| add_random_questions (int $addonpage, int $number, array $filtercondition) |
| Add a random question to the quiz at a given point.
| add_section_heading ($pagenumber, $heading=null) |
| Add a section heading on a given page and return the sectionid.
| can_add_random_questions () |
| Whether the current user can add random questions to the quiz or not.
| create_grade_item (stdClass $gradeitemdata) |
| Create a grade item.
| delete_grade_item (int $gradeitemid) |
| Delete a grade item (only if it is not used).
| formatted_grade_item_sum_marks (int $gradeitemid) |
| Get the total of marks of all questions assigned to this grade item, formatted for display.
| get_grade_items () |
| Get the grade items defined for this quiz.
| get_slot_tags_for_slot_id () |
| is_grade_item_used (int $gradeitemid) |
| Is a particular quiz grade item used by any slots?
| refresh_page_numbers ($slots=[]) |
| Refresh page numbering of quiz slots.
| refresh_page_numbers_and_update_db () |
| Refresh page numbering of quiz slots and save to the database.
| remove_section_heading ($sectionid) |
| Remove the section heading with the given id.
| remove_slot ($slotnumber) |
| Remove a slot from a quiz.
| set_section_heading ($id, $newheading) |
| Change the heading for a section.
| set_section_shuffle ($id, $shuffle) |
| Change the shuffle setting for a section.
| unset_question ($slotid) |
| Unset the question object after deletion.
| update_grade_item (stdClass $gradeitemdata) |
| Update a grade item.
| update_page_break ($slotid, $type) |
| Add/Remove a pagebreak.
| update_question_dependency ($slotid, $requireprevious) |
| Set whether the question in a particular slot requires the previous one.
| update_slot_display_number (int $slotid, string $displaynumber) |
| Update the question display number when is set as customised display number or empy string.
| update_slot_grade_item (stdClass $slot, ?int $gradeitemid) |
| Change which grade this slot contributes to, for quizzes with multiple grades.
| update_slot_maxmark ($slot, $maxmark) |
| Change the max mark for a slot.
| verify_grade_item_is_ours (int $gradeitemid) |
| Check the grade item with the given id belongs to this quiz.