Moodle PHP Documentation 4.2
Moodle 4.2.8 (Build: 20240610) (2d41ac46f45)


namespace  tool_policy
namespace  tool_policy\event
namespace  tool_policy\form
namespace  tool_policy\output
namespace  tool_policy\privacy
namespace  tool_policy\privacy\local\sitepolicy
namespace  tool_policy\test


class  behat_tool_policy
 Step definition for tool_policy. More...
class  tool_policy\acceptances_table
 Class acceptances_table. More...
class  tool_policy\api
 Provides the API of the policies plugin. More...
class  tool_policy\event\acceptance_created
 Event acceptance_created. More...
class  tool_policy\event\acceptance_updated
 Event acceptance_updated. More...
class  tool_policy\external
 Class external. More...
class  tool_policy\form\accept_policy
 Represents the form for accepting or revoking a policy. More...
class  tool_policy\form\policydoc
 Defines the form for editing a policy document version. More...
class  tool_policy\output\acceptances
 List of users and their acceptances. More...
class  tool_policy\output\acceptances_filter
 Implements the widget allowing to filter the acceptance records. More...
class  tool_policy\output\guestconsent
 Renderer for the policies plugin. More...
class  tool_policy\output\page_agreedocs
 Represents a page for showing all the policy documents which a user has to agree to. More...
class  tool_policy\output\page_managedocs_list
 Represents a management page with the list of policy documents. More...
class  tool_policy\output\page_nopermission
 Represents a page for showing the error messages. More...
class  tool_policy\output\page_viewalldoc
 Represents a page for showing all the policy documents with a current version. More...
class  tool_policy\output\page_viewdoc
 Represents a page for showing the given policy document version. More...
class  tool_policy\output\renderer
 Renderer for the policies plugin. More...
class  tool_policy\output\user_agreement
 List of users and their acceptances. More...
class  tool_policy\policy_exporter
 Exporter of a policy document model. More...
class  tool_policy\policy_version
 Persistent model representing a single policy document version. More...
class  tool_policy\policy_version_exporter
 Exporter of a single policy document version. More...
class  tool_policy\privacy\local\sitepolicy\handler
 Class implementation for a site policy handler. More...
class  tool_policy\privacy\provider
 Implementation of the privacy subsystem plugin provider for the policy tool. More...
class  tool_policy\test\helper
 Provides some helper methods for unit-tests. More...


 tool_policy_before_standard_html_head ()
 Load policy message for guests.
 tool_policy_get_fontawesome_icon_map ()
 Map icons for font-awesome themes.
 tool_policy_myprofile_navigation (tree $tree, $user, $iscurrentuser, $course)
 Add nodes to myprofile page.
 tool_policy_output_fragment_accept_on_behalf ($args)
 Serve the new group form as a fragment.
 tool_policy_pluginfile ($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, array $options=array())
 Serve the embedded files.
 tool_policy_pre_signup_requests ()
 Hooks redirection to policy acceptance pages before sign up.
 tool_policy_standard_footer_html ()
 Callback to add footer elements.
 xmldb_tool_policy_upgrade ($oldversion)
 Execute the plugin upgrade steps from the given old version.


global tool_policy::$CFG
if(empty($CFG->sitepolicyhandler)|| $CFG->sitepolicyhandler !=='tool_policy') $managecaps
 $plugin = 2023041800
$plugin component = 'tool_policy'
$plugin version = 2023042400

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ tool_policy_before_standard_html_head()

tool_policy_before_standard_html_head ( )

Load policy message for guests.

Return values
stringThe HTML code to insert before the head.

◆ tool_policy_myprofile_navigation()

tool_policy_myprofile_navigation ( tree $tree,
$course )

Add nodes to myprofile page.

tree$treeTree object
stdClass$userUser object
stdClass$courseCourse object
Return values

◆ tool_policy_output_fragment_accept_on_behalf()

tool_policy_output_fragment_accept_on_behalf ( $args)

Serve the new group form as a fragment.

array$argsList of named arguments for the fragment loader.
Return values

◆ tool_policy_pluginfile()

tool_policy_pluginfile ( $course,
array $options = array() )

Serve the embedded files.

stdClass$coursethe course object
stdClass$cmthe course module object
stdClass$contextthe context
string$fileareathe name of the file area
array$argsextra arguments (itemid, path)
bool$forcedownloadwhether or not force download
array$optionsadditional options affecting the file serving
Return values
boolfalse if the file not found, just send the file otherwise and do not return anything

◆ tool_policy_standard_footer_html()

tool_policy_standard_footer_html ( )

Callback to add footer elements.

Return values
stringHTML footer content

◆ xmldb_tool_policy_upgrade()

xmldb_tool_policy_upgrade ( $oldversion)

Execute the plugin upgrade steps from the given old version.

Return values

Variable Documentation

◆ $definitions

Initial value:
= [
'policy_optional' => [
'mode' => cache_store::MODE_REQUEST,

◆ $functions

Initial value:
= [
'tool_policy_get_policy_version' => [
'classname' => 'tool_policy\external',
'methodname' => 'get_policy_version',
'classpath' => '',
'description' => 'Fetch the details of a policy version',
'type' => 'read',
'capabilities' => '',
'ajax' => true,
'loginrequired' => false,
'tool_policy_submit_accept_on_behalf' => [
'classname' => 'tool_policy\external',
'methodname' => 'submit_accept_on_behalf',
'classpath' => '',
'description' => 'Accept policies on behalf of other users',
'ajax' => true,
'type' => 'write',

◆ $managecaps

if (empty( $CFG->sitepolicyhandler)||$CFG->sitepolicyhandler !=='tool_policy') $managecaps
Initial value:
= [

◆ $observers

Initial value:
= [
'eventname' => '\core\event\user_created',
'callback' => '\tool_policy\api::create_acceptances_user_created',