Moodle PHP Documentation 4.4
Moodle 4.4.1 (Build: 20240610) (db07c09afc5)
core_privacy\local\request\context_aware_provider Interface Reference

The provider interface for plugins which need access to all approved contexts to fill in relevant contextual data. More...

Inheritance diagram for core_privacy\local\request\context_aware_provider:
core_privacy\local\request\core_data_provider core_privacy\local\request\data_provider core_course\privacy\provider

Static Public Member Functions

static export_context_data (\core_privacy\local\request\contextlist_collection $contextcollection)
 Give the component a chance to include any contextual information deemed relevant to any child contexts which are exporting personal data.

Detailed Description

The provider interface for plugins which need access to all approved contexts to fill in relevant contextual data.

License GNU GPL v3 or later

Member Function Documentation

◆ export_context_data()

static core_privacy\local\request\context_aware_provider::export_context_data ( \core_privacy\local\request\contextlist_collection $contextcollection)

Give the component a chance to include any contextual information deemed relevant to any child contexts which are exporting personal data.

By giving the component access to the full list of contexts being exported across all components, it can determine whether a descendant context is being exported, and decide whether to add relevant contextual information about itself. Having access to the full list of contexts being exported is what makes this component a context aware provider.

core_privacy\local\request\contextlist_collection$contextcollectionThe collection of approved context lists.

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