Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
editor_tiny\plugin_with_configuration Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for editor_tiny\plugin_with_configuration:
tiny_accessibilitychecker\plugininfo tiny_autosave\plugininfo tiny_equation\plugininfo tiny_h5p\plugininfo tiny_link\plugininfo tiny_media\plugininfo tiny_recordrtc\plugininfo

Static Public Member Functions

static get_plugin_configuration_for_context (context $context, array $options, array $fpoptions, ?editor $editor=null)
 Get a list of the menu items provided by this plugin.

Member Function Documentation

◆ get_plugin_configuration_for_context()

static editor_tiny\plugin_with_configuration::get_plugin_configuration_for_context ( context $context,
array $options,
array $fpoptions,
?editor $editor = null )

Get a list of the menu items provided by this plugin.

context$contextThe context that the editor is used within
array$optionsThe options passed in when requesting the editor
array$fpoptionsThe filepicker options passed in when requesting the editor
editor$editorThe editor instance in which the plugin is initialised
Return values

Implemented in tiny_accessibilitychecker\plugininfo, tiny_equation\plugininfo, tiny_link\plugininfo, tiny_media\plugininfo, and tiny_recordrtc\plugininfo.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: