Moodle PHP Documentation 4.1
Moodle 4.1.11 (Build: 20240610) (c8c84b4af18)
Namespaces | |
namespace | mod_feedback |
| |
namespace | mod_feedback\analytics\indicator |
| |
namespace | mod_feedback\completion |
| |
namespace | mod_feedback\event |
| |
namespace | mod_feedback\external |
| |
namespace | mod_feedback\form |
| |
namespace | mod_feedback\navigation\views |
| |
namespace | mod_feedback\output |
| |
namespace | mod_feedback\privacy |
| |
namespace | mod_feedback\search |
| |
Functions | |
object | feedback_add_instance ($feedback) |
this will create a new instance and return the id number of the new instance. | |
feedback_ajax_saveitemorder ($itemlist, $feedback) | |
Move save the items of the given $feedback in the order of $itemlist. | |
feedback_can_view_analysis ($feedback, $context, $courseid=false) | |
Checks if current user is able to view feedback on this course. | |
object | feedback_check_is_switchrole () |
returns true if the current role is faked by switching role feature | |
feedback_check_updates_since (cm_info $cm, $from, $filter=array()) | |
Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time. | |
feedback_check_values () | |
feedback_clean_input_value () | |
feedback_clean_up_sitecourse_map () | |
feedback_compare_item_value ($completedid, $item, $dependvalue, $tmp=false) | |
compares the value of the itemid related to the completedid with the dependvalue. | |
object | feedback_count_complete_users ($cm, $group=false) |
count users which have completed a feedback | |
object | feedback_count_incomplete_users ($cm, $group=false) |
count users which have not completed the feedback | |
feedback_create_item () | |
object | feedback_create_pagebreak ($feedbackid) |
this creates a pagebreak. | |
object | feedback_create_template ($courseid, $name, $ispublic=0) |
creates a new template-record. | |
feedback_create_values () | |
feedback_cron () | |
feedback_delete_all_completeds ($feedback, $cm=null, $course=null) | |
deletes all completed-recordsets from a feedback. | |
object | feedback_delete_all_items ($feedbackid) |
deletes all items of the given feedbackid | |
feedback_delete_completed ($completed, $feedback=null, $cm=null, $course=null) | |
deletes a completed given by completedid. | |
feedback_delete_completedtmp () | |
object | feedback_delete_course_module ($id) |
this function is called by feedback_delete_userdata() it drops the feedback-instance from the course_module table | |
object | feedback_delete_instance ($id) |
this will delete a given instance. | |
object | feedback_delete_item ($itemid, $renumber=true, $template=false) |
deletes an item and also deletes all related values | |
object | feedback_delete_template ($template) |
deletes all feedback_items related to the given template id | |
feedback_encode_target_url ($url) | |
feedback_extend_settings_navigation (settings_navigation $settings, navigation_node $feedbacknode) | |
Adds module specific settings to the settings block. | |
object | feedback_get_all_break_positions ($feedbackid) |
get all positions of pagebreaks in the given feedback | |
object | feedback_get_complete_users ($cm, $group=false, $where='', array $params=null, $sort='', $startpage=false, $pagecount=false) |
get users which have completed a feedback | |
object | feedback_get_completeds_group ($feedback, $groupid=false, $courseid=false) |
get the completeds depending on the given groupid. | |
object | feedback_get_completeds_group_count ($feedback, $groupid=false, $courseid=false) |
get the count of completeds depending on the given groupid. | |
feedback_get_completion_state ($course, $cm, $userid, $type) | |
Obtains the automatic completion state for this feedback based on the condition in feedback settings. | |
feedback_get_context () | |
feedback_get_coursemodule_info ($coursemodule) | |
Add a get_coursemodule_info function in case any feedback type wants to add 'extra' information for the course (see resource). | |
feedback_get_courses_from_sitecourse_map ($feedbackid) | |
Gets the courses from table feedback_sitecourse_map. | |
feedback_get_current_completed () | |
object | feedback_get_depend_candidates_for_item ($feedback, $item) |
load the available items for the depend item dropdown list shown in the edit_item form | |
feedback_get_editor_options () | |
This gets an array with default options for the editor. | |
