Moodle PHP Documentation 4.1
Moodle 4.1.11 (Build: 20240610) (c8c84b4af18)
Functions | |
__clone () | |
This object can not be cloned. | |
__construct ( $msg, $code, Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server $server, Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline) | |
Constructor. | |
__construct ($data, $type) | |
Constructor. | |
__construct ($debug) | |
Constructor. | |
__construct ($id, $pass, $challenge, $hostname, $service) | |
Generate the Digest-MD5 response. | |
__construct ($str, array $opts=array()) | |
Constructor. | |
__construct ($user, $pass, $hash='SHA1') | |
Constructor. | |
__construct () | |
Constructor. | |
__construct (array $params=array()) | |
Constructor. | |
__construct (array $required=array(), array $optional=array()) | |
Constructor. | |
__construct (Horde_Imap_Client_Base $base_ob, $mailbox, $sync, $curr, $criteria, $ids) | |
Constructor. | |
__construct (Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results $fetch) | |
Constructor. | |
__construct (Horde_Imap_Client_Socket $socket) | |
Constructor. | |
__construct (Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $token) | |
Constructor. | |
__construct (Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $token, $tag) | |
__get ($name) | |
Return specific digest response directive. | |
__isset ($name) | |
__serialize () | |
Serialization. | |
__set ($name, $value) | |
__sleep () | |
__toString () | |
Cooerce to string. | |
__unserialize ( $data) | |
Unserialization. | |
__unserialize (array $data) | |
_addFuzzy ($add, &$temp) | |
Adds fuzzy modifier to search keys. | |
_append (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox, $data, $options) | |
Append message(s) to a mailbox. | |
_appendData ($data, &$asize) | |
Prepares append message data for insertion into the IMAP command string. | |
_authInitialResponse ($method, $ir, $username=null) | |
Create the AUTHENTICATE command for the initial client response. | |
_baseSql ($mailbox, $join=null) | |
Prepare the base SQL query. | |
_buildAndOr ($type, $data, &$charset, &$exts_used, &$cmds) | |
Builds the AND/OR query. | |
_cacheFields () | |
Provide the list of available caching fields. | |
_capability () | |
Query server capability. | |
_changeSelected ($mailbox=null, $mode=null) | |
Called when the selected mailbox is changed. | |
_check () | |
Request a checkpoint of the currently selected mailbox. | |
_clientSortProcess ($res, $fetch_res, $sort) | |
_close ($options) | |
Close the connection to the currently selected mailbox, optionally expunging all deleted messages (RFC 3501 [6.4.2]). | |
_command ($cmd) | |
Shortcut to creating a new IMAP client command object. | |
_condstoreSync () | |
Synchronizes the current mailbox cache with the server (using CONDSTORE or QRESYNC). | |
_connect ($host, $port, $timeout, $secure, $context, $retries=0) | |
_connect () | |
Connect to the remote server. | |
_continuationCheck ($list) | |
Recursive check for continuation functions. | |
_convertCatenateUrl ($url) | |
Converts a CATENATE URL to stream data. | |
_copy (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $dest, $options) | |
Copy messages to another mailbox. | |
_createMailbox (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox, $opts) | |
Create a mailbox. | |
_createUid ( $mailbox) | |
Create and return the UID for a mailbox/user/server combo. | |
_deleteACL (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox, $identifier) | |
Deletes ACL rights for a given mailbox/identifier. | |
_deleteMailbox ($mbox) | |
Delete a mailbox from the cache. | |
_deleteMailbox (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox) | |
Delete a mailbox. | |
_deleteMailboxPost (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox) | |
Actions to perform after a mailbox delete. | |
_deleteMsgs (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox, Horde_Imap_Client_Ids $ids, array $opts=array()) | |
Delete messages in the cache. | |
_enable ($exts) | |
Enable an IMAP extension (see RFC 5161). | |
_expunge ($options) | |
Expunge all deleted messages from the given mailbox. | |
_fetch (Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results $results, $queries) | |
Fetch message data. | |
_fetchCmd (Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results $results, $options) | |
Fetch data for a given fetch query. | |
_fetchCmd (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, $options) | |
Add a FETCH command to the given pipeline. | |
_filterParams () | |
Return the base string filter parameters. | |
_fromSequenceString ($str) | |
Parse an IMAP message sequence string into a list of indices. | |
_getACL (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox) | |
Get ACL rights for a given mailbox. | |
_getAllIndices () | |
Return all indices. | |
_getAnnotateMoreEntry ($name) | |
Split a name for the METADATA extension into the correct syntax for the older ANNOTATEMORE version. | |
_getCid ($mailbox) | |
Create the unique ID used to store the mailbox data in the cache. | |
_getCid ($mailbox, $slice) | |
Create the unique ID used to store the data in the cache. | |
_getCnonce () | |
Creates the client nonce for the response. | |
_getComparator () | |
Get the comparator used for searching/sorting (RFC 5255). | |
_getEncryptKey () | |
Get encryption key. | |
_getHeaders ($id, $format, $key) | |
Return representation of a header field. | |
_getID () | |
Return ID information from the IMAP server (RFC 2971). | |
_getLanguage ($list) | |
Gets the preferred language for server response messages (RFC 5255). | |
_getLine (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline) | |
Gets data from the IMAP server stream and parses it. | |
_getMailboxList ($pattern, $mode, $options, $subscribed=null) | |
Obtain a list of mailboxes. | |
_getMboxFormatOb ($mailbox, $list=false) | |
Return the proper mailbox format object based on the server's capabilities. | |
_getMetadata (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox, $entries, $options) | |
Get metadata for a given mailbox. | |
_getMsgCids ($mailbox, $ids) | |
Return a list of cache IDs for mailbox/UID pairs. | |
_getMyACLRights (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox) | |
Get the ACL rights for the current user for a given mailbox. | |
_getNamespaces () | |
Get the NAMESPACE information from the IMAP server. | |
_getQuota (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $root) | |
Get quota limits. | |
_getQuotaRoot (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox) | |
Get quota limits for a mailbox. | |
_getResponse ($multiline=false) | |
Gets a line from the stream and parses it. | |
_getSearchCache ($type, $options) | |
Retrieve data from the search cache. | |
_getSentDates (Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results $data, $ids, $internal=false) | |
Get the sent dates for purposes of SORT/THREAD sorting under RFC 5256 [2.2]. | |
_getSeqIds (Horde_Imap_Client_Ids $ids) | |
Returns a list of sequence IDs. | |
_getUid ( $mailbox) | |
Return the UID for a mailbox/user/server combo. | |
_getUidByMessageId ($mailbox, $msgid) | |
Get a message UID by the Message-ID. | |
_initCache ($current=false) | |
Initialize the Horde_Imap_Client_Cache object, if necessary. | |
_initCapability () | |
Retrieve capability information from the IMAP server. | |
_initOb () | |
Do initialization tasks. | |
_listACLRights (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox, $identifier) | |
Get ACL rights for a given mailbox/identifier. | |
_listMailboxes ($pattern, $mode, $options) | |
Obtain a list of mailboxes matching a pattern. | |
_loadMailbox ($mailbox, $uidvalid=null) | |
Loads basic mailbox information. | |
_loadSlice ($mailbox, $slice) | |
Load UIDs from a cache slice. | |
_loadSliceMap ($mailbox, $uidvalid=null) | |
Load the slicemap for a given mailbox. | |
_loadUids ($mailbox, $uids, $uidvalid=null) | |
Load UIDs by regenerating from the cache. | |
_login () | |
Login to the IMAP server. | |
_loginTasks ($firstlogin=true, array $resp=array()) | |
Perform login tasks. | |
_logout () | |
Logout from the IMAP server (see RFC 3501 [6.1.3]). | |
_mailboxOb ($mailbox=null) | |
Return the Horde_Imap_Client_Base_Mailbox object. | |
_mboxCompare ($a, $b) | |
Hierarchical folder sorting function (used with usort()). | |
_moveCache (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $to, $map, $uidvalid) | |
Moves cache entries from the current mailbox to another mailbox. | |
_msgText ($stream, $data) | |
Return text representation of a field. | |
_noop () | |
Send a NOOP command. | |
_normalize () | |
Normalize virtual rights (see RFC 4314 [2.1.1]). | |
_normalizeProperty ($name) | |
_openMailbox (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox, $mode) | |
Open a mailbox. | |
_parse ($url) | |
_parseACL (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse an ACL response (RFC 4314 [3.6]). | |
_parseAnnotation (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
_parseBodystructure (Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Recursively parse BODYSTRUCTURE data from a FETCH return (see RFC 3501 [7.4.2]). | |
_parseCapability (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, $data) | |
Parse a CAPABILITY Response (RFC 3501 [7.2.1]). | |
_parseChallenge ($challenge) | |
Parses and verifies the digest challenge. | |
_parseComparator (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, $data) | |
Parse a COMPARATOR response (RFC 5255 [4.8]) | |
_parseEnabled (Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse an ENABLED response (RFC 5161 [3.2]). | |
_parseEnvelope (Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse ENVELOPE data from a FETCH return (see RFC 3501 [7.4.2]). | |
_parseEsearch (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse an ESEARCH response (RFC 4466 [2.6.2]) Format: (TAG "a567") UID COUNT 5 ALL 4:19,21,28. | |
_parseFetch (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, $id, Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse a FETCH response (RFC 3501 [7.4.2]). | |
_parseID (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse an ID response (RFC 2971 [3.2]). | |
_parseLanguage (Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse a LANGUAGE response (RFC 5255 [3.3]). | |
_parseList (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse a LIST/LSUB response (RFC 3501 [7.2.2 & 7.2.3]). | |
_parseListRights (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse a LISTRIGHTS response (RFC 4314 [3.7]). | |
_parseMetadata (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse a METADATA response (RFC 5464 [4.4]). | |
_parseMyRights (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse a MYRIGHTS response (RFC 4314 [3.8]). | |
_parseNamespace (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse a NAMESPACE response (RFC 2342 [5] & RFC 5255 [3.4]). | |
_parseQuota (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse a QUOTA response (RFC 2087 [5.1]). | |
_parseResponseCode ($text) | |
Parses response text for response codes (RFC 2449 [8]). | |
_parseSearch (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, $data) | |
Parse a SEARCH/SORT response (RFC 3501 [7.2.5]; RFC 4466 [3]; RFC 5256 [4]; RFC 5267 [3]). | |
_parseStatus (Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse a STATUS response (RFC 3501 [7.2.4]). | |
_parseStructureParams ($data) | |
Helper function to parse a parameters-like tokenized array. | |
_parseThread (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse a THREAD response (RFC 5256 [4]). | |
_parseThreadLevel (&$thread, Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data, $level=0) | |
Parse a level of a THREAD response (RFC 5256 [4]). | |
_parseUrl (array $data) | |
_parseVanished (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $data) | |
Parse a VANISHED response (RFC 7162 [3.2.10]). | |
_partialAtom ($opts) | |
Add a partial atom to an IMAP command based on the criteria options. | |
_pipeline ($cmd=null) | |
Shortcut to creating a new pipeline object. | |
_pop3Cache ( $type, $index=self::MBOX_CACHE, $data=null) | |
Retrieve locally cached message data. | |
_prepareStatusResponse ($request, $mailbox) | |
Prepares a status response for a mailbox. | |
_processCmd ($pipeline, $cmd, $data) | |
Process/send a command to the remote server. | |
_processCmdContinuation ($pipeline, $noexception=false) | |
Process a command continuation response. | |
_processString ($str, $opts) | |
Process a string response based on criteria options. | |
_removeBlob ($str, $i) | |
Remove "[...]" text. | |
_removeBlobWhenNonempty (&$str) | |
Remove "[...]" text if it doesn't result in the subject becoming empty. | |
_removeSubjFwdHdr (&$str) | |
Remove a "[fwd: ... ]" string. | |
_removeSubjLeader (&$str, $keepblob=false) | |
Remove all prefix text of the subject that matches the subj-leader ABNF. | |
_renameMailbox (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $old, Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $new) | |
Rename a mailbox. | |
_resolveIds ($ids) | |
Resolve the $ids input to add() and remove(). | |
_responseCode (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server $ob) | |
Handle status responses (see RFC 3501 [7.1]). | |
_search ($query, $options) | |
Search a mailbox. | |
_sendCmd ($cmd) | |
Sends command(s) to the IMAP server. | |
_sendCmdChunk ($pipeline, $chunk) | |
Send a chunk of commands and/or continuation fragments to the server. | |
_sendID ($info) | |
Send ID information to the IMAP server (RFC 2971). | |
_sendLine ($cmd, $options=array()) | |
Perform a command on the server. | |
_serverResponse (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline, Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server $ob) | |
Handle untagged server responses (see RFC 3501 [2.2.2]). | |
_setACL (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox, $identifier, $options) | |
Set ACL rights for a given mailbox/identifier. | |
_setComparator ($comparator) | |
Set the comparator to use for searching/sorting (RFC 5255). | |
_setInit ($key=null, $val=null) | |
Set an initialization value. | |
_setLanguage ($langs) | |
Sets the preferred language for server response messages (RFC 5255). | |
_setMetadata (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox, $data) | |
Set metadata for a given mailbox/identifier. | |
_setMixed ($data) | |
Converts mixed input (string or resource) to the correct internal representation. | |
_setQuota (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $root, $resources) | |
Set quota limits. | |
_setSearchCache ($data, $sdata) | |
Set data in the search cache. | |
_sort (&$ids) | |
Sorts the IDs numerically. | |
_sortString (&$sorted) | |
Sort an array of strings based on current locale. | |
_stableAsort (&$a) | |
Stable asort() function. | |
_status ($mboxes, $flags) | |
Obtain status information for mailboxes. | |
_store ($options) | |
Store message flag data. | |
_storeCmd ($options) | |
Create a store command. | |
_subscribeMailbox (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox, $subscribe) | |
Manage subscription status for a mailbox. | |
_syncStatus ($mailbox) | |
Return the current mailbox synchronization status. | |
_thread ($options) | |
Thread sort a given list of messages (RFC 5256). | |
_toImapString () | |
_toSequenceString ($sort=true) | |
Create an IMAP message sequence string from a list of indices. | |
_toUpdate ($mailbox, $type, $data) | |
Add update entry for a mailbox. | |
_tryLogin ($method) | |
Authenticate to the IMAP server. | |
_updateCache (Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results $data) | |
Store FETCH data in cache. | |
_updateModSeq ($modseq) | |
Updates the cached MODSEQ value. | |
_value ($data) | |
Convert data from/to storage format. | |
_vanished ($modseq, Horde_Imap_Client_Ids $ids) | |
Get the list of vanished messages. | |
_write ($msg, $pre=null) | |
Write debug information to the output stream. | |
add ($alert, $type=null) | |
Add an alert. | |
add ($ids) | |
Add IDs to the current object. | |
add (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Command $cmd, $top=false) | |
Add a command to the pipeline. | |
addLiteralStream ($data) | |
Add data to literal stream at the current position. | |
alerts () | |
Return a list of alerts that MUST be presented to the user (RFC 3501 [7.1]). | |
allAclRights () | |
Return master list of ACL rights available on the server. | |
andSearch ($queries) | |
AND queries - the contents of this query will be AND'ed (in its entirety) with the contents of EACH of the queries passed in. | |
append ($mailbox, $data, array $options=array()) | |
Append message(s) to a mailbox. | |
attach (SplObserver $observer) | |
binary () | |
If literal output, is the data binary? | |
bodyPart ($id, array $opts=array()) | |
Return the body part data for a MIME ID. | |
bodyPartSize ($id) | |
Returns the decoded body part size for a MIME ID. | |
bodyText (array $opts=array()) | |
Return body text. | |
build ($exts=array()) | |
Builds an IMAP4rev1 compliant search string. | |
capability () | |
Get CAPABILITY information from the IMAP server. | |
charset ($charset, $convert=true) | |
Sets the charset of the search text. | |
check () | |
Request a checkpoint of the currently selected mailbox (RFC 3501 [6.4.1]). | |
checkMongoIndices () | |
clear ($lifetime=null) | |
Clear the cache. | |
clear () | |
Clears all fetch results. | |
client ($msg) | |
Write client output to debug log. | |
clientSort ($res, $opts) | |
Sort search results client side if the server does not support the SORT IMAP extension (RFC 5256). | |
close (array $options=array()) | |
Close the connection to the currently selected mailbox, optionally expunging all deleted messages (RFC 3501 [6.4.2]). | |
complete (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server_Tagged $resp) | |
Mark a command as completed. | |
contains ($criteria) | |
Does the query contain the given criteria? | |
copy ($source, $dest, array $options=array()) | |
Copy messages to another mailbox. | |
count () | |
static | create (Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize $t) |
Auto-scan an incoming line to determine the response type. | |
createMailbox ($mailbox, array $opts=array()) | |
Create a mailbox. | |
createMongoIndices () | |
current () | |
currentMailbox () | |
Return the currently opened mailbox and access mode. | |
dateSearch ($date, $range, $header=true, $not=false, array $opts=array()) | |
Search for messages within a date range. | |
dateTimeSearch ($date, $range, $header=true, $not=false, array $opts=array()) | |
Search for messages within a date and time range. | |
deleteACL ($mailbox, $identifier) | |
Deletes ACL rights for a given mailbox/identifier. | |
deleteMailbox ($mailbox) | |
Delete a mailbox. | |
deleteMsgs ($mailbox, $uids) | |
Delete messages in the cache. | |
detach (SplObserver $observer) | |
diff ($rights) | |
Computes the difference to another rights string. | |
enable ($capability, $enable=true) | |
Set a capability as enabled/disabled. | |
envelope () | |
Return envelope header data. | |
equals ($mbox) | |
Compares this mailbox to another mailbox string. | |
escape () | |
Returns the data formatted for output to the IMAP server. | |
escapeStream () | |
Return the escaped string as a stream. | |
exists ($type) | |
Does this object containing cacheable data of the given type? | |
expunge ($mailbox, array $options=array()) | |
Expunge deleted messages from the given mailbox. | |
fetch ($mailbox, $query, array $options=array()) | |
Fetch message data (see RFC 3501 [6.4.5]). | |
fetchFromUrl (Horde_Imap_Client_Url_Imap $url) | |
Given an IMAP URL, fetches the corresponding part. | |
filter ($in, $out, &$consumed, $closing) | |
first () | |
Return the first fetch object in the results, if there is only one object. | |
flag ($name, $set=true, array $opts=array()) | |
Search for a flag/keywords. | |
flags () | |
Return flags set for the message. | |
flagSearch () | |
Determines if flags are a part of the search. | |
flushIterator ($return=true, $sublevel=true) | |
Flush the remaining entries left in the iterator. | |
forceBinary () | |
Force item to be output as a binary literal. | |
forceLiteral () | |
Force item to be output as a literal. | |
forceQuoted () | |
Force item to be output quoted. | |
fullText (array $opts=array()) | |
Get the full text of the message. | |
get ($key) | |
Return a fetch object, creating and storing an empty object in the results set if it doesn't currently exist. | |
get ($mailbox, $uids, $fields, $uidvalid) | |
Get information from the cache for a set of UIDs. | |
get ($mailbox, array $uids=array(), $fields=array(), $uidvalid=null) | |
Get information from the cache. | |
static | get ($mbox, $utf7imap=false) |
Shortcut to obtaining mailbox object. | |
getACL ($mailbox) | |
Get the ACL rights for a given mailbox. | |
getBodyPart ($id, $stream=false) | |
Get a body part entry. | |
getBodyPartDecode ($id) | |
