Moodle PHP Documentation 4.1
Moodle 4.1.11 (Build: 20240610) (c8c84b4af18)
PhpXmlRpc\PhpXmlRpc Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static exportGlobals ()
 A function to be used for compatibility with legacy code: it creates all global variables which used to be declared, such as library version etc...
static importGlobals ()
 A function to be used for compatibility with legacy code: it gets the values of all global variables which used to be declared, such as library version etc... and sets them to php classes.

Static Public Attributes

static $xmlpc_double_precision = 128
static $xmlrpc_defencoding = "UTF-8"
static $xmlrpc_detectencodings = array()
static $xmlrpc_internalencoding = "UTF-8"
static $xmlrpc_null_apache_encoding = false
static $xmlrpc_null_apache_encoding_ns = ""
static $xmlrpc_null_extension = false
static $xmlrpcerr
static $xmlrpcerruser = 800
static $xmlrpcerrxml = 100
static $xmlrpcName = "XML-RPC for PHP"
static $xmlrpcstr
static $xmlrpcVersion = "4.8.1"

Member Function Documentation

◆ importGlobals()

static PhpXmlRpc\PhpXmlRpc::importGlobals ( )

A function to be used for compatibility with legacy code: it gets the values of all global variables which used to be declared, such as library version etc... and sets them to php classes.

It should be used by code which changed the values of those global variables to alter the working of the library. Example code:

  1. include
  2. set the values, e.g. $GLOBALS['xmlrpc_internalencoding'] = 'UTF-8';
  3. import them: PhpXmlRpc\PhpXmlRpc\importGlobals();
  4. run your own code.

Member Data Documentation

◆ $xmlrpcerr

Initial value:
'unknown_method' => 1,
'invalid_return' => 2,
'incorrect_params' => 3,
'introspect_unknown' => 4,
'http_error' => 5,
'no_data' => 6,
'no_ssl' => 7,
'curl_fail' => 8,
'invalid_request' => 15,
'no_curl' => 16,
'server_error' => 17,
'multicall_error' => 18,
'multicall_notstruct' => 9,
'multicall_nomethod' => 10,
'multicall_notstring' => 11,
'multicall_recursion' => 12,
'multicall_noparams' => 13,
'multicall_notarray' => 14,
'no_http2' => 15,
'cannot_decompress' => 103,
'decompress_fail' => 104,
'dechunk_fail' => 105,
'server_cannot_decompress' => 106,
'server_decompress_fail' => 107,

◆ $xmlrpcstr

Initial value:
'unknown_method' => 'Unknown method',
'invalid_return' => 'Invalid response payload (you can use the setDebug method to allow analysis of the response)',
'incorrect_params' => 'Incorrect parameters passed to method',
'introspect_unknown' => "Can't introspect: method unknown",
'http_error' => "Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server",
'no_data' => 'No data received from server',
'no_ssl' => 'No SSL support compiled in',
'curl_fail' => 'CURL error',
'invalid_request' => 'Invalid request payload',
'no_curl' => 'No CURL support compiled in',
'server_error' => 'Internal server error',
'multicall_error' => 'Received from server invalid multicall response',
'multicall_notstruct' => 'system.multicall expected struct',
'multicall_nomethod' => 'Missing methodName',
'multicall_notstring' => 'methodName is not a string',
'multicall_recursion' => 'Recursive system.multicall forbidden',
'multicall_noparams' => 'Missing params',
'multicall_notarray' => 'params is not an array',
'no_http2' => 'No HTTP/2 support compiled in',
'cannot_decompress' => 'Received from server compressed HTTP and cannot decompress',
'decompress_fail' => 'Received from server invalid compressed HTTP',
'dechunk_fail' => 'Received from server invalid chunked HTTP',
'server_cannot_decompress' => 'Received from client compressed HTTP request and cannot decompress',
'server_decompress_fail' => 'Received from client invalid compressed HTTP request',

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