object | feedback_get_feedbacks_from_sitecourse_map ($courseid) |
gets the feedbacks from table feedback_sitecourse_map. | |
object | feedback_get_group_values ($item, $groupid=false, $courseid=false, $ignore_empty=false) |
get the values of an item depending on the given groupid. | |
object | feedback_get_incomplete_users (cm_info $cm, $group=false, $sort='', $startpage=false, $pagecount=false, $includestatus=false) |
count users which have not completed the feedback | |
feedback_get_item_class ($typ) | |
load the lib.php from item-plugin-dir and returns the instance of the itemclass | |
object | feedback_get_item_value ($completedid, $itemid, $tmp=false) |
get the value from the given item related to the given completed. | |
feedback_get_last_break_position ($feedbackid) | |
get the position of the last pagebreak | |
feedback_get_page_to_continue () | |
feedback_get_post_actions () | |
List the actions that correspond to a post of this module. | |
feedback_get_receivemail_users ($cmid, $groups=false) | |
get users which have the receivemail-capability | |
object | feedback_get_recent_mod_activity (&$activities, &$index, $timemodified, $courseid, $cmid, $userid="", $groupid="") |
Returns all users who has completed a specified feedback since a given time many thanks to Manolescu Dorel, who contributed these two functions. | |
object | feedback_get_template_list ($course, $onlyownorpublic='') |
get the list of available templates. | |
feedback_get_view_actions () | |
List the actions that correspond to a view of this module. | |
feedback_get_viewreports_users ($cmid, $groups=false) | |
get users which have the viewreports-capability | |
feedback_init_feedback_session () | |
object | feedback_is_already_submitted ($feedbackid, $courseid=false) |
check for multiple_submit = false. | |
feedback_is_course_in_sitecourse_map () | |
feedback_is_feedback_in_sitecourse_map () | |
object | feedback_items_from_template ($feedback, $templateid, $deleteold=false) |
creates new feedback_item-records from template. | |
object | feedback_load_feedback_items ($dir='mod/feedback/item') |
load the available item plugins from given subdirectory of $CFG->dirroot the default is "mod/feedback/item" | |
object | feedback_load_feedback_items_options () |
load the available item plugins to use as dropdown-options | |
object | feedback_move_item ($moveitem, $pos) |
here the position of the given item will be set to the value in $pos | |
object | feedback_movedown_item ($item) |
this increased the position of the given item | |
object | feedback_moveup_item ($item) |
this decreases the position of the given item | |
feedback_page_type_list ($pagetype, $parentcontext, $currentcontext) | |
Return a list of page types. | |
feedback_pluginfile ($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, array $options=array()) | |
Serves the files included in feedback items like label. | |
feedback_print_item_complete () | |
feedback_print_item_preview () | |
feedback_print_item_show_value () | |
feedback_print_numeric_option_list () | |
object | feedback_print_recent_mod_activity ($activity, $courseid, $detail, $modnames) |
Prints all users who has completed a specified feedback since a given time many thanks to Manolescu Dorel, who contributed these two functions. | |
feedback_refresh_events ($courseid=0, $instance=null, $cm=null) | |
This standard function will check all instances of this module and make sure there are up-to-date events created for each of them. | |
object | feedback_renumber_items ($feedbackid) |
renumbers all items of the given feedbackid | |
object | feedback_reset_course_form ($course) |
Called by course/reset.php and shows the formdata by coursereset. | |
object | feedback_reset_course_form_defaults ($course) |
Course reset form defaults. | |
object | feedback_reset_course_form_definition (&$mform) |
Called by course/reset.php. | |
object | feedback_reset_userdata ($data) |
This function is used by the reset_course_userdata function in moodlelib. | |
object | feedback_save_as_template ($feedback, $name, $ispublic=0) |
creates new template items. | |
feedback_save_guest_values () | |
object | feedback_save_tmp_values ($feedbackcompletedtmp, $feedbackcompleted) |
this saves the temporary saved values permanently | |
feedback_save_values () | |
feedback_scale_used () | |
feedback_scale_used_anywhere ($scaleid) | |
