Moodle PHP Documentation 4.1
Moodle 4.1.11 (Build: 20240610) (c8c84b4af18)
ADORecordset_mssqlnative Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ADORecordset_mssqlnative:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($id, $mode=false)
 __toString ()
 _close ()
 close() only needs to be called if you are worried about using too much memory while your script is running.
 _fetch ($ignore_fields=false)
 _initrs ()
 _seek ($row)
 Adjusts the result pointer to an arbitrary row in the result.
 absolutePage ($page=-1)
 set/returns the current recordset page when paginating
 AbsolutePosition ()
 synonym for CurrentRow – for ADO compat
 AtFirstPage ($status=false)
 set/returns the status of the atFirstPage flag when paginating
 AtLastPage ($status=false)
 set/returns the status of the atLastPage flag when paginating
 Close ()
 Clean up recordset.
 CurrentRow ()
 fetchField ($fieldOffset=-1)
 Get a Field's metadata from database.
 FetchInto (&$arr)
 Fetch a row, returning PEAR_Error if no more rows.
 FetchNextObj ()
 Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.
 FetchNextObject ($isUpper=true)
 Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.
 FetchObj ()
 Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.
 FetchObject ($isUpper=true)
 Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.
 FetchRow ()
 Fetch a row, returning false if no more rows.
 FieldCount ()
 Fields ($colname)
 Get the value of a field in the current row by column name.
 fieldTypesArray ()
 Get Field metadata for all the recordset's columns in an array.
 Free ()
 PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally.
 GetAll ($nRows=-1)
 GetArray ($nRows=-1)
 return recordset as a 2-dimensional array.
 getArrayLimit ($nrows, $offset=-1)
 Return recordset as a 2-dimensional array.
 getAssoc ($force_array=false, $first2cols=false)
 return whole recordset as a 2-dimensional associative array if there are more than 2 columns.
 GetAssocKeys ($upper=ADODB_ASSOC_CASE)
 Builds the bind array associating keys to recordset fields.
 getIterator ()
 getMenu ($name, $defstr='', $blank1stItem=true, $multiple=false, $size=0, $selectAttr='', $compareFirstCol=true)
 Generate a SELECT tag from a recordset, and return the HTML markup.
 getMenu2 ($name, $defstr='', $blank1stItem=true, $multiple=false, $size=0, $selectAttr='')
 Generate a SELECT tag from a recordset, and return the HTML markup.
 getMenu3 ($name, $defstr='', $blank1stItem=true, $multiple=false, $size=0, $selectAttr='')
 Generate a SELECT tag with groups from a recordset, and return the HTML markup.
 getMenuGrouped ($name, $defstr='', $blank1stItem=true, $multiple=false, $size=0, $selectAttr='', $compareFirstCol=true)
 Generate a SELECT tag with groups from a recordset, and return the HTML markup.
 GetRowAssoc ($upper=ADODB_ASSOC_CASE)
 Use associative array to get fields array for databases that do not support associative arrays.
 getRows ($nRows=-1)
 Synonym for GetArray() for compatibility with ADO.
 Init ()
 LastPageNo ($page=false)
 MaxRecordCount ()
 If we are using PageExecute(), this will return the maximum possible rows that can be returned when paging a recordset.
 metaType ($t, $len=-1, $fieldObj=false)
 Get the ADOdb metatype.
 Move ($rowNumber=0)
 Random access to a specific row in the recordset.
 MoveFirst ()
 Move to the first row in the recordset.
 MoveLast ()
 Move to the last row in the recordset.
 MoveNext ()
 Move to next record in the recordset.
 NextRecordSet ()
 Checks if there is another available recordset.
 NumCols ()
 PEAR DB compat, number of cols.
 NumRows ()
 PEAR DB compat, number of rows.
 PO_RecordCount ($table="", $condition="")
 Portable RecordCount.
 recordCount ()
 Number of rows in recordset.
 rowCount ()
 Number of rows in recordset.
 UserDate ($v, $fmt='Y-m-d')
 UserTimeStamp ($v, $fmt='Y-m-d H:i:s')

Static Public Member Functions

static UnixDate ($v)
static UnixTimeStamp ($v)

