Moodle PHP Documentation 4.4
Moodle 4.4.1 (Build: 20240610) (db07c09afc5)
Public Member Functions | |
_affectedrows () | |
_close () | |
_connect ($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename=null, $mode=0) | |
Multiple modes of connection are supported: | |
_CreateCache () | |
Create cache class. | |
_Execute ($sql, $inputarr=false) | |
_findschema (&$table, &$schema) | |
_findvers ($str) | |
Find version string. | |
_gencachename ($sql, $createdir) | |
Private function to generate filename for caching. | |
_nconnect ($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename) | |
Always force a new connection to database. | |
_pconnect ($argHostname, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename) | |
_query ($sql, $inputarr=false) | |
Execute a query. | |
& | _rs2rs (&$rs, $nrows=-1, $offset=-1, $close=true) |
Convert a database recordset to an array recordset. | |
addQ ($s, $magic_quotes=false) | |
Quotes a string, without prefixing nor appending quotes. | |
Affected_Rows () | |
autoExecute ($table, $fields_values, $mode='INSERT', $where='', $forceUpdate=true, $magic_quotes=false) | |
Simple interface to insert and update records. | |
BeginTrans () | |
Begin a Transaction. | |
Bind (&$stmt, &$var, $size=4000, $type=false, $name=false, $isOutput=false) | |
Bind a variable – very, very fast for executing repeated statements in oracle. | |
BindDate ($d) | |
BindTimeStamp ($ts) | |
BlobDecode ($blob) | |
BlobEncode ($blob) | |
CacheExecute ($secs2cache, $sql=false, $inputarr=false) | |
Execute SQL, caching recordsets. | |
CacheFlush ($sql=false, $inputarr=false) | |
Flush cached recordsets that match a particular $sql statement. | |
CacheGetAll ($secs2cache, $sql=false, $inputarr=false) | |
CacheGetArray ($secs2cache, $sql=false, $inputarr=false) | |
CacheGetAssoc ($secs2cache, $sql=false, $inputarr=false, $force_array=false, $first2cols=false) | |
Search for the results of an executed query in the cache. | |
CacheGetCol ($secs, $sql=false, $inputarr=false, $trim=false) | |
CacheGetOne ($secs2cache, $sql=false, $inputarr=false) | |
CacheGetRow ($secs2cache, $sql=false, $inputarr=false) | |
CachePageExecute ($secs2cache, $sql, $nrows, $page, $inputarr=false) | |
Will select the supplied $page number from a recordset, given that it is paginated in pages of $nrows rows per page. | |
CacheSelectLimit ($secs2cache, $sql, $nrows=-1, $offset=-1, $inputarr=false) | |
Will select, getting rows from $offset (1-based), for $nrows. | |
CharMax () | |
charMax () | |
Returns the maximum size of a MetaType C field. | |
Close () | |
Close Connection. | |
CommitLock ($table) | |
CommitTrans ($ok=true) | |
Commits a transaction. | |
CompleteTrans ($autoComplete=true) | |
Complete a transation. | |
Concat () | |
Concatenate strings. | |
Connect ($argHostname="", $argUsername="", $argPassword="", $argDatabaseName="", $forceNew=false) | |
Connect to database. | |
CreateSequence ($seqname='adodbseq', $startID=1) | |
day ($fld) | |
DBDate ($d, $isfld=false) | |
Converts a date "d" to a string that the database can understand. | |
DBTimeStamp ($ts, $isfld=false) | |
Converts a timestamp "ts" to a string that the database can understand. | |
Disconnect () | |
PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally. | |
DropSequence ($seqname='adodbseq') | |
enableLastInsertID ($enable=true) | |
Enable or disable the Last Insert Id functionality. | |
ErrorMsg () | |
ErrorNative () | |
PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally. | |
ErrorNo () | |
escape ($s, $magic_quotes=false) | |
Alias for addQ() | |
Execute ($sql, $inputarr=false) | |
Execute SQL. | |
ExecuteCursor ($sql, $cursorName='rs', $params=false) | |
FailTrans () | |
At the end of a StartTrans/CompleteTrans block, perform a rollback. | |
GenID ($seqname='adodbseq', $startID=1) | |
Generates a sequence id and stores it in $this->genID. | |
GetActiveRecords ($table, $where=false, $bindarr=false, $primkeyArr=false) | |
GetActiveRecordsClass ( $class, $table, $whereOrderBy=false, $bindarr=false, $primkeyArr=false, $extra=array(), $relations=array()) | |
GetActiveRecordsClass Performs an 'ALL' query. | |
GetAll ($sql, $inputarr=false) | |
Return all rows. | |
GetArray ($sql, $inputarr=false) | |
Executes a statement and returns a the entire recordset in an array. | |
GetAssoc ($sql, $inputarr=false, $force_array=false, $first2cols=false) | |
Execute statement and return rows in an array. | |
getCharSet () | |
Retrieve the client connection's current character set. | |
GetCol ($sql, $inputarr=false, $trim=false) | |
Executes a statement and returns each row's first column in an array. | |
getCustomMetaTypes () | |
Get a list of custom meta types. | |
GetInsertSQL (&$rs, $arrFields, $magic_quotes=false, $force=null) | |
Generates an Insert Query based on an existing recordset. | |
GetMedian ($table, $field, $where='') | |
GetOne ($sql, $inputarr=false) | |
Return first element of first row of sql statement. | |
GetRandRow ($sql, $arr=false) | |
GetRow ($sql, $inputarr=false) | |
Return one row of sql statement. | |
GetUpdateSQL (&$rs, $arrFields, $forceUpdate=false, $magic_quotes=false, $force=null) | |
Generates an Update Query based on an existing recordset. | |
HasFailedTrans () | |
Check if transaction has failed, only for Smart Transactions. | |
IfNull ( $field, $ifNull) | |
IgnoreErrors ($saveErrs=false) | |
InParameter (&$stmt, &$var, $name, $maxLen=4000, $type=false) | |
Self-documenting version of Parameter(). | |
Insert_ID ($table='', $column='') | |
Returns the last inserted ID. | |
IsConnected () | |
Return true if connected to the database. | |
IsConnectionError ($err) | |
LimitQuery ($sql, $offset, $count, $params=false) | |
PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally. | |
LogSQL ($enable=true) | |
MetaColumnNames ($table, $numIndexes=false, $useattnum=false) | |
List columns names in a table as an array. | |
MetaColumns ($table, $normalize=true) | |
List columns in a database as an array of ADOFieldObjects. | |
MetaDatabases () | |
return the databases that the driver can connect to. | |
