Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
report_loglive_table_log Class Reference

Table log class for displaying logs. More...

Inheritance diagram for report_loglive_table_log:
table_sql flexible_table report_loglive_table_log_ajax

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($uniqueid, $filterparams=null)
 Sets up the table_log parameters.
 add_data ($row, $classname='')
 This method actually directly echoes the row passed to it now or adds it to the download.
 add_data_keyed ($rowwithkeys, $classname='')
 Add a row of data to the table.
 add_separator ()
 Add a seperator line to table.
 build_table ()
 Build the table from the fetched data.
 close_recordset ()
 Closes recordset (for use after building the table).
 col_component ($event)
 Generate the component column.
 col_context ($event)
 Generate the context column.
 col_course ($event)
 Generate the course column.
 col_description ($event)
 Generate the description column.
 col_eventname ($event)
 Generate the event name column.
 col_fullname ($row)
 Fullname is treated as a special columname in tablelib and should always be treated the same as the fullname of a user.
 col_fullnameuser ($event)
 Generate the username column.
 col_ip ($event)
 Generate the ip column.
 col_origin ($event)
 Generate the origin column.
 col_relatedfullnameuser ($event)
 Generate the related username column.
 col_time ($event)
 Generate the time column.
 collapsible ($bool)
 Sets the is_collapsible variable to the given boolean.
 column_class ($column, $classname)
 Sets the given $column index to the given $classname in $this->column_class.
 column_style ($column, $property, $value)
 Sets the given $column index and $property index to the given $value in $this->column_style.
 column_style_all ($property, $value)
 Sets all columns' $propertys to the given $value in $this->column_style.
 column_suppress ($column)
 What this method does is set the column so that if the same data appears in consecutive rows, then it is not repeated.
 define_baseurl ($url)
 Sets $this->baseurl.
 define_columns ($columns)
 define_header_column (string $column)
 Mark a specific column as being a table header using the column name defined in define_columns.
 define_headers ($headers)
 define_help_for_headers ($helpicons)
 Defines a help icon for the header.
 download_buttons ()
 Get the html for the download buttons.
 export_class_instance ($exportclass=null)
 Get, and optionally set, the export class.
 finish_html ()
 This function is not part of the public api.
 finish_output ($closeexportclassdoc=true)
 You should call this to finish outputting the table data after adding data to the table with add_data or add_data_keyed.
 format_and_add_array_of_rows ($rowstoadd, $finish=true)
 Add a number of rows to the table at once.
 format_row ($row)
 Call appropriate methods on this table class to perform any processing on values before displaying in table.
 format_text ($text, $format=FORMAT_MOODLE, $options=NULL, $courseid=NULL)
 Used from col_* functions when text is to be displayed.
 get_context ()
 Get the context for the table.
 get_default_per_page ()
 Get the default per page.
 get_filterset ()
 Get the currently defined filterset.
 get_initial_first ()
 This function is not part of the public api.
 get_initial_last ()
 This function is not part of the public api.
 get_page_size ()
 get_page_start ()
 get_row_cells_html (string $rowid, array $row, ?array $suppresslastrow)
 Generate html code for the row cells.
 get_row_class ($row)
 Get any extra classes names to add to this row in the HTML.
 get_row_from_keyed ($rowwithkeys)
 This function is not part of the public api.
 get_row_html ($row, $classname='')
 Generate html code for the passed row.
 get_sort_columns ()
 Get the columns to sort by, in the form required by construct_order_by().
 get_sql_sort ()
 get_sql_where ()
 get_until ()
 Returns the latest timestamp of the records in the table.
 guess_base_url ()
 Attempt to guess the base URL.
 initialbars ($bool)
 Sets the use_initials variable to the given boolean.
 is_downloadable ($downloadable=null)
 Probably don't need to call this directly.
 is_downloading ($download=null, $filename='', $sheettitle='')
 Call this to pass the download type.
 is_persistent ($persistent=null)
 Call with boolean true to store table layout changes in the user_preferences table.
 is_sortable ($column=null)
 Is the column sortable?
 make_styles_string ($styles)
 This function is not part of the public api.
 mark_table_to_reset ()
 Mark the table preferences to be reset.
 no_sorting ($column)
 Do not sort using this column.
 other_cols ($column, $row)
 You can override this method in a child class.
 out ($pagesize, $useinitialsbar, $downloadhelpbutton='')
 Convenience method to call a number of methods for you to display the table.
 pageable ($bool)
 Sets the use_pages variable to the given boolean.
 pagesize ($perpage, $total)
 Sets the pagesize variable to the given integer, the totalrows variable to the given integer, and the use_pages variable to true.
 print_headers ()
 This function is not part of the public api.
 print_html ()
 This method is deprecated although the old api is still supported.
 print_initials_bar ()
 This function is not part of the public api.
 print_nothing_to_display ()
 This function is not part of the public api.
 print_row ($row, $classname='')
 This function is not part of the public api.
 query_db ($pagesize, $useinitialsbar=true)
 Query the reader.
 render_caption ()
 This function renders a table caption.
 set_attribute ($attribute, $value)
 Gives the given $value to the $attribute index of $this->attributes.
 set_caption (string $caption, ?array $captionattributes)
 This function set caption for table.
 set_columnsattributes (array $attributes)
 Sets the given $attributes to $this->columnsattributes.
 set_control_variables ($variables)
 Assigns each given variable in the array to the corresponding index in the request class variable.
 set_count_sql ($sql, array $params=NULL)
 This is only needed if you want to use different sql to count rows.
 set_default_per_page (int $defaultperpage)
 Set the default per page.
 set_filterset (filterset $filterset)
 Set the filterset in the table class.
 set_first_initial (string $initial)
 Set the preferred first name initial in an initials bar.
 set_hidden_columns (array $columns)
 Set the list of hidden columns.
 set_last_initial (string $initial)
 Set the preferred last name initial in an initials bar.
 set_page_number (int $pagenumber)
 Set the page number.
 set_sortdata (array $sortdata)
 Set the preferred table sorting attributes.
 set_sql ($fields, $from, $where, array $params=array())
 Set the sql to query the db.
 setup ()
 Must be called after table is defined.
 show_download_buttons_at ($showat)
 Where to show download buttons.
 sortable ($bool, $defaultcolumn=NULL, $defaultorder=SORT_ASC)
 Sets the is_sortable variable to the given boolean, sort_default_column to the given string, and the sort_default_order to the given integer.
 start_html ()
 This function is not part of the public api.
 start_output ()
 This function is not part of the public api.
 text_sorting ($column)
 Use text sorting functions for this column (required for text columns with Oracle).
 update_users_and_courses_used ()
 Helper function to create list of course shortname and user fullname shown in log report.
 wrap_html_finish ()
 Hook that can be overridden in child classes to wrap a table in a form for example.
 wrap_html_start ()
 Hook that can be overridden in child classes to wrap a table in a form for example.