Determines if/how a body part was MIME decoded on the server. | |
getBodyPartSize ($id) | |
Returns the body part size, if returned by the server. | |
getBodyText ($id=0, $stream=false) | |
Get a body text entry. | |
getCache () | |
Returns the Horde_Imap_Client_Cache object used, if available. | |
getCachedUids ($mailbox, $uidvalid) | |
Get the list of cached UIDs. | |
getCacheId ($mailbox, array $addl=array()) | |
Returns a unique identifier for the current mailbox status. | |
getClientFinalMessage () | |
Return the final client message. | |
getClientFirstMessage () | |
Return the initial client message. | |
getCmd ($tag) | |
Return the command for a given tag. | |
getCommand () | |
Get the command. | |
getCommands (Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server_Continuation $ob) | |
Calls the closure object. | |
getComparator () | |
Get the comparator used for searching/sorting (RFC 5255). | |
getData () | |
Returns the raw data. | |
getEnvelope () | |
Get envelope data. | |
getFlags () | |
Get IMAP flags. | |
getFullMsg ($stream=false) | |
Returns the full message. | |
getHeaders ($label, $format=0) | |
Get a header entry. | |
getHeaderText ($id=0, $format=0) | |
Get a header text entry. | |
getID () | |
Return ID information from the IMAP server (RFC 2971). | |
getIdsOb ($ids=null, $sequence=false) | |
Returns the correct IDs object for use with this driver. | |
getImapDate () | |
Get internal IMAP date. | |
getIterator () | |
getLanguage ($list=false) | |
Gets the preferred language for server response messages (RFC 5255). | |
getLast () | |
Returns the last alert received. | |
getLiteralLength () | |
Return literal length data located at the end of the stream. | |
getMetaData ($mailbox, $uidvalid, $entries) | |
Get metadata information for a mailbox. | |
getMetaData ($mailbox, $uidvalid=null, array $entries=array()) | |
Get metadata information for a mailbox. | |
getMetadata ($mailbox, $entries, array $options=array()) | |
Get metadata for a given mailbox. | |
getMimeHeader ($id, $format=0) | |
Get a MIME header entry. | |
getModSeq () | |
Get the modified sequence value for the message. | |
getMyACLRights ($mailbox) | |
Get the ACL rights for the current user for a given mailbox. | |
getNamespace ($mbox, $personal=false) | |
Get namespace info for a full mailbox path. | |
getNamespaces (array $additional=array(), array $opts=array()) | |
Get the NAMESPACE information from the IMAP server (RFC 2342). | |
getParam ($key) | |
Returns a value from the internal params array. | |
getParams ($capability) | |
Return the list of parameters for an extension. | |
getPassword () | |
Return the password to use for the server connection. | |
getQuota ($root) | |
Get quota limits. | |
getQuotaRoot ($mailbox) | |
Get quota limits for a mailbox. | |
getRawData () | |
Return the internal representation of the data. | |
getSeq () | |
Get message sequence number. | |
getSize () | |
Get message size. | |
getStatus ($entry) | |
Get status information for the mailbox. | |
getStream () | |
Return the contents of the string as a stream object. | |
getString ($type=self::RFC_4314) | |
Returns the raw string to use in IMAP server calls. | |
getStructure () | |
Get the message structure. | |
getSyncToken ($mailbox) | |
Returns a unique token for the current mailbox synchronization status. | |
getThread ($index) | |
Returns the list of messages in a thread. | |
getThreads () | |
Returns array of all threads. | |
getTimer () | |
Return the timer data. | |
getType () | |
Return the ID type. | |
getUid () | |
Get UID. | |
hash () | |
Returns a hash of the current query object. | |
headers ($label, $search, array $opts=array()) | |
Returns RFC 2822 header text that matches a search string. | |
headerText ($header, $text, $not=false, array $opts=array()) | |
Search for text in the header of a message. | |
headerText (array $opts=array()) | |
Return header text. | |
ids () | |
Return the list of IDs. | |
ids (Horde_Imap_Client_Ids $ids, $not=false, array $opts=array()) | |
Search for messages within a given UID range. | |
imapDate () | |
Return the internal (IMAP) date of the message. | |
info ($msg) | |
Write informational message to debug log. | |
intervalSearch ($interval, $range, $not=false, array $opts=array()) | |
Search for messages within a given interval. | |
isDefault () | |
Does this object contain only default values for all fields? | |
isDowngraded () | |
Does the message contain internationalized downgraded data (i.e. | |
isEmpty () | |
Is this object empty (i.e. | |
isEnabled ($capability=null) | |
Is the extension enabled? | |
isSecureConnection () | |
Display if connection to the server has been secured via TLS or SSL. | |
key () | |
length () | |
Return the length of the data. | |
listACLRights ($mailbox, $identifier) | |
List the ACL rights for a given mailbox/identifier. | |
listMailboxes ($pattern, $mode=Horde_Imap_Client::MBOX_ALL, array $options=array()) | |
Obtain a list of mailboxes matching a pattern. | |
literal () | |
Does this data item require literal string output? | |
login () | |
Login to the IMAP server. | |
logout () | |
Logout from the IMAP server (see RFC 3501 [6.1.3]). | |
lookup (Horde_Imap_Client_Ids $ids) | |
Create a Sequence <-> UID lookup table. | |
merge (Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Fetch $data) | |
Merge a fetch object into this one. | |
messageList () | |
Return the sorted list of messages indices. | |
messagePrintf (array $args=array()) | |
Perform substitution of variables in the error message. | |
mimeHeader ($id, array $opts=array()) | |
Return MIME header text. | |
modseq ($value, $name=null, $type=null, $not=false, array $opts=array()) | |
Search for messages modified since a specific moment. | |
modseq () | |
Return the mod-sequence value for the message. | |
newMsgs ($newmsgs=true, array $opts=array()) | |
Search for either new messages (messages that have the 'Recent' flag but not the 'Seen' flag) or old messages (messages that do not have the 'Recent' flag). | |
next () | |
nextStream () | |
Force return of literal data as stream, if next token. | |
noop () | |
Send a NOOP command (RFC 3501 [6.1.2]). | |
notify () | |
Notification is triggered internally whenever the object's internal data storage is altered. | |
offsetExists ($offset) | |
offsetGet ($offset) | |
offsetSet ($offset, $value) | |
offsetUnset ($offset) | |
onCreate () | |
openMailbox ($mailbox, $mode=Horde_Imap_Client::OPEN_AUTO) | |
Open a mailbox. | |
orSearch ($queries) | |
OR a query - the contents of this query will be OR'ed (in its entirety) with the contents of EACH of the queries passed in. | |
parseCacheId ($id) | |
Parses a cacheID created by getCacheId(). | |
parseServerFinalMessage ($msg) | |
Process the final server message response. | |
parseServerFirstMessage ($msg) | |
Process the initial server message response. | |
previousSearch ($not=false, array $opts=array()) | |
Use the results from the previous SEARCH command. | |
query ($capability, $parameter=null) | |
Returns whether the server supports the given capability. | |
queryCapability ($capability) | |
Returns whether the IMAP server supports the given capability (See RFC 3501 [6.1.1]). | |
quoted () | |
Does this data item require quoted string output? | |
raw ($msg) | |
Write server output to debug log. | |
read ($size=null) | |
Read data from incoming POP3 stream. | |
remove ($capability, $params=null) | |
Remove a capability. | |
remove ($ids) | |
Removed IDs from the current object. | |
remove (Horde_Imap_Client_Ids $ids) | |
Removes messages from the ID mapping. | |
renameMailbox ($old, $new) | |
Rename a mailbox. | |
reset () | |
Reset the mailbox information. | |
resolveIds (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox $mailbox, Horde_Imap_Client_Ids $ids, $convert=0) | |
Resolves an IDs object into a list of IDs. | |
reverse () | |
Reverses the order of the IDs. | |
rewind () | |
save () | |
Updates the cache. | |
search ($mailbox, $query=null, array $options=array()) | |
Search a mailbox. | |
sendID ($info=null) | |
Send ID information to the IMAP server (RFC 2971). | |
seq () | |
Return the sequence number of the message. | |
serialize () | |
server ($msg) | |
Write server output to debug log. | |
set ($mailbox, $data, $uidvalid) | |
Store information in cache. | |
setACL ($mailbox, $identifier, $options) | |
Set ACL rights for a given mailbox/identifier. | |
setBaseOb (Horde_Imap_Client_Base $ob) | |
setBodyPart ($id, $text, $decode=null) | |
Set a body part entry. | |
setBodyPartSize ($id, $size) | |
Set the body part size for a body part. | |
setBodyText ($id, $text) | |
Set a body text entry. | |
setCode ($code) | |
Allow the error code to be altered. | |
setComparator ($comparator=null) | |
Set the comparator to use for searching/sorting (RFC 5255). | |
setDowngraded ($downgraded) | |
Set the internationalized downgraded status for the message. | |
setEnvelope ($data) | |
Set envelope data. | |
setFlags (array $flags) | |
Set IMAP flags. | |
setFullMsg ($msg) | |
Set the full message property. | |
setHeaders ($label, $data) | |
Set a header entry. | |
setHeaderText ($id, $text) | |
Set a header text entry. | |
setImapDate ($date) | |
Set IMAP internal date. | |
setLanguage ($langs=null) | |
Sets the preferred language for server response messages (RFC 5255). | |
setMessage ($msg) | |
Allow the error message to be altered. | |
setMetaData ($mailbox, $data) | |
Set metadata information for a mailbox. | |
setMetaData ($mailbox, $uidvalid, array $data=array()) | |
Set metadata information for a mailbox. | |
setMetadata ($mailbox, $data) | |
Set metadata for a given mailbox/identifier. | |
setMimeHeader ($id, $text) | |
Set a MIME header entry. | |
setModSeq ($modseq) | |
Set the modified sequence value for the message. | |
setParam ($key, $val) | |
Sets a configuration parameter value. | |
setParams (array $params=array()) | |
Add configuration parameters. | |
setQuota ($root, array $resources=array()) | |
Set quota limits. | |
setSeq ($seq) | |
Set message sequence number. | |
setSize ($size) | |
Set message size. | |
setStatus ($entry, $value) | |
Set status information for the mailbox. | |
setStructure (Horde_Mime_Part $structure) | |
Set the message structure. | |
setUid ($uid) | |
Set UID. | |
setValid ($charset, $valid=true) | |
Set the validity of a given charset. | |
shutdown () | |
Shutdown actions. | |
size ($size, $larger=false, $not=false, array $opts=array()) | |
Search for messages smaller/larger than a certain size. | |
size () | |
Return the size (in bytes) of the message. | |
sort () | |
Sorts the IDs. | |
sort (array $opts=array()) | |
Sort the list of mailboxes. | |
split ($length) | |
Split the sequence string at an approximate length. | |
startTimer () | |
Start the command timer. | |
status ($mailbox, $flags=Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_ALL, array $opts=array()) | |
Obtain status information for a mailbox. | |
statusMultiple ($mailboxes, $flags=Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_ALL, array $opts=array()) | |
Perform a STATUS call on multiple mailboxes at the same time. | |
store ($mailbox, array $options=array()) | |
Store message flag data (see RFC 3501 [6.4.6]). | |
stripNamespace ($mbox) | |
Strips namespace information from the given mailbox name. | |
stripNonAtomCharacters () | |
Strip out any characters that are not allowed in an IMAP atom. | |
structure () | |
Return MIME structure information. | |
subscribeMailbox ($mailbox, $subscribe=true) | |
Manage subscription status for a mailbox. | |
sync ($mailbox, $token, array $opts=array()) | |
Synchronize a mailbox from a sync token. | |
text ($text, $bodyonly=true, $not=false, array $opts=array()) | |
Search for text in either the entire message, or just the body. | |
thread ($mailbox, array $options=array()) | |
Thread sort a given list of messages (RFC 5256). | |
threadOrderedSubject (Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results $data, $uids) | |
If server does not support the THREAD IMAP extension (RFC 5256), do ORDEREDSUBJECT threading on the client side. | |
toArray () | |
Returns the raw data. | |
uid () | |
Return the unique ID of the message. | |
unserialize ($data) | |
update ($ids) | |
Updates the mapping. | |
update (SplSubject $subject) | |
static | Utf7ImapToUtf8 ($str) |
Convert a string from UTF7-IMAP to UTF-8. | |
static | Utf8ToUtf7Imap ($str, $force=true) |
Convert a string from UTF-8 to UTF7-IMAP. | |
valid () | |
validSearchCharset ($charset) | |
Determines if the given charset is valid for search-related queries. | |
vanished ($mailbox, $modseq, array $opts=array()) | |
Get the list of vanished messages (UIDs that have been expunged since a given mod-sequence value). | |
verify () | |
Verify the data. | |
write ($data, $debug=true) | |
Writes data to the POP3 output stream. | |
writeLiteral ($data, $length, $binary=false) | |
Writes literal data to the IMAP output stream. | |
Variables | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Base_Alerts | $_alerts |
Alerts reporting object. | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Cache_Backend | $_backend |
Storage backend. | |
string | $_buffer = '' |
Sending buffer. | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Cache | $_cache = null |
The Horde_Imap_Client_Cache object. | |
Horde_Cache | $_cache |
The cache object. | |
string | $_charset = null |
The charset of the search strings. | |
array | $_charsets |
Charset data. | |
boolean | $_checkStatus = true |
Check for status response? | |
Closure | $_closure |
Closure function to run after continuation response. | |
array | $_cmdQueue = array() |
Queued commands to send to the server. | |
array | $_commands = array() |
The list of commands. | |
Horde Socket Client | $_connection = null |
Connection to the IMAP server. | |
array | $_data = array() |
The working data for the current pageload. | |
array | $_data = array() |
The working data for the current pageload. | |
Horde_Mime_Headers | $_data |
Data object. | |
array | $_data = array() |
Internal data array. | |
array | $_data = array() |
Data object. | |
array | $_data = array() |
Internal data array. | |
Horde_Db_Adapter | $_db |
Handle for the database connection. | |
MongoDB | $_db |
The MongoDB object for the cache data. | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Base_Debug | $_debug = null |
The debug object. | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Base_Debug | $_debug = false |
Debug output. | |
array | $_defaultPorts = array() |
The default ports to use for a connection. | |
array | $_defaultPorts = array(143, 993) |
The default ports to use for a connection. | |
array | $_defaultPorts = array(110, 995) |
The default ports to use for a connection. | |
array | $_deleted = array() |
The list of deleted messages. | |
string | $_fetchDataClass = 'Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Fetch' |
The fetch data object type to return. | |
string | $_fetchDataClass = 'Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Fetch_Pop3' |
This object returns POP3 Fetch data objects. | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $_flagsuids |
UIDs of messages that have had flag changes. | |
string | $_hash |
Hash name. | |
Horde_HashTable | $_hash |
HashTable object. | |
string | $_host = null |
The server name. | |
mixed | $_ids = array() |
List of IDs. | |
array | $_indices |
The list of indices. | |
array | $_init |
Cached server data. | |
boolean | $_isAuthenticated = false |
Is there an active authenticated connection to the IMAP Server? | |
integer | $_iterations |
Number of Hi iterations (RFC 5802 [2]). | |
integer | $_key = false |
Current key. | |
integer | $_keyType |
Key type. | |
integer | $_level = false |
Sublevel. | |
array | $_literals = array() |
Array of literal stream objects. | |
boolean | $_literalStream = false |
Return Horde_Stream object for literal tokens? | |
array | $_loaded = array() |
The list of cache slices loaded. | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $_mailbox |
Mailbox object. | |
array | $_mbox = array() |
Mailbox level data. | |
array | $_mboxes = array() |
Mailbox list. | |
static array | $_mbstring = null |
Is mbstring extension available? | |
integer | $_mode = 0 |
The current mailbox selection mode. | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $_newmsgsuids |
UIDs of new messages. | |
array | $_nextModify = array() |
next() modifiers. | |
string | $_nonce |
Nonce. | |
string | $_obClass |
Class to use when creating a new fetch object. | |
array | $_observers = array() |
Observers. | |
array | $_observers = array() |
Observers. | |
array | $_observers = array() |
Observers. | |
Horde_Pack | $_pack |
Horde_Pack singleton object. | |
array | $_params = array() |
Hash containing connection parameters. | |
array | $_params = array() |
The configuration params. | |
string | $_partial |
Byte range for use with IMAP FETCH command. | |
string | $_pass |
Password. | |
static string | $_pearDirectory = '@data_dir@' |
The absolute PEAR path to the translations for the default gettext handler. | |
integer | $_port = null |
The port. | |
array | $_required = array() |
ACL required rights. | |
string | $_salt |
Server salt. | |
array | $_search = array() |
The list of search params. | |
string | $_search |
Search query to be run with IMAP SEARCH. | |
string | $_section |
MIME part ID. | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $_selected = null |
The currently selected mailbox. | |
boolean | $_sequence = false |
Are IDs message sequence numbers? | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server | $_server |
Server response object. | |
string | $_serversig |
Calculated server signature value. | |
array | $_slicemap = array() |
The mapping of UIDs to slices. | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Socket | $_socket |
Socket object. | |
boolean | $_sorted = false |
Are IDs sorted? | |
boolean | $_sorted = true |
Is the array sorted? | |
boolean | $_sortinbox |
Should we sort with INBOX at the front of the list? | |
array | $_status = array() |
Status information. | |
array | $_statusFields |
Mapping of status fields to IMAP names. | |
resource | $_stream |
The debug stream. | |
Horde_Stream | $_stream |
Data stream. | |
integer | $_tag = 0 |
The unique tag to use when making an IMAP query. | |
array | $_temp = array() |
Temp array (destroyed at end of process). | |
integer | $_time = null |
Timestamp of last command. | |
Horde_Support_Timer | $_timer |
Command timer. | |
array | $_todo = array() |
The list of commands to complete. | |
string | $_type |
The index type. | |
string | $_uid |
integer | $_uidvalidity |
IMAP UIDVALIDITY for the given mailbox. | |
array | $_update = array() |
The list of items to update: | |
array | $_update = array() |
List of mailbox/UIDs to update. | |
string | $_urlauth |
URLAUTH info (not parsed). | |
string | $_user |
Username. | |
string | $_username = null |
The username. | |
string | $_utf8 |
UTF8 representation of mailbox. | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $_vanisheduids |
UIDs of messages that have vanished. | |
array | $_virtual |
List of virtual rights (RFC 4314 [2.1.1]). | |
array | $cacheFields |
The list of fetch fields that can be cached, and their cache names. | |
static array | $capability_deps |
Capability dependencies. | |
boolean | $changed = false |
Has the internal configuration changed? | |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | $condstore |
boolean | $debug = true |
Is debugging active? | |
boolean | $duplicates = false |
Allow duplicate IDs? | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results | $fetch |
Fetch results. | |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | $fields |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see boolean | $flags = null |
Are there messages that have had flag changes? | |
integer | $highestmodseq = null |
The previous value of HIGHESTMODSEQ. | |
string | $hostspec = null |
The remote server (not present for relative URLs). | |
boolean | $literal8 = false |
Are literal8's available? | |
boolean | $literalplus = true |
Use LITERAL+ if available. | |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | $mailbox |
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox |
The synchronized mailbox. | |
string | $mailbox = null |
The IMAP mailbox. | |
integer | $messages = null |
The previous number of messages in the mailbox. | |
boolean | $newmsgs = null |
Are there new messages? | |
return | $ob |
return | $ob |
callback | $on_error = null |
A callback to run on error. | |
callback | $on_success = null |
A callback to run on success. | |
boolean | $open |
Is mailbox opened? | |
string | $partial = null |
A byte range for use with IMAP FETCH. | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline |
Pipeline object associated with this command. | |
integer | $port = null |
The remote port (not present for relative URLs). | |
string | $protocol = null |
