Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)


namespace  core_course\analytics\indicator
namespace  core_course\analytics\target
namespace  core_course\customfield
namespace  core_course\external
namespace  core_course\local\factory
namespace  core_course\management
namespace  core_course\output
namespace  core_course\output\recommendations
namespace  core_course\privacy
namespace  core_course\reportbuilder\datasource
namespace  core_course\reportbuilder\local\entities
namespace  core_course\reportbuilder\local\formatters
namespace  core_course\search
namespace  core_course\task
namespace  core_courseformat
namespace  core_courseformat\external
namespace  core_courseformat\output\local\state


class  behat_course
 Course-related steps definitions. More...
class  core_course\analytics\indicator\completion_enabled
 Completion enabled set indicator. More...
class  core_course\analytics\indicator\no_student
 No student indicator. More...
class  core_course\analytics\indicator\no_teacher
 No teacher indicator. More...
class  core_course\analytics\indicator\potential_cognitive_depth
 Potential cognitive depth indicator. More...
class  core_course\analytics\indicator\potential_social_breadth
 Potential social breadth indicator. More...
class  core_course\analytics\target\course_competencies
 Course competencies achievement target. More...
class  core_course\analytics\target\course_completion
 Course completion target. More...
class  core_course\analytics\target\course_dropout
 Drop out course target. More...
class  core_course\analytics\target\course_enrolments
 Base class for targets whose analysable is a course using user enrolments as samples. More...
class  core_course\analytics\target\course_gradetopass
 Getting the minimum grade to pass target. More...
class  core_course\analytics\target\no_access_since_course_start
 No accesses since the start of the course. More...
class  core_course\analytics\target\no_recent_accesses
 No recent accesses. More...
class  core_course\analytics\target\no_teaching
 No teaching target. More...
class  core_course\customfield\course_handler
 Course handler for custom fields. More...
class  core_course\external\course_module_summary_exporter
 Class for exporting a course module summary from a cm_info class. More...
class  core_course\external\course_summary_exporter
 Class for exporting a course summary from an stdClass. More...
class  core_course\external\get_enrolled_courses_with_action_events_by_timeline_classification
class  core_course\external\helper_for_get_mods_by_courses
class  core_course\local\factory\content_item_service_factory
 Class service_factory, providing functions for location of service objects for course content items. More...
class  core_course\management\helper
 Course and category management interface helper class. More...
class  core_course\output\activity_information
 The activity information renderable class. More...
class  core_course\output\activity_navigation
 The class activity navigation renderable. More...
class  core_course\output\completion_action_bar
class  core_course\output\content_export_link
 Prepares content for buttons/links to course content export/download. More...
class  core_course\output\course_module_name
 Class to prepare a course module name for display and in-place editing. More...
class  core_course\output\recommendations\activity_list
 Activity list renderable. More...
class  core_course\output\recommendations\renderer
 Main renderer for the recommendations page. More...
class  core_course\privacy\provider
 Privacy class for requesting user data. More...
class  core_course\reportbuilder\datasource\courses
class  core_course\reportbuilder\datasource\participants
class  core_course\reportbuilder\local\entities\access
class  core_course\reportbuilder\local\entities\completion
class  core_course\reportbuilder\local\entities\course_category
class  core_course\reportbuilder\local\entities\enrolment
class  core_course\reportbuilder\local\formatters\completion
class  core_course\reportbuilder\local\formatters\enrolment
class  core_course\search\course
 Search area for Moodle courses. More...
class  core_course\search\customfield
 Search area for course custom fields. More...
class  core_course\search\section
 Search area for course sections (title and summary). More...
class  core_course\task\content_notification_task
class  core_course\task\course_delete_modules
 Class handling course module deletion. More...
class  core_course_bulk_activity_completion_renderer
 Main renderer for the bulk activity completion stuff. More...
class  core_course_deletecategory_form
 Delete category moodleform. More...
class  core_course_editcategory_form
 Edit category form. More...
class  core_course_external
 Course external functions. More...
class  core_course_management_renderer
 Main renderer for the course management pages. More...
class  core_courseformat\external\get_state
class  core_courseformat\external\update_course
class  core_courseformat\output\local\state\cm
class  core_courseformat\output\local\state\course
class  core_courseformat\output\local\state\section
class  core_courseformat\stateupdates
class  course_request
class  coursetags_form
 Edit course tags form. More...
class  format_legacy
 Course format class to allow plugins developed for Moodle 2.3 to work in the new API. More...
class  format_site
 Pseudo course format used for the site main page. More...
class  moodleform_mod
 This class adds extra methods to form wrapper specific to be used for module add / update forms mod/{modname}/mod_form.php replaced deprecated mod/{modname}/mod.html Moodleform. More...
class  switchrole_form
 Defines the course completion settings form. More...


