Moodle PHP Documentation 4.5
Moodle 4.5dev (Build: 20240606) (d3ae1391abe)
Public Member Functions | |
__get ($key) | |
Getter that handles passthrough access to the data array, and lazy object creation. | |
__isset ($key) | |
__unset ($key) | |
assertIsArray ($obj, $method) | |
Verify if $obj is an array. | |
count () | |
current () | |
getAdditionalImageLinks () | |
getAdult () | |
getAdwordsGrouping () | |
getAdwordsLabels () | |
getAdwordsRedirect () | |
getAgeGroup () | |
getAspects () | |
getAvailability () | |
getAvailabilityDate () | |
getBrand () | |
getChannel () | |
getColor () | |
getCondition () | |
getContentLanguage () | |
getCustomAttributes () | |
getCustomGroups () | |
getCustomLabel0 () | |
getCustomLabel1 () | |
getCustomLabel2 () | |
getCustomLabel3 () | |
getCustomLabel4 () | |
getDescription () | |
getDestinations () | |
getDisplayAdsId () | |
getDisplayAdsLink () | |
getDisplayAdsSimilarIds () | |
getDisplayAdsTitle () | |
getDisplayAdsValue () | |
getEnergyEfficiencyClass () | |
getExpirationDate () | |
getGender () | |
getGoogleProductCategory () | |
getGtin () | |
getId () | |
getIdentifierExists () | |
getImageLink () | |
getInstallment () | |
getIsBundle () | |
getItemGroupId () | |
getKind () | |
getLink () | |
getLoyaltyPoints () | |
getMaterial () | |
getMobileLink () | |
getMpn () | |
getMultipack () | |
getOfferId () | |
getOnlineOnly () | |
getPattern () | |
getPrice () | |
getProductType () | |
getSalePrice () | |
getSalePriceEffectiveDate () | |
getSellOnGoogleQuantity () | |
getShipping () | |
getShippingHeight () | |
getShippingLabel () | |
getShippingLength () | |
getShippingWeight () | |
getShippingWidth () | |
getSizes () | |
getSizeSystem () | |
getSizeType () | |
getTargetCountry () | |
getTaxes () | |
getTitle () | |
getUnitPricingBaseMeasure () | |
getUnitPricingMeasure () | |
getValidatedDestinations () | |
getWarnings () | |
key () | |
next () | |
offsetExists ($offset) | |
offsetGet ($offset) | |
offsetSet ($offset, $value) | |
offsetUnset ($offset) | |
rewind () | |
setAdditionalImageLinks ($additionalImageLinks) | |
setAdult ($adult) | |
setAdwordsGrouping ($adwordsGrouping) | |
setAdwordsLabels ($adwordsLabels) | |
setAdwordsRedirect ($adwordsRedirect) | |
setAgeGroup ($ageGroup) | |
setAspects ($aspects) | |
setAvailability ($availability) | |
setAvailabilityDate ($availabilityDate) | |
setBrand ($brand) | |
setChannel ($channel) | |
setColor ($color) | |
setCondition ($condition) | |
setContentLanguage ($contentLanguage) | |
setCustomAttributes ($customAttributes) | |
setCustomGroups ($customGroups) | |
setCustomLabel0 ($customLabel0) | |
setCustomLabel1 ($customLabel1) | |
setCustomLabel2 ($customLabel2) | |
setCustomLabel3 ($customLabel3) | |
setCustomLabel4 ($customLabel4) | |
setDescription ($description) | |
setDestinations ($destinations) | |
setDisplayAdsId ($displayAdsId) | |
setDisplayAdsLink ($displayAdsLink) | |
setDisplayAdsSimilarIds ($displayAdsSimilarIds) | |
setDisplayAdsTitle ($displayAdsTitle) | |
setDisplayAdsValue ($displayAdsValue) | |
setEnergyEfficiencyClass ($energyEfficiencyClass) | |
setExpirationDate ($expirationDate) | |
setGender ($gender) | |
setGoogleProductCategory ($googleProductCategory) | |
setGtin ($gtin) | |
setId ($id) | |
setIdentifierExists ($identifierExists) | |
setImageLink ($imageLink) | |
setInstallment (Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductInstallment $installment) | |
setIsBundle ($isBundle) | |
setItemGroupId ($itemGroupId) | |
setKind ($kind) | |
setLink ($link) | |
setLoyaltyPoints (Google_Service_ShoppingContent_LoyaltyPoints $loyaltyPoints) | |
setMaterial ($material) | |
setMobileLink ($mobileLink) | |
setMpn ($mpn) | |
setMultipack ($multipack) | |
setOfferId ($offerId) | |
setOnlineOnly ($onlineOnly) | |
setPattern ($pattern) | |
setPrice (Google_Service_ShoppingContent_Price $price) | |
setProductType ($productType) | |
setSalePrice (Google_Service_ShoppingContent_Price $salePrice) | |
setSalePriceEffectiveDate ($salePriceEffectiveDate) | |
setSellOnGoogleQuantity ($sellOnGoogleQuantity) | |
setShipping ($shipping) | |
setShippingHeight (Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductShippingDimension $shippingHeight) | |
setShippingLabel ($shippingLabel) | |
setShippingLength (Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductShippingDimension $shippingLength) | |
setShippingWeight (Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductShippingWeight $shippingWeight) | |
setShippingWidth (Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductShippingDimension $shippingWidth) | |
setSizes ($sizes) | |
setSizeSystem ($sizeSystem) | |
setSizeType ($sizeType) | |
setTargetCountry ($targetCountry) | |
setTaxes ($taxes) | |
setTitle ($title) | |
setUnitPricingBaseMeasure (Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductUnitPricingBaseMeasure $unitPricingBaseMeasure) | |
setUnitPricingMeasure (Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductUnitPricingMeasure $unitPricingMeasure) | |
setValidatedDestinations ($validatedDestinations) | |
setWarnings ($warnings) | |
toSimpleObject () | |
Create a simplified object suitable for straightforward conversion to JSON. | |
valid () | |
Public Attributes | |
$additionalImageLinks | |
$adult | |
$adwordsGrouping | |
$adwordsLabels | |
$adwordsRedirect | |
$ageGroup | |
$availability | |
$availabilityDate | |
$brand | |
$channel | |
$color | |
$condition | |