Public Attributes

 $_atFirstPage = false
 Added by Iván Oliva to implement recordset pagination.
 $_atLastPage = false
 Added by Iván Oliva to implement recordset pagination.
 $_closed = false
 This variable keeps the current row in the Recordset.
 $_currentPage = -1
 Used by FetchObj.
 $_currentRow = -1
 $_inited = false
 has recordset been closed
 $_lastPageNo = -1
 Added by Iván Oliva to implement recordset pagination.
 $_maxRecordCount = 0
 Used by FetchObj.
 $_numOfFields = -1
 number of rows, or -1
 $_numOfRows = -1
 private variables
 Init() should only be called once.
resource $_queryID = -1
 number of fields in recordset
 $bind = false
 datetime in Unix format rs created – for cached recordsets
 $blobSize = 100
 holds the current row data
 $canSeek = false
ADOConnection $connection = false
 default fetch mode
 $databaseType = "mssqlnative"
 $dataProvider = "native"
 public variables
 $datetime = false
 $debug = false
 what to display when $time==0
 $emptyDate = ' '
 what to display when $time==0
 $emptyTimeStamp = ' '
 Indicates that the current record position is after the last record in a Recordset object.
 $EOF = false
 sql text
 used by Fields() to hold array - should be private?
 $fieldOffset = 0
bool array $fields = false
 indicates that seek is supported
 $timeCreated =0

Protected Member Functions

 _fetch ()
 Row fetch stub.
 _initRS ()
 Recordset initialization stub.
 _updatefields ()
 Convert case of field names associative array, if needed.
 AssocCaseConvertFunction ($case=ADODB_ASSOC_CASE)
 Defines the function to use for table fields case conversion depending on ADODB_ASSOC_CASE.

Protected Attributes

ADOFieldObject[] $fieldObjectsCache
 Field metadata cache.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

ADORecordset_mssqlnative::__construct ( $queryID,
$mode = false )


resource | int$queryIDQuery ID returned by ADOConnection->_query()
int | bool$modeThe ADODB_FETCH_MODE value

Reimplemented from ADORecordSet.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _close()

ADORecordset_mssqlnative::_close ( )

close() only needs to be called if you are worried about using too much memory while your script is running.

All associated result memory for the specified result identifier will automatically be freed.

Return values
booltru if we succeeded in closing down

Reimplemented from ADORecordSet.

◆ _fetch()

◆ _initRS()

ADORecordSet::_initRS ( )

Recordset initialization stub.

Reimplemented in ADORecordSet_postgres64.

◆ _seek()

ADORecordset_mssqlnative::_seek ( $row)

Adjusts the result pointer to an arbitrary row in the result.

int$rowThe row to seek to.
Return values
boolFalse if the recordset contains no rows, otherwise true.

Reimplemented from ADORecordSet.

◆ _updatefields()

ADORecordSet::_updatefields ( )

Convert case of field names associative array, if needed.

Return values

◆ absolutePage()

ADORecordSet::absolutePage ( $page = -1)

set/returns the current recordset page when paginating

Return values

◆ AbsolutePosition()

ADORecordSet::AbsolutePosition ( )

synonym for CurrentRow – for ADO compat

Return values
thecurrent row in the recordset. If at EOF, will return the last row. 0-based.

◆ AssocCaseConvertFunction()

ADORecordSet::AssocCaseConvertFunction ( $case = ADODB_ASSOC_CASE)

Defines the function to use for table fields case conversion depending on ADODB_ASSOC_CASE.

Return values
stringstrtolower/strtoupper or false if no conversion needed

◆ AtFirstPage()

ADORecordSet::AtFirstPage ( $status = false)

set/returns the status of the atFirstPage flag when paginating

Return values

◆ AtLastPage()

ADORecordSet::AtLastPage ( $status = false)

set/returns the status of the atLastPage flag when paginating

Return values

◆ Close()

ADORecordSet::Close ( )

Clean up recordset.

Return values

◆ CurrentRow()

ADORecordSet::CurrentRow ( )
Return values
thecurrent row in the recordset. If at EOF, will return the last row. 0-based.

◆ fetchField()

ADORecordset_mssqlnative::fetchField ( $fieldOffset = -1)

Get a Field's metadata from database.

Must be defined by child class.

Return values

Reimplemented from ADORecordSet.

◆ FetchInto()

ADORecordSet::FetchInto ( & $arr)

Fetch a row, returning PEAR_Error if no more rows.

