| __call ($method, $arguments) |
| Magic method used to pass calls otherwise meant for the standard renderer to it to ensure we don't go causing unnecessary grief.
| add_action_handler (component_action $action, $id=null) |
| Adds a JS action for the element with the provided id.
| get_compact_logo_url ($maxwidth=300, $maxheight=300) |
| Return the site's compact logo URL, if any.
| get_logo_url ($maxwidth=null, $maxheight=200) |
| Return the site's logo URL, if any.
| get_page () |
| Returns the moodle page object.
| has_started () |
| Returns true is output has already started, and false if not.
| image_url ($imagename, $component='moodle') |
| Return the moodle_url for an image.
| pix_url ($imagename, $component='moodle') |
| Return the direct URL for an image from the pix folder.
| render (renderable $widget) |
| Renders the provided widget and returns the HTML to display it.
| render_create_new_question_button ($addquestiondata) |
| Render add question button.
| render_from_template ($templatename, $context) |
| Renders a template by name with the given context.
| render_qbank_chooser (\renderable $qbankchooser) |
| Render a qbank_chooser.
| render_question_info ($questiondata) |
| Render question information for edit form.
| render_status_dropdown ($dropdownoptions) |
| Render status dropdown.
| should_display_main_logo ($headinglevel=1) |
| Whether we should display the main logo.
| should_display_navbar_logo () |
| Whether we should display the logo in the navbar.
Renderer for add/edit/copy.
- Copyright
- 2021 Catalyst IT Australia Pty Ltd
- Author
- Safat Shahin safat.nosp@m.shah.nosp@m.in@ca.nosp@m.taly.nosp@m.st-au.nosp@m..net
- License
- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later