Moodle PHP Documentation 4.1
Moodle 4.1.11 (Build: 20240610) (c8c84b4af18)
quiz_grading_report Class Reference

Quiz report to help teachers manually grade questions that need it. More...

Inheritance diagram for quiz_grading_report:

Public Member Functions

 display ($quiz, $cm, $course)
 Override this function to displays the report.
 get_current_group ($cm, $course, $context)
 Get the current group for the user user looking at the report.
 print_header_and_tabs ($cm, $course, $quiz, $reportmode='overview')
 Initialise some parts of $PAGE and start output.

Public Attributes

const DEFAULT_ORDER = 'random'
string const REGEX_POSITIVE_INT = '/^[1-9]\d*$/'
 Positive integer regular expression.

Protected Member Functions

 base_url ()
 Get the URL of the front page of the report that lists all the questions.
 display_grading_interface ($slot, $questionid, $grade, $pagesize, $page, $shownames, $showcustomfields, $order, $counts)
 Display the UI for grading attempts at one question.
 display_index ($includeauto)
 Display the report front page which summarises the number of attempts to grade.
 format_count_for_table ($counts, $type, $gradestring)
 Renders the contents of one cell of the table on the index view.
 get_qubaids_condition ()
 Get the JOIN conditions needed so we only show attempts by relevant users.
 get_question_heading (stdClass $attempt, bool $shownames, bool $showcustomfields)
 Get question heading.
 get_question_state_summary ($slots)
 Load information about the number of attempts at various questions in each summarystate.
 get_usage_ids_where_question_in_state ($summarystate, $slot, $questionid=null, $orderby='random', $page=0, $pagesize=null)
 Get a list of usage ids where the question with slot $slot, and optionally also with question id $questionid, is in summary state $summarystate.
 grade_question_url ($slot, $questionid, $grade, $page=true)
 Get the URL to grade a batch of question attempts.
 list_questions_url ($includeauto=null)
 Get the URL of the front page of the report that lists all the questions.
 load_attempts_by_usage_ids ($qubaids)
 Load the quiz_attempts rows corresponding to a list of question_usage ids.
 process_submitted_data ()
 Save all submitted marks to the database.
 validate_submitted_marks ()
 When saving a grading page, are all the submitted marks valid?

Protected Attributes

stdClass $cm
 the course_module settings.
context $context
 the quiz context.
stdClass $course
 the course settings.
int $currentgroup
 the current group, 0 if none, or NO_GROUPS_ALLOWED.
array $extrauserfields = []
 extra user fields.
array $questions
 from quiz_report_get_significant_questions.
stdClass $quiz
 the quiz settings.
quiz_grading_renderer $renderer
 Renderer of Quiz Grading.
string $userssql
 fragment of SQL code to restrict to the relevant users.
array $viewoptions = []
 URL parameters for what is being displayed when grading.

Detailed Description

Quiz report to help teachers manually grade questions that need it.

This report basically provides two screens:

  • List question that might need manual grading (or optionally all questions).
  • Provide an efficient UI to grade all attempts at a particular question.
License GNU GPL v3 or later

Member Function Documentation

◆ base_url()

quiz_grading_report::base_url ( )

Get the URL of the front page of the report that lists all the questions.

Return values
moodle_urlthe URL.

◆ display()

quiz_grading_report::display ( $cm,
$quiz )

Override this function to displays the report.

$cmthe course-module for this quiz.
$coursethe coures we are in.
$quizthis quiz.

Reimplemented from quiz_default_report.

◆ display_grading_interface()

quiz_grading_report::display_grading_interface ( $slot,
$counts )

Display the UI for grading attempts at one question.

int$slotidentifies which question to grade.
int$questionididentifies which question to grade.
string$gradetype of attempts to grade.
int$pagesizenumber of questions to show per page.
int$pagecurrent page number.
bool$shownameswhether student names should be shown.
bool$showcustomfieldswhether custom field values should be shown.
string$orderpreferred order of attempts.
stdClass$countsobject that stores the number of each type of attempt.

◆ display_index()

quiz_grading_report::display_index ( $includeauto)

Display the report front page which summarises the number of attempts to grade.

bool$includeautowhether to show automatically-graded questions.