The protocol type. | |
string | $raw_msg = '' |
Raw error message (in English). | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server | $response |
Server response. | |
object | $responseCode = null |
Response code (RFC 3501 [7.1]). | |
string | $search = null |
A search query to be run with IMAP SEARCH. | |
string | $section = null |
A MIME part ID. | |
string | $status = null |
Status response from the server. | |
boolean | $statuscache = true |
Horde_Imap_Client is optimized for short (i.e. | |
boolean | $sync |
Is mailbox sync'd with remote server (via CONDSTORE/QRESYNC)? | |
string | $tag |
The command tag. | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $token |
IMAP server data. | |
string | $uid = null |
The IMAP UID. | |
integer | $uidnext = null |
The previous value of UIDNEXT. | |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | $uids |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | $uidvalid |
integer | $uidvalidity = null |
The previous value of UIDVALIDITY. | |
integer | $uidvalidity = null |
The IMAP UIDVALIDITY for the given mailbox. | |
string | $urlauth = null |
URLAUTH info (not parsed). | |
string | $username |
Username. | |
string | $username = null |
The username to use on the remote server. | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $vanished = null |
The UIDs of messages that are guaranteed to have vanished. | |
default | __pad0__ |
const | ACL_ADMINISTER = 'a' |
const | ACL_CREATE = 'c' |
const | ACL_CREATEMBOX = 'k' |
const | ACL_DELETE = 'd' |
const | ACL_DELETEMBOX = 'x' |
const | ACL_DELETEMSGS = 't' |
const | ACL_EXPUNGE = 'e' |
const | ACL_INSERT = 'i' |
const | ACL_LOOKUP = 'l' |
const | ACL_POST = 'p' |
const | ACL_READ = 'r' |
const | ACL_SEEN = 's' |
const | ACL_WRITE = 'w' |
const | ALREADYEXISTS = 22 |
The operation failed because the requested creation object already exists. | |
const | BADCHARSET = 5 |
The charset used in the search query is not supported on the server. | |
const | BADCOMPARATOR = 9 |
The comparator specified by setComparator() was not recognized by the IMAP server. | |
const | BASE_HOSTSPEC = 'hostspec' |
Mongo field names: BASE collection. | |
const | BASE_MAILBOX = 'mailbox' |
const | BASE_MODIFIED = 'modified' |
const | BASE_PORT = 'port' |
const | BASE_UID = 'data' |
const | BASE_USERNAME = 'username' |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth | below |
const | BYE = 2 |
const | CACHE_DOWNGRADED = 'HICdg' |
Cache names used exclusively within this class. | |
const | CACHE_MODSEQ = '_m' |
Cache names for miscellaneous data. | |
const | CACHE_SEARCH = '_s' |
const | CACHE_SEARCHID = '_i' |
const | CATENATE_BADURL = 13 |
Thrown on CATENATE if the URL is invalid. | |
const | CATENATE_TOOBIG = 14 |
Thrown on CATENATE if the message was too big. | |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions *are this list of conditions and the following disclaimer *o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution *o The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote *products derived from this software without specific prior written *permission **THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BUT NOT *LIMITED THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR *A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT *OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING, BUT NOT| *|LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;LOSS OF USE,| *|DATA, OR PROFITS;OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY| *|THEORY OF LIABILITY WHETHER I | CONTRACT ) |
const | CORRUPTION = 19 |
The operation failed because data on the server was corrupt. | |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Countable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Countable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Countable |
const | DATE_BEFORE = 'BEFORE' |
Constants for dateSearch() | |
const | DATE_ON = 'ON' |
const | DATE_SINCE = 'SINCE' |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions *are this list of conditions and the following disclaimer *o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution *o The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote *products derived from this software without specific prior written *permission **THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BUT NOT *LIMITED THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR *A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT *OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY | DIRECT |
const | DISCONNECT = 4 |
The server ended the connection. | |
else | |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions *are this list of conditions and the following disclaimer *o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution *o The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote *products derived from this software without specific prior written *permission **THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BUT NOT *LIMITED THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR *A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT *OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY | EXEMPLARY |
const | FETCH_BODYPART = 6 |
const | FETCH_BODYTEXT = 4 |
const | FETCH_DOWNGRADED = 16 |
const | FETCH_ENVELOPE = 9 |
const | FETCH_FLAGS = 10 |
const | FETCH_FULLMSG = 2 |
const | FETCH_HEADERS = 8 |
const | FETCH_HEADERTEXT = 3 |
const | FETCH_IMAPDATE = 11 |
const | FETCH_MIMEHEADER = 5 |
const | FETCH_MODSEQ = 15 |
const | FETCH_SEQ = 14 |
const | FETCH_SIZE = 12 |
const | FETCH_STRUCTURE = 1 |
const | FETCH_UID = 13 |
const | FLAG_ANSWERED = '\\answered' |
const | FLAG_DELETED = '\\deleted' |
const | FLAG_DRAFT = '\\draft' |
const | FLAG_FLAGGED = '\\flagged' |
const | FLAG_FORWARDED = '$forwarded' |
const | FLAG_JUNK = '$junk' |
const | FLAG_MDNSENT = '$mdnsent' |
const | FLAG_NOTJUNK = '$notjunk' |
const | FLAG_RECENT = '\\recent' |
const | FLAG_SEEN = '\\seen' |
const | HEADER_STREAM = 2 |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions *are this list of conditions and the following disclaimer *o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution *o The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote *products derived from this software without specific prior written *permission **THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BUT NOT *LIMITED THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR *A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT *OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING, BUT NOT| *|LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;LOSS OF USE,| *|DATA, OR PROFITS;OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY| *|THEORY OF LIABILITY WHETHER IN STRICT OR TORT *INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE *OF THIS EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE ***category Horde *copyright Richard Heyes *copyright Horde LLC *licens | http ) |
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*getBaseSubject() code adapted from imap-base-subject.c(Dovecot 1.2) *Original code released under the LGPL-2.1 *Copyright(c) 2002-2008 Timo Sirainen< tss > **See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
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*Copyright(C) 2000 Edmund Grimley Evans< edmundo > *Released under the GPL(version 2) **Translated from C to PHP by Thomas Bruederli< roundcube > *Code extracted from the RoundCube Webmail(http(version 2) **Copyright 2008-2017 Horde LLC(http(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions *are this list of conditions and the following disclaimer *o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution *o The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote *products derived from this software without specific prior written *permission **THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BUT NOT *LIMITED THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR *A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT *OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY | INCIDENTAL |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions *are this list of conditions and the following disclaimer *o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution *o The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote *products derived from this software without specific prior written *permission **THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED | INCLUDING |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions *are this list of conditions and the following disclaimer *o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution *o The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote *products derived from this software without specific prior written *permission **THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BUT NOT *LIMITED THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR *A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT *OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY | INDIRECT |
Constants for intervalSearch() | |
const | INUSE = 18 |
The operation was not successful because another user is holding a necessary resource. | |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Iterator |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Iterator |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Iterator |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | IteratorAggregate |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | IteratorAggregate |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | IteratorAggregate |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | IteratorAggregate |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | IteratorAggregate |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | IteratorAggregate |
const | LARGEST = "\03" |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions *are this list of conditions and the following disclaimer *o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution *o The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote *products derived from this software without specific prior written *permission **THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BUT NOT *LIMITED THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR *A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT *OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING, BUT NOT| *|LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;LOSS OF USE,| *|DATA, OR PROFITS;OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY| *|THEORY OF LIABILITY WHETHER IN STRIC | LIABILITY ) |
const | LIMIT = 20 |
The operation failed because it exceeded some limit on the server. | |
Generic authentication failure. | |
Authentication succeeded, but authorization failed. | |
const | LOGIN_EXPIRED = 105 |
Authentication is no longer permitted with this passphrase. | |
const | LOGIN_NOAUTHMETHOD = 101 |
Could not find an available authentication method. | |
Login requires privacy. | |
Server verification failed (SCRAM authentication). | |
const | LOGIN_TLSFAILURE = 100 |
Could not start mandatory TLS connection. | |
const | LOGIN_UNAVAILABLE = 103 |
Remote server is unavailable. | |
const | MAILBOX_NOOPEN = 200 |
Could not open/access mailbox. | |
const | MAILBOX_READONLY = 201 |
Could not complete the command because the mailbox is read-only. | |
const | MBOX_ALL = 4 |
const | MBOX_SUBSCRIBED = 1 |
const | MBOXNOMODSEQ = 10 |
RFC 7162 [] - All mailboxes are not required to support mod-sequences. | |
const | MD = 'horde_imap_client_cache_metadata' |
const | MD_DATA = 'data' |
Mongo field names: MD collection. | |
const | MD_FIELD = 'field' |
const | MD_TABLE = 'horde_imap_client_metadata' |
const | MD_UID = 'uid' |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions *are | met |
const | METADATA_INVALID = 27 |
Invalid metadata entry. | |
const | METADATA_MAXSIZE = 24 |
Setting metadata failed because the size of its value is too large. | |
Setting metadata failed because the server does not support private annotations on one of the specified mailboxes. | |
const | METADATA_TOOMANY = 25 |
Setting metadata failed because the maximum number of allowed annotations has already been reached. | |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without * | modification |
const | MSG = 'horde_imap_client_cache_message' |
const | MSG_DATA = 'data' |
Mongo field names: MSG collection. | |
const | MSG_MSGUID = 'msguid' |
const | MSG_TABLE = 'horde_imap_client_message' |
const | MSG_UID = 'uid' |
const | NO = 3 |
$ob | no_quote_list = true |
$ob | no_quote_list = true |
const | NONEXISTENT = 23 |
The operation failed because the requested deletion object did not exist. | |
const | NOPERM = 17 |
The user did not have permissions to carry out the operation. | |
const | NOT_SUPPORTED = 400 |
Function/feature is not supported on this server. | |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions *are this list of conditions and the following disclaimer *o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * | notice |
const | NS_OTHER = 2 |
const | NS_OTHER = 2 |
const | NS_PERSONAL = 1 |
const | NS_SHARED = 3 |
const | NS_SHARED = 3 |
const | OK = 4 |
const | OPEN_AUTO = 3 |
const | OPEN_READWRITE = 2 |
const | OVERQUOTA = 21 |
The operation failed because the user is over their quota. | |
const | PARSEERROR = 6 |
There were errors parsing the MIME/RFC 2822 header of the part. | |
const | POP3_PERM_ERROR = 301 |
Permanent error indicated by server. | |
const | POP3_TEMP_ERROR = 300 |
Temporary issue. | |
const | PREAUTH = 5 |
const | RFC_4314 = 2 |
const | SEARCH_RES = "\02" |
const | SEARCH_RESULTS_MAX = 3 |
const | SEARCH_RESULTS_MIN = 4 |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Serializable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Serializable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Serializable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Serializable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Serializable |
const | SERVER_CONNECT = 11 |
Thrown if server denies the network connection. | |
const | SERVER_READERROR = 12 |
Thrown if read error for server response. | |
const | SERVER_WRITEERROR = 16 |
Thrown if write error in server interaction. | |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions *are this list of conditions and the following disclaimer *o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution *o The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote *products derived from this software without specific prior written *permission **THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BUT NOT *LIMITED THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR *A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT *OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING, BUT NOT| *|LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;LOSS OF USE,| *|DATA, OR PROFITS;OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY| *|THEORY OF LIABILITY WHETHER IN STRICT OR TORT *INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE *OF THI | SOFTWARE ) |
const | SORT_ARRIVAL = 1 |
const | SORT_CC = 2 |
const | SORT_DATE = 3 |
const | SORT_DISPLAYFROM = 10 |
const | SORT_DISPLAYTO = 11 |
const | SORT_FROM = 4 |
const | SORT_RELEVANCY = 13 |
const | SORT_REVERSE = 5 |
const | SORT_SEQUENCE = 12 |
const | SORT_SIZE = 6 |
const | SORT_SUBJECT = 7 |
const | SORT_THREAD = 9 |
const | SORT_TO = 8 |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions *are this list of conditions and the following disclaimer *o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution *o The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote *products derived from this software without specific prior written *permission **THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BUT NOT *LIMITED THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR *A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT *OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * | SPECIAL |
const | SPECIALUSE_ALL = '\\All' |
const | SPECIALUSE_ARCHIVE = '\\Archive' |
const | SPECIALUSE_DRAFTS = '\\Drafts' |
const | SPECIALUSE_FLAGGED = '\\Flagged' |
const | SPECIALUSE_JUNK = '\\Junk' |
const | SPECIALUSE_SENT = '\\Sent' |
const | SPECIALUSE_TRASH = '\\Trash' |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | SplObserver |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | SplSubject |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | SplSubject |
const | STATUS_ALL = 32 |
const | STATUS_FLAGS = 128 |
const | STATUS_FORCE_REFRESH = 65536 |
const | STATUS_MESSAGES = 1 |
const | STATUS_PERMFLAGS = 256 |
const | STATUS_RECENT = 2 |
const | STATUS_RECENT_TOTAL = 32768 |
const | STATUS_SYNCFLAGUIDS = 2048 |
const | STATUS_SYNCMODSEQ = 1024 |
const | STATUS_SYNCVANISHED = 16384 |
const | STATUS_UIDNEXT = 4 |
const | STATUS_UIDNEXT_FORCE = 8192 |
const | STATUS_UIDNOTSTICKY = 4096 |
const | STATUS_UNSEEN = 16 |
const | SYNC_ALL = 64 |
const | SYNC_FLAGS = 1 |
const | SYNC_FLAGSUIDS = 2 |
const | SYNC_NEWMSGS = 4 |
const | SYNC_NEWMSGSUIDS = 8 |
const | SYNC_UIDVALIDITY = 0 |
const | SYNC_VANISHED = 16 |
const | SYNC_VANISHEDUIDS = 32 |
const | THREAD_REFS = 3 |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions *are this list of conditions and the following disclaimer *o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution *o The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote *products derived from this software without specific prior written *permission **THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BUT NOT *LIMITED | TO |
const | UID = 2 |
UIDVALIDITY of the mailbox changed. | |
const | UNKNOWNCTE = 7 |
The server could not decode the MIME part (see RFC 3516). | |
const | USEATTR = 15 |
Thrown on CREATE if special-use attribute is not supported. | |
There was an unrecoverable error in UTF7IMAP -> UTF8 conversion. | |
**This code is based on the original code contained in the PEAR Auth_SASL *package(v0.5.1) as set forth with or without are permitted provided that the following conditions *are this list of conditions and the following disclaimer *o Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the *documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution *o The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote *products derived from this software without specific prior written *permission **THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS *AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED | WARRANTIES |
__construct | ( | $msg, | |
$code, | |||
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server | $server, | ||
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline ) |
string | null | $msg | Error message. |
integer | $code | Error code. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server | $server | Server ob. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline ob. |
__construct | ( | $username = null, | |
$access_token = null ) |
array | $data | See $_thread. |
string | $type | Either 'sequence' or 'uid'. |
string | $message | Error message (non-translated). |
int | $code | Error code. |
string | $extension | The extension not supported on the server. |
string | $msg | A non-standard error message to use instead of the default. |
string | $ob_class | Class to use when creating a new fetch object. |
integer | $key_type | Key type. |
mixed | $ids | See self\add(). |
boolean | $sequence | Are $ids message sequence numbers? |
string | $cmd | The IMAP command. |
string | $tag | The tag to use. If not set, will be automatically generated. |
string | $mbox | The mailbox name. |
boolean | $utf7imap | Is mailbox UTF7-IMAP encoded (true). Otherwise, mailbox is assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. |
string | $username | The username. |
string | $access_token | The access token. |
__construct | ( | $url = '' | ) |
mixed | $debug | The debug target. |
string | $rights | The rights (see RFC 4314 [2.1]). |
mixed | $data | Data. |
mixed | $data | Either a mailbox object or a UTF-8 mailbox name. |
string | $charset | The charset that was attempted to be converted to. |
string | $tag | The tag to use. If not set, will be automatically generated. |
Closure | $closure | A function to run after the continuation response is received. It receives one argument - a Continuation object - and should return a list of arguments to send to the server (via a Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_List object). |
mixed | $mboxes | A mailbox or list of mailboxes. |
array | $ns | The list of namespace objects. |
mixed | $data | Data to add (string, resource, or Horde_Stream object). |
Absolute IMAP URLs takes one of the following forms:
POP URLs take one of the following forms:
string | $url | A URL string. |
string | $url | A URL string. |
__construct | ( | $id, | |
$pass, | |||
$challenge, | |||
$hostname, | |||
$service ) |
Generate the Digest-MD5 response.
