Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
core_calendar\local\api Class Reference

Class containing the local calendar API. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static get_action_events_by_course ( $course, $timesortfrom=null, $timesortto=null, $aftereventid=null, $limitnum=20, ?string $searchvalue=null)
 Get a list of action events for the logged in user by the given course and timesort values.
static get_action_events_by_courses ( $courses=[], $timesortfrom=null, $timesortto=null, $limitnum=20, ?string $searchvalue=null)
 Get a list of action events for the logged in user by the given courses and timesort values.
static get_action_events_by_timesort ( $timesortfrom=null, $timesortto=null, $aftereventid=null, $limitnum=20, $limittononsuspendedevents=false, ?\stdClass $user=null, ?string $searchvalue=null)
 Get a list of action events for the logged in user by the given timesort values.
static get_events ( $timestartfrom=null, $timestartto=null, $timesortfrom=null, $timesortto=null, $timestartaftereventid=null, $timesortaftereventid=null, $limitnum=20, $type=null, array $usersfilter=null, array $groupsfilter=null, array $coursesfilter=null, array $categoriesfilter=null, $withduration=true, $ignorehidden=true, callable $filter=null)
 Get all events restricted by various parameters, taking in to account user and group overrides.
static update_event_start_day (event_interface $event, DateTimeInterface $startdate)
 Change the start day for an event.

Detailed Description

Class containing the local calendar API.

This should not be used outside of core_calendar.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Member Function Documentation

◆ get_action_events_by_course()

static core_calendar\local\api::get_action_events_by_course ( $course,
$timesortfrom = null,
$timesortto = null,
$aftereventid = null,
$limitnum = 20,
?string $searchvalue = null )

Get a list of action events for the logged in user by the given course and timesort values.

stdClass$courseThe course the events must belong to
int | null$timesortfromThe start timesort value (inclusive)
int | null$timesorttoThe end timesort value (inclusive)
int | null$aftereventidOnly return events after this one
int$limitnumLimit results to this amount (between 1 and 50)
string | null$searchvalueThe value a user wishes to search against
Return values
arrayA list of action_event_interface objects

◆ get_action_events_by_courses()

static core_calendar\local\api::get_action_events_by_courses ( $courses = [],
$timesortfrom = null,
$timesortto = null,
$limitnum = 20,
?string $searchvalue = null )

Get a list of action events for the logged in user by the given courses and timesort values.

The limit number applies per course, not for the result set as a whole. E.g. Requesting 3 courses with a limit of 10 will result in up to 30 events being returned (up to 10 per course).

array$coursesThe courses the events must belong to
int | null$timesortfromThe start timesort value (inclusive)
int | null$timesorttoThe end timesort value (inclusive)
int$limitnumLimit results per course to this amount (between 1 and 50)
string | null$searchvalueThe value a user wishes to search against
Return values
arrayA list of action_event_interface objects indexed by course id

◆ get_action_events_by_timesort()

static core_calendar\local\api::get_action_events_by_timesort ( $timesortfrom = null,
$timesortto = null,
$aftereventid = null,
$limitnum = 20,
$limittononsuspendedevents = false,
?\stdClass $user = null,
?string $searchvalue = null )

Get a list of action events for the logged in user by the given timesort values.

int | null$timesortfromThe start timesort value (inclusive)
int | null$timesorttoThe end timesort value (inclusive)
int | null$aftereventidOnly return events after this one
int$limitnumLimit results to this amount (between 1 and 50)
bool$lmittononsuspendedeventsLimit course events to courses the user is active in (not suspended).
stdClass | null$userThe user id or false for $USER
string | null$searchvalueThe value a user wishes to search against
Return values
arrayA list of action_event_interface objects

◆ get_events()

static core_calendar\local\api::get_events ( $timestartfrom = null,
$timestartto = null,
$timesortfrom = null,
$timesortto = null,
$timestartaftereventid = null,
$timesortaftereventid = null,
$limitnum = 20,
$type = null,
array $usersfilter = null,
array $groupsfilter = null,
array $coursesfilter = null,
array $categoriesfilter = null,
$withduration = true,
$ignorehidden = true,
callable $filter = null )

Get all events restricted by various parameters, taking in to account user and group overrides.

int | null$timestartfromEvents with timestart from this value (inclusive).
int | null$timestarttoEvents with timestart until this value (inclusive).
int | null$timesortfromEvents with timesort from this value (inclusive).
int | null$timesorttoEvents with timesort until this value (inclusive).
int | null$timestartaftereventidRestrict the events in the timestart range to ones after this ID.
int | null$timesortaftereventidRestrict the events in the timesort range to ones after this ID.
int$limitnumReturn at most this number of events.
int | null$typeReturn only events of this type.
array | null$usersfilterReturn only events for these users.
array | null$groupsfilterReturn only events for these groups.
array | null$coursesfilterReturn only events for these courses.
bool$withdurationIf true return only events starting within specified timestart otherwise return in progress events as well.
bool$ignorehiddenIf true don't return hidden events.
Return values
core_calendar\local\event\entities\event_interface[]Array of event_interfaces.

◆ update_event_start_day()

static core_calendar\local\api::update_event_start_day ( event_interface $event,
DateTimeInterface $startdate )

Change the start day for an event.

Only the date will be modified, the time of day for the event will be left as is.

event_interface$eventThe existing event to modify
DateTimeInterface$startdateThe new date to use for the start day
Return values
event_interfaceThe new event with updated start date

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