◆ format_count_for_table()

quiz_grading_report::format_count_for_table ( $counts,
$gradestring )

Renders the contents of one cell of the table on the index view.

stdClass$countscounts of different types of attempt for this slot.
string$typethe type of count to format.
string$gradestringget_string identifier for the grading link text, if required.
Return values

◆ get_current_group()

quiz_default_report::get_current_group ( $cm,
$context )

Get the current group for the user user looking at the report.

object$cmthe course_module information.
object$couresthe course settings.
context$contextthe quiz context.
Return values
intthe current group id, if applicable. 0 for all users, NO_GROUPS_ALLOWED if the user cannot see any group.

◆ get_qubaids_condition()

quiz_grading_report::get_qubaids_condition ( )

Get the JOIN conditions needed so we only show attempts by relevant users.

Return values

◆ get_question_heading()

quiz_grading_report::get_question_heading ( stdClass $attempt,
bool $shownames,
bool $showcustomfields )

Get question heading.

stdClass$attemptAn instance of quiz_attempt.
bool$shownamesTrue to show the student first/lastnames.
bool$showcustomfieldsWhether custom field values should be shown.
Return values
stringThe string text for the question heading.

◆ get_question_state_summary()

quiz_grading_report::get_question_state_summary ( $slots)

Load information about the number of attempts at various questions in each summarystate.

The results are returned as an two dimensional array $qubaid => $slot => $dataobject

array$slotsA list of slots for the questions you want to konw about.
Return values
arrayThe array keys are slot,qestionid. The values are objects with fields $slot, $questionid, $inprogress, $name, $needsgrading, $autograded, $manuallygraded and $all.

◆ get_usage_ids_where_question_in_state()

quiz_grading_report::get_usage_ids_where_question_in_state ( $summarystate,
$questionid = null,
$orderby = 'random',
$page = 0,
$pagesize = null )

Get a list of usage ids where the question with slot $slot, and optionally also with question id $questionid, is in summary state $summarystate.

Also return the total count of such states.

Only a subset of the ids can be returned by using $orderby, $limitfrom and $limitnum. A special value 'random' can be passed as $orderby, in which case $limitfrom is ignored.

int$slotThe slot for the questions you want to konw about.
int$questionid(optional) Only return attempts that were of this specific question.
string$summarystate'all', 'needsgrading', 'autograded' or 'manuallygraded'.
string$orderby'random', 'date', 'student' or 'idnumber'.
int$pageimplements paging of the results. Ignored if $orderby = random or $pagesize is null.
int$pagesizeimplements paging of the results. null = all.
Return values
arraywith two elements, an array of usage ids, and a count of the total number.

◆ grade_question_url()

quiz_grading_report::grade_question_url ( $slot,
$page = true )

Get the URL to grade a batch of question attempts.

int | bool$page= true, link to current page. false = omit page. number = link to specific page.
Return values

◆ list_questions_url()

quiz_grading_report::list_questions_url ( $includeauto = null)

Get the URL of the front page of the report that lists all the questions.

bool$includeautoif not given, use the current setting, otherwise, force a particular value of includeauto in the URL.
Return values
moodle_urlthe URL.

◆ load_attempts_by_usage_ids()

quiz_grading_report::load_attempts_by_usage_ids ( $qubaids)

Load the quiz_attempts rows corresponding to a list of question_usage ids.

int[]$qubaidsthe question_usage ids of the quiz_attempts to load.
Return values
arrayquiz attempts, with added user name fields.

◆ print_header_and_tabs()

quiz_grading_report::print_header_and_tabs ( $cm,
$reportmode = 'overview' )

Initialise some parts of $PAGE and start output.

object$cmthe course_module information.
object$coursethe course settings.
object$quizthe quiz settings.
string$reportmodethe report name.

Reimplemented from quiz_default_report.

◆ process_submitted_data()

quiz_grading_report::process_submitted_data ( )

Save all submitted marks to the database.

Return values
boolreturns true if some attempts or all are graded. False, if none of the attempts are graded.

◆ validate_submitted_marks()

quiz_grading_report::validate_submitted_marks ( )

When saving a grading page, are all the submitted marks valid?

Return values
booltrue if all valid, else false.

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