Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
moodle1_converter Class Reference

Converter of Moodle 1.9 backup into Moodle 2.x format. More...

Inheritance diagram for moodle1_converter:
base_converter loggable

Public Member Functions

 convert ()
 Converts the backup directory.
 create_stash_storage ()
 Creates the temporary storage for stashed data.
 drop_stash_storage ()
 Drops the temporary storage of stashed data.
 get_contextid ($level, $instance=0)
 Generates an artificial context id.
 get_file_manager ($contextid=null, $component=null, $filearea=null, $itemid=0, $userid=null)
 Creates and returns new instance of the file manager.
 get_id ()
 Get instance identifier.
 get_inforef_manager ($name, $id=0)
 Creates and returns new instance of the inforef manager.
 get_name ()
 Get converter name.
 get_nextid ()
 Simple autoincrement generator.
 get_stash ($stashname, $itemid=0)
 Restores a given stash stored previously by self::set_stash().
 get_stash_itemids ($stashname)
 Returns the list of stashed $itemids in the given stash.
 get_stash_names ()
 Returns the list of existing stashes.
 get_stash_or_default ($stashname, $itemid=0, $default=null)
 Restores a given stash or returns the given default if there is no such stash.
 get_tempdir_path ()
 get_workdir_path ()
 log ($message, $level, $a=null, $depth=null, $display=false)
 This function will be responsible for handling the params, and to call to the corresponding logger->process() once all modifications in params have been performed.
 path_end_reached ($path)
 Executes operations required at the end of a watched path.
 path_start_reached ($path)
 Executes operations required at the start of a watched path.
 process_chunk ($data)
 Process the data obtained from the XML parser processor.
 set_logger ($logger)
 Sets the logger to use during the conversion.
 set_stash ($stashname, $info, $itemid=0)
 Stores some information for later processing.

Static Public Member Functions

static description ()
static detect_format ($tempdir)
 Detects the Moodle 1.9 format of the backup directory.
static find_referenced_files ($text)
 Detects all links to file.php encoded via $@FILEPHP$ and returns the files to migrate.
static is_available ()
 public static methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////
static migrate_referenced_files ($text, moodle1_file_manager $fileman)
 Migrates all course files referenced from the hypertext using the given filemanager.
static rewrite_filephp_usage ($text, array $files)
 Given the list of migrated files, rewrites references to them from $@FILEPHP$ form to the @PLUGINFILE@ one.

Public Attributes

const SKIP_ALL_CHILDREN = -991399
 Instructs the dispatcher to ignore all children below path processor returning it.

Protected Member Functions

 create_workdir ()
 Prepares a new empty working directory.
 destroy ()
 Cleans up stuff after the execution.
 execute ()
 Converts the contents of the tempdir into the target format in the workdir.
 grouped_parent_exists ($pelement, $elements)
 Helper method used by self::register_handler().
 init ()
 Initialize the instance if needed, called by the constructor.
 register_handler (moodle1_handler $handler, array $elements)
 Register a handler for the given path elements.
 replace_tempdir ()
 Replaces the source backup directory with the converted version.

Protected Attributes

null string $currentblock = null
 the current block being processed - used to expand the BLOCK paths
null string $currentmod = null
 the current module being processed - used to expand the MOD paths
string $id
 unique identifier of this converter instance
null base_logger $logger = null
 logger to use during the conversion
array $pathelements = array()
 of convert_path to process
string $pathlock
 path currently locking processing of children
string $tempdir
 the name of the directory containing the unpacked backup being converted
string $workdir
 the name of the directory where the backup is converted to
progressive_parser $xmlparser
 moodle.xml file parser
moodle1_parser_processor $xmlprocessor

Detailed Description

Converter of Moodle 1.9 backup into Moodle 2.x format.

Member Function Documentation

◆ create_stash_storage()

moodle1_converter::create_stash_storage ( )

Creates the temporary storage for stashed data.

This implementation uses backup_ids_temp table.

◆ description()

static moodle1_converter::description ( )
See also

Reimplemented from base_converter.

◆ destroy()

base_converter::destroy ( )

Cleans up stuff after the execution.

Note that we do not know if the execution was successful or not. An exception might have been thrown.

◆ detect_format()

static moodle1_converter::detect_format ( $tempdir)

Detects the Moodle 1.9 format of the backup directory.

string$tempdirthe name of the backup directory
Return values
null|stringbackup\FORMAT_MOODLE1 if the Moodle 1.9 is detected, null otherwise

Reimplemented from base_converter.

◆ drop_stash_storage()

moodle1_converter::drop_stash_storage ( )

Drops the temporary storage of stashed data.

This implementation uses backup_ids_temp table.

◆ execute()

moodle1_converter::execute ( )

Converts the contents of the tempdir into the target format in the workdir.

Reimplemented from base_converter.

◆ find_referenced_files()

static moodle1_converter::find_referenced_files ( $text)

Detects all links to file.php encoded via $@FILEPHP$ and returns the files to migrate.

See also
Return values

◆ get_contextid()

moodle1_converter::get_contextid ( $level,
$instance = 0 )

Generates an artificial context id.

Moodle 1.9 backups do not contain any context information. But we need them in Moodle 2.x format so here we generate fictive context id for every given context level + instance combo.

CONTEXT_SYSTEM and CONTEXT_COURSE ignore the $instance as they represent a single system or the course being restored.