string | $id | Authentication id (username). |
string | $pass | Password. |
string | $challenge | The digest challenge sent by the server. |
string | $hostname | The hostname of the machine connecting to. |
string | $service | The service name (e.g. 'imap', 'pop3'). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
__construct | ( | $data, | |
array | $opts = array() ) |
string | $str | The subject string. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
string | The cleaned up subject string. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_Exception |
__construct | ( | $user, | |
$pass, | |||
$hash = 'SHA1' ) |
string | $user | Username. |
string | $pass | Password. |
string | $hash | Hash name. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
__construct | ( | array | $params = array() | ) |
array | $params | Configuration parameters: - cache: (array) If set, caches data from fetch(), search(), and thread() calls. Requires the horde/Cache package to be installed. The array can contain the following keys (see Horde_Imap_Client_Cache for default values): - backend: [REQUIRED (or cacheob)] (Horde_Imap_Client_Cache_Backend) Backend cache driver [ |
2.9.0]. - fetch_ignore: (array) A list of mailboxes to ignore when storing fetch data. - fields: (array) The fetch criteria to cache. If not defined, all cacheable data is cached. The following is a list of criteria that can be cached: - Horde_Imap_Client\FETCH_ENVELOPE - Horde_Imap_Client\FETCH_FLAGS Only if server supports CONDSTORE extension - Horde_Imap_Client\FETCH_HEADERS Only for queries that specifically request caching - Horde_Imap_Client\FETCH_IMAPDATE - Horde_Imap_Client\FETCH_SIZE - Horde_Imap_Client\FETCH_STRUCTURE - capability_ignore: (array) A list of IMAP capabilites to ignore, even if they are supported on the server. DEFAULT: No supported capabilities are ignored. - comparator: (string) The search comparator to use instead of the default server comparator. See setComparator() for format. DEFAULT: Use the server default - context: (array) Any context parameters passed to stream_create_context().
2.27.0 - debug: (string) If set, will output debug information to the stream provided. The value can be any PHP supported wrapper that can be opened via PHP's fopen() function. DEFAULT: No debug output - hostspec: (string) The hostname or IP address of the server. DEFAULT: 'localhost' - id: (array) Send ID information to the server (only if server supports the ID extension). An array with the keys as the fields to send and the values being the associated values. See RFC 2971 [3.3] for a list of standard field values. DEFAULT: No info sent to server - lang: (array) A list of languages (in priority order) to be used to display human readable messages. DEFAULT: Messages output in IMAP server default language - password: (mixed) The user password. Either a string or a Horde_Imap_Client_Base_Password object [
2.14.0]. - port: (integer) The server port to which we will connect. DEFAULT: 143 (imap or imap w/TLS) or 993 (imaps) - secure: (string) Use SSL or TLS to connect. Values: - false (No encryption) - 'ssl' (Auto-detect SSL version) - 'sslv2' (Force SSL version 3) - 'sslv3' (Force SSL version 2) - 'tls' (TLS; started via protocol-level negotation over unencrypted channel; RECOMMENDED way of initiating secure connection) - 'tlsv1' (TLS direct version 1.x connection to server) [
2.16.0] - true (TLS if available/necessary) [
2.15.0] DEFAULT: false - timeout: (integer) Connection timeout, in seconds. DEFAULT: 30 seconds - username: (string) [REQUIRED] The username. - authusername (string) The username used for SASL authentication. If specified this is the user name whose password is used (e.g. administrator). Only valid for RFC 2595/4616 - PLAIN SASL mechanism. DEFAULT: the same value provided in the username parameter.
array | $params | Configuration parameters: - REQUIRED Parameters: - backend: (Horde_Imap_Client_Cache_Backend) The cache backend. - baseob: (Horde_Imap_Client_Base) The base client object. - Optional Parameters: - debug: (Horde_Imap_Client_Base_Debug) Debug object. DEFAULT: No debug output |
array | $params | Configuration parameters. |
array | $params | Configuration parameters: - REQUIRED Parameters: - cacheob: (Horde_Cache) The cache object to use. - Optional Parameters: - lifetime: (integer) The lifetime of the cache data (in seconds). DEFAULT: 1 week (604800 seconds) - slicesize: (integer) The slicesize to use. DEFAULT: 50 |
array | $params | Configuration parameters: - REQUIRED Parameters: - db: (Horde_Db_Adapter) DB object. |
array | $params | Configuration parameters: - REQUIRED parameters: - hashtable: (Horde_HashTable) A HashTable object. - Optional Parameters: - lifetime: (integer) The lifetime of the cache data (in seconds). DEFAULT: 604800 seconds (1 week) [ |
array | $params | Configuration parameters: - REQUIRED parameters: - mongo_db: (Horde_Mongo_Client) A MongoDB client object. |
$data An array of property names (keys) and values to set in this object.
array | $ids | Array of sequence -> UID mapping. |
array | $params | A hash containing configuration parameters. Additional parameters to base driver:
__construct | ( | array | $required = array(), |
array | $optional = array() ) |
array | $required | The required rights (see RFC 4314 [2.1]). |
array | $optional | The optional rights (see RFC 4314 [2.1]). |
__construct | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Base | $base_ob, |
$mailbox, | |||
$sync, | |||
$curr, | |||
$criteria, | |||
$ids ) |
Horde_Imap_Client_Base | $base_ob | Base driver object. |
mixed | $mailbox | Mailbox to sync. |
array | $sync | Token sync data. |
array | $curr | Current sync data. |
integer | $criteria | Mask of criteria to return. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $ids | List of known UIDs. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_Sync |
__construct | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results | $fetch | ) |
Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results | $fetch | Fetch results object. |
__construct | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Socket | $socket | ) |
Horde_Imap_Client_Socket | $socket | Socket object. |
__construct | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $token | ) |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $token | Tokenized data returned from the server. |
__construct | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $token, |
$tag ) |
string | $tag | Response tag. |
__get | ( | $name | ) |
Return specific digest response directive.
mixed | Requested directive, or null if it does not exist. |
__serialize | ( | ) |
array | |
string | Serialized data. |
__toString | ( | ) |
Cooerce to string.
Create a POP3 URL (RFC 2384).
Create an IMAP URL (RFC 5092/5593).
Create a POP3 (RFC 2384) or IMAP (RFC 5092/5593) URL.
String representation: The IMAP search string.
Returns the string value of the raw data.
Return the "base subject" defined in RFC 5256 [2.1].
String representation of the ACL.
string | The digest response (not base64 encoded). |
string | String representation (RFC 4314 compliant). |
string | The base subject. |
string | String value. |
string | A URL string. |
__unserialize | ( | $data | ) |
protected |
Adds fuzzy modifier to search keys.
boolean | $add | Add the fuzzy modifier? |
array | $temp | Temporary build data. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupport_Extension |
abstractprotected |
Append message(s) to a mailbox.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | The mailbox to append the message(s) to. |
array | $data | The message data. |
array | $options | Additional options. |
mixed | A Horde_Imap_Client_Ids object containing the UIDs of the appended messages (if server supports UIDPLUS extension) or true. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Prepares append message data for insertion into the IMAP command string.
mixed | $data | Either a resource or a string. |
integer | &$asize | Total append size. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_String_Nonascii | The data object. |
protected |
Create the AUTHENTICATE command for the initial client response.
string | $method | AUTHENTICATE SASL method. |
string | $ir | Initial client response. |
string | $username | If set, log a username message in debug log instead of raw data. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Command | A command object. |
protected |
Prepare the base SQL query.
string | $mailbox | The mailbox. |
string | $join | The table to join with the base table. |
array | SQL query and bound parameters. |
protected |
Builds the AND/OR query.
string | $type | 'AND' or 'OR'. |
array | $data | Query data. |
string | &$charset | Search charset. |
array | &$exts_used | IMAP extensions used. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_List | &$cmds | Command list. |
boolean | True if query might return results. |
protected |
Provide the list of available caching fields.
array | The list of available caching fields (fields are in the key). |
protected |
Query server capability.
Required because internal code can't call capability via magic method directly - it may not exist yet, the creation code may call capability recursively, and __get() doesn't allow recursive calls to the same property (chicken/egg issue).
mixed | The capability object if no arguments provided. If arguments are provided, they are passed to the query() method and this value is returned. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Called when the selected mailbox is changed.
mixed | $mailbox | The selected mailbox or null. |
integer | $mode | The access mode. |
abstractprotected |
Request a checkpoint of the currently selected mailbox.
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
abstractprotected |
Close the connection to the currently selected mailbox, optionally expunging all deleted messages (RFC 3501 [6.4.2]).
array | $options | Additional options. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Shortcut to creating a new IMAP client command object.
string | $cmd | The IMAP command. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Command | A command object. |
abstractprotected |
Connect to the remote server.
Connects to the server.
Connects to the IMAP server.
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Converts a CATENATE URL to stream data.
string | $url | The CATENATE URL. |
resource | A stream containing the data. |
abstractprotected |
Copy messages to another mailbox.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $dest | The destination mailbox. |
array | $options | Additional options. |
mixed | An array mapping old UIDs (keys) to new UIDs (values) on success (if the IMAP server and/or driver support the UIDPLUS extension) or true. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
abstractprotected |
Create a mailbox.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | The mailbox to create. |
array | $opts | Additional options. See createMailbox(). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Create and return the UID for a mailbox/user/server combo.
string | $mailbox |
string | UID from base table. |
string | $mailbox | Mailbox name. |
string | UID from base table. |
abstractprotected |
Deletes ACL rights for a given mailbox/identifier.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | A mailbox. |
string | $identifier | The identifier to delete (UTF7-IMAP). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Delete a mailbox from the cache.
string | $mbox | The mailbox to delete. |
abstractprotected |
Delete a mailbox.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | The mailbox to delete. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Actions to perform after a mailbox delete.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | The deleted mailbox. |
protected |
Delete messages in the cache.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | The mailbox. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $ids | The list of IDs to delete in $mailbox. |
array | $opts | Additional options (not used in base class). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | UIDs that were deleted. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
array | $opts | Options:
protected |
Enable an IMAP extension (see RFC 5161).
array | $exts | The extensions to enable. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
abstractprotected |
Expunge all deleted messages from the given mailbox.
array | $options | Additional options. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | If 'list' option is true, returns the list of expunged messages. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
array | $options | Additional options. 'ids' has no effect in this driver. |
abstractprotected |
Fetch message data.
Fetch queries should be grouped in the $queries argument. Each value is an array of fetch options, with the fetch query stored in the '_query' parameter. IMPORTANT: All queries must have the same ID type (either sequence or UID).
Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results | $results | Fetch results. |
array | $queries | The list of queries. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Fetch data for a given fetch query.
Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results | $results | Fetch results. |
array | $options | Fetch query options. |
protected |
Add a FETCH command to the given pipeline.
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
array | $options | Fetch query options |
protected |
Return the base string filter parameters.
object | Filter parameters. |
protected |
Parse an IMAP message sequence string into a list of indices.
Parse a POP3 message sequence string into a list of indices.
string | $str | The IMAP message sequence string. |
array | An array of indices. |
string | $str | The POP3 message sequence string. |
array | An array of UIDs. |
abstractprotected |
Get ACL rights for a given mailbox.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | A mailbox. |
array | An array with identifiers as the keys and Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Acl objects as the values. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Return all indices.
array | An array of indices. |
protected |
Split a name for the METADATA extension into the correct syntax for the older ANNOTATEMORE version.
string | $name | A name for a metadata entry. |
array | A list of two elements: The entry name and the value type. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Create the unique ID used to store the mailbox data in the cache.
string | $mailbox | The mailbox to cache. |
string | The cache ID. |
protected |
Create the unique ID used to store the data in the cache.
string | $mailbox | The mailbox to cache. |
string | $slice | The cache slice. |
string | The cache ID. |
protected |
Creates the client nonce for the response.
string | The cnonce value. |
abstractprotected |
Get the comparator used for searching/sorting (RFC 5255).
mixed | Null if the default comparator is being used, or an array of comparator information (see RFC 5255 [4.8]). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Get encryption key.
string | The encryption key. |
protected |
Return representation of a header field.
string | $id | The header id. |
integer | $format | The return format. If self\HEADER_PARSE, returns a Horde_Mime_Headers object. If self\HEADER_STREAM, returns a stream. Otherwise, returns header text. |
integer | $key | The array key where the data is stored in the internal array. |
mixed | The data in the format specified by $format. |
abstractprotected |
Return ID information from the IMAP server (RFC 2971).
