_all_actions as simulated POST data.

◆ insert_files()

component_generator_base::insert_files ( stdClass $instance,
stdClass $record,
string $table,
context $context,
string $component,
string $filearea,
int $targetitemid )

Update the instance record, inserting any files that are referenced.

stdClass$instanceThe instance record of the already-created record
stdClass$recordThe data passed in to create the instance
string$tableThe table that the data exists in
context$contextThe context of the instance
string$componentThe component of the owning plugin
string$fileareaThe name of the file area
int$targetitemidThe itemid to use when saving the files
Return values
stdClassThe updated instance record

◆ reset()

core_question_generator::reset ( )

Make the category count to zero.

Reimplemented from component_generator_base.

◆ set_user()

component_generator_base::set_user ( ?stdClass $user = null)

Set the current user during data generation.

This should be avoided wherever possible, but in some situations underlying code will insert data as the current user.


◆ setup_course_and_questions()

core_question_generator::setup_course_and_questions ( $type = 'course')

Setup a course category, course, a question category, and 2 questions for testing.

string$typeThe type of question category to create.
Return values
arrayThe created data objects

◆ update_question()

core_question_generator::update_question ( $question,
$which = null,
$overrides = null )

Update an existing question.

stdClass$questionthe question data to update.
string$whichas for the corresponding argument of question_test_helper::get_question_form_data. null for the default one.
array | stdClass$overridesany fields that should be different from the base example.
Return values
stdClassthe question data, including version info and questionbankentryid

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