MetaError ($err=false) | |
MetaErrorMsg ($errno) | |
metaForeignKeys ($table, $owner='', $upper=false, $associative=false) | |
Returns a list of Foreign Keys associated with a specific table. | |
MetaIndexes ($table, $primary=FALSE, $owner=false) | |
List indexes on a table as an array. | |
MetaPrimaryKeys ($table, $owner=false) | |
MetaPrimaryKeys ($table, $owner=false, $internalKey=false) | |
MetaProcedures ($procedureNamePattern=null, $catalog=null, $schemaPattern=null) | |
List procedures or functions in an array. | |
MetaTables ($ttype=false, $showSchema=false, $mask=false) | |
MetaTransaction ($mode, $db) | |
MetaType ($t, $len=-1, $fieldobj=false) | |
month ($fld) | |
NConnect ($argHostname="", $argUsername="", $argPassword="", $argDatabaseName="") | |
Always force a new connection to database. | |
nextId ($seq_name) | |
PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally. | |
OffsetDate ($dayFraction, $date=false) | |
Calculate the offset of a date for a particular database and generate appropriate SQL. | |
outp_throw ($msg, $src='WARN', $sql='') | |
Throw an exception if the handler is defined or prints the message if not. | |
OutParameter (&$stmt, &$var, $name, $maxLen=4000, $type=false) | |
Self-documenting version of Parameter(). | |
PageExecute ($sql, $nrows, $page, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0) | |
Execute query with pagination. | |
Param ($name, $type='C') | |
Returns a placeholder for query parameters. | |
Parameter (&$stmt, &$var, $name, $isOutput=false, $maxLen=4000, $type=false) | |
Usage: $stmt = $db->Prepare('select * from table where id =:myid and group=:group'); $db->Parameter($stmt,$id,'myid'); $db->Parameter($stmt,$group,'group'); $db->Execute($stmt);. | |
PConnect ($argHostname="", $argUsername="", $argPassword="", $argDatabaseName="") | |
Establish persistent connection to database. | |
PO_Insert_ID ($table="", $id="") | |
Portable Insert ID. | |
Prepare ($sql) | |
Prepare an SQL statement and return the statement resource. | |
Prepare ($sql, $cursor=false) | |
PrepareSP ($sql, $param=true) | |
Prepare a Stored Procedure and return the statement resource. | |
q (&$s) | |
Quotes a string so that all strings are escaped. | |
qStr ($s, $magic_quotes=false) | |
Correctly quotes a string so that all strings are escaped. | |
Query ($sql, $inputarr=false) | |
PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally. | |
Quote ($s) | |
PEAR DB Compat - alias for qStr. | |
releaseStatement (&$stmt) | |
Releases a previously prepared statement. | |
Replace ($table, $fieldArray, $keyCol, $autoQuote=false, $has_autoinc=false) | |
Insert or replace a single record. | |
RollbackLock ($table) | |
RollbackTrans () | |
Rolls back a transaction. | |
RowLock ($tables, $where, $col='1 as adodbignore') | |
Lock a row. | |
SelectDB ($dbName) | |
Choose a database to connect to. | |
SelectLimit ($sql, $nrows=-1, $offset=-1, $inputarr=false, $secs2cache=0) | |
This algorithm makes use of. | |
SerializableRS (&$rs) | |
Create serializable recordset. | |
ServerInfo () | |
Get server version info. | |
setCharSet ($charset) | |
Sets the client-side character set. | |
setConnectionParameter ($parameter, $value) | |
Adds a parameter to the connection string. | |
setCustomMetaType ( $metaType, $dictionaryType, $actualType, $handleAsType=false, $callback=false) | |
Set a custom meta type with a corresponding actual. | |
SetDateLocale ($locale='En') | |
Change the SQL connection locale to a specified locale. | |
SetFetchMode ($mode) | |
PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally. | |
SetTransactionMode ( $transaction_mode) | |
SQLDate ($fmt, $col=false) | |
Format date column in sql string given an input format that understands Y M D. | |
StartTrans ($errfn='ADODB_TransMonitor') | |
Improved method of initiating a transaction. | |
substr ($fld, $start, $length=0) | |
Returns a substring of a varchar type field. | |
TextMax () | |
textMax () | |
Returns the maximum size of a MetaType X field. | |
Time () | |
Return the database server's current date and time. | |
UpdateBlob ($table, $column, $val, $where, $blobtype='BLOB') | |
Usage: Store BLOBs and CLOBs. | |
updateBlob ($table, $column, $val, $where, $blobtype='BLOB') | |
Update a BLOB column, given a where clause. | |
UpdateBlobFile ($table, $column, $val, $where, $blobtype='BLOB') | |
Usage: store file pointed to by $val in a blob. | |
updateBlobFile ($table, $column, $path, $where, $blobtype='BLOB') | |
Update a BLOB from a file. | |
UpdateClob ($table, $column, $val, $where) | |
Usage: UpdateClob('TABLE', 'COLUMN', $var, 'ID=1', 'CLOB');. | |
UserDate ($v, $fmt='Y-m-d', $gmt=false) | |
Format database date based on user defined format. | |
UserTimeStamp ($v, $fmt='Y-m-d H:i:s', $gmt=false) | |
Format timestamp based on user defined format. | |
year ($fld) | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | outp ($msg, $newline=true) |
All error messages go through this bottleneck function. | |
static | UnixDate ($v) |
Also in ADORecordSet. | |
static | UnixTimeStamp ($v) |
Also in ADORecordSet. | |
static | Version () |
ADOdb version. | |
Public Attributes | |
$_affected = false | |
$_bind = array() | |
$_bindInputArray = true | |
$_commit = OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS | |
resource | $_connectionID = false |
Identifier for the native database connection. | |
$_dropSeqSQL = "DROP SEQUENCE %s" | |
int false | $_errorCode = false |
Stores the last returned error code. | |
string false | $_errorMsg = false |
Stores the last returned error message. | |
$_genIDSQL = "SELECT (%s.nextval) FROM DUAL" | |
$_genSeqSQL | |
$_getarray = false | |
$_initdate = true | |
$_isPersistentConnection = false | |
This variable keeps the last created result link identifier. | |
$_logsql = false | |
ADORecordSet | $_metars |
Recordset used to retrieve MetaType information. | |
$_nestedSQL = true | |
$_oldRaiseFn = false | |
$_queryID = false | |
$_refLOBs = array() | |
$_stmt | |
$_transmode = '' | |
$_transOK = null | |
$ansiOuter = false | |
