Moodle PHP Documentation 4.1
Moodle 4.1.11 (Build: 20240610) (c8c84b4af18)
Functions | |
__call ($name, $arguments) | |
Handle deprecated methods. | |
static | __callStatic ($name, $arguments) |
Handle deprecated static methods. | |
__clone () | |
Function to run on clone. | |
__construct ( $name, $value) | |
Constructor. | |
__construct ($id) | |
Constructor. | |
__construct () | |
Constructor. | |
__construct (Horde_Mime_Headers $headers) | |
Constructor. | |
__construct (Horde_Mime_Part $mime_part) | |
Constructor. | |
__construct (Horde_Mime_Part $part, $base=false) | |
Constructor. | |
__get ($name) | |
__serialize () | |
Serialization. | |
__toString () | |
__unserialize (array $data) | |
Unserialization. | |
_cidReplace ($node, $attribute, $callback) | |
_encode ($name, $val, $opts) | |
_escapeParams ($params) | |
Escape the parameter array. | |
static | _findBoundary ($text, $pos, $boundary, $end=null) |
Find the location of the next boundary string. | |
static | _findHeader ($text, $eol) |
Find the location of the end of the header text. | |
_getHeaderClassName ($header) | |
Return the header class to use for a header name. | |
static | _getMimeExtensionMap () |
Returns a copy of the MIME extension map. | |
static | _getStructure ($header, $body, array $opts=array()) |
Creates a MIME object from the text of one part of a MIME message. | |
_getTransferEncoding ($encode=self::ENCODE_7BIT) | |
Get the transfer encoding for the part based on the user requested transfer encoding and the current contents of the part. | |
_idArithmetic ($id, $action, $options) | |
_readStream ($fp, $close=false) | |
Read data from a stream. | |
_reEncodeMessageAttachment (Horde_Mime_Part $part) | |
Rebuilds $part and forces it to be a base64 encoded application/octet-stream part. | |
_reindex ($force=false) | |
Reindexes the MIME IDs, if necessary. | |
_rfc822ParseMimeToken (&$str) | |
_sanityCheck ($data) | |
Perform sanity checking on a header value. | |
_sanityCheckRfc822Attachments () | |
Re-enocdes message/rfc822 parts in case there was e.g., some broken line length in the headers of the message in the part. | |
_scanStream ($fp) | |
Scans a stream for content type. | |
_sendEncode ( $opts) | |
TODO. | |
_setValue ( $value) | |
TODO. | |
_transferDecode ($fp, $encoding) | |
Decodes the contents of the part to binary encoding. | |
_transferEncode ($fp, $encoding) | |
Encodes the contents of the part as necessary for transport. | |
_uudecode ($input) | |
PHP 5's built-in convert_uudecode() is broken. | |
_writeStream ($data, $options=array()) | |
Write data to a stream. | |
addAttachment ($file, $name=null, $type=null, $charset='us-ascii') | |
Adds an attachment. | |
addHeader ($header, $value, $overwrite=null) | |
Adds a message header. | |
addHeader ($header, $value, array $opts=array()) | |
Add/append/replace a header. | |
addHeaderOb (Horde_Mime_Headers_Element $ob) | |
Add a Horde_Mime_Headers_Element object to the current header list. | |
addHeaderOb (Horde_Mime_Headers_Element $ob, $check=false) | |
Add a Horde_Mime_Headers_Element object to the current header list. | |
addHeaders ($headers=array()) | |
Adds several message headers at once. | |
addMdnRequestHeaders ($to) | |
Add a MDN (read receipt) request header. | |
addMessageIdHeader () | |
addMimeHeaders ($options=array()) | |
Returns a Horde_Mime_Header object containing all MIME headers needed for the part. | |
addMimePart ($part) | |
Adds a MIME message part. | |
addPart ($mime_part) | |
addPart ($mime_type, $content, $charset='us-ascii', $disposition=null) | |
Adds a message part. | |
addReceivedHeader (array $opts=array()) | |
addRecipients ($recipients) | |
Adds message recipients. | |
addressFields () | |
addUserAgentHeader () | |
alterPart ($id, $mime_part) | |
static | analyzeData ($data, $magic_db=null, $opts=array()) |
Attempt to determine the MIME type of an unknown byte stream. | |
static | analyzeFile ($path, $magic_db=null, $opts=array()) |
Attempt to determine the MIME type of an unknown file. | |
appendContents ($contents, $options=array()) | |
Add to the body contents of this part. | |
buildMimeIds ($id=null, $rfc822=false) | |
Build the MIME IDs for this part and all subparts. | |
cidReplace ($text, $callback, $charset='UTF-8') | |
Scan for CID strings in HTML data and replace with data returned from a callback method. | |
cidSearch ($cid) | |
Search for a CID in the related part. | |
clearContents () | |
Clears the body contents of this part. | |
clearContentTypeParameter ($label) | |
clearParts () | |
Removes all (additional) message parts but leaves the body parts untouched. | |
clearRecipients () | |
Removes all message recipients. | |
contentTypeMap ($sort=true) | |
count () | |
Returns the number of child message parts (doesn't include grandchildren or more remote ancestors). | |
static | create () |
Creates a default Content-Type header, conforming to the MIME specification as detailed in RFC 2045. | |
current () | |
static | decode ($string) |
Decodes a MIME encoded (RFC 2047) string. | |
static | decodeParam ($type, $data) |
static | doSendEncode ($alist, array $opts=array()) |
Do send encoding for addresses. | |
static | encode ($text, $charset='UTF-8') |
MIME encodes a string (RFC 2047). | |
static | encode ($text, $eol="\n", $wrap=76) |
Encodes text via quoted-printable encoding. | |
encode (array $opts=array()) | |
Encodes a MIME content parameter string pursuant to RFC 2183 & 2231 (Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers). | |
static | encodeParam ($name, $val, array $opts=array()) |
static | extToMime ($ext) |
Attempt to convert a file extension to a MIME type, based on the global Horde and application specific config files. | |
static | filenameToMime ($filename, $unknown=true) |
Attempt to convert a filename to a MIME type, based on the global Horde and application specific config files. | |
filter ($in, $out, &$consumed, $closing) | |
findBody ($subtype=null) | |
Finds the main "body" text part (if any) in a message. | |
generate ($action, $sending, $type, $name, $mailer, array $opts=array(), array $mod=array(), array $err=array()) | |
Generate the MDN according to the specifications listed in RFC 3798 [3]. | |
static | generateMessageId () |
getAddressList ($first=false) | |
getAllContentTypeParameters () | |
Get all parameters from the Content-Type header. | |
getAllDispositionParameters () | |