Static Public Member Functions

static construct_order_by ($cols, $textsortcols=array())
 Prepare an an order by clause from the list of columns to be sorted.
static get_filterset_class ()
 Get the class used as a filterset.
static get_sort_for_table ($uniqueid)
 Get the order by clause from the session or user preferences, for the table with id $uniqueid.

Public Attributes

 $attributes = array()
 $baseurl = NULL
string $caption
 $caption The caption of table
array $captionattributes
 $captionattributes The caption attributes of table
 $column_class = array()
 $column_nosort = array('userpic')
 $column_style = array()
 $column_suppress = array()
 $columns = array()
 $countparams = NULL
 $countsql = NULL
 $currentrow = 0
 $currpage = 0
string $download = ''
 which download plugin to use.
bool $downloadable = false
 whether data is downloadable from table.
table_dataformat_export_format $exportclass = null
 $headers = array()
bool $is_collapsible = true
 Overriding default for this.
bool $is_sortable = true
 Overriding default for this.
 $maxsortkeys = 2
 $pagesize = 30
array Traversable $rawdata = NULL
 Data fetched from the db.
 $request = array()
boolean $setup = false
 Stores if setup has already been called on this flixible table.
 $showdownloadbuttonsat = array(TABLE_P_TOP)
 Array of positions in which to display download controls.
 $sort_default_column = NULL
 $sort_default_order = SORT_ASC
object $sql = NULL
 sql for querying db.
bool $started_output = false
 Has start output been called yet?
 $totalrows = 0
 $uniqueid = NULL
 $use_initials = false
 $use_pages = false
string $useridfield = 'id'
 Key of field returned by db query that is the id field of the user table or equivalent.

Protected Member Functions

 action_link (moodle_url $url, $text, $name='popup')
 Method to create a link with popup action.
 can_be_reset ()
 Are there some table preferences that can be reset?
 get_component ()
 Get dynamic class component.
 get_dynamic_table_html_end ()
 Get the dynamic table end wrapper.
 get_dynamic_table_html_start ()
 Get the dynamic table start wrapper.
 get_handler ()
 Get dynamic class handler.
 get_primary_sort_order ()
 Return primary sorting column/order, either the first preferred "sortby" value or defaults defined for the table.
 get_sort_order ()
 Return sorting attributes values.
 initialise_table_preferences ()
 Initialise table preferences.
 is_resetting_preferences ()
 Is the table marked for reset preferences?
 print_one_initials_bar ($alpha, $current, $class, $title, $urlvar)
 Helper function, used by print_initials_bar() to output one initial bar.
 render_reset_button ()
 Generate the HTML for the table preferences reset button.
 save_preferences ($oldprefs)
 Save preferences.
 set_hide_show_preferences ()
 Set hide and show preferences.
 set_initials_preferences ()
 Fill in the preferences for the initials bar.
 set_sorting_preferences ()
 Calculate the preferences for sort order based on user-supplied values and get params.
 show_hide_link ($column, $index)
 Generate the HTML for the collapse/uncollapse icon.
 sort_icon ($isprimary, $order)
 Generate the HTML for the sort icon.
 sort_link ($text, $column, $isprimary, $order)
 Generate the HTML for the sort link.
 sort_order_name ($isprimary, $order)
 Generate the correct tool tip for changing the sort order.

Protected Attributes

array $contextname = array()
 list of context name shown in report
array $courseshortnames = array()
 list of course short names shown in report
string $filename
stdClass $filterparams
 filters parameters
filterset $filterset = null
 The currently applied filerset This is required for dynamic tables, but can be used by other tables too if desired.
string $headercolumn = null
 A column which should be considered as a header column.
array $hiddencolumns
 $hiddencolumns List of hidden columns.
string $ifirst
 The manually set first name initial preference.
string $ilast
 The manually set last name initial preference.
bool $resetting
 $resetting Whether the table preferences is resetting.
string $sheettitle
array $sortdata
 The fields to sort.
string[] $userfullnamecolumns = ['fullname']
 Columns that are expected to contain a users fullname.
array $userfullnames = array()
 list of user fullnames shown in report

Detailed Description

Table log class for displaying logs.

Moodle 2.7
License GNU GPL v3 or later

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

report_loglive_table_log::__construct ( $uniqueid,
$filterparams = null )

Sets up the table_log parameters.

string$uniqueidunique id of form.
stdClass$filterparams(optional) filter params.
  • int courseid: id of course
  • int userid: user id
  • int|string modid: Module id or "site_errors" to view site errors
  • int groupid: Group id
  • core\log\sql_reader logreader: reader from which data will be fetched.
  • int edulevel: educational level.
  • string action: view action
  • int date: Date from which logs to be viewed.

Member Function Documentation

◆ action_link()

report_loglive_table_log::action_link ( moodle_url $url,
$name = 'popup' )

Method to create a link with popup action.

moodle_url$urlThe url to open.
string$textAnchor text for the link.
string$nameName of the popup window.
Return values
stringhtml to use.

Reimplemented in report_loglive_table_log_ajax.

◆ add_data()

flexible_table::add_data ( $row,
$classname = '' )

This method actually directly echoes the row passed to it now or adds it to the download.

If this is the first row and start_output has not already been called this method also calls start_output to open the table or send headers for the downloaded. Can be used as before. print_html now calls finish_html to close table.

array$rowa numerically keyed row of data to add to the table.
string$classnameCSS class name to add to this row's tr tag.
Return values

◆ add_data_keyed()

flexible_table::add_data_keyed ( $rowwithkeys,
$classname = '' )

Add a row of data to the table.

This function takes an array or object with column names as keys or property names.

It ignores any elements with keys that are not defined as columns. It puts in empty strings into the row when there is no element in the passed array corresponding to a column in the table. It puts the row elements in the proper order (internally row table data is stored by in arrays with a numerical index corresponding to the column number).

object | array$rowwithkeysarray keys or object property names are column names, as defined in call to define_columns.
string$classnameCSS class name to add to this row's tr tag.

◆ build_table()

table_sql::build_table ( )

Build the table from the fetched data.

Take the data returned from the db_query and go through all the rows processing each col using either col_{columnname} method or other_cols method or if other_cols returns NULL then put the data straight into the table.

After calling this function, don't forget to call close_recordset.

Reimplemented in mod_feedback_responses_table, quiz_last_responses_table, and quiz_overview_table.