Return implementation information from the POP3 server (RFC 2449 [6.9]).
array | An array of information returned, with the keys as the 'field' and the values as the 'value'. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
abstractprotected |
Gets the preferred language for server response messages (RFC 5255).
array | $list | If true, return the list of available languages. |
mixed | If $list is true, the list of languages available on the server (may be empty). If false, the language used by the server, or null if the default language is used. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Gets data from the IMAP server stream and parses it.
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server | Server object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Obtain a list of mailboxes.
array | $pattern | The mailbox search pattern(s). |
integer | $mode | Which mailboxes to return. |
array | $options | Additional options. 'no_listext' will skip using the LIST-EXTENDED capability. |
array | $subscribed | A list of subscribed mailboxes. |
array | See listMailboxes((). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Return the proper mailbox format object based on the server's capabilities.
string | $mailbox | The mailbox. |
boolean | $list | Is this object used in a LIST command? |
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_Mailbox | A mailbox format object. |
abstractprotected |
Get metadata for a given mailbox.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | A mailbox. |
array | $entries | The entries to fetch (UTF7-IMAP strings). |
array | $options | Additional options. |
array | An array with metadata names as the keys and metadata values as the values. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Return a list of cache IDs for mailbox/UID pairs.
string | $mailbox | The mailbox to cache. |
array | $ids | The UID list. |
array | List of UIDs => cache IDs. |
abstractprotected |
Get the ACL rights for the current user for a given mailbox.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | A mailbox. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Acl | An ACL data object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
abstractprotected |
Get the NAMESPACE information from the IMAP server.
Horde_Imap_Client_Namespace_List | Namespace list object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
abstractprotected |
Get quota limits.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $root | The quota root. |
mixed | An array with resource keys. Each key holds an array with 2 values: 'limit' and 'usage'. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
abstractprotected |
Get quota limits for a mailbox.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | A mailbox. |
mixed | An array with the keys being the quota roots. Each key holds an array with resource keys: each of these keys holds an array with 2 values: 'limit' and 'usage'. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Gets a line from the stream and parses it.
mixed | $multiline | 'array', 'none', 'stream', or null. |
array | An array with the following keys:
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Retrieve data from the search cache.
string | $type | The cache type ('search' or 'thread'). |
array | $options | The options array of the calling function. |
mixed | Returns search cache metadata. If search was retrieved, data is in key 'data'. Returns null if caching is not available. |
protected |
Get the sent dates for purposes of SORT/THREAD sorting under RFC 5256 [2.2].
Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results | $data | Data returned from fetch() that includes both date and envelope items. |
array | $ids | The IDs to process. |
boolean | $internal | Only use internal date? |
array | A mapping of IDs -> UNIX timestamps. |
protected |
Returns a list of sequence IDs.
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $ids | The ID list. |
array | A list of sequence IDs. |
protected |
Return the UID for a mailbox/user/server combo.
string | $mailbox |
string | UID from base table. |
string | $mailbox | Mailbox name. |
string | UID from base table. |
protected |
Get a message UID by the Message-ID.
Returns the last message in a mailbox that matches.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | The mailbox to search |
string | $msgid | Message-ID. |
string | UID (null if not found). |
protected |
Initialize the Horde_Imap_Client_Cache object, if necessary.
boolean | $current | If true, we are going to update the currently selected mailbox. Add an additional check to see if caching is available in current mailbox. |
boolean | Returns true if caching is enabled. |
abstractprotected |
Retrieve capability information from the IMAP server.
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Do initialization tasks.
Initialization tasks.
abstractprotected |
Get ACL rights for a given mailbox/identifier.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | A mailbox. |
string | $identifier | The identifier to query (UTF7-IMAP). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_AclRights | An ACL data rights object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
abstractprotected |
Obtain a list of mailboxes matching a pattern.
array | $pattern | The mailbox search patterns (Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox objects). |
integer | $mode | Which mailboxes to return. |
array | $options | Additional options. |
array | See listMailboxes(). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Loads basic mailbox information.
string | $mailbox | The mailbox to load. |
integer | $uidvalid | The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. |
protected |
Load UIDs from a cache slice.
string | $mailbox | The mailbox to load. |
integer | $slice | The slice to load. |
protected |
Load the slicemap for a given mailbox.
The slicemap contains the uidvalidity information, the UIDs->slice lookup table, and any metadata that needs to be saved for the mailbox.
string | $mailbox | The mailbox. |
integer | $uidvalid | The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. |
protected |
Load UIDs by regenerating from the cache.
string | $mailbox | The mailbox to load. |
array | $uids | The UIDs to load. |
integer | $uidvalid | The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. |
abstractprotected |
Login to the IMAP server.
boolean | Return true if global login tasks should be run. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Perform login tasks.
boolean | $firstlogin | Is this the first login? |
array | $resp | The data response from the login command. May include:
boolean | True if global login tasks should be performed. |
protected |
Return the Horde_Imap_Client_Base_Mailbox object.
string | $mailbox | The mailbox name. Defaults to currently selected mailbox. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Base_Mailbox | Mailbox object. |
finalprotected |
Hierarchical folder sorting function (used with usort()).
string | $a | Comparison item 1. |
string | $b | Comparison item 2. |
integer | See usort(). |
protected |
Moves cache entries from the current mailbox to another mailbox.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $to | The destination mailbox. |
array | $map | Mapping of source UIDs (keys) to destination UIDs (values). |
string | $uidvalid | UIDVALIDITY of destination mailbox. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Return text representation of a field.
boolean | $stream | Return as a stream? |
mixed | $data | The field data (string or resource) or null if field does not exist. |
mixed | Requested text representation. |
abstractprotected |
Send a NOOP command.
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
abstractprotected |
Open a mailbox.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | The mailbox to open. |
integer | $mode | The access mode. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Parse an ACL response (RFC 4314 [3.6]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The server response. |
protected |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The server response. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Recursively parse BODYSTRUCTURE data from a FETCH return (see RFC 3501 [7.4.2]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | Data returned from the server. |
Horde_Mime_Part | Mime part object. |
protected |
Parse a CAPABILITY Response (RFC 3501 [7.2.1]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
array | $data | An array of CAPABILITY strings. |
protected |
Parses and verifies the digest challenge.
string | $challenge | The digest challenge |
array | The parsed challenge as an array with directives as keys. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Parse a COMPARATOR response (RFC 5255 [4.8])
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The server response. |
protected |
Parse an ENABLED response (RFC 5161 [3.2]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The server response. |
protected |
Parse ENVELOPE data from a FETCH return (see RFC 3501 [7.4.2]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | Data returned from the server. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Envelope | An envelope object. |
protected |
Parse an ESEARCH response (RFC 4466 [2.6.2]) Format: (TAG "a567") UID COUNT 5 ALL 4:19,21,28.
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The server response. |
protected |
Parse a FETCH response (RFC 3501 [7.4.2]).
A FETCH response may occur due to a FETCH command, or due to a change in a message's state (i.e. the flags change).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
integer | $id | The message sequence number. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The server response. |
protected |
Parse an ID response (RFC 2971 [3.2]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The server response. |
protected |
Parse a LANGUAGE response (RFC 5255 [3.3]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The server response. |
protected |
Parse a LIST/LSUB response (RFC 3501 [7.2.2 & 7.2.3]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The server response (includes type as first token). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Parse a LISTRIGHTS response (RFC 4314 [3.7]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The server response. |
protected |
Parse a METADATA response (RFC 5464 [4.4]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The server response. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Parse a MYRIGHTS response (RFC 4314 [3.8]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The server response. |
protected |
Parse a NAMESPACE response (RFC 2342 [5] & RFC 5255 [3.4]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The NAMESPACE data. |
protected |
Parse a QUOTA response (RFC 2087 [5.1]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The server response. |
protected |
Parses response text for response codes (RFC 2449 [8]).
string | $text | The response text. |
object | An object with the following properties:
protected |
Parse a SEARCH/SORT response (RFC 3501 [7.2.5]; RFC 4466 [3]; RFC 5256 [4]; RFC 5267 [3]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
array | $data | A list of IDs (message sequence numbers or UIDs). |
protected |
Parse a STATUS response (RFC 3501 [7.2.4]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | Token data |
protected |
Helper function to parse a parameters-like tokenized array.
mixed | $data | Message data. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize object or null. |
array | The parameter array. |
protected |
Parse a THREAD response (RFC 5256 [4]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | Thread data. |
protected |
Parse a level of a THREAD response (RFC 5256 [4]).
array | $thread | Results. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | Thread data. |
integer | $level | The current tree level. |
protected |
Parse a VANISHED response (RFC 7162 [3.2.10]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $data | The response data. |
protected |
Add a partial atom to an IMAP command based on the criteria options.
array | $opts | Criteria options. |
string | The partial atom. |
protected |
Shortcut to creating a new pipeline object.
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Command | $cmd | An IMAP command to add. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | A pipeline object. |
protected |
Retrieve locally cached message data.
string | $type | Either 'hdr', 'hdrob', 'msg', 'size', 'stat', 'top', or 'uidl'. |
integer | $index | The message index. |
mixed | $data | Additional information needed. |
mixed | The cached data. 'msg' returns a stream resource. All other types return strings. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Prepares a status response for a mailbox.
array | $request | The status keys to return. |
string | $mailbox | The mailbox to query. |
protected |
Process/send a command to the remote server.
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | The pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Command | $cmd | The master command. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_List | $data | Commands to send. |
boolean | True if EOL needed to finish command. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupport |
protected |
Process a command continuation response.
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | The pipeline object. |
boolean | $noexception | Don't throw exception if continuation does not occur. |
mixed | A Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server_Continuation object or false. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Process a string response based on criteria options.
string | $str | The original string. |
array | $opts | The criteria options. |
string | The requested string. |
protected |
Remove "[...]" text.
string | $str | The subject string. |
integer | $i | Current position. |
boolean|integer | False if blob was not found, otherwise the string position of the first non-blob char. |
protected |
Remove "[...]" text if it doesn't result in the subject becoming empty.
string | &$str | The subject string. |
boolean | True if string was altered. |
protected |
Remove a "[fwd: ... ]" string.
string | &$str | The subject string. |
boolean | True if string was altered. |
protected |
Remove all prefix text of the subject that matches the subj-leader ABNF.
string | &$str | The subject string. |
boolean | $keepblob | Remove blob information? |
boolean | True if string was altered. |
abstractprotected |
Rename a mailbox.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $old | The old mailbox name. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $new | The new mailbox name. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
protected |
Handle status responses (see RFC 3501 [7.1]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server | $ob | Server object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_ServerResponse |
abstractprotected |
Search a mailbox.
object | $query | The search query. |
array | $options | Additional options. The '_query' key contains the value of $query->build(). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | An array of IDs. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
This driver supports all IMAP4rev1 search criteria as defined in RFC 3501.
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Sends command(s) to the IMAP server.
A connection to the server must have already been made.
mixed | $cmd | Either a Command object or a Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | A pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Send a chunk of commands and/or continuation fragments to the server.
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | The pipeline object. |
array | $chunk | List of commands to send. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
abstractprotected |
Send ID information to the IMAP server (RFC 2971).
array | $info | The information to send to the server. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Perform a command on the server.
A connection to the server must have already been made.
string | $cmd | The command to execute. |
array | $options | Additional options: - debug: (string) When debugging, send this string instead of the actual command/data sent. DEFAULT: Raw data output to debug stream. - multiline: (mixed) 'array', 'none', or 'stream'. |
array | See _getResponse(). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Handle untagged server responses (see RFC 3501 [2.2.2]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | $pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server | $ob | Server response. |
abstractprotected |
Set ACL rights for a given mailbox/identifier.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | A mailbox. |
string | $identifier | The identifier to alter (UTF7-IMAP). |
array | $options | Additional options. 'rights' contains the string of rights to set on the server. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
abstractprotected |
Set the comparator to use for searching/sorting (RFC 5255).
string | $comparator | The comparator string (see RFC 4790 [3.1] - "collation-id" - for format). The reserved string 'default' can be used to select the default comparator. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
_setInit | ( | $key = null, | |
$val = null ) |
Set an initialization value.
string | $key | The initialization key. If null, resets all keys. |
mixed | $val | The cached value. If null, removes the key. |
abstractprotected |
Sets the preferred language for server response messages (RFC 5255).
array | $langs | The preferred list of languages. |
string | The language accepted by the server, or null if the default language is used. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
abstractprotected |
Set metadata for a given mailbox/identifier.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | A mailbox. |
array | $data | A set of data values. See setMetadata() for format. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Converts mixed input (string or resource) to the correct internal representation.
mixed | $data | Mixed data (string, resource, Horde_Stream object). |
mixed | The internal representation of that data. |
abstractprotected |
Set quota limits.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $root | The quota root. |
array | $resources | The resource values to set. |
boolean | True on success. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Set data in the search cache.
mixed | $data | The cache data to store. |
string | $sdata | The search data returned from _getSearchCache(). |
protected |
Sorts the IDs numerically.
array | $ids | The array list. |
protected |
Sort an array of strings based on current locale.
array | &$sorted | Array of strings. |
protected |
Stable asort() function.
PHP's asort() (BWT) is not a stable sort - identical values have no guarantee of key order. Use Schwartzian Transform instead. See:
array | &$a | Array to sort. |
abstractprotected |
Obtain status information for mailboxes.
array | $mboxes | The list of mailbox objects to query. |
integer | $flags | A bitmask of information requested from the server. |
array | See array return for status(). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
integer | $flags | This driver only supports the options listed under Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_ALL. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
abstractprotected |
Store message flag data.
array | $options | Additional options. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | A Horde_Imap_Client_Ids object containing the list of IDs that failed the 'unchangedsince' test. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
array | $options | Additional options. This driver does not support 'unchangedsince'. |
protected |
Create a store command.
array | $options | See Horde_Imap_Client_Base\_store(). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | Pipeline object. |
abstractprotected |
Manage subscription status for a mailbox.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | The mailbox to [un]subscribe to. |
boolean | $subscribe | True to subscribe, false to unsubscribe. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Return the current mailbox synchronization status.
mixed | $mailbox | A mailbox. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
array | An array with status data. (This data is not guaranteed to have any specific format). |
abstractprotected |
Thread sort a given list of messages (RFC 5256).
array | $options | Additional options. See thread(). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Thread | A thread data object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Create an IMAP message sequence string from a list of indices.
Index Format: range_start:range_end,uid,uid2,...
boolean | $sort | Numerically sort the IDs before creating the range? |
string | The IMAP message sequence string. |
protected |
Add update entry for a mailbox.
string | $mailbox | The mailbox. |
string | $type | 'add', 'slice', or 'slicemap'. |
mixed | $data | The data to update. |
protected |
Authenticate to the IMAP server.
Authenticate to the POP3 server.
string | $method | IMAP login method. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline | Pipeline object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
string | $method | POP3 login method. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Store FETCH data in cache.
Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results | $data | The fetch results. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
Updates the cached MODSEQ value.
integer | $modseq | MODSEQ value to store. |
mixed | The MODSEQ of the old value if it was replaced (or false if it didn't exist or is the same). |
protected |
Convert data from/to storage format.
mixed | MongoBinData | $data | The data object. |
mixed|MongoBinData | The converted data. |
abstractprotected |
Get the list of vanished messages.
integer | $modseq | Mod-sequence value. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $ids | UIDs. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | List of UIDs that have vanished. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportPop3 |
protected |
Write debug information to the output stream.
string | $msg | Debug data. |
add | ( | $capability, | |
$params = null ) |
Add an alert.
Add a capability (and optional parameters).
string | $alert | The alert string. |
string | $type | The alert type. |
string | $capability | The capability to add. |
mixed | $params | A parameter (or array of parameters) to add. |
add | ( | $data | ) |
Add IDs to the current object.
Add data to buffer.
mixed | $ids | Either self\ALL, self\SEARCH_RES, self\LARGEST, Horde_Imap_Client_Ids object, array, or sequence string. |
mixed | $data | Data to add (string, resource, or Horde_Stream object). |
add | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Command | $cmd, |
$top = false ) |
Add a command to the pipeline.
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Command | $cmd | Command object. |
boolean | $top | Add command to top of queue? |
addLiteralStream | ( | $data | ) |
Add data to literal stream at the current position.
mixed | $data | Data to add (string, resource, or Horde_Stream object). |
alerts | ( | ) |
Return a list of alerts that MUST be presented to the user (RFC 3501 [7.1]).
array | An array of alert messages. |
allAclRights | ( | ) |
Return master list of ACL rights available on the server.
array | A list of ACL rights. |
andSearch | ( | $queries | ) |
AND queries - the contents of this query will be AND'ed (in its entirety) with the contents of EACH of the queries passed in.
