Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
mod_glossary_entry_query_builder Class Reference

Entry query builder class. More...

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($glossary=null)
 add_field ($field, $table, $alias=null)
 Add a field to select.
 add_user_fields ()
 Adds the user fields.
 count_records ()
 Count the records.
 filter_by_author_letter ($letter, $firstnamefirst=false)
 Filter the author by letter.
 filter_by_author_non_letter ($firstnamefirst=false)
 Filter the author by special characters.
 filter_by_concept_letter ($letter)
 Filter the concept by letter.
 filter_by_concept_non_letter ()
 Filter the concept by special characters.
 filter_by_non_approved ($constant, $userid=null)
 Filter non approved entries.
 filter_by_term ($term)
 Filter by concept or alias.
 get_records ()
 Get the records.
 get_recordset ()
 Get the recordset.
 join_alias ()
 Join the alias table.
 join_category ($categoryid)
 Join on the category tables.
 join_user ($strict=false)
 Join the user table.
 limit ($from, $num)
 Limit the number of records to fetch.
 order_by ($field, $table, $direction='')
 Order by a field.
 order_by_author ($firstnamefirst=false, $direction='')
 Order by author name.
 where ($field, $table, $value)
 Simple where conditions.

Static Public Member Functions

static get_fullname_field ($firstnamefirst=false)
 Convenience method to get get the SQL statement for the full name.
static get_user_from_record ($record)
 Retrieve a user object from a record.

Public Attributes

const ALIAS_ALIAS = 'ga'
 Alias for table glossary_alias.
 Alias for table glossary_categories.
const ALIAS_ENTRIES = 'ge'
 Alias for table glossary_entries.
 Alias for table glossary_entries_categories.
const ALIAS_USER = 'u'
 Alias for table user.
const NON_APPROVED_ALL = 'na_all'
 Including all the entries.
const NON_APPROVED_NONE = 'na_none'
 Include none of the entries to approve.
const NON_APPROVED_ONLY = 'na_only'
 Including only the entries to be approved.
const NON_APPROVED_SELF = 'na_self'
 Including my entries to be approved.

Protected Member Functions

 build_query ($count=false)
 Internal method to build the query.
 filter_by_letter ($letter, $finalfield)
 Filter a field using a letter.
 filter_by_non_letter ($finalfield)
 Filter a field by special characters.
 normalize_direction ($direction)
 Normalise a direction.

Static Protected Member Functions

static resolve_field ($field, $table)
 Convenience method to transform a field into SQL statement.

Protected Attributes

array $fields = array()
 Raw SQL statements representing the fields to select.
string $from
 Raw SQL statement representing the FROM clause.
object $glossary
 The glossary we are fetching from.
array $joins = array()
 Raw SQL statements representing the JOINs to make.
int $limitfrom = 0
 The number of records to fetch from.
int $limitnum = 0
 The number of records to fetch.
array $order = array()
 Raw SQL statements representing the ORDER clause.
array $params = array()
 List of SQL parameters.
array $where = array()
 Raw SQL statements representing the WHERE clause.

Detailed Description

Entry query builder class.

The purpose of this class is to avoid duplicating SQL statements to fetch entries which are very similar with each other. This builder is not meant to be smart, it will not out rule any previously set condition, or join, etc...

You should be using this builder just like you would be creating your SQL query. Only some methods are shorthands to avoid logic duplication and common mistakes.

License GNU GPL v3 or later
Moodle 3.1

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::__construct ( $glossary = null)


object$glossaryThe glossary.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_field()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::add_field ( $field,
$alias = null )

Add a field to select.

string$fieldThe field, or *.
string$tableThe table name, without the prefix 'glossary_'.
string$aliasAn alias for the field.

◆ add_user_fields()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::add_user_fields ( )

Adds the user fields.

Return values

◆ build_query()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::build_query ( $count = false)

Internal method to build the query.

bool$countQuery to count?
Return values
stringThe SQL statement.

◆ count_records()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::count_records ( )

Count the records.