Get all parameters from the Content-Disposition header. | |
getBasePart () | |
Return the base MIME part. | |
getBytes ($approx=false) | |
Determine the size of this MIME part and its child members. | |
getCharset () | |
Get the character set to use for this part. | |
getChildren () | |
getContentId () | |
Returns the Content-ID for this part. | |
getContents ($options=array()) | |
Return the body of the part. | |
getContentTypeParameter ($label) | |
Get a content type parameter from this part. | |
getDefaultType () | |
If the subtype of a MIME part is unrecognized by an application, the default type should be used instead (See RFC 2046). | |
getDescription ($default=false) | |
Get the description of this part. | |
getDisposition () | |
Get the content-disposition of this part. | |
getDispositionParameter ($label) | |
Get a disposition parameter from this part. | |
getDuration () | |
Get the content duration of the data contained in this part (see RFC 3803). | |
getEOL () | |
Get the string to use for EOLs. | |
static | getHandles () |
getHeader ($header) | |
Get a header from the header array. | |
getHeaderCharset () | |
Get the character set to use when outputting MIME headers. | |
getIterator () | |
getLanguage () | |
Get the language(s) of this part. | |
getMdnReturnAddr () | |
Returns the address(es) to return the MDN to. | |
getMetadata ($key) | |
Retrieves metadata from this object. | |
getMimeId () | |
Returns the MIME ID of this part. | |
getName ($default=false) | |
Get the name of this part. | |
getOb ($field) | |
getPart ($id) | |
getPartByIndex ($index) | |
Returns a subpart by index. | |
getParts () | |
Get a list of all MIME subparts. | |
getPrimaryType () | |
Get the primary type of this part. | |
getRaw ($stream=true) | |
Get the raw email data sent by this object. | |
static | getRawPartText ($text, $type, $id) |
Attempts to obtain the raw text of a MIME part. | |
getSize ($approx=false) | |
Output the size of this MIME part in KB. | |
getString ($header) | |
getSubType () | |
Get the subtype of this part. | |
getType ($charset=false) | |
Get the full MIME Content-Type of this part. | |
getUserAgent () | |
getValue ($header, $type=Horde_Mime_Headers::VALUE_STRING) | |
hasChildren () | |
idArithmetic ($action, array $options=array()) | |
Performs MIME ID "arithmetic". | |
static | is8bit ($string, $charset=null) |
Determines if a string contains 8-bit (non US-ASCII) characters. | |
static | isAtextNonTspecial ($c) |
Determine if character is a non-escaped element in MIME parameter data (See RFC 2045 [Appendix A]). | |
isAttachment () | |
Determines if this MIME part is an attachment for display purposes. | |
isBasePart ($base) | |
Is this the base MIME part? | |
static | isChild ($base, $id) |
isChild ($id) | |
Determines if a given MIME ID lives underneath a base ID. | |
isDefault () | |
If true, indicates the contents of the header is the default value. | |
key () | |
listHeaders () | |
listHeadersExist () | |
static | mimeIdArithmetic ($id, $action, $options=array()) |
mimeParamFields () | |
static | mimeToExt ($type) |
Attempt to convert a MIME type to a file extension, based on the global Horde and application specific config files. | |
next () | |
offsetExists ($offset) | |
Does header exist? | |
offsetGet ($offset) | |
Return header element object. | |
offsetSet ($offset, $value) | |
Store a header element object. | |
offsetUnset ($offset) | |
Remove a header element object. | |
onCreate () | |
originalMessageText ($text) | |
When generating the MDN, should we return the enitre text of the original message? The default is no - we only return the headers of the original message. | |
static | parseHeaders ($text) |
Builds a Horde_Mime_Headers object from header text. | |
static | parseMessage ($text, array $opts=array()) |
Attempts to build a Horde_Mime_Part object from message text. | |
partIterator ($current=true) | |
Returns the recursive iterator needed to iterate through this part. | |
static | quotedPrintableEncode ($text, $eol=self::EOL, $wrap=76) |
removeHeader ($header) | |
Remove a header from the header array. | |
removePart ($part) | |
Removes a message part. | |
removeRecipients ($recipients) | |
Removes message recipients. | |
replaceEOL ($text, $eol=null, $stream=false) | |
Replace newlines in this part's contents with those specified by either the given newline sequence or the part's current EOL setting. | |
replaceHeader ($header, $value, array $opts=array()) | |
rewind () | |
send ($email, $headers, Horde_Mail_Transport $mailer, array $opts=array()) | |
Sends this message. | |
send ($mailer, $resend=false, $flowed=true) | |
Sends this message. | |
sendEncode (array $opts=array()) | |
Returns the encoded string value(s) needed when sending the header text to a RFC compliant mail submission server. | |
serialize () | |
Serialization. | |
setBasePart ($part) | |
Sets the base MIME part. | |
setBody ($body, $charset=null, $wrap=false) | |
Sets the message body text. | |
setBytes ($bytes) | |
Explicitly set the size (in bytes) of this part. | |
setCharset ($charset) | |
Set the character set of this part. | |
setContentId ($cid=null) | |
Sets the Content-ID header for this part. | |
setContentParamValue ($data) | |
Set the content-parameter base value. | |
setContents ($contents, $options=array()) | |
Set the body contents of this part. | |
setContentTypeParameter ($label, $data) | |
Add/remove a content type parameter to this part. | |
setDescription ($description) | |
Set the description of this part. | |
setDisposition ($disposition=null) | |
Set the content-disposition of this part. | |
setDispositionParameter ($label, $data) | |
Add a disposition parameter to this part. | |
setDuration ($duration) | |
Set the content duration of the data contained in this part (see RFC 3803). | |
setEOL ( $eol) | |
Sets a new string to use for EOLs. | |
setHeaderCharset ($charset) | |
Set the character set to use when outputting MIME headers. | |
setHtmlBody ($body, $charset=null, $alternative=true) | |
Sets the HTML message body text. | |
setLanguage ($lang) | |
Set the language(s) of this part. | |
setMetadata ($key, $data=null) | |
Set a piece of metadata on this object. | |
setMimeId ($mimeid) | |
Alter the MIME ID of this part. | |
setName ($name) | |
Set the name of this part. | |
setTransferEncoding ($encoding, $options=array()) | |