 actions_menu_should_be_open ($activityname)
 Checks that the specified activity's action menu is open.
 actions_menu_should_have_item ($activityname, $menuitem)
 Checks that the specified activity's action menu contains an item.
 actions_menu_should_not_have_item ($activityname, $menuitem)
 Checks that the specified activity's action menu does not contains an item.
 activity_date_in_activity_should_contain_text (string $activityname, string $text)
 Checks the presence of the given text in the activity's displayed dates.
 activity_dates_information_in_activity_should_exist (string $activityname)
 Checks the presence of activity dates information in the activity information output component.
 activity_dates_information_in_activity_should_not_exist (string $activityname)
 Checks the absence of activity dates information in the activity information output component.
 activity_should_be_available_but_hidden_from_course_page ($activityname)
 Checks that the specified activity is visible.
 activity_should_be_hidden ($activityname)
 Checks that the specified activity is hidden.
 activity_should_be_visible ($activityname)
 Checks that the specified activity is visible.
 add_course_module ($mod)
 MODULE FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.
 add_moduleinfo ($moduleinfo, $course, $mform=null)
 Add course module.
 average_number_of_courses_modules ()
 Average number of course modules.
 average_number_of_participants (bool $onlyactive=false, int $lastloginsince=null)
 Calculate the average number of enrolled participants per course.
 build_mnet_logs_array ($hostid, $course, $user=0, $date=0, $order="l.time ASC", $limitfrom='', $limitnum='', $modname="", $modid=0, $modaction="", $groupid=0)
 can_add_moduleinfo ($course, $modulename, $section)
 Check that the user can add a module.
 can_delete_course ($courseid)
 Can the current user delete this course? Course creators have exception, 1 day after the creation they can sill delete the course.
 can_download_from_backup_filearea ($filearea, context $context, stdClass $user=null)
 Return whether the user can download from the specified backup file area in the given context.
 can_edit_in_category ($categoryid=0)
 Does the user have permission to edit things in this category?
 can_update_moduleinfo ($cm)
 Check if user is allowed to update module info and returns related item/data to the module.
 category_actions_menu_should_have_item ($name, $menuitem)
 Checks that the specified category actions menu contains an item.
 category_actions_menu_should_not_have_item ($name, $menuitem)
 Checks that the specified category actions menu does not contain an item.
 category_in_management_listing_should_be_dimmed ($idnumber)
 Checks that a category within the management interface is dimmed.
 category_in_management_listing_should_be_visible ($idnumber)
 Checks that a category within the management interface is visible.
 clean_param_if_not_null ($param, string $type=PARAM_RAW)
 Cleans the given param, unless it is null.
 compare_activities_by_time_asc ($a, $b)
 Compare two objects to find out their correct order based on timestamp (to be used by usort).
 compare_activities_by_time_desc ($a, $b)
 Compare two objects to find out their correct order based on timestamp (to be used by usort).
 contract_value (array &$dest, array $source, array $option, string $optionname)
 'Converts' a value from what is stored in the database into what is used by edit forms.
 core_course_core_calendar_get_valid_event_timestart_range (\calendar_event $event, $course)
 This function calculates the minimum and maximum cutoff values for the timestart of the given event.
 core_course_drawer ()
 Render the message drawer to be included in the top of the body of each page.
 core_course_inplace_editable ($itemtype, $itemid, $newvalue)
 Implements callback inplace_editable() allowing to edit values in-place.
 core_courseformat_output_fragment_cmitem ($args)
 Course-module fragment renderer method.
 core_courseformat_output_fragment_section ($args)
 Section fragment renderer method.
 course_add_cm_to_section ($courseorid, $cmid, $sectionnum, $beforemod=null)
 Adds an existing module to the section.
 course_ajax_enabled ($course)
 Determine whether course ajax should be enabled for the specified course.
 course_allowed_module ($course, $modname, stdClass $user=null)
 Is the user allowed to add this type of module to this course?
 course_can_delete_section ($course, $section)
 Checks if the current user can delete a section (if course format allows it and user has proper permissions).
 course_can_view_participants ($context)
 Returns true if the user can view the participant page, false otherwise,.
 course_change_sortorder_after_course ($courseorid, $moveaftercourseid)
 Changes the sort order of courses in a category so that the first course appears after the second.
 course_change_sortorder_by_one ($course, $up)
 Changes the course sortorder by one, moving it up or down one in respect to sort order.
 course_change_visibility ($courseid, $show=true)
 Changes the visibility of a course.
 course_check_module_updates_since ($cm, $from, $fileareas=array(), $filter=array())
 Check module updates since a given time.
 course_check_updates ($course, $tocheck, $filter=array())
 Check for course updates in the given context level instances (only modules supported right Now)
 course_classify_courses_for_timeline (array $courses)
 Group a list of courses into either past, future, or in progress.
 course_classify_end_date ($course)
 This function calculates the end date to use for display classification purposes, incorporating the grace period, if any.
 course_classify_for_timeline ($course, $user=null, $completioninfo=null)
 This function classifies a course as past, in progress or future.
 course_classify_start_date ($course)
 This function calculates the start date to use for display classification purposes, incorporating the grace period, if any.
 course_create_section ($courseorid, $position=0, $skipcheck=false)
 Creates a course section and adds it to the specified position.
 course_create_sections_if_missing ($courseorid, $sections)
 Creates missing course section(s) and rebuilds course cache.
 course_delete_module ($cmid, $async=false)
 This function will handle the whole deletion process of a module.
 course_delete_section ($course, $section, $forcedeleteifnotempty=true, $async=false)
 This method will delete a course section and may delete all modules inside it.
 course_delete_section_async ($section, $forcedeleteifnotempty=true)
 Course section deletion, using an adhoc task for deletion of the modules it contains.
 course_filter_courses_by_customfield ( $courses, $customfieldname, $customfieldvalue, int $limit=0)
 Search the given $courses for any that have a $customfieldname value that matches the given $customfieldvalue, up to the specified $limit.
 course_filter_courses_by_favourites ( $courses, $favouritecourseids, int $limit=0)
 Search the given $courses for any that match the given $classification up to the specified $limit.
 course_filter_courses_by_timeline_classification ( $courses, string $classification, int $limit=0)
 Search the given $courses for any that match the given $classification up to the specified $limit.
 course_format_ajax_support ($format)
 Returns the information about the ajax support in the given source format.
 course_format_name ($course, $max=100)
 given a course object with shortname & fullname, this function will truncate the the number of chars allowed and add ... if it was too long
 course_format_uses_sections ($format)
 Tells if current course format uses sections.
 course_get_cm_edit_actions (cm_info $mod, $indent=-1, $sr=null)
 Returns the list of all editing actions that current user can perform on the module.
 course_get_cm_move (cm_info $mod, $sr=null)
 Returns the move action.
 course_get_course_dates_for_user_id (stdClass $course, int $userid)
 Calculate the course start date and offset for the given user id.
 course_get_course_dates_for_user_ids (stdClass $course, array $userids)
 Calculate the course start date and offset for the given user ids.
 course_get_enrolled_courses_for_logged_in_user (int $limit=0, int $offset=0, string $sort=null, string $fields=null, int $dbquerylimit=COURSE_DB_QUERY_LIMIT, array $includecourses=[], array $hiddencourses=[])
 Get the list of enrolled courses for the current user.
 course_get_enrolled_courses_for_logged_in_user_from_search (int $limit=0, int $offset=0, string $sort=null, string $fields=null, int $dbquerylimit=COURSE_DB_QUERY_LIMIT, array $searchcriteria=[], array $options=[])
 Get the list of enrolled courses the current user searched for.
 course_get_format ($courseorid)
 Returns an instance of format class (extending course_format) for given course.
 course_get_recent_courses (int $userid=null, int $limit=0, int $offset=0, string $sort=null)
 Returns a list of the most recently courses accessed by a user.
 course_get_tagged_course_modules ($tag, $exclusivemode=false, $fromcontextid=0, $contextid=0, $recursivecontext=1, $page=0)
 Returns course modules tagged with a specified tag ready for output on tag/index.php page.
 course_get_tagged_courses ($tag, $exclusivemode=false, $fromctx=0, $ctx=0, $rec=1, $page=0)
 Returns courses tagged with a specified tag.
 course_get_url ($courseorid, $section=null, $options=array())
 The URL to use for the specified course (with section)
 course_get_user_administration_options ($course, $context)
 Return an object with the list of administration options in a course that are available or not for the current user.
 course_get_user_navigation_options ($context, $course=null)
 Return an object with the list of navigation options in a course that are avaialable or not for the current user.
 course_in_management_listing_should_be_dimmed ($idnumber)
 Checks that a course within the management interface is dimmed.
 course_in_management_listing_should_be_visible ($idnumber)
 Checks that a course within the management interface is visible.
 course_integrity_check ($courseid, $rawmods=null, $sections=null, $fullcheck=false, $checkonly=false)
 Checks the integrity of the course data.
 course_module_bulk_update_calendar_events ($modulename, $courseid=0)
 Update all instances through out the site or in a course.
 course_module_calendar_event_update_process ($instance, $cm)
 Calendar events for a module instance are updated.
 course_module_flag_for_async_deletion ($cmid)
 Schedule a course module for deletion in the background using an adhoc task.
 course_module_instance_pending_deletion ($courseid, $modulename, $instanceid)
 Checks whether the course module, as defined by modulename and instanceid, is scheduled for deletion within the given course.
 course_module_update_calendar_events ($modulename, $instance=null, $cm=null)
 This function updates the calendar events from the information stored in the module table and the course module table.
 course_modules_pending_deletion (int $courseid, bool $onlygradable=false)
 Checks whether the given course has any course modules scheduled for adhoc deletion.
 course_output_fragment_new_base_form ($args)
 Renders the course copy form for the modal on the course management screen.
 course_overviewfiles_options ($course)
 Returns options to use in course overviewfiles filemanager.
 course_page_type_list ($pagetype, $parentcontext, $currentcontext)
 Return a list of page types.
 course_require_view_participants ($context)
 Checks if a user can view the participant page, if not throws an exception.
 course_set_marker ($courseid, $marker)
 Set highlighted section.
 course_update_section ($course, $section, $data)
 Updates the course section.
 course_validate_dates ($coursedata)
 Validates course start and end dates.
 course_view ($context, $sectionnumber=0)
 Trigger course viewed event.
 create_course ($data, $editoroptions=NULL)
 Create a course and either return a $course object.
 create_module ($moduleinfo)
 Create a module.
 delete_mod_from_section ($modid, $sectionid)
 duplicate_module ($course, $cm, int $sectionid=null, bool $changename=true)
 Api to duplicate a module.
 edit_module_post_actions ($moduleinfo, $course)
 Common create/update module module actions that need to be processed as soon as a module is created/updaded.
 expand_value (array &$dest, array $source, array $option, string $optionname)
 'Converts' a value from what is used in edit forms into a value(s) to be stored in the database.
 get_activity_element ($element, $selectortype, $activityname)
 Clicks on the specified element inside the activity container.
 get_activity_name ($activitynode)
 Gets the activity instance name from the activity node.
 get_activity_node ($activityname)
 Returns the DOM node of the activity from .
 get_category_or_system_context ($categoryid)
 Return the course category context for the category with id $categoryid, except that if $categoryid is 0, return the system context.
 get_course_format ()
 Gets the current course format.
 get_hidden_courses_on_timeline ($user=null)
 Get a list of hidden courses.
 get_management_category_listing_node_by_idnumber ($idnumber)
 Returns the category node from within the listing on the management page.
 get_management_category_listing_node_by_name ($name, $link=false)
 Returns a category node from within the management interface.
 get_management_course_listing_node_by_idnumber ($idnumber)
 Returns the course node from within the listing on the management page.
 get_management_course_listing_node_by_name ($name, $link=false)
 Returns a course node from within the management interface.
 get_module_types_names ($plural=false, $resetcache=false)
 Returns an array where the key is the module name (component name without 'mod_') and the value is a lang_string object with a human-readable string.
 get_moduleinfo_data ($cm, $course)
 Get module information data required for updating the module.
 get_section_activities ($sectionxpath)
 Gets the section's activites DOM nodes.
 get_section_name ($courseorid, $section)
 Returns the display name of the given section that the course prefers.
 get_sorted_course_formats ($enabledonly=false)
 Returns the sorted list of available course formats, filtered by enabled if necessary.
 hide_section_link_exists ($sectionnumber)
 Returns the hide section icon link if it exists or throws exception.
 i_add_to_course_section (string $activity, string $coursefullname, string $sectionnum)
 Open a add activity form page.
 i_add_to_course_section_and_i_fill_the_form_with ($activity, $coursefullname, $section, TableNode $data)
 Adds the selected activity/resource filling the form data with the specified field/value pairs.
 i_add_to_section_using_the_activity_chooser ($activityname, $sectionnum)
 Opens the activity chooser and opens the activity/resource link form page.
 i_change_activity_name_to ($activityname, $newactivityname)
 Edits the activity name through the edit activity; this step only works with Javascript enabled.
 i_click_on_action_for_item_in_management_category_listing ($action, $name)
 Locates a category in the course category management interface and then triggers an action for it.
 i_click_on_action_for_item_in_management_course_listing ($action, $name)
 Locates a course in the course category management interface and then triggers an action for it.
 i_click_on_category_in_the_management_category_listing ($name)
 Clicks on a category in the management interface.
 i_click_on_category_in_the_management_interface ($name)
 Clicks on a category in the management interface.
 i_click_on_course_in_the_management_interface ($name)
 Clicks on a course in the management interface.
 i_click_on_in_the_activity ($element, $selectortype, $activityname)
 Clicks on the specified element of the activity.
 i_click_to_expand_category_in_the_management_interface ($idnumber)
 Click to expand a category revealing its sub categories within the management UI.
 i_click_to_move_category_by_one ($idnumber, $direction)
 Moves a category displayed in the management interface up or down one place.
 i_click_to_move_course_by_one ($idnumber, $direction)
 Moves a course displayed in the management interface up or down one place.
 i_close_actions_menu ($activityname)
 Closes an activity actions menu if it is not already closed.
 i_delete_activity ($activityname)
 Deletes the activity or resource specified by it's name.
 i_delete_section ($sectionnumber)
 Deletes course section.
 i_duplicate_activity ($activityname)
 Duplicates the activity or resource specified by it's name.
 i_duplicate_activity_editing_the_new_copy_with ($activityname, TableNode $data)
 Duplicates the activity or resource and modifies the new activity with the provided data.
 i_edit_the_section ($sectionnumber)
 Go to editing section page for specified section number.
 i_edit_the_section_and_i_fill_the_form_with ($sectionnumber, TableNode $data)
 Edit specified section and fill the form data with the specified field/value pairs.
 i_hide_section ($sectionnumber)
 Hides the specified visible section.
 i_indent_left_activity ($activityname)
 Indents to the left the activity or resource specified by it's name.
 i_indent_right_activity ($activityname)
 Indents to the right the activity or resource specified by it's name.
 i_move_activity_to_section ($activityname, $sectionnumber)
 Moves the specified activity to the first slot of a section.
 i_move_activity_to_section_yui ($activityname, $sectionnumber)
 Moves the specified activity to the first slot of a section using the YUI course format.
 i_move_category_to_top_level_in_the_management_interface ($name)
 Move selected categories to top level in the management interface.
 i_move_down_section ($sectionnumber)
 Moves down the specified section, this step only works with Javascript disabled.
 i_move_up_section ($sectionnumber)
 Moves up the specified section, this step only works with Javascript disabled.
 i_navigate_to_course_participants ()
 Go to the course participants.
 i_open_actions_menu ($activityname)
 Opens an activity actions menu if it is not already opened.
 i_open_section_edit_menu ($sectionnumber)
 Opens a section edit menu if it is not already opened.
 i_open_the_action_menu_for_item_in_management_category_listing ($name)
 Locates a category in the course category management interface and then opens action menu for it.
 i_open_the_activity_chooser ()
 Open the activity chooser in a course.
 i_select_category_in_the_management_interface ($name)
 Clicks on a category checkbox in the management interface, if not checked.
 i_select_course_in_the_management_interface ($name)
 Clicks course checkbox in the management interface, if not checked.
 i_should_not_see_category_as_subcategory_of_in_the_management_interface ($subcatidnumber, $catidnumber)
 Checks that a category is not a subcategory of specific category.
 i_should_not_see_teacher_after ($fteacher, $pteacher)
 Check that one teacher oes not appears after another in the course contacts.
 i_should_see_category_as_subcategory_of_in_the_management_interface ($subcatidnumber, $catidnumber)
 Checks that a category is a subcategory of specific category.
 i_should_see_category_listing_before ($preceedingcategory, $followingcategory)
 Check that one category appears before another in the course category management listings.
 i_should_see_course_listing_before ($preceedingcourse, $followingcourse)
 Check that one course appears before another in the course category management listings.
 i_should_see_teacher_before ($pteacher, $fteacher)
 Check that one teacher appears before another in the course contacts.
 i_should_see_the_courses_management_page ($mode)
 Checks that we are on the course management page that we expect to be on and that no course has been selected.
 i_should_see_the_courses_management_page_with_a_course_selected ($mode)
 Checks that we are on the course management page that we expect to be on and that a course has been selected.
 i_show_section ($sectionnumber)
 Shows the specified hidden section.
 i_toggle_category_children_visibility_in_frontpage ($categoryname)
 Clicks to expand or collapse a category displayed on the frontpage.
 i_toggle_visibility_of_category_in_management_listing ($idnumber)
 Toggles the visibility of a category in the management UI.
 i_toggle_visibility_of_course_in_management_listing ($idnumber)
 Toggles the visibility of a course in the management UI.
 i_turn_section_highlighting_off ($sectionnumber)
 Turns course section highlighting off.
 i_turn_section_highlighting_on ($sectionnumber)
 Turns course section highlighting on.
 i_unselect_category_in_the_management_interface ($name)
 Clicks on a category checkbox in the management interface, if checked.
 i_unselect_course_in_the_management_interface ($name)
 Clicks course checkbox in the management interface, if checked.
 i_wait_until_section_is_available ($sectionnumber)
 Waits until the section is available to interact with it.
 include_course_ajax ($course, $usedmodules=array(), $enabledmodules=null, $config=null)
 Include the relevant javascript and language strings for the resource toolbox YUI module.
 include_course_editor (course_format $format)
 Include and configure the course editor modules.
 include_modulelib ($modulename)
 Include once the module lib file.
 is_course_editor ()
 Returns whether the user can edit the course contents or not.
 is_editing_on ()
 Returns whether the user can edit the course contents and the editing mode is on.
 label_should_be_hidden ($activityname)
 Checks that the specified label is hidden from students.
 listing_is_highlighted ($self, $selector)
 Used by spin to determine the callback has been highlighted.
 make_log_url ($module, $url)
 mod_duplicate_activity ($course, $cm, $sr=null)
 Duplicate a module on the course for ajax.
 move_courses ($courseids, $categoryid)
 Efficiently moves many courses around while maintaining sortorder in order.
 move_section_to ($course, $section, $destination, $ignorenumsections=false)
 Moves a section within a course, from a position to another.
 moveto_module ($mod, $section, $beforemod=NULL)
 Move the module object $mod to the specified $section If $beforemod exists then that is the module before which $modid should be inserted.
 plugin_extend_coursemodule_edit_post_actions ($moduleinfo, $course)
 Hook for plugins to take action when a module is created or updated.
 prepare_new_moduleinfo_data ($course, $modulename, $section)
 Prepare the standard module information for a new module instance.
 print_course_request_buttons ($context)
 Print the buttons relating to course requests.
 reorder_sections ($sections, $origin_position, $target_position)
 Reordering algorithm for course sections.
 save_local_role_names ($courseid, $data)
 Save the Your name for 'Some role' strings.
 section_activities_should_be_hidden ($sectionnumber)
 Checks that all actiities in the specified section are hidden.
 section_exists ($sectionnumber)
 Checks if the course section exists.
 section_should_be_hidden ($sectionnumber)
 Checks that the specified section is visible.
 section_should_be_highlighted ($sectionnumber)
 Checks if the specified course section hightlighting is turned on.
 section_should_be_visible ($sectionnumber)
 Checks that the specified section is visible.
 section_should_not_be_highlighted ($sectionnumber)
 Checks if the specified course section highlighting is turned off.
 set_coursemodule_groupmode ($id, $groupmode)
 Change the group mode of a course module.
 set_coursemodule_idnumber ($id, $idnumber)
 set_coursemodule_name ($id, $name)
 Changes the course module name.
 set_coursemodule_visible ($id, $visible, $visibleoncoursepage=1, bool $rebuildcache=true)
 Set the visibility of a module and inherent properties.
 set_downloadcontent (int $id, bool $downloadcontent)
 Set downloadcontent value to course module.
 set_moduleinfo_defaults ($moduleinfo)
 Set module info default values for the unset module attributs.
 set_section_visible ($courseid, $sectionnumber, $visibility)
 For a given course section, marks it visible or hidden, and does the same for every activity in that section.
 show_section_link_exists ($sectionnumber)
 Returns the show section icon or throws an exception.
 update_course ($data, $editoroptions=NULL)
 Update a course.
 update_module ($moduleinfo)
 Update a module.
 update_moduleinfo ($cm, $moduleinfo, $course, $mform=null)
 Update the module info.
 user_clicks_on_management_listing_action ($listingtype, $listingnode, $action)
 Finds the node to use for a management listitem action and clicks it.
 user_moves_listing_by_one ($listingtype, $listingnode, $direction, $highlight=true)
 Moves a course or category listing within the management interface up or down by one.


