Moodle PHP Documentation 4.5
Moodle 4.5dev (Build: 20240606) (d3ae1391abe)


namespace  workshopform_numerrors\privacy


class  backup_workshopform_numerrors_subplugin
 Provides the information to backup numerrors grading strategy information. More...
class  moodle1_workshopform_numerrors_handler
 Conversion handler for the numerrors grading strategy data. More...
class  restore_workshopform_numerrors_subplugin
 restore subplugin class that provides the necessary information needed to restore one workshopform_numerrors subplugin. More...
class  workshop_edit_numerrors_strategy_form
 Class for editing "Number of errors" grading strategy forms. More...
class  workshop_numerrors_assessment_form
 Class representing a form for assessing submissions by numerrors grading strategy. More...
class  workshop_numerrors_strategy
 "Number of errors" grading strategy logic. More...
class  workshopform_numerrors\privacy\provider
 Privacy API implementation for the Number of errors strategy. More...


 workshopform_numerrors_pluginfile ($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, array $args, $forcedownload, array $options=array())
 Server workshop files.
 workshopform_numerrors_upgrade_element (stdclass $old, $newworkshopid)
 Transforms a given record from workshop_elements_old into an object to be saved into workshopform_numerrors.
 xmldb_workshopform_numerrors_install ()
 Post installation procedure.
 xmldb_workshopform_numerrors_upgrade ($oldversion)
 Performs upgrade of the database structure and data.


 $plugin = 2024041600
$plugin component = 'workshopform_numerrors'
$plugin version = 2024042200

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ workshopform_numerrors_pluginfile()

workshopform_numerrors_pluginfile ( $course,
array $args,
array $options = array() )

Server workshop files.

stdClass$coursecourse object
stdClass$cmcourse module object
stdClass$contextcontext object
string$fileareafile area
array$argsextra arguments
bool$forcedownloadwhether or not force download
array$optionsadditional options affecting the file serving
Return values

◆ workshopform_numerrors_upgrade_element()

workshopform_numerrors_upgrade_element ( stdclass $old,
$newworkshopid )

Transforms a given record from workshop_elements_old into an object to be saved into workshopform_numerrors.

stdClass$oldlegacy record from workshop_elements_old
int$newworkshopidid of the new workshop instance that replaced the previous one
Return values
stdclassto be saved in workshopform_numerrors

◆ xmldb_workshopform_numerrors_upgrade()

xmldb_workshopform_numerrors_upgrade ( $oldversion)

Performs upgrade of the database structure and data.

int$oldversionthe version we are upgrading from
Return values