operator to use for right outer join in WHERE clause | |
$arrayClass = 'ADORecordSet_array' | |
$autoCommit = true | |
$autoRollback = false | |
whether ansi outer join syntax supported | |
$blobEncodeType = false | |
$bulkBind = false | |
$cacheSecs = 3600 | |
accepts dates in ISO format | |
$charSet =false | |
right square bracked for t-sql styled column names | |
$concat_operator ='||' | |
$connectSID = false | |
string | $connectStmt = '' |
SQL statement executed by some drivers after successful connection. | |
$customActualTypes = array() | |
$customMetaTypes = array() | |
string | $database = '' |
RDBMS currently in use, eg. odbc, mysql, mssql. | |
$databaseType = 'oci8quercus' | |
$dataProvider = 'oci8' | |
$dateformat = 'YYYY-MM-DD' | |
$datetime = false | |
$debug = false | |
Password for the username. For security, we no longer store it. | |
string | $dsnType = '' |
If the driver is PDO, then the dsnType is e.g. | |
$emptyDate = ' ' | |
All order by columns have to be unique. | |
$emptyTimeStamp = ' ' | |
string | $evalAll = false |
set to true if ADOConnection.Execute() permits binding of array parameters. | |
$false = '0' | |
string that represents TRUE for a database | |
$fetchMode =false | |
count of nested transactions | |
$firstrows = true | |
$fmtDate = "'Y-m-d'" | |
uppercase function | |
$fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d, h:i:s A'" | |
used by DBDate() as the default date format used by the database | |
bool callable | $fnCacheExecute = false |
Cache execution function to call. | |
bool callable | $fnExecute = false |
Execute function to call. | |
$genID = 0 | |
has transactions | |
$hasAffectedRows = true | |
$hasGenID = true | |
$hasInsertID = false | |
$hasLimit = false | |
support mssql/access SELECT TOP 10 * FROM TABLE | |
$hasMoveFirst = false | |
this is a readonly database - used by phpLens | |
$hasTop = false | |
supports affected rows for update/delete? | |
$hasTransactions = true | |
can generate sequences using GenID(); | |
$host = '' | |
string | $identitySQL |
SQL statement to get the last IDENTITY value inserted into an IDENTITY column in the same scope. | |
$isoDates = false | |
$lastInsID = false | |
$leftBracket = '[' | |
string to use to quote identifiers and names | |
$leftOuter = '' | |
$length = 'length' | |
substring operator | |
string | $locale |
a specified locale. | |
$maxblobsize = 262144 | |
if set to true will output sql statements | |
bool | $memCache = false |
cache for 1 hour | |
bool | $memCacheCompress = false |
Enable compression of stored items. | |
string array | $memCacheHost |
The memcache server(s) to connect to. | |
array | $memCacheOptions = array() |
An array of memcached options. | |
int | $memCachePort = 11211 |
Default port number. | |
$metaColumnsSQL = "select cname,coltype,width, SCALE, PRECISION, NULLS, DEFAULTVAL from col where tname='%s' order by colno" | |
$metaColumnsSQL2 | |
$metaTablesSQL = "select table_name,table_type from cat where table_type in ('TABLE','VIEW') and table_name not like 'BIN\$%'" | |
$nameQuote = '"' | |
string to use to replace quotes | |
$noNullStrings = false | |
$null2null = 'null' | |
$numCacheHits = 0 | |
oracle specific stuff - if true ensures that '' is converted to ' ' | |
$numCacheMisses = 0 | |
$pageExecuteCountRows = true | |
$password = '' | |
The username which is used to connect to the database server. | |
$poorAffectedRows = false | |
$port = '' | |
The hostname of the database server. | |
bool callable | $raiseErrorFn = false |
sequence id used by GenID(); | |
$random = "abs(mod(DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM,10000001)/10000000)" | |
$readOnly = false | |
support pgsql/mysql SELECT * FROM TABLE LIMIT 10 | |
$replaceQuote = "''" | |
$rightBracket = ']' | |
left square bracked for t-sql styled column names | |
$rightOuter = false | |
operator to use for left outer join in WHERE clause | |
$rsPrefix = "ADORecordSet_" | |
$schema = false | |
$selectOffsetAlg1 = 1000 | |
$seqPrefix = 'SEQ_' | |
$session_sharing_force_blob = false | |
$substr = 'substr' | |
default concat operator – change to || for Oracle/Interbase | |
$sysDate = "TRUNC(SYSDATE)" | |
$sysTimeStamp = 'SYSDATE' | |
$sysUTimeStamp = false | |
name of function that returns the current timestamp | |
$transCnt = 0 | |
temporarily disable transactions | |
$transOff = 0 | |
do not modify this yourself - actually private | |
$true = '1' | |
used by DBTimeStamp as the default timestamp fmt. | |
$uniqueOrderBy = false | |
$uniqueSort = false | |
$upperCase = 'upper' | |
random function | |
$useCompactAutoIncrements = false | |
$useDBDateFormatForTextInput =false | |
$user = '' | |
The port of the database server. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
_insertID ($table='', $column='') | |
Return the id of the last row that has been inserted in a table. | |
getChangedErrorMsg ($old=null) | |
Compare a previously stored error message with the last error recorded by PHP to determine whether a new error has occurred. | |
parseHostNameAndPort () | |
Parses the hostname to extract the port. | |
resetLastError () | |
Get the last error recorded by PHP and clear the message. | |
Protected Attributes | |
array | $connectionParameters = array() |
Additional parameters that may be passed to drivers in the connect string. | |
inherited |
Multiple modes of connection are supported:
a. Local Database $conn->Connect(false,'scott','tiger');
b. From tnsnames.ora $conn->Connect($tnsname,'scott','tiger'); $conn->Connect(false,'scott','tiger',$tnsname);
c. Server + service name $conn->Connect($serveraddress,'scott,'tiger',$service_name);
d. Server + SID $conn->connectSID = true; $conn->Connect($serveraddress,'scott,'tiger',$SID);
string | false | $argHostname | DB server hostname or TNS name |
string | $argUsername | |
string | $argPassword | |
string | $argDatabasename | Service name, SID (defaults to null) |
int | $mode | Connection mode, defaults to 0 (0 = non-persistent, 1 = persistent, 2 = force new connection) |
bool |
inherited |
Create cache class.