const COURSE_CUSTOMFIELD 'customfield'
 Searching for all courses that have no value for the specified custom field.
const COURSE_FAVOURITES 'favourites'
 Number of courses to display when summaries are included.
const EXCELROWS 65535

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ actions_menu_should_be_open()

actions_menu_should_be_open ( $activityname)

Checks that the specified activity's action menu is open.

@Then /^"(?P<activity_name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" actions menu should be open$/

DriverExceptionThe step is not available when Javascript is disabled

◆ actions_menu_should_have_item()

actions_menu_should_have_item ( $activityname,
$menuitem )

Checks that the specified activity's action menu contains an item.

@Then /^"(?P<activity_name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" actions menu should have "(?P<menu_item_string>(?:[^"]|")*)" item$/

DriverExceptionThe step is not available when Javascript is disabled

◆ actions_menu_should_not_have_item()

actions_menu_should_not_have_item ( $activityname,
$menuitem )

Checks that the specified activity's action menu does not contains an item.

@Then /^"(?P<activity_name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" actions menu should not have "(?P<menu_item_string>(?:[^"]|")*)" item$/

DriverExceptionThe step is not available when Javascript is disabled

◆ activity_date_in_activity_should_contain_text()

activity_date_in_activity_should_contain_text ( string $activityname,
string $text )

Checks the presence of the given text in the activity's displayed dates.

@Given /^the activity date in "(?P<activityname>(?:[^"]|::")*)" should contain "(?P<text>(?:[^"]|")*)"$/

string$activitynameThe activity name.
string$textThe text to be searched in the activity date.

◆ activity_dates_information_in_activity_should_exist()

activity_dates_information_in_activity_should_exist ( string $activityname)

Checks the presence of activity dates information in the activity information output component.

@Given /^the activity date information in "(?P<activityname>(?:[^"]|::")*)" should exist$/

string$activitynameThe activity name.

◆ activity_dates_information_in_activity_should_not_exist()

activity_dates_information_in_activity_should_not_exist ( string $activityname)

Checks the absence of activity dates information in the activity information output component.

@Given /^the activity date information in "(?P<activityname>(?:[^"]|::")*)" should not exist$/

string$activitynameThe activity name.

◆ activity_should_be_available_but_hidden_from_course_page()

activity_should_be_available_but_hidden_from_course_page ( $activityname)

Checks that the specified activity is visible.

You need to be in the course page. It can be used being logged as a student and as a teacher on editing mode.

@Then /^"(?P<activity_or_resource_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" activity should be available but hidden from course page$/


◆ activity_should_be_hidden()

activity_should_be_hidden ( $activityname)

Checks that the specified activity is hidden.

You need to be in the course page. It can be used being logged as a student and as a teacher on editing mode.

@Then /^"(?P<activity_or_resource_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" activity should be hidden$/


◆ activity_should_be_visible()

activity_should_be_visible ( $activityname)

Checks that the specified activity is visible.

You need to be in the course page. It can be used being logged as a student and as a teacher on editing mode.

@Then /^"(?P<activity_or_resource_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" activity should be visible$/


◆ add_moduleinfo()

add_moduleinfo ( $moduleinfo,
$mform = null )

Add course module.

The function does not check user capabilities. The function creates course module, module instance, add the module to the correct section. It also trigger common action that need to be done after adding/updating a module.

object$moduleinfothe moudle data
object$coursethe course of the module
object$mformthis is required by an existing hack to deal with files during MODULENAME_add_instance()
Return values
objectthe updated module info

◆ average_number_of_courses_modules()

average_number_of_courses_modules ( )

Average number of course modules.

Return values

◆ average_number_of_participants()

average_number_of_participants ( bool $onlyactive = false,
int $lastloginsince = null )

Calculate the average number of enrolled participants per course.

This is intended for statistics purposes during the site registration. Only visible courses are taken into account. Front page enrolments are excluded.

bool$onlyactiveConsider only active enrolments in enabled plugins and obey the enrolment time restrictions.
int$lastloginsinceIf specified, count only users who logged in after this timestamp.
Return values

◆ can_add_moduleinfo()

can_add_moduleinfo ( $course,
$section )

Check that the user can add a module.

Also returns some information like the module, context and course section info. The fucntion create the course section if it doesn't exist.

object$coursethe course of the module
object$modulenamethe module name
object$sectionthe section of the module
Return values
arraylist containing module, context, course section.
moodle_exceptionif user is not allowed to perform the action or module is not allowed in this course

◆ can_delete_course()

can_delete_course ( $courseid)

Can the current user delete this course? Course creators have exception, 1 day after the creation they can sill delete the course.

Return values

◆ can_download_from_backup_filearea()

can_download_from_backup_filearea ( $filearea,
context $context,
stdClass $user = null )

Return whether the user can download from the specified backup file area in the given context.

string$fileareathe backup file area. E.g. 'course', 'backup' or 'automated'.
stdClass$userthe user object. If not provided, the current user will be checked.
Return values
booltrue if the user is allowed to download in the context, false otherwise.

◆ can_edit_in_category()

can_edit_in_category ( $categoryid = 0)

Does the user have permission to edit things in this category?

integer$categoryidThe id of the category we are showing, or 0 for system context.
Return values
booleanhas_any_capability(array(...), ...); in the appropriate context.

◆ can_update_moduleinfo()

can_update_moduleinfo ( $cm)

Check if user is allowed to update module info and returns related item/data to the module.

object$cmcourse module
Return values
array- list of course module, context, module, moduleinfo, and course section.
moodle_exceptionif user is not allowed to perform the action

◆ category_actions_menu_should_have_item()

category_actions_menu_should_have_item ( $name,
$menuitem )

Checks that the specified category actions menu contains an item.

@Then /^"(?P<name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" category actions menu should have "(?P<menu_item_string>(?:[^"]|")*)" item$/


◆ category_actions_menu_should_not_have_item()

category_actions_menu_should_not_have_item ( $name,
$menuitem )

Checks that the specified category actions menu does not contain an item.

@Then /^"(?P<name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" category actions menu should not have "(?P<menu_item_string>(?:[^"]|")*)" item$/


◆ category_in_management_listing_should_be_dimmed()

category_in_management_listing_should_be_dimmed ( $idnumber)

Checks that a category within the management interface is dimmed.

@Given /^category in management listing should be dimmed "(?P<idnumber_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)"$/


◆ category_in_management_listing_should_be_visible()

category_in_management_listing_should_be_visible ( $idnumber)

Checks that a category within the management interface is visible.

@Given /^category in management listing should be visible "(?P<idnumber_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)"$/


◆ clean_param_if_not_null()

clean_param_if_not_null ( $param,
string $type = PARAM_RAW )

Cleans the given param, unless it is null.

mixed$paramThe variable we are cleaning.
string$typeExpected format of param after cleaning.
Return values
mixedNull if $param is null, otherwise the cleaned value.