Return values
intThe number of records.

◆ filter_by_author_letter()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::filter_by_author_letter ( $letter,
$firstnamefirst = false )

Filter the author by letter.

string$letterThe letter.
bool$firstnamefirstWhether or not the firstname is first in the author's name.

◆ filter_by_author_non_letter()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::filter_by_author_non_letter ( $firstnamefirst = false)

Filter the author by special characters.

bool$firstnamefirstWhether or not the firstname is first in the author's name.

◆ filter_by_concept_letter()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::filter_by_concept_letter ( $letter)

Filter the concept by letter.

string$letterThe letter.

◆ filter_by_concept_non_letter()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::filter_by_concept_non_letter ( )

Filter the concept by special characters.

Return values

◆ filter_by_letter()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::filter_by_letter ( $letter,
$finalfield )

Filter a field using a letter.

string$letterThe letter.
string$finalfieldThe SQL statement representing the field.

◆ filter_by_non_approved()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::filter_by_non_approved ( $constant,
$userid = null )

Filter non approved entries.

string$constantOne of the NON_APPROVED_* constants.
int$useridThe user ID when relevant, otherwise current user.

◆ filter_by_non_letter()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::filter_by_non_letter ( $finalfield)

Filter a field by special characters.

string$finalfieldThe SQL statement representing the field.

◆ filter_by_term()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::filter_by_term ( $term)

Filter by concept or alias.

This requires the alias table to be joined in the query. See self::join_alias().

string$termWhat the concept or aliases should be.

◆ get_fullname_field()

static mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::get_fullname_field ( $firstnamefirst = false)

Convenience method to get get the SQL statement for the full name.

bool$firstnamefirstWhether or not the firstname is first in the author's name.
Return values
stringThe SQL statement.

◆ get_records()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::get_records ( )

Get the records.

Return values

◆ get_recordset()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::get_recordset ( )

Get the recordset.

Return values

◆ get_user_from_record()

static mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::get_user_from_record ( $record)

Retrieve a user object from a record.

This comes handy when self::add_user_fields was used.

stdClass$recordThe record.
Return values
stdClassA user object.

◆ join_alias()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::join_alias ( )

Join the alias table.

Note that this may cause the same entry to be returned more than once. You might want to add a distinct on the entry id.

Return values

◆ join_category()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::join_category ( $categoryid)

Join on the category tables.

Depending on the category passed the joins will be different. This is due to the display logic that assumes that when displaying all categories the non categorised entries should not be returned, etc...

int$categoryidThe category ID, or GLOSSARY_SHOW_* constant.

◆ join_user()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::join_user ( $strict = false)

Join the user table.

bool$strictWhen strict uses a JOIN rather than a LEFT JOIN.

◆ limit()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::limit ( $from,
$num )

Limit the number of records to fetch.

int$fromFetch from.
int$numNumber to fetch.

◆ normalize_direction()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::normalize_direction ( $direction)

Normalise a direction.

This ensures that the value is either ASC or DESC.

string$directionThe desired direction.
Return values
stringASC or DESC.

◆ order_by()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::order_by ( $field,
$direction = '' )

Order by a field.

string$fieldThe field, or *.
string$tableThe table name, without the prefix 'glossary_'.
string$directionASC, or DESC.

◆ order_by_author()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::order_by_author ( $firstnamefirst = false,
$direction = '' )

Order by author name.

bool$firstnamefirstWhether or not the firstname is first in the author's name.
string$directionASC, or DESC.

◆ resolve_field()

static mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::resolve_field ( $field,
$table )

Convenience method to transform a field into SQL statement.

string$fieldThe field, or *.
string$tableThe table name, without the prefix 'glossary_'.
Return values
stringSQL statement.

◆ where()

mod_glossary_entry_query_builder::where ( $field,
$value )

Simple where conditions.

string$fieldThe field, or *.
string$tableThe table name, without the prefix 'glossary_'.
mixed$valueThe value to be equal to.

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