| __call ($method, $args) |
| Magic method to intercept method and callback to the proper ADODB object for write/readonly connections.
| __construct (&$db, $sql, $id='adodb', $showPageLinks=false) |
| __get ($property) |
| Magic method to proxy property getter calls back to the proper ADODB object currently in use.
| __set ($property, $value) |
| Magic method to proxy property setter calls back to the proper ADODB object currently in use.
| _adodb_backtrace ($printOrArr=true, $levels=9999, $skippy=0, $ishtml=null) |
| _adodb_column_sql (&$zthis, $action, $type, $fname, $fnameq, $arrFields, $recurse=true) |
| _adodb_column_sql_oci8 (&$zthis, $action, $type, $fname, $fnameq, $arrFields) |
| This private method is used to help construct the update/sql which is generated by GetInsertSQL and GetUpdateSQL.
| _adodb_debug_execute (&$zthis, $sql, $inputarr) |
| _adodb_export (&$rs, $sep, $sepreplace, $fp=false, $addtitles=true, $quote='"',$escquote = '"', $replaceNewLine=' ') |
| _adodb_getcount (&$zthis, $sql, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0) |
| _adodb_getdate ($origd=false, $fast=false, $is_gmt=false) |
| Low-level function that returns the getdate() array.
| _adodb_getdriver ($provider, $drivername, $perf=false) |
| _adodb_getinsertsql (&$zthis, &$rs, $arrFields, $force=2) |
| There is a special case of this function for the oci8 driver.
| _adodb_getmenu (&$zthis, $name, $defstr='', $blank1stItem=true, $multiple=false, $size=0, $selectAttr='', $compareFields0=true) |
| _adodb_getmenu_gp (&$zthis, $name, $defstr='', $blank1stItem=true, $multiple=false, $size=0, $selectAttr='', $compareFields0=true) |
| _adodb_getmenu_option ($defstr, $compare, $value, $display) |
| Print the OPTION tags for getmenu functions.
| _adodb_getmenu_select ($name, $defstr='', $blank1stItem=true, $multiple=false, $size=0, $selectAttr='') |
| Generate the opening SELECT tag for getmenu functions.
| _adodb_getupdatesql (&$zthis, &$rs, $arrFields, $forceUpdate=false, $force=2) |
| _adodb_is_leap_year ($year) |
| Checks for leap year, returns true if it is.
| _adodb_pageexecute_all_rows (&$zthis, $sql, $nrows, $page, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0) |
| _adodb_pageexecute_no_last_page (&$zthis, $sql, $nrows, $page, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0) |
| _adodb_quote_fieldname ($zthis, $fieldName) |
| Performs case conversion and quoting of the given field name.
| _adodb_replace (&$zthis, $table, $fieldArray, $keyCol, $autoQuote, $has_autoinc) |
| _adodb_safedate ($s) |
| Parse date string to prevent injection attack.
| _adodb_safedateq ($s) |
| Parse date string to prevent injection attack.
| _affectedrows () |
| _blobDecode ($blob) |
| Auto function called on read of blob to decode.
| _close () |
| _ConvertFieldType (&$fld, $ftype, $flen, $fscale, $fsubtype, $fprecision, $dialect3) |
| _handleError () |
| _init ($parentDriver) |
| _init (ADODB_pdo $parentDriver) |
| _pconnect ($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename) |
| Connect to a database with a persistent connection.
| _query ($sql, $iarr=false) |
| Return the query id.
| _rs2serialize (&$rs, $conn=false, $sql='') |
| Convert a recordset into special format.
| addConnection ($obj) |
| Adds a new database connection to the pool, but no actual connection is made until its needed.
| adodb_backtrace ($printOrArr=true, $levels=9999, $ishtml=null) |
| Perform a stack-crawl and pretty print it.
| adodb_date ($fmt, $d=false, $is_gmt=false) |
| Return formatted date based on timestamp $d.
| adodb_date2 ($fmt, $d=false, $is_gmt=false) |
| adodb_date_test () |
| Test Suite.
| adodb_date_test_date ($y1, $m, $d=13) |
| adodb_date_test_strftime ($fmt) |
| adodb_dow ($year, $month, $day) |
| Returns day of week, 0 = Sunday,... 6=Saturday.