◆ compare_activities_by_time_asc()

compare_activities_by_time_asc ( $a,
$b )

Compare two objects to find out their correct order based on timestamp (to be used by usort).

Sorts by ascending order of time.

stdClass$aFirst object
stdClass$bSecond object
Return values
int0,1,-1 representing the order

◆ compare_activities_by_time_desc()

compare_activities_by_time_desc ( $a,
$b )

Compare two objects to find out their correct order based on timestamp (to be used by usort).

Sorts by descending order of time.

stdClass$aFirst object
stdClass$bSecond object
Return values
int0,1,-1 representing the order

◆ contract_value()

contract_value ( array & $dest,
array $source,
array $option,
string $optionname )

'Converts' a value from what is stored in the database into what is used by edit forms.

array$destThe destination array
array$sourceThe source array
array$optionThe definition structure of the option.
string$optionnameThe name of the option, as provided in the definition.

◆ core_course_core_calendar_get_valid_event_timestart_range()

core_course_core_calendar_get_valid_event_timestart_range ( \calendar_event $event,
$course )

This function calculates the minimum and maximum cutoff values for the timestart of the given event.

It will return an array with two values, the first being the minimum cutoff value and the second being the maximum cutoff value. Either or both values can be null, which indicates there is no minimum or maximum, respectively.

If a cutoff is required then the function must return an array containing the cutoff timestamp and error string to display to the user if the cutoff value is violated.

A minimum and maximum cutoff return value will look like: [ [1505704373, 'The date must be after this date'], [1506741172, 'The date must be before this date'] ]

calendar_event$eventThe calendar event to get the time range for
stdClass$courseThe course object to get the range from
Return values
arrayReturns an array with min and max date.

◆ core_course_drawer()

core_course_drawer ( )

Render the message drawer to be included in the top of the body of each page.

Return values

◆ core_course_inplace_editable()

core_course_inplace_editable ( $itemtype,
$newvalue )

Implements callback inplace_editable() allowing to edit values in-place.

Return values

◆ core_courseformat_output_fragment_cmitem()

core_courseformat_output_fragment_cmitem ( $args)

Course-module fragment renderer method.

The fragment arguments are id and sr (section return).

array$argsThe fragment arguments.
Return values
stringThe rendered cm item.

◆ core_courseformat_output_fragment_section()

core_courseformat_output_fragment_section ( $args)

Section fragment renderer method.

The fragment arguments are courseid, section id and sr (section return).

array$argsThe fragment arguments.
Return values
stringThe rendered section.

◆ course_add_cm_to_section()

course_add_cm_to_section ( $courseorid,
$beforemod = null )

Adds an existing module to the section.

Updates both tables {course_sections} and {course_modules}

Note: This function does not use modinfo PROVIDED that the section you are adding the module to already exists. If the section does not exist, it will build modinfo if necessary and create the section.

int | stdClass$courseoridcourse id or course object
int$cmidid of the module already existing in course_modules table
int$sectionnumrelative number of the section (field course_sections.section) If section does not exist it will be created
int | stdClass$beforemodid or object with field id corresponding to the module before which the module needs to be included. Null for inserting in the end of the section
Return values
intThe course_sections ID where the module is inserted

◆ course_ajax_enabled()

course_ajax_enabled ( $course)

Determine whether course ajax should be enabled for the specified course.

stdClass$courseThe course to test against
Return values
booleanWhether course ajax is enabled or note

◆ course_allowed_module()

course_allowed_module ( $course,
stdClass $user = null )

Is the user allowed to add this type of module to this course?

object$coursethe course settings. Only $course->id is used.
string$modnamethe module name. E.g. 'forum' or 'quiz'.
stdClass$userthe user to check, defaults to the global user if not provided.
Return values
boolwhether the current user is allowed to add this type of module to this course.

◆ course_can_delete_section()

course_can_delete_section ( $course,
$section )

Checks if the current user can delete a section (if course format allows it and user has proper permissions).

int | stdClass$course
int | stdClass | section_info$section
Return values

◆ course_can_view_participants()

course_can_view_participants ( $context)

Returns true if the user can view the participant page, false otherwise,.

context$contextThe context we are checking.
Return values

◆ course_change_sortorder_after_course()

course_change_sortorder_after_course ( $courseorid,
$moveaftercourseid )

Changes the sort order of courses in a category so that the first course appears after the second.

int | stdClass$courseoridThe course to focus on.
int$moveaftercourseidThe course to shifter after or 0 if you want it to be the first course in the category.
Return values

◆ course_change_sortorder_by_one()

course_change_sortorder_by_one ( $course,
$up )

Changes the course sortorder by one, moving it up or down one in respect to sort order.

stdClass | core_course_list_element$course
bool$upIf set to true the course will be moved up one. Otherwise down one.
Return values

◆ course_change_visibility()

course_change_visibility ( $courseid,
$show = true )

Changes the visibility of a course.

int$courseidThe course to change.
bool$showTrue to make it visible, false otherwise.
Return values

◆ course_check_module_updates_since()

course_check_module_updates_since ( $cm,
$fileareas = array(),
$filter = array() )

Check module updates since a given time.

This function checks for updates in the module config, file areas, completion, grades, comments and ratings.

cm_info$cmcourse module data
int$fromthe time to check
array$fileareasadditional file ares to check
array$filterif we need to filter and return only selected updates
Return values
stdClassobject with the different updates
Moodle 3.2

◆ course_check_updates()

course_check_updates ( $course,
$filter = array() )

Check for course updates in the given context level instances (only modules supported right Now)

stdClass$coursecourse object
array$tocheckinstances to check for updates
array$filtercheck only for updates in these areas
Return values
arraylist of warnings and instances with updates information
Moodle 3.2

◆ course_classify_courses_for_timeline()

course_classify_courses_for_timeline ( array $courses)

Group a list of courses into either past, future, or in progress.

The return value will be an array indexed by the COURSE_TIMELINE_* constants with each value being an array of courses in that group. E.g. [ COURSE_TIMELINE_PAST => [... list of past courses ...], COURSE_TIMELINE_FUTURE => [], COURSE_TIMELINE_INPROGRESS => [] ]

array$coursesList of courses to be grouped.
Return values

◆ course_classify_end_date()

course_classify_end_date ( $course)

This function calculates the end date to use for display classification purposes, incorporating the grace period, if any.

stdClass$courseThe course record.
Return values
intThe new enddate.

◆ course_classify_for_timeline()

course_classify_for_timeline ( $course,
$user = null,
$completioninfo = null )

This function classifies a course as past, in progress or future.

This function may incur a DB hit to calculate course completion.

stdClass$courseCourse record
stdClass$userUser record (optional - defaults to $USER).
completion_info$completioninfoCompletion record for the user (optional - will be fetched if required).
Return values

◆ course_classify_start_date()

course_classify_start_date ( $course)

This function calculates the start date to use for display classification purposes, incorporating the grace period, if any.

stdClass$courseThe course record.
Return values
intThe new startdate.

◆ course_create_section()

course_create_section ( $courseorid,
$position = 0,
$skipcheck = false )

Creates a course section and adds it to the specified position.

int | stdClass$courseoridcourse id or course object
int$positionposition to add to, 0 means to the end. If position is greater than number of existing secitons, the section is added to the end. This will become sectionnum of the new section. All existing sections at this or bigger position will be shifted down.
bool$skipcheckthe check has already been made and we know that the section with this position does not exist
Return values
stdClasscreated section object

◆ course_create_sections_if_missing()

course_create_sections_if_missing ( $courseorid,
$sections )

Creates missing course section(s) and rebuilds course cache.

int | stdClass$courseoridcourse id or course object
int | array$sectionslist of relative section numbers to create
Return values
boolif there were any sections created

◆ course_delete_module()

course_delete_module ( $cmid,
$async = false )

This function will handle the whole deletion process of a module.

This includes calling the modules delete_instance function, deleting files, events, grades, conditional data, the data in the course_module and course_sections table and adding a module deletion event to the DB.

int$cmidthe course module id
bool$asyncwhether or not to try to delete the module using an adhoc task. Async also depends on a plugin hook.
Moodle 2.5

◆ course_delete_section()

course_delete_section ( $course,
$forcedeleteifnotempty = true,
$async = false )

This method will delete a course section and may delete all modules inside it.

No permissions are checked here, use course_can_delete_section() to check if section can actually be deleted.

int | stdClass$course
int | stdClass | section_info$section
bool$forcedeleteifnotemptyif set to false section will not be deleted if it has modules in it.
bool$asyncwhether or not to try to delete the section using an adhoc task. Async also depends on a plugin hook.
Return values
boolwhether section was deleted

◆ course_delete_section_async()

course_delete_section_async ( $section,
$forcedeleteifnotempty = true )

Course section deletion, using an adhoc task for deletion of the modules it contains.

  1. Schedule all modules within the section for adhoc removal.
  2. Move all modules to course section 0.
  3. Delete the resulting empty section.
stdClass$sectionthe section to schedule for deletion.
bool$forcedeleteifnotemptywhether to force section deletion if it contains modules.
Return values
booltrue if the section was scheduled for deletion, false otherwise.

◆ course_filter_courses_by_customfield()

course_filter_courses_by_customfield ( $courses,
int $limit = 0 )

Search the given $courses for any that have a $customfieldname value that matches the given $customfieldvalue, up to the specified $limit.

This function will return the subset of courses that matches the value as well as the number of courses it had to process to build that subset.

It is recommended that for larger sets of courses this function is given a Generator that loads the courses from the database in chunks.

array | Traversable$coursesList of courses to process
string$customfieldnamethe shortname of the custom field to match against
string$customfieldvaluethe value this custom field needs to match
int$limitLimit the number of results to this amount
Return values
arrayFirst value is the filtered courses, second value is the number of courses processed

◆ course_filter_courses_by_favourites()

course_filter_courses_by_favourites ( $courses,
int $limit = 0 )

Search the given $courses for any that match the given $classification up to the specified $limit.

This function will return the subset of courses that are favourites as well as the number of courses it had to process to build that subset.

It is recommended that for larger sets of courses this function is given a Generator that loads the courses from the database in chunks.

array | Traversable$coursesList of courses to process
array$favouritecourseidsArray of favourite courses.
int$limitLimit the number of results to this amount
Return values
arrayFirst value is the filtered courses, second value is the number of courses processed

◆ course_filter_courses_by_timeline_classification()

course_filter_courses_by_timeline_classification ( $courses,
string $classification,
int $limit = 0 )

Search the given $courses for any that match the given $classification up to the specified $limit.

This function will return the subset of courses that match the classification as well as the number of courses it had to process to build that subset.

It is recommended that for larger sets of courses this function is given a Generator that loads the courses from the database in chunks.

array | Traversable$coursesList of courses to process
string$classificationOne of the COURSE_TIMELINE_* constants
int$limitLimit the number of results to this amount
Return values
arrayFirst value is the filtered courses, second value is the number of courses processed

◆ course_format_ajax_support()

course_format_ajax_support ( $format)

Returns the information about the ajax support in the given source format.