See also
int$levelthe context level, like CONTEXT_COURSE or CONTEXT_MODULE
int$instancethe instance id, for example $course->id for courses or $cm->id for activity modules
Return values
intthe context id

◆ get_file_manager()

moodle1_converter::get_file_manager ( $contextid = null,
$component = null,
$filearea = null,
$itemid = 0,
$userid = null )

Creates and returns new instance of the file manager.

int$contextidthe default context id of the files being migrated
string$componentthe default component name of the files being migrated
string$fileareathe default file area of the files being migrated
int$itemidthe default item id of the files being migrated
int$useridinitial user id of the files being migrated
Return values

◆ get_id()

base_converter::get_id ( )

Get instance identifier.

Return values
stringthe unique identifier of this converter instance

◆ get_inforef_manager()

moodle1_converter::get_inforef_manager ( $name,
$id = 0 )

Creates and returns new instance of the inforef manager.

string$namethe name of the annotator (like course, section, activity, block)
int$idthe id of the annotator if required
Return values

◆ get_name()

base_converter::get_name ( )

Get converter name.

Return values
stringthe system name of the converter

◆ get_nextid()

moodle1_converter::get_nextid ( )

Simple autoincrement generator.

Return values
intthe next number in a row of numbers

◆ get_stash()

moodle1_converter::get_stash ( $stashname,
$itemid = 0 )

Restores a given stash stored previously by self::set_stash().

string$stashnamename of the stash
int$itemidoptional id for multiple infos within the same stashname
moodle1_convert_empty_storage_exceptionif the info has not been stashed previously
Return values
mixedstashed data

◆ get_stash_itemids()

moodle1_converter::get_stash_itemids ( $stashname)

Returns the list of stashed $itemids in the given stash.

Return values

◆ get_stash_names()

moodle1_converter::get_stash_names ( )

Returns the list of existing stashes.

Return values

◆ get_stash_or_default()

moodle1_converter::get_stash_or_default ( $stashname,
$itemid = 0,
$default = null )

Restores a given stash or returns the given default if there is no such stash.

string$stashnamename of the stash
int$itemidoptional id for multiple infos within the same stashname
mixed$defaultinformation to return if the info has not been stashed previously
Return values
mixedstashed data or the default value

◆ get_tempdir_path()

base_converter::get_tempdir_path ( )
Return values
stringthe full path to the directory with the source backup

◆ get_workdir_path()

base_converter::get_workdir_path ( )
Return values
stringthe full path to the working directory

◆ grouped_parent_exists()

moodle1_converter::grouped_parent_exists ( $pelement,
$elements )

Helper method used by self::register_handler().

convert_path$pelementpath element
arrayof convert_path instances
Return values
booltrue if grouped parent was found, false otherwise

◆ init()

moodle1_converter::init ( )

Initialize the instance if needed, called by the constructor.

Here we create objects we need before the execution.

Reimplemented from base_converter.

◆ is_available()

static base_converter::is_available ( )

public static methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////

Makes sure that this converter is available at this site

This is intended for eventual PHP extensions check, environment check etc. All checks that do not depend on actual backup data should be done here.

Return values
booleantrue if this converter should be considered as available

Reimplemented in imscc1_export_converter, and moodle1_export_converter.

◆ log()

moodle1_converter::log ( $message,
$a = null,
$depth = null,
$display = false )

This function will be responsible for handling the params, and to call to the corresponding logger->process() once all modifications in params have been performed.

Reimplemented from base_converter.

◆ migrate_referenced_files()

static moodle1_converter::migrate_referenced_files ( $text,
moodle1_file_manager $fileman )

Migrates all course files referenced from the hypertext using the given filemanager.

This is typically used to convert images embedded into the intro fields.

string$texthypertext containing $@FILEPHP$ referenced
moodle1_file_manager$filemanfile manager to use for the file migration
Return values
stringthe original $text with $@FILEPHP$ references replaced with the new @PLUGINFILE@

◆ path_end_reached()

moodle1_converter::path_end_reached ( $path)

Executes operations required at the end of a watched path.

string$pathin the original file

◆ path_start_reached()

moodle1_converter::path_start_reached ( $path)

Executes operations required at the start of a watched path.

For MOD and BLOCK paths, this is supported only for the sub-paths, not the root module/block element. For the illustration:

You CAN'T attach on_xxx_start() listener to a path like /MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/MODULES/MOD/WORKSHOP because the <MOD> must be processed first in self::process_chunk() where $this->currentmod is set.

You CAN attach some on_xxx_start() listener to a path like /MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/MODULES/MOD/WORKSHOP/SUBMISSIONS because it is a sub-path under <MOD> and we have $this->currentmod already set when the <SUBMISSIONS> is reached.

string$pathin the original file

◆ process_chunk()

moodle1_converter::process_chunk ( $data)

Process the data obtained from the XML parser processor.

This methods receives one chunk of information from the XML parser processor and dispatches it, following the naming rules. We are expanding the modules and blocks paths here to include the plugin's name.


◆ replace_tempdir()

base_converter::replace_tempdir ( )

Replaces the source backup directory with the converted version.

If $CFG->keeptempdirectoriesonbackup is defined, the original source source backup directory is kept for debugging purposes.

◆ rewrite_filephp_usage()

static moodle1_converter::rewrite_filephp_usage ( $text,
array $files )

Given the list of migrated files, rewrites references to them from $@FILEPHP$ form to the @PLUGINFILE@ one.

See also
Return values

◆ set_logger()

base_converter::set_logger ( $logger)

Sets the logger to use during the conversion.

null | base_logger$logger

◆ set_stash()

moodle1_converter::set_stash ( $stashname,
$itemid = 0 )

Stores some information for later processing.

This implementation uses backup_ids_temp table to store data. Make sure that the $stashname + $itemid combo is unique.

string$stashnamename of the stash
mixed$infoinformation to stash
int$itemidoptional id for multiple infos within the same stashname

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