This is PEAR DB compat mode.

mixed[] | false$arr
Return values
mixedDB_OK or error object

◆ FetchNextObj()

ADORecordSet::FetchNextObj ( )

Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.

The default is lower-case field names.

Return values
ADOFetchObj|falseThe object with properties set to the fields of the current row or false if EOF.

Fixed bug reported by

◆ FetchNextObject()

ADORecordSet::FetchNextObject ( $isUpper = true)

Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.

The default is upper case field names.

bool$isUpperto set the object property names to uppercase
Return values
ADOFetchObj|falseThe object with properties set to the fields of the current row or false if EOF.

Fixed bug reported by

◆ FetchObj()

ADORecordSet::FetchObj ( )

Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.

The default case is lowercase field names.

Return values
theobject with the properties set to the fields of the current row

◆ FetchObject()

ADORecordSet::FetchObject ( $isUpper = true)

Return the fields array of the current row as an object for convenience.

The default case is uppercase.

bool$isUpperto set the object property names to uppercase
Return values
ADOFetchObjThe object with properties set to the fields of the current row

◆ FetchRow()

ADORecordSet::FetchRow ( )

Fetch a row, returning false if no more rows.

This is PEAR DB compat mode.

Return values
mixed[]|falsefalse or array containing the current record

◆ FieldCount()

ADORecordSet::FieldCount ( )
Return values
thenumber of columns in the recordset. Some databases will set this to 0 if no records are returned, others will return the number of columns in the query.

◆ Fields()

ADORecordset_mssqlnative::Fields ( $colname)

Get the value of a field in the current row by column name.

Will not work if ADODB_FETCH_MODE is set to ADODB_FETCH_NUM.

string$colnameis the field to access
Return values
mixedthe value of $colname column

Reimplemented from ADORecordSet.

◆ fieldTypesArray()

ADORecordSet::fieldTypesArray ( )

Get Field metadata for all the recordset's columns in an array.

Return values

◆ GetArray()

ADORecordSet::GetArray ( $nRows = -1)

return recordset as a 2-dimensional array.

int$nRowsNumber of rows to return. -1 means every row.
Return values
arrayindexed by the rows (0-based) from the recordset

Reimplemented in ADORecordSet_array.

◆ getArrayLimit()

ADORecordSet::getArrayLimit ( $nrows,
$offset = -1 )

Return recordset as a 2-dimensional array.

Helper function for ADOConnection->SelectLimit()

int$nrowsNumber of rows to return
int$offsetStarting row (1-based)
Return values
arrayan array indexed by the rows (0-based) from the recordset

Reimplemented in ADORecordSet_db2.

◆ getAssoc()

ADORecordSet::getAssoc ( $force_array = false,
$first2cols = false )

return whole recordset as a 2-dimensional associative array if there are more than 2 columns.

The first column is treated as the key and is not included in the array. If there is only 2 columns, it will return a 1 dimensional array of key-value pairs unless $force_array == true. This recordset method is currently part of the API, but may not be in later versions of ADOdb. By preference, use ADOconnnection\getAssoc()

bool$force_array(optional) Has only meaning if we have 2 data columns. If false, a 1 dimensional array is returned, otherwise a 2 dimensional array is returned. If this sounds confusing, read the source.
bool$first2cols(optional) Means if there are more than 2 cols, ignore the remaining cols and instead of returning array[col0] => array(remaining cols), return array[col0] => col1
Return values

◆ GetAssocKeys()

ADORecordSet::GetAssocKeys ( $upper = ADODB_ASSOC_CASE)

Builds the bind array associating keys to recordset fields.

int[$upper] Case for the array keys, defaults to uppercase (see ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_xxx constants)

◆ getMenu()

ADORecordSet::getMenu ( $name,
$defstr = '',
$blank1stItem = true,
$multiple = false,
$size = 0,
$selectAttr = '',
$compareFirstCol = true )

Generate a SELECT tag from a recordset, and return the HTML markup.