| adodb_error ($provider, $dbType, $errno) |
| ADODB_Error_Handler ($dbms, $fn, $errno, $errmsg, $p1, $p2, &$thisConnection) |
| Default Error Handler.
| adodb_error_ibase () |
| adodb_error_ifx () |
| adodb_error_mssql () |
| adodb_error_mysql () |
| adodb_error_oci8 () |
| adodb_error_odbc () |
| ADODB_Error_PEAR ($dbms, $fn, $errno, $errmsg, $p1=false, $p2=false) |
| Error Handler with PEAR support.
| adodb_error_pg ($errormsg) |
| adodb_error_sqlite () |
if(!defined("DB_ERROR_SYNTAX")) | adodb_errormsg ($value) |
| adodb_get_gmt_diff ($y, $m, $d) |
| get local time zone offset from GMT.
| adodb_get_gmt_diff_ts ($ts) |
| adodb_GetActiveRecordsClass (&$db, $class, $table, $whereOrderBy, $bindarr, $primkeyArr, $extra) |
| adodb_GetActiveRecordsClass (&$db, $class, $tableObj, $whereOrderBy, $bindarr, $primkeyArr, $extra, $relations) |
| adodb_getdate ($d=false, $fast=false) |
| Returns an array with date info.
| adodb_getmem () |
| adodb_gmdate ($fmt, $d=false) |
| adodb_gmmktime ($hr, $min, $sec, $mon=false, $day=false, $year=false, $is_dst=false) |
| Returns a timestamp given a GMT/UTC time.
| adodb_gmstrftime ($fmt, $ts=false) |
| adodb_is_leap_year ($year) |
| checks for leap year, returns true if it is.
| adodb_key_exists ($key, &$arr, $force=2) |
| adodb_last_date_status () |
| Returns the status of the last date calculation and whether it exceeds the limit of ADODB_FUTURE_DATE_CUTOFF_YEARS.
| adodb_log_sql (&$connx, $sql, $inputarr) |
| adodb_microtime () |
| adodb_mktime ($hr, $min, $sec, $mon=false, $day=false, $year=false, $is_dst=false, $is_gmt=false) |
| Return a timestamp given a local time.
| adodb_pdo_type ($t) |
| ADODB_PEAR_Error () |
| Returns last PEAR_Error object.
| adodb_pr ($var, $as_string=false) |
| Perform a print_r, with pre tags for better formatting.
if(false) | adodb_probetypes (&$array, &$types, $probe=8) |
| adodb_round ($n, $prec) |
| ADODB_SetDatabaseAdapter (&$db) |
| ADODB_SetDatabaseAdapter (&$db, $index=false) |
| ADODB_Setup () |
| adodb_strftime ($fmt, $ts=false, $is_gmt=false) |
| adodb_strip_order_by ($sql) |
| adodb_throw ($dbms, $fn, $errno, $errmsg, $p1, $p2, $thisConnection) |
| Default Error Handler.
| adodb_time () |
| ADODB_TransMonitor ($dbms, $fn, $errno, $errmsg, $p1, $p2, &$thisConnection) |
| For transaction handling.
| adodb_transpose (&$arr, &$newarr, &$hdr, &$fobjs) |
| adodb_tz_offset ($gmt, $ignored=true) |
| Compute timezone offset.
| adodb_validdate ($y, $m, $d) |
| adodb_write_file ($filename, $contents, $debug=false) |
| Save a file $filename and its $contents (normally for caching) with file locking Returns true if ok, false if fopen/fwrite error, 0 if rename error (eg.
| adodb_year_digit_check ($y) |
| Fix 2-digit years.
| ADOLoadCode ($dbType) |
| Load the code for a specific database driver.
| ADOLoadDB ($dbType) |
| Synonym for ADOLoadCode.
| ADONewConnection ($db='') |
| Instantiate a new Connection class for a specific database driver.
| arr2html (&$arr, $ztabhtml='', $zheaderarray='') |
| BeginTrans () |
| beginTrans () |
| Begin a Transaction.
| blobDecode ($blob) |
| Manually decode a blob.
| blobEncode ( $blob) |
| Encodes a blob, then assigns an id ready to be used.
| CheckMemory () |
| clearsql () |
| clusterExecute ( $sql, $inputarr=false, $return_all_results=false, $existing_connections_only=true) |
| Executes the same SQL QUERY on the entire cluster of connections.
