Moodle PHP Documentation 4.4
Moodle 4.4.1 (Build: 20240610) (db07c09afc5)
The subsystem_provider interface is for plugins which may not necessarily be called directly, but instead via a subsystem. More...
The subsystem_provider interface is for plugins which may not necessarily be called directly, but instead via a subsystem.
One example of this is the questiontype plugintype. These are intrinsically linked against the question subsystem and the question subsystem should define an interface extending this one through which it can query and retrieve specific data from each questiontype as required.
Each questiontype may additionally respond directly to the privacy API if it also impleents the core_privacay\local\request\plugin\provider interface directly.
Care should be taken when extending this provider to not conflict with the core_privacay\local\request\plugin\provider interface.