◆ can_be_reset()

flexible_table::can_be_reset ( )

Are there some table preferences that can be reset?

If true, then the "reset table preferences" widget should be displayed.

Return values

◆ col_component()

report_loglive_table_log::col_component ( $event)

Generate the component column.

stdClass$eventevent data.
Return values
stringHTML for the component column

◆ col_context()

report_loglive_table_log::col_context ( $event)

Generate the context column.

stdClass$eventevent data.
Return values
stringHTML for the context column

◆ col_course()

report_loglive_table_log::col_course ( $event)

Generate the course column.

stdClass$eventevent data.
Return values
stringHTML for the course column.

◆ col_description()

report_loglive_table_log::col_description ( $event)

Generate the description column.

stdClass$eventevent data.
Return values
stringHTML for the description column

◆ col_eventname()

report_loglive_table_log::col_eventname ( $event)

Generate the event name column.

stdClass$eventevent data.
Return values
stringHTML for the event name column

◆ col_fullname()

flexible_table::col_fullname ( $row)

Fullname is treated as a special columname in tablelib and should always be treated the same as the fullname of a user.

@uses $this->useridfield if the userid field is not expected to be id then you need to override $this->useridfield to point at the correct field for the user id.

object$rowthe data from the db containing all fields from the users table necessary to construct the full name of the user in current language.
Return values
stringcontents of cell in column 'fullname', for this row.

Reimplemented in assign_grading_table, core_tag_manage_table, core_user\table\participants, core_webservice\token_table, forumreport_summary\summary_table, mod_h5pactivity\local\report\participants, mod_quiz\local\reports\attempts_report_table, and tool_policy\acceptances_table.

◆ col_fullnameuser()

report_loglive_table_log::col_fullnameuser ( $event)

Generate the username column.

stdClass$eventevent data.
Return values
stringHTML for the username column

◆ col_ip()

report_loglive_table_log::col_ip ( $event)

Generate the ip column.

stdClass$eventevent data.
Return values
stringHTML for the ip column

◆ col_origin()

report_loglive_table_log::col_origin ( $event)

Generate the origin column.

stdClass$eventevent data.
Return values
stringHTML for the origin column

◆ col_relatedfullnameuser()

report_loglive_table_log::col_relatedfullnameuser ( $event)

Generate the related username column.

stdClass$eventevent data.
Return values
stringHTML for the related username column

◆ col_time()

report_loglive_table_log::col_time ( $event)

Generate the time column.

stdClass$eventevent data.
Return values
stringHTML for the time column

◆ collapsible()

flexible_table::collapsible ( $bool)

Sets the is_collapsible variable to the given boolean.

Return values

◆ column_class()

flexible_table::column_class ( $column,
$classname )

Sets the given $column index to the given $classname in $this->column_class.

Return values

◆ column_style()

flexible_table::column_style ( $column,
$value )

Sets the given $column index and $property index to the given $value in $this->column_style.

Return values

◆ column_style_all()

flexible_table::column_style_all ( $property,
$value )

Sets all columns' $propertys to the given $value in $this->column_style.

Return values

◆ column_suppress()

flexible_table::column_suppress ( $column)

What this method does is set the column so that if the same data appears in consecutive rows, then it is not repeated.

For example, in the quiz overview report, the fullname column is set to be suppressed, so that when one student has made multiple attempts, their name is only printed in the row for their first attempt.

int$columnthe index of a column.

◆ construct_order_by()

static flexible_table::construct_order_by ( $cols,
$textsortcols = array() )

Prepare an an order by clause from the list of columns to be sorted.

array$colscolumn name => SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC
Return values
stringSQL fragment that can be used in an ORDER BY clause.

◆ define_baseurl()

flexible_table::define_baseurl ( $url)

Sets $this->baseurl.

moodle_url | string$urlthe url with params needed to call up this page

◆ define_columns()

flexible_table::define_columns ( $columns)
array$columnsan array of identifying names for columns. If columns are sorted then column names must correspond to a field in sql.

Reimplemented in mod_feedback_responses_table.

◆ define_header_column()

flexible_table::define_header_column ( string $column)

Mark a specific column as being a table header using the column name defined in define_columns.

Note: Only one column can be a header, and it will be rendered using a th tag.


◆ define_headers()

flexible_table::define_headers ( $headers)
array$headersnumerical keyed array of displayed string titles for each column.

◆ define_help_for_headers()

flexible_table::define_help_for_headers ( $helpicons)

Defines a help icon for the header.