| CommitTrans ($ok=true) |
| commitTrans ($ok=true) |
| Commits a transaction.
| Concat () |
| CreateSequence ($seqname='adodbseq', $start=1) |
| createSequence ($seqname='adodbseq', $startID=1) |
| Creates a sequence in the database.
| csv2rs ($url, &$err, $timeout=0, $rsclass='ADORecordSet_array') |
| Open CSV file and convert it into Data.
| dropSequence ($seqname='adodbseq') |
| DynMemoryUsage () |
| errorMsg () |
| errorNo () |
| execute ($sql, $inputarr=false) |
| Use this instead of __call() as it significantly reduces the overhead of call_user_func_array().
| ExpensiveSQL ($numsql=10) |
| Explain ($sql, $partial=false) |
| FlashUsage () |
| GenID ($seqname='adodbseq', $startID=1) |
| genID ($seqname='adodbseq', $startID=1) |
| A portable method of creating sequence numbers.
| genId ($seqname='adodbseq', $startID=1) |
| getConnection ($type='write', $pin_connection=null) |
| Returns the ADODB connection object by database type.
| getConnectionById ($connection_id) |
| Returns the ADODB connection object by connection_id.
| getConnectionByWeight ($type) |
| Returns a database connection of the specified type.
| getLoadBalancedConnection ($type) |
| Returns the proper database connection when taking into account sticky sessions and load balancing.
| ifx_props ($coltype, $collength) |
| !Eos Auxiliary function to Parse coltype,collength.
| isReadOnlyQuery ($sql) |
| Determines if a SQL query is read-only or not.
if(!function_exists( 'ctype_alnum')) | lens_ParseArgs ($args, $endstmtchar=',', $tokenchars='_.-') |
| Parse arguments, treat "text" (text) and 'text' as quotation marks.
| lens_ParseTest () |
| Test script for parser.
| MetaColumns ($table, $normalize=true) |
| metaColumns ($table, $normalize=true) |
| Return an array of information about a table's columns.
| metaIndexes ($table, $primary=false, $owner=false) |
| Get a list of indexes on the specified table.
| metaPrimaryKeys ($table, $owner_notused=false, $internalKey=false) |
| MetaTables ($ttype=false, $showSchema=false, $mask=false) |
| metaTables ($ttype=false, $showSchema=false, $mask=false) |
| Retrieves a list of tables based on given criteria.
| NewADOConnection ($db='') |
| Synonym for ADONewConnection for people like me who cannot remember the correct name.
| newDataDictionary (&$conn, $drivername='') |
| Get a new Data Dictionary object for the connection.
| NewPerfMonitor (&$conn) |
| oci_lob_desc ($type) |
| OffsetDate ($dayFraction, $date=false) |
| offsetDate ($dayFraction, $date=false) |
| Creates a portable date offset field, for use in SQL statements.
| param ($name, $type='C') |
| Returns a driver-specific format for a bind parameter.
| PGA () |
| PGA_Advice () |
| prepare ($sql) |
| Prepares an SQL statement and returns a handle to use.
| removeConnection ($i) |
| Removes a database connection from the pool.
| Render ($rows=10) |
| Render_First ($anchor=true) |
| render_last ($anchor=true) |
| render_next ($anchor=true) |
| render_pagelinks () |
| render_prev ($anchor=true) |
| RenderGrid () |
| RenderLayout ($header, $grid, $footer, $attributes='border=1 bgcolor=beige') |
| RenderNav () |
| RenderPageCount () |
| RMAN () |
| RollbackTrans () |
| rollbackTrans () |
| Rollback a smart transaction.
| rowLock ($table, $where, $col=false) |
| Lock a table row for a duration of a transaction.
| rs2csvfile (&$rs, $fp, $addtitles=true) |
| rs2csvout (&$rs, $addtitles=true) |
| rs2html (&$rs, $ztabhtml=false, $zheaderarray=false, $htmlspecialchars=true, $echo=true) |
| rs2tab (&$rs, $addtitles=true) |
| rs2tabfile (&$rs, $fp, $addtitles=true) |
| rs2tabout (&$rs, $addtitles=true) |
| SelectDB ($dbName) |
| selectDB ($dbName) |
| SelectLimit ($sql, $nrows=-1, $offset=-1, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0) |
| selectLimit ($sql, $nrows=-1, $offset=-1, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0) |
| Executes a provided SQL statement and returns a handle to the result, with the ability to supply a starting offset and record count.
