Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
core_analytics\predictor Interface Reference

Predictors interface. More...

Inheritance diagram for core_analytics\predictor:
core_analytics\classifier core_analytics\regressor mlbackend_php\processor mlbackend_python\processor mlbackend_php\processor mlbackend_python\processor

Public Member Functions

 clear_model ($uniqueid, $modelversionoutputdir)
 Delete all stored information of the current model id.
 delete_output_dir ($modeloutputdir, $uniqueid)
 Delete the output directory.
 is_ready ()
 Is it ready to predict?

Detailed Description

Predictors interface.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear_model()

core_analytics\predictor::clear_model ( $uniqueid,
$modelversionoutputdir )

Delete all stored information of the current model id.

This method is called when there are important changes to a model, all previous training algorithms using that version of the model should be deleted.

In case you want to perform extra security measures before deleting a directory you can check that $modelversionoutputdir subdirectories can only be named 'execution', 'evaluation' or 'testing'.

string$uniqueidThe site model unique id string
string$modelversionoutputdirThe output dir of this model version
Return values

Implemented in mlbackend_php\processor, and mlbackend_python\processor.

◆ delete_output_dir()

core_analytics\predictor::delete_output_dir ( $modeloutputdir,
$uniqueid )

Delete the output directory.

This method is called when a model is completely deleted.

In case you want to perform extra security measures before deleting a directory you can check that the subdirectories are timestamps (the model version) and each of this subdirectories' subdirectories can only be named 'execution', 'evaluation' or 'testing'.

string$modeloutputdirThe model directory id (parent of all model versions subdirectories).
Return values

Implemented in mlbackend_php\processor, and mlbackend_python\processor.

◆ is_ready()

core_analytics\predictor::is_ready ( )

Is it ready to predict?

Return values

Implemented in mlbackend_php\processor, and mlbackend_python\processor.

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