Always use this function if you need to create header with sorting and help icon.

renderable[]$helpiconsAn array of renderable objects to be used as help icons

◆ download_buttons()

flexible_table::download_buttons ( )

◆ export_class_instance()

flexible_table::export_class_instance ( $exportclass = null)

Get, and optionally set, the export class.

table_dataformat_export_format$exportclass(optional) if passed, set the table to use this export class.
Return values
table_dataformat_export_formatthe export class in use (after any set).

◆ format_and_add_array_of_rows()

flexible_table::format_and_add_array_of_rows ( $rowstoadd,
$finish = true )

Add a number of rows to the table at once.

And optionally finish output after they have been added.

(object|array|null)[]$rowstoadd Array of rows to add to table, a null value in array adds a separator row. Or a object or array is added to table. We expect properties for the row array as would be passed to add_data_keyed.

◆ format_row()

flexible_table::format_row ( $row)

Call appropriate methods on this table class to perform any processing on values before displaying in table.

Takes raw data from the database and process it into human readable format, perhaps also adding html linking when displaying table as html, adding a div wrap, etc.

See for example col_fullname below which will be called for a column whose name is 'fullname'.

array | object$rowrow of data from db used to make one row of the table.
Return values
arrayone row for the table, added using add_data_keyed method.

Reimplemented in assign_grading_table, core_reportbuilder\table\custom_report_table, core_reportbuilder\table\system_report_table, and tool_policy\acceptances_table.

◆ format_text()

flexible_table::format_text ( $text,
$format = FORMAT_MOODLE,
$options = NULL,
$courseid = NULL )

Used from col_* functions when text is to be displayed.

Does the right thing - either converts text to html or strips any html tags depending on if we are downloading and what is the download type. Params are the same as format_text function in weblib.php but some default options are changed.

◆ get_component()

flexible_table::get_component ( )

Get dynamic class component.

Return values

◆ get_context()

flexible_table::get_context ( )

Get the context for the table.

Note: This function must be overridden by dynamic tables to ensure that the context is correctly determined from the filterset parameters.

Return values

Reimplemented in core_admin\table\plugin_management_table, core_reportbuilder\table\base_report_table, core_user\table\participants, and mod_feedback_responses_table.

◆ get_default_per_page()

flexible_table::get_default_per_page ( )

Get the default per page.

Return values

Reimplemented in core_reportbuilder\table\custom_report_table_view.

◆ get_dynamic_table_html_end()

flexible_table::get_dynamic_table_html_end ( )

Get the dynamic table end wrapper.

If this is not a dynamic table, then an empty string is returned making this safe to blindly call.

Return values

Reimplemented in core_admin\table\plugin_management_table.

◆ get_dynamic_table_html_start()

flexible_table::get_dynamic_table_html_start ( )

Get the dynamic table start wrapper.

If this is not a dynamic table, then an empty string is returned making this safe to blindly call.

Return values

◆ get_filterset()

flexible_table::get_filterset ( )

Get the currently defined filterset.

Return values

◆ get_filterset_class()

static flexible_table::get_filterset_class ( )

Get the class used as a filterset.

Return values

Reimplemented in core_admin\table\plugin_management_table.

◆ get_handler()

flexible_table::get_handler ( )

Get dynamic class handler.

Return values

◆ get_initial_first()

flexible_table::get_initial_first ( )

This function is not part of the public api.

Return values
stringinitial of first name we are currently filtering by

◆ get_initial_last()

flexible_table::get_initial_last ( )

This function is not part of the public api.

Return values
stringinitial of last name we are currently filtering by

◆ get_page_size()

flexible_table::get_page_size ( )
Return values
intthe pagesize for LIMIT clause of SQL

◆ get_page_start()

flexible_table::get_page_start ( )
Return values
intthe offset for LIMIT clause of SQL

◆ get_primary_sort_order()

flexible_table::get_primary_sort_order ( )

Return primary sorting column/order, either the first preferred "sortby" value or defaults defined for the table.

Return values

◆ get_row_cells_html()

flexible_table::get_row_cells_html ( string $rowid,
array $row,
?array $suppresslastrow )

Generate html code for the row cells.

array | null$suppresslastrow
Return values

Reimplemented in core_reportbuilder\table\custom_report_table.

◆ get_row_class()

table_sql::get_row_class ( $row)

Get any extra classes names to add to this row in the HTML.

$rowarray the data for this row.
Return values
stringadded to the class="" attribute of the tr.