$contentLanguage | |
$customLabel0 | |
$customLabel1 | |
$customLabel2 | |
$customLabel3 | |
$customLabel4 | |
$description | |
$displayAdsId | |
$displayAdsLink | |
$displayAdsSimilarIds | |
$displayAdsTitle | |
$displayAdsValue | |
$energyEfficiencyClass | |
$expirationDate | |
$gender | |
$googleProductCategory | |
$gtin | |
$id | |
$identifierExists | |
$imageLink | |
$isBundle | |
$itemGroupId | |
$kind | |
$link | |
$material | |
$mobileLink | |
$mpn | |
$multipack | |
$offerId | |
$onlineOnly | |
$pattern | |
$productType | |
$salePriceEffectiveDate | |
$sellOnGoogleQuantity | |
$shippingLabel | |
$sizes | |
$sizeSystem | |
$sizeType | |
$targetCountry | |
$title | |
$validatedDestinations | |
const | NULL_VALUE = "{}gapi-php-null" |
If you need to specify a NULL JSON value, use Google_Model\NULL_VALUE instead - it will be replaced when converting to JSON with a real null. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
dataType ($key) | |
gapiInit () | |
Blank initialiser to be used in subclasses to do post-construction initialisation - this avoids the need for subclasses to have to implement the variadics handling in their constructors. | |
isAssociativeArray ($array) | |
Returns true only if the array is associative. | |
keyType ($key) | |
mapTypes ($array) | |
Initialize this object's properties from an array. | |
Protected Attributes | |
$aspectsDataType = 'array' | |
$aspectsType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductAspect' | |
$collection_key = 'warnings' | |
$customAttributesDataType = 'array' | |
$customAttributesType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductCustomAttribute' | |
$customGroupsDataType = 'array' | |
$customGroupsType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductCustomGroup' | |
$destinationsDataType = 'array' | |
$destinationsType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductDestination' | |
$installmentDataType = '' | |
$installmentType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductInstallment' | |
$internal_gapi_mappings | |
$loyaltyPointsDataType = '' | |
$loyaltyPointsType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_LoyaltyPoints' | |
$modelData = array() | |
$priceDataType = '' | |
$priceType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_Price' | |
$processed = array() | |
$salePriceDataType = '' | |
$salePriceType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_Price' | |
$shippingDataType = 'array' | |
$shippingHeightDataType = '' | |
$shippingHeightType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductShippingDimension' | |
$shippingLengthDataType = '' | |
$shippingLengthType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductShippingDimension' | |
$shippingType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductShipping' | |
$shippingWeightDataType = '' | |
$shippingWeightType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductShippingWeight' | |
$shippingWidthDataType = '' | |
$shippingWidthType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductShippingDimension' | |
$taxesDataType = 'array' | |
$taxesType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductTax' | |
$unitPricingBaseMeasureDataType = '' | |
$unitPricingBaseMeasureType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductUnitPricingBaseMeasure' | |
$unitPricingMeasureDataType = '' | |
$unitPricingMeasureType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_ProductUnitPricingMeasure' | |
$warningsDataType = 'array' | |
$warningsType = 'Google_Service_ShoppingContent_Error' | |
inherited |
Getter that handles passthrough access to the data array, and lazy object creation.
string | $key | Property name. |
mixed | The value if any, or null. |
inherited |
Verify if $obj is an array.
Google_Exception | Thrown if $obj isn't an array. |
array | $obj | Items that should be validated. |
string | $method | Method expecting an array as an argument. |
protectedinherited |
Blank initialiser to be used in subclasses to do post-construction initialisation - this avoids the need for subclasses to have to implement the variadics handling in their constructors.
Reimplemented in Google_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonGeometryCollection, Google_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonLineString, Google_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonMultiLineString, Google_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonMultiPoint, Google_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonMultiPolygon, Google_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonPoint, Google_Service_MapsEngine_GeoJsonPolygon, Google_Service_MapsEngine_MapFolder, Google_Service_MapsEngine_MapKmlLink, and Google_Service_MapsEngine_MapLayer.
protectedinherited |
Returns true only if the array is associative.
array | $array |
bool | True if the array is associative. |
protectedinherited |
Initialize this object's properties from an array.
array | $array | Used to seed this object's properties. |
void |
inherited |
Reimplemented from Google_Model.
inherited |
Reimplemented from Google_Model.
inherited |
Reimplemented from Google_Model.
inherited |
Reimplemented from Google_Model.
inherited |
Create a simplified object suitable for straightforward conversion to JSON.
This is relatively expensive due to the usage of reflection, but shouldn't be called a whole lot, and is the most straightforward way to filter.
protected |