Code is backwards-compatible with old memcache implementation.
inherited |
Find version string.
string | $str |
string |
inherited |
Private function to generate filename for caching.
Filename is generated based on:
We create 256 sub-directories in the cache directory ($ADODB_CACHE_DIR). Assuming that we can have 50,000 files per directory with good performance, then we can scale to 12.8 million unique cached recordsets. Wow!
protectedinherited |
Return the id of the last row that has been inserted in a table.
string | $table | |
string | $column |
int|false |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Always force a new connection to database.
string | $argHostname | Host to connect to |
string | $argUsername | Userid to login |
string | $argPassword | Associated password |
string | $argDatabaseName | Database name |
bool |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Execute a query.
this version supports:
string | array | $sql | Query to execute. |
array | $inputarr | An optional array of parameters. |
mixed|bool | Query identifier or true if execution successful, false if failed. |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
Reimplemented in ADODB_oci8po.
inherited |
Convert a database recordset to an array recordset.
Input recordset's cursor should be at beginning, and old $rs will be closed.
ADORecordSet | $rs | the recordset to copy |
int | $nrows | number of rows to retrieve (optional) |
int | $offset | offset by number of rows (optional) |
bool | $close |
ADORecordSet_array|ADORecordSet|bool | the new recordset |
inherited |
Quotes a string, without prefixing nor appending quotes.
string | $s | The string to quote |
bool | $magic_quotes | This param is not used since 5.21.0. It remains for backwards compatibility. |
string | Quoted string |
@noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection
inherited |
int|false | Number of rows affected by UPDATE/DELETE |
inherited |
Simple interface to insert and update records.
Automatically generate and execute INSERT and UPDATE statements on a given table, similar to PEAR DB's autoExecute().
string | $table | Name of the table to process. |
array | $fields_values | Associative array of field names => values. |
string | int | $mode | Execution mode: 'INSERT' (default), 'UPDATE' or one of the DB_AUTOQUERY_xx constants. |
string | $where | SQL where clause (mandatory in UPDATE mode as a safety measure) |
bool | $forceUpdate | If true, update all provided fields, even if they have not changed; otherwise only modified fields are updated. |
bool | $magic_quotes | This param is not used since 5.21.0. It remains for backwards compatibility. |
bool |
@noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection
inherited |
Begin a Transaction.
Must be followed by CommitTrans() or RollbackTrans().
bool | true if succeeded or false if database does not support transactions |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Bind a variable – very, very fast for executing repeated statements in oracle.
Better than using for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $p1 = ?; $p2 = ?; $p3 = ?; $this->Execute("insert into table (col0, col1, col2) values (:0, :1, :2)", array($p1,$p2,$p3)); }
Usage: $stmt = $DB->Prepare("insert into table (col0, col1, col2) values (:0, :1, :2)"); $DB->Bind($stmt, $p1); $DB->Bind($stmt, $p2); $DB->Bind($stmt, $p3); for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $p1 = ?; $p2 = ?; $p3 = ?; $DB->Execute($stmt); }
Some timings to insert 1000 records, test table has 3 cols, and 1 index.
Now if PHP only had batch/bulk updating like Java or PL/SQL...
Note that the order of parameters differs from oci_bind_by_name, because we default the names to :0, :1, :2
inherited |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Reimplemented in ADODB_postgres64.
inherited |
Execute SQL, caching recordsets.
int | $secs2cache | Seconds to cache data, set to 0 to force query. This is an optional parameter. |
string | bool | $sql | SQL statement to execute |
array | bool | $inputarr | Holds the input data to bind |
ADORecordSet | RecordSet or false |
inherited |
Flush cached recordsets that match a particular $sql statement.
If $sql == false, then we purge all files in the cache.
inherited |
Search for the results of an executed query in the cache.
int | $secs2cache | |
string | bool | $sql | SQL statement |
array | bool | $inputarr | input bind array |
bool | $force_array | |
bool | $first2cols |
false|array |
inherited |
int | $secs2cache | |
string | false | $sql | |
mixed[] | bool | $inputarr |
mixed[]|bool |
inherited |
Will select the supplied $page number from a recordset, given that it is paginated in pages of $nrows rows per page.
