Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
question_bank Class Reference

This static class provides access to the other question bank. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static end_unit_test ()
 Only to be called from unit tests.
static fraction_options ()
static fraction_options_full ()
static get_all_qtypes ()
static get_all_question_types_in_categories ($categories)
 Return a list of the different question types present in the given categories.
static get_all_versions_of_question (int $questionid)
 Get all the versions of a particular question.
static get_all_versions_of_questions (array $questionids)
 Get all the versions of questions.
static get_config ()
 Load the question configuration data from config_plugins.
static get_creatable_qtypes ()
static get_finder ()
static get_qtype ($qtypename, $mustexist=true)
 Get the question type class for a particular question type.
static get_qtype_name ($qtypename)
static is_qtype_installed ($qtypename)
static load_question ($questionid, $allowshuffle=true)
 Load a question definition from the database.
static load_question_data ($questionid)
 Load a question definition data from the database.
static load_question_definition_classes ($qtypename)
 Load the question definition class(es) belonging to a question type.
static load_test_question_data (question_definition $question)
 To be used for unit testing only.
static make_question ($questiondata)
 Convert the question information loaded with get_question_options() to a question_definintion object.
static notify_question_edited ($questionid)
 This method needs to be called whenever a question is edited.
static qtype_enabled ($qtypename)
static qtype_exists ($qtypename)
static sort_qtype_array ($qtypes, $config=null)
 Sort an array of question types according to the order the admin set up, and then alphabetically for the rest.
static start_unit_test ()
 Only to be called from unit tests.

Public Attributes

const MAX_SUMMARY_LENGTH = 32000

Static Protected Member Functions

static ensure_fraction_options_initialised ()

Detailed Description

This static class provides access to the other question bank.

It provides functions for managing question types and question definitions.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Member Function Documentation

◆ end_unit_test()

static question_bank::end_unit_test ( )

Only to be called from unit tests.

Allows load_test_data() to be used.

◆ fraction_options()

static question_bank::fraction_options ( )
Return values
arraystring => string The standard set of grade options (fractions) to use when editing questions, in the range 0 to 1 inclusive. Array keys are string becuase: a) we want grades to exactly 7 d.p., and b. you can't have float array keys in PHP. Initialised by ensure_grade_options_initialised().

◆ fraction_options_full()

static question_bank::fraction_options_full ( )
Return values
arraystring => string The full standard set of (fractions) -1 to 1 inclusive.

◆ get_all_qtypes()

static question_bank::get_all_qtypes ( )
Return values
arrayall the installed question types.

◆ get_all_question_types_in_categories()

static question_bank::get_all_question_types_in_categories ( $categories)

Return a list of the different question types present in the given categories.

array$categoriesa list of category ids
Return values
arraythe list of question types in the categories
Moodle 3.1

◆ get_all_versions_of_question()

static question_bank::get_all_versions_of_question ( int $questionid)

Get all the versions of a particular question.

int$questionidid of the question
Return values
arrayThe array keys are version number, and the values are objects with three int fields version (same as array key), versionid and questionid.

◆ get_all_versions_of_questions()

static question_bank::get_all_versions_of_questions ( array $questionids)

Get all the versions of questions.

array$questionidsArray of question ids.
Return values
arraytwo dimensional array => version number => Versions in descending order.

◆ get_config()

static question_bank::get_config ( )

Load the question configuration data from config_plugins.

Return values
objectget_config('question') with caching.

◆ get_creatable_qtypes()

static question_bank::get_creatable_qtypes ( )
Return values
arrayall the question types that users are allowed to create, sorted into the preferred order set on the admin screen.

◆ get_finder()

static question_bank::get_finder ( )
Return values
question_findera question finder.

◆ get_qtype()

static question_bank::get_qtype ( $qtypename,
$mustexist = true )

Get the question type class for a particular question type.

string$qtypenamethe question type name. For example 'multichoice' or 'shortanswer'.
bool$mustexistif false, the missing question type is returned when the requested question type is not installed.
Return values
question_typethe corresponding question type class.

◆ get_qtype_name()

static question_bank::get_qtype_name ( $qtypename)
$qtypenamethe internal name of a question type, for example multichoice.
Return values
stringthe human_readable name of this question type, from the language pack.

◆ is_qtype_installed()

static question_bank::is_qtype_installed ( $qtypename)
string$qtypenamea question type name, e.g. 'multichoice'.
Return values
boolwhether that question type is installed in this Moodle.

◆ load_question()

static question_bank::load_question ( $questionid,
$allowshuffle = true )

Load a question definition from the database.

The object returned will actually be of an appropriate question_definition subclass.

int$questionidthe id of the question to load.
bool$allowshuffleif false, then any shuffle option on the selected quetsion is disabled.
Return values
question_definitionloaded from the database.

◆ load_question_data()

static question_bank::load_question_data ( $questionid)

Load a question definition data from the database.

The data will be returned as a plain stdClass object.

int$questionidthe id of the question to load.
Return values
objectquestion definition loaded from the database.

◆ load_question_definition_classes()

static question_bank::load_question_definition_classes ( $qtypename)

Load the question definition class(es) belonging to a question type.

That is, include_once('/question/type/' . $qtypename . '/question.php'), with a bit of checking.

string$qtypenamethe question type name. For example 'multichoice' or 'shortanswer'.

◆ load_test_question_data()

static question_bank::load_test_question_data ( question_definition $question)

To be used for unit testing only.

Will throw an exception if start_unit_test() has not been called first.

object$questiondataa question data object to put in the test data store.

◆ make_question()

static question_bank::make_question ( $questiondata)

Convert the question information loaded with get_question_options() to a question_definintion object.

object$questiondataraw data loaded from the database.
Return values
question_definitionloaded from the database.

◆ qtype_enabled()

static question_bank::qtype_enabled ( $qtypename)
string$qtypenamethe internal name of a question type. For example multichoice.
Return values
boolwhether users are allowed to create questions of this type.

◆ qtype_exists()

static question_bank::qtype_exists ( $qtypename)
string$qtypenamethe internal name of a question type. For example multichoice.
Return values
boolwhether this question type exists.

◆ sort_qtype_array()

static question_bank::sort_qtype_array ( $qtypes,
$config = null )

Sort an array of question types according to the order the admin set up, and then alphabetically for the rest.

arrayqtype->name() => qtype->local_name().
Return values
arraysorted array.

◆ start_unit_test()

static question_bank::start_unit_test ( )

Only to be called from unit tests.

Allows load_test_data() to be used.

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