| ServerInfo () |
| serverInfo () |
| Get information about the current Firebird server.
| SetAutoCommit ($auto_commit) |
| setSessionInitSQL ($sql) |
| Defines SQL queries that are executed each time a new database connection is established.
| setSessionVariable ($name, $value, $execute_immediately=true) |
| Allow setting session variables that are maintained across connections.
| SetTransactionMode ( $transaction_mode) |
| SQLDate ($fmt, $col=false) |
| sqlDate ($fmt, $col=false) |
| Returns a portably-formatted date string from a timestamp database column.
| SuspiciousSQL ($numsql=10) |
| TableSpace () |
| tohtml (&$rs, $type) |
| TopHistoricalWaits () |
| updateBlob ($table, $column, $val, $where, $blobtype='BLOB') |
| Insert blob data into a database column.
| updateBlobFile ($table, $column, $path, $where, $blobtype='BLOB') |
| Insert blob data into a database column directly from file.
| WarnIndexCost ($val) |
| WarnPageCost ($val) |
global | $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS = array() |
global | $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS = array() |
| $_dropSeqSQL = "drop table %s" |
| $_dropSeqSQL = "DROP SEQUENCE %s" |
| $_dropSeqSQL = 'DROP TABLE %s' |
| $_genIDSQL = "UPDATE %s SET id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);" |
| $_genIDSQL = "SELECT NEXTVAL('%s')" |
| $_genIDSQL = "UPDATE %s SET id=id+1 WHERE id=%s" |
| $_genSeq2SQL = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%s)" |
| $_genSeq2SQL = 'INSERT INTO %s VALUES(%s)' |
| $_genSeqCountSQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM %s" |
| $_genSeqCountSQL = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s' |
| $_genSeqSQL = "CREATE TABLE if NOT EXISTS %s (id int not null)" |
| $_genSeqSQL = "CREATE SEQUENCE %s START %s" |
| $_genSeqSQL = "CREATE TABLE %s (id integer)" |
| $_hasdual = true |
| $_initdate = true |
| $_month_table_leaf = array("",31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31) |
| $_month_table_normal = array("",31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31) |
global | $ACTIVE_RECORD_SAFETY = true |
global | $ACTIVE_RECORD_SAFETY = true |
global | $ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS = false |
global | $ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS = false |
if(defined( 'ADODB_EXTENSION')) if(!defined('ADODB_DIR')) GLOBAL | $ADODB_CACHE |
if(defined( 'ADODB_EXTENSION')) if(!defined('ADODB_DIR')) GLOBAL | $ADODB_CACHE_CLASS |
if(defined( 'ADODB_EXTENSION')) if(!defined('ADODB_DIR')) GLOBAL | $ADODB_CACHE_DIR |
if(defined( 'ADODB_EXTENSION')) if(!defined('ADODB_DIR')) GLOBAL | $ADODB_COMPAT_FETCH |
if(defined( 'ADODB_EXTENSION')) if(!defined('ADODB_DIR')) GLOBAL | $ADODB_COUNTRECS |
if(defined( 'ADODB_EXTENSION')) if(!defined('ADODB_DIR')) GLOBAL | $ADODB_FETCH_MODE |
if(defined( 'ADODB_EXTENSION')) if(!defined('ADODB_DIR')) GLOBAL | $ADODB_GETONE_EOF |
global | $ADODB_INCLUDED_CSV = 1 |
global | $ADODB_INCLUDED_LIB = 1 |
global | $ADODB_Last_PEAR_Error = false |
global | $ADODB_PERF_MIN = 0.05 |
global | $ADODB_sybase_mths |
if(defined( 'ADODB_EXTENSION')) if(!defined('ADODB_DIR')) GLOBAL | $ADODB_vers |
| Set ADODB_DIR to the directory where this file resides... This constant was formerly called $ADODB_RootPath.
| $arrayClass = 'ADORecordSet_array_pdo_firebird' |
| $arrayClass = 'ADORecordSet_array_pdo_sqlsrv' |
| $blobEncodeType = 'C' |
| $cache = 0 |
| $concat_operator ='||' |
| random function
| $concat_operator = '||' |
bool array | $connections = false |
| All connections to each database.