Set the transfer encoding to use for this part. | |
setType ($type) | |
Set the MIME type of this part. | |
setUserAgent ($agent) | |
setValue ($value) | |
Set the value of the header. | |
singleFields ($list=true) | |
startId () | |
Return the start ID. | |
toArray (array $opts=array()) | |
Returns the headers in array format. | |
toString ($options=array()) | |
Return the entire part in MIME format. | |
toString (array $opts=array()) | |
Returns all headers concatenated into a single string. | |
unserialize ($data) | |
Unserialization. | |
userConfirmationNeeded () | |
Is user input required to send the MDN? Explicit confirmation is needed in some cases to prevent mail loops and the use of MDNs for mail bombing. | |
static | uudecode ($input) |
valid () | |
Variables | |
Horde_Mime_Part | $_base |
The base MIME part. | |
string | $_bcc |
Bcc recipients. | |
Horde_Mime_Part | $_body |
The main body part. | |
integer | $_bytes |
Default value for this Part's size. | |
string | $_charset = 'UTF-8' |
The charset to use for the message. | |
resource | $_contents |
The body of the part. | |
array | $_data = array() |
Uudecode data. | |
$_eol = "\n" | |
string | $_eol = self::EOL |
The sequence to use as EOL for this part. | |
boolean | $_failed = false |
Flag to detect if a message failed to send at least once. | |
static array | $_handlers = array() |
Cached handler information for Header Element objects. | |
string | $_hdrCharset = null |
The charset to output the headers in. | |
Horde_Support_CaseInsensitiveArray | $_headers |
The internal headers array. | |
Horde_Mime_Headers | $_headers |
The Horde_Mime_Headers object. | |
Horde_Mime_Headers | $_headers |
The MIME headers for this part. | |
Horde_Mime_Part | $_htmlBody |
The main HTML body part. | |
string | $_mailer_driver = 'smtp' |
The Mail driver name. | |
array | $_mailer_params = array() |
The Mail driver parameters. | |
array | $_metadata = array() |
Metadata. | |
string | $_mimeid = null |
The MIME ID of this part. | |
string | $_msgtext = false |
The text of the original message. | |
Horde_Mime_Part | $_part |
Base part. | |
array | $_parts = array() |
All MIME parts except the main body part. | |
array | $_parts = array() |
The subparts of this part. | |
static string | $_pearDirectory = '@data_dir@' |
The absolute PEAR path to the translations for the default gettext handler. | |
Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List | $_recipients |
The message recipients. | |
string | $_start |
Start ID. | |
object | $_state |
State data. | |
integer | $_status = 0 |
Status mask for this part. | |
array | $_temp = array() |
Temporary array. | |
string | $_transferEncoding = self::DEFAULT_ENCODING |
The desired transfer encoding of this part. | |
array | $_values = array() |
Header values. | |
static | $brokenRFC2231 = false |
static boolean | $decodeWindows1252 = true |
Use windows-1252 charset when decoding ISO-8859-1 data? HTML 5 requires this behavior, so it is the default. | |
static string | $defaultCharset = 'us-ascii' |
The default charset to use when parsing text parts with no charset information. | |
static string | $defaultCharset = 'us-ascii' |
The default charset to use when parsing text parts with no charset information. | |
static | $encodingTypes |
string | $id |
MIME ID. | |
static integer | $memoryLimit = 2097152 |
The memory limit for use with the PHP temp stream. | |
static | $mimeTypes |
while($this->_curr() !==false) return | $out |
Horde_Mime_Part | $parent = null |
Parent object. | |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | $value |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | $value |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | $value |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | $value |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | $value |
$this | _data = $data |
$this | _datalen = strlen($data) |
$this | _ptr = 0 |
foreach($this->_values as $val) $this | _values = $copy |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Countable |
const | DEFAULT_ENCODING = 'binary' |
const | ENCODE_7BIT = 1 |
const | ENCODE_8BIT = 2 |
const | ENCODE_BINARY = 4 |
const | EOL = "\n" |
*Any changes made directly to this file may will be lost in the future **Any unknown file extensions will automatically be mapped to *where< ext > is the unknown file extension ** | Generated |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Horde_Mime_Headers_Extension_Mime |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | http |
***This file contains code adapted from PEAR s built in uudecode() method is broken. ** @author Chuck Hagenbuch< chuck > * @author Aidan Lister< aidan > * @author Michael Slusarz< slusarz > * @author Michael Wallner< mike > * @category Horde * @copyright 2009-2017 Horde LLC * @copyright 2004-2007 Aidan Lister< aidan > Arpad Ray< arpad > *license | http |
const | ID_NEXT = 2 |
const | ID_PREV = 3 |
const | ID_UP = 4 |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Iterator |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | IteratorAggregate |
***This file contains code adapted from PEAR s built in uudecode() method is broken. ** @author Chuck Hagenbuch< chuck > * @author Aidan Lister< aidan > * @author Michael Slusarz< slusarz > * @author Michael Wallner< mike > * @category Horde * @copyright 2009-2017 Horde LLC * @copyright 2004-2007 Aidan Lister< aidan > Arpad Ray< arpad > *license | IteratorAggregate |
const | MIME_PARAM_QUOTED = '/[\x01-\x20\x22\x28\x29\x2c\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x5d]/' |
const | NESTING_LIMIT = 100 |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | RecursiveIterator |
const | RFC_EOL = "\r\n" |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Serializable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Serializable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information(LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see | Serializable |
const | STATUS_BASEPART = 2 |
const | STATUS_REINDEX = 1 |
const | UNKNOWN = 'x-unknown' |
const | UNKNOWN_ENCODING = 'x-unknown' |
Unknown encoding specifier. | |
const | VALUE_BASE = 2 |
const | VALUE_PARAMS = 3 |
const | VALUE_STRING = 1 |
__construct | ( | $name, | |
$value ) |
string | $name | Header name. |
mixed | $value | Header value(s). |
__construct | ( | $input = array() | ) |
Scans $input for uuencoded data and converts it to unencoded data.