Reimplemented in assign_grading_table, core_reportbuilder\table\system_report_table, core_tag_manage_table, mod_quiz\local\reports\attempts_report_table, quiz_first_or_all_responses_table, and xhprof_table_sql.

◆ get_row_html()

flexible_table::get_row_html ( $row,
$classname = '' )

Generate html code for the passed row.

array$rowRow data.
string$classnameclasses to add.
Return values
string\$htmlhtml code for the row passed.

◆ get_sort_columns()

flexible_table::get_sort_columns ( )

Get the columns to sort by, in the form required by construct_order_by().

Return values
arraycolumn name => SORT_... constant.

Reimplemented in assign_grading_table, core_reportbuilder\table\custom_report_table, mod_quiz\local\reports\attempts_report_table, and tool_policy\acceptances_table.

◆ get_sort_for_table()

static flexible_table::get_sort_for_table ( $uniqueid)

Get the order by clause from the session or user preferences, for the table with id $uniqueid.

string$uniqueidthe identifier for a table.
Return values
stringSQL fragment that can be used in an ORDER BY clause.

◆ get_sort_order()

flexible_table::get_sort_order ( )

Return sorting attributes values.

Return values

◆ get_sql_sort()

flexible_table::get_sql_sort ( )
Return values
stringSQL fragment that can be used in an ORDER BY clause.

Reimplemented in core_reportbuilder\table\base_report_table, and gradereport_history\output\tablelog.

◆ get_sql_where()

flexible_table::get_sql_where ( )
Return values
stringsql to add to where statement.

Reimplemented in core_tag_manage_table, and tool_policy\acceptances_table.

◆ get_until()

report_loglive_table_log::get_until ( )

Returns the latest timestamp of the records in the table.

Return values

◆ guess_base_url()

◆ initialbars()

flexible_table::initialbars ( $bool)

Sets the use_initials variable to the given boolean.

Return values

◆ is_downloadable()

flexible_table::is_downloadable ( $downloadable = null)

Probably don't need to call this directly.

Calling is_downloading with a param automatically sets table as downloadable.

bool$downloadableoptional param to set whether data from table is downloadable. If ommitted this function can be used to get current state of table.
Return values
boolwhether table data is set to be downloadable.

Reimplemented in core_admin\table\plugin_management_table.

◆ is_downloading()

flexible_table::is_downloading ( $download = null,
$filename = '',
$sheettitle = '' )

Call this to pass the download type.

Use : $download = optional_param('download', '', PARAM_ALPHA); To get the download type. We assume that if you call this function with params that this table's data is downloadable, so we call is_downloadable for you (even if the param is '', which means no download this time. Also you can call this method with no params to get the current set download type.

string | null$downloadtype of dataformat for export.
string$filenamefilename for downloads without file extension.
string$sheettitletitle for downloaded data.
Return values
stringdownload dataformat type.

◆ is_persistent()

flexible_table::is_persistent ( $persistent = null)

Call with boolean true to store table layout changes in the user_preferences table.

Note: user_preferences.value has a maximum length of 1333 characters. Call with no parameter to get current state of table persistence.

bool$persistentOptional parameter to set table layout persistence.
Return values
boolWhether or not the table layout preferences will persist.

◆ is_resetting_preferences()

flexible_table::is_resetting_preferences ( )

Is the table marked for reset preferences?

Return values
boolTrue if the table is marked to reset, false otherwise.

◆ is_sortable()

flexible_table::is_sortable ( $column = null)

Is the column sortable?

stringcolumn name, null means table
Return values

◆ make_styles_string()

flexible_table::make_styles_string ( $styles)

This function is not part of the public api.

array$stylesCSS-property => value
Return values
stringvalues suitably to go in a style="" attribute in HTML.

◆ no_sorting()

flexible_table::no_sorting ( $column)

Do not sort using this column.

stringcolumn name

◆ other_cols()

flexible_table::other_cols ( $column,
$row )

You can override this method in a child class.

See the description of build_table which calls this method.

Reimplemented in assign_grading_table, core_user\table\participants, core_webservice\token_table, mod_feedback_responses_table, quiz_last_responses_table, quiz_overview_table, quiz_statistics_question_table, and tool_policy\acceptances_table.

◆ out()

table_sql::out ( $pagesize,
$downloadhelpbutton = '' )

Convenience method to call a number of methods for you to display the table.

Reimplemented in core_reportbuilder\table\custom_report_table, core_user\table\participants, forumreport_summary\summary_table, mod_feedback_responses_table, and report_loglive_table_log_ajax.