It also saves two boolean values saying if the given page is the first and/or last one of the recordset. Added by Iván Oliva to provide recordset pagination.
int | $secs2cache | seconds to cache data, set to 0 to force query |
string | $sql | |
int | $nrows | is the number of rows per page to get |
int | $page | is the page number to get (1-based) |
mixed[] | bool | $inputarr | array of bind variables |
mixed | the recordset ($rs->databaseType == 'array') |
inherited |
Will select, getting rows from $offset (1-based), for $nrows.
This simulates the MySQL "select * from table limit $offset,$nrows" , and the PostgreSQL "select * from table limit $nrows offset $offset". Note that MySQL and PostgreSQL parameter ordering is the opposite of the other. eg. CacheSelectLimit(15,'select * from table',3); will return rows 1 to 3 (1-based) CacheSelectLimit(15,'select * from table',3,2); will return rows 3 to 5 (1-based)
BUG: Currently CacheSelectLimit fails with $sql with LIMIT or TOP clause already set
int | $secs2cache | Seconds to cache data, set to 0 to force query. This is optional |
string | $sql | |
int | $offset | Row to start calculations from (1-based) |
int | $nrows | Number of rows to get |
array | $inputarr | Array of bind variables |
ADORecordSet | The recordset ($rs->databaseType == 'array') |
inherited |
Returns the maximum size of a MetaType C field.
If the method is not defined in the driver returns ADODB_STRINGMAX_NOTSET
int |
Reimplemented in ADODB_mssqlnative, ADODB_odbc_mssql, and ADODB_sqlite.
inherited |
string | $table |
true |
inherited |
Commits a transaction.
If database does not support transactions, return true as data is always committed.
bool | $ok | True to commit, false to rollback the transaction. |
bool | true if successful |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Complete a transation.
Used together with StartTrans() to end a transaction. Monitors connection for sql errors, and will commit or rollback as appropriate.
bool | autoComplete if true, monitor sql errors and commit and rollback as appropriate, and if set to false force rollback even if no SQL error detected. |
inherited |
Concatenate strings.
Different SQL databases used different methods to combine strings together. This function provides a wrapper.
Usage: $db->Concat($str1,$str2);
string | $s | Variable number of string parameters |
string | concatenated string |
Reimplemented in ADODB_mssql, ADODB_mssqlnative, ADODB_odbc_mssql, and ADODB_pdo.
inherited |
Connect to database.
string | $argHostname | Host to connect to |
string | $argUsername | Userid to login |
string | $argPassword | Associated password |
string | $argDatabaseName | Database name |
bool | $forceNew | Force new connection |
bool |
inherited |
Converts a date "d" to a string that the database can understand.
mixed | $d | a date in Unix date time format. |
string | date string in database date format |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Converts a timestamp "ts" to a string that the database can understand.
int | object | $ts | A timestamp in Unix date time format. |
string\$timestamp | string in database timestamp format |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Enable or disable the Last Insert Id functionality.
If the Driver supports it, this function allows setting {
bool | $enable | False to disable |
Reimplemented in ADODB_mssqlnative.
inherited |
string | the last error message |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally.
int |
inherited |
int | the last error number. Normally 0 means no error. |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Alias for addQ()
string | $s | |
bool | [$magic_quotes] |
mixed |
inherited |
Execute SQL.
string | $sql | SQL statement to execute, or possibly an array holding prepared statement ($sql[0] will hold sql text) |
array | bool | $inputarr | holds the input data to bind to. Null elements will be set to null. |
ADORecordSet|false |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
Reimplemented in ADODB_oci8po.
inherited |
Generates a sequence id and stores it in $this->genID.
GenID is only available if $this->hasGenID = true;
string | $seqname | Name of sequence to use |
int | $startID | If sequence does not exist, start at this ID |
int | Sequence id, 0 if not supported |
Reimplemented in ADODB_ado_mssql, ADODB_ads, ADODB_mssql, ADODB_mssqlnative, ADODB_odbc, ADODB_odbtp, ADODB_pdo, and ADODB_sqlite.
inherited |
GetActiveRecordsClass Performs an 'ALL' query.
mixed | $class | This string represents the class of the current active record |
mixed | $table | Table used by the active record object |
mixed | $whereOrderBy | Where, order, by clauses |
mixed | $bindarr | |
mixed | $primkeyArr | |
array | $extra | Query extras: limit, offset... |
mixed | $relations | Associative array: table's foreign name, "hasMany", "belongsTo" |
void |
inherited |
Return all rows.
Compat with PEAR DB.
string | $sql | SQL statement |
array | bool | $inputarr | Input bind array |
array|false |
inherited |
Executes a statement and returns a the entire recordset in an array.
string | $sql | SQL statement |
array | bool | $inputarr | input bind array |
array|false |
inherited |
Execute statement and return rows in an array.
The function executes a statement and returns all of the returned rows in an array, or false if the statement execution fails or if only 1 column is requested in the SQL statement. If no records match the provided SQL statement, an empty array is returned.
string | $sql | SQL statement |
array | bool | $inputarr | input bind array |
bool | $force_array | |
bool | $first2cols |
array|bool |
protectedinherited |
Compare a previously stored error message with the last error recorded by PHP to determine whether a new error has occurred.
mixed[] | null | $old | Optional. Previously stored return value of error_get_last(). |
string | The error message if a new error has occurred or an empty string if no (new) errors have occurred.. |
inherited |
Retrieve the client connection's current character set.
string|false | The character set, or false if it can't be determined. |
Reimplemented in ADODB_postgres7.
inherited |
Executes a statement and returns each row's first column in an array.
string | $sql | SQL statement |
array | bool | $inputarr | input bind array |
bool | $trim | enables space trimming of the returned value. This is only relevant if the returned string is coming from a CHAR type field. |
array|bool | 1D array containning the first row of the query |
finalinherited |
Get a list of custom meta types.
string[] |
inherited |
Generates an Insert Query based on an existing recordset.
$arrFields is an associative array of fields with the value that should be assigned.