Checks if scale is being used by any instance of feedback. | |
object | feedback_send_email ($cm, $feedback, $course, $user, $completed=null) |
sends an email to the teachers of the course where the given feedback is placed. | |
object | feedback_send_email_anonym ($cm, $feedback, $course) |
sends an email to the teachers of the course where the given feedback is placed. | |
object | feedback_send_email_html ($info, $course, $cm) |
send the html-part of the email | |
feedback_send_email_text ($info, $course) | |
send the text-part of the email | |
object | feedback_set_events ($feedback) |
This creates new events given as timeopen and closeopen by $feedback. | |
object | feedback_set_tmp_values ($feedbackcompleted) |
if the user completes a feedback and there is a pagebreak so the values are saved temporary. | |
feedback_supports ($feature) | |
object | feedback_switch_item_required ($item) |
this function toggled the item-attribute required (yes/no) | |
object | feedback_update_instance ($feedback) |
this will update a given instance | |
object | feedback_update_item ($item) |
save the changes of a given item. | |
feedback_update_sitecourse_map ($feedback, $courses) | |
Updates the course mapping for the feedback. | |
feedback_update_values () | |
feedback_user_complete ($course, $user, $mod, $feedback) | |
Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports. | |
feedback_user_outline ($course, $user, $mod, $feedback) | |
Return a small object with summary information about what a user has done with a given particular instance of this module Used for user activity reports. | |
mod_feedback_core_calendar_event_timestart_updated (\calendar_event $event, stdClass $feedback) | |
This function will update the feedback module according to the event that has been modified. | |
mod_feedback_core_calendar_get_event_action_string (string $eventtype) | |
Callback to fetch the activity event type lang string. | |
mod_feedback_core_calendar_get_valid_event_timestart_range (\calendar_event $event, stdClass $instance) | |
This function calculates the minimum and maximum cutoff values for the timestart of the given event. | |
mod_feedback_core_calendar_provide_event_action (calendar_event $event, core_calendar\action_factory $factory, int $userid=0) | |
This function receives a calendar event and returns the action associated with it, or null if there is none. | |
mod_feedback_get_completion_active_rule_descriptions ($cm) | |
Callback which returns human-readable strings describing the active completion custom rules for the module instance. | |
mod_feedback_get_fontawesome_icon_map () | |
Get icon mapping for font-awesome. | |
xmldb_feedback_upgrade ($oldversion) | |
Variables | |
$activated = array() | |
$capabilities | |
global | $CFG |
global | $CFG |
$context = context_module::instance($usedid) | |
$courseid = optional_param('courseid', false, PARAM_INT) | |
$feedback_version_intern = 1 | |
$functions | |
$inactive = array() | |
$logs | |
$messageproviders | |
$observers | |
$plugin = 2022111800 | |
$row = array() | |
$row [] = new tabobject('view', $viewurl->out(), get_string('overview', 'feedback')) | |
$tabs = array() | |
$urlparams = ['id' => $usedid] | |
if(!isset($current_tab)) | $viewurl = new moodle_url('/mod/feedback/view.php', array('id' => $usedid)) |
$plugin | component = 'mod_feedback' |
$plugin | cron = 0 |
if(isset($cmid) AND intval($cmid) AND $cmid > 0) | else |
const | FEEDBACK_DECIMAL '.' |
const | FEEDBACK_RESETFORM_DROP 'feedback_drop_feedback_' |
const | FEEDBACK_RESETFORM_RESET 'feedback_reset_data_' |
if (!defined( 'MOODLE_INTERNAL')) | |
if (!defined( 'MOODLE_INTERNAL')) | |
if (!defined( 'MOODLE_INTERNAL')) | |
if (!defined( 'MOODLE_INTERNAL')) | |
$plugin | version = 2022112800 |
object feedback_add_instance | ( | $feedback | ) |
this will create a new instance and return the id number of the new instance.
object | $feedback | the object given by mod_feedback_mod_form |
int |
feedback_ajax_saveitemorder | ( | $itemlist, | |
$feedback ) |
Move save the items of the given $feedback in the order of $itemlist.
string | $itemlist | a comma separated list with item ids |
stdClass | $feedback |
bool | true if success |
feedback_can_view_analysis | ( | $feedback, | |
$context, | |||
$courseid = false ) |
Checks if current user is able to view feedback on this course.