bool array | $connections_readonly = false |
| Just connections to the readonly database.
bool array | $connections_write = false |
| Just connections to the write capable database.
| $curr_page |
| $db |
**TO A FILE * | $f = fopen($path,'w') |
| $false = 'f' |
| $first = '<code>|<</code>' |
| $fmtDate = "'Y-m-d'" |
| $fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'" |
| $fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d G:i:s'" |
| $fn = ($persist) ? 'fbird_pconnect':'fbird_connect' |
| $gridAttributes = 'width=100% border=1 bgcolor=white' |
| $gridHeader = false |
| $gSQLBlockRows =20 |
| $gSQLMaxRows = 1000 |
| $hasAffectedRows = true |
| $hasGenID = true |
| $hasGenID = true |
| $hasGenID = true |
| $hasLimit = false |
| $hasMoveFirst = true |
else | $hidecnt = false |
| $htmlSpecialChars = true |
| $iif = strpos($db->databaseType,'access') !== false |
| $isoDates = true |
| $last = '<code>>|</code>' |
array | $last_connection_id = array('write' => false, 'readonly' => false, 'all' => false) |
| Last connection_id for each database type.
| $linkSelectedColor = 'red' |
| $linksPerPage =10 |
| $metaColumnsSQL = "SELECT c.NAME, OBJECT_NAME(c.id) as tbl_name, c.length, c.isnullable, c.status, ( CASE WHEN c.xusertype=61 THEN 0 ELSE c.xprec END), ( CASE WHEN c.xusertype=61 THEN 0 ELSE c.xscale END), ISNULL(i.is_primary_key, 0) as primary_key FROM syscolumns c INNER JOIN systypes t ON t.xusertype=c.xusertype INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON o.id=c.id LEFT JOIN sys.index_columns ic ON ic.object_id = c.id AND c.colid = ic.column_id LEFT JOIN sys.indexes i ON i.object_id = ic.object_id AND i.index_id = ic.index_id WHERE c.id = OBJECT_ID('%s') ORDER by c.colid" |
| $metaColumnsSQL = "select lower(a.rdb\$field_name), a.rdb\$null_flag, a.rdb\$default_source, b.rdb\$field_length, b.rdb\$field_scale, b.rdb\$field_sub_type, b.rdb\$field_precision, b.rdb\$field_type from rdb\$relation_fields a, rdb\$fields b where a.rdb\$field_source = b.rdb\$field_name and a.rdb\$relation_name = '%s' order by a.rdb\$field_position asc" |
| $metaColumnsSQL = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `%s`" |
| $metaColumnsSQL = "select cname,coltype,width, SCALE, PRECISION, NULLS, DEFAULTVAL from col where tname='%s' order by colno" |
| $metaColumnsSQL |
| $metaColumnsSQL1 |
| $metaDatabasesSQL = "select name from sysdatabases where name <> 'master'" |
| $metaDefaultsSQL = "SELECT d.adnum as num, d.adsrc as def from pg_attrdef d, pg_class c where d.adrelid=c.oid and c.relname='%s' order by d.adnum" |
| $metaKeySQL |
| $metaTablesSQL ="select name,case when type='U' then 'T' else 'V' end from sysobjects where (type='U' or type='V') and (name not in ('sysallocations','syscolumns','syscomments','sysdepends','sysfilegroups','sysfiles','sysfiles1','sysforeignkeys','sysfulltextcatalogs','sysindexes','sysindexkeys','sysmembers','sysobjects','syspermissions','sysprotects','sysreferences','systypes','sysusers','sysalternates','sysconstraints','syssegments','REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS','CHECK_CONSTRAINTS','CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE','CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE','VIEWS','VIEW_TABLE_USAGE','VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE','SCHEMATA','TABLES','TABLE_CONSTRAINTS','TABLE_PRIVILEGES','COLUMNS','COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE','COLUMN_PRIVILEGES','DOMAINS','DOMAIN_CONSTRAINTS','KEY_COLUMN_USAGE','dtproperties'))" |
| $metaTablesSQL = "select lower(rdb\$relation_name) from rdb\$relations where rdb\$relation_name not like 'RDB\$%'" |
| $metaTablesSQL = "select table_name,table_type from cat where table_type in ('TABLE','VIEW')" |
| $metaTablesSQL |
| $moreLinks = '...' |
| $nameQuote = '`' |
| $nameQuote = '`' |
| $next = '<code>>></code>' |
| $page = 'Page' |
| $pdoDriver = false |
bool | $pinned_connection_id = false |
| When in transactions, always use this connection.