◆ pageable()

flexible_table::pageable ( $bool)

Sets the use_pages variable to the given boolean.

Return values

◆ pagesize()

flexible_table::pagesize ( $perpage,
$total )

Sets the pagesize variable to the given integer, the totalrows variable to the given integer, and the use_pages variable to true.

Return values

◆ print_headers()

flexible_table::print_headers ( )

This function is not part of the public api.

Reimplemented in core_reportbuilder\table\custom_report_table, and core_reportbuilder\table\custom_report_table_view.

◆ print_html()

flexible_table::print_html ( )

This method is deprecated although the old api is still supported.

1.9.2 - Jun 2, 2008

◆ print_nothing_to_display()

◆ print_one_initials_bar()

flexible_table::print_one_initials_bar ( $alpha,
$urlvar )

Helper function, used by print_initials_bar() to output one initial bar.

array$alphaof letters in the alphabet.
string$currentthe currently selected letter.
string$classclass name to add to this initial bar.
string$titlethe name to put in front of this initial bar.
string$urlvarURL parameter name for this initial.
since Moodle 3.3

◆ query_db()

report_loglive_table_log::query_db ( $pagesize,
$useinitialsbar = true )

Query the reader.

Store results in the object for use by build_table.

int$pagesizesize of page for paginated displayed table.
bool$useinitialsbardo you want to use the initials bar.

Reimplemented from table_sql.

◆ render_caption()

flexible_table::render_caption ( )

This function renders a table caption.

Return values
string\$outputCaption of table.

◆ render_reset_button()

flexible_table::render_reset_button ( )

Generate the HTML for the table preferences reset button.

Return values
stringHTML fragment, empty string if no need to reset

◆ save_preferences()

flexible_table::save_preferences ( $oldprefs)

Save preferences.

array$oldprefsOld preferences to compare against.

◆ set_attribute()

flexible_table::set_attribute ( $attribute,
$value )

Gives the given $value to the $attribute index of $this->attributes.

Return values

◆ set_caption()

flexible_table::set_caption ( string $caption,
?array $captionattributes )

This function set caption for table.

string$captionCaption of table.
array | null$captionattributesCaption attributes of table.

◆ set_columnsattributes()

flexible_table::set_columnsattributes ( array $attributes)

Sets the given $attributes to $this->columnsattributes.

Column attributes will be added to every cell in the column.

array[]$attributese.g. ['c0_firstname' => ['data-foo' => 'bar']]

◆ set_control_variables()

flexible_table::set_control_variables ( $variables)

Assigns each given variable in the array to the corresponding index in the request class variable.

Return values

◆ set_count_sql()

table_sql::set_count_sql ( $sql,
array $params = NULL )

This is only needed if you want to use different sql to count rows.

Used for example when perhaps all db JOINS are not needed when counting records. You don't need to call this function the count_sql will be generated automatically.

We need to count rows returned by the db seperately to the query itself as we need to know how many pages of data we have to display.

◆ set_default_per_page()

flexible_table::set_default_per_page ( int $defaultperpage)

Set the default per page.


◆ set_filterset()

flexible_table::set_filterset ( filterset $filterset)

Set the filterset in the table class.

The use of filtersets is a requirement for dynamic tables, but can be used by other tables too if desired.

filterset$filtersetThe filterset object to get filters and table parameters from

Reimplemented in core_reportbuilder\table\system_report_table, and core_user\table\participants.

◆ set_first_initial()

flexible_table::set_first_initial ( string $initial)

Set the preferred first name initial in an initials bar.

string$initialThe character to set

◆ set_hidden_columns()

flexible_table::set_hidden_columns ( array $columns)

Set the list of hidden columns.

array$columnsThe list of hidden columns.

◆ set_last_initial()

flexible_table::set_last_initial ( string $initial)

Set the preferred last name initial in an initials bar.

string$initialThe character to set

◆ set_page_number()

flexible_table::set_page_number ( int $pagenumber)

Set the page number.

int$pagenumberThe page number.

◆ set_sortdata()

flexible_table::set_sortdata ( array $sortdata)

Set the preferred table sorting attributes.

string$sortbyThe field to sort by.
int$sortorderThe sort order.

◆ set_sql()

table_sql::set_sql ( $fields,
array $params = array() )

Set the sql to query the db.

Query will be : SELECT $fields FROM $from WHERE $where Of course you can use sub-queries, JOINS etc. by putting them in the appropriate clause of the query.