stdClass | $feedback | |
context_module | $context | |
int | $courseid |
bool |
object feedback_check_is_switchrole | ( | ) |
returns true if the current role is faked by switching role feature
boolean |
feedback_check_updates_since | ( | cm_info | $cm, |
$from, | |||
$filter = array() ) |
Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.
cm_info | $cm | course module data |
int | $from | the time to check updates from |
array | $filter | if we need to check only specific updates |
stdClass | an object with the different type of areas indicating if they were updated or not |
feedback_check_values | ( | ) |
feedback_clean_input_value | ( | ) |
feedback_clean_up_sitecourse_map | ( | ) |
feedback_compare_item_value | ( | $completedid, | |
$item, | |||
$dependvalue, | |||
$tmp = false ) |
compares the value of the itemid related to the completedid with the dependvalue.
this is used if a depend item is set. the value can come as temporary or as permanently value. the deciding is done by $tmp.
int | $completedid | |
stdClass | int | $item | |
mixed | $dependvalue | |
bool | $tmp |
bool |
object feedback_count_complete_users | ( | $cm, | |
$group = false ) |
count users which have completed a feedback
object | $cm | |
int | $group | single groupid |
int | count of userrecords |
object feedback_count_incomplete_users | ( | $cm, | |
$group = false ) |
count users which have not completed the feedback
object | $cm | |
int | $group | single groupid |
int | count of userrecords |
feedback_create_item | ( | ) |
object feedback_create_pagebreak | ( | $feedbackid | ) |
this creates a pagebreak.
a pagebreak is a special kind of item
int | $feedbackid |
mixed | false if there already is a pagebreak on last position or the id of the pagebreak-item |
object feedback_create_template | ( | $courseid, | |
$name, | |||
$ispublic = 0 ) |
creates a new template-record.
int | $courseid | |
string | $name | the name of template shown in the templatelist |
int | $ispublic | 0:privat 1:public |
int | the new templateid |
feedback_create_values | ( | ) |
feedback_cron | ( | ) |
bool | true |
feedback_delete_all_completeds | ( | $feedback, | |
$cm = null, | |||
$course = null ) |
deletes all completed-recordsets from a feedback.
all related data such as values also will be deleted
stdClass | int | $feedback | |
stdClass | cm_info | $cm | |
stdClass | $course |
void |
object feedback_delete_all_items | ( | $feedbackid | ) |
deletes all items of the given feedbackid
int | $feedbackid |
void |
feedback_delete_completed | ( | $completed, | |
$feedback = null, | |||
$cm = null, | |||
$course = null ) |
deletes a completed given by completedid.
all related data such values or tracking data also will be deleted
int | stdClass | $completed | |
stdClass | $feedback | |
stdClass | cm_info | $cm | |
stdClass | $course |
boolean |
feedback_delete_completedtmp | ( | ) |
object feedback_delete_course_module | ( | $id | ) |
this function is called by feedback_delete_userdata() it drops the feedback-instance from the course_module table
int | $id | the id from the coursemodule |
boolean |
object feedback_delete_instance | ( | $id | ) |
this will delete a given instance.
all referenced data also will be deleted
int | $id | the instanceid of feedback |
boolean |
object feedback_delete_item | ( | $itemid, | |
$renumber = true, | |||
$template = false ) |
deletes an item and also deletes all related values
int | $itemid | |
boolean | $renumber | should the kept items renumbered Yes/No |
object | $template | if the template is given so the items are bound to it |
void |
object feedback_delete_template | ( | $template | ) |
deletes all feedback_items related to the given template id
object | $template | the template |
void |
feedback_encode_target_url | ( | $url | ) |
string | $url |
string |
feedback_extend_settings_navigation | ( | settings_navigation | $settings, |
navigation_node | $feedbacknode ) |
Adds module specific settings to the settings block.
settings_navigation | $settings | The settings navigation object |
navigation_node | $feedbacknode | The node to add module settings to |
object feedback_get_all_break_positions | ( | $feedbackid | ) |
get all positions of pagebreaks in the given feedback
int | $feedbackid |
array | all ordered pagebreak positions |
object feedback_get_complete_users | ( | $cm, | |
$group = false, | |||
$where = '', | |||
array | $params = null, | ||
$sort = '', | |||
$startpage = false, | |||
$pagecount = false ) |
get users which have completed a feedback
object | $cm | |
int | $group | single groupid |
string | $where | a sql where condition (must end with " AND ") |
array | parameters used in $where | |
string | $sort | a table field |
int | $startpage | |
int | $pagecount |
object | the userrecords |
object feedback_get_completeds_group | ( | $feedback, | |
$groupid = false, | |||
$courseid = false ) |
get the completeds depending on the given groupid.