If the recordset has 2 columns, we treat the first one as the text to display to the user, and the second as the return value. Extra columns are discarded.

string$nameName of SELECT tag
string | array$defstrThe value to highlight. Use an array for multiple highlight values.
bool | string$blank1stItemTrue to create an empty item (default), False not to add one; 'string' to set its label and 'value:string' to assign a value to it.
bool$multipleTrue for multi-select list
int$sizeNumber of rows to show (applies to multi-select box only)
string$selectAttrAdditional attributes to defined for SELECT tag, useful for holding javascript onChange='...' handlers, CSS class, etc.
bool$compareFirstColWhen true (default), $defstr is compared against the value (column 2), while false will compare against the description (column 1).
Return values

◆ getMenu2()

ADORecordSet::getMenu2 ( $name,
$defstr = '',
$blank1stItem = true,
$multiple = false,
$size = 0,
$selectAttr = '' )

Generate a SELECT tag from a recordset, and return the HTML markup.

Same as GetMenu(), except that default strings are compared with the FIRST column (the description).

string$nameName of SELECT tag
string | array$defstrThe value to highlight. Use an array for multiple highlight values.
bool | string$blank1stItemTrue to create an empty item (default), False not to add one; 'string' to set its label and 'value:string' to assign a value to it.
bool$multipleTrue for multi-select list
int$sizeNumber of rows to show (applies to multi-select box only)
string$selectAttrAdditional attributes to defined for SELECT tag, useful for holding javascript onChange='...' handlers, CSS class, etc.
Return values
5.21.0 Use getMenu() with $compareFirstCol = false instead.

◆ getMenu3()

ADORecordSet::getMenu3 ( $name,
$defstr = '',
$blank1stItem = true,
$multiple = false,
$size = 0,
$selectAttr = '' )

Generate a SELECT tag with groups from a recordset, and return the HTML markup.

Same as GetMenuGrouped(), except that default strings are compared with the FIRST column (the description).

string$nameName of SELECT tag
string | array$defstrThe value to highlight. Use an array for multiple highlight values.
bool | string$blank1stItemTrue to create an empty item (default), False not to add one; 'string' to set its label and 'value:string' to assign a value to it.
bool$multipleTrue for multi-select list
int$sizeNumber of rows to show (applies to multi-select box only)
string$selectAttrAdditional attributes to defined for SELECT tag, useful for holding javascript onChange='...' handlers, CSS class, etc.
Return values
5.21.0 Use getMenuGrouped() with $compareFirstCol = false instead.

◆ getMenuGrouped()

ADORecordSet::getMenuGrouped ( $name,
$defstr = '',
$blank1stItem = true,
$multiple = false,
$size = 0,
$selectAttr = '',
$compareFirstCol = true )

Generate a SELECT tag with groups from a recordset, and return the HTML markup.

The recordset must have 3 columns and be ordered by the 3rd column. The first column contains the text to display to the user, the second is the return value and the third is the option group. Extra columns are discarded. Default strings are compared with the SECOND column.

string$nameName of SELECT tag
string | array$defstrThe value to highlight. Use an array for multiple highlight values.
bool | string$blank1stItemTrue to create an empty item (default), False not to add one; 'string' to set its label and 'value:string' to assign a value to it.
bool$multipleTrue for multi-select list
int$sizeNumber of rows to show (applies to multi-select box only)
string$selectAttrAdditional attributes to defined for SELECT tag, useful for holding javascript onChange='...' handlers, CSS class, etc.
bool$compareFirstColWhen true (default), $defstr is compared against the value (column 2), while false will compare against the description (column 1).
Return values

◆ GetRowAssoc()

ADORecordSet::GetRowAssoc ( $upper = ADODB_ASSOC_CASE)

Use associative array to get fields array for databases that do not support associative arrays.

Submitted by Paolo S. Asioli paolo.asioli\

int$upperCase for the array keys, defaults to uppercase (see ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_xxx constants)
Return values

Reimplemented in ADORecordSet_ldap, and ADORecordSet_postgres64.

◆ getRows()

ADORecordSet::getRows ( $nRows = -1)

Synonym for GetArray() for compatibility with ADO.

int$nRowsNumber of rows to return. -1 means every row.
Return values
arrayan array indexed by the rows (0-based) from the recordset

◆ LastPageNo()

ADORecordSet::LastPageNo ( $page = false)
Return values

◆ MaxRecordCount()

ADORecordSet::MaxRecordCount ( )

If we are using PageExecute(), this will return the maximum possible rows that can be returned when paging a recordset.

Return values

◆ metaType()

ADORecordSet::metaType ( $t,
$len = -1,
$fieldObj = false )

Get the ADOdb metatype.