The returned object's property (boolean)capable indicates that the course format supports Moodle course ajax features.

Return values

◆ course_format_uses_sections()

course_format_uses_sections ( $format)

Tells if current course format uses sections.

string$formatCourse format ID e.g. 'weeks' $course->format
Return values

◆ course_get_cm_edit_actions()

course_get_cm_edit_actions ( cm_info $mod,
$indent = -1,
$sr = null )

Returns the list of all editing actions that current user can perform on the module.

cm_info$modThe module to produce editing buttons for
int$indentThe current indenting (default -1 means no move left-right actions)
int$srThe section to link back to (used for creating the links)
Return values
arrayarray of action_link or pix_icon objects

◆ course_get_cm_move()

course_get_cm_move ( cm_info $mod,
$sr = null )

Returns the move action.

cm_info$modThe module to produce a move button for
int$srThe section to link back to (used for creating the links)
Return values
Themarkup for the move action, or an empty string if not available.

◆ course_get_course_dates_for_user_id()

course_get_course_dates_for_user_id ( stdClass $course,
int $userid )

Calculate the course start date and offset for the given user id.

If the course is a fixed date course then the course start date will be returned. If the course is a relative date course then the course date will be calculated and and offset provided.

The return array contains the start date and start offset values for the user.

If the user is not enrolled in the course then the course start date will be returned.

If we have a course which starts on 1563244000. If a user's enrolment starts on 1563244693 then the return would be: [ 'start' => 1563244693, 'startoffset' => 693 ]

If the use was not enrolled then the return would be: [ 'start' => 1563244000, 'startoffset' => 0 ]

stdClass$courseThe course to fetch dates for.
int$useridThe user id to get dates for.
Return values

◆ course_get_course_dates_for_user_ids()

course_get_course_dates_for_user_ids ( stdClass $course,
array $userids )

Calculate the course start date and offset for the given user ids.

If the course is a fixed date course then the course start date will be returned. If the course is a relative date course then the course date will be calculated and and offset provided.

The dates are returned as an array with the index being the user id. The array contains the start date and start offset values for the user.

If the user is not enrolled in the course then the course start date will be returned.

If we have a course which starts on 1563244000 and 2 users, id 123 and 456, where the former is enrolled in the course at 1563244693 and the latter is not enrolled then the return value would look like: [ '123' => [ 'start' => 1563244693, 'startoffset' => 693 ], '456' => [ 'start' => 1563244000, 'startoffset' => 0 ] ]

stdClass$courseThe course to fetch dates for.
array$useridsThe list of user ids to get dates for.
Return values

◆ course_get_enrolled_courses_for_logged_in_user()

course_get_enrolled_courses_for_logged_in_user ( int $limit = 0,
int $offset = 0,
string $sort = null,
string $fields = null,
int $dbquerylimit = COURSE_DB_QUERY_LIMIT,
array $includecourses = [],
array $hiddencourses = [] )

Get the list of enrolled courses for the current user.

This function returns a Generator. The courses will be loaded from the database in chunks rather than a single query.

int$limitRestrict result set to this amount
int$offsetSkip this number of records from the start of the result set
string | null$sortSQL string for sorting
string | null$fieldsSQL string for fields to be returned
int$dbquerylimitThe number of records to load per DB request
array$includecoursescourses ids to be restricted
array$hiddencoursescourses ids to be excluded
Return values

◆ course_get_enrolled_courses_for_logged_in_user_from_search()

course_get_enrolled_courses_for_logged_in_user_from_search ( int $limit = 0,
int $offset = 0,
string $sort = null,
string $fields = null,
int $dbquerylimit = COURSE_DB_QUERY_LIMIT,
array $searchcriteria = [],
array $options = [] )

Get the list of enrolled courses the current user searched for.

This function returns a Generator. The courses will be loaded from the database in chunks rather than a single query.

int$limitRestrict result set to this amount
int$offsetSkip this number of records from the start of the result set
string | null$sortSQL string for sorting
string | null$fieldsSQL string for fields to be returned
int$dbquerylimitThe number of records to load per DB request
array$searchcriteriacontains search criteria
array$optionsdisplay options, same as in get_courses() except 'recursive' is ignored - search is always category-independent
Return values

◆ course_get_format()

course_get_format ( $courseorid)

Returns an instance of format class (extending course_format) for given course.

int | stdClass$courseorideither course id or an object that has the property 'format' and may contain property 'id'
Return values

◆ course_get_recent_courses()

course_get_recent_courses ( int $userid = null,
int $limit = 0,
int $offset = 0,
string $sort = null )

Returns a list of the most recently courses accessed by a user.

int$useridUser id from which the courses will be obtained
int$limitRestrict result set to this amount
int$offsetSkip this number of records from the start of the result set
string | null$sortSQL string for sorting
Return values

◆ course_get_tagged_course_modules()

course_get_tagged_course_modules ( $tag,
$exclusivemode = false,
$fromcontextid = 0,
$contextid = 0,
$recursivecontext = 1,
$page = 0 )

Returns course modules tagged with a specified tag ready for output on tag/index.php page.

This is a callback used by the tag area core/course_modules to search for course modules tagged with a specific tag.

bool$exclusivemodeif set to true it means that no other entities tagged with this tag are displayed on the page and the per-page limit may be bigger
int$fromcontextidcontext id where the link was displayed, may be used by callbacks to display items in the same context first
int$contextidcontext id where to search for records
bool$recursivecontextsearch in subcontexts as well
int$page0-based number of page being displayed
Return values

◆ course_get_tagged_courses()

course_get_tagged_courses ( $tag,
$exclusivemode = false,
$fromctx = 0,
$ctx = 0,
$rec = 1,
$page = 0 )

Returns courses tagged with a specified tag.

bool$exclusivemodeif set to true it means that no other entities tagged with this tag are displayed on the page and the per-page limit may be bigger
int$fromctxcontext id where the link was displayed, may be used by callbacks to display items in the same context first
int$ctxcontext id where to search for records
bool$recsearch in subcontexts as well
int$page0-based number of page being displayed
Return values

◆ course_get_url()

course_get_url ( $courseorid,
$section = null,
$options = array() )

The URL to use for the specified course (with section)

int | stdClass$courseoridThe course to get the section name for (either object or just course id)
int | stdClass$sectionSection object from database or just field course_sections.section if omitted the course view page is returned
array$optionsoptions for view URL. At the moment core uses: 'navigation' (bool) if true and section has no separate page, the function returns null 'sr' (int) used by multipage formats to specify to which section to return
Return values
moodle_urlThe url of course

◆ course_get_user_administration_options()

course_get_user_administration_options ( $course,
$context )

Return an object with the list of administration options in a course that are available or not for the current user.

This function also handles the frontpage settings.

stdClass$coursecourse object (for frontpage it should be a clone of $SITE)
stdClass$contextcontext object (course context)
Return values
stdClassthe administration options in a course and their availability status
Moodle 3.2

◆ course_get_user_navigation_options()

course_get_user_navigation_options ( $context,
$course = null )

Return an object with the list of navigation options in a course that are avaialable or not for the current user.

This function also handles the frontpage course.

stdClass$contextcontext object (it can be a course context or the system context for frontpage settings)
stdClass$coursethe course where the settings are being rendered
Return values
stdClassthe navigation options in a course and their availability status
Moodle 3.2

◆ course_in_management_listing_should_be_dimmed()

course_in_management_listing_should_be_dimmed ( $idnumber)

Checks that a course within the management interface is dimmed.

@Given /^course in management listing should be dimmed "(?P<idnumber_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)"$/


◆ course_in_management_listing_should_be_visible()

course_in_management_listing_should_be_visible ( $idnumber)

Checks that a course within the management interface is visible.

@Given /^course in management listing should be visible "(?P<idnumber_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)"$/


◆ course_integrity_check()

course_integrity_check ( $courseid,
$rawmods = null,
$sections = null,
$fullcheck = false,
$checkonly = false )

Checks the integrity of the course data.

In summary - compares course_sections.sequence and course_modules.section.

More detailed, checks that:

  • course_sections.sequence contains each module id not more than once in the course
  • for each moduleid from course_sections.sequence the field course_modules.section refers to the same section id (this means course_sections.sequence is more important if they are different)
  • ($fullcheck only) each module in the course is present in one of course_sections.sequence
  • ($fullcheck only) removes non-existing course modules from section sequences

If there are any mismatches, the changes are made and records are updated in DB.

Course cache is NOT rebuilt if there are any errors!

This function is used each time when course cache is being rebuilt with $fullcheck = false and in CLI script admin/cli/fix_course_sequence.php with $fullcheck = true

int$courseidid of the course
array$rawmodsresult of funciton get_course_mods() - containst the list of enabled course modules in the course. Retrieved from DB if not specified. Argument ignored in cashe of $fullcheck, the list is retrieved form DB anyway.
array$sectionsrecords from course_sections table for this course. Retrieved from DB if not specified
bool$fullcheckWill add orphaned modules to their sections and remove non-existing course modules from sequences. Only to be used in site maintenance mode when we are sure that another user is not in the middle of the process of moving/removing a module.
bool$checkonlyOnly performs the check without updating DB, outputs all errors as debug messages.
Return values
arrayarray of messages with found problems. Empty output means everything is ok

◆ course_module_bulk_update_calendar_events()

course_module_bulk_update_calendar_events ( $modulename,
$courseid = 0 )

Update all instances through out the site or in a course.

string$modulenameModule type to update.
integer$courseidCourse id to update events. 0 for the whole site.
Return values
boolReturns True if the update was successful.
Moodle 3.3.4

◆ course_module_calendar_event_update_process()

course_module_calendar_event_update_process ( $instance,
$cm )

Calendar events for a module instance are updated.

stdClass$instanceModule instance object.
stdClass$cmCourse Module object.
Moodle 3.3.4

◆ course_module_flag_for_async_deletion()

course_module_flag_for_async_deletion ( $cmid)

Schedule a course module for deletion in the background using an adhoc task.

This method should not be called directly. Instead, please use course_delete_module($cmid, true), to denote async deletion. The real deletion of the module is handled by the task, which calls 'course_delete_module($cmid)'.

int$cmidthe course module id.
Return values
boolwhether the module was successfully scheduled for deletion.

◆ course_module_instance_pending_deletion()

course_module_instance_pending_deletion ( $courseid,
$instanceid )

Checks whether the course module, as defined by modulename and instanceid, is scheduled for deletion within the given course.

int$courseidthe course id.
string$modulenamethe module name. E.g. 'assign', 'book', etc.
int$instanceidthe module instance id.
Return values
booltrue if the course module is pending deletion, false otherwise.

◆ course_module_update_calendar_events()

course_module_update_calendar_events ( $modulename,
$instance = null,
$cm = null )

This function updates the calendar events from the information stored in the module table and the course module table.

string$modulenameModule name
stdClass$instanceModule object. Either the $instance or the $cm must be supplied.
stdClass$cmCourse module object. Either the $instance or the $cm must be supplied.
Return values
boolReturns true if calendar events are updated.
Moodle 3.3.4

◆ course_modules_pending_deletion()

course_modules_pending_deletion ( int $courseid,
bool $onlygradable = false )

Checks whether the given course has any course modules scheduled for adhoc deletion.

int$courseidthe id of the course.
bool$onlygradablewhether to check only gradable modules or all modules.
Return values
booltrue if the course contains any modules pending deletion, false otherwise.

◆ course_output_fragment_new_base_form()

course_output_fragment_new_base_form ( $args)

Renders the course copy form for the modal on the course management screen.

Return values
string\$oForm HTML.

◆ course_overviewfiles_options()

course_overviewfiles_options ( $course)

Returns options to use in course overviewfiles filemanager.

null | stdClass | core_course_list_element | int$courseeither object that has 'id' property or just the course id; may be empty if course does not exist yet (course create form)
Return values
array|nullarray of options such as maxfiles, maxbytes, accepted_types, etc. or null if overviewfiles are disabled

◆ course_page_type_list()

course_page_type_list ( $pagetype,
$currentcontext )

Return a list of page types.

string$pagetypecurrent page type
context$parentcontextBlock's parent context
context$currentcontextCurrent context of block
Return values
arrayarray of page types

◆ course_require_view_participants()

course_require_view_participants ( $context)

Checks if a user can view the participant page, if not throws an exception.

context$contextThe context we are checking.

◆ course_set_marker()

course_set_marker ( $courseid,
$marker )

Set highlighted section.

Only one section can be highlighted at the time.

int$courseidcourse id
int$markerhighlight section with this number, 0 means remove higlightin
Return values

◆ course_update_section()

course_update_section ( $course,
$data )

Updates the course section.

This function does not check permissions or clean values - this has to be done prior to calling it.

int | stdClass$course
stdClass$sectionrecord from course_sections table - it will be updated with the new values
array | stdClass$data

◆ course_validate_dates()

course_validate_dates ( $coursedata)

Validates course start and end dates.

Checks that the end course date is not greater than the start course date.

$coursedata['startdate'] or $coursedata['enddate'] may not be set, it depends on the form and user input.

array$coursedataMay contain startdate and enddate timestamps, depends on the user input.
Return values
mixedFalse if everything alright, error codes otherwise.

◆ course_view()

course_view ( $context,
$sectionnumber = 0 )

Trigger course viewed event.

This API function is used when course view actions happens, usually in course/view.php but also in external functions.

stdClass$contextcourse context object
int$sectionnumbersection number
Moodle 2.9

◆ create_course()

create_course ( $data,
$editoroptions = NULL )

Create a course and either return a $course object.

Please note this functions does not verify any access control, the calling code is responsible for all validation (usually it is the form definition).

array$editoroptionscourse description editor options
object$data- all the data needed for an entry in the 'course' table
Return values
objectnew course instance

◆ create_module()

create_module ( $moduleinfo)

Create a module.

It includes:

  • capability checks and other checks
  • create the module from the module info
Return values
objectthe created module info
moodle_exceptionif user is not allowed to perform the action or module is not allowed in this course

◆ duplicate_module()

duplicate_module ( $course,
int $sectionid = null,
bool $changename = true )

Api to duplicate a module.

object$coursecourse object.
object$cmcourse module object to be duplicated.
int$sectionidsection ID new course module will be placed in.
bool$changenameupdates module name with text from duplicatedmodule lang string.
Moodle 2.8
Return values
cm_info|nullcminfo object if we sucessfully duplicated the mod and found the new cm.

◆ edit_module_post_actions()

edit_module_post_actions ( $moduleinfo,
$course )

Common create/update module module actions that need to be processed as soon as a module is created/updaded.

For example:create grade parent category, add outcomes, rebuild caches, regrade, save plagiarism settings... Please note this api does not trigger events as of MOODLE 2.6. Please trigger events before calling this api.

object$moduleinfothe module info
object$coursethe course of the module
Return values
objectmoduleinfo update with grading management info

◆ expand_value()

expand_value ( array & $dest,
array $source,
array $option,
string $optionname )

'Converts' a value from what is used in edit forms into a value(s) to be stored in the database.

array$destThe destination array
array$sourceThe source array
array$optionThe definition structure of the option.
string$optionnameThe name of the option, as provided in the definition.

◆ get_activity_element()

get_activity_element ( $element,
$activityname )

Clicks on the specified element inside the activity container.

Return values

◆ get_activity_name()

get_activity_name ( $activitynode)

Gets the activity instance name from the activity node.

Return values

◆ get_activity_node()

get_activity_node ( $activityname)

Returns the DOM node of the activity from .

ElementNotFoundExceptionThrown by behat_base\find
string$activitynameThe activity name
Return values

◆ get_category_or_system_context()

get_category_or_system_context ( $categoryid)

Return the course category context for the category with id $categoryid, except that if $categoryid is 0, return the system context.

integer$categoryida category id or 0.
Return values
contextthe corresponding context

◆ get_course_format()

get_course_format ( )

Gets the current course format.

ExpectationExceptionIf we are not in the course view page.
Return values
stringThe course format in a frankenstyled name.

◆ get_hidden_courses_on_timeline()

get_hidden_courses_on_timeline ( $user = null)

Get a list of hidden courses.

int | object | null$userUser override to get the filter from. Defaults to current user
Return values
array\$idsList of hidden courses

◆ get_management_category_listing_node_by_idnumber()

get_management_category_listing_node_by_idnumber ( $idnumber)

Returns the category node from within the listing on the management page.

Return values

◆ get_management_category_listing_node_by_name()

get_management_category_listing_node_by_name ( $name,
$link = false )

Returns a category node from within the management interface.

string$nameThe name of the category.
bool$linkIf set to true we'll resolve to the link rather than just the node.
Return values

◆ get_management_course_listing_node_by_idnumber()

get_management_course_listing_node_by_idnumber ( $idnumber)

Returns the course node from within the listing on the management page.

Return values

◆ get_management_course_listing_node_by_name()

get_management_course_listing_node_by_name ( $name,
$link = false )

Returns a course node from within the management interface.

string$nameThe name of the course.
bool$linkIf set to true we'll resolve to the link rather than just the node.
Return values

◆ get_module_types_names()

get_module_types_names ( $plural = false,
$resetcache = false )

Returns an array where the key is the module name (component name without 'mod_') and the value is a lang_string object with a human-readable string.

bool$pluralIf true, the function returns the plural forms of the names.
bool$resetcacheIf true, the static cache will be reset
Return values
lang_string[]Localised human-readable names of all used modules.

◆ get_moduleinfo_data()

get_moduleinfo_data ( $cm,
$course )

Get module information data required for updating the module.

stdClass$cmcourse module object
stdClass$coursecourse object
Return values
arrayrequired data for updating a module
Moodle 3.2

◆ get_section_activities()

get_section_activities ( $sectionxpath)

Gets the section's activites DOM nodes.

Return values
arrayNodeElement instances

◆ get_section_name()

get_section_name ( $courseorid,
$section )

Returns the display name of the given section that the course prefers.

Implementation of this function is provided by course format

See also
int | stdClass$courseoridThe course to get the section name for (object or just course id)
int | stdClass$sectionSection object from database or just field course_sections.section
Return values
stringDisplay name that the course format prefers, e.g. "Week 2"

◆ get_sorted_course_formats()

get_sorted_course_formats ( $enabledonly = false)

Returns the sorted list of available course formats, filtered by enabled if necessary.

bool$enabledonlyreturn only formats that are enabled
Return values
arrayarray of sorted format names

◆ hide_section_link_exists()

hide_section_link_exists ( $sectionnumber)

Returns the hide section icon link if it exists or throws exception.

ElementNotFoundExceptionThrown by behat_base\find
Return values

◆ i_add_to_course_section()

i_add_to_course_section ( string $activity,
string $coursefullname,
string $sectionnum )

Open a add activity form page.

@Given I add a :activity activity to course :coursefullname section :sectionnum @Given I add an :activity activity to course :coursefullname section :sectionnum

string$activityThe activity name.
string$coursefullnameThe course full name of the course.
string$sectionnumThe section number.

◆ i_add_to_course_section_and_i_fill_the_form_with()

i_add_to_course_section_and_i_fill_the_form_with ( $activity,
TableNode $data )

Adds the selected activity/resource filling the form data with the specified field/value pairs.

Sections 0 and 1 are also allowed on frontpage.

@Given I add a :activity activity to course :coursefullname section :sectionnum and I fill the form with: @Given I add an :activity activity to course :coursefullname section :sectionnum and I fill the form with:

string$activityThe activity name
string$coursefullnameThe course full name of the course.
int$sectionThe section number
TableNode$dataThe activity field/value data

◆ i_add_to_section_using_the_activity_chooser()

i_add_to_section_using_the_activity_chooser ( $activityname,
$sectionnum )

Opens the activity chooser and opens the activity/resource link form page.

Sections 0 and 1 are also allowed on frontpage.

This step require javascript enabled and it is used mainly to click activities or resources by name, not by plugin name. Use the standard behat_course\i_add_to_course_section step instead unless the plugin create extra entries into the activity chooser (like LTI).

@Given I add a :activityname to section :sectionnum using the activity chooser @Given I add an :activityname to section :sectionnum using the activity chooser

ElementNotFoundExceptionThrown by behat_base\find

◆ i_change_activity_name_to()

i_change_activity_name_to ( $activityname,
$newactivityname )

Edits the activity name through the edit activity; this step only works with Javascript enabled.

Editing mode should be on.

@Given /^I change "(?P<activity_name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" activity name to "(?P<new_name_string>(?:[^"]|")*)"$/

DriverExceptionStep not available when Javascript is disabled

◆ i_click_on_action_for_item_in_management_category_listing()

i_click_on_action_for_item_in_management_category_listing ( $action,
$name )

Locates a category in the course category management interface and then triggers an action for it.

@Given /^I click on "(?P<action_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" action for "(?P<name_string>(?:[^"]|")*)" in management category listing$/

string$actionThe action to take. One of
string$nameThe name of the category as it is displayed in the management interface.

◆ i_click_on_action_for_item_in_management_course_listing()

i_click_on_action_for_item_in_management_course_listing ( $action,
$name )

Locates a course in the course category management interface and then triggers an action for it.

@Given /^I click on "(?P<action_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" action for "(?P<name_string>(?:[^"]|")*)" in management course listing$/

string$actionThe action to take. One of
string$nameThe name of the course as it is displayed in the management interface.

◆ i_click_on_category_in_the_management_category_listing()

i_click_on_category_in_the_management_category_listing ( $name)

Clicks on a category in the management interface.

@Given /^I click on "(?P<categoryname_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" category in the management category listing$/

string$nameThe name of the category to click.

◆ i_click_on_category_in_the_management_interface()

i_click_on_category_in_the_management_interface ( $name)

Clicks on a category in the management interface.

@Given /^I click on category "(?P<name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" in the management interface$/


◆ i_click_on_course_in_the_management_interface()

i_click_on_course_in_the_management_interface ( $name)

Clicks on a course in the management interface.

@Given /^I click on course "(?P<name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" in the management interface$/


◆ i_click_on_in_the_activity()

i_click_on_in_the_activity ( $element,
$activityname )

Clicks on the specified element of the activity.

You should be in the course page with editing mode turned on.

@Given /^I click on "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" "(?P<selector_string>(?:[^"]|")*)" in the "(?P<activity_name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" activity$/


◆ i_click_to_expand_category_in_the_management_interface()

i_click_to_expand_category_in_the_management_interface ( $idnumber)

Click to expand a category revealing its sub categories within the management UI.

@Given /^I click to expand category "(?P<idnumber_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" in the management interface$/


◆ i_click_to_move_category_by_one()

i_click_to_move_category_by_one ( $idnumber,
$direction )

Moves a category displayed in the management interface up or down one place.

@Given /^I click to move category "(?P<idnumber_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" (?P<direction>up|down) one$/

string$idnumberThe category idnumber
string$directionThe direction to move in, either up or down

◆ i_click_to_move_course_by_one()

i_click_to_move_course_by_one ( $idnumber,
$direction )

Moves a course displayed in the management interface up or down one place.

@Given /^I click to move course "(?P<idnumber_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" (?P<direction>up|down) one$/

string$idnumberThe course idnumber
string$directionThe direction to move in, either up or down

◆ i_close_actions_menu()

i_close_actions_menu ( $activityname)

Closes an activity actions menu if it is not already closed.

@Given /^I close "(?P<activity_name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" actions menu$/

DriverExceptionThe step is not available when Javascript is disabled

◆ i_delete_activity()

i_delete_activity ( $activityname)

Deletes the activity or resource specified by it's name.

This step is experimental when using it in Javascript tests. You should be in the course page with editing mode on.

@Given /^I delete "(?P<activity_name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" activity$/


◆ i_delete_section()

i_delete_section ( $sectionnumber)

Deletes course section.

@Given /^I delete section "(?P<section_number>::d+)"$/

int$sectionnumberThe section number

◆ i_duplicate_activity()

i_duplicate_activity ( $activityname)

Duplicates the activity or resource specified by it's name.

You should be in the course page with editing mode on.

@Given /^I duplicate "(?P<activity_name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" activity$/


◆ i_duplicate_activity_editing_the_new_copy_with()

i_duplicate_activity_editing_the_new_copy_with ( $activityname,
TableNode $data )

Duplicates the activity or resource and modifies the new activity with the provided data.

You should be in the course page with editing mode on.

@Given /^I duplicate "(?P<activity_name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" activity editing the new copy with:$/


◆ i_edit_the_section()

i_edit_the_section ( $sectionnumber)

Go to editing section page for specified section number.

You need to be in the course page and on editing mode.

@Given /^I edit the section "(?P<section_number>::d+)"$/


◆ i_edit_the_section_and_i_fill_the_form_with()

i_edit_the_section_and_i_fill_the_form_with ( $sectionnumber,
TableNode $data )

Edit specified section and fill the form data with the specified field/value pairs.

@When /^I edit the section "(?P<section_number>::d+)" and I fill the form with:$/

int$sectionnumberThe section number
TableNode$dataThe activity field/value data

◆ i_hide_section()

i_hide_section ( $sectionnumber)

Hides the specified visible section.

You need to be in the course page and on editing mode.

@Given /^I hide section "(?P<section_number>::d+)"$/


◆ i_indent_left_activity()

i_indent_left_activity ( $activityname)

Indents to the left the activity or resource specified by it's name.

Editing mode should be on.

@Given /^I indent left "(?P<activity_name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" activity$/


◆ i_indent_right_activity()

i_indent_right_activity ( $activityname)

Indents to the right the activity or resource specified by it's name.

Editing mode should be on.

@Given /^I indent right "(?P<activity_name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" activity$/


◆ i_move_activity_to_section()

i_move_activity_to_section ( $activityname,
$sectionnumber )

Moves the specified activity to the first slot of a section.

Editing mode should be on.

@Given /^I move "(?P<activity_name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" activity to section "(?P<section_number>\d+)"$/

string$activitynameThe activity name
int$sectionnumberThe number of section

◆ i_move_activity_to_section_yui()

i_move_activity_to_section_yui ( $activityname,
$sectionnumber )

Moves the specified activity to the first slot of a section using the YUI course format.

This step is experimental when using it in Javascript tests. Editing mode should be on.

string$activitynameThe activity name
int$sectionnumberThe number of section

◆ i_move_category_to_top_level_in_the_management_interface()

i_move_category_to_top_level_in_the_management_interface ( $name)

Move selected categories to top level in the management interface.

@Given /^I move category "(?P<name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" to top level in the management interface$/


◆ i_move_down_section()

i_move_down_section ( $sectionnumber)

Moves down the specified section, this step only works with Javascript disabled.

Editing mode should be on.

@Given /^I move down section "(?P<section_number>::d+)"$/

DriverExceptionStep not available when Javascript is enabled

◆ i_move_up_section()

i_move_up_section ( $sectionnumber)

Moves up the specified section, this step only works with Javascript disabled.

Editing mode should be on.

@Given /^I move up section "(?P<section_number>::d+)"$/

DriverExceptionStep not available when Javascript is enabled

◆ i_navigate_to_course_participants()

i_navigate_to_course_participants ( )

Go to the course participants.

@Given /^I navigate to course participants$/

◆ i_open_actions_menu()

i_open_actions_menu ( $activityname)

Opens an activity actions menu if it is not already opened.

@Given /^I open "(?P<activity_name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" actions menu$/

DriverExceptionThe step is not available when Javascript is disabled

◆ i_open_section_edit_menu()

i_open_section_edit_menu ( $sectionnumber)

Opens a section edit menu if it is not already opened.

@Given /^I open section "(?P<section_number>::d+)" edit menu$/

DriverExceptionThe step is not available when Javascript is disabled

◆ i_open_the_action_menu_for_item_in_management_category_listing()

i_open_the_action_menu_for_item_in_management_category_listing ( $name)

Locates a category in the course category management interface and then opens action menu for it.

@Given /^I open the action menu for "(?P<name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" in management category listing$/

string$nameThe name of the category as it is displayed in the management interface.

◆ i_open_the_activity_chooser()

i_open_the_activity_chooser ( )

Open the activity chooser in a course.

@Given /^I open the activity chooser$/

◆ i_select_category_in_the_management_interface()

i_select_category_in_the_management_interface ( $name)

Clicks on a category checkbox in the management interface, if not checked.

@Given /^I select category "(?P<name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" in the management interface$/


◆ i_select_course_in_the_management_interface()

i_select_course_in_the_management_interface ( $name)

Clicks course checkbox in the management interface, if not checked.

@Given /^I select course "(?P<name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" in the management interface$/


◆ i_should_not_see_category_as_subcategory_of_in_the_management_interface()

i_should_not_see_category_as_subcategory_of_in_the_management_interface ( $subcatidnumber,
$catidnumber )

Checks that a category is not a subcategory of specific category.

@Given /^I should not see category "(?P<subcatidnumber_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" as subcategory of "(?P<catidnumber_string>(?:[^"]|")*)" in the management interface$/


◆ i_should_not_see_teacher_after()

i_should_not_see_teacher_after ( $fteacher,
$pteacher )

Check that one teacher oes not appears after another in the course contacts.

@Given /^I should not see teacher "(?P<fteacher_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" after "(?P<pteacher_string>(?:[^"]|")*)" in the course contact listing$/

string$fteacherThe teacher that should not be found (after the other teacher)
string$pteacherThe teacher after who the other should not be found (this teacher must be found!)

◆ i_should_see_category_as_subcategory_of_in_the_management_interface()

i_should_see_category_as_subcategory_of_in_the_management_interface ( $subcatidnumber,
$catidnumber )

Checks that a category is a subcategory of specific category.

@Given /^I should see category "(?P<subcatidnumber_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" as subcategory of "(?P<catidnumber_string>(?:[^"]|")*)" in the management interface$/


◆ i_should_see_category_listing_before()

i_should_see_category_listing_before ( $preceedingcategory,
$followingcategory )

Check that one category appears before another in the course category management listings.

@Given /^I should see category listing "(?P<preceedingcategory_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" before "(?P<followingcategory_string>(?:[^"]|")*)"$/

string$preceedingcategoryThe first category to find
string$followingcategoryThe second category to find (should be after the first category)

◆ i_should_see_course_listing_before()

i_should_see_course_listing_before ( $preceedingcourse,
$followingcourse )

Check that one course appears before another in the course category management listings.

@Given /^I should see course listing "(?P<preceedingcourse_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" before "(?P<followingcourse_string>(?:[^"]|")*)"$/

string$preceedingcourseThe first course to find
string$followingcourseThe second course to find (should be AFTER the first course)

◆ i_should_see_teacher_before()

i_should_see_teacher_before ( $pteacher,
$fteacher )

Check that one teacher appears before another in the course contacts.

@Given /^I should see teacher "(?P<pteacher_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" before "(?P<fteacher_string>(?:[^"]|")*)" in the course contact listing$/

string$pteacherThe first teacher to find
string$fteacherThe second teacher to find (should be after the first teacher)

◆ i_should_see_the_courses_management_page()

i_should_see_the_courses_management_page ( $mode)

Checks that we are on the course management page that we expect to be on and that no course has been selected.

@Given /^I should see the "(?P<mode_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" management page$/

string$modeThe mode to expected. One of 'Courses', 'Course categories' or 'Course categories and courses'

◆ i_should_see_the_courses_management_page_with_a_course_selected()

i_should_see_the_courses_management_page_with_a_course_selected ( $mode)

Checks that we are on the course management page that we expect to be on and that a course has been selected.

@Given /^I should see the "(?P<mode_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" management page with a course selected$/

string$modeThe mode to expected. One of 'Courses', 'Course categories' or 'Course categories and courses'

◆ i_show_section()

i_show_section ( $sectionnumber)

Shows the specified hidden section.

You need to be in the course page and on editing mode.

@Given /^I show section "(?P<section_number>::d+)"$/


◆ i_toggle_category_children_visibility_in_frontpage()

i_toggle_category_children_visibility_in_frontpage ( $categoryname)

Clicks to expand or collapse a category displayed on the frontpage.

@Given /^I toggle "(?P<categoryname_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" category children visibility in frontpage$/


◆ i_toggle_visibility_of_category_in_management_listing()

i_toggle_visibility_of_category_in_management_listing ( $idnumber)

Toggles the visibility of a category in the management UI.

If it was visible it will be hidden. If it is hidden it will be made visible.

@Given /^I toggle visibility of category "(?P<idnumber_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" in management listing$/

◆ i_toggle_visibility_of_course_in_management_listing()

i_toggle_visibility_of_course_in_management_listing ( $idnumber)

Toggles the visibility of a course in the management UI.

If it was visible it will be hidden. If it is hidden it will be made visible.

@Given /^I toggle visibility of course "(?P<idnumber_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" in management listing$/


◆ i_turn_section_highlighting_off()

i_turn_section_highlighting_off ( $sectionnumber)

Turns course section highlighting off.

@Given /^I turn section "(?P<section_number>::d+)" highlighting off$/

int$sectionnumberThe section number

◆ i_turn_section_highlighting_on()

i_turn_section_highlighting_on ( $sectionnumber)

Turns course section highlighting on.

@Given /^I turn section "(?P<section_number>::d+)" highlighting on$/

int$sectionnumberThe section number

◆ i_unselect_category_in_the_management_interface()

i_unselect_category_in_the_management_interface ( $name)

Clicks on a category checkbox in the management interface, if checked.

@Given /^I unselect category "(?P<name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" in the management interface$/


◆ i_unselect_course_in_the_management_interface()

i_unselect_course_in_the_management_interface ( $name)

Clicks course checkbox in the management interface, if checked.

@Given /^I unselect course "(?P<name_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" in the management interface$/


◆ i_wait_until_section_is_available()

i_wait_until_section_is_available ( $sectionnumber)

Waits until the section is available to interact with it.

Useful when the section is performing an action and the section is overlayed with a loading layout.

Using the protected method as this method will be usually called by other methods which are not returning a set of steps and performs the actions directly, so it would not be executed if it returns another step.

Hopefully we would not require test writers to use this step and we will manage it from other step definitions.

@Given /^I wait until section "(?P<section_number>::d+)" is available$/

Return values

◆ include_course_ajax()

include_course_ajax ( $course,
$usedmodules = array(),
$enabledmodules = null,
$config = null )

Include the relevant javascript and language strings for the resource toolbox YUI module.

integer$idThe ID of the course being applied to
array$usedmodulesAn array containing the names of the modules in use on the page
array$enabledmodulesAn array containing the names of the enabled (visible) modules on this site
stdClass$configAn object containing configuration parameters for ajax modules including:
  • resourceurl The URL to post changes to for resource changes
  • sectionurl The URL to post changes to for section changes
  • pageparams Additional parameters to pass through in the post
Return values

◆ include_course_editor()

include_course_editor ( course_format $format)

Include and configure the course editor modules.

course_format$formatthe course format instance.

◆ include_modulelib()

include_modulelib ( $modulename)

Include once the module lib file.

string$modulenamemodule name of the lib to include
moodle_exceptionif lib.php file for the module does not exist

◆ is_course_editor()

is_course_editor ( )

Returns whether the user can edit the course contents or not.

Return values

◆ is_editing_on()

is_editing_on ( )

Returns whether the user can edit the course contents and the editing mode is on.

Return values

◆ label_should_be_hidden()

label_should_be_hidden ( $activityname)

Checks that the specified label is hidden from students.

You need to be in the course page.

@Then /^"(?P<activity_or_resource_string>(?:[^"]|::")*)" label should be hidden$/


◆ listing_is_highlighted()

listing_is_highlighted ( $self,
$selector )

Used by spin to determine the callback has been highlighted.

behat_course$selfA self reference (default first arg from a spin callback)
Return values

◆ mod_duplicate_activity()

mod_duplicate_activity ( $course,
$sr = null )

Duplicate a module on the course for ajax.

See also
object$courseThe course
object$cmThe course module to duplicate
int$srThe section to link back to (used for creating the links)
moodle_exceptionif the plugin doesn't support duplication
Return values
  • fullcontent: The HTML markup for the created CM
  • cmid: The CMID of the newly created CM
  • redirect: Whether to trigger a redirect following this change

◆ move_courses()

move_courses ( $courseids,
$categoryid )

Efficiently moves many courses around while maintaining sortorder in order.

array$courseidsis an array of course ids
Return values

◆ move_section_to()

move_section_to ( $course,
$ignorenumsections = false )

Moves a section within a course, from a position to another.

Be very careful: $section and $destination refer to section number, not id!.

int$sectionSection number (not id!!!)
Return values

◆ moveto_module()

moveto_module ( $mod,
$beforemod = NULL )

Move the module object $mod to the specified $section If $beforemod exists then that is the module before which $modid should be inserted.

stdClass | cm_info$mod
stdClass | section_info$section
int | stdClass$beforemodid or object with field id corresponding to the module before which the module needs to be included. Null for inserting in the end of the section
Return values
intnew value for module visibility (0 or 1)

◆ plugin_extend_coursemodule_edit_post_actions()

plugin_extend_coursemodule_edit_post_actions ( $moduleinfo,
$course )

Hook for plugins to take action when a module is created or updated.

stdClass$moduleinfothe module info
stdClass$coursethe course of the module
Return values
stdClassmoduleinfo updated by plugins.

◆ prepare_new_moduleinfo_data()

prepare_new_moduleinfo_data ( $course,
$section )

Prepare the standard module information for a new module instance.

stdClass$coursecourse object
string$modulenamemodule name
int$sectionsection number
Return values
arraymodule information about other required data
Moodle 3.2

◆ print_course_request_buttons()

print_course_request_buttons ( $context)

Print the buttons relating to course requests.

context$contextcurrent page context.
since Moodle 4.0
Final deprecation MDL-73976

◆ reorder_sections()

reorder_sections ( $sections,
$target_position )

Reordering algorithm for course sections.

Given an array of section->section indexed by section->id, an original position number and a target position number, rebuilds the array so that the move is made without any duplication of section positions. Note: The target_position is the position AFTER WHICH the moved section will be inserted. If you want to insert a section before the first one, you must give 0 as the target (section 0 can never be moved).

Return values

◆ save_local_role_names()

save_local_role_names ( $courseid,
$data )

Save the Your name for 'Some role' strings.

integer$courseidthe id of this course.
array$datathe data that came from the course settings form.

◆ section_activities_should_be_hidden()

section_activities_should_be_hidden ( $sectionnumber)

Checks that all actiities in the specified section are hidden.

You need to be in the course page. It can be used being logged as a student and as a teacher on editing mode.

@Then /^all activities in section "(?P<section_number>::d+)" should be hidden$/

ElementNotFoundExceptionThrown by behat_base\find

◆ section_exists()

section_exists ( $sectionnumber)

Checks if the course section exists.

ElementNotFoundExceptionThrown by behat_base\find
Return values
stringThe xpath of the section.

◆ section_should_be_hidden()

section_should_be_hidden ( $sectionnumber)

Checks that the specified section is visible.

You need to be in the course page. It can be used being logged as a student and as a teacher on editing mode.

@Then /^section "(?P<section_number>::d+)" should be hidden$/

ElementNotFoundExceptionThrown by behat_base\find

◆ section_should_be_highlighted()

section_should_be_highlighted ( $sectionnumber)

Checks if the specified course section hightlighting is turned on.

You need to be in the course page on editing mode.

@Then /^section "(?P<section_number>::d+)" should be highlighted$/

int$sectionnumberThe section number

◆ section_should_be_visible()

section_should_be_visible ( $sectionnumber)

Checks that the specified section is visible.

You need to be in the course page. It can be used being logged as a student and as a teacher on editing mode.

@Then /^section "(?P<section_number>::d+)" should be visible$/


◆ section_should_not_be_highlighted()

section_should_not_be_highlighted ( $sectionnumber)

Checks if the specified course section highlighting is turned off.

You need to be in the course page on editing mode.

@Then /^section "(?P<section_number>::d+)" should not be highlighted$/

int$sectionnumberThe section number

◆ set_coursemodule_groupmode()

set_coursemodule_groupmode ( $id,
$groupmode )

Change the group mode of a course module.

Note: Do not forget to trigger the event core\event\course_module_updated as it needs to be triggered manually, refer to core::event::course_module_updated::create_from_cm().

int$idcourse module ID.
int$groupmodethe new groupmode value.
Return values
boolTrue if the $groupmode was updated.

◆ set_coursemodule_name()

set_coursemodule_name ( $id,
$name )

Changes the course module name.

int$idcourse module id
string$namenew value for a name
Return values
boolwhether a change was made

◆ set_coursemodule_visible()

set_coursemodule_visible ( $id,
$visibleoncoursepage = 1,
bool $rebuildcache = true )

Set the visibility of a module and inherent properties.

Note: Do not forget to trigger the event core\event\course_module_updated as it needs to be triggered manually, refer to core::event::course_module_updated::create_from_cm().

From 2.4 the parameter $prevstateoverrides has been removed, the logic it triggered has been moved to set_section_visible() which was the only place from which the parameter was used.

If $rebuildcache is set to false, the calling code is responsible for ensuring the cache is purged and rebuilt as appropriate. Consider using this if set_coursemodule_visible is called multiple times (e.g. in a loop).

int$idof the module
int$visiblestate of the module
int$visibleoncoursepagestate of the module on the course page
bool$rebuildcacheIf true (default), perform a partial cache purge and rebuild.
Return values
boolfalse when the module was not found, true otherwise

◆ set_downloadcontent()

set_downloadcontent ( int $id,
bool $downloadcontent )

Set downloadcontent value to course module.

int$idThe id of the module.
bool$downloadcontentWhether the module can be downloaded when download course content is enabled.
Return values
boolTrue if downloadcontent has been updated, false otherwise.

◆ set_moduleinfo_defaults()

set_moduleinfo_defaults ( $moduleinfo)

Set module info default values for the unset module attributs.

object$moduleinfothe current known data of the module
Return values
objectthe completed module info

◆ set_section_visible()

set_section_visible ( $courseid,
$visibility )

For a given course section, marks it visible or hidden, and does the same for every activity in that section.

int$courseidcourse id
int$sectionnumberThe section number to adjust
int$visibilityThe new visibility
Return values
arrayA list of resources which were hidden in the section

◆ show_section_link_exists()

show_section_link_exists ( $sectionnumber)

Returns the show section icon or throws an exception.

ElementNotFoundExceptionThrown by behat_base\find
Return values

◆ update_course()

update_course ( $data,
$editoroptions = NULL )

Update a course.

Please note this functions does not verify any access control, the calling code is responsible for all validation (usually it is the form definition).

object$data- all the data needed for an entry in the 'course' table
array$editoroptionscourse description editor options
Return values

◆ update_module()

update_module ( $moduleinfo)

Update a module.

It includes:

  • capability and other checks
  • update the module
Return values
objectthe updated module info
moodle_exceptionif current user is not allowed to update the module

◆ update_moduleinfo()

update_moduleinfo ( $cm,
$mform = null )

Update the module info.

This function doesn't check the user capabilities. It updates the course module and the module instance. Then execute common action to create/update module process (trigger event, rebuild cache, save plagiarism settings...).

object$cmcourse module
object$moduleinfomodule info
object$coursecourse of the module
object$mform- the mform is required by some specific module in the function MODULE_update_instance(). This is due to a hack in this function.
Return values
arraylist of course module and module info.

◆ user_clicks_on_management_listing_action()

user_clicks_on_management_listing_action ( $listingtype,
$action )

Finds the node to use for a management listitem action and clicks it.

string$listingtypeEither course or category.
string$actionThe action being taken

◆ user_moves_listing_by_one()

user_moves_listing_by_one ( $listingtype,
$highlight = true )

Moves a course or category listing within the management interface up or down by one.

string$listingtypeOne of course or category
string$directionOne of up or down.
bool$highlightIf set to false we don't check the node has been highlighted.

Variable Documentation



Number of courses to display when summaries are included.

since 2.4, use $CFG->courseswithsummarieslimit instead.