@global object
object | $feedback | |
int | $groupid | |
int | $courseid |
mixed | array of found completeds otherwise false |
object feedback_get_completeds_group_count | ( | $feedback, | |
$groupid = false, | |||
$courseid = false ) |
get the count of completeds depending on the given groupid.
@global object
object | $feedback | |
int | $groupid | |
int | $courseid |
mixed | count of completeds or false |
feedback_get_completion_state | ( | $course, | |
$cm, | |||
$userid, | |||
$type ) |
Obtains the automatic completion state for this feedback based on the condition in feedback settings.
object | $course | Course |
object | $cm | Course-module |
int | $userid | User ID |
bool | $type | Type of comparison (or/and; can be used as return value if no conditions) |
bool | True if completed, false if not, $type if conditions not set. |
feedback_get_context | ( | ) |
feedback_get_coursemodule_info | ( | $coursemodule | ) |
Add a get_coursemodule_info function in case any feedback type wants to add 'extra' information for the course (see resource).
Given a course_module object, this function returns any "extra" information that may be needed when printing this activity in a course listing. See get_array_of_activities() in course/lib.php.
stdClass | $coursemodule | The coursemodule object (record). |
cached_cm_info | An object on information that the courses will know about (most noticeably, an icon). |
feedback_get_courses_from_sitecourse_map | ( | $feedbackid | ) |
Gets the courses from table feedback_sitecourse_map.
int | $feedbackid |
array | the course-records |
feedback_get_current_completed | ( | ) |
object feedback_get_depend_candidates_for_item | ( | $feedback, | |
$item ) |
load the available items for the depend item dropdown list shown in the edit_item form
object | $feedback | |
object | $item | the item of the edit_item form |
array | all items except the item $item, labels and pagebreaks |
feedback_get_editor_options | ( | ) |
This gets an array with default options for the editor.
array | the options |
object feedback_get_feedbacks_from_sitecourse_map | ( | $courseid | ) |
gets the feedbacks from table feedback_sitecourse_map.
this is used to show the global feedbacks on the feedback block all feedbacks with the following criteria will be selected:
1) all feedbacks which id are listed together with the courseid in sitecoursemap and
2) all feedbacks which not are listed in sitecoursemap
int | $courseid |
array | the feedback-records |
object feedback_get_group_values | ( | $item, | |
$groupid = false, | |||
$courseid = false, | |||
$ignore_empty = false ) |
get the values of an item depending on the given groupid.
if the feedback is anonymous so the values are shuffled
@global object
object | $item | |
int | $groupid | |
int | $courseid | |
bool | $ignore_empty | if this is set true so empty values are not delivered |
array | the value-records |
object feedback_get_incomplete_users | ( | cm_info | $cm, |
$group = false, | |||
$sort = '', | |||
$startpage = false, | |||
$pagecount = false, | |||
$includestatus = false ) |
count users which have not completed the feedback
cm_info | $cm | Course-module object |
int | $group | single groupid |
string | $sort | |
int | $startpage | |
int | $pagecount | |
bool | $includestatus | to return if the user started or not the feedback among the complete user record |
array | array of user ids or user objects when $includestatus set to true |
feedback_get_item_class | ( | $typ | ) |
load the lib.php from item-plugin-dir and returns the instance of the itemclass
string | $typ |
feedback_item_base | the instance of itemclass |
moodle_exception | For invalid type |
object feedback_get_item_value | ( | $completedid, | |
$itemid, | |||
$tmp = false ) |
get the value from the given item related to the given completed.
the value can come as temporary or as permanently value. the deciding is done by $tmp
int | $completeid | |
int | $itemid | |
boolean | $tmp |
mixed | the value, the type depends on plugin-definition |
feedback_get_last_break_position | ( | $feedbackid | ) |
get the position of the last pagebreak
int | $feedbackid |
int | the position of the last pagebreak |
feedback_get_page_to_continue | ( | ) |
feedback_get_post_actions | ( | ) |
List the actions that correspond to a post of this module.
