'unknown_method' => 'Unknown method',
'invalid_return' => 'Invalid response payload (you can use the setDebug method to allow analysis of the response)',
'incorrect_params' => 'Incorrect parameters passed to method',
'introspect_unknown' => "Can't introspect: method unknown",
'http_error' => "Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server",
'no_data' => 'No data received from server',
'no_ssl' => 'No SSL support compiled in',
'curl_fail' => 'CURL error',
'invalid_request' => 'Invalid request payload',
'no_curl' => 'No CURL support compiled in',
'server_error' => 'Internal server error',
'multicall_error' => 'Received from server invalid multicall response',
'multicall_notstruct' => 'system.multicall expected struct',
'multicall_nomethod' => 'Missing methodName',
'multicall_notstring' => 'methodName is not a string',
'multicall_recursion' => 'Recursive system.multicall forbidden',
'multicall_noparams' => 'Missing params',
'multicall_notarray' => 'params is not an array',
'no_http2' => 'No HTTP/2 support compiled in',
'cannot_decompress' => 'Received from server compressed HTTP and cannot decompress',
'decompress_fail' => 'Received from server invalid compressed HTTP',
'dechunk_fail' => 'Received from server invalid chunked HTTP',
'server_cannot_decompress' => 'Received from client compressed HTTP request and cannot decompress',
'server_decompress_fail' => 'Received from client invalid compressed HTTP request',