| $prev = '<code><<</code>' |
| $random = "abs(mod(DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM,10000001)/10000000)" |
| $random = 'random()' |
| $random ='abs(random())' |
| $replaceQuote = "''" |
| $rowfields = preg_replace('/ AS (\w+)/i', '', $rowfields) |
| $rows |
| $rows = $rs->RecordCount() |
| $rs |
| $rs = $rs->connection->_rs2rs($rs) |
*AS VARIABLE * | $s = rs2csv($rs) |
| $sel = "$rowfields, " |
bool | $session_variables = false |
| Session variables that must be maintained across all connections, ie: SET TIME ZONE.
| $showPageLinks |
| $sql |
| $sql = "SELECT $sel nFROM $tables $where nGROUP BY $rowfields" |
| $startLinks = '...' |
| $sysDate = 'convert(datetime,convert(char,GetDate(),102),102)' |
| $sysDate = 'convert(datetime,convert(char,GetDate(),102),102)' |
| $sysDate = 'CURDATE()' |
| $sysDate = "TRUNC(SYSDATE)" |
| $sysDate = "CURRENT_DATE" |
| $sysDate = 'current_date' |
| $sysDate = 'convert(datetime,convert(char,GetDate(),102),102)' |
| $sysTimeStamp = 'GetDate()' |
| $sysTimeStamp = 'GetDate()' |
| $sysTimeStamp = 'NOW()' |
| $sysTimeStamp = 'SYSDATE' |
| $sysTimeStamp = "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" |
| $sysTimeStamp = 'current_timestamp' |
| $sysTimeStamp = 'GetDate()' |
array | $total_connection_weights = array('all' => 0, 'write' => 0, 'readonly' => 0) |
| Weights of all connections for each type.
array | $total_connections = array('all' => 0, 'write' => 0, 'readonly' => 0) |
| Counts of all connections and their types.
| $true = 't' |
bool | $user_defined_session_init_sql = false |
| Called immediately after connecting to any DB.
const | _ADODB_ADO_LAYER 1 |
const | _ADODB_ADO_LAYER 1 |
const | _ADODB_ADS_LAYER 2 |
const | _ADODB_DB2_LAYER 2 |
const | _ADODB_ODBC_LAYER 2 |
const | _ADODB_ODBTP_LAYER 2 |
else $this | _connectionID |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This is to support WORK and LAZY mode **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Less commonly used functions are placed here to reduce size of adodb inc php **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*ADOdbLoadBalancer is a class that allows the user to do read write splitting *and load balancing across multiple servers It can handle and load balance *any number of write capable *(AKA:master) or readonly(AKA including dealing with connection failures and retrying queries on a different *connection instead **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*FileDescription **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Requires ODBC Works only on Microsoft Windows **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Requires ADO Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Requires ADO Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Requires ADO and ODBC Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Requires ADO and MSSQL client Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Support Borland Interbase and later **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Currently MetaTables and *and also inputarr in Execute *Native types have been converted to MetaTypes *Transactions not supported yet **Limitation of url length For see MaxClientRequestBuffer registry value **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This driver provides undocumented bind variable mapping from ibm to oracle *The functionality appears to overlap the db2_oci driver **deprecated **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Requires firebird client Works on Windows and Unix **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Requires interbase client Works on Windows and Unix **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Supports SELECT FIRST **deprecated **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*deprecated **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Provides a subset of ADOdb allowing read only access to an LDAP database **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Requires mssql client Works on Windows **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Intended to be used with MSSQL drivers that are sending UCS data to MSSQL *FreeTDS and ODBTP in order to get true cross db compatibility from the *application point of view **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*deprecated will be removed in ADOdb version **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*deprecated Use oci8 driver instead **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This version has only been tested on Firebird and PHP **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
this file is no longer and the *driver is remapped to the latest available postgres version Maintaining *multiple postgres drivers is no easy so hopefully this will ensure *greater consistency and fewer bugs **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*deprecated **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Make it more similar to other database drivers The main differences are *When selecting(joining) multiple tables in assoc mode the table *names are included in the assoc keys in the driver *In the table names are stripped from the returned *column names When this results in a the first field gets *preference **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*deprecated **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*deprecated **This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
*This file is part of | ADOdb |
**This file is part of | ADOdb |
*Convert a recordset to a html table Multiple tables are generated *if the number of rows is $gSQLBlockRows This is because *web browsers so we break the output into several faster rendering tables **This file is part of | ADOdb |
| Associative array case constants.