Note: This function should only be used on a recordset that is run against a single table.
$rs | ||
$arrFields | ||
bool | $magic_quotes | This param is not used since 5.21.0. It remains for backwards compatibility. |
null | $force |
false|string |
@noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection
inherited |
Return first element of first row of sql statement.
Recordset is disposed for you.
string | $sql | SQL statement |
array | bool | $inputarr | input bind array |
mixed |
inherited |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Return one row of sql statement.
Recordset is disposed for you. Note that SelectLimit should not be called.
string | $sql | SQL statement |
array | bool | $inputarr | input bind array |
array|false | Array containing the first row of the query |
inherited |
Generates an Update Query based on an existing recordset.
$arrFields is an associative array of fields with the value that should be assigned.
Note: This function should only be used on a recordset that is run against a single table and sql should only be a simple select stmt with no groupby/orderby/limit
$rs | ||
$arrFields | ||
bool | $forceUpdate | |
bool | $magic_quotes | This param is not used since 5.21.0. It remains for backwards compatibility. |
null | $force |
false|string |
@noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection
inherited |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Self-documenting version of Parameter().
$stmt | ||
&$var | ||
$name | ||
int | $maxLen | |
bool | $type |
bool |
Reimplemented in ADODB_pdo.
inherited |
Returns the last inserted ID.
Not all databases support this feature. Some do not require to specify table or column name (e.g. MySQL).
string | $table | Table name, default '' |
string | $column | Column name, default '' |
int | The last inserted ID. |
inherited |
Return true if connected to the database.
bool |
inherited |
List columns names in a table as an array.
table | table name to query |
array | of column names for current table. |
Reimplemented in ADODB_ads.
inherited |
List columns in a database as an array of ADOFieldObjects.
See top of file for definition of object.
$table | table name to query |
$normalize | makes table name case-insensitive (required by some databases) @schema is optional database schema to use - not supported by all databases. |
array | of ADOFieldObjects for current table. |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
return the databases that the driver can connect to.
Some databases will return an empty array.
array|bool | an array of database names. |
Reimplemented in ADODB_mssql, ADODB_mssqlnative, and ADODB_sybase_ase.
inherited |
Returns a list of Foreign Keys associated with a specific table.
string | $table | |
string | $owner | |
bool | $upper | discarded |
bool | $associative | discarded |
string[]|false | An array where keys are tables, and values are foreign keys; false if no foreign keys could be found. |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
List indexes on a table as an array.
table | table name to query |
primary | true to only show primary keys. Not actually used for most databases |
array | of indexes on current table. Each element represents an index, and is itself an associative array. |
Array( [name_of_index] => Array( [unique] => true or false [columns] => Array( [0] => firstname [1] => lastname ) ) )
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Reimplemented in ADODB_ads, ADODB_mssql, ADODB_mssqlnative, ADODB_odbc, ADODB_odbc_mssql, ADODB_odbtp, and ADODB_sybase.
inherited |
List procedures or functions in an array.
procedureNamePattern | a procedure name pattern; must match the procedure name as it is stored in the database |
catalog | a catalog name; must match the catalog name as it is stored in the database; |
schemaPattern | a schema name pattern; |
array | of procedures on current database. |
Array( [name_of_procedure] => Array( [type] => PROCEDURE or FUNCTION [catalog] => Catalog_name [schema] => Schema_name [remarks] => explanatory comment on the procedure ) )
Reimplemented in ADODB_informix72.
inherited |
ttype | can either be 'VIEW' or 'TABLE' or false. If false, both views and tables are returned. "VIEW" returns only views "TABLE" returns only tables |
showSchema | returns the schema/user with the table name, eg. USER.TABLE |
mask | is the input mask - only supported by oci8 and postgresql |
array | of tables for current database. |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Always force a new connection to database.
Currently this only works with Oracle.
string | $argHostname | Host to connect to |
string | $argUsername | Userid to login |
string | $argPassword | Associated password |
string | $argDatabaseName | Database name |
bool |
inherited |
inherited |
Calculate the offset of a date for a particular database and generate appropriate SQL.
Useful for calculating future/past dates and storing in a database.
double | $dayFraction | 1.5 means 1.5 days from now, 1.0/24 for 1 hour |
string | false | $date | Reference date, false for system time |
string |
Reimplemented in ADODB_pdo, and ADODB_postgres64.
staticinherited |
All error messages go through this bottleneck function.
You can define your own handler by defining the function name in ADODB_OUTP.
string | $msg | Message to print |
bool | $newline | True to add a newline after printing $msg |
inherited |
Throw an exception if the handler is defined or prints the message if not.
string | $msg | Message |
string | $src | the name of the calling function (in uppercase) |
string | $sql | Optional offending SQL statement |
inherited |
Self-documenting version of Parameter().
$stmt | ||
$var | ||
$name | ||
int | $maxLen | |
bool | $type |
bool |
inherited |
Execute query with pagination.
Will select the supplied $page number from a recordset, divided in pages of $nrows rows each. It also saves two boolean values saying if the given page is the first and/or last one of the recordset.
string | $sql | Query to execute |
int | $nrows | Number of rows per page |
int | $page | Page number to retrieve (1-based) |
array | bool | $inputarr | Array of bind variables |
int | $secs2cache | Time-to-live of the cache (in seconds), 0 to force query execution |
ADORecordSet|bool | the recordset ($rs->databaseType == 'array') |
inherited |
Returns a placeholder for query parameters.
e.g. $DB->Param('a') will return
mixed | $name | parameter's name. For databases that require positioned params (e.g. PostgreSQL), a "falsy" value can be used to force resetting the placeholder count; using boolean 'false' will reset it without actually returning a placeholder. ADOdb will also automatically reset the count when executing a query. |
string | $type | (unused) |
string | query parameter placeholder |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
Reimplemented in ADODB_oci8po.
inherited |
Usage: $stmt = $db->Prepare('select * from table where id =:myid and group=:group'); $db->Parameter($stmt,$id,'myid'); $db->Parameter($stmt,$group,'group'); $db->Execute($stmt);.