This is used by the participation report.
Note: This is not used by new logging system. Event with crud = ('c' || 'u' || 'd') and edulevel = LEVEL_PARTICIPATING will be considered as post action.
array |
feedback_get_receivemail_users | ( | $cmid, | |
$groups = false ) |
get users which have the receivemail-capability
int | $cmid | |
mixed | $groups | single groupid or array of groupids - group(s) user is in |
object | the userrecords |
object feedback_get_recent_mod_activity | ( | & | $activities, |
& | $index, | ||
$timemodified, | |||
$courseid, | |||
$cmid, | |||
$userid = "", | |||
$groupid = "" ) |
Returns all users who has completed a specified feedback since a given time many thanks to Manolescu Dorel, who contributed these two functions.
@global object @global object @global object @uses CONTEXT_MODULE
array | $activities | Passed by reference |
int | $index | Passed by reference |
int | $timemodified | Timestamp |
int | $courseid | |
int | $cmid | |
int | $userid | |
int | $groupid |
void |
object feedback_get_template_list | ( | $course, | |
$onlyownorpublic = '' ) |
get the list of available templates.
if the $onlyown param is set true so only templates from own course will be served this is important for droping templates
object | $course | |
string | $onlyownorpublic |
array | the template recordsets |
feedback_get_view_actions | ( | ) |
List the actions that correspond to a view of this module.
This is used by the participation report.
Note: This is not used by new logging system. Event with crud = 'r' and edulevel = LEVEL_PARTICIPATING will be considered as view action.
array |
feedback_get_viewreports_users | ( | $cmid, | |
$groups = false ) |
get users which have the viewreports-capability
int | $cmid | |
mixed | $groups | single groupid or array of groupids - group(s) user is in |
object | the userrecords |
object feedback_is_already_submitted | ( | $feedbackid, | |
$courseid = false ) |
check for multiple_submit = false.
if the feedback is global so the courseid must be given
@global object
int | $feedbackid | |
int | $courseid |
boolean | true if the feedback already is submitted otherwise false |
feedback_is_course_in_sitecourse_map | ( | ) |
feedback_is_feedback_in_sitecourse_map | ( | ) |
object feedback_items_from_template | ( | $feedback, | |
$templateid, | |||
$deleteold = false ) |
creates new feedback_item-records from template.
if $deleteold is set true so the existing items of the given feedback will be deleted if $deleteold is set false so the new items will be appanded to the old items
object | $feedback | |
int | $templateid | |
boolean | $deleteold |
object feedback_load_feedback_items | ( | $dir = 'mod/feedback/item' | ) |
load the available item plugins from given subdirectory of $CFG->dirroot the default is "mod/feedback/item"
string | $dir | the subdir |
array | pluginnames as string |
object feedback_load_feedback_items_options | ( | ) |
load the available item plugins to use as dropdown-options
array | pluginnames as string |
object feedback_move_item | ( | $moveitem, | |
$pos ) |
here the position of the given item will be set to the value in $pos
object | $moveitem | |
int | $pos |
boolean |
object feedback_movedown_item | ( | $item | ) |
this increased the position of the given item
object | $item |
bool |
object feedback_moveup_item | ( | $item | ) |
this decreases the position of the given item
object | $item |
bool |
feedback_page_type_list | ( | $pagetype, | |
$parentcontext, | |||
$currentcontext ) |
Return a list of page types.
string | $pagetype | current page type |
stdClass | $parentcontext | Block's parent context |
stdClass | $currentcontext | Current context of block |
feedback_pluginfile | ( | $course, | |
$cm, | |||
$context, | |||
$filearea, | |||
$args, | |||
$forcedownload, | |||
array | $options = array() ) |
Serves the files included in feedback items like label.