All AND'd queries must share the same charset as this query.
mixed | $queries | A query, or an array of queries, to AND with the current query. |
append | ( | $mailbox, | |
$data, | |||
array | $options = array() ) |
Append message(s) to a mailbox.
mixed | $mailbox | The mailbox to append the message(s) to. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
array | $data | The message data to append, along with additional options. An array of arrays with each embedded array having the following entries: - data: (mixed) The data to append. If a string or a stream resource, this will be used as the entire contents of a single message. If an array, will catenate all given parts into a single message. This array contains one or more arrays with two keys: - t: (string) Either 'url' or 'text'. - v: (mixed) If 't' is 'url', this is the IMAP URL to the message part to append. If 't' is 'text', this is either a string or resource representation of the message part data. DEFAULT: NONE (entry is MANDATORY) - flags: (array) An array of flags/keywords to set on the appended message. DEFAULT: Only the Recent flag is set. - internaldate: (DateTime) The internaldate to set for the appended message. DEFAULT: internaldate will be the same date as when the message was appended. |
array | $options | Additonal options: - create: (boolean) Try to create $mailbox if it does not exist? DEFAULT: No. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | The UIDs of the appended messages. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
binary | ( | ) |
If literal output, is the data binary?
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
boolean | True if the literal output is binary. |
bodyPart | ( | $id, | |
array | $opts = array() ) |
Return the body part data for a MIME ID.
string | $id | The MIME ID to obtain the body part text for. |
array | $opts | The following options are available:
bodyPartSize | ( | $id | ) |
Returns the decoded body part size for a MIME ID.
string | $id | The MIME ID to obtain the decoded body part size for. |
bodyText | ( | array | $opts = array() | ) |
Return body text.
Body text is defined only for the base RFC 2822 message or message/rfc822 parts.
array | $opts | The following options are available:
build | ( | $exts = array() | ) |
Builds an IMAP4rev1 compliant search string.
Horde_Imap_Client_Base | $exts | The server object this query will be run on ( |
array | An array with these elements:
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension |
capability | ( | ) |
Get CAPABILITY information from the IMAP server.
array | The capability array. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
charset | ( | $charset, | |
$convert = true ) |
Sets the charset of the search text.
string | $charset | The charset to use for the search. |
boolean | $convert | Convert existing text values? |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_SearchCharset |
check | ( | ) |
Request a checkpoint of the currently selected mailbox (RFC 3501 [6.4.1]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
abstract |
Clear the cache.
integer | $lifetime | Only delete entries older than this (in seconds). If null, deletes all entries. |
integer | $lifetime | Only delete entries older than this (in seconds). If null, deletes all entries. |
clear | ( | ) |
Clears all fetch results.
client | ( | $msg | ) |
Write client output to debug log.
string | $msg | Debug message. |
clientSort | ( | $res, | |
$opts ) |
Sort search results client side if the server does not support the SORT IMAP extension (RFC 5256).
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $res | The search results. |
array | $opts | The options to _search(). |
array | The sort results. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
close | ( | array | $options = array() | ) |
Close the connection to the currently selected mailbox, optionally expunging all deleted messages (RFC 3501 [6.4.2]).
array | $options | Additional options:
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
complete | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server_Tagged | $resp | ) |
Mark a command as completed.
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server_Tagged | $resp | Tagged server response. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Command | Command that was completed. Returns null if tagged response is not contained in this pipeline object. |
contains | ( | $criteria | ) |
Does the query contain the given criteria?
integer | $criteria | The criteria to remove. |
boolean | True if the query contains the given criteria. |
copy | ( | $source, | |
$dest, | |||
array | $options = array() ) |
Copy messages to another mailbox.
mixed | $source | The source mailbox. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
mixed | $dest | The destination mailbox. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
array | $options | Additional options:
mixed | An array mapping old UIDs (keys) to new UIDs (values) on success (only guaranteed if 'force_map' is true) or true. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension |
static |
Auto-scan an incoming line to determine the response type.
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | $t | Tokenized data returned from the server. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server | A server response object. |
createMailbox | ( | $mailbox, | |
array | $opts = array() ) |
Create a mailbox.
mixed | $mailbox | The mailbox to create. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
array | $opts | Additional options:
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
currentMailbox | ( | ) |
Return the currently opened mailbox and access mode.
mixed | Null if no mailbox selected, or an array with two elements:
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
dateSearch | ( | $date, | |
$range, | |||
$header = true, | |||
$not = false, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Search for messages within a date range.
mixed | $date | DateTime or Horde_Date object. |
string | $range | Either:
boolean | $header | If true, search using the date in the message headers. If false, search using the internal IMAP date (usually arrival time). |
boolean | $not | If true, do a 'NOT' search of the range. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
dateTimeSearch | ( | $date, | |
$range, | |||
$header = true, | |||
$not = false, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Search for messages within a date and time range.
mixed | $date | DateTime or Horde_Date object. |
string | $range | Either:
boolean | $header | If true, search using the date in the message headers. If false, search using the internal IMAP date (usually arrival time). |
boolean | $not | If true, do a 'NOT' search of the range. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
deleteACL | ( | $mailbox, | |
$identifier ) |
Deletes ACL rights for a given mailbox/identifier.
mixed | $mailbox | A mailbox. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
string | $identifier | The identifier to delete (UTF-8). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension |
abstract |
Delete a mailbox.
Delete a mailbox from the cache.
mixed | $mailbox | The mailbox to delete. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
string | $mbox | The mailbox to delete. |
string | $mailbox | The mailbox to delete. |
abstract |
Delete messages in the cache.
string | $mailbox | An IMAP mailbox string. |
array | $uids | The list of message UIDs to delete. |
diff | ( | $rights | ) |
Computes the difference to another rights string.
Virtual rights are ignored.
string | $rights | The rights to compute against. |
array | Two element array: added and removed. |
enable | ( | $capability, | |
$enable = true ) |
Set a capability as enabled/disabled.
array | $capability | A capability (+ parameter). |
boolean | $enable | If true, enables the capability. |
equals | ( | $mbox | ) |
Compares this mailbox to another mailbox string.
boolean | True if the items are equal. |
escape | ( | ) |
Returns the data formatted for output to the IMAP server.
string | IMAP escaped string. |
escapeStream | ( | ) |
Return the escaped string as a stream.
resource | The IMAP escaped stream. |
exists | ( | $type | ) |
Does this object containing cacheable data of the given type?
integer | $type | The type to query. |
boolean | True if the type is cacheable. |
expunge | ( | $mailbox, | |
array | $options = array() ) |
Expunge deleted messages from the given mailbox.
mixed | $mailbox | The mailbox to expunge. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
array | $options | Additional options:
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | If 'list' option is true, returns the UID list of expunged messages. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
fetch | ( | $mailbox, | |
$query, | |||
array | $options = array() ) |
Fetch message data (see RFC 3501 [6.4.5]).
mixed | $mailbox | The mailbox to search. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Query | $query | Fetch query object. |
array | $options | Additional options:
Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results | A results object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension |
fetchFromUrl | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Url_Imap | $url | ) |
Given an IMAP URL, fetches the corresponding part.
Horde_Imap_Client_Url_Imap | $url | An IMAP URL. |
resource | The section contents in a stream. Returns null if the part could not be found. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
filter | ( | $in, | |
$out, | |||
& | $consumed, | ||
$closing ) |
first | ( | ) |
Return the first fetch object in the results, if there is only one object.
null|Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Fetch | The fetch object if there is only one object, or null. |
flag | ( | $name, | |
$set = true, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Search for a flag/keywords.
string | $name | The flag or keyword name. |
boolean | $set | If true, search for messages that have the flag set. If false, search for messages that do not have the flag set. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
flagSearch | ( | ) |
Determines if flags are a part of the search.
boolean | True if search query involves flags. |
flushIterator | ( | $return = true, | |
$sublevel = true ) |
Flush the remaining entries left in the iterator.
boolean | $return | If true, return entries. Only returns entries on the current level. |
boolean | $sublevel | Only flush items in current sublevel? |
array | The entries if $return is true. |
fullText | ( | array | $opts = array() | ) |
Get the full text of the message.
array | $opts | The following options are available:
get | ( | $key | ) |
Return a fetch object, creating and storing an empty object in the results set if it doesn't currently exist.
string | $key | The key to retrieve. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Fetch | The fetch object. |
abstract |
Get information from the cache for a set of UIDs.
string | $mailbox | An IMAP mailbox string. |
array | $uids | The list of message UIDs to retrieve information for. |
array | $fields | An array of fields to retrieve. If empty, returns all cached fields. |
integer | $uidvalid | The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. |
array | An array of arrays with the UID of the message as the key (if found) and the fields as values (will be undefined if not found). |
get | ( | $mailbox, | |
array | $uids = array(), | ||
$fields = array(), | |||
$uidvalid = null ) |
Get information from the cache.
string | $mailbox | An IMAP mailbox string. |
array | $uids | The list of message UIDs to retrieve information for. If empty, returns the list of cached UIDs. |
array | $fields | An array of fields to retrieve. If empty, returns all cached fields. |
integer | $uidvalid | The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. |
array | An array of arrays with the UID of the message as the key (if found) and the fields as values (will be undefined if not found). If $uids is empty, returns the full (unsorted) list of cached UIDs. |
static |
Shortcut to obtaining mailbox object.
string | $mbox | The mailbox name. |
boolean | $utf7imap | Is mailbox UTF7-IMAP encoded? Otherwise, mailbox is assumed to be UTF-8. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | A mailbox object. |
getACL | ( | $mailbox | ) |
Get the ACL rights for a given mailbox.
The server must support the IMAP ACL extension (RFC 2086/4314).
mixed | $mailbox | A mailbox. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
array | An array with identifiers as the keys and Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Acl objects as the values. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
getBodyPart | ( | $id, | |
$stream = false ) |
Get a body part entry.
string | $id | The MIME ID. |
boolean | $stream | Return as a stream? |
mixed | The full text of the body part. |
getBodyPartDecode | ( | $id | ) |
Determines if/how a body part was MIME decoded on the server.
string | $id | The MIME ID. |
string | Either '8bit', 'binary', or null. |
getBodyPartSize | ( | $id | ) |
Returns the body part size, if returned by the server.
string | $id | The MIME ID. |
integer | The body part size, in bytes. |
getBodyText | ( | $id = 0, | |
$stream = false ) |
Get a body text entry.
string | $id | The MIME ID. |
boolean | $stream | Return as a stream? |
mixed | The full text of the body text. |
getCache | ( | ) |
Returns the Horde_Imap_Client_Cache object used, if available.
mixed | Either the cache object or null. |
abstract |
Get the list of cached UIDs.
string | $mailbox | An IMAP mailbox string. |
integer | $uidvalid | The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. |
array | The (unsorted) list of cached UIDs. |
getCacheId | ( | $mailbox, | |
array | $addl = array() ) |
Returns a unique identifier for the current mailbox status.
mixed | $mailbox | A mailbox. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
array | $addl | Additional cache info to add to the cache ID string. |
string | The cache ID string, which will change when the composition of the mailbox changes. The uidvalidity will always be the first element, and will be delimited by the '|' character. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
getClientFinalMessage | ( | ) |
Return the final client message.
string | Final client message. |
getClientFirstMessage | ( | ) |
Return the initial client message.
string | Initial client message. |
getCmd | ( | $tag | ) |
Return the command for a given tag.
string | $tag | The command tag. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Command | A command object (or null if the tag does not exist). |
getCommand | ( | ) |
Get the command.
string | The command. |
getCommands | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server_Continuation | $ob | ) |
Calls the closure object.
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Server_Continuation | $ob | Continuation object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_List | Further commands to issue to the server. |
getComparator | ( | ) |
Get the comparator used for searching/sorting (RFC 5255).
mixed | Null if the default comparator is being used, or an array of comparator information (see RFC 5255 [4.8]). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
getData | ( | ) |
Returns the raw data.
mixed | Raw data. |
getEnvelope | ( | ) |
Get envelope data.
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Envelope | An envelope object. |
getFlags | ( | ) |
Get IMAP flags.
array | An array of IMAP flags (all flags in lowercase). |
getFullMsg | ( | $stream = false | ) |
Returns the full message.
boolean | $stream | Return as a stream? |
mixed | The full text of the entire message. |
getHeaders | ( | $label, | |
$format = 0 ) |
Get a header entry.
string | $label | The search label. |
integer | $format | The return format. If self\HEADER_PARSE, returns a Horde_Mime_Headers object. If self\HEADER_STREAM, returns a stream. Otherwise, returns header text. |
mixed | See $format. |
getHeaderText | ( | $id = 0, | |
$format = 0 ) |
Get a header text entry.
string | $id | The MIME ID. |
integer | $format | The return format. If self\HEADER_PARSE, returns a Horde_Mime_Headers object. If self\HEADER_STREAM, returns a stream. Otherwise, returns header text. |
mixed | See $format. |
getID | ( | ) |
Return ID information from the IMAP server (RFC 2971).
array | An array of information returned, with the keys as the 'field' and the values as the 'value'. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension |
getIdsOb | ( | $ids = null, | |
$sequence = false ) |
Returns the correct IDs object for use with this driver.
mixed | $ids | Either self\ALL, self\SEARCH_RES, self\LARGEST, Horde_Imap_Client_Ids object, array, or sequence string. |
boolean | $sequence | Are $ids message sequence numbers? |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | The IDs object. |
getImapDate | ( | ) |
Get internal IMAP date.
Horde_Imap_Client_DateTime | A date object. |
getLanguage | ( | $list = false | ) |
Gets the preferred language for server response messages (RFC 5255).
array | $list | If true, return the list of available languages. |
mixed | If $list is true, the list of languages available on the server (may be empty). If false, the language used by the server, or null if the default language is used. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
getLast | ( | ) |
Returns the last alert received.
object | Alert information. Object with these properties: - alert: (string) Alert string. - type: (string) [OPTIONAL] Alert type. |
getLiteralLength | ( | ) |
Return literal length data located at the end of the stream.
mixed | Null if no literal data found, or an array with these keys:
abstract |
Get metadata information for a mailbox.
string | $mailbox | An IMAP mailbox string. |
integer | $uidvalid | The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. |
array | $entries | An array of entries to return. If empty, returns all metadata. |
array | The requested metadata. Requested entries that do not exist will be undefined. The following entries are defaults and always present:
getMetaData | ( | $mailbox, | |
$uidvalid = null, | |||
array | $entries = array() ) |
Get metadata information for a mailbox.
string | $mailbox | An IMAP mailbox string. |
integer | $uidvalid | The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. |
array | $entries | An array of entries to return. If empty, returns all metadata. |
array | The requested metadata. Requested entries that do not exist will be undefined. The following entries are defaults and always present:
getMetadata | ( | $mailbox, | |
$entries, | |||
array | $options = array() ) |
Get metadata for a given mailbox.
The server must support either the IMAP METADATA extension (RFC 5464) or the ANNOTATEMORE extension (
mixed | $mailbox | A mailbox. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
array | $entries | The entries to fetch (UTF-8 strings). |
array | $options | Additional options:
array | An array with metadata names as the keys and metadata values as the values. If 'maxsize' is set, and entries exist on the server larger than this size, the size will be returned in the key '*longentries'. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
getMimeHeader | ( | $id, | |
$format = 0 ) |
Get a MIME header entry.
string | $id | The MIME ID. |
integer | $format | The return format. If self\HEADER_PARSE, returns a Horde_Mime_Headers object. If self\HEADER_STREAM, returns a stream. Otherwise, returns header text. |
mixed | See $format. |
getModSeq | ( | ) |
Get the modified sequence value for the message.
integer | The modseq value. |
getMyACLRights | ( | $mailbox | ) |
Get the ACL rights for the current user for a given mailbox.
The server must support the IMAP ACL extension (RFC 2086/4314).
mixed | $mailbox | A mailbox. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Acl | An ACL data object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension |
getNamespace | ( | $mbox, | |
$personal = false ) |
Get namespace info for a full mailbox path.
string | $mbox | The mailbox path. |
boolean | $personal | If true, will return the empty namespace only if it is a personal namespace. |
mixed | The Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Namespace object for the mailbox path, or null if the path doesn't exist. |
getNamespaces | ( | array | $additional = array(), |
array | $opts = array() ) |
Get the NAMESPACE information from the IMAP server (RFC 2342).
array | $additional | If the server supports namespaces, any additional namespaces to add to the namespace list that are not broadcast by the server. The namespaces must be UTF-8 strings. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
mixed | A Horde_Imap_Client_Namespace_List object if 'ob_return', is true. Otherwise, an array of namespace objects ( |
- delimiter: (string) The namespace delimiter. - hidden: (boolean) Is this a hidden namespace? - name: (string) The namespace name (UTF-8). - translation: (string) Returns the translated name of the namespace (UTF-8). Requires RFC 5255 and a previous call to setLanguage(). - type: (integer) The namespace type. Either: - Horde_Imap_Client\NS_PERSONAL - Horde_Imap_Client\NS_OTHER - Horde_Imap_Client\NS_SHARED
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
getParam | ( | $key | ) |
Returns a value from the internal params array.
string | $key | The param key. |
mixed | The param value, or null if not found. |
getParams | ( | $capability | ) |
Return the list of parameters for an extension.
string | $capability | The capability string to query. |
array | An array of parameters if the extension exists and supports parameters. Otherwise, an empty array. |
getPassword | ( | ) |
Return the password to use for the server connection.
string | The password. |
getQuota | ( | $root | ) |
Get quota limits.