string | $id | MIME ID. |
array | $params | A hash with basic message information. 'charset' is the character set of the message. 'body' is the message body. All other parameters are assumed to be message headers. |
Horde_Mime_Exception |
array | $data | V1 data. |
string | $input | The input data |
__construct | ( | Horde_Mime_Headers | $headers | ) |
Horde_Mime_Headers | $mime_headers | A headers object. |
__construct | ( | Horde_Mime_Part | $mime_part | ) |
Horde_Mime_Part | $mime_part | A MIME part object. Must be of type multipart/related. |
__serialize | ( | ) |
Serialize (PHP 7.4+)
array | Serialized data. |
array | object state |
__unserialize | ( | array | $data | ) |
Unserialize (PHP 7.4+)
array | $data | Serialized data. |
Horde_Mime_Exception |
array | $data |
protected |
protected |
Escape the parameter array.
array | $params | Parameter array. |
array | Escaped parameter array. |
staticprotected |
Find the location of the next boundary string.
string | $text | The text to search. |
integer | $pos | The current position in $text. |
string | $boundary | The boundary string. |
integer | $end | If set, return after matching this many boundaries. |
array | Keys are the boundary number, values are an array with two elements: 'start' and 'length'. |
staticprotected |
Find the location of the end of the header text.
string | $text | The text to search. |
string | $eol | The EOL string. |
integer | Header position. |
protected |
Return the header class to use for a header name.
string | $header | The header name. |
string | The Horde_Mime_Headers_* class to use. |
staticprotected |
Returns a copy of the MIME extension map.
array | The MIME extension map. |
staticprotected |
Creates a MIME object from the text of one part of a MIME message.
string | $header | The header text. |
string | $body | The body text. |
array | $opts | Additional options: - ctype: (string) The default content-type. - forcemime: (boolean) If true, the message data is assumed to be MIME data. If not, a MIME-Version header must exist to be parsed as a MIME message. - level: (integer) Current nesting level. - no_body: (boolean) If true, don't set body contents of parts. |
Horde_Mime_Part | The MIME part object. |
protected |
Get the transfer encoding for the part based on the user requested transfer encoding and the current contents of the part.
integer | $encode | A mask of allowable encodings. |
string | The transfer-encoding of this part. |
protected |
protected |
Read data from a stream.
resource | $fp | An active stream. |
boolean | $close | Close the stream when done reading? |
string | The data from the stream. |
protected |
Rebuilds $part and forces it to be a base64 encoded application/octet-stream part.
Horde_Mime_Part | $part | The MIME part. |
protected |
Reindexes the MIME IDs, if necessary.
boolean | $force | Reindex if the current part doesn't have an ID. |
protected |
Perform sanity checking on a header value.
string | $data | The header data. |
string | The cleaned header data. |
protected |
Re-enocdes message/rfc822 parts in case there was e.g., some broken line length in the headers of the message in the part.
Since we shouldn't alter the original message in any way, we simply reset cause the part to be encoded as base64 and sent as a application/octet part.
protected |
Scans a stream for content type.
resource | $fp | A stream resource. |
mixed | Either 'binary', '8bit', or false. |
protected |
array | $opts | See doSendEncode(). |
array | $opts | See Horde_Mime_Headers_Addresses\doSendEncode(). |
array | $opts | See encode(). |
abstractprotected |
Horde_Mime_Exception |
mixed | $value | Either a single language or an array of languages. |
mixed | $data | Either an array (interpreted as a list of parameters), a string (interpreted as a RFC encoded parameter list), an object with two properties: value and params, or a Horde_Mime_Headers_ContentParam object. |
protected |
Decodes the contents of the part to binary encoding.
resource | $fp | A stream containing the data to decode. |
string | $encoding | The original file encoding. |
resource | A new file resource with the decoded data. |
protected |
Encodes the contents of the part as necessary for transport.
resource | $fp | A stream containing the data to encode. |
string | $encoding | The encoding to use. |
resource | A new file resource with the encoded data. |
protected |
PHP 5's built-in convert_uudecode() is broken.
Need this wrapper.
string | $input | UUencoded input. |
string | Decoded string. |
protected |
Write data to a stream.
array | $data | The data to write. Either a stream resource or a string. |
array | $options | Additional options:
resource | The stream resource. |
ErrorException |
addAttachment | ( | $file, | |
$name = null, | |||
$type = null, | |||
$charset = 'us-ascii' ) |
Adds an attachment.
string | $file | The path to the file. |
string | $name | The file name to use for the attachment. |
string | $type | The content type of the file. |
string | $charset | The character set of the part (only relevant for text parts. |
integer | The part number. |
addHeader | ( | $header, | |
$value, | |||
$overwrite = null ) |
Adds a message header.
string | $header | The header name. |
string | $value | The header value. |
boolean | $overwrite | If true, an existing header of the same name is being overwritten; if false, multiple headers are added; if null, the correct behaviour is automatically chosen depending on the header name. |
Horde_Mime_Exception |
addHeader | ( | $header, | |
$value, | |||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Add/append/replace a header.
string | $header | The header name. |
string | $value | The header value (UTF-8). |
array | $opts | DEPRECATED |
addHeaderOb | ( | Horde_Mime_Headers_Element | $ob | ) |
Add a Horde_Mime_Headers_Element object to the current header list.