Implements needed access control ;-)
There are two situations in general where the files will be sent. 1) filearea = item, 2) filearea = template
stdClass | $course | course object |
stdClass | $cm | course module object |
stdClass | $context | context object |
string | $filearea | file area |
array | $args | extra arguments |
bool | $forcedownload | whether or not force download |
array | $options | additional options affecting the file serving |
bool | false if file not found, does not return if found - justsend the file |
feedback_print_item_complete | ( | ) |
feedback_print_item_preview | ( | ) |
feedback_print_item_show_value | ( | ) |
feedback_print_numeric_option_list | ( | ) |
object feedback_print_recent_mod_activity | ( | $activity, | |
$courseid, | |||
$detail, | |||
$modnames ) |
Prints all users who has completed a specified feedback since a given time many thanks to Manolescu Dorel, who contributed these two functions.
object | $activity | |
int | $courseid | |
string | $detail | |
array | $modnames |
void | Output is echo'd |
feedback_refresh_events | ( | $courseid = 0, | |
$instance = null, | |||
$cm = null ) |
This standard function will check all instances of this module and make sure there are up-to-date events created for each of them.
If courseid = 0, then every feedback event in the site is checked, else only feedback events belonging to the course specified are checked. This function is used, in its new format, by restore_refresh_events()
int | $courseid | |
int | stdClass | $instance | Feedback module instance or ID. |
int | stdClass | $cm | Course module object or ID (not used in this module). |
bool |
object feedback_renumber_items | ( | $feedbackid | ) |
renumbers all items of the given feedbackid
int | $feedbackid |
void |
object feedback_reset_course_form | ( | $course | ) |
Called by course/reset.php and shows the formdata by coursereset.
it prints checkboxes for each feedback available at the given course there are two checkboxes: 1) delete userdata and keep the feedback 2) delete userdata and drop the feedback
object | $course |
void |
object feedback_reset_course_form_defaults | ( | $course | ) |
Course reset form defaults.
object | $course |
object feedback_reset_course_form_definition | ( | & | $mform | ) |
Called by course/reset.php.
object | $mform | form passed by reference |
object feedback_reset_userdata | ( | $data | ) |
This function is used by the reset_course_userdata function in moodlelib.
This function will remove all responses from the specified feedback and clean up any related data.
object | $data | the data submitted from the reset course. |
array | status array |
object feedback_save_as_template | ( | $feedback, | |
$name, | |||
$ispublic = 0 ) |
creates new template items.
all items will be copied and the attribute feedback will be set to 0 and the attribute template will be set to the new templateid
object | $feedback | |
string | $name | the name of template shown in the templatelist |
int | $ispublic | 0:privat 1:public |
boolean |
feedback_save_guest_values | ( | ) |
object feedback_save_tmp_values | ( | $feedbackcompletedtmp, | |
$feedbackcompleted ) |
this saves the temporary saved values permanently
object | $feedbackcompletedtmp | the temporary completed |
object | $feedbackcompleted | the target completed |
int | the id of the completed |
feedback_save_values | ( | ) |
feedback_scale_used | ( | ) |
feedback_scale_used_anywhere | ( | $scaleid | ) |
Checks if scale is being used by any instance of feedback.
This is used to find out if scale used anywhere
$scaleid | int |
boolean | True if the scale is used by any assignment |
object feedback_send_email | ( | $cm, | |
$feedback, | |||
$course, | |||
$user, | |||
$completed = null ) |
sends an email to the teachers of the course where the given feedback is placed.
@global object @uses FEEDBACK_ANONYMOUS_NO @uses FORMAT_PLAIN
object | $cm | the coursemodule-record |
object | $feedback | |
object | $course | |
stdClass | int | $user | |
stdClass | $completed | record from feedback_completed if known |
void |
object feedback_send_email_anonym | ( | $cm, | |
$feedback, | |||
$course ) |
sends an email to the teachers of the course where the given feedback is placed.
object | $cm | the coursemodule-record |
object | $feedback | |
object | $course |
void |
object feedback_send_email_html | ( | $info, | |
$course, | |||
$cm ) |
send the html-part of the email
object | $info | includes some infos about the feedback you want to send |
object | $course |
string | the text you want to post |
feedback_send_email_text | ( | $info, | |
$course ) |
send the text-part of the email
object | $info | includes some infos about the feedback you want to send |
object | $course |
string | the text you want to post |
object feedback_set_events | ( | $feedback | ) |
This creates new events given as timeopen and closeopen by $feedback.
