Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
restore_section_task Class Reference

section task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one section is being restored More...

Inheritance diagram for restore_section_task:
restore_task base_task checksumable executable loggable

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($name, $info, $plan=null)
 Constructor - instantiates one object of this class.
 add_result ($result)
 Add the given info to the current plan's results.
 add_step ($step)
 backup_release_compare (string $release, string $operator)
 Compares the provided moodle release with the one the backup was taken from.
 backup_version_compare (int $version, string $operator)
 Compares the provided moodle version with the one the backup was taken from.
 build ()
 Create all the steps that will be part of this task.
 calculate_checksum ()
 This function will return one unique and stable checksum for one instance of the class implementing it.
 destroy ()
 Destroy all circular references.
 execute ()
 Exceptionally override the execute method, so, based in the section_included setting, we are able to skip the execution of one task completely.
 execute_after_restore ()
 If the task has been executed, launch its after_restore() method if available.
 get_basepath ()
 get_comment_mapping_itemname ($commentarea)
 Given a commment area, return the itemname that contains the itemid mappings.
 get_contextid ()
 get_courseid ()
 get_decoder ()
 get_info ()
 get_logger ()
 get_name ()
 get_old_contextid ()
 get_old_courseid ()
 get_old_system_contextid ()
 get_preloaded_information ()
 get_progress ()
 Gets the progress reporter, which can be used to report progress within the backup or restore process.
 get_restoreid ()
 get_results ()
 Return the current plan's results.
 get_sectionid ()
 get_setting ($name)
 Specialisation that, first of all, looks for the setting within the task with the the prefix added and later, delegates to parent without adding anything.
 get_setting_value ($name)
 get_settings ()
 get_steps ()
 get_target ()
 get_taskbasepath ()
 Section tasks have their own directory to read files.
 get_tempdir ()
 get_userid ()
 get_weight ()
 Returns the weight of this task, an approximation of the amount of time it will take.
 is_checksum_correct ($checksum)
 Given one checksum, returns if matches object's checksum (true) or no (false)
 is_excluding_activities ()
 is_missing_modules ()
 is_samesite ()
 log ($message, $level, $a=null, $depth=null, $display=false)
 This function will be responsible for handling the params, and to call to the corresponding logger->process() once all modifications in params have been performed.
 set_plan ($plan)
 set_preloaded_information ()
 set_sectionid ($sectionid)
 setting_exists ($name)

Static Public Member Functions

static define_decode_contents ()
 Define the contents in the course that must be processed by the link decoder.
static define_decode_rules ()
 Define the decoding rules for links belonging to the sections to be executed by the link decoder.

Protected Member Functions

 add_setting ($setting)
 define_settings ()
 Define the common setting that any restore section will have.

Protected Attributes

bool $built
bool $executed
string $name
backup_plan restore_plan $plan
base_setting[] $settings
base_step[] $steps

Detailed Description

section task that provides all the properties and common steps to be performed when one section is being restored

TODO: Finish phpdocs

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_result()

base_task::add_result ( $result)

Add the given info to the current plan's results.

See also
array$resultassociative array describing a result of a task/step

◆ backup_release_compare()

restore_task::backup_release_compare ( string $release,
string $operator )

Compares the provided moodle release with the one the backup was taken from.

string$releaseMoodle release (X.Y or X.Y.Z)
string$operatorOperator to compare the provided release to the backup release. {
See also
Return values
boolTrue if the comparison passes.

◆ backup_version_compare()

restore_task::backup_version_compare ( int $version,
string $operator )

Compares the provided moodle version with the one the backup was taken from.

int$versionMoodle version number (YYYYMMDD or YYYYMMDDXX)
string$operatorOperator to compare the provided version to the backup version. {
See also
Return values
boolTrue if the comparison passes.

◆ build()

restore_section_task::build ( )

Create all the steps that will be part of this task.

Reimplemented from base_task.

◆ calculate_checksum()

base_task::calculate_checksum ( )

This function will return one unique and stable checksum for one instance of the class implementing it.

It's each implementation responsibility to do it recursively if needed and use optional store (caching) of the checksum if necessary/possible

Implements checksumable.

◆ define_settings()

restore_section_task::define_settings ( )

Define the common setting that any restore section will have.

Reimplemented from base_task.

◆ destroy()

base_task::destroy ( )

Destroy all circular references.

It helps PHP 5.2 a lot!

◆ execute()

restore_section_task::execute ( )

Exceptionally override the execute method, so, based in the section_included setting, we are able to skip the execution of one task completely.

Reimplemented from base_task.

◆ get_comment_mapping_itemname()

restore_task::get_comment_mapping_itemname ( $commentarea)

Given a commment area, return the itemname that contains the itemid mappings.

By default, both are the same (commentarea = itemname), so return it. If some plugins use a different approach, this method can be overriden in its task.

string$commentareaarea defined for this comment
Return values
stringitemname that contains the related itemid mapping

Reimplemented in restore_assign_activity_task, and restore_data_activity_task.

◆ get_progress()

base_task::get_progress ( )

Gets the progress reporter, which can be used to report progress within the backup or restore process.

Return values
core\progress\baseProgress reporting object

◆ get_results()

base_task::get_results ( )

Return the current plan's results.

Return values

◆ get_setting()

restore_section_task::get_setting ( $name)

Specialisation that, first of all, looks for the setting within the task with the the prefix added and later, delegates to parent without adding anything.

Reimplemented from base_task.

◆ get_taskbasepath()

restore_section_task::get_taskbasepath ( )

Section tasks have their own directory to read files.

Reimplemented from base_task.

◆ get_weight()

base_task::get_weight ( )

Returns the weight of this task, an approximation of the amount of time it will take.

By default this value is 1. It can be increased for longer tasks.

Return values

Reimplemented in backup_final_task.

◆ is_checksum_correct()

base_task::is_checksum_correct ( $checksum)

Given one checksum, returns if matches object's checksum (true) or no (false)

Implements checksumable.

◆ log()

base_task::log ( $message,
$a = null,
$depth = null,
$display = false )

This function will be responsible for handling the params, and to call to the corresponding logger->process() once all modifications in params have been performed.

Implements loggable.

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