Horde_Mime_Headers_Element | $ob | Header object to add. |
InvalidArgumentException |
addHeaderOb | ( | Horde_Mime_Headers_Element | $ob, |
$check = false ) |
Add a Horde_Mime_Headers_Element object to the current header list.
Horde_Mime_Headers_Element | $ob | Header object to add. |
boolean | $check | Check that the header and object type match? |
InvalidArgumentException |
addHeaders | ( | $headers = array() | ) |
Adds several message headers at once.
array | $header | Hash with header names as keys and header contents as values. |
Horde_Mime_Exception |
addMdnRequestHeaders | ( | $to | ) |
Add a MDN (read receipt) request header.
mixed | $to | The address(es) the receipt should be mailed to. |
addMimeHeaders | ( | $options = array() | ) |
Returns a Horde_Mime_Header object containing all MIME headers needed for the part.
array | $options | Additional options:
Horde_Mime_Headers | A Horde_Mime_Headers object. |
addMimePart | ( | $part | ) |
Adds a MIME message part.
Horde_Mime_Part | $part | A Horde_Mime_Part object. |
integer | The part number. |
addPart | ( | $mime_part | ) |
addPart | ( | $mime_type, | |
$content, | |||
$charset = 'us-ascii', | |||
$disposition = null ) |
Adds a message part.
string | $mime_type | The content type of the part. |
string | $content | The content of the part. |
string | $charset | The character set of the part. |
string | $disposition | The content disposition of the part. |
integer | The part number. |
addRecipients | ( | $recipients | ) |
Adds message recipients.
Recipients specified by To:, Cc:, or Bcc: headers are added automatically.
string|array | List of recipients, either as a comma separated list or as an array of email addresses. |
Horde_Mime_Exception |
alterPart | ( | $id, | |
$mime_part ) |
static |
Attempt to determine the MIME type of an unknown byte stream.
string | $data | The file data to analyze. |
string | $magic_db | Path to the mime magic database. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
mixed | The MIME type of the file. Returns false if the file type can not be determined. |
static |
Attempt to determine the MIME type of an unknown file.
string | $path | The path to the file to analyze. |
string | $magic_db | Path to the mime magic database. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
mixed | The MIME type of the file. Returns false if the file type can not be determined. |
appendContents | ( | $contents, | |
$options = array() ) |
Add to the body contents of this part.
mixed | $contents | The part body. Either a string or a stream resource, or an array containing both.
buildMimeIds | ( | $id = null, | |
$rfc822 = false ) |
Build the MIME IDs for this part and all subparts.
string | $id | The ID of this part. |
boolean | $rfc822 | Is this a message/rfc822 part? |
cidReplace | ( | $text, | |
$callback, | |||
$charset = 'UTF-8' ) |
Scan for CID strings in HTML data and replace with data returned from a callback method.
mixed | $text | The HTML text (can be Horde_Domhtml object). |
callback | $callback | Callback method. Receives three arguments: MIME ID, the attribute name containing the content ID, and the node object. Expects return value of URL to display the data. |
string | $charset | HTML data charset. |
Horde_Domhtml | A Horde_Domhtml object. |
cidSearch | ( | $cid | ) |
Search for a CID in the related part.
string | $cid | The CID to search for. |
string | The MIME ID or false if not found. |
clearContentTypeParameter | ( | $label | ) |
contentTypeMap | ( | $sort = true | ) |
count | ( | ) |
Returns the number of child message parts (doesn't include grandchildren or more remote ancestors).
Returns the number of message parts.
integer | Number of message parts. |
static |
Creates a default Content-Type header, conforming to the MIME specification as detailed in RFC 2045.
Horde_Mime_Headers_ContentParam_ContentType | Content-Type header object. |
current | ( | ) |
static |
Decodes a MIME encoded (RFC 2047) string.
Decodes a MIME content parameter string pursuant to RFC 2183 & 2231 (Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers).
string | $string | The MIME encoded text. |
string | The decoded text. |
Stores value/parameter data in the current object.
mixed | $data | Parameter data. Either an array or a string. |
static |
static |
Do send encoding for addresses.
Needed as a static function because it is used by both single and multiple address headers.
array | $alist | An array of Horde_Mail_Rfc822_List objects. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
static |
MIME encodes a string (RFC 2047).
string | $text | The text to encode (UTF-8). |
string | $charset | The character set to encode to. |
string | The MIME encoded string (US-ASCII). |
static |
Encodes text via quoted-printable encoding.
string | $text | The text to encode (UTF-8). |
string | $eol | The EOL sequence to use. |
integer | $wrap | Wrap a line at this many characters. |
string | The quoted-printable encoded string. |
encode | ( | array | $opts = array() | ) |
Encodes a MIME content parameter string pursuant to RFC 2183 & 2231 (Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers).
array | $opts | Options:
array | The encoded parameter string (US-ASCII). |
static |
static |
Attempt to convert a file extension to a MIME type, based on the global Horde and application specific config files.
If we cannot map the file extension to a specific type, then we fall back to a custom MIME handler 'x-extension/$ext', which can be used as a normal MIME type internally throughout Horde.
string | $ext | The file extension to be mapped to a MIME type. |
string | The MIME type of the file extension. |
static |
Attempt to convert a filename to a MIME type, based on the global Horde and application specific config files.
string | $filename | The filename to be mapped to a MIME type. |
boolean | $unknown | How should unknown extensions be handled? If true, will return 'x-extension/*' types. If false, will return 'application/octet-stream'. |
string | The MIME type of the filename. |
filter | ( | $in, | |
$out, | |||
& | $consumed, | ||
$closing ) |
findBody | ( | $subtype = null | ) |
Finds the main "body" text part (if any) in a message.