const | ADODB_BAD_RS '<p>Bad $rs in %s. Connection or SQL invalid. Try using $connection->debug=true;</p>' |
const | ADODB_ERROR_HANDLER 'adodb_throw' |
const | ADODB_FETCH_BOTH 3 |
| Fetch mode.
const | ADODB_FETCH_NUM 1 |
const | ADODB_FORCE_NULL 1 |
const | ADODB_LAZY_AR 0x03 |
const | ADODB_OPT_HIGH 2 |
const | ADODB_OPT_LOW 1 |
| Constants for returned values from the charMax and textMax methods.
const | ADODB_TABLE_REGEX '([]0-9a-z_\:\"\`\.\@\[-]*)' |
const | ADODB_WORK_AR 0x02 |
*Provides a subset of ADOdb | commands |
*Make it more similar to other database drivers The main differences are *When selecting(joining) multiple tables in assoc mode the table *names are included in the assoc keys in the driver *In the table names are stripped from the returned *column names When this results in a | conflict |
| AutoExecute constants (moved from adodb-pear.inc.php since they are only used in here)
*Originally DB2 drivers were dependent on an ODBC | driver |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **Portable version of oci8 | driver |
*Make it more similar to other database drivers The main differences are *When selecting(joining) multiple tables in assoc mode the table *names are included in the assoc keys in the driver *In | driver |
if(is_array($colfield)) | else |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This is to support WORK and LAZY mode **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This is used by the csv proxy driver and is the CacheExecute() *serialization format. **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Adapted from the PEAR DB error handling code *Portions(c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Less commonly used functions are placed here to reduce size of adodb inc php **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*ADOdbLoadBalancer is a class that allows the user to do read write splitting *and load balancing across multiple servers It can handle and load balance *any number of write capable *(AKA:master) or readonly(AKA including dealing with connection failures and retrying queries on a different *connection instead **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*The following code is modelled on PEAR DB code by Stig Bakken< ssb @fast.no > *and Tomas V V Cox< cox @idecnet.com > Portions(c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group. **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*FileDescription **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Requires ODBC Works only on Microsoft Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Requires ADO Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Requires ADO Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Requires ADO and ODBC Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Requires ADO and MSSQL client Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
which *can be downloaded for free a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Support Borland Interbase and later **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Currently MetaTables and *and also inputarr in Execute *Native types have been converted to MetaTypes *Transactions not supported yet **Limitation of url length For see MaxClientRequestBuffer registry value **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This driver re maps a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This driver provides undocumented bind variable mapping from ibm to oracle *The functionality appears to overlap the db2_oci driver **deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Requires firebird client Works on Windows and Unix **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Requires interbase client Works on Windows and Unix **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Supports SELECT FIRST **deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Provides a subset of ADOdb allowing read only access to an LDAP database **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Requires mssql client Works on Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Intended to be used with MSSQL drivers that are sending UCS data to MSSQL *FreeTDS and ODBTP in order to get true cross db compatibility from the *application point of view **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Requires mssql client Works on Windows * | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*deprecated **Optimizes selectLimit() performance with FIRST_ROWS hint. **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*deprecated will be removed in ADOdb version **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*deprecated Use oci8 driver instead **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This version has only been tested on Firebird and PHP **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
this file is no longer and the *driver is remapped to the latest available postgres version Maintaining *multiple postgres drivers is no easy so hopefully this will ensure *greater consistency and fewer bugs **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*externalurl | https |
*externalurl | https |
*Make it more similar to other database drivers The main differences are *When selecting(joining) multiple tables in assoc mode the table *names are included in the assoc keys in the driver *In the table names are stripped from the returned *column names When this results in a the first field gets *preference **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
**This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*Convert a recordset to a html table Multiple tables are generated *if the number of rows is $gSQLBlockRows This is because *web browsers so we break the output into several faster rendering tables **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl | https |
*This driver re maps | ibm |
| if (!defined( 'ADODB_ALLOW_NEGATIVE_TS')) define( 'ADODB_NO_NEGATIVE_TS' |
| if (!defined( 'ADODB_ERROR_HANDLER')) define( 'ADODB_ERROR_HANDLER' |
| if (!defined( 'ADODB_ERROR_HANDLER')) define( 'ADODB_ERROR_HANDLER' |