$stmt | Statement returned by { |
$var | PHP variable to bind to | |
$name | Name of stored procedure variable name to bind to. | |
bool | $isOutput | Indicates direction of parameter 0/false=IN 1=OUT 2= IN/OUT. This is ignored in oci8. |
int | $maxLen | Holds an maximum length of the variable. |
mixed | $type | The data type of $var. Legal values depend on driver. |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
protectedinherited |
Parses the hostname to extract the port.
Overwrites $this->host and $this->port, only if a port is specified. The Hostname can be fully or partially qualified, ie: "" or "ldaps://" Any specified scheme such as ldap:// or ldaps:// is maintained.
inherited |
Establish persistent connection to database.
string | $argHostname | Host to connect to |
string | $argUsername | Userid to login |
string | $argPassword | Associated password |
string | $argDatabaseName | Database name |
bool |
inherited |
Portable Insert ID.
Pablo Roca <pabloroca\>
string | $table | |
string | $id |
mixed | The last inserted ID. All databases support this, but be aware of possible problems in multiuser environments. Heavily test this before deploying. |
inherited |
Prepare an SQL statement and return the statement resource.
For databases that do not support prepared statements, we return the provided SQL statement as-is, to ensure compatibility:
$stmt = $db->prepare("insert into table (id, name) values (?,?)"); $db->execute($stmt, array(1,'Jill')) or die('insert failed'); $db->execute($stmt, array(2,'Joe')) or die('insert failed');
string | $sql | SQL to send to database |
mixed|false | The prepared statement, or the original sql if the database does not support prepare. |
Reimplemented in ADODB_ads, ADODB_mssql, ADODB_mssqlnative, ADODB_odbc, ADODB_odbtp, and ADODB_pdo.
inherited |
Prepare a Stored Procedure and return the statement resource.
Some databases, eg. mssql require a different function for preparing stored procedures. So we cannot use Prepare().
For databases that do not support this, we return the $sql.
string | $sql | SQL to send to database |
bool | $param |
mixed|false | The prepared statement, or the original sql if the database does not support prepare. |
Reimplemented in ADODB_mssql, ADODB_mssqlpo, and ADODB_odbtp.
inherited |
Quotes a string so that all strings are escaped.
Wrapper for qstr with magic_quotes = false.
string | &$s |
inherited |
Correctly quotes a string so that all strings are escaped.
We prefix and append to the string single-quotes. An example is $db->qstr("Don't bother");
string | $s | The string to quote |
bool | $magic_quotes | This param is not used since 5.21.0. It remains for backwards compatibility. |
string | Quoted string to be sent back to database |
@noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
PEAR DB Compat - do not use internally.
string | $sql | |
array | bool | $inputarr |
ADORecordSet|bool |
inherited |
inherited |
Releases a previously prepared statement.
mixed | $stmt | Statement resource, as returned by { |
bool |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Insert or replace a single record.
Note: this is not the same as MySQL's replace. ADOdb's Replace() uses update-insert semantics, not insert-delete-duplicates of MySQL. Also note that no table locking is done currently, so it is possible that the record be inserted twice by two programs...
$this->Replace('products', array('prodname' =>"'Nails'","price" => 3.99), 'prodname');
$table table name $fieldArray associative array of data (you must quote strings yourself). $keyCol the primary key field name or if compound key, array of field names autoQuote set to true to use a heuristic to quote strings. Works with nulls and numbers but does not work with dates nor SQL functions. has_autoinc the primary key is an auto-inc field, so skip in insert.
Currently blob replace not supported
returns 0 = fail, 1 = update, 2 = insert
protectedinherited |
Get the last error recorded by PHP and clear the message.
By clearing the message, it becomes possible to detect whether a new error has occurred, even when it is the same error as before being repeated.
mixed[]|null | Array if an error has previously occurred. Null otherwise. |
inherited |
string | $table |
true |
inherited |
Rolls back a transaction.
If database does not support transactions, return false as rollbacks always fail.
bool | true if successful |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Lock a row.
Will escalate and lock the table if row locking is not supported. Will normally free the lock at the end of the transaction.
string | $table | name of table to lock |
string | $where | where clause to use, eg: "WHERE row=12". If left empty, will escalate to table lock |
string | $col |
bool |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Choose a database to connect to.
Many databases do not support this.
string | $dbName | the name of the database to select |
bool |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
This algorithm makes use of.
a. FIRST_ROWS hint The FIRST_ROWS hint explicitly chooses the approach to optimize response time, that is, minimum resource usage to return the first row. Results will be returned as soon as they are identified.
b. Uses rownum tricks to obtain only the required rows from a given offset. As this uses complicated sql statements, we only use this if $offset >= 100. This idea by Tomas V V Cox.
This implementation does not appear to work with oracle 8.0.5 or earlier. Comment out this function then, and the slower SelectLimit() in the base class will be used.
Note: FIRST_ROWS hinting is only used if $sql is a string; when processing a prepared statement's handle, no hinting is performed.
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
Reimplemented in ADODB_oci805, and ADODB_oci8po.
inherited |
Create serializable recordset.
Breaks rs link to connection.
ADORecordSet | $rs | the recordset to serialize |
ADORecordSet_array|bool | the new recordset |
inherited |
Get server version info.
string[] | Array with 2 string elements: version and description |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Sets the client-side character set.
This is only supported for some databases.
string | $charset | The character set to switch to. |
bool | True if the character set was changed successfully, false otherwise. |
Reimplemented in ADODB_postgres7.
inherited |
Adds a parameter to the connection string.
Parameters must be added before the connection is established; they are then passed on to the connect statement, which will. process them if the driver supports this feature.