Reimplemented in forumreport_summary\summary_table.

◆ setup()

flexible_table::setup ( )

Must be called after table is defined.

Use methods above first. Cannot use functions below till after calling this method.

Reimplemented in assign_grading_table, and core_admin\table\activity_management_table.

◆ show_download_buttons_at()

flexible_table::show_download_buttons_at ( $showat)

Where to show download buttons.

array$showatarray of postions in which to show download buttons. Containing TABLE_P_TOP and/or TABLE_P_BOTTOM

◆ show_hide_link()

flexible_table::show_hide_link ( $column,
$index )

Generate the HTML for the collapse/uncollapse icon.

This is a helper method used by print_headers().

string$columnthe column name, index into various names.
int$indexnumerical index of the column.
Return values
stringHTML fragment.

Reimplemented in assign_grading_table, core_tag_manage_table, core_user\table\participants, tool_dataprivacy\output\data_requests_table, and tool_dataprivacy\output\expired_contexts_table.

◆ sort_icon()

flexible_table::sort_icon ( $isprimary,
$order )

Generate the HTML for the sort icon.

This is a helper method used by sort_link().

bool$isprimarywhether an icon is needed (it is only needed for the primary sort column.)
int$orderSORT_ASC or SORT_DESC
Return values
stringHTML fragment.

◆ sort_link()

flexible_table::sort_link ( $text,
$order )

Generate the HTML for the sort link.

This is a helper method used by print_headers().

string$textthe text for the link.
string$columnthe column name, may be a fake column like 'firstname' or a real one.
bool$isprimarywhether the is column is the current primary sort column.
int$orderSORT_ASC or SORT_DESC
Return values
stringHTML fragment.

◆ sort_order_name()

flexible_table::sort_order_name ( $isprimary,
$order )

Generate the correct tool tip for changing the sort order.

This is a helper method used by sort_link().

bool$isprimarywhether the is column is the current primary sort column.
int$orderSORT_ASC or SORT_DESC
Return values
stringthe correct title.

◆ sortable()

flexible_table::sortable ( $bool,
$defaultcolumn = NULL,
$defaultorder = SORT_ASC )

Sets the is_sortable variable to the given boolean, sort_default_column to the given string, and the sort_default_order to the given integer.

Return values

◆ start_html()

flexible_table::start_html ( )

This function is not part of the public api.

Reimplemented in core_reportbuilder\table\base_report_table.

◆ start_output()

flexible_table::start_output ( )

This function is not part of the public api.

You don't normally need to call this. It is called automatically when needed when you start adding data to the table.

◆ text_sorting()

flexible_table::text_sorting ( $column)

Use text sorting functions for this column (required for text columns with Oracle).

Be warned that you cannot use this with column aliases. You can only do this with real columns. See MDL-40481 for an example.

stringcolumn name

◆ update_users_and_courses_used()

report_loglive_table_log::update_users_and_courses_used ( )

Helper function to create list of course shortname and user fullname shown in log report.

This will update $this->userfullnames and $this->courseshortnames array with userfullname and courseshortname (with link), which will be used to render logs in table.

◆ wrap_html_finish()

flexible_table::wrap_html_finish ( )

Hook that can be overridden in child classes to wrap a table in a form for example.

Called only when there is data to display and not downloading.

Reimplemented in core_reportbuilder\table\custom_report_table, forumreport_summary\summary_table, mod_quiz\local\reports\attempts_report_table, quiz_statistics_table, tool_dataprivacy\output\data_requests_table, and tool_policy\acceptances_table.

◆ wrap_html_start()

flexible_table::wrap_html_start ( )

Hook that can be overridden in child classes to wrap a table in a form for example.

Called only when there is data to display and not downloading.

Reimplemented in mod_quiz\local\reports\attempts_report_table, quiz_statistics_table, and tool_policy\acceptances_table.

Member Data Documentation

◆ $download

string flexible_table::$download = ''

which download plugin to use.

Default '' means none - print html table with paging. Property set by is_downloading which typically passes in cleaned data from $

◆ $downloadable

bool flexible_table::$downloadable = false

whether data is downloadable from table.

Determines whether to display download buttons. Set by method downloadable().

◆ $sql

object table_sql::$sql = NULL

sql for querying db.

Has fields 'fields', 'from', 'where', 'params'.

◆ $userfullnamecolumns

string [] flexible_table::$userfullnamecolumns = ['fullname']

Columns that are expected to contain a users fullname.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: