Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)
mod_bigbluebuttonbn\test Namespace Reference



 create_activity_with_recordings (stdClass $course, int $type, array $recordingdata, int $groupid=0)
 Create an activity which includes a set of recordings.
 create_from_dataset (array $dataset)
 Create a course, users and recording from dataset given in an array form.
 create_instance (?stdClass $course=null, array $params=[], array $options=[])
 Convenience function to create an instance of a bigbluebuttonactivty.
 create_log_entries (instance $instance, int $userid, int $count=30, bool $importedrecordings=false, bool $withremoterecordings=true)
 Create the legacy log entries for this task.
 create_recordings_for_instance (instance $instance, array $recordingdata=[], $additionalmeetingdata=[])
 Create an return an array of recordings.
 get_course ()
 Get or create course if it does not exist.
 get_form_data_from_instance (stdClass $bbactivity, ?stdClass $course=null)
 Get the matching form data.
 initialise_mock_server ()
 This test requires mock server to be present.
 setup_course_students_teachers (stdClass $courserecord, int $numstudents, int $numteachers, int $groupsnum)
 Generate a course, several students and several groups.


object null $course = null
trait testcase_helper_trait

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