Example usage:
If used in a portable environment, parameters set in this manner should be predicated on the database provider, as unexpected results may occur if applied to the wrong database.
string | $parameter | The name of the parameter to set |
string | $value | The value of the parameter |
bool | True if success, false otherwise (e.g. parameter is not valid) |
finalinherited |
Set a custom meta type with a corresponding actual.
string | $metaType | The Custom ADOdb metatype |
string | $dictionaryType | The database dictionary type |
string | $actualType | The database actual type |
bool | $handleAsType | handle like an existing Metatype |
mixed | $callBack | A pre-processing function |
bool | success if the actual exists |
inherited |
Change the SQL connection locale to a specified locale.
This is used to get the date formats written depending on the client locale.
inherited |
inherited |
Format date column in sql string given an input format that understands Y M D.
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
inherited |
Improved method of initiating a transaction.
Used together with CompleteTrans(). Advantages include:
a. StartTrans/CompleteTrans is nestable, unlike BeginTrans/CommitTrans/RollbackTrans. Only the outermost block is treated as a transaction.
b. CompleteTrans auto-detects SQL errors, and will rollback on errors, commit otherwise.
c. All BeginTrans/CommitTrans/RollbackTrans inside a StartTrans/CompleteTrans block are disabled, making it backward compatible.
inherited |
Returns a substring of a varchar type field.
Some databases have variations of the parameters, which is why we have an ADOdb function for it
string | $fld | The field to sub-string |
int | $start | The start point |
int | $length | An optional length |
string | The SQL text |
Reimplemented in ADODB_mssql, ADODB_mssqlnative, and ADODB_odbc_mssql.
inherited |
Returns the maximum size of a MetaType X field.
If the method is not defined in the driver returns ADODB_STRINGMAX_NOTSET
int |
Reimplemented in ADODB_mssqlnative, ADODB_odbc_mssql, and ADODB_sqlite.
inherited |
Return the database server's current date and time.
int|false |
Reimplemented from ADOConnection.
staticinherited |
Also in ADORecordSet.
mixed | $v | is a date string in YYYY-MM-DD format |
int|false | Date in unix timestamp format, or 0 if before TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR, or false if invalid date format |
Reimplemented in ADODB_sybase.
staticinherited |
Also in ADORecordSet.
string | object | $v | is a timestamp string in YYYY-MM-DD HH-NN-SS format |
int|false | Date in unix timestamp format, or 0 if before TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR, or false if invalid date format |
Reimplemented in ADODB_sybase.
inherited |
Usage: Store BLOBs and CLOBs.
Example: to store $var in a blob $conn->Execute('insert into TABLE (id,ablob) values(12,empty_blob())'); $conn->UpdateBlob('TABLE', 'ablob', $varHoldingBlob, 'ID=12', 'BLOB');
$blobtype supports 'BLOB' and 'CLOB', but you need to change to 'empty_clob()'.
to get length of LOB: select DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(ablob) from TABLE
If you are using CURSOR_SHARING = force, it appears this will case a segfault under oracle Run: $db->Execute('ALTER SESSION SET CURSOR_SHARING=EXACT'); before UpdateBlob() then...
inherited |
Update a BLOB column, given a where clause.
There are more sophisticated blob handling functions that we could have implemented, but all require a very complex API. Instead we have chosen something that is extremely simple to understand and use.
Sample usage:
string | $table | |
string | $column | |
string | $val | Filename containing blob data |
mixed | $where | { |
string | $blobtype | supports 'BLOB' (default) and 'CLOB' |
bool | success |
Reimplemented in ADODB_db2.
inherited |
Update a BLOB from a file.
Usage example: $conn->updateBlobFile('table', 'blob_col', '/path/to/file', 'id=1');
string | $table | |
string | $column | |
string | $path | Filename containing blob data |
mixed | $where | { |
string | $blobtype | supports 'BLOB' and 'CLOB' |
bool | success |
inherited |
Usage: UpdateClob('TABLE', 'COLUMN', $var, 'ID=1', 'CLOB');.
$conn->Execute('INSERT INTO clobtable (id, clobcol) VALUES (1, null)'); $conn->UpdateClob('clobtable','clobcol',$clob,'id=1');
inherited |
Format database date based on user defined format.
Also in ADORecordSet.
mixed | $v | Date in YYYY-MM-DD format, returned by database |
string | $fmt | Format to apply, using date() |
bool | $gmt |
string | Formatted date |
inherited |
Format timestamp based on user defined format.
mixed | $v | Date in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format |
string | $fmt | Format to apply, using date() |
bool | $gmt |
string | Formatted timestamp |
staticinherited |
ADOdb version.
string |
inherited |
Stores the last returned error code.
Not guaranteed to be used. Only some drivers actually populate it.
inherited |
Stores the last returned error message.
inherited |
protectedinherited |
Additional parameters that may be passed to drivers in the connect string.
Data is stored as an array of arrays and not a simple associative array, because some drivers (e.g. mysql) allow multiple parameters with the same key to be set. @externalurl
$connectionParameters Set of ParameterName => Value pairs
inherited |
RDBMS currently in use, eg. odbc, mysql, mssql.
Current database name.
This used to be stored in the $databaseName property, which was marked as deprecated in 4.66 and removed in 5.22.5.
inherited |
If the driver is PDO, then the dsnType is e.g.
sqlsrv, otherwise empty
inherited |
set to true if ADOConnection.Execute() permits binding of array parameters.
Eval string used to filter data. Only used in the deprecated Text driver.
inherited |
SQL statement to get the last IDENTITY value inserted into an IDENTITY column in the same scope.
inherited |
cache for 1 hour
Use memCache library instead of caching in files. $memCache
inherited |
Enable compression of stored items.
inherited |
The memcache server(s) to connect to.
Can be defined as:
inherited |
An array of memcached options.
Only used with memcached; memcache ignores this setting. @externalurl $memCacheOptions
inherited |
Default port number.
The default port can be overridden if memcache server connection data is provided as an array {
inherited |
inherited |
sequence id used by GenID();
Error function to call