Many databases use different names for the same type, so we transform the native type to our standardised one, which uses 1 character codes.

See also
string | ADOFieldObject$tNative type (usually ADOFieldObject->type) It is also possible to provide an ADOFieldObject here.
int$lenThe field's maximum length. This is because we treat character fields bigger than a certain size as a 'B' (blob).
ADOFieldObject$fieldObjField object returned by the database driver; can hold additional info (eg. primary_key for mysql).
Return values
stringThe ADOdb Standard type

Reimplemented in ADORecordset_firebird.

◆ Move()

ADORecordSet::Move ( $rowNumber = 0)

Random access to a specific row in the recordset.

Some databases do not support access to previous rows in the databases (no scrolling backwards).

int$rowNumberis the row to move to (0-based)
Return values
booltrue if there still rows available, or false if there are no more rows (EOF).

◆ MoveFirst()

ADORecordSet::MoveFirst ( )

Move to the first row in the recordset.

Many databases do NOT support this.

Return values
booltrue or false

Reimplemented in ADORecordset_informix72, and ADORecordSet_odbtp.

◆ MoveLast()

ADORecordSet::MoveLast ( )

Move to the last row in the recordset.

Return values
booltrue or false

Reimplemented in ADORecordset_informix72, and ADORecordSet_odbtp.

◆ MoveNext()

ADORecordset_mssqlnative::MoveNext ( )

Move to next record in the recordset.

Return values
booltrue if there still rows available, or false if there are no more rows (EOF).

Reimplemented from ADORecordSet.

◆ NextRecordSet()

ADORecordset_mssqlnative::NextRecordSet ( )

Checks if there is another available recordset.

Some databases allow multiple recordsets to be returned.

Return values
booleantrue if there is a next recordset, or false if no more

Reimplemented from ADORecordSet.

◆ NumCols()

ADORecordSet::NumCols ( )

PEAR DB compat, number of cols.

Return values

◆ NumRows()

ADORecordSet::NumRows ( )

PEAR DB compat, number of rows.

Return values

◆ PO_RecordCount()

ADORecordSet::PO_RecordCount ( $table = "",
$condition = "" )

Portable RecordCount.

Be aware of possible problems in multiuser environments. For better speed the table must be indexed by the condition. Heavy test this before deploying.

Return values
intNumber of records from a previous SELECT. All databases support this.
Pablo Roca

◆ recordCount()

ADORecordSet::recordCount ( )

Number of rows in recordset.

Return values
intNumber of rows or -1 if this is not supported

◆ rowCount()

ADORecordSet::rowCount ( )

Number of rows in recordset.

Alias for {

See also
Return values
intNumber of rows or -1 if this is not supported

◆ UnixDate()

static ADORecordSet::UnixDate ( $v)
mixed$vis a date string in YYYY-MM-DD format
Return values
stringdate in unix timestamp format, or 0 if before TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR, or false if invalid date format

Reimplemented in ADORecordSet_array_sybase, and ADORecordset_sybase.

◆ UnixTimeStamp()

static ADORecordSet::UnixTimeStamp ( $v)
string | object$vis a timestamp string in YYYY-MM-DD HH-NN-SS format
Return values
mixeddate in unix timestamp format, or 0 if before TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR, or false if invalid date format

Reimplemented in ADORecordSet_array_sybase, and ADORecordset_sybase.

◆ UserDate()

ADORecordSet::UserDate ( $v,
$fmt = 'Y-m-d' )
mixed$vis the character date in YYYY-MM-DD format, returned by database
string$fmtis the format to apply to it, using date()
Return values
stringa date formatted as user desires

◆ UserTimeStamp()

ADORecordSet::UserTimeStamp ( $v,
$fmt = 'Y-m-d H:i:s' )
mixed$vis the character timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format
string[$fmt] is the format to apply to it, using date()
Return values
stringa timestamp formated as user desires

Member Data Documentation

◆ $_closed

ADORecordSet::$_closed = false

This variable keeps the current row in the Recordset.

◆ $_queryID

resource ADORecordSet::$_queryID = -1

number of fields in recordset

result link identifier

◆ $connection

ADOConnection ADORecordSet::$connection = false

default fetch mode

The parent connection

◆ $fieldObjectsCache

ADOFieldObject [] ADORecordSet::$fieldObjectsCache

Field metadata cache.

See also

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