The server must support the IMAP QUOTA extension (RFC 2087).
mixed | $root | The quota root. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
mixed | An array with resource keys. Each key holds an array with 2 values: 'limit' and 'usage'. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension |
getQuotaRoot | ( | $mailbox | ) |
Get quota limits for a mailbox.
The server must support the IMAP QUOTA extension (RFC 2087).
mixed | $mailbox | A mailbox. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
mixed | An array with the keys being the quota roots. Each key holds an array with resource keys: each of these keys holds an array with 2 values: 'limit' and 'usage'. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension |
getRawData | ( | ) |
Return the internal representation of the data.
array | The data array. |
getSeq | ( | ) |
Get message sequence number.
integer | The message sequence number. |
getSize | ( | ) |
Get message size.
integer | The size of the message, in bytes. |
getStatus | ( | $entry | ) |
Get status information for the mailbox.
integer | $entry | STATUS_* constant. |
mixed | Status information. |
getStream | ( | ) |
Return the contents of the string as a stream object.
Horde_Stream | The stream object. |
getString | ( | $type = self::RFC_4314 | ) |
Returns the raw string to use in IMAP server calls.
integer | $type | The RFC type to use (RFC_* constant). |
string | The string representation of the ACL. |
getStructure | ( | ) |
Get the message structure.
Horde_Mime_Part\$structure | The base MIME part of the message. |
getSyncToken | ( | $mailbox | ) |
Returns a unique token for the current mailbox synchronization status.
mixed | $mailbox | A mailbox. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
string | The sync token. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
getThread | ( | $index | ) |
Returns the list of messages in a thread.
integer | $index | An index contained in the thread. |
array | Keys are indices, values are objects with the following properties:
getThreads | ( | ) |
Returns array of all threads.
array | Keys of thread arrays are indices, values are objects with the following properties:
getTimer | ( | ) |
Return the timer data.
mixed | Null if timer wasn't started, or a float containing elapsed command time. |
getType | ( | ) |
Return the ID type.
string | Either 'sequence' or 'uid'. |
getUid | ( | ) |
Get UID.
integer | The message UID. |
hash | ( | ) |
Returns a hash of the current query object.
string | Hash. |
headers | ( | $label, | |
$search, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Returns RFC 2822 header text that matches a search string.
This header search work only with the base RFC 2822 message or message/rfc822 parts.
string | $label | A unique label associated with this particular search. This is how the results are stored. |
array | $search | The search string(s) (case-insensitive). |
array | $opts | The following options are available:
headerText | ( | $header, | |
$text, | |||
$not = false, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Search for text in the header of a message.
string | $header | The header field. |
string | $text | The search text. |
boolean | $not | If true, do a 'NOT' search of $text. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
headerText | ( | array | $opts = array() | ) |
Return header text.
Header text is defined only for the base RFC 2822 message or message/rfc822 parts.
array | $opts | The following options are available:
ids | ( | ) |
Return the list of IDs.
array | ID list. |
ids | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $ids, |
$not = false, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Search for messages within a given UID range.
Only one message range can be specified per query.
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $ids | The list of UIDs to search. |
boolean | $not | If true, do a 'NOT' search of the UIDs. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
info | ( | $msg | ) |
Write informational message to debug log.
string | $msg | Debug message. |
intervalSearch | ( | $interval, | |
$range, | |||
$not = false, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Search for messages within a given interval.
Only one interval of each type can be specified per search query. If the IMAP server supports the WITHIN extension (RFC 5032), it will be used. Otherwise, the search query will be dynamically created using IMAP4rev1 search terms.
integer | $interval | Seconds from the present. |
string | $range | Either:
boolean | $not | If true, do a 'NOT' search. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
isDefault | ( | ) |
Does this object contain only default values for all fields?
boolean | True if object contains default data. |
isDowngraded | ( | ) |
Does the message contain internationalized downgraded data (i.e.
it is a "surrogate" message)?
boolean | True if at least one message components has been downgraded. |
isEmpty | ( | ) |
Is this object empty (i.e.
does not contain IDs)?
boolean | True if object is empty. |
isEnabled | ( | $capability = null | ) |
Is the extension enabled?
string | $capability | The extension (+ parameter) to query. If null, returns all enabled extensions. |
mixed | If $capability is null, return all enabled extensions. Otherwise, true if the extension (+ parameter) is enabled. |
isSecureConnection | ( | ) |
Display if connection to the server has been secured via TLS or SSL.
boolean | True if the IMAP connection is secured. |
length | ( | ) |
Return the length of the data.
integer | Data length. |
listACLRights | ( | $mailbox, | |
$identifier ) |
List the ACL rights for a given mailbox/identifier.
The server must support the IMAP ACL extension (RFC 2086/4314).
mixed | $mailbox | A mailbox. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
string | $identifier | The identifier to query (UTF-8). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_AclRights | An ACL data rights object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension |
listMailboxes | ( | $pattern, | |
$mode = Horde_Imap_Client::MBOX_ALL, | |||
array | $options = array() ) |
Obtain a list of mailboxes matching a pattern.
mixed | $pattern | The mailbox search pattern(s) (see RFC 3501 [6.3.8] for the format). A UTF-8 string or an array of strings. If a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object is given, it is escaped (i.e. wildcard patterns are converted to return the miminal number of matches possible). |
integer | $mode | Which mailboxes to return. Either:
array | $options | Additional options: - attributes: (boolean) If true, return attribute information under the 'attributes' key. DEFAULT: Do not return this information. - children: (boolean) Tell server to return children attribute information (HasChildren, HasNoChildren). Requires the LIST-EXTENDED extension to guarantee this information is returned. Server MAY return this attribute without this option, or if the CHILDREN extension is available, but it is not guaranteed. DEFAULT: false - flat: (boolean) If true, return a flat list of mailbox names only. Overrides the 'attributes' option. DEFAULT: Do not return flat list. - recursivematch: (boolean) Force the server to return information about parent mailboxes that don't match other selection options, but have some sub-mailboxes that do. Information about children is returned in the CHILDINFO extended data item ('extended'). Requires the LIST-EXTENDED extension. DEFAULT: false - remote: (boolean) Tell server to return mailboxes that reside on another server. Requires the LIST-EXTENDED extension. DEFAULT: false - special_use: (boolean) Tell server to return special-use attribute information (see Horde_Imap_Client SPECIALUSE_* constants). Server must support the SPECIAL-USE return option for this setting to have any effect. DEFAULT: false - status: (integer) Tell server to return status information. The value is a bitmask that may contain any of: - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_MESSAGES - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_RECENT - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_UIDNEXT - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_UIDVALIDITY - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_UNSEEN - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_HIGHESTMODSEQ DEFAULT: 0 - sort: (boolean) If true, return a sorted list of mailboxes? DEFAULT: Do not sort the list. - sort_delimiter: (string) If 'sort' is true, this is the delimiter used to sort the mailboxes. DEFAULT: '.' |
array | If 'flat' option is true, the array values are a list of Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox objects. Otherwise, the keys are UTF-8 mailbox names and the values are arrays with these keys:
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
literal | ( | ) |
Does this data item require literal string output?
boolean | True if literal output is required. |
login | ( | ) |
Login to the IMAP server.
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
lookup | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $ids | ) |
Create a Sequence <-> UID lookup table.
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $ids | IDs to lookup. |
array | Keys are sequence numbers, values are UIDs. |
merge | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Fetch | $data | ) |
Merge a fetch object into this one.
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Fetch | $data | A fetch object. |
messageList | ( | ) |
Return the sorted list of messages indices.
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | The sorted list of messages. |
messagePrintf | ( | array | $args = array() | ) |
Perform substitution of variables in the error message.
Needed to allow for correct translation of error message.
array | $args | Arguments used for substitution. |
mimeHeader | ( | $id, | |
array | $opts = array() ) |
Return MIME header text.
MIME header text is defined only for non-RFC 2822 messages and non-message/rfc822 parts.
string | $id | The MIME ID to obtain the MIME header text for. |
array | $opts | The following options are available:
modseq | ( | $value, | |
$name = null, | |||
$type = null, | |||
$not = false, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Search for messages modified since a specific moment.
The IMAP server must support the CONDSTORE extension (RFC 7162) for this query to be used.
integer | $value | The mod-sequence value. |
string | $name | The entry-name string. |
string | $type | Either 'shared', 'priv', or 'all'. Defaults to 'all' |
boolean | $not | If true, do a 'NOT' search. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
modseq | ( | ) |
Return the mod-sequence value for the message.
The server must support the CONDSTORE IMAP extension, and the mailbox must support mod-sequences.
newMsgs | ( | $newmsgs = true, | |
array | $opts = array() ) |
Search for either new messages (messages that have the 'Recent' flag but not the 'Seen' flag) or old messages (messages that do not have the 'Recent' flag).
If new messages are searched, this will clear any 'Recent' or '\Unseen' flag searches. If old messages are searched, this will clear any 'Recent' flag search.
boolean | $newmsgs | If true, searches for new messages. Else, search for old messages. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
next | ( | ) |
mixed | Either a string, boolean (true for open paren, false for close paren/EOS), Horde_Stream object, or null. |
nextStream | ( | ) |
Force return of literal data as stream, if next token.
noop | ( | ) |
Send a NOOP command (RFC 3501 [6.1.2]).
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
onCreate | ( | ) |
openMailbox | ( | $mailbox, | |
$mode = Horde_Imap_Client::OPEN_AUTO ) |
Open a mailbox.
mixed | $mailbox | The mailbox to open. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
integer | $mode | The access mode. Either
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
orSearch | ( | $queries | ) |
OR a query - the contents of this query will be OR'ed (in its entirety) with the contents of EACH of the queries passed in.
All OR'd queries must share the same charset as this query. All contents of any single query will be AND'ed together.
mixed | $queries | A query, or an array of queries, to OR with the current query. |
parseCacheId | ( | $id | ) |
Parses a cacheID created by getCacheId().
string | $id | The cache ID. |
array | An array with the following information:
parseServerFinalMessage | ( | $msg | ) |
Process the final server message response.
string | $msg | Final server response. |
boolean | False if authentication failed. |
parseServerFirstMessage | ( | $msg | ) |
Process the initial server message response.
string | $msg | Initial server response. |
boolean | False if authentication failed at this stage. |
previousSearch | ( | $not = false, | |
array | $opts = array() ) |
Use the results from the previous SEARCH command.
The IMAP server must support the SEARCHRES extension (RFC 5182) for this query to be used.
boolean | $not | If true, don't match the previous query. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
query | ( | $charset, | |
$cached = null ) |
Returns whether the server supports the given capability.
Query the validity of a charset.
string | $capability | The capability string to query. |
string | $parameter | If set, require the parameter to exist. |
boolean | True if the capability (and parameter) exist. |
string | $charset | The charset to query. |
boolean | $cached | If true, only query cached values. |
boolean | True if the charset is valid for searching. |
queryCapability | ( | $capability | ) |
Returns whether the IMAP server supports the given capability (See RFC 3501 [6.1.1]).
string | $capability | The capability string to query. |
mixed | True if the server supports the queried capability, false if it doesn't, or an array if the capability can contain multiple values. |
quoted | ( | ) |
Does this data item require quoted string output?
boolean | True if quoted output is required. |
raw | ( | $msg | ) |
Write server output to debug log.
string | $msg | Debug message. |
read | ( | $size = null | ) |
Read data from incoming POP3 stream.
Read data from incoming IMAP stream.
integer | $size | UNUSED: The number of bytes to read from the socket. |
string | Line of data. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
integer | $size | UNUSED: The number of bytes to read from the socket. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Tokenize | The tokenized data. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
remove | ( | $criteria, | |
$key = null ) |
Remove a capability.
Remove an entry under a given criteria.
string | $capability | The capability to remove. |
string | $params | A parameter (or array of parameters) to remove from the capability. |
integer | $criteria | Criteria ID. |
string | $key | The key to remove. |
remove | ( | $ids | ) |
Removed IDs from the current object.
mixed | $ids | Either Horde_Imap_Client_Ids object, array, or sequence string. |
remove | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $ids | ) |
Removes messages from the ID mapping.
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $ids | IDs to remove. |
renameMailbox | ( | $old, | |
$new ) |
Rename a mailbox.
mixed | $old | The old mailbox name. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
mixed | $new | The new mailbox name. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
resolveIds | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox, |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $ids, | ||
$convert = 0 ) |
Resolves an IDs object into a list of IDs.
Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox | $mailbox | The mailbox. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | $ids | The Ids object. |
integer | $convert | Convert to UIDs?
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | The list of IDs. |
search | ( | $mailbox, | |
$query = null, | |||
array | $options = array() ) |
Search a mailbox.
mixed | $mailbox | The mailbox to search. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
Horde_Imap_Client_Search_Query | $query | The search query. Defaults to an ALL search. |
array | $options | Additional options: - nocache: (boolean) Don't cache the results. DEFAULT: false (results cached, if possible) - partial: (mixed) The range of results to return (message sequence numbers) Only a single range is supported (represented by the minimum and maximum values contained in the range given). DEFAULT: All messages are returned. - results: (array) The data to return. Consists of zero or more of the following flags: - Horde_Imap_Client\SEARCH_RESULTS_COUNT - Horde_Imap_Client\SEARCH_RESULTS_MATCH (DEFAULT) - Horde_Imap_Client\SEARCH_RESULTS_MAX - Horde_Imap_Client\SEARCH_RESULTS_MIN - Horde_Imap_Client\SEARCH_RESULTS_SAVE - Horde_Imap_Client\SEARCH_RESULTS_RELEVANCY - sequence: (boolean) If true, returns an array of sequence numbers. DEFAULT: Returns an array of UIDs - sort: (array) Sort the returned list of messages. Multiple sort criteria can be specified. Any sort criteria can be sorted in reverse order (instead of the default ascending order) by adding a Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_REVERSE element to the array directly before adding the sort element. The following sort criteria are available: - Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_ARRIVAL - Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_CC - Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_DATE - Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_DISPLAYFROM On servers that don't support SORT=DISPLAY, this criteria will fallback to doing client-side sorting. - Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_DISPLAYFROM_FALLBACK On servers that don't support SORT=DISPLAY, this criteria will fallback to Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_FROM [since 2.4.0]. - Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_DISPLAYTO On servers that don't support SORT=DISPLAY, this criteria will fallback to doing client-side sorting. - Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_DISPLAYTO_FALLBACK On servers that don't support SORT=DISPLAY, this criteria will fallback to Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_TO [since 2.4.0]. - Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_FROM - Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_SEQUENCE - Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_SIZE - Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_SUBJECT - Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_TO [On servers that support SEARCH=FUZZY, this criteria is also available:] - Horde_Imap_Client\SORT_RELEVANCY |
array | An array with the following keys: - count: (integer) The number of messages that match the search criteria. Always returned. - match: (Horde_Imap_Client_Ids) The IDs that match $criteria, sorted if the 'sort' modifier was set. Returned if Horde_Imap_Client\SEARCH_RESULTS_MATCH is set. - max: (integer) The UID (default) or message sequence number (if 'sequence' is true) of the highest message that satisifies $criteria. Returns null if no matches found. Returned if Horde_Imap_Client\SEARCH_RESULTS_MAX is set. - min: (integer) The UID (default) or message sequence number (if 'sequence' is true) of the lowest message that satisifies $criteria. Returns null if no matches found. Returned if Horde_Imap_Client\SEARCH_RESULTS_MIN is set. - modseq: (integer) The highest mod-sequence for all messages being returned. Returned if 'sort' is false, the search query includes a MODSEQ command, and the server supports the CONDSTORE IMAP extension. - relevancy: (array) The list of relevancy scores. Returned if Horde_Imap_Client\SEARCH_RESULTS_RELEVANCY is set and the server supports FUZZY search matching. - save: (boolean) Whether the search results were saved. Returned if Horde_Imap_Client\SEARCH_RESULTS_SAVE is set. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
sendID | ( | $info = null | ) |
Send ID information to the IMAP server (RFC 2971).
array | $info | Overrides the value of the 'id' param and sends this information instead. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension |
server | ( | $msg | ) |
Write server output to debug log.
string | $msg | Debug message. |
abstract |
Store information in cache.
