Moodle PHP Documentation 4.1
Moodle 4.1.11 (Build: 20240610) (c8c84b4af18)
qubaid_join Class Reference

This class represents a restriction on the set of question_usage ids to include in a larger database query based on JOINing to some other tables. More...

Inheritance diagram for qubaid_join:
qubaid_condition mod_quiz\question\qubaids_for_users_attempts qubaids_for_quiz qubaids_for_quiz_user

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($from, $usageidcolumn, $where='', $params=array())
 from_question_attempts ($alias)
 Get the SQL fragment to go in a FROM clause.
 from_where_params ()
 get_hash_code ()
 usage_id_in ()
 usage_id_in_params ()
 where ()

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

This class represents a restriction on the set of question_usage ids to include in a larger database query based on JOINing to some other tables.

The general form of the query is something like

SELECT, qa.maxmark FROM $from JOIN {question_attempts} qa ON qa.questionusageid = $usageidcolumn WHERE $where AND qa.slot = 1

where $from, $usageidcolumn and $where are the arguments to the constructor.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

qubaid_join::__construct ( $from,
$where = '',
$params = array() )


The meaning of the arguments is explained in the class comment.

string$fromSQL fragemnt to go in the FROM clause.
string$usageidcolumnthe column in $from that should be made equal to the usageid column in the JOIN clause.
string$whereSQL fragment to go in the where clause.
array$paramsrequired by the SQL. You must use named parameters.

Reimplemented in mod_quiz\question\qubaids_for_users_attempts, and qubaids_for_quiz_user.

Member Function Documentation

◆ from_question_attempts()

qubaid_join::from_question_attempts ( $alias)

Get the SQL fragment to go in a FROM clause.

The SQL that needs to go in the FROM clause when trying to select records from the 'question_attempts' table based on this qubaid_condition.

Return values
stringSQL fragment.

Reimplemented from qubaid_condition.

◆ from_where_params()

qubaid_join::from_where_params ( )
Return values
arraythe params needed by a query that uses from_question_attempts() and where().

Reimplemented from qubaid_condition.

◆ get_hash_code()

qubaid_condition::get_hash_code ( )
Return values
string40-character hash code that uniquely identifies the combination of properties and class name of this qubaid condition.

◆ usage_id_in()

qubaid_join::usage_id_in ( )
Return values
stringSQL that can use used in a WHERE qubaid IN (...) query. This method returns the "IN (...)" part.

Reimplemented from qubaid_condition.

◆ usage_id_in_params()

qubaid_join::usage_id_in_params ( )
Return values
arraythe params needed by a query that uses usage_id_in().

Reimplemented from qubaid_condition.

◆ where()

qubaid_join::where ( )
Return values
stringthe SQL that needs to go in the where clause.

Reimplemented from qubaid_condition.

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