"Body" data is the first text part under this part.
string | $subtype | Specifically search for this subtype. |
mixed | The MIME ID of the main body part, or null if a body part is not found. |
generate | ( | $action, | |
$sending, | |||
$type, | |||
$name, | |||
$mailer, | |||
array | $opts = array(), | ||
array | $mod = array(), | ||
array | $err = array() ) |
Generate the MDN according to the specifications listed in RFC 3798 [3].
boolean | $action | Was this MDN type a result of a manual action on part of the user? |
boolean | $sending | Was this MDN sent as a result of a manual action on part of the user? |
string | $type | The type of action performed by the user. Per RFC 3798 [] the following types are valid:
string | $name | The name of the local server. |
Horde_Mail_Transport | $mailer | Mail transport object. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
array | $mod | The list of modifications. Per RFC 3798 [] the following modifications are valid:
array | $err | If $mod is 'error', the additional information to provide. Key is the type of modification, value is the text. |
static |
getAllContentTypeParameters | ( | ) |
Get all parameters from the Content-Type header.
array | An array of all the parameters Returns the empty array if no parameters set. |
getAllDispositionParameters | ( | ) |
Get all parameters from the Content-Disposition header.
array | An array of all the parameters Returns the empty array if no parameters set. |
getBasePart | ( | ) |
Return the base MIME part.
Horde_Mime_Part |
getBytes | ( | $approx = false | ) |
Determine the size of this MIME part and its child members.
boolean | $approx | If true, determines an approximate size for parts consisting of base64 encoded data. |
integer | Size of the part, in bytes. |
getCharset | ( | ) |
Get the character set to use for this part.
string | The character set of this part (lowercase). Returns null if there is no character set. |
getChildren | ( | ) |
getContentId | ( | ) |
Returns the Content-ID for this part.
string | The Content-ID for this part (null if not set). |
getContents | ( | $options = array() | ) |
Return the body of the part.
array | $options | Additional options:
mixed | The body text (string) of the part, null if there is no contents, and a stream resource if 'stream' is true. |
getContentTypeParameter | ( | $label | ) |
Get a content type parameter from this part.
string | $label | The content type parameter label. |
string | The data requested. Returns null if $label is not set. |
getDefaultType | ( | ) |
If the subtype of a MIME part is unrecognized by an application, the default type should be used instead (See RFC 2046).
This method returns the default subtype for a particular primary MIME type.
string | The default MIME type of this part (ex.: text/plain). |
getDescription | ( | $default = false | ) |
Get the description of this part.
boolean | $default | If the description parameter doesn't exist, should we use the name of the part? |
string | The description of this part. |
getDisposition | ( | ) |
Get the content-disposition of this part.
string | The part's content-disposition. An empty string means no desired disposition has been set for this part. |
getDispositionParameter | ( | $label | ) |
Get a disposition parameter from this part.
string | $label | The disposition parameter label. |
string | The data requested. Returns null if $label is not set. |
getDuration | ( | ) |
Get the content duration of the data contained in this part (see RFC 3803).
integer | The duration of the data, in seconds. Returns null if there is no duration information. |
getEOL | ( | ) |
getHeader | ( | $header | ) |
Get a header from the header array.
string | $header | The header name. |
Horde_Mime_Headers_Element | Element object, or null if not found. |
getHeaderCharset | ( | ) |
Get the character set to use when outputting MIME headers.
string | The character set. If no preferred character set has been set, returns null. |
getIterator | ( | ) |
getLanguage | ( | ) |
Get the language(s) of this part.
array | The list of languages. |
getMdnReturnAddr | ( | ) |
Returns the address(es) to return the MDN to.
string | The address(es) to send the MDN to. Returns null if no MDN is requested. |
getMetadata | ( | $key | ) |
Retrieves metadata from this object.
string | $key | The metadata key. |
mixed | The metadata, or null if it doesn't exist. |
getMimeId | ( | ) |
Returns the MIME ID of this part.
string | The MIME ID. |
getName | ( | $default = false | ) |
Get the name of this part.
boolean | $default | If the name parameter doesn't exist, should we use the default name from the description parameter? |
string | The name of the part. |
getPart | ( | $id | ) |
getPartByIndex | ( | $index | ) |
Returns a subpart by index.
Horde_Mime_Part | Part, or null if not found. |
getParts | ( | ) |
Get a list of all MIME subparts.
array | An array of the Horde_Mime_Part subparts. |
getPrimaryType | ( | ) |
Get the primary type of this part.
string | The primary MIME type of this part. |
getRaw | ( | $stream = true | ) |
Get the raw email data sent by this object.
boolean | $stream | If true, return a stream resource, otherwise a string is returned. |
resource|string | The raw email data. |
static |
Attempts to obtain the raw text of a MIME part.
mixed | $text | The full text of the MIME message. The text is assumed to be MIME data (no MIME-Version checking is performed). It can be either a stream or a string. |
string | $type | Either 'header' or 'body'. |
string | $id | The MIME ID. |
string | The raw text. |
Horde_Mime_Exception |
getSize | ( | $approx = false | ) |
Output the size of this MIME part in KB.
boolean | $approx | If true, determines an approximate size for parts consisting of base64 encoded data. |
string | Size of the part in KB. |
getSubType | ( | ) |
Get the subtype of this part.
string | The MIME subtype of this part. |
getType | ( | $charset = false | ) |
Get the full MIME Content-Type of this part.
boolean | $charset | Append character set information to the end of the content type if this is a text/* part? ` |
string | The MIME type of this part. |
hasChildren | ( | ) |
idArithmetic | ( | $action, | |
array | $options = array() ) |
Performs MIME ID "arithmetic".
string | $action | One of:
array | $options | Additional options:
mixed | The resulting ID string, or null if that ID can not exist. |
static |
Determines if a string contains 8-bit (non US-ASCII) characters.