Store data in cache.
string | $mailbox | An IMAP mailbox string. |
array | $data | The list of data to save. The keys are the UIDs, the values are an array of information to save. If empty, do a check to make sure the uidvalidity is still valid. |
integer | $uidvalid | The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. |
string | $mailbox | An IMAP mailbox string. |
array | $data | The list of data to save. The keys are the UIDs, the values are an array of information to save. |
integer | $uidvalid | The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. |
setACL | ( | $mailbox, | |
$identifier, | |||
$options ) |
Set ACL rights for a given mailbox/identifier.
mixed | $mailbox | A mailbox. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
string | $identifier | The identifier to alter (UTF-8). |
array | $options | Additional options:
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension |
setBodyPart | ( | $id, | |
$text, | |||
$decode = null ) |
Set a body part entry.
string | $id | The MIME ID. |
mixed | $text | The body part text, as either a string or stream resource. |
string | $decode | Either '8bit', 'binary', or null. |
setBodyPartSize | ( | $id, | |
$size ) |
Set the body part size for a body part.
string | $id | The MIME ID. |
integer | $size | The size (in bytes). |
setBodyText | ( | $id, | |
$text ) |
Set a body text entry.
string | $id | The MIME ID. |
mixed | $text | The body part text, as either a string or stream resource. |
setCode | ( | $code | ) |
Allow the error code to be altered.
integer | $code | Error code. |
setComparator | ( | $comparator = null | ) |
Set the comparator to use for searching/sorting (RFC 5255).
string | $comparator | The comparator string (see RFC 4790 [3.1] - "collation-id" - for format). The reserved string 'default' can be used to select the default comparator. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension |
setDowngraded | ( | $downgraded | ) |
Set the internationalized downgraded status for the message.
boolean | $downgraded | True if at least one message component has been downgraded. |
setEnvelope | ( | $data | ) |
Set envelope data.
array | $data | The envelope data to pass to the Envelope object constructor, or an Envelope object. |
setFlags | ( | array | $flags | ) |
Set IMAP flags.
array | $flags | An array of IMAP flags. |
setFullMsg | ( | $msg | ) |
Set the full message property.
mixed | $msg | The full message text, as either a string or stream resource. |
setHeaders | ( | $label, | |
$data ) |
Set a header entry.
string | $label | The search label. |
mixed | $data | Either a Horde_Mime_Headers object or the raw header text. |
setHeaderText | ( | $id, | |
$text ) |
Set a header text entry.
string | $id | The MIME ID. |
mixed | $text | The header text, as either a string or stream resource. |
setImapDate | ( | $date | ) |
Set IMAP internal date.
mixed | $date | Either a Horde_Imap_Client_DateTime object or a date string. |
setLanguage | ( | $langs = null | ) |
Sets the preferred language for server response messages (RFC 5255).
array | $langs | Overrides the value of the 'lang' param and sends this list of preferred languages instead. The special string 'i-default' can be used to restore the language to the server default. |
string | The language accepted by the server, or null if the default language is used. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
setMessage | ( | $msg | ) |
Allow the error message to be altered.
string | $msg | Error message. |
abstract |
Set metadata information for a mailbox.
string | $mailbox | An IMAP mailbox string. |
array | $data | The list of data to save. The keys are the metadata IDs, the values are the associated data. (If present, uidvalidity appears as the 'uidvalid' key in $data.) |
setMetaData | ( | $mailbox, | |
$uidvalid, | |||
array | $data = array() ) |
Set metadata information for a mailbox.
string | $mailbox | An IMAP mailbox string. |
integer | $uidvalid | The IMAP uidvalidity value of the mailbox. |
array | $data | The list of data to save. The keys are the metadata IDs, the values are the associated data. The following labels are reserved: 'uidvalid'. |
setMetadata | ( | $mailbox, | |
$data ) |
Set metadata for a given mailbox/identifier.
mixed | $mailbox | A mailbox. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). If empty, sets a server annotation. |
array | $data | A set of data values. The metadata values corresponding to the keys of the array will be set to the values in the array. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
setMimeHeader | ( | $id, | |
$text ) |
Set a MIME header entry.
string | $id | The MIME ID. |
mixed | $text | The header text, as either a string or stream resource. |
setModSeq | ( | $modseq | ) |
Set the modified sequence value for the message.
integer | $modseq | The modseq value. |
setParam | ( | $key, | |
$val ) |
Sets a configuration parameter value.
string | $key | The param key. |
mixed | $val | The param value. |
setParams | ( | array | $params = array() | ) |
Add configuration parameters.
array | $params | Configuration parameters. |
setQuota | ( | $root, | |
array | $resources = array() ) |
Set quota limits.
The server must support the IMAP QUOTA extension (RFC 2087).
mixed | $root | The quota root. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
array | $resources | The resource values to set. Keys are the resource atom name; value is the resource value. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension |
setSeq | ( | $seq | ) |
Set message sequence number.
integer | $seq | The message sequence number. |
setSize | ( | $size | ) |
Set message size.
integer | $size | The size of the message, in bytes. |
setStatus | ( | $entry, | |
$value ) |
Set status information for the mailbox.
integer | $entry | STATUS_* constant. |
mixed | $value | Status information. |
setStructure | ( | Horde_Mime_Part | $structure | ) |
Set the message structure.
Horde_Mime_Part | $structure | The base MIME part of the message. |
setUid | ( | $uid | ) |
Set UID.
integer | $uid | The message UID. |
setValid | ( | $charset, | |
$valid = true ) |
Set the validity of a given charset.
string | $charset | The charset. |
boolean | $valid | Is charset valid? |
shutdown | ( | ) |
Shutdown actions.
Shutdown function.
size | ( | $size, | |
$larger = false, | |||
$not = false, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Search for messages smaller/larger than a certain size.
integer | $size | The size (in bytes). |
boolean | $larger | Search for messages larger than $size? |
boolean | $not | If true, do a 'NOT' search of $text. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
sort | ( | ) |
Sorts the IDs.
Sort the map.
sort | ( | array | $opts = array() | ) |
Sort the list of mailboxes.
array | $opts | Options:
array | List of sorted mailboxes (index association is kept). |
split | ( | $length | ) |
Split the sequence string at an approximate length.
integer | $length | Length to split. |
array | A list containing individual sequence strings. |
status | ( | $mailbox, | |
$flags = Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_ALL, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Obtain status information for a mailbox.
mixed | $mailbox | The mailbox(es) to query. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object, a string (UTF-8), or an array of objects/strings (since 2.10.0). |
integer | $flags | A bitmask of information requested from the server. Allowed flags: - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_MESSAGES Return key: messages Return format: (integer) The number of messages in the mailbox. - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_RECENT Return key: recent Return format: (integer) The number of messages with the Recent flag set as currently reported in the mailbox - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_RECENT_TOTAL Return key: recent_total Return format: (integer) The number of messages with the Recent flag set. This returns the total number of messages that have been marked as recent in this mailbox since the PHP process began. (since 2.12.0) - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_UIDNEXT Return key: uidnext Return format: (integer) The next UID to be assigned in the mailbox. Only returned if the server automatically provides the data. - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_UIDNEXT_FORCE Return key: uidnext Return format: (integer) The next UID to be assigned in the mailbox. This option will always determine this value, even if the server does not automatically provide this data. - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_UIDVALIDITY Return key: uidvalidity Return format: (integer) The unique identifier validity of the mailbox. - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_UNSEEN Return key: unseen Return format: (integer) The number of messages which do not have the Seen flag set. - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_FIRSTUNSEEN Return key: firstunseen Return format: (integer) The sequence number of the first unseen message in the mailbox. - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_FLAGS Return key: flags Return format: (array) The list of defined flags in the mailbox (all flags are in lowercase). - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_PERMFLAGS Return key: permflags Return format: (array) The list of flags that a client can change permanently (all flags are in lowercase). - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_HIGHESTMODSEQ Return key: highestmodseq Return format: (integer) If the server supports the CONDSTORE IMAP extension, this will be the highest mod-sequence value of all messages in the mailbox. Else 0 if CONDSTORE not available or the mailbox does not support mod-sequences. - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_SYNCMODSEQ Return key: syncmodseq Return format: (integer) If caching, and the server supports the CONDSTORE IMAP extension, this is the cached mod-sequence value of the mailbox when it was opened for the first time in this access. Will be null if not caching, CONDSTORE not available, or the mailbox does not support mod-sequences. - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_SYNCFLAGUIDS Return key: syncflaguids Return format: (Horde_Imap_Client_Ids) If caching, the server supports the CONDSTORE IMAP extension, and the mailbox contained cached data when opened for the first time in this access, this is the list of UIDs in which flags have changed since STATUS_SYNCMODSEQ. - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_SYNCVANISHED Return key: syncvanished Return format: (Horde_Imap_Client_Ids) If caching, the server supports the CONDSTORE IMAP extension, and the mailbox contained cached data when opened for the first time in this access, this is the list of UIDs which have been deleted since STATUS_SYNCMODSEQ. - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_UIDNOTSTICKY Return key: uidnotsticky Return format: (boolean) If the server supports the UIDPLUS IMAP extension, and the queried mailbox does not support persistent UIDs, this value will be true. In all other cases, this value will be false. - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_FORCE_REFRESH Normally, the status information will be cached for a given mailbox. Since most PHP requests are generally less than a second, this is fine. However, if your script is long running, the status information may not be up-to-date. Specifying this flag will ensure that the server is always polled for the current mailbox status before results are returned. (since 2.14.0) - Horde_Imap_Client\STATUS_ALL (DEFAULT) Shortcut to return 'messages', 'recent', 'uidnext', 'uidvalidity', and 'unseen' values. |
array | $opts | Additional options:- sort: (boolean) If true, sort the list of mailboxes? (since 2.10.0) DEFAULT: Do not sort the list. - sort_delimiter: (string) If 'sort' is true, this is the delimiter used to sort the mailboxes. (since 2.10.0) DEFAULT: '.' |
array | If $mailbox contains multiple mailboxes, an array with keys being the UTF-8 mailbox name and values as arrays containing the requested keys (see above). Otherwise, an array with keys as the requested keys (see above) and values as the key data. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
statusMultiple | ( | $mailboxes, | |
$flags = Horde_Imap_Client::STATUS_ALL, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Perform a STATUS call on multiple mailboxes at the same time.
This method leverages the LIST-EXTENDED and LIST-STATUS extensions on the IMAP server to improve the efficiency of this operation.
array | $mailboxes | The mailboxes to query. Either Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox objects, strings (UTF-8), or a combination of the two. |
integer | $flags | See status(). |
array | $opts | Additional options:
array | An array with the keys as the mailbox names (UTF-8) and the values as arrays with the requested keys (from the mask given in $flags). |
store | ( | $mailbox, | |
array | $options = array() ) |
Store message flag data (see RFC 3501 [6.4.6]).
mixed | $mailbox | The mailbox containing the messages to modify. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
array | $options | Additional options:
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | A Horde_Imap_Client_Ids object containing the list of IDs that failed the 'unchangedsince' test. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_NoSupportExtension |
stripNamespace | ( | $mbox | ) |
Strips namespace information from the given mailbox name.
string | $mbox | Mailbox name. |
string | Mailbox name with namespace prefix stripped. |
stripNonAtomCharacters | ( | ) |
Strip out any characters that are not allowed in an IMAP atom.
string | The atom data disallowed characters removed. |
subscribeMailbox | ( | $mailbox, | |
$subscribe = true ) |
Manage subscription status for a mailbox.
mixed | $mailbox | The mailbox to [un]subscribe to. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
boolean | $subscribe | True to subscribe, false to unsubscribe. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
sync | ( | $mailbox, | |
$token, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Synchronize a mailbox from a sync token.
mixed | $mailbox | A mailbox. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
string | $token | A sync token generated by getSyncToken(). |
array | $opts | Additional options:
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Sync | A sync object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception | |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception_Sync |
text | ( | $text, | |
$bodyonly = true, | |||
$not = false, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Search for text in either the entire message, or just the body.
string | $text | The search text. |
boolean | $bodyonly | If true, only search in the body of the message. If false, also search in the headers. |
boolean | $not | If true, do a 'NOT' search of $text. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
thread | ( | $mailbox, | |
array | $options = array() ) |
Thread sort a given list of messages (RFC 5256).
mixed | $mailbox | The mailbox to query. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
array | $options | Additional options: - criteria: (mixed) The following thread criteria are available: - Horde_Imap_Client\THREAD_ORDEREDSUBJECT - Horde_Imap_Client\THREAD_REFERENCES - Horde_Imap_Client\THREAD_REFS Other algorithms can be explicitly specified by passing the IMAP thread algorithm in as a string value. DEFAULT: Horde_Imap_Client\THREAD_ORDEREDSUBJECT - search: (Horde_Imap_Client_Search_Query) The search query. DEFAULT: All messages in mailbox included in thread sort. - sequence: (boolean) If true, each message is stored and referred to by its message sequence number. DEFAULT: Stored/referred to by UID. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Thread | A thread data object. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
threadOrderedSubject | ( | Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results | $data, |
$uids ) |
If server does not support the THREAD IMAP extension (RFC 5256), do ORDEREDSUBJECT threading on the client side.
Horde_Imap_Client_Fetch_Results | $data | Fetch results. |
boolean | $uids | Are IDs UIDs? |
array | The thread sort results. |
toArray | ( | ) |
update | ( | $ids | ) |
Updates the mapping.
array | $ids | Array of sequence -> UID mapping. |
boolean | True if the mapping changed. |
static |
Convert a string from UTF7-IMAP to UTF-8.
string | $str | The UTF7-IMAP string. |
string | The converted UTF-8 string. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
static |
Convert a string from UTF-8 to UTF7-IMAP.
string | $str | The UTF-8 string. |
boolean | $force | Assume $str is UTF-8 (no-autodetection)? If false, attempts to auto-detect if string is already in UTF7-IMAP. |
string | The converted UTF7-IMAP string. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
validSearchCharset | ( | $charset | ) |
Determines if the given charset is valid for search-related queries.
This check pertains just to the basic IMAP SEARCH command.
string | $charset | The query charset. |
boolean | True if server supports this charset. |
vanished | ( | $mailbox, | |
$modseq, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Get the list of vanished messages (UIDs that have been expunged since a given mod-sequence value).
mixed | $mailbox | The mailbox to query. Either a Horde_Imap_Client_Mailbox object or a string (UTF-8). |
integer | $modseq | Search for expunged messages after this mod-sequence value. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids | List of UIDs that have vanished. |
Horde_Imap_Client_NoSupportExtension |
verify | ( | ) |
Verify the data.
Horde_Imap_Client_Data_Format_Exception |
write | ( | $data, | |
$eol = true ) |
Writes data to the POP3 output stream.
Writes data to the IMAP output stream.
string | $data | String data. |
boolean | $debug | Output line to debug? |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
string | $data | String data. |
boolean | $eol | Append EOL? |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
writeLiteral | ( | $data, | |
$length, | |||
$binary = false ) |
Writes literal data to the IMAP output stream.
mixed | $data | Either a stream resource, or Horde_Stream object. |
integer | $length | The literal length. |
boolean | $binary | If true, this is binary data. |
Horde_Imap_Client_Exception |
protected |
The charset of the search strings.
All text strings must be in this charset. By default, this is 'US-ASCII' (see RFC 3501 [6.4.4]).
protected |
protected |
The working data for the current pageload.
All changes take place to this data.
protected |
The working data for the current pageload.
All changes take place to this data.
protected |
The default ports to use for a connection.
First element is non-secure, second is SSL.
protected |
protected |
Hash containing connection parameters.
This hash never changes.
protected |
Mapping of status fields to IMAP names.
protected |
The list of items to update:
protected |
List of mailbox/UIDs to update.
Keys are mailboxes. Values are arrays with three possible keys:
- d: UIDs to delete - m: Was metadata updated? - u: UIDs to update
protected |
List of virtual rights (RFC 4314 [2.1.1]).
array $cacheFields |
The list of fetch fields that can be cached, and their cache names.
static |
integer $highestmodseq = null |
The previous value of HIGHESTMODSEQ.
string $mailbox = null |
The IMAP mailbox.
integer $messages = null |
The previous number of messages in the mailbox.
callback $on_error = null |
A callback to run on error.
If callback returns true, the command will be treated as successful.
callback $on_success = null |
A callback to run on success.
Horde_Imap_Client_Interaction_Pipeline $pipeline |
Pipeline object associated with this command.
string $protocol = null |
The protocol type.
Either 'imap' or 'pop' (not present for relative URLs).
string $raw_msg = '' |
Raw error message (in English).
object $responseCode = null |
Response code (RFC 3501 [7.1]).
boolean $statuscache = true |
Horde_Imap_Client is optimized for short (i.e.
1 seconds) scripts. It makes heavy use of mailbox caching to save on server accesses. This property should be set to false for long-running scripts, or else status() data may not reflect the current state of the mailbox on the server.
integer $uidnext = null |
The previous value of UIDNEXT.
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see $uidvalid |
integer $uidvalidity = null |
The previous value of UIDVALIDITY.
Horde_Imap_Client_Ids $vanished = null |
The UIDs of messages that are guaranteed to have vanished.
This list is only guaranteed to be available if the server supports QRESYNC or a list of known UIDs is passed to the sync() method.
Cache names used exclusively within this class.
const INUSE = 18 |
The operation was not successful because another user is holding a necessary resource.
The operation may succeed if attempted later.
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see Iterator |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see IteratorAggregate |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see IteratorAggregate |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see IteratorAggregate |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see IteratorAggregate |
Setting metadata failed because the size of its value is too large.
The maximum octet count the server is willing to accept will be in the exception message string.
const POP3_TEMP_ERROR = 300 |
Temporary issue.
Generally, there is no need to alarm the user for errors of this type.
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see Serializable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see Serializable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see Serializable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see Serializable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see Serializable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see SplObserver |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see SplSubject |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see SplSubject |