| if (!defined( 'IFX_SCROLL')) define( 'IFX_SCROLL' |
| if (!defined( 'SINGLEQUOTE')) define( 'SINGLEQUOTE' |
*Currently MetaTables and *and also inputarr in Execute *Native types have been converted to MetaTypes *Transactions not supported yet **Limitation of url length For | IIS |
this file is no longer and the *driver is remapped to the latest available postgres version Maintaining *multiple postgres drivers is no easy | job |
*This is to support | JOIN |
*Currently MetaTables and | MetaColumns |
*externalurl | MetaTablesSQL |
*Convert a recordset to a html table Multiple tables are generated *if the number of rows is $gSQLBlockRows This is because *web browsers | normally |
* | NOTE |
* | NOTE |
*externalurl MetaColumnsSQL * | Note |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This is to support WORK and LAZY mode **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This is used by the csv proxy driver and is the CacheExecute() *serialization format. **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Adapted from the PEAR DB error handling code *Portions(c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Less commonly used functions are placed here to reduce size of adodb inc php **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*ADOdbLoadBalancer is a class that allows the user to do read write splitting *and load balancing across multiple servers It can handle and load balance *any number of write capable *(AKA:master) or readonly(AKA including dealing with connection failures and retrying queries on a different *connection instead **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at you | option ) |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*The following code is modelled on PEAR DB code by Stig Bakken< ssb @fast.no > *and Tomas V V Cox< cox @idecnet.com > Portions(c) 1997-2002 The PHP Group. **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*FileDescription **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Requires ODBC Works only on Microsoft Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Requires ADO Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Requires ADO Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Requires ADO and ODBC Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Requires ADO and MSSQL client Works only on MS Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
which *can be downloaded for free a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Support Borland Interbase and later **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Currently MetaTables and *and also inputarr in Execute *Native types have been converted to MetaTypes *Transactions not supported yet **Limitation of url length For see MaxClientRequestBuffer registry value **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This driver re maps a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This driver provides undocumented bind variable mapping from ibm to oracle *The functionality appears to overlap the db2_oci driver **deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Requires firebird client Works on Windows and Unix **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Requires interbase client Works on Windows and Unix **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Supports SELECT FIRST **deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Provides a subset of ADOdb allowing read only access to an LDAP database **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Requires mssql client Works on Windows **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Intended to be used with MSSQL drivers that are sending UCS data to MSSQL *FreeTDS and ODBTP in order to get true cross db compatibility from the *application point of view **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Requires mssql client Works on Windows a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*externalurl MetaColumnsSQL as Netezza doesn s web site and documentation *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*deprecated **Optimizes selectLimit() performance with FIRST_ROWS hint. **This file is part of ADOdb a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*deprecated will be removed in ADOdb version **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*deprecated Use oci8 driver instead **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This version has only been tested on Firebird and PHP **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
this file is no longer and the *driver is remapped to the latest available postgres version Maintaining *multiple postgres drivers is no easy so hopefully this will ensure *greater consistency and fewer bugs **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*externalurl a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*externalurl a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Make it more similar to other database drivers The main differences are *When selecting(joining) multiple tables in assoc mode the table *names are included in the assoc keys in the driver *In the table names are stripped from the returned *column names When this results in a the first field gets *preference **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*deprecated **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
**This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Convert a recordset to a html table Multiple tables are generated *if the number of rows is $gSQLBlockRows This is because *web browsers so we break the output into several faster rendering tables **This file is part of a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP **ingroup ADOdb *externalurl released under both the BSD Clause *and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence(LGPL) v2.1 or at your | option |
*Convert a recordset to a html table Multiple tables are generated *if the number of rows is $gSQLBlockRows This is because *web browsers so we break the output into several * | smaller |
return | true |
*Currently | unsupported |
this file is no longer | used |
which *can be downloaded for free | via |