object | $feedback |
void |
object feedback_set_tmp_values | ( | $feedbackcompleted | ) |
if the user completes a feedback and there is a pagebreak so the values are saved temporary.
the values are not saved permanently until the user click on save button
object | $feedbackcompleted |
object | temporary saved completed-record |
feedback_supports | ( | $feature | ) |
string | $feature | FEATURE_xx constant for requested feature |
mixed | True if module supports feature, false if not, null if doesn't know or string for the module purpose. |
object feedback_switch_item_required | ( | $item | ) |
this function toggled the item-attribute required (yes/no)
object | $item |
boolean |
object feedback_update_instance | ( | $feedback | ) |
this will update a given instance
object | $feedback | the object given by mod_feedback_mod_form |
boolean |
object feedback_update_item | ( | $item | ) |
save the changes of a given item.
object | $item |
boolean |
feedback_update_sitecourse_map | ( | $feedback, | |
$courses ) |
Updates the course mapping for the feedback.
stdClass | $feedback | |
array | $courses | array of course ids |
feedback_update_values | ( | ) |
feedback_user_complete | ( | $course, | |
$user, | |||
$mod, | |||
$feedback ) |
Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports.
stdClass | $course | |
stdClass | $user | |
cm_info | stdClass | $mod | |
stdClass | $feedback |
feedback_user_outline | ( | $course, | |
$user, | |||
$mod, | |||
$feedback ) |
Return a small object with summary information about what a user has done with a given particular instance of this module Used for user activity reports.
$return->time = the time they did it $return->info = a short text description
stdClass | $course | |
stdClass | $user | |
cm_info | stdClass | $mod | |
stdClass | $feedback |
stdClass |
mod_feedback_core_calendar_event_timestart_updated | ( | \calendar_event | $event, |
stdClass | $feedback ) |
This function will update the feedback module according to the event that has been modified.
It will set the timeopen or timeclose value of the feedback instance according to the type of event provided.
moodle_exception |
calendar_event | $event | |
stdClass | $feedback | The module instance to get the range from |
mod_feedback_core_calendar_get_event_action_string | ( | string | $eventtype | ) |
Callback to fetch the activity event type lang string.
string | $eventtype | The event type. |
lang_string | The event type lang string. |
mod_feedback_core_calendar_get_valid_event_timestart_range | ( | \calendar_event | $event, |
stdClass | $instance ) |
This function calculates the minimum and maximum cutoff values for the timestart of the given event.
It will return an array with two values, the first being the minimum cutoff value and the second being the maximum cutoff value. Either or both values can be null, which indicates there is no minimum or maximum, respectively.
If a cutoff is required then the function must return an array containing the cutoff timestamp and error string to display to the user if the cutoff value is violated.
A minimum and maximum cutoff return value will look like: [ [1505704373, 'The due date must be after the sbumission start date'], [1506741172, 'The due date must be before the cutoff date'] ]
calendar_event | $event | The calendar event to get the time range for |
stdClass | $instance | The module instance to get the range from |
array |
mod_feedback_core_calendar_provide_event_action | ( | calendar_event | $event, |
core_calendar\action_factory | $factory, | ||
int | $userid = 0 ) |
This function receives a calendar event and returns the action associated with it, or null if there is none.
This is used by block_myoverview in order to display the event appropriately. If null is returned then the event is not displayed on the block.
calendar_event | $event | |
core_calendar\action_factory | $factory | |
int | $userid | User id to use for all capability checks, etc. Set to 0 for current user (default). |
core_calendar\local\event\entities\action_interface|null |
mod_feedback_get_completion_active_rule_descriptions | ( | $cm | ) |
Callback which returns human-readable strings describing the active completion custom rules for the module instance.
cm_info | stdClass | $cm | object with fields ->completion and ->customdata['customcompletionrules'] |
array\$descriptions | the array of descriptions for the custom rules. |
$logs |
$observers |
if (isset( $cmid) AND intval( $cmid) AND $cmid > 0) else |