string | $string | The string to check. |
string | $charset | The charset of the string. Defaults to US-ASCII. ( |
boolean | True if string contains non 7-bit characters. |
static |
Determine if character is a non-escaped element in MIME parameter data (See RFC 2045 [Appendix A]).
string | $c | Character to test. |
boolean | True if non-escaped character. |
isAttachment | ( | ) |
Determines if this MIME part is an attachment for display purposes.
boolean | True if this part should be considered an attachment. |
isBasePart | ( | $base | ) |
Is this the base MIME part?
boolean | $base | True if this is the base MIME part. |
static |
isChild | ( | $id | ) |
Determines if a given MIME ID lives underneath a base ID.
string | $id | The MIME ID to query. |
boolean | Whether $id lives under the base ID ($this->id). |
isDefault | ( | ) |
If true, indicates the contents of the header is the default value.
boolean | True if this header is the default value. |
key | ( | ) |
static |
static |
Attempt to convert a MIME type to a file extension, based on the global Horde and application specific config files.
If we cannot map the type to a file extension, we return false.
string | $type | The MIME type to be mapped to a file extension. |
string | The file extension of the MIME type. |
next | ( | ) |
offsetExists | ( | $offset | ) |
Does header exist?
string | $header | Header name. |
boolean | True if header exists. |
offsetGet | ( | $offset | ) |
Return header element object.
string | $header | Header name. |
Horde_Mime_Headers_Element | Element object, or null if not found. |
offsetSet | ( | $offset, | |
$value ) |
Store a header element object.
string | $offset | Not used. |
Horde_Mime_Headers_Element | $elt | Header element. |
offsetUnset | ( | $offset | ) |
Remove a header element object.
string | $offset | Header name. |
onCreate | ( | ) |
originalMessageText | ( | $text | ) |
When generating the MDN, should we return the enitre text of the original message? The default is no - we only return the headers of the original message.
If the text is passed in via this method, we will return the entire message.
string | $text | The text of the original message. |
static |
Builds a Horde_Mime_Headers object from header text.
mixed | $text | A text string (or, as of 2.3.0, a Horde_Stream object or stream resource) containing the headers. |
Horde_Mime_Headers | A new Horde_Mime_Headers object. |
static |
Attempts to build a Horde_Mime_Part object from message text.
string | $text | The text of the MIME message. |
array | $opts | Additional options:
Horde_Mime_Part | A MIME Part object. |
Horde_Mime_Exception |
partIterator | ( | $current = true | ) |
Returns the recursive iterator needed to iterate through this part.
boolean | $current | Include the current part as the base? |
Iterator | Recursive iterator. |
static |
removeHeader | ( | $header | ) |
Remove a header from the header array.
Removes a message header.
string | $header | The header name. |
removePart | ( | $id | ) |
removeRecipients | ( | $recipients | ) |
Removes message recipients.
string|array | List of recipients, either as a comma separated list or as an array of email addresses. |
Horde_Mime_Exception |
replaceEOL | ( | $text, | |
$eol = null, | |||
$stream = false ) |
Replace newlines in this part's contents with those specified by either the given newline sequence or the part's current EOL setting.
mixed | $text | The text to replace. Either a string or a stream resource. If a stream, and returning a string, will close the stream when done. |
string | $eol | The EOL sequence to use. If not present, uses the part's current EOL setting. |
boolean | $stream | If true, returns a stream resource. |
string | The text with the newlines replaced by the desired newline sequence (returned as a stream resource if $stream is true). |
rewind | ( | ) |
send | ( | $email, | |
$headers, | |||
Horde_Mail_Transport | $mailer, | ||
array | $opts = array() ) |
Sends this message.
string | The address list to send to. | |
Horde_Mime_Headers | $headers | The Horde_Mime_Headers object holding this message's headers. |
Horde_Mail_Transport | $mailer | A Horde_Mail_Transport object. |
array | $opts | Additional options: - broken_rfc2231: (boolean) Attempt to work around non-RFC 2231-compliant MUAs by generating both a RFC 2047-like parameter name and also the correct RFC 2231 parameter ( |
2.5.0). DEFAULT: false - encode: (integer) The encoding to use. A mask of self\ENCODE_* values. DEFAULT: Auto-determined based on transport driver.
Horde_Mime_Exception | |
InvalidArgumentException |
send | ( | $mailer, | |
$resend = false, | |||
$flowed = true ) |
Sends this message.
Horde_Mail_Transport | $mailer | A Horde_Mail_Transport object. |
boolean | $resend | If true, the message id and date are re-used; If false, they will be updated. |
boolean | $flowed | Send message in flowed text format. |
Horde_Mime_Exception |
final |
Returns the encoded string value(s) needed when sending the header text to a RFC compliant mail submission server.
array | $opts | Additional options:
array | An array of string values. |
serialize | ( | ) |
Serialize (until PHP 7.3)
string | Serialized data. |
string | serialized object state |
setBasePart | ( | $part | ) |
Sets the base MIME part.
If the base part is set, any text bodies will be ignored when building the message.
Horde_Mime_Part | $part | A Horde_Mime_Part object. |
setBody | ( | $body, | |
$charset = null, | |||
$wrap = false ) |
Sets the message body text.
string | $body | The message content. |
string | $charset | The character set of the message. |
boolean | integer | $wrap | If true, wrap the message at column 76; If an integer wrap the message at that column. Don't use wrapping if sending flowed messages. |
setBytes | ( | $bytes | ) |
Explicitly set the size (in bytes) of this part.
This value will only be returned (via getBytes()) if there are no contents currently set.
This function is useful for setting the size of the part when the contents of the part are not fully loaded (i.e. creating a Horde_Mime_Part object from IMAP header information without loading the data of the part).
integer | $bytes | The size of this part in bytes. |
setCharset | ( | $charset | ) |
Set the character set of this part.
string | $charset | The character set of this part. |
setContentId | ( | $cid = null | ) |
Sets the Content-ID header for this part.
string | $cid | Use this CID (if not already set). Else, generate a random CID. |
string | The Content-ID for this part. |
setContentParamValue | ( | $data | ) |
Set the content-parameter base value.
string | $data | Value. |
setContents | ( | $contents, | |
$options = array() ) |
Set the body contents of this part.
mixed | $contents | The part body. Either a string or a stream resource, or an array containing both. |
array | $options | Additional options:
setContentTypeParameter | ( | $label, | |
$data ) |
Add/remove a content type parameter to this part.
string | $label | The content-type parameter label. |
string | $data | The content-type parameter data. If null, removes the parameter ( |
setDescription | ( | $description | ) |
Set the description of this part.
string | $description | The description of this part. If null, deletes the description ( |
setDisposition | ( | $disposition = null | ) |
Set the content-disposition of this part.
string | $disposition | The content-disposition to set ('inline', 'attachment', or an empty value). |
setDispositionParameter | ( | $label, | |
$data ) |
Add a disposition parameter to this part.
string | $label | The disposition parameter label. |
string | $data | The disposition parameter data. If null, removes the parameter ( |
setDuration | ( | $duration | ) |
Set the content duration of the data contained in this part (see RFC 3803).
integer | $duration | The duration of the data, in seconds. If null, clears the duration information. |
setEOL | ( | $eol | ) |
setHeaderCharset | ( | $charset | ) |
Set the character set to use when outputting MIME headers.
string | $charset | The character set. |
setHtmlBody | ( | $body, | |
$charset = null, | |||
$alternative = true ) |
Sets the HTML message body text.
string | $body | The message content. |
string | $charset | The character set of the message. |
boolean | $alternative | If true, a multipart/alternative message is created and the text/plain part is generated automatically. If false, a text/html message is generated. |
setLanguage | ( | $lang | ) |
Set the language(s) of this part.
mixed | $lang | A language string, or an array of language strings. |
setMetadata | ( | $key, | |
$data = null ) |
Set a piece of metadata on this object.
string | $key | The metadata key. |
mixed | $data | The metadata. If null, clears the key. |
setMimeId | ( | $mimeid | ) |
Alter the MIME ID of this part.
string | $mimeid | The MIME ID. |
setName | ( | $name | ) |
Set the name of this part.
string | $name | The name to set. |
setTransferEncoding | ( | $encoding, | |
$options = array() ) |
Set the transfer encoding to use for this part.
Only needed in the following circumstances: 1.) Indicate what the transfer encoding is if the data has not yet been set in the object (can only be set if there presently are not any contents). 2.) Force the encoding to a certain type on a toString() call (if 'send' is true).
string | $encoding | The transfer encoding to use. |
array | $options | Additional options:
setType | ( | $type | ) |
Set the MIME type of this part.
string | $type | The MIME type to set (ex.: text/plain). |
final |
Set the value of the header.
mixed | $value | Header value(s). |
startId | ( | ) |
Return the start ID.
string | The start ID. |
toArray | ( | array | $opts = array() | ) |
Returns the headers in array format.
array | $opts | Optional parameters: - broken_rfc2231: (boolean) Attempt to work around non-RFC 2231-compliant MUAs by generating both a RFC 2047-like parameter name and also the correct RFC 2231 parameter DEFAULT: false - canonical: (boolean) Use canonical (RFC 822/2045) CRLF EOLs? DEFAULT: Uses "::n" - charset: (string) Encodes the headers using this charset. If empty, encodes using UTF-8. DEFAULT: No encoding. - defserver: (string) The default domain to append to mailboxes. DEFAULT: No default name. - lang: (string) The language to use when encoding. DEFAULT: None specified - nowrap: (integer) Don't wrap the headers. DEFAULT: Headers are wrapped. |
array | The headers in array format. Keys are header names, but case sensitivity cannot be guaranteed. Values are header values. |
toString | ( | $options = array() | ) |
Return the entire part in MIME format.
array | $options | Additional options:
mixed | The MIME string (returned as a resource if $stream is true). |
toString | ( | array | $opts = array() | ) |
Returns all headers concatenated into a single string.
array | $opts | See toArray(). |
string | The headers in string format. |
unserialize | ( | $data | ) |
Unserialize (until PHP 7.3)
string | $data | Serialized data. |
Exception |
string | $data |
userConfirmationNeeded | ( | ) |
Is user input required to send the MDN? Explicit confirmation is needed in some cases to prevent mail loops and the use of MDNs for mail bombing.
boolean | Is explicit user input required to send the MDN? |
static |
valid | ( | ) |
protected |
The body of the part.
Always stored in binary format.
protected |
Uudecode data.
A list of arrays, with each array corresponding to a file in the input and containing the following keys:
protected |
protected |
The sequence to use as EOL for this part.
The default is currently to output the EOL sequence internally as just "::n" instead of the canonical "\r\n" required in RFC 822 & 2045. To be RFC complaint, the full <CR><LF> EOL combination should be used when sending a message.
protected |
The Mail driver name.
protected |
The Mail driver parameters.
static |
static |
The default charset to use when parsing text parts with no charset information.
static |
The default charset to use when parsing text parts with no charset information.
static |
static |
Horde_Mime_Part $parent = null |
Parent object.
Value only accurate when iterating.
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see $value |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see $value |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see $value |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see $value |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see $value |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see Iterator |
***This file contains code adapted from PEAR s built in uudecode () method is broken. **@author Chuck Hagenbuch< chuck > *@author Aidan Lister< aidan > *@author Michael Slusarz< slusarz > *@author Michael Wallner< mike > *@category Horde *@copyright 2009-2017 Horde LLC *@copyright 2004-2007 Aidan Lister< aidan > Arpad Ray<>* license IteratorAggregate |
const MIME_PARAM_QUOTED = '/[\x01-\x20\x22\x28\x29\x2c\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x5d]/' |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see Serializable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see Serializable |
*See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you *did not receive this file see Serializable |